PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1942 SOCIETY and CLUB NEWS of the WEEK Bf BETTT ALLEN i ; s : li Wallace Lowry .Takes Rochester Girl For Bride Friendi In the valley will be Interested to learn of the mar riage of Mis J Dorothea Wyckoff of Rochester, N. Y., to Wallace Dean Lowry. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert B. Lowry of Bear Creek Orchards. The ceremony was read Nov. 20 by Dr. Wlnthrop I. Hudson, in the Colgate Divin ity chapel in Rochester. The bride, who is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ed ward Wyckoff, was given in mar riage by her father and wore a wedding gown of white satin fashioned with a long train and , full veil. Both the dress and the veil were trimmed in lace, fam ily heirloom. She carried a wed ding bouquet of white orchids, baby chrysanthemums and steph- anotis. The wedding party entered the church to organ music played by a close friend of the couple. Prs ceding the ceremony Incidental violin and vocal selections were presented. The church was dec . orated with lighted white tapers and chrysanthemums. Miss Kathryn Yackell attend- ' ed the bride as maid of honor, . She wore an Ice blue satin gown and the bridesmaid, Miss Mar guerite Lyon, wore pale pink, .The gowns were fashioned on '. medieval style as was the coro- . net and veil of the bride. - - Best man was Theodore R. ' Whitney and ushers were George Williams and Charles F. Wray. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents. The wedding cake was cut by the bride. , Among out-of-town guests at . tending the wedding were the I bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Bert B. Lowry, of this city, and his sister and nephew, Mrs. Lucille Miller and Larry Miller, of Cam bridge, Mass. . Mrs. Lowry la a graduate of the science department of the 'University of Rochester. Mr. 'Lowry received his BS and MS degrees at Oregon State college .and for the past two years has been attending University of Rochester on scholarships. He received his PhD at the univer sity this week. He Is a member -of Theta Chi fraternity. , J After the first of the year they .will make their home In Port land, where Mr. Lowry will be a Junior geologist with the state department of mines and min erals. Ha has been doing war 'research work for the govern ment Clab Meets At Beck Home , Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beck entertained their bridge club ' last week at their home on the . Old Stage Road with a turkey dinner followed by an evening of cards. E. D. Scripter held high : score. Attending the affair were Mr. ' and Mrs. E. D. Scripter, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wlmer, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Blttle, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bashaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pease, Mr. and Mrs.' Ed Gould, Mrs. Katherine Satterlee, Mrs. Grace Pankey and the hosts. Btudants Home 1 Among Oregon State College students spending the Christmas holidays in Medford and vicin ity with their parents are Doug Pickell, Lawrence and Bill Ous terhout, John Saulsberry, Frank lin Fanger, Archie Fanger, Jim Pixly, Carleton Fanger and Hank Herman. orencv Dinnerware of Fashion, for genera tions the prised possession of our best fomlliet,Florence"though made for over a century ond a half, never was to popular at now. Other Spode patterns to select from. Purchase them by the piece ' or set. "Spode never dlKonMnue pattern". Lawrence's Carrying the same high data merchandise carried la the best stores In larger cities. t N. Central Vhone 3211 3pode i t .4. There's a hymn of hope In every Christmas carol this year at voices are raised In pralte for the Chrtstmastida and a prayer for a coming year of peace. Sctnes similar to this will take place throughout the nation as young and old Join In observance of the Christmas season. Wertx-Hill Wedding Read In Local Church The wedding of Miss Roberta Wertz. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Wertz of Climax, and Otis Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Hill of Ashland, was solemnized Saturday evening, Dec. 12, at 8:43 o'clock, in the First Presby terian church of this city. Rev. Harry Hanson read the ceremo ny. The bride, given In marriage by her father, Lester Wertz, was attired in a navy crepe dress and carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. She was at tended by her sister. Miss Nor ma Jean Wertz of Klamath Falls. Robert Hill was best man.- After the ceremony the entire party was entertained with a buffet supper at the Ted Kinney home In Ashland. Surprise Shower Honors Recent Bride At Home A surprise linen shower hon ored Mrs. Roy Howe, a recent bride, at her home on the South Pacific highway Thursday eve ning of last week with Miss Cor nelia Tjoelker and Mrs. Helen Ballew as hostesses. Several games were enjoyed during the evening, with prizes being awarded to Mrs. Lunetta Bussey, Mrs. Avanel Stanton. Miss Mura Mills and Mrs. Hurd. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Attending were the Mesdames Frankle True Howard, Loree Ridgeway, Lunetta Bussey, Ce cil Heard, Avanel Stanton, Charles Heard, and the Misses Mura Mills, Marjorie Reich, Bette Lou Reich, Jean Tjoelker, the honored guest and hostesses. Mrs. Howe Is the former Thel ma Heard. Chapter AA. PEO Meeting Announced Chapter AA, PEO, will enter tain with a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Walter Hoppe. East Main street, Wednesday at 2 p. m. All unaffiliated members of PEO who are interested In at tending are asked to telephone Mrs. Dolph Phipps for transpor tation. . O" sr. 1 I .' I I A I H fim III m BWT71 i miiiiiiii flPII i' Pin There's a Hymn of - ! ; . -. Public Schools To Present Annual Christmas Program The Medford public schools present "The Christmas Story In Song and Picture" Tuesday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock at the high school auditorium. Miss Miriam Burton Is director and music fori the event has been prepared by Laura York, Delia Weber, Pearl Turner, Eleanor Hamilton, Mar garet Huson and Joanne Riesch. Accompanists will be Margar et Huson and Roger Wolf and the tableaux have been ar ranged by Katherine Huntress. Lucille' Abbott, Ruth Stewart and Lois Spining. Staging Is in charge of Bob Stedman, Ray Morton, Jack Moffct and Billy Patton.. All parents and friends are In vited to this concert, which is one of the outstanding musical events given by the Medford school children during the school year. There is no admission charge. The program follows: Sing We Noel. The Aneel Ga briel, Ave Maria, The Annuncia tion, It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. The Angel. The First Noel. In the Silence of the Night, Carol of the Shepherds, Vision of the hhepherds, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Still Grows the Eve ning, Silent Night, The Holy ramuy, wnen the Sun Had Sunk to Rest. God Rest You, Merry Gentle men, Adoration of the Shepherds, term Hrjolce and Sing, The Three Kings. We Three Kings. Adoration of the Wise Men. Hart! The Herald Angels Sing, Hosan na, from "Sanctus," The Her ald Angel, Joy to the World (au dience joining with the chorus). Goulds Vltlt With Mrs. Klinger , Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Gould of Klamath Falls arrived here Wed nesday bv mntnr fnr a vfl ltk Mr. Gould's mother. Mrs. Annie Klinger. on Arnold lane. SAY "MERRY CHRISTMAS" WITH FLOWERS Always appropriate always In good tattel We've a fine array of cut flowert and plantt for the holidays. Telegraph delivery tervlce. toe anywhere In the nation. An exceptionally fine telection of American made and English Imported pottery. Novelty Itemt Jutt right , for Chrlitmat gifts. SCHOEPEN'S Siilh and Hally SticcH ' Phan 3839 Hope z.i. ,. .-.f Medford Couple Observes Golden Anniversary Thursday of last week was the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bailey, long-time residents of Jackson county. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lem mon of Medford. son-in-law and daughter of the Baileys, enter tained Thursday evening at a family dinner -on Crater Lake highway honoring the couple. A decorated wedding cake was served and among the gifts re ceived were several gold pieces. They also received best wishes from a host of friends. William P. Bailey and Susan F. Barker, both members of pioneer uregon tamllles, were married Dec. 17, 1892. The Barkers crossed the plains from Illinois in 1832 and the Baileys came to Oregon from North Carolina In 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey came to Jacksonville In 1909, moving to Medford in 1921, where they have since resided. Six of their eight children are living: Mrs. William Henry and Mrs. Ben Boggis. both of Cali fornia: Mrs. Ruel Rians, of Jack sonville: Mrs. Charles Gault and Mrs.W M. Lemmon, of Medford, and Glenn Bailey, of eastern Oregon. Maude Lovell Heads Club Mistletoe club met for dessert luncheon last week and officers were elected for the coming year. Maude Lovell will serve as president, Blanche Arnold, vice president, and Frances Zun dell, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Lovell and Mrs. Zundel were re elected to their positions. Plans for a turkey dinner were made and the affair will be held Wednesday. Pollyannas will exchange Christmas gifts at this time. No other gifts will be exchanged it was stated. Those who have not been solicited are asked to bring either salad, hot vegetables or dessert. S 4 Former Medford Resident Weds In Seattle Rites Mrs. Olen Arnspiger of this city hat returned from Seattle, where she attended the wedding of her daughter, Frances Elizabeth, to Robert Wood row Willett, son of Mrs. Ethel Willett of Los An geles. The ceremony took place Fri day, Dec. 11, at the Epiphany Episcopal church and the couple was attended by Mrs. Arnspiger and Dr. Frederick Adams. The double ring ceremony was read by Dr. Edwin Christy, pastor of the church. The bride wore an afternoon dress1 of pale teal wool with matching hat and black veil and a corsage of ringed white or chids. Her mother wore an aft ernoon dress of blue with a cor sage of camellas. The church was decorated with white chrysanthemums. The wedding party attended dinner in the Georgian room of the Olympic hotel following the ceremony. They will make their home in Seattle. The bride is a graduate of Medford high school and Unlver- stiy of Oregon, and has been teaching In Astoria. Church To Present Lyric Soprano In Sunday Recital One of the outstanding musi cal events of the holiday season will be the benefit vocal recital to be given by Mrs. Robert F. Muller, lyric soprano at the First Presbyterian church Sunday af ternoon, Dec. 27, at 4 o'clock. The concert will be followed by a tea and social hour honoring officers and wives of Camp White. The public is invited. The concert will be benefit decorating the ladies room and parlor of the church. Hosts and hostesses include the Messrs and Mesdames Martin Sands, C. E. Gates, Ralph Sweeney, Otto Frohnmayer, Frank Ray, Wil liam McAllister, O. O. Horner. The artist who has studied un der Raymond Hunter of Carne gie hall, has appeared in many concert halls in New York City. Charles Wakefield Cadman, hearing her sing was so greatly impressed by the beauty of her voice that he requested her to give a program of his own com positions, one of which she will present at this recital. The ac companist will be Mrs. Verl O. Failing. This Is the first of a series of vesper musicals to be given by the church. No admission will be charged but a silver offering will be taken. Members of the Women's Association of the church are decorating one of the day rooms at Camp White as one o" their other projects. Home Economics Club Holds Turkey Dinner Jacksonville Home Economics club .members enjoyed a turkey dinner at the home of Mrs. Jane McCaVtey on Orchard Home Drive Wednesday. Covers were laid for 21 members and four guests. Later a Christmas tree and exchange of gifts was a fea ture of the afternoon, when Pol lyannas were revealed. The next meeting will be announced later. The hostess decorated her rooms with Christmas decorations In keeping with the holiday party. AIPIPILES DELICIOUS Four Grade And Sites For Standard Lug NEWT Four Grade And Site For Standard tut PINNACLE PLANT NUMBER 4 Comer 11th And Front Street Sacred Heart Church Scene Of Wedding The marriage of Lieut James Boyle of Fort Sill, Okla., and Betty Lee Walters of Pasadena, Cal., was read Tuesday morn ing at 10 o'clock in the Sacred Heart church in this city with the Father Augustine A. .Meyer, assistant pastor ot Sacred-Heart church, officiating. v The bride, who is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walters of Pasadena, wore a light blue ensemble with blue accessories and a corsage of gardenias. She was attended by Mrs. Cliff Cbwans of this city, who wore a dark blue suit with matching accessories. Cliff Cowans was best man. The bride's mother, who was present for the wedding, wore a tan outfit with brown acces sories. A reception followed at the home of the bridegroom's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Durkee. The wedding cake was first cut by the bride. The couple left for Portland for several days and will then continue to Seattle to visit Lieut. Boyle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Boyle. Lieut. Boyle, who Is on a 15 day leave, will be stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash., with the field artillery. He made his home with his uncle and aunt for four years, prior to entrance in the U. S. army. Pro America Accept Two Resignations Pro America met Monday aft ernoon at Hotel Holland and ac cepted the resignation of Mrs. Curt Hopkins as chairman and Mrs. C. M. Hurd as vice presi dent. At this time it was also decided to temporarily discon tinue the organization until a later date. Mrs. William McAllister, as a trustee of the organization was given the properties and funds to hold until a reorganization is planned. She was also recently elected second vice president of the Oregon State Pro America society.- Betrothal Told At Pinochle Party The betrothal of Miss Nell' Ca trir to Louis Izzl was announced recently at a pinochle party held at the home of Miss Edna Hilder brand when she entertained members of the F.- L. club and their husbands. The wedding will h an event of Dec. 22 at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Conger. Following an evening of cards tUa hntp served a buffet sup per. Seventeen guests enjoyed the evening. V.F.W. Members Hold Christmas Party Veterans of Foreign Wars aux iliary and Post No. 1833 gave a Christmas party for their fam (! nH 2.1 soldiers of the Sig nal corps of Camp White. Cards and singing comprised the enter tainment and later gifts were distributed and luncheon served. The hall was decorated with a large Christmas tree and mistle to, red laurel berries and branches for the affair during the past week. . YOUR HOLIDAY SUPPLY DEPOSIT FOR CONTAINERS OR BRING YOUR OWN 50 AND UP OWNS 75c AND UP Mrs. Kunz Heads Reames Chapter For Coming Term Mrs. Luticia Kunz was elected worthy matron of Reames chap ter. O. E. S.. Thursday evening. with Edwin C. Root as worthy patron. Installation will be at the Medford Masonic temple Jan. 14 with Mrs. Myrna Fnnk as in stalling officer. The school of In struction to officers will be held the afternoon of Feb. 3 with Dr. June Martin of Marshfield. asso ciate grand patron, present. Other officers elected include: Mrs. Hope Wood, associate ma tron; Elton Waldron, associate patron: Mrs. Hattie M. Alden, secretary; Mrs. Jane McCarty. treasurer: Mrs. Amelia Hiles, conductress; Mrs. Mabel Nitzel, associate conductress. Appointive officers are: Miss Audrey Price, Adah; Mrs. Lil lian Hanna, Ruth; Miss Clair Hanley, Esther; Mrs. Ethel Root Martha; Mrs. Pauline Bush, Electa; Mrs. Elsie C. Strang, or ganist; Mrs. Delia Denny, chap lain; Miss Mary Lee Strang, mar shal; Mrs. Lorraine Young, war der; Mrs. Gladys Kircher, sen tinel. Mrs. Lowry Home From Eastern Trip Mr, Rert R Tiurrv ha, rat- turned to hpr hnmaa fif Raar Crpelr nrrhnrHaj aftaar mn avIonHaH trip through the east, where she visuea ner sons ana aaugnter and families. She returned hv way of Los Angeles. She was a guest of her son and daughter-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Lowry, Jr., in Portland and at Minneapolis, Minn, with ,nnth,p .nn ttnA dauBhter-in.lnur nnH lamilv r-an tain Robert W. Lowry and" Mrs. wwry. rrom Minnesota she con tinued to Rochester, N. Y., where she attended the wedding of her son. Wallace. In rmhrMo Mass.. she visited and daughter, Captain O. W. Mil ler ana Mrs. Miller and family. Captain Miller Is attending gov ernment school at Cambridge. She also made brief stops In Plymouth, Mass.; New York City and Washington, D. C. Chaplain Speaks At P.-T.A. Meet Chaplain Porter of Camp White was guest speaker at the Junior High school P.-T.A. meet ing Thursday afternoon and se lected as his topic a "Christmas Message for the World Today." It was an inspiring and timely message, those In attendance stated. Mrs. J. K. Hoey gave a report on xne nursery school. She stat ed it was growing in number and that a financial arrange ment was made so that children of working mothers could attend the school. Many gifts were brought to the meeting for the soldiers and candy was served to the group. Gay dancing couplet encircle thii gift box by Old South. In side three adorable Guest De ranter Jugs of Cologne one of -ach fragrance Woodland ;pice. Plantation Garden and Cotton Blossom. $1.00. rW (ftfo zfrte We Wrap For Gift and Mailing HEATH DRUG STORE, INC. OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SUNDAYS Medford Center tldg. Christmas Program Of Sacred Music At Church Today The public is invited to the sacred Christmas concert this ' evening at 8 o'clock at the First Methodist church. Doris Condit Lantz is organist and director is Elsie Carleton Strang. This is an annual presentation and in past years has proven to be outstand ing in variety of numbers and the musicians participating. The program includes: Organ, "Adeste Fidelis," Mrs. Lantz; processional, "O Come All Ye Faithful," choir and con gregation; invocation. Rev. Louis Kirby; carol, "Joy to the World." choir, and congregation; scrip tural prophecy. Dr. Susie V. Standard, narrator; chorus, "Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Is Come," Pauline Bush, soprano; solo, "O Holy Night," Helen High Pierce, soprano; carol, "O Little Town of Bethlehem," choir and congregation; solo, "Slumber Sweetly, Babe Divine," Joyce , Bateman, alto; scriptural text, by narrator; chorus, "There Were Shepherds," Mary-Anne Gates, soprano. Solo, "Jesu Bambino," Pauline J Bush, soprano; organ offertory, "Midnight on Judean Plains," by Hosmer; caTol, "Silent Night," choir and congregation; solo, "The Birthday of a King," Rob ert C. Wright, baritone; scriptur al text, by narrator; chorus, "Glo ry to God," Lucille Schopert, al to, and Robert C. Wright, bari tone; carol. "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear," choir and con gregation; solo, "Rejoice Great ly," from "The Messiah, Mary Anne Gates, soprano: scriptural text, by narrator; 'The Hallelu jah Chorus," from Handel's Inv mortar "Messiah," the choir: benediction. Rev. Louis Kirby; organ, "O Sanctissima." Lux. Mrs. Lantz. . Garden Club To Bring Gifts Members of the Medford Gar den club are urged to have their Christmas gifts for Camp White hospital at the office of Miss Jane Snedicor in the Tackson County Bank building not later than Tuesday. ' '-'"- lay Jf-i - r - atMaM. UlfT Th cnr."-- - . 304 Rtddy Av. Ph. 4914 y OM SOUTH Quet&Scx The duet on the cover is by a young Southern gentle man and his love. The duet inside il by Old South a charming box of Dusting Powder and the Decanter Jug of Cologne. Wood land Spice or Plantation Garden Bouquet. $2.15; Gift Set in replica of an old fash ioned mantel clock. "The works" are a Guest Decanter of Cologne, anothtr of Bubbling Bath Essence and a bit cake of pTfumed Bath Soap. Either Plantation Garden or Woodland Spice. $1.10. Phone 3SS1 i i