PAGE TEN MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1942 .... .. - .... -I,,, .,, .r . - '. mi iiiiimrj""M"-tf''-'' -i::-v-. 'iJ, v U1 y--' ' - J "mi - n ' "' " '''ttfc!tJW'' o 'Tl E IN STATEJVIERGER Prepaid Doctor and Hospital Group Cooperates With Oregon Physicians' Service A new development In the field of prepaid medical and hos pital care for civilian employee groups was announced saiuraay by Dr. W. G. Bishop, president of the Southern Oregon Medical Service Association. "Oregon's medical profession Is fulfilling its pledge to rendet the highest type of medical care to employee groups, through Oregon Physicians' Service, the approved state-wide medical service plan sponsored by the Oregon State Medical Society,' Dr. Bishop said, "and on Novem ber 1, the Southern Oregon Med ical Service Association will be come a part of the Oregon Phy sicians' Service. The local office, in the Medford Center Building, will be maintained and the usual procedure of rendering medical services to employes under cov erage will not be changed. Gives Patient Choice "A large percentage of doctors in Oregon are co-operating in the service plan, thus enabling the patient to have a free choice of co-operating physicians and sur geons in all parts of the state, and further the plan provides for medical service anywhere in the United States. A choice of hospital also is offered. The Sa cred Heart hospital and Com munity hospital of Medford, the Community hospital of Ashland, and the Josephine County Gen eral hospital of Grants Pass care for patients under the plan, as do other hospitals throughout the state." Oregon Physician's Service and its affiliates are already serving 75,000 employes In nu merous sections of the state, ac cording to Dr. Bishop, who said the doctors pride themselves in preserving the personal patient physician relationship under the plan. Details of Oregon Physicians' Service may be obtained from its office in the Medferd Center Building, telephone 4044. doting time for CIsMlfletf ads a a. m. To tat to Clutltr 13:30 p. m. STEPS UP IN NAVY ERRED Orion McDonald of 417 North Front street has received a let ter from hi. son, Edwin A. Mc Donald, telling of his promotion to the rank of lieutenant-com mander in the V. S. navy. Lleut-Comdr. McDonald, who Joined Vie navy in 1923, Is a Medford high and United States Naval academy graduate, and is now commanding officer aboard the USS Hovey (DMS11.) Fol lowing his graduation from An napolis in 1930 he was in the air corps for a number of ears, later transferring to surface units of the navy. Well known here, Lieut. Comdr. McDonald formerly car ried papers for The Mail. Tri bune and played in the high school band. He - has three brothers, Vernon, Raymond and Norval, the latter two being em ployed in aircraft plants in Los Angeles. Vernon is a city fire man in the same city. Arlen Miller, Klamath Indian, was sentenced to serve 10 months in federal custody Sat urday morning by U. S. District Court Judge James Alger Fee. Miller was indicted by the fed eral grand jury for stealing a wheel, tire and tube last July, and when he pleaded guilty at his arraignment earlier in the week was referred to the proba tion officer for report. Alfred Shleman of Sutherlln, charged with violation of the fair labor standards act, was re leased on $1,000 bail. The U. S. district court trial Jury was released by Judge Fee Friday afternoon to report Mon day at 9 a. m. Mason Dillard, assistant U. S. attorney, and Mrs. Dillard left here Saturday for Portland- RENT "CRACKDOWN" , San Francisco, Oct. 17 (U.R) The federal rent-control author ity tonight Intensified a "crack don" drive against rent viola tors in the San Francisco Bay area by doubling its staff of investigators. - Closing time for Classified ads ft . m To 1st to Classify 12:30 ,17 IN HOPES Greyhound SCHEDULES CHANGED . SPEED - - CX, LIMIT jjjgj MILES Office of Defense Transportation has ordered bus companies to reduce operating speed to 35 miles pet hour-we are complying with this order. This requires thousands of changes in arrival and de parture times for hundreds of cities and towns. New timetables must be prepared and printed, but due to the great amount of work involved there will be some slight delay in the issuance of new schedule folders. Please consult your local Greyhound agent for in formation on schedules. KIIP IUYINO WAR BONDS OF JOB IN FILMS Hollywood, Oct. 17 U.R) Ju venile authorities tonight looked into the surprising movieland ad ventures of Betty Hansen, 17- year-old Nebraska high school girl who told them she consented to intimacy with Film Star Errol Flynn in the hope of getting a Job in the movies. ' "1 did it of my own free will," she explained to investigators. describing how Flynn assertedly led her to an upstairs bedroom during a gay party at the Bel Air home of Fred McEvoy, wealthy British sportsman and former Olympics bobsled champion. 'I thought it would get me in to pictures." Her charges led to a complaint filed against the swashbuckling Irish actor, accuring him of statutory rape. Flynn surrend ered voluntarily last night and was released on $1,000 bail pend ing a hearing next Friday before Municipal Judge Oda Faulconer. Similar complaints charging rape were issued against three studio workers. Juvenile officers, studying the activities of Miss Hansen since the party at McEvoy's home on September 27, indicated mat further arrests might be expect ed. FATE SCRAMBLES Despite the fact that O. H. Borthwick of Central Point be lieves that a Jinx has followed him for the last year, he an nounced today that he expects to leave next week for a trip east, which eventually will bring him to San Antonio, rex., to spend the winter. Fate began interfering wun his plans last December, Mr. Borthwick said, when he had sold his 2,100-acre ranch- at An telope, Wn., preparatory to go ing to Hawaiian islands. Before he was out of the state Pearl Harbor was bombed. He and his wife came to Central Point to reside instead. This month the couple planned to move to San Antonio, and Mrs. Borth wick became ill with a stroke and passed away. So, before going to San An tonio, Mr. Borthwick will re turn to Antelope to get his half brother, Isaac Hixon, and the two will visit their native town of Kinderhook, 111. THE DECORATOR'S CORNER RAKED BY BLAZF Portland, Oct. 17 -OI.P) Police and firemen tonight in vestigated a $250,000 fire that raged through ten stores in a downtown business district of Portland today. Six hundred city firemen, coast guardsmen and a number of auxiliary firemen fought the three-alarm blaze for two hours as it endangered business pro perty in three city blocks. Fireman Kenneth E. Garber was reported improved at a local hospital after he had been pinned beneath wreckage of the Roberts Brothers annex store. Nineteen others narrowly escaped death as two floors of the building collapsed. j SCHOOL FUND OF Salem. Ort., Oct. 17. 0J.Pr State Treasurer Leslie M. Scott renounced $30,799.32 In excess Income taxes have been distri buted to Jackson county in lieu of half of a two-mill state ele mentary school tax (or the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943. Cm MU Tribune Wnt ads. FOR WINTER COMFORT GLASS IN YOUR SERVICE PORCH AND INSTALL STORM WINDOWS THE COST IS MODERATE PADGHAM PLANING MILL Pafalm FmUtlmgt I'm sure many more people would repaint their rooms If they didn't dread having the house torn up for a week or so with that pungent turpentine odor penetrating every Inch of the house. I'm Just aa arm many people WDUld MlWnnl. i .v.... i ' there was a paint that dried In an hour, had no "paint odor", and nuea painiers to do several rooms between breakfast and dinner and have everything in w m uuraiBi mjrni a sleep. . - ru, wwcrw it or not. It's brand new, and waa wmuopea 10 take the fuss out of redecorating. Called Kem-Tone, It actually dries in an hour, and one coat Is usually enough to cover any surface. Part of Its apeedlness Is due to It rapid drying but part is due to its ability to go on any surface including wallpaper without priming. As long as a wall la fair ly clean and not greasy, the paint ers can walk in and start their single coat Job. Many Jobs have been finished two hours after the painters arrived, and all furnish ings can be back In time for din ner. And you can sleep in a Kem Toned room the same night, with out being bothered by turpentine fumes. Aa for redecorating trail-papered rooms, you can put this new plastic-base finish right on the paper, provided it Isn't loose. It covers those faded pink rosebuds lit and Japanese lanterns perfectly, and gives you a smooth modern wall surface without steaming or scraping or mess. Of course, if your present walla are plastered or wall-board that's even better, and you can put this new plastic finish right over the plastered surface without waiting for primers or size to dry. The colors are good, too: there are thirteen atandnj-ri natia . deeper tones and twenty-four spe- chu iuils can oe oDiained by mix ing two standard colors together. Tha urn ninl h.v. an Ingenious new device for ap- yiytus iu im cauea ine Kouer Knitter anrl If iM f v.- t paint brushes, which by the way. are getting scarce these days be cause of the blAkade of Chinese hog bristles. The Roller-Koater constat rtf a ftrii on a handle and you merely dip It u u piasuc niusn ana roll it on the walls helter-skelter. Not only dOea It rfVH rich -f Uke painted canvas walls and eliminate all chance of brush marks and lap-lines, but it's a lot more fun than using a paint brush. Church Invites Army Men And Families To 6 o'Clock Reception The First Christian church, at Ninth street and Oakdale ave nue, will give a reception for army men and their wives this evening at 6 o'clock. It will be an informal occasion to enable families of the church to get ac quainted with families of the army men stationed here. The nursery will be open to care for small children. A program will be presented by representatives of the church and the guests. Refreshments will be served. The pastor. Rev. R. W. Coleman, stressed that the reception Is not an in vitation affair and all who are interested may come and bring their friends. It is hoped that it will provide an opportunity for many of the army families to get acquainted with each other, Mrs. Ralph Cook, the church hostess, is in charge of arrangements. MISSING MAN REWARD Fort Collins, Colo., Oct. 17 (U.R) A reward of $500 was of fered tonight for the finder of Arthur W. Clark. 42-year-old Denver bottling company execu tive, who has been missing in the rugged Grey Rock district IS miles northwest of Fort Col lins, since Thursday, Closing time for Classified ads 0 i. m. To late to Classify 12:30 Registration In Jackson coun ty for all parties for the general election totals 17,741, a decline of 1,319 over the same period in 1940 when it was 19,060. De parture of many for war and defense work, is given as the reason for the drop by the coun ty clerk's office. Both the democratic and re publican registrations showed losses. The republican count this year is 9,618, in 1940 it was 10,146: the democrats this year show 7,929, in 1940 they had 8,877. The republican loss is 528 voters, tne democrats, 740. Miscellaneous registrations this year total 194, in 1940 there were 237, a loss of 40. PITEOUS PLEA OF PICKLE PACKERS Portland. Ore., Oct. 17 0J.PJ With Oregon's pickle packers affected by an acute shortage of pickers, the Morning Oregonian tonight summed up the situation this way: "Pickle packers' prospects cf getting pickle pickers to pick pickles for pickle- packers to pack are poor. Pickle pickers let pickles go to pot to prtake of pleasanter pickin's in war pro duction, leaving ipckle packers without pickles to pack and In l pretty pickle." DEAFENED? FREE CONSULTATION at the MEDFORD HOTEL All day and evening SUN DAY, OCTOBER Hth by special appointment. Introducing the New Sym phonic Acousticon. The latest aid for the deafened by America's oldest hearing aid firm. Based en U. S. Na tional Deafness Survey. Ask for Mr. S. C. Mitchell, Medford Hotel San Francisco, Oct. 17 (U.R) Four-year-old Vivian Miller, kid naped from her San Francisco wife who "always wanted a home by an ex-convict and his child," was reunited with her mother tonight at the city pail. A police caravan of three mo tor cars brought Vivifin and her father, Morris Miller, 200 miles from Red Bluff, Calif., with the confessed kidnapers, Beaumont and Charlotte Du Bois. Vivian rushed into her moth er s arms, sobbing "Mommy, ' mommy!" when the party ar- j rived at the police station. ; DuBois, also known as Wil ; liam Thompson, and his 23-year-; old wife, who said they kidnaped i Vivian because "we couldn't j have a child of our own," watch- i ed the happy mother and daugh ter silently. Outmoded women's hats which can be refashioned into 1942 styles are in great demand in the United Kingdom. OQJOEDD ujGCr V tan . IF you can pay rent, you can pay for your own home thru our low cost loan lan BUY WAR BONDS and STAMPS at the Jackson County Federal savings & loan association 126 East Main ready rot manms . ... ... pi rail nim ' Winter's comin. . .fast! Protect the "danger spots" in your home... now! Remember, you can't paint or fix your roof in the rain. Wc have all the materials you need. Or, if you wish, we'll put you in touch with reliable roofing applicators or painting contractors. The "professional" paint you can use easily! I ill I . krmO U I I I I Ul I 'HI B : 1" w". PABCO MultiService PAINT C. I ..I brick or stucco . . . indoors $ or out! 3 .85 GaU fllf iL aint,W'j1 Make dark rooms lighter and brighter! PABCO Satin Finish ENAMEL n2 Freshen up scuffed floors' with PABCO FLOOR PAINT tl5 Many a leak-y roof will go thru an other winter with an application of PABCO ROOF COATING 83 e Gal. in S'l Re-roof right over your old roof with PABCO Asphalt SHINGLES The best-looking, longest wearing toll roofing PABCO Minmrvl-Surfafd ROLL ROOFING PABCO VELDURO The New ONE COAT HIDING! Washable Interior Paint Will Cover Wall Paper Platter New and Old Brick Casein Painted Walla Plaster Board In fact nearly overy surface $995 JF PER GALLON Ul PASTE FORM 1 gallon Velduro atU makes 111 gallons Velduro finish. Just add . gallon water. Your ready-to-use cost only 11.97 per gallon. Always A Large Selection of the Newest Patterns in WALL IPAIPEE CALL US FOR RELIABLE PAPER HANGERS FREE ROOF CHECK! The one sure way to check your roof is to call 111 for our Fret 8-Point Pabco ROOF CHEK CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATING By RELIABLE PAINTERS EKERSON IPAHOT amid BOOF STOKUE AUTHORIZED PABCO PAINT AND ROOF APPLICATORS o 1303 1309 COURT ST. PHONE 4750 38 SOUTH BARTLETT FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 3843 IX t