MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1942 PAGE THRU M'ALLISTER SET FOR SPEAKERSHIP ISMATEIRD Medford Legislator Has 20 Votes Pledged Outside Multnomah Delegation. Br Ralph Watson la the Oregon Journal William M. McAllister, repre sentative from Jackson county for several sessions past, and re elected Tuesday, is to be the next speaker of the house, ac cording to well founded under standing gained in Portland to day. McAllister cast his vote in Medford early Tuesday and "high tailed it" to Portland where he went into conference with as many of the Multomah representatives-elect as he could find. According to information gained, but not from him, he is understood to have some 200 votes pledged to his candidacy delegation. The latter group, so it is reported, is to be called Into session Thursday at 10 a.m. in the Imperial hotel, by Harvey Wells who has been acting as chairman of the pre-election group of Republican candidates, to discuss and decide about go ing in a bloc to McAllister. The rumor is that a majority of the representatives-elect are In favor of walking into the camp, it having been their agree- HOT FLASHES Lydl E. Plnkhimt Compound Is famous to help relieve distress due to woman's functional mlddle-aja" pcnoa. rouow uoev directions. LYDIA L PINKHAM'S VFCfTSBtf contours Flying Tigers" Thriller Coming , ; ...... . v y.r. American "Flying Tigers" battle the much dreaded Jap fighter planes, the Nakajimas, in the air-thriller titled "Flying Tigers," which comes to the Rl alto theatre tomorrow for one big week. John Wayne, John Carroll, Paul Kelly and Gordon Jones have roles. ment to wait until after the elec tion before making any individ ual commitments, and then act ing as a unit. The Mulnomah delegation has 13 votes, with one additional in the Joint Clackamas-Mulnomah district as a usual thing. The delegation's vote, if McAllister has the 20 outside, would cinch the election, as it requires 31 to elect, all 60 members being present. Nazis Shave Tails Of Cows for Hair Washington, Nov. 5. (U.R) The German army has ordered the tails of all cattle in Ger many to be shorn to supply hair to the reich's textile industry, according to the Office of War Information. The OWI report said the Germans had issued an order that "a little tuft should be left at the end of a cow s tail for whisking off flies." r Coming Sunday Van Hefflin, sensational star of "Johnny Eager," and Kath- ryn Grayson, singing star of "Rio Rita," star in the gay and colorful motion picture, "Seven Sweethearts," which heads I triple bill Sunday at the Cra terian theatre. Disney's Pluto in a new cartoon and March of Time's "Fighting French," will play in support. BY SOLDIER BOYS USO receives several hundred pounds of magazines each week which are distributed through the Red Cross and Camp White so that the magazines contribut ed by friends of service men may go where they are needed most Suggestions are offered by USO to the public in making the con tribution of free reading mater ial more useful. Picture magazines are always good even if several years old This is especially true of Nation al Geographic and similar pic ture magazines. Current events publications, however, should be fairly recent as they lost their value after a month or so. Good story magazines are en joyed even if several years old, such at Saturday Evening Post, Lady's Home Journal, American, etc. Magazines with clean covers are more Inviting than those with wrinkled, folded edges, Some contributors tear off the corners where their home ad dress has been placed and this mars the cover of the magazine. If erasing the address is desired if can be called to the attention of USO and the address can be eliminated without spoiling the cover. Literary magazines such as Atlantic Monthly and Nation are always good regardless of age as also are fun magazines, such the The New Yorker and Es- quire. Fortune comes in a sur prising quantity and is always a treat to the service men. uau inanxs the many con tributors who have helped them keep the magazine file fresh and up-to-date. A thousand or more copies of Life were distributed to Camp White last week. GOOD HEALTH NOW IS PRACTICAL PATRIOTISM o Bo you want to help win the war Why, ef course! And here's one way you can render a practical service Get Well and Keep Weill Guard your health first, because the nation needs your energies and effort) second, because there are now fewer Physicians to serve us, and we must conserve their precious timet third, by bringing prescriptions here for accurate compounding from our large stock ef of fresh, potent drugs. It's Your DUTY TO STAY ON THE JOB1 29 North Central Ave. Medford Center Bldg. You work for the Axis every day you are off work. So keep well for Victoryl HEATH'S DRUG STORE, INC. Phone 3531 Mail Order Service Dramatic Role " n A eeTj' crowd theatre Satur- Richard Arlen is a getter 'at the Holly where he plays through day night in "Wildcat," oil thril ler. "Romance on the Range," starring Roy Rogers, plays as the companion Western. . iff A , i got 6 y if , ,-'A. '-..-PS ' ' HEAD C0LB3 M iwans Vs-tro-nol p tees) ncxtru. It (1 shrinks swollen Branes, 1 soothes Irritation. aa4 (J) twlps dear oold-ciof JfX ltd nual puacn nni V Follow eomplett d sections la folder. VA'flO-HOi ECDYSIASTS ON PARADE Los Angeles' austere police commission beat a hasty exit when blond, curvaceous Marie Wilson (right) and banner-bearing companions demonstrated how much sh really wears in her strip-tease act Beauties claim police are too tough on strippers or "Ecdyslasts," name coined from Greek "Ekoysis." meaning "getting out" and zoological term Ecdysis, or "molting." ICE RINK OFFERS SPARKLING SHOW FRIDAY. SATURDAY . CIVIL ENGINEER DIES Riverside, Cal., Nov. S (U.R) Joseph Barlow Lippincott, 78, prominent civil engineer, died yesterday of a heart attack while riding in his car, county hospital officials said today. Lippincott, who took part in planning and constructing the Boulder dam, laid out the Camp Haan anti-aircraft training base near here. .. PIIMOOE i.tiitiiiiiu: Bere li Uw peik of Raon Gabsrdinet. A full-bodied COHAMA Sptm Rayon tis testing a fine worsted. It will fire your suit the erfrp tail ored linos American women wear so smartly. For ymr sporting life MeCALL PRINTED PATTERNS Tailor to perfection with McCslU tbe only pattern with the print ed cutting line. $1.59 yd. 419 faKtM Wife M. M. DEPT. STORE CHROME MINE CLOSED BY WINTER WEATHER Owing to bad weather condi tions the Kangaroo Mountain Chrome company operating the Kubli claim In the Siskiyous has closed for the winter, It was learned here. J. M. Sudreth, engineer with operating headquarters at Yreka. was in charge of development work. George Thomas of Grants Pass and Roy Hansen of Kerby had been employed with Sud reth. A road being built by the government from Klamath river to the mine lacks two miles of being completed, it was said. . MISS KESTERS0N TO SERVE WITH WAACS Miss Dorothy E. Kesterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kesterson of Klamath Falls and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Puhl of Gold Hill, left today to report for duty at Fort Des Moines, la., with the Women's Army Auxiliary corps. She was sworn in the corps at Portland, Oct. 9. She is a graduate of Klamath Union high school and attended University of Oregon where she was affiliated with Phi Beta sor ority. Miss Kesterson has many friends In the community. Mileage of new tire can be extended from 10,000 to 17,000 miles by reducing average speed from 40 miles an hour to 25 miles an hour. Southern Oregon residents are offered an outstanding Ice Fol lies Friday and Saturday eve nings and Sunday afternoon at the Medford Ice Arena. The show features Miss Shirley Lan ders, Pacific coast Junior cham pion and senior champion of the Pacific northwest. Denny Edge, Ice Arena man ager, stated today that Miss Landers brings to Medford skat ing of high calibre. Her person ality and appearance add much to the numbers of the Follies which combine professional and amateur talent. Patricia Greenup and Patricia Hoyt, who were senior ladies pair champions for the north west, will appear in solo num bers. Edge states that he Is try ing to bring this couple together to repeat the number which won them the championship last Feb ruary in northwest competition. The girls have not spoken to each other since last February and Edge is hoping for a reunion on the ice. Lieut. Clifford Peterson of Camp White and Miss Ruth Edge, talented daughter of Man ager Edge, will appear in a dance number. Jimmy Bourke, professional Instructor at the Ice Arena, presents a solo num ber. Bourke, who has been skat ing for the past 42 years, at one time was world champlo.1 figure and trick skater and has teamed with Evelyn Chandler, wor'd champion on many occasions. Other skaters are also sched uled on the program which in cludes dancing numbers, comic, trick and figure skating. The evening shows begin at 8:15 o clock and the matinee per formance on Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Skating will be enjoyed by the audience following the shows on the same admission ticket. Edge states that the arena has been newly decorated with patriotic pennants. TRAITOR REPRIEVED Detroit, Nov. 5. (U.R) Ac tion on an appeal to the U. S. circuit court of appeals at Cin cinnati assured today that Max Stephan, German born Detroit restauranteur convicted of treason, will not die on the gal lows November 13 as scheduled. HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR CHRISTUAS CARDS YET? aft We don't mean to push you but you had battel hurry! The deadline for orderinf "personal" Christmas cards Is November 15tV Our selection of cards now ta large but will soon be de pleted at the rat they are going now. W have a large line ef special cards for boys in the service. Special family greetings and a lovely group of Scripture Christ, mas cards. See also our Christmas gift Jewelry, handkerchiefs and myrtle wood novelties. ALBERTELLA ' 120 N. Central Vi blk. N. Groceteria Ho. 1 FULLER BRUSHES Reg. Bristlecomb $2.95 1304Reddy Phone 4914 Prompt attention given mail orders - Closing time ror Classified adl 0 m. To 1st to CllMllT 12:90 P. m. LUGGAGE at BURIC'S 314 E. Main St. Just roU it ov , 85 1 MJt MMitrer " CU j THIN WITH WATtfl X -iH01 0 BOTHER? f ONI COAT COVIM JU,TM)aiT(m I "hr ," wAUArl, eelrrttd WTH f n MeM 4 a - t !, wellbei a Amm rasiiy ttk ROLLER W t&i55 K0ATER LT o .r0 Cut4 'K,,,"lB, ,u m " no- flji t? t" J TKeO- X iVs. ONI OAUON 0OII N, tWjJ TW AVUAOI IOOM. V HUBBARD BROS. Main and Riverside Phona 2189 SAVE 2.001 SUPREME CAR HEATER Cfta Prise 17.95 Cord Ph Heater Hose 10c ft. Bras Heater Shut-Off Valve 49c Heater Hosa Clamps, Strong..... Sc Driving Gloves cowhide.............. 1 .00 0 extra vekste fteefs Is rpesf csvs, Pswerfo motor brge fee. ' Efflthnt foot vernier fiat the iuy f eemlsc eeM wsatbsr. At ta; .ng aa t la efficient, Fowtrfal, w. -rolima. Essta tnlckly at sere. Boutlnf dsaeetera, BoUt-ia wtadshUld blswsr. CI TRUMPET IIOIINS Sonads pewerfol blast, Bikae tot move evsr. SUmls er oobls tone. Flager-Up control. Uniform Hoof Unuakout Cor IJXIIEKSEAT IIi:TKIt c.:i-,. 10.95 Large hasting cere, powerful fan, Effidsnt, KseerowfWiVVsne StcerlnK Wise! COVER 4ft Tlfht-ftttlng, noa-sup. Uohslr; varloos colors. 10c lW-' AIUwsm tor Yoer Old Pluei o Fleeate in Potoalsnsi Spark CalRnaj Ma IV aa. In H 49 ... fatoH with yoor .IS pluei Mors miles per f alios of ss. Oaarsntood to surt yoar aiotor faster. I , EXTRA LIFE BATTERV 9.45 Roclwlsrf 11.45 Bta Ing reserve ef pewsr for sere tUrUnf. Heavy, loaf-life plates; finest separator!, Ooaraatsed U SMBtba, . Vt U IA. Vtito of Ftrtom with RieimrO Crook, UmrootoX nil rnen trkt oaS IS rtrUmo StmrKmto Onktro, MiUt SvwHm 47S7 '!" WoUrMnn, Mondot nniw, ootr H. B. 0. South Riverside