1 . MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1942 PAGE NLB ? Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunties! i 4' J Turn to the CLASSIFIED For Your Wants mi MWJ Ad M Ihti M ' Vtu will proiwhty rini urtly th .hints yon uw ftra took Inf fat m ml or tndt tar inui4 artirk jom may bav anh jour aiiir or Murr rem to fuu tnf rind many thlnjt thm, are rul ing and bo ablo to rrallvo Iminrdlato raah If hat you irtnl ln' hm ad trrtttw for It. Trlbuno CIomI fled ada arc Inaiptnilvo of receive! RATES Per word mat lntrtloat Mtnlmura tV) Each additional Inatrtloa, per word m (Minimum tor) Per lino per montb without copy f1" .i CASH or money order muit accom pany oil null order elsssinea LOST AND FOUND POUND Satchel containing peraona! belonging- Thoa. v. Williams, Tel. 0004. LOST scotch Collie, tan and white 6-months-old. Strayed from 81skl, you Memorial Park Sunday. Phono 8344. FOUND Keya In black container Owner call at Tribune ollloe. pay for ad. POUND Olrll grey coat. Idontlfy and pay for ad. 618 Wert 4th, LOST Small black ripper purse. Large aum of money, personal papera. Liberal reward. Mra. Etner- eon. 103 Geneasee. LOST Man's watch and chain. Gold ; case with monogram O. L. T. Lib. -em oral reward. Mra. George U men 0 lor, central roint. ItEPOKT ion doga. animal cruelty ca-es Humane ao1ftv Phone 0151 WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Male bookkeeper. Must be eapaoia to take cbarge of office Steady employment. Good alary ITlOUtM BOX W17. WANTED Boy over Id with bike, all oay or tutor acnooi. wcoiekn UNION. WANTED Fry cook at the Dixie Cafe, 117 s, cth. WANTED Boys for Mall Tribune Route Apply Circulation Depart ment, Han insune. WANTED Prunera Boarding bouae accommodations available. Apply Hogue tuver urcnara. ena Ha can- trai Ave., Mediord- PALLER8 AND BUCKKRS and aaw mill men wonted at Trail. Call i MPdtord 27B8 WANTED- FEMALE HELP ALTERATION WOMAN WANTED Experienced alteration w o m a wanted by old established Medford firm. Permanent position. Apply - pox oi3 c,o rnoune. WANTED Someone to stay with children occasions! evenings. Call at 720 No. Oak 8t, WANTED Woman to work In auto court. Phone 5042 evenings. WANTED Cook and feneral house- Keeper a in lamuy. uoaraj wages rnone euie. IV ANTED Waitress. Tbo Shack, WANTED Experienced woman cook yp w t f rnt shack HELP MALE and FEMALE ' WANTED Dishwasher. Barneyo Cafe fy WANTED Couple, mm for orchard work, woman to operate boarding house. Equipment furnished.. Rogue ruwr uixnara -o.. ena norta cen tnU Avenue, Medford. WANTED Men and women for store managers, principal clerks, sales clerks and Janitors. Camp White Exchange Stores. Apply Personnel Department. Building 3662, between iu a. m ana s p. m. APPLICATIONS accepted at all times i or aisvaior gina oeu soya, walt- WANTED SITUATION SOLDIER'S WITB would like hottse work as mother's helper, wry fond of children In exchange for room board and small wagea. Privilege of nuio.no. staying nlgnta. 40S Ed wards. OIRL WANTS WORK as grocery otorr .u oq. ivy. '8TENtV BOOKKEEPER, 4 years ex perience, available first of year Reply Box 8807 Tribune. DRIVEWAYS built or repaired. Phono soar BEPT1C TANKS Cleaned Work guar anteed Local man Phono 5507 WANTED Tractor work grading lev. el:ne and pliir'ni Ph-ne 2007 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE ARE IN THE MARKET at all timre to buy good used ears at a leglllmau price. Bogus River Case, relet, Sth BarUett. WANTED Card set of drums or snare drum. Phone 3450. Wanted Lata model 14-ton track Phene 3153. WANTED 8-room apartment, close In. Permanently employed business couple. Tribune Box im WANTED TO RENT Ply local bust nea man r- -lern. five or alt-r-cm I unfumled bouse with furna:o Thrto aduiio. Tribune Bos 4S31, WANTED Pasture for 4 hoi see. 1006 w. Main, mono asai. WANTED Employed roomsre. 418 6o. lung Bt. WANTED Room for mother end child, ui care for child. Phone 554 1 WANTED POft CA8H Late model roan or coach, alao panel truck Muit be either Pont or Chevrolet Write full particular Camp JVIilte exchange, Camp White, Oregxt APARTMENT WANTED U. M. B Areegard. Hit Inf. dit. Arte. uamp wmte. WANTED Wood range, white enamel medium alee, box 3708 Tribune. TOUNO btulneaa woman wtaheo fur nished room with kitchenette raeeonablo. available Deoember aut at least. Reply Box 8808 Trlbuno. ARMT CAPTAIN" and family want furnished bouse or apartment. Can move la at one. Call aim. Bernlet 2304. COUPLE WILL SHARE expense of conveyance to Bend, loth to 33nd Init. Phono MOO, or call at 19 Hazel St, near Blf T. WANTED Pactum Phono 6320. for t WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4-room un furnlabed house or apartment Close in By lady 314 East Main Ellxabstb McParland. WANTED Woman for bookkeeping ana general onico work with local wholesale Itrm Permanent poaltlon wita good opportunity for advance ment. ITlDuno BOX 1323. WELL DRILLING- (I 50 per ft . first 50 ft oto J M Doda. 516 King BKT PRIf 10 PAID Por Vnur Pomltitro BADS FLKNITtRP. Priono 4t4. WILL PAV MOST TAKH For flood lined rnrnlliiro HOI HHIXIK I'UHMTI'HE 31 North Front Phone 4033 WANTED CSED PURN1TUKB Dont aell till you get our bid. Pbone 3333 BARNESBURQ 4t ANDREWS SCRAP IRON SCRAP METALS WANTED Tour government needs this vital material for defense SeU now highest price, paid. SCRAP AUTO TIRES AND TUBES Any Quantity MEDFORD BARGAIN ROUSE IT N. Grape Phono 3744 WANTED Richest prtoee paid for furniture stoves, tools, or what have you? MEDFORD BARGAIN ROUSE 37 N Grape Phone 3744 FOR RENT BOARD, ROOM board 31 ROOM Corner 3rd and Main Jacksonville FOR RENT Furnished Rooms SLEEPIN.t ROOMS close In gentlemen. 413 N. Bartlett. ROOMS tn olean. newly remodeled CRATER HOTEL Center of town Central and Eighth Streets Comfortable Simmons beds sprints mattresses Sbuwers available Bplc u. span natea 01 00 to 01 50. Speclsl rates by the week. COMFORTABLE ROOM. close in 60 East Slain ATTRACTIVE ROOMS 404 S Orape FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Large furnished house. 13 miles from Csmp White, 350 par nwiw. rjcnooi ana store close by. inquire sue o. usxasis. FOR RENT 3-room furnished house Iambs station, 4 Corners. Mldwsy nuea. rnone tentral point. FOR RENT Modem house. 3 bed rooms, furnished, water psld. Ap. ply 405 Earhart St., rear. Alao one- room cspin. rurnl.hed. FOR RENT Miscellaneout FOR RENT One roo m, ..furnished cabin, rarker. 3rd house North of Ever-Shady Court, So. Pacific High way, FOR RENT On Riverside Ave, with psraing space auoo-root concrete floor apace, suitable for storage business house of any description ruuiiB aoo. OFFICE ROOMS for rent See Coxy i-uws ijiuKiioainj sua ssst aaain 1-1 oa FOR SALE DOGS', PETS OCOTTIE PUPPIES A living gift, sturdy, loyal. Three lovely litters to choose from. Royal Rogue Ken nels. FOR SALE Spayed black Cocker Spaniel. 311 Laurel. uumx pick out your Cocker pup uv viii i.iinm., xoicien ana oiacx 410 Maple Park Dr. Phone 3873. BEAUTIFUL Peglngeae puppies reedy or Amaa uepoait will noia. Haw xins Kennel. 019 Bo Central . FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Fat chickens and fryers. young pujiete and raooita. 4 mile south Barklev road out c Phoema M. E. Talbotu FOR SALE Fat none and fryers. Also wsinuts. s ins. ror gi delivered Phone 6444. FOR SALE 76 White Rock pullets. .Huim-iD so isy, ei.aa escn: three young msres for sale or trade for light truck or what have you. Wanted you 04 heifer or cow to kill 8. L. Johnston. Appleeate. FOR BALE Small Xmts turkeys. 3Sc 10. ocnenie Kancn. 4 ml ea South of MM'ord. Dark H-l!ow Road FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALS Good flve-year-ols cow. glvlna rrllk. fresh.n In Prhri.rw 350 00. Z r.a H'TiKcra, Bt. X Box 34 Medford-Biddio stood. POR SALE Choi re weaner plga. eigni weexs old, 03-00. Box 33, Colter untie Boad. LIVESTOCK AUCTION Sat, Dee 19th. at Pavilion. Phoenix. Ore Sale commences at 1 :00 aharp. Con- aignora must novo atocx al yards not later than noon. Wo have good out-of-state buyers In regular at tendance at this market. Have lots of Inquiry for atocker and feeder cattle, also a good market for beef and butcher cattle. "Alwaya attend th auction. Laat aale until Jan. 3. So. Ore. Livestock Auction. Co. Col. A. R. Dudley. FOR SALE Two-year-old Jersey bull: yearling Jersey bull; bull calf. All purebred Jerseys. Also three young Guernseys, milking, ferrydale Dairy. FOR SALE Wraner pigs. 35 and 33 Feeders, 08 . j 3 ,10. BUI Howard Route 4. Bex 123. First bouao Wsst of Orange Hall on Spring St. WANTED Oucd milk for feed Phono 6554. oow to keep CASH for old horses. Dlsl 4376 FOR SALE Weaner and feeder piga yeorge nuion. wuuama, ure. POR SALE Black faced ram. Old Pioneer Road. 1 mile 8. W. Phoenix J. H De Jarnett. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Ten-wheel truck. A-l shape, good tires. 3850. Phono 4315 FOR SALE 1937 Dodge pickup. In line anape, good rubber. Cheap. a. a. exeu. Trail, Oregon. Tele phone Trail ai. FOR SALE 1938 Dodge 4-door oedan i30 ccerroiet coupe: 1630 Chev rolet pickup. See the 114-ton truck we oner at 0100- uon ouy until you aee our cars and compare pneea. rcogue tuver Chevrolet, 9tn a. aiaruett. rnone 3200. FOR. sale 1940 Ford v-3 coupe. 645 Liberty St Ashland. No dealers. FOR SALE "35 Chevrolet, rood con. dltlon and rubber. Par -. Third house North of Ever-Sheay Court. ooutn raciiio Highway. FOR SALE "34 Studebaker sedan Good rubber. Good heavy farm team, harness, wagon-box. Milk cow and calf. 1003 W, Main 8t Phono 3591. FOR SALE 1933 Plymouth aedan Good condition, good rubber. Sacri fice price. J. 8. Olbbs, Rt. 1, Box 135-X. South Columbus Ave. off Stewart. HUSBAND gone to Navy wife will eacruice 1941 studebaker Champion sedsn. Excellent tires. Consider essn and terms. Call at 439 N. Front nt., mornings, or 3 to 7 at night. 1940 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan. A. Morris, city Police. POR SALE 1939 Deluxe POM enune naaio, nearer and apot light. Phone DW3V. FOR SALE Br private party 1940 8- pavngcr nuick special coupe New tires, sest covers, beater. In excellent condition. alao 1941 Pour-door Bulck Sutler sedsn Like new. Alr-condltloned, hestcr. defroster, rsdio. Air-Foam cushions new tires See these at 809 W. 11th or Phone 4843. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5-room, modern home, near schools, In exoellent condition 83500. Phone 4368 or 419 W. Second FOR SALE 143 South Holly St. Three - room unfurnished home, large living room, room in kitchen for breakfaet table, bedroom 11 x 11'3", room on aervlee norm rvw 2nd small bedroom. Close to court t nouse, vacant, ready for oxupancy 83550. Reasonable term. Charl. re Ray. Phono 3903. Room 317 Medford mag. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE The Un derslgned will accent oiri tnr t the rlghu, title and Interest of the J. E. Flurry Lumber Co., Inc. Bank rupt and P. R Hardy aa Trustee In and to the following real property ujunij, vregon, to-wit 01 nis'4 or eectlon 36. town anip so. ran.?. S-E ian umi, mu of section 8. township 38. range 3-E iou .cnai auDject to a contract ol purenase upon wblch there la al unpaid balance of 03500.00 nlu. in. tereat and taxes of about 1200 00 aaia land being timber land. All bide must be In the hands of the Trustee not Ister thsn December so. i43 p. ft Hardy, Trustee. J. E Flurry Lumber Co, Ine, Ashland wregon. vwi. otu-hi at s oartrain 3 acres angnan waiuuta Walter Prank, 6th pi aum.. iventrai point. WHEN YOU THINK of real mum tnink of the Spencer - Bsgley OWNER LEAVING, must aell 6-room oouse excellent iocs t Ion. recent, ly reconditioned Inslds. new floor txjvenngs. new eleetne hot water sans uot 00x100 Reasonable terms eiv sung Phone 3769 FOH SALE--New two-bedroom homes near nign school Pbone 3713 cell at 603 Oalota FOR EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE wood range with wm iut uhd Burner with cot -A Phone 8133 FOR SALE MiMlla pur balb; Newtown aDDles. Call Wednesdsy snd Sunday. Eldrldge rm valley. FOR SALE Small potatoes, 11.60 per ruMim ew. LUTEPISK for the holidays. Holly 1 CHRISTIAN CHURCH SALE Bet.. 19th. 34 So. Orape Qullu. fancy- work, homemade mincemeat and 100a aaie. FOR SALE Small electric beater. Pbone 3436. FOR SALE Universal eleetne range eiuv caan. can oe eeen at Eads Transfer. If interested phone Eagle Point 6307. POR SALE Two-wheel trailer. Oood urea Cheep, phone 3343. IXTTtA LAROt KEWTOWW APPLES ei so per lug Othere 61 38 to g 60 Two or more delivered In city. Oor don Kershaw. Phor.e tv.-a 4003. POR 8AUI Fine tan ..-..Mie secrr- sUoa. Pnes raaannig.a. Coil a. J. FOR SALE MIkcIUimvmm FOR SALE Fir aawduat, 300 cu. ft. load 55.50. delivered In Medford Hugh McOuinty, 534 u, if. Blvor- aioe. rnone 5411. POR BALE One Ludwlg piano, good whuiuuu, . . 0. HQ auaer ox, Tel, FIR SAWDUST Best Quality, heavr. coarse, fir shavings. Central Point ruei co. phono 333. FOR SALE Nearly new. double, long. yellow, oU eucker. Slat 40. 33S Weet th. FOR SALE Atwater-Kent radio Spanish guitar, or will trade for laying pulleta. Wanted Shepherd pup. luji narregan. FOR SALE Ouerrlnl accordion. White Mother of Pearl. 140 base. Call 638 Minnesota, svenmga. FOR AAt.rt lr ft., m ...a - - " ' - - 7. Alao bird cafe. Phone Eagle Wnln. S9AV - - " " ' POR SALE Lady's skates. Wilson loo Tel. 6174. white figure Wings. 37.50. FOR SALE 300-gallon Hernia Spray rig. "6 V-8 Ford truck, flat bed. snort wheel base. Route 1. Box 883. Henry Huklll, Orlffla Creek. 1941 TRAILER HOUSE, fully equipped, with Butane gaa and bullt-lns, 8900. Also good 1934 Chrysler car with good hitch. 5300. 138 North Main. Aeniand. FOR SALE Xmaa Trees, all 1 1005 West Msln St. Tel. 3591. POR SALE De Luxe ksrosena range. wood heater, b'draom suit ratll-i MiyUg. 330 N. Bartlett at. Ud - ford. FOR BALE Ludwlg 13 bate aocor-1 don. very good oondltloa. 414 eerryaaie. METHODIST YOUTH has Ohrtatmea I trees for sale at Recreational Hall. Main and Mistletoe. NOTICE Have o nice bunch of Chrlstrau trees ot 643 W. 14th. I rnone 003B. JUST ARRIVED E n g 1 1 s h Houy. Fabera, 34 So. Riverside. POR SAIi Practically new Western wooa range. Howsrd Ave.. Rt, 3, box 44-A. w. F. van Rhesn. OET YOUR CHRISTMAS Fabera 84 80. Riverside. for sale 9 k 13 rug and cad 333.50, like new; good trailer, no tires. 114.00. Phone- 3468, 716 King OUWI, ELECTRIO 4-burner range. Exoellent coanition. rnone 0307. FOR SALE Remington Rand cash regiater, sou. in excellent order Anna May Manley, Tiller, Oregon mil deliver 10 Meaiora. FOR SALE Plow, harrow, 80-tt. log chain, new hot water tank. Fred Welt, cor. Table Rock and Midway iwaui. FOR SALE 13" and 16" dry fir slab vtui ovio alter o p. m. FOR SALE Loose oat hay. N. H nusseii, ki. 3. box 195. Ross Lens. CHRISTMAS LIGHTS for every pur- pumi, reaucea. rici 0 Hardware. NEWTOWN APPLES while they loot special prices on quantity lots ueuverea. phone 6598. Joe Nary. APPLES I I Your Holiday Sunnlv DELICIOUS rour grades and slses sue ana up for standard luff. NEWTOWNS Four grade, and 1 100 ana uo for etandard lua. Deposit for contslner or bring your owu. rinnAtLS PLANT NO. 4, Cor ner iitn ana rront streets. MAHOGANY office Pbone 8939. or bouao desk OET YOUR Christmas Trees at Rich. field Station. Highway 99, between ventral point and Medford. FULLER BRUSHES 1304 Reddy. Phone 4914. 8TARKINO RED DELICIOUS Apples for Christmas shipping at Medford ice es a:nrage. uoipn Phlppe, OIVE HER A CANARY FOR KMAS FOR SALE 149 80 Spartan radio, aw. inquire 305 so oekdale. send us your order or come out to our nursery for home frown aociimatea tree a and shrUDS Largest stock In southern Ore. goo. Complete landscape depart ment, mgnt plant in ita per place. Tree pruning end tree surgery, park Landscape Co, U ml up West bank Evans Creek, Rogue surer, uregon. , APPLES. Too lug. Trade ranch for ateaiord home. 1730 N RJvereldo. la roe COMICE PEARS (Dnwaappedl 3o lb Finest eating quality Oood for home use end canning Bring your own containers BEAR CREEK PACK1NQ HOUSE. South Pacinc mgnway. CALL 4448 for beet quality Fir Saw. uu.. ana siaoe. BEAUTIFUL Pedigreed Roller Oenar- laa The finest line of Bird Cages in wrrgon 1 1 4 f w sum Ot ro 40117 aire c a oevoo. POR SALff Plr eewdust and al lbu 4449, Faoer'a Parmars Supply FOR SALE Applae. Delicious. Jona- tnan and newtown Joe Kantor. 8 oil is. xast or pnoenls Pern Valley AOATES CUT and mounted to order at eantoa Agate Shop. 438 S Mala arjMrnrrRosT MISCELLANEOUS PUBUO CARD PARTY Redman Hall u and Apple. Friday night at uciocs. nring your mends. 8PECIALI Permanent Wave, 63 00. unui toe nrat of the real, afrdfoid 8noU of Bauty Culture. 338 East aisin. pnons 3&30. invest TOUR SA VINOS In a loan aecurea try first mortgage on well ""wo rarm. inoun Boa 83B0. CIRCLETTB Itie Deluxe Heetleaa permanent Ho paaa or protector. ... No shoes. or oruns . . Ho beet machines or electricity . . Wove st.ru ot the scaip wsvea all hair perfectly Including bleached dyed, fine gray, and ehlldrms hair. . Iteetve with Bowmtn's Beauty Solon E37 8 Cet.tral phono 8106 eaaae appoiauneaia oafl. MISCELLANEOUS EHRRBART8 CHICKEN DINNERS 335 SUUTH RlVKMIne Open from 3 p m nil midnisht Sun oars, noon tu 10 p a Speclsl rooms for parties and olubo. Groups pieaeo make reservations. Pbone FERSONAL niuin anna will turn tbo oun - 7 uaj nui oaiuraaya ana BUS1 aara. eie 00. Kivereide. 10 rear. mmutry Crytul Readliia D Millar " eoo vaouotaio Ave Aabland CARD reading 01 00 3g JeanetU BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . - - -, . ... FOR BALE Sawmill. 30.000 ft. capac 1 ity. on paved highway, 6 mllea I .11 mTT? I ' . ' ru 1 . age reason lor Belling. I Associated ou lun rv,i u.ii I www I vinvo. FOR SALE OR trade um uu. 1 In and lot in Central Point .i,h or without second hand stock. Also 30-ocre mining claim with cabin and wood. Laiyr's Second Hand oimg. central point. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Corse tlero ND BONE foundation xarmenta aale. I Z "- Mra Alice Coppln. 844 South Central rnone tubs Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Alao furnace, '.no I aii . - - - lurn.ces and 1 saw . " ' mmwn 39 N Front ph me 4340 Chiropodist naunens of All Pool TrouKi "AM Drpner. Registered Ch. ropodlst IFuat specisllstl LLnuhrer Blclg Dlsl 3103 Orossmoking rn FASHION SHOP Dm.H.. ru. nemuaeunt Buttons and Z eoverea tloum 303 D 8 ,-huu.i hoi mag rei 3931. OKESSMAKINO - Alterations, tan-. Ing Katharine H-t tari Shon a a i " DRES8MAKINO and alterations. Ex- r-. ncaauuaoia 0 b a r o a a 1008 N Central Phon. ana Cxpert Window Cleoner LET nioHOC 1 r, r-1-1 ""I window Cleoner Omni 1 TiT: ' "ou' ,al"6 paint- .... r wiram rnuue 3954 Fur Styling ouwers Fur Shop. 3 mllea aouth PSCHIC Hwy Expert uig. cleaning, glaalng and ,x - MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LEND Caoh for your Xmaa gifts and Service vwumwa tripe. , OREGON FINANCE CO. 46 So. Central. Lloenaa No. 831I-M7 Tranafot FURNITURE MOVING At BTTIH. AOS We bare vao moving equip, ment for local ana long distance uaunug. ury and olean atoragr iw "uimiugi witn special locker ruoma at im, h ,.- . BAMSOK 8TORAOE WAREHOUSE raone a 100 IADS TRANSFER or STORAOE CO orrice 18 South Fir Phona aaae Prices right Service guaranteed CITY TRANSFER At XTilRina en HuUSebutd Burnt,. .n , suliiig 30 8 Grape phone 4664 Day or night DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAOE 40 8 Fir street Insured Camera Local end Long Distance Hauling Phone 3886 Well Drilling" WELL OR1LUNO with modern equip- ur uiquire PICK'S nfle.- OT Phfiraaa O?0- D IBal. sen. Jordan 6t Orant Pm Hooting w ' spply any type of w cMjuiiuga emnxiea. faiuiga and Palate Mew erock ' -" rapcr OXerSOn Roof Co 38 8 Bartlett Paint and rei 3843 Heoring Aid Dlirimn HEAR with the new Iumam w.m. "" neanng Aid pree boms , u write Bern alste ford ' " - ' Vacuum Repel ring ror rent Renair an rnoni wist jock Wilson mmm ill.. LEGAL NOTICES SIIMuriHa In the Circuit Court of the State 01 urernn rnr .ii.w... ROBERT H. AL WORTH, PUiiv MAS, VS. t-L-AKtWCE E. WEAVER end JANE DOE WEAVER (whose true ursi name is unknown), his wife, If the said Clar ence E. Weaver he mat-rii. CHARLES E CHAT LAIN and JANE DOE CHATLAIN jwnose true first name ia un known), his wife, if the said Charles E. Chatlaln be mar. ried: and also ALL OTHER 1-tHSONS OR PARTIES UN KNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIOHT TITI. F rTiTr LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE rttAL, tSTATE DESCRIRED IN THE COMPLAINT HERE- 1ft. ueiendanlji To Clarence E. Weaver and Jane uoe weaver (whose true first name ia unknown), his wife, If the said Clarence . Weaver be married; Charles E. Chat lain and Jane Doe Chatlaln (whose true first name Is unknown), his wife, If the said Charles E. Chatlaln be married; an also all other persons or parties unknown catalog any right, title, es- tate. Hen or Interest tn the rem aetata described in the complaint herein, the above named defendants: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are nereoy summoned and required to appear In the above named court and cause and answer the aoove named plaintiff's com plaint on file therein against you, within four weeks after December17, 1941. the date of the first publication ot this summons. You are he-rehw nntl. tied that if you fail so tn inneir and anawer IH Mmni.iMnh. in the time aforesaid, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to said Court for the relief demanded in said comnlalnt. a succinct statement of which Is 1 net ri-M. k. herein adjudicatinf any and all right, title, estate, lien or inter- est which you, or any of you, have, or claim to have. in. to. withirj.ck.on HCoSn OrVgo?. dwribed aa follow., to witf im I . ' ' me enutn Half of the North- east Quarter; the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; and the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, of Section Fourteen (14. in Township Thirty-four (34), South of Fanae One i. Et of the Willamette Me- j Je,--ie. it o . . bum ucvitTtziiiiE tiii lucn claims or Interests to be null and void and decreplnsr th. ?. i Miff is the owner In fee almnl. nf the whole of said premiees, free rank, that of Eagle. He attend and clear of any and all rlsht ed Stanford university and then iiue, estate, uen, or Interest of began his leadership in Scout sny snd all of th defendants ln as volunteer, by serving In this suit, and decreeing: that stm..... nrf M.rit ;L'.J-ri,;!lf lT pile, c,a'r5ln' Zl'J'L?!'!!!' strained and barVed f rom awrt- Inn op riaimin. .n iia. iiL. est In or to said real nronertv and that plaintiff's title to said Kan., where he remained until premises be forever quieted and 193T. From 1937 to 1940 set at rest; and for such other Warner waa field executive of relief as to the Court may seem the Detroit area council. Detroit lu2L"n!? fqu,iy,,a . .. . Mich, following which he be The date of the Order herein ...i.... i..- .v.- . - , i.- 1943, and such Order fixed once earh' v for fm.r ,-...v. weeks as the time for such pub- lication. R.AWLE3 MOORE Attorney for Plaintiff. Addresw ' Cooley Theatre Build- in, nieatora. Oregon. National Forest Timber for Bale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Sunervisor. Medford. Oregon up to and not later than iu A. M. December 28, 1942, fori all the live timber marked or designated for cutting and all merchantable dead timber locat ed on an area embracing about 160 acres within Section 28, T. 31 S., R. S E W. M Rogue River National Forest. Oregon. estimated tn ha S OOfl 0nft t B. M. of Douglas-fir saw timber and an unestlmated amount of other species cut in the construc tion of roads and landings or damaged in the course of log ging. No bid of leu than t2 85 per M feet for Douglas-fir, white fir and western hemlock, fl.00 per M feet for California In cense-cedar, S9 as per M feet for sugar pine, $9.63 per M feet for western white pine, and $6.63 per ai I eel tor nonaerosa nine. will be considered. In determin ing the high bid. the rate for Douglas-fir only will be consid ered In addition to the prices bid for the stumoaee. a coooera- live deposit of 3u per M feet b.m. to ce used by the Forest i'T j. i"yl!ig eo.0' deposit of $.33 per M feet B.M. to cover th. rit f ir.. niant. I cttaon utwLruPfii. tsiiu aa lwuciniivc ing, aeed sowing, and timber atanrl lmnrnu.rn.nl avnrk n the area cut over, for the total cut of timber under the terms of the agreement, will be reaulred 4-3500.00 must be deposited with eacn Dia, to De eopned on me purchase price, refunded or re- ". WJ, ."qu,a;i?a aam; :.i. -rnVtiJhr.r'.-." all bids is reserved. Befo hlda all bids la reserved. Before bids are auhmittpH full Inrnrm.llAn concerning the timber, the con- anions of sale, and submission the Forest Suoervlsor. Medfnrri """"' I BUDGE PATTY IS New York, Dee. 17. OJ.R) Budsev Patfv nf yui A .1 topped the nation's Junior tennis piayers lor the second tureea Ive year in 1942. the V. S. I i-nwn -f ennis aasociatlon nouncea today. Tom raikenberg of Hollvwood won m.nh. -.-- 1 - . I wu. .ww laiiKins ana lie nrotner, uoo, was third ratty also shared number 1 position in the lunlor rimihi With Bob ralkanbere- sria nan, Miami, Fla., won the top-rankinc aoot in th. tnr tteaa --. vaiu, Bob raikenberg ranked et ,h. ton of the intM-J.k.i.1. J and held 1 h?H r-nktaa?tf-..N H.rr Bir.i-i. . , . " . - opoogxowsa luuvwrg oj Tom Molloy, Memphis. Mollov ena Dm onrai were the first ranking aouble palp. Nonet will noa I Rareatter I will nos be rev..iM. . r LJJJV, I for debu oontraoted by anyone except MHU, troi Set teO. Vm Man Trlbuno Want Ado. I ER NEW EXECUTIVE OF BOY SCOUT AREA I DreieMnr.1 ent,n. 1 Jwnauc MIIIIUUMLCc, Selection of Assistant Executive in Seattle. Larry Schade, president of Crater Lake area council. Rnv I Scouts of America, announced today that Charlet B. Warner, SvT.T Se1 . ha. VnJZ Hv BtVi1?. na Pee1.,e?ured Til tn lPastafWJ KatrtnalH Uaal lot a a iT.-r r : .J 'A . J50"4 executlv the Crater Lake council, which serves Jose- pnina and Jackson counties In Oregon, and Siskiyou county In California. Wells accepted the executiveshlp of the Wallamet area council, with headquarters m Eugene, Ore., and assumed iiis uuitcs uicra ii uvemuer is. 1 m t l-j i e , enwnsive Scouting background. As a Scout he attained the highest badga counselor In Portland from 1929 to 1933. while In Sus'"f". ,n Me entered Scouting professionally In 1934 "elt executive in Wichita, I WBllie MIWIWII CACVUUV. Ill MIC Seattle area council "We are most fortunate In i I curing Warner as our execu- tlve," said Schade. "His wide experience both in and out of Scouting will prove Invaluable. I Our everutive hoard ia ennfl- dent that we shall continue in our forward progress toward extending the Influence of the Scout program to more and more boys in the three counties served by the Crater Lake area council. We hope to have Mr. Warner with us on or about the first of January, and shortly thereafter he and Arnold Green, our assistant executive, will go into all the districts so that he may . become acquainted with Scout leaders and friends of Scouting.'' CENTRAL PT. HIGH Central Point. Dec. 17. (Spr.) The three-act comedy, a run tiouse, will be pre sented by Central Point High school this evening In the gym- nasiura. The hilarious comedy was written by Fred Jackson, and 13 backed by the prestige of an imnpavaaitiA rUaiiii a..e, pJr;, T. hi Jr..ni.i ' Presentation U by gpeolal ar- "m'k WlW S""UeI rrench pUbllsners. in east are Norrene Bohnert, Jean Brennetholti. Mary HodaoD. Louise Hale. Ar- dith Skelton, Mildred Williams. Florence Sullivan, Eugene Holt, Ronald James, Frank Richard n. Jmes Pierce, George Weh Edwin Frohrlech and Ro.be.r Colley. BIU Croucher Is business manager and John Rector, stage mMn"er' Nmulmtt Rnntmnmlt rs r- .1 uomg excellently San Diego, Cel.. Dec. 17 OJ.R) Mercy hospital attendants today reported President Roosevelt's newest grandchild and her moth er doing "excellently.1 The girl, as yet unnamed, was porn to LL (JG) John Roosevelt, youngest ton of the president ana Mrs. Roosevelt last night Bin. Koosevelt la the former Anne Lindsay Clark of Nahant. M,, ey have a son. Haven, 2 .... ."" . M' ' UHtLMORE LEADS JACKSONVILLE SCOUTS 17. (Sol.) awrence Mltchel more of the Jacksonville Pres- oyierian church was appointed scoutmaster o f Jacksonville troop 39 at a meeting of the troop committee Monday eve ning, rutura aetlvltlM nf h lTiSS whn troop were discussed and it was im m witn the war effort would " T" ,n." m'r BW1U. - 3 - . uareui uoaaara, super '"tenant ' th- JackaonvHle Is chairman of the BOut committee. Eighteen troop. BELGIAN IRKS NAZIS London. Dec. 17 OJ.B The Belgian News Agency reoortad . . . . ' urusseis man nad n Imprisoned because of the name ha chose for his newly born son. The aentenr-e- Nine mnnih. The namac Winston. PLAY IS TONIGH NAZARENE CHOIR TO GIVE CANTATA The chorus choir of the Med ford Church of the Nazarene, representing thirty voices, will present the choral cantata en titled 'The First Christmas." nr. der the directing baton of Mr. John Eby, next Sunday at 7:39 p. m. The church location ia Hol ly at First, opposite Junior high school. Text of The First Christmas" wag written by Edith SanfnM Tlllotson. Music was composed by Ira Bishop Wilson. The divi sions of the cantata are aa fol lows: Organ prelude. Part I The Pronhamr. wmm- en'a chorus, baritone enln .nil choir, 'The People That Walked in Darkness:" contraltn anin Bethlehem." Part II Soorano enln en1 choir, "My Soul Doth Magnify;" bass solo and women's chorus, nun At btms to i'ass. Part III The Star anrt the. Song, soprano solo and choir, "The Shepherds' Vision?" solo and choir, "The Angels o""s; soprano and alto duet. The Star and the Son"" haH. tone solo and men's chorus, "No Koom in the Inn:" choir rih Babe in Bethlehem Manger;" con tralto solo with obbllgato, "A Christmas Lullaby." Part IV The WnrRVM. Christmas, soprano solo and choir, 'The Heart of God;" final vnorus, -Blessed Be the Lord." The public la cordially invit ed to hear the musical presenta tion. No charge will be requested. Genius Found Short In Figuring Taxes Hollywood, Dec. 17. OJ.B Orison Welles, genius, has fin ally been stumped. That, at least, is the conten tion of the collector of Internal revenue, who said today that Welles wag $31,385 short in figuring up his 1941 Income tax. The government also sought $1,880 assertedly due from Vic tor Mature and an additional $1,086.99 from Robert Preston. Forester's Death Due to Drowning Eureka, Cal., Dec. 17 U. Coroner Lloyd Wallace reported today that Elmer Johnson. For est Service guide, died by drowning and that no evidence of foul play waa discovered. Johnson's body waa found In the Klamath river. Coroner Wallace said that two aii.ht marks found on Johnson's head had been there for some time, and were not the result of blow. GOLD HILL I.O.O.F. TO GIVE BENEFIT DANCE Gold Hill. Dec. 17 (RnlTh local Odd Fellow lodge will hold another Christmas benefit-dance on Saturday, Dec. 19. . The annual Christmas tree) and program to be siven hw h Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges win oe neia on Tuesday eve ning, Dec. 22, when the entire community is Invited to be pres ent as guests of these lodges. Travel Table! AIRPLANES northbound Leave Marts Close 4:08 . m. 11.33 a. nv 3:48 p. m. 08 a. m. 13:33 p. ra. 8:48 p. m. 68 p. m. 8:38 p. tn. Bouthoound Leave alalia does 11 TJ p m. 3:7 a. m. 3:17 p. tn. 4 7 ,. m. 1333 a. m. 10.67 a. m. 8 :17 p. nt. T P- to. TRAIN. Horthbuund alalia Cloes at p ox Southbound Leave 7 .40 p. Leave afsils Close l.io a. oa. 6 .10 a. ax. North BLSES Booth 1:40 a m. 7:46 p m. 1:36 p tn. 60 p ra. 7 00 p m. 730 p. nv S 00 a. m. -00 a. m. 13:10 p m. 13 30 p. m 46 p to. Mam Te Klamath Pal la 1 00 p tn. 00 p m Prom Klamath rait 3 00 a m, 4:30 p. m. Additional stall Service North bound Vehicle Leave alalia oinaa Star Route 6 36 a at S 06 a na. Truck :io p e 13 40 a. m Southbound Truck 88 pm 4 40 o m Bur Route oflpm s 00 p. as. I t To Oranu Paaa only, ("I To Aani.nd only () To Ounsmulr Only. Closing time for Clsssiried ads t m- Too laat to CLaaalfy 13 30 "I