MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORE ORGEON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1942 PAGE FIVE COLE CIRCUS IN FRIDAY; 1 Jungle Animals and Jugglers Due in Colorful Train Crowds Expected. The last word in tent show en tertainment, incredible horses, wire walkers. Jugglers, acrobats, equestrians, aerialists, trapeze artists, elephants, wild Jungle animals and everything else that goes to make up a circus will descend upon Medford early to morrow morning when the great Cole Brothers Circus, one of the two largest in the world, arrives here. The huge show traveling on a mile-long train of double length steel railroad cars, all of them resplendent in red and shining silver coating will come to town loaded with new and startling features. The first sec tion should arrive early tomor row morning and be spotted at the Southern Pacific railroad crossing near the passenger de pot, about 7 a. m. Immediate ly the bespangled folk, the hun dreds of animals, the rumbling red wagons, floats, dens and cages and the 250 horses and ponies, plus the three herds of elephants, will be unloaded and transferred to the circus grounds at Clark and Summit street where the building of acres of tents will soon get under way. A total of 26 tents will be raised, Including the gigantic big top. which seats nearly 10,000 per sons. With tnree rings, stages and the gigantic big top so construct ed as to allow much greater space for hippodrome and aerial displays than in past seasons, the big show's 1942 program far surpasses those of former years. Big acts and displays are in greater numbers than ever be fore and there are scores of fea tured horse acts. Medford audiences will see the noted Reiffenach troupe of bare-back riding marvels, with Clarence Bruce, greatest of all riding comics; the world-renowned Six Wallabies, stars of the acrobatic field, featuring Beryl Wallabie, world champion tumbler In both male and fe male division, doing over 266 flips at every performance, first time ever presented to American audiences. The Rich sisters, Maryln and Betty, aerial stars, Jean Allen, daring horse-woman and dozens upon dozens of other stars and displays that have made the 1942 program the greatest in Cole Brothers his tory. The performance opens with spectacle, "Sapa-Inca", South American in theme, in which Here Friday A K ' J f it l Pa" SOLDIERS 10 SEE TIGER GAMES AT Men in unitorm will be ad mitted to home football games of Medford high's Black Torn ado at a substantial reduction under the regular admission prices, it was announced today by Leonard B. Mayfield, princi pal. General admission tickets will cost men in the armed forces 30 cents and reserved seats will sei) at 55 cents, against the regular civilian price scale of 55 cents general admission and 80 cents reserved seat, including tax. Mayfield said orders were now being accepted for season reserved seat tickets for the Tor nado's four home games, and asked all persons desiring to ob tain ducats, which cost $3, to make application by next Mon day noon at the high school of fice, telephone 4970. A few of the 300 seats reserved for the season are still available, May field stated. He also announced that high school students could obtain their season activities book at the high school office any time during the week. The book ad mits students to all home games of the Tigers. BIRTHS JEAN To Mr. and Mrs. Wil mer, 51 'N. Oakdale Ave., Sept. 3, a girl, six pounds, at Sacred Heart hospital. PERRY To Mr. and Mis. Ralph, 242 Beatty St., Sept. 10. a girl, nine pounds, at Sacred Heart hospital. E BATTLE TONIGHT New York. Sept. 10 U. The most bitter dispute in the history of the welterweight di vision will be settled tonight at Madison' Square Garden when ex-champion Fritzie Zivic squares off against Freddie (Red) Cochrane of the navy, world welterweight champion, in their non-title 10-rounder. Veteran Fritzie of Pittsburgh last of five fighting broth ers has been gunning for this chance to toss hard leather at Cochrane ever since Jersey Red w n the 147-pound title from Zivir on July 29, 1941, in a thundering upset. Closing time (or Classified ads 0 a. m. To late to classify 19:30 p. m. ,12-0 Detroit, Sept. 10 U.B The Western All-Army football team today pointed toward its next contest against National Profes sional league talent after creat ing further havoc in the pro ranks by beating the second play-for-pay club. Wallace Wade's Western Scrv- Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTEFTH, a pleasant alkaline (non-acldt powder holds false teeth more firmly. To eat and talk tn more comfort, Jusl sprinkle a little FAS TEETH on your plates. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Cheeks "plate odor", (denture breath). Get PASTE ETH at any drug store. ice squad put on a brilliant per formance from start to finish to smash the Detroit Lions, 12 0, last night before a sellout crowd of more than 20.000 in the Uni versity of Detroit stadium. A huge boulder, with a com memorative plaque imbedded in it, marks the spot at Montauk. Long Island, where Colonel Teddy Roosevelt used to conduct Sunday morning services for his recuperating Rough Riders in 1898 after the Spanish-American war. Closing tiro for Classified ads s. tn. To Ills to Classify W:tO (EEP ;ia in CAN'T GRAND HER CHAIR Shs's as Lively as a Youngstssr Now her Backache is better Many sufferrrs relieve naesjiDC baeksefce qnirkly. ooes they discover that tbs real uum of tbeir Irouhle mar be tired ktda)s. The kidney are Nature chief way el tea fas the etcees eeids sad wseta out of the bltxid. They bslp moot peopa pass eboat 9 pints a day. V, bra disorder of kidaey foneUon eerrstts) poisonous matter to remaia ia your blood, is may reuse nassmg backache, rheumatic psiss, let patas. loss of pep sod eneriy, setting up Bicbta. swelling, piifBaeae under the ayes, bcauac-hes sod dimness. Frequent or seeats passages with smarting and burning sotae tunes shows there is something wrong witsi your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your dmrjpst for Doaa'e Pills, used successfully by millions for ovss 40 years. They give happy reliel sod will help the S milee of kidney tubes flush out poison cos waste irons your blood. Get Does s fuss, Helen Partello, managerie rid er with the Cole brothers circus, which will exhibit tomorrow in Medford at the Clark and Sum mit street circus grounds with performances at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. The horse is "Black Beauty," a three and five-gaited stallion, three times first prize winner in the leading horse fairs of 1941. hundreds of people and animals participate and features the voice of Florence Tennyson, prima donna of the Chicago Civic Opera Company. Alto gether there are over 350 men and women stars, including 50 of the world's greatest and best known clowns. Tickets on sale all day tomor row at Heath's Drug store where both general and reserve tickets will be on sale at the same price charged at the circus grounds Performances are at 3 p. m. and 8 p'. m. DISTINGUISHED MATES Camp Roberts, Cal.. (U.PJ Bunking in the same barracks of an infantry training battalion here are Pvts. George Washint! ton. Meeker, Okla., Jefferson Davis, Houston, Tex., and John C. Calhoun, Los Angeles, Cal. Closing time for Classified ads 0 i. m. To late to Classify 12:30 W0 The Good Provider Sit down to a fine meal on the Empire Builder in comfort and security. Look out your train window upon the evidence of plenty upon the bountiful harvests. We have enough, and more than enough, to share with the people of the United Nations the world over. You can shorten the time of delivery of needed food to some starving child when you invest in War Bonds. You are making no sacrifice but a good investment. You are doing your part in creating that overwhelming power that will win the war and bring peace. Fes it's worth fighting forf Travel Anticipation Plan Anticipate yoer travel needs. Tell ear seen! where and when you Intend to 90 and whet accommodations yon will need. In cast of chsnee of plant, cancel reservations promptly. The Great Northern It, of courts, meeting all f ovemment requirements first, but the public is welcome to available spec at all times. Local Agent or write L. BiechoH.T. P.A.. G. N. Ry. 530 American Bank Bldg. Portland. Ore. S.JVM5 Saween srflsss! Teams tsltlw tittles' Miiaesasig rr--'-yy.'jinie"1" ij us i yens ui". -'"J1 y i"L"ys'iuesm as.'" w jS '" M O M T G O M E y'"? f jf" now in every home 7 neei! SELECT FROM DOZENS OF SPECIAL VALUES IN FURNITURE, RADIOS, STOVES AND HEATERS BUY WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE! 58.94 EARLY CALIFORNIA 3 PIECE BEDROOM Nowl Outfit your bedroom in rugged early California furniture) . ; i ot this SALE prleel All three piecei full-size bed) roomy, big chesf) and graceful vanity are finished in smart new Harvest Tonel Vanity has big plafe glass mirrorl Get these big values TODAYI Ask About Wards Monthly Payment Plonl Matching Vanity Bench 5.54 156.50 .yf: ,0 . s, ... I 1 . . 9 TUBES! AUTOMATIC RADIO PHONOGRAPH Beautifully designed 1 8rh Century combination play 14 records without Interruption! Has a permanent sapphire needle, .ntvei needs changlngl Feather Touch Tone Arm" makes records last longerl 9-Tube radio has automatic tuning, Dual Ton Control, Hi Fidelity! Gets foreign reception! Rectifier and tuning eye included! See and hear this Airline radio marvel todavl 38.94 SAVE! PRICE REDUCED S PC. CHROME DINETTE Com early ... quantities are limited and no mar can be her) when present stocks are exhausted! Table top It 32x44 in. and extends to 56 In. Seamless steel tubing! Top Is finished in sturdy Oakl 4 comfortable modern chairs with artificial leather teats and backsl Heavy 1 Inch chrome plated legsl See it todayl Buy ot) creditl Ask About Wards Monthly Payment Plant ' 1 1? INLAID ON BURLAP BACK 1.49 mm sssHe) Cstsrs i rare'.., 83c MARBLEIZED LINOLEUM ON FELT BACK For lotting beauty and real economy cover your floors wall to wall with Marbleized linoleum on felt back. Its subtle colors go through linoleum body to felt back won't fadel Delicately morble'ied groined patterns! A few strokes of a damp mop will wipe clean! Your choice of many colors in 6 ft. widthl COLORFUL INLAID PATTERNS iquare yard 93c USE YOUR CREDIT.... Any purchases totaling $10 or more will open a monthly payment account. Enjoy the things yew want now... pay from your income. SEE OUR CATALOGS.... for of values we have net room to carry In our store ttockt. You con order these items in our catalog department. Beautiful marble and Inlaid paN terns make floors smart looking. Colors go through linoleum body to heavy burlap back. Easy to dean! Bring In your measure ments for a free estimate. ALL PURPOSE VACUUM CLEANER h3 44.95 Cleans from floor to ceilingl Complete with attachments..! rug nozzle, floor brush, uphol stery tool, drapa brush, radiator nozzle, spray gun and dc motherl Limited quantities! PRICE REDUCED! PLATFORM ROCKER Relax In comfort! All Hardwood frame! Covered OA OA In a durable rayon and cotton velvet! Spring eat!eey"T Nw floor boavty . i . priest fowl 9x12 TEXTURED RIGS Beautify your home forf. with a rug that it Just made for the easy informal ity of Western homes I You 11 find the tvool-and-ftbre construction especially easy to dean while the nubby textured effect of the rug itself svill add beauty to any room in your home! Come to Wards as. and see itl 2B95 Ask about Wards Monthly Poyrnenl Manl 6-WAY REFLECTOR FLOOR LAMP Reduced! Reflector lamp hat 3-Inch Onyx bate! 1 f QA Heavy, durable candle armi! Silk thadel ''" 117 SOUTH CENTRAL TELEPHONE MJ0