t PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, wrnrnpn flREflON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 22, 1943 ATU.S.0. C. A, Meeker, Medford'i may or, will head the list of speak ers who will participate in the official opening Sunday after noon, Jan. 24, of the new USO unit at 218 W, Main (treet An other speaker will be Col. Hol land French, San Francisco, chief secretary of the Salvation Army In the western territory. Adj. Charles K. Cox of the local Salvation Army, recently appointed director of the new VSO unit, states that elaborate plana are being made for the formal opening. A special invi- tatlon Is extended to all service men and the general public to attend the program which will Include many entertaining fea tures from Camp White. The unit will be opened at 1:45, forty minutes before the beginning of the program, to al-j low visitors to be properly seat ed. The club will be closed be tween 10 a. m. and 1:43 p. m. for preparation. and employes were granted larger Increase. City Superintendent and City Electrician Elmer Biegel was In creased from 1280 to $300 a month. Chief of Police C. P. Talent from $180.58 to $225 per month and Fire Chief Clint Baughman from $158.75 to $175 per month. Other Increases are: Assistant Fireman No. 1 $127 05 to $150.00. Assistant Police Chief, $144.38 to $175. Patrolman No. 1, $132.83 to $150.00. Patrolman No. , $127.05 to $145.00. Cemetery Superintendent Frank Davis, $130.15 to $173.00. Assistant Recorder, $127.03 to $140.00. Water Superintendent, $175.85 to $200. City Judge, $40.00 to $50.00. 11 IS VALID TODAY Alan Ladd in Sunday Picture Ashland, Jan. 22 0J.B All elty employes will enjoy raise In salary from January 1, 1943, to June 30, 1943, according to action of the city council In reg ular session Tuesday night. ' A flat 10 per cent Increase Is effective for most of the em ployes, although some officials The first No. 4 gasoline ration stamp Is good at service stations In the A ration coupon books the local war price and rationing board stated today. Service station operations were warned by the local board to refrain from taking stamps ahead of their valid , dates. In some In stances operators have been selling gasoline and accept ing stamps No. 4 and 5 prior to the dates designated for their use. No. 10 sugar stamp Is good for three pounds of sugar until January 31 and No. 28 coffee stamp may be used for one pound of coffee until February 7 it was explained. . The cumulative value of all lend-lease aid extended by the United States from March 11. 1941, to November $0, 1942, was about $7,500,000,000. Saturday Special Devonshire Coffee Cake Returning by Popular Demand ' . Last week we featured a special on Devon shire Coffee Cakes. The response was so much more than we had expectd that we had to disappoint many good cutomers. We have been swamped with requests for a repeat on ' this luscious coffee cake. So tomorrow you will again find these de licious custard filled and krunchy topped coffee cakes i 23 ea. (Place your orders early) EASY TO SLICE BREAD Alan Ladd, the sensational new. '"Lucky Jordan," coming Sunday star whose name is on the tip to the Craterian Theatre. Helen of every movie-goer s ' tongue, Walker plays opposite, has his. first starring role in I Mad Russian in Holly's Comedy It Radio's comic, Bert Gordon the Mad Russian is teamed with Jinx Falkenburg in "Laugh Your Blues Away," which opens a three-day run Sunday at the Holly Theatre. "World at War," released by the U. S. govern ment, will be double billed. Commandos on Rialto's Screen hiiii i mi, ll ll ii. in iniiiiii.i i i....,,i,TW.ni,.,kw..ll,1ii .ii g.imw i .. ..... m Roxy Thriller . ':::(Kt! 2.... John King, favorite of the "Range Buster" series, takes his pals to the Philippines to trap Japs in "Texas to Bataan," play ing as the added Western with "Henry and Dizzy," today and tomorrow, at the Roxy Theatre. ARM MACHINERY F. CLINIC IS SLATED FOB CJP PL Plans for a project In repair, construction, and operation of farm machinery will be dis cussed at a meeting of all farm ers of the Central Point com munity to be held at the Central Point high school Tuesday eve ning, January 27. This project if a part of the war production "Food-for-Vlc- tory" plan. It will assist farmers In repairing their farm equip ment now while they have more time than during the spring or fall months. Under this plan all expenses of tools, place of meet ing, and services of a mechanic are provided without cost to the farmer. In Central Point a loca tion has already been secured, also the tools, and an instructor. All details of the plan will be explained Tuesday evening and all farmers Interested are urged to come to this first meeting so that work may be started at once. Missoula, Monl, Jan. 22. (U P) Anti-Japanese mice attacked musical stores of Montana State university's band, stored In Band Director Clarence Beth garage. They damaged i2 number. It was The Mlkie How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomuudaa relieves promntir t. iuse it eoes right to th imVS .t" trouble to help loosen and tn! germ laden phlegm, and aid num. to soothe and heal raw, tendsrh! branes. Tell your druggist to stil m a bottle of Creomulslon with ths aZ demanding you must like ths wiia quickly allays the cough or you u to hare your money back. CREOMULSIOH for Coughs, Chest Colds, BrondiiKi COUNTWILLBRING 1 v&f 1 Ife 1 Count Byron De Prorok, who will speak In Medford next Tues day evening at the high school auditorium, will bring to his audience a clear picture of peo ple and places now in the daily news in Europe and North Af-i rica. Of Polish and French par entage, the count was educated in Europe and through the con tacts of his French relatives, many of whom were diplomatic officials, knows well DeGaulle, Giraud and other leading French men. The count is an archeoloelst of note, and between 1936 and 1940 he conducted explorations in North Africa, living in the sec tion where the Allied and Axis forces are now battling daily. With this wealth of background, It Is thought the speaker should have much to offer on his sub ject, "The Free French." Count De Prorok is now tour ing this country speaking be fore forums, civic clubs, public gatherings and at many army camps. He Is making several ap pearances in Washington ana will stop In Medford en route to California. The count has the reputation of. being a dynamic and dramatic speaker, with a perfect command of the English language, which he speaks with out accent. The lecture will be at the high school auditorium at 8 p. m. Count De Prorok is being brought here by the Jackson County League of Women Vot ers, who are offering his lecture to the public without charge. FORESTRY BILLS 328 SOUTH RIVERSIDE 527 SOUTH CENTRAL HOURS 8 to S 10 to 8 SUNDAY The fabled exploits of world's toughest fighting men are thrillingly brought to the screen in "The Commandos thei Strike at Dawn," which onens today at the Rialto Theatre for one big week with Paul Muni In the starring role. Flynn Challenged 111! FOR SILTS USE AIL TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED ADS! m: Yf suit . i WW?) (Arm TtlephiHo) With questions, ana vi crs snd clml lengns flying thick and tut. Edward J. Flynn, above, is shown lacing the Senate foreign relations committee during the hearing into his quaUti cation as minister to Australia. Gold Hill Chester, Pa. U.R The short age of male workers may result in women entering another field grave-digging. When Alfred! C Broadbelt, superintendent of an already under-staffed ceme tery, became ill, his daughter, Mrs. Clifford Evans, gathered the necessary paraphernalia and resumed the digging on sched ule, i Gold Hill, Jan. 22. (Spl.) Gold Hill Odd Fellow lodge No. 129 and Amethyst Rebekah lodge No. 97 held Joint installa tion January 19, with District Deputy Grand Master Stanley Robbins and his installing team from Ashland, assisted by Mrs. Willie McLean, District Deputy President of Amethyst lodge, conducting the installation. I. O. O. F. officers were Dave Winn, noble grand; Norman Gall, vice grand; William Auten rieth, secretary; Paul Thomp son, treasurer; Dennis McGulre, warden; Floyd Lance, conduct or; Frank Carter, R. S. N. G.; Paul Holderness, L. S. N. G.; Robert Cook, Inside guardian; William Hittle. outside suar- dian; Tom Cook, R. S. S.; Earl Moore, L. S. S.; Harry Force, R. S. V. G.; Darrell Hendrlckson, L. S. V. G.: Harry Newnham. chaplain. Rebekah officers: Mildred Newnham, N. G.; Edith Kenyon, V, G.; Evelyn Thompson, record ing secretary; Viola Moore, fin ancial secretary; Delia Kell, treasurer; Bessie Ferguson, war den; Dorothy McGulre, con ductor; Ellow Mae GaiL I. G.; r.sxner uncnrist, o. G.; Etta Carter, R. S. N. G.; Ruth Lewis, L. S. N. G.; Virginia Kellogg, musician; Pearl Ferguson, R. S. v. u.; Elinor Force, L. 8. V. G.; Elsie Cameron, chaplain. Oloatng urn lor Classified ads a. m. Too lata to Classify 110 p. m. Salem, Ore., Jan. 22 U.F0 The house forestry committee readied a series of amendatory bills today on acquisition and conservation of timber lands to put additional teeth into what lumbermen consider the nation's model regulation of timber cut ting practice. I Rep. Ralph C. Hill, Douglas county, presided over his eight man committee while repre sentatives from the state forestry department outlined measures necessary to close all loopholes In Oregon's recent conservation act. Among the leading amend-) ments which the committee will ! sponsor on the floor of the house was a bill defining what lands may be reclassified as re forestation areas. The bill is an attempt to meet the objections in what Hill said were "certain timbered locations" in the state. The bill also would reduce the tax on lands In the process of reforestation tn eastern Ore gon districts fom 4 cents to 2V4 cents, he said, to Induce owners of land suitable for only produc tion of timber to place the lands under reforestation. At nresent about 15 nor rent of total United States munitions ! production is going to our al lies under lend-lease and by di-i reci purchase. GLASSES Dr. R. M. Hood, Optometrist Sparta Bldg. Mala and Bltanida. Medford, Or Skillful Serrtra RcaaonabM rrtcea FUR Restyling. Repairing Cleaning. . Glaring Trances Dallalre Phone 2i2t HUMOROUS VALENTINES Popular with folks of all ages because thay com bine their humor with a touch of sentiment SWEM'S GIFT SHOP ECZEMA? Why suffer with the ter rible distress of ECZEMA? Get a bottle of M. A. for sure relief. Your lomy cheerfully refunded If you are not absolute. satisfied. GET IT AT WESTERN THRIFT Ask For GREEN STAMPS BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS HARD WHEAT KINO KITCHEN DRIFTED SNOW 49-b. 2.17 24H-lb. 1.09 FISHER'S BLEND . . . .49-lb. 2.17 24U-lb. 1.09 SWANS DOWN 49-lb. 2.12 24V-Ib. 1.05 CORN STARCH, Staley'a. 3 pkga. 2tty BAKING POWDER, Calumet ...lb. 17 SODA, Ann & Hammer , Irg. box 9 COCOANUT, Baker'a Shredded. . . .8-oz. box 17V LEMON PIE FILLER, Kremel box 5c SHORTENING, Formay, 34b. can 73. 2 for 1.45 CORN MEAL, Albera Yellow. ... .No. 10 bag 37 ROLLED OATS, Triangle 3-Ib. box 27 ROLLED WHEAT TOASTED, Triangle, 3-lb. 27 FRISKIE DOG FOODS . . .2-lb. 23? 4Vj-lb. 48? $1 79 1 49-Lb. oacK Cold Seal VANILLA Guaranteed - Flavoring 4-Oa. Bottle 8-oz. bottle 19 16-oz. bottle 35 TOMATO HOT SAUCE Special lot 5c can GREEN CUT BEANS, Popular Brand 2 cans 25c JUICE Grapefruit Juice, Royal C, No. 2 15c Florida Orange, No. 2 can. 2 for 35c Blended Orange-Grapefruit . 10c Grape, Church's Pis. 19c Qts. 33c SOUP. Upton's Chicken Noodle ......10c pkg. 3 pkgs. 25c BABY FOOD. Clapp's Strained CATSUP, Meco RINSO. large pkg. -3 cans -.bottle Stewart's BLUING.. -Org. 19c 12c 23c botl. 14e BLEACH White Rose at. Botl. M-GaL Jg 11c M' 19c ill GUYER'S MARKET Quality Steer Beef and Poultry Pork Roasts shoulder cuts . . . ... lb. 35c Lamb Chops,shld.cuts. lb. 29c Pot Roasts lb. 33c Steer beef, blade cuts. Sauerkraut qt. 15c PORK SAUSAGE Country style, lb. a . a 32C Fruits and Vegetables At Tour Personal Selection . CARROTS, snappy bright 3 bun. 2Sc SQUASH, Danish 3 for 10c TURNIPS, mild flavor boa. Be GRAPEFRUIT. Taaa 4 for 28e SWEET NAVEL JUICE ORANGES 2 doz. 25c TOILETRIES and REMEDIES Cut Rate Prices tie Lady Esther Face Cream.. 35e Lifebuoy Share Cream. Oe Bromo-Stltiar , Vlcks Vapo Rub 39e -23c ,.3$e ..le K0TEXpkg.22 I 2 Pkgs. 43c ALL LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED