PAGE SEVEN Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! t MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1942. Head every cl on this pge Vnu will probably find esat-lly the things uu have been look ins rm ' a ' 'dt "" onufd arllclca you may nave Search your ttlc or Mum room mu nil) Hnd many things others art seeking end ' to realre immediate cah- " what no want here ea- vertlse tut It. Tribune -" fled ads are fectlve! RATES Per word flrrt Insertion (Minimum tic) Each addltlnnal Insertion, per wora (Minimum 10c) per lint per month wtthont copy cnance CASH or money order must of"' pany all mall order eJasalfled ads. LOST AND FOUND LOST Red Cocker Spaniel, male, name "Rusty" License No. 1173. 3 reward. Phone 6419. E. W. Thomas. Box 181-C. Old pacltlonignway. REPORT lost dogs, euiroai i cases Humane S.c1etv Phone 8161 WANTED MALE HELP ATTENTION Coin Operator Ssles wanted Men to sell snd finerate Mills Psnoram Soundles. o.i fnnnv-makers. Verv little cap it. I required. Write for details. Box 4312 Tribune. WANTED Men with trucks to haul in.. Contact J. M. Burrows. Jacksonville. Oregon, Rt. 1. Box 100. WANTED Service man for private aarage. See Segessman, Shady Cove. njwTvn Man for orchard work. permanent employment, cabin fur nished. Kershaw Orchards. Dial 6596. WANTED Tie mill sawyer. E. L. Hut- chins. Prospect. ALL KINDS of help wanted. Exper ienced fallers and buckers. MED FORD CORPORATION. WANTED Body and Shulte Brothers. (ender man unworn Man fnr work In auto motive parts store. Experience will help, but not necessary. Apply 103 DOUtn tuveraiue. n,NTFrwTwQ Green Chain men two buckers. two lumber handlera. p. C. Ooets Lumber co. rroapeti., WANTED Roofers. 122 N. Riverside WANTED Lube man and station operator. No Sunday work. Write Box 4682 Tribune. WANTED Male cooks, wsltera and kitchen help Union scale, plus overtime Local construction camp Phone Mr Wilson. Meaioru. ea Extension 41. WANTED Boys over 12 for newspa. per work. Apply Mall Tribune. MILL snd woodsmen wanted at Trail Tel 3788 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Silk finisher. Call Med (ord Domestic Laundry. Ph. 2166. WANTED Woman dlshwssher. Apply Wednesday Victory Cafe. ' WANTED Woman for laundry and cleaning 3 times a week. Phone 6349. DININO ROOM and kitchen help wanted Local 329 Culinary Al liance 320 Liberty Building. WANTED Woman fry cook. Apply mornings at Lunch Box Cafe. HELP WANTED General house hold help. Top wsges. Tel. 8977. WANTED Woman cook, part time. Berrydals Restaurant, 1513 N. Riv erside. wvTm woman for housework; can furnish living quarters for msn and wife If man employed Mrs. E. t. Carter. 23 N. Orange. WANTED Rellsble women for nurse maid and upstairs work. , Oood wa,ies. Phone 4014. wasted Woman or girt for house' work in prlvste family No cooking. no washing, rnone on. WANTED Elderly lady housekeeper for 3 people, no children. Box 4465 Tribune. OIRL WANTED for housework and care of children. Call 4883. WANTED Eiperlenced Vi'on'lrie Cafe watt reeses HELP MALE and FEMALE WANTED Msn and wile over fifty for steady rar.cb work. House snd milk furnished. Tribune Box 4S.J0. HOP PICKERS WANTED Before sizning up for hop picking visit or write the B M. Clute Hop ysrds. 30 miles from Medford st Apple gste. Orettoa wnere the top price Is alway. paid. Remodeled cabins, commissary with fresh meat and milk a specisity. Lunch room, where meals can be obtained at a reas onable cost. Free cabins, Isundry rcm. Ushts and stoves. Speclsl picking baskets for chldren. Trans portatlon furnished for families WANTED SITUATION EXPERIENCED orcha d man wants position. AvallsDle August 1. Tnb unj Bx 3848. WAS'TEL Iractur wors grsdlng le' '-.7 en n'"Tri Ph"ne 2t1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT TO BCY Lot. cloae to Tim ber Prcdjcts. Reply status text&s Box 4ooo Tribuu. WANTED MISCELLAN EOUS WILL PAY CASH (or law model electric refrigerator. 341 8. Oakdaie. WOULD like to buy a gentle cow giving milk or to freshen soon. Zella Hanseam. Rt. 3, Box 24. Bld dM Road. Medford. LEAVINO (or Loa Angeles Wednes day; can take one. 1130 Nlanttc. WANTED TO BUT Oood trailer house, 1 bed. 328 N. Riverside. WANTED TO RENT two or more bedroom holme; fumlebed or unfur nished: to be available now, Aug ust jot September; In or near Med ford. Phone aire. W. P. Trower. Hotel Medford. LEAVINO (or Salt Lake City Thurs day. Take two passenger. Route a soz sTg. noes uoi. WANTED TO BUT a good house. 807 Besets 8t. WANTED Some good sheep pasture alfalfa grain flelde or soma good old ladlno mixed with rye or lotus crass. V. J. PhlUppl. P. O. Box 483, Medford. On. WANTED '87 to '40 sedan, sacrifice for cash to be used In necessary and needful missionary work. Or dained minister, references A-l. No salary. WANTED To buy house trailer (or 800. ana nouse norin cantonment, west side Crater Lake Hwy. WANT TO BUT Well built a bed room home. Tel. 8919. WANTED Electric refrigerator. Ph. 8-P-4 Eagle Point or write W M. Hanson. Brownsboro. LADY TEACHER want to rent small furnished or partly furnished apartment Immediately or by Sept. 1, references. Tribune Box 4944. WANTED TO BUY A small service station air compressor and tank Phone 4076. Lost River Dairy. WANTED TO BUY Acreage with cabin. 61S0 down, terms. 429 W. 12 WANTED For cash, 4 or 8 yard Iste model dump truck. Contact Klamath Falls erica- ana me v-u Phono 6991 or 5419 Klamath Palls WANTED Someone to sell smsll stock used clothing on consign ment. Tribune Box 4402. WE WILL PAY 6c A POUND FOR nt.D PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Broken or otherwise. No Columbls or Edison records. Leonard Elec tric Co. Phone 4427. 309 East Msln. WE WILL PAY 60 A POUND FOR OLD PHONOGRAPH RECORDS nmken or otherwise. No Columbls or Edison records. Leonard Electric Co. Phone 4427. 309 East Main. WANTED Electric refrigerator. Write or see Ray Eskew. ooia urn. uregon WANTED Oood used Burroughs adding machine. Phone 4449. WANTED Oood 1940 L. W. base truck. Everett Paber. Central Point wanted Oaa or kerosene refrlger a tor Lester Taylor, Rt. 1. Box 140 Central Point. WELL DRILLING (1 80 per ft., first 60 ft- etc J M Dodge 019 King BEST PKH'tn PAID For Vnur Furniture EADS FURNITURE, Phone 4140 WILL PA MOOT CASH For nond Used Furniture HOI.RHOOK FURMTl RE 18 North Front Phone 40SS SCRAP IRON SCRAP METALS WANTED Tour covernment needs this vital material for Defense. Sell now blhest prices paid. SCRAP AUTO TIRES AND TUBES Any Quantity MEDFORD BARGAIN ROUSE 17 M. Grape Phone 8744 WANTED USED FURNITURE Don't sell till you get our bid. Phone 3333 BARNEBURO ANDREWS WANTED Highest prices paid for furniture stoves, tools, or what have you? MEDFORD BAROAIK ROUSE 37 N. Oraps. Phone 8744 WANTED Horses tor Point Pol Farm. feed. Eagle WANTED TO TRADE Ford V-8. A-) mechanical condition, good rubber on equity In "it to 41 Ford. Chevy Pontlao or Plymouth Call even tags. Third 8t Phoenix. 1 block FOR RENT BOARD, ROOM BOARD ROOM. 803 Maple. BOARD e ROOM. 718 Esst Msln. BOARD ex ROOM 2 men. 810 each Call 8084. BOARD ex ROOMS, excellent meals. plenty of milk. No drinkers. 130 Kenwood. BOARD at ROOM Corner trd and Msln Jacksonville FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Partly furnished rooms 818 00 a month. Mrs. L. Larson, Ross Lena Route 3. FRONT Sleeping room for rent. 807 37 BUICK Sedsn. Shults Brothsrs Haven. CHEVROLET Sedsn. Shults FOR RENT Sleeping room, bath ad- Brothers. Joining, no drinkers. 217 Haven. 1 - - '41 DODOI Luxury Liner. Shults FOR RENT Well furnished, eon van- Brothers, lently located sleeping room. Phon. BKK Cmjp; - Brotfterl 4 '81. L , , -u - J5 FORD Sedsn Shulte Brothers SLEEPINO room for gentleman close In 431 N. Bartlett. 37 FORD Sedsn. Shults Brothers ROOM for gentleman. 40 M. Peach 37 FORD Coach. Shults Brothers " -38 HUDSON Sedsn. Shults Brothers 1. ",MTordANOn. o, BroffrLET P'CkUP- e"UlU Oregon, fine hotels 70 rooms proincrs. with private bath -35 PORD Panel. Shults Brothers ATTRACTIVE RATES BT IHX MONTH 4 MODEL As Shults Brothers - - -- - - -3J CHEVROLET Sedsn Shults PLEASANT ROOMS for gtntlsmen Brothers clues in Attrsetiee suite. alo . . singles Outside entrance. 704 33 CHEVROLET Sedan. Shults tuts Brothers FOR RENT Furniih.d Rooms FOR RENT Pleasant rooms. Plenty hot wster. 230 Beatty street. SLEEPING ROOMS (or rent. 6 18 Jackson. PLEASANT rooms for gentlemen Close In 609 E Msln. SLEEPING ROOMS (or gentlemen 124 Tripp. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS 404 8. Grape ROOMS for MEN In clean, newly remodeled CRATER HOTEL Center of town Central and Eighth Streeu Comfortable Simmons beds, springs mattresses Showers available 6pic and Span Ratea 61 00 to 61 SO. Special rates by the week. FOR RENT Miscellaneous FOR RENT Cabins on Rogue River, Grants pass, boating, fishing, swim ming, by dsy or week, reasonable rates. Travelers Rest, 780 ooutn Sixth St. FOR LEASE Auto Court. Attractive proposition (or right party. Beaver Auto Court. Oold Hill. FOR LEASE OR BALE 3 room cabin nook, nicely furnished, chicken bouse, rabbit pens. 4. A. bottom land and. 19 wooded hillside. Very cheap. 1 mile south of Rogue river on right bank. St. tlegner. 8 INGLE BEDS. 63 00 per week. Call at 412 no oraps St. OFFICE ROOMS for rent See Ooiy Nook confectionery 403 East Msln Tel 9042 FOR SALE DOGS, PETS MORE PEKINESE puppies now ready nawxins Kennels on rlwy., 99, o Phoenix. REGISTERED Msle Scotty at stud 616 Dakota. FOUND Beautiful red Irish setter Phone 6161. FOR SALE Thorobred English Set. ter. female, cheap telephone 4028 ir no answer call 3a4J FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 20 Shorthorn cows, four l-year old neifers, 12 calves; one shorthorn registered bull. Luke Jennings, Beagle. FOR SALE Se7en Shropshire bucks, pure bred. 16 months old. R. V Beall, Beall Lane. FOR SALE Oentle. pinto saddle mare. 8th st Laurel. Central Point. FOB SALE Feeder hogs. 718 W. 10th. FOR SALE Weaner pigs Phone 8180 PUREBRED blackfaoe yearling nun for sale. Reasonable. Lee Chase. Delta Waters Road. Rt. 4. Box 46C. 8 HIOH-TESTINO Dairy Cows. 1 reg istered Ouemsey bull. W. B. Med ley. 3nd corner Gregory Road and Midway Road. 4 HEIFER calves, 7 months old. from good milk stock. Must sell account sickness. Mrs. Clyde Mapel, Oold Hill. Sardine Creek. Route 1. FOR SALE 3 milk cows, all fresh soon. 1 sow and 11 pigs, chickens, 2 does and 1 buck. A. J. De Puy, Rt. 1, Box 163, Rogue River. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, 6-gsl-Ion milker. Albert R. stocks, Rt, 2, box 113. Phone 8841. FOR TRADE Equity In 3 Acres on Hwy 99. for rectory ouilt traiiei house, or will sell: slso one good cow for ssle Inquire at Camp.TJ. Rett. 8 miles south of Medford. CASH for old ho Dial 8378 FOR SALE POULTRY . EIGHTEEN Laying hens and 48 months old reds, eao taxes a 813 Oak Bt Medford. FOR SALE Purebred An cons Roost ers. Russell strain. Phone 8400 O. T. Wilson. Route 3, Medford. CHICKS Price reduced to 11c each during July and August. Rocks and Hampehlres svsusbie every Wed nesday snd Ssturdsy. Phone 303 Central Point Hatchery, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SAI By owner Ford V8 super de luxe sedsn. rsdlo. 8 good tires Low mileage new condition. Call Central Point 19X3 or Patterson Service Station, Central Point. FOR SALE 33 Bulck 4-door A-l mechanical condition. 8 good tlrea. New pslnt lob. Private owner Phone 4893. "81 FORD rubber 0. must sell In next 8 dsys. Michel Camp, Mid. way Road. FOR SALE '39 Plymouth 3 -door sedsn, excellent rubber, perfect mechsnical condition, no oouu Central. FOR SALE '37 Ford, good tires, new motor. W. H. Penlnger, Central Pt FOR BALE Logging truck, good con. dltlon. sood rubber. 8678 Write Rt 4. Box 77-A. Csn see Vi mils esst of Lone Pine school. 1838 DODGE sedan run 800 ml. since re bo re. 8200 cash or trade for good trailer bouse. See Roy, 331 Ashlsnd Are., or Phone 8730, eve nings. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE INCOME property or u horn?; clce in. a bargain. 073 Eut Main, AW- WELL LOCATED 6 -room modern hom in good condition. Now priced 2000 to close Mtat. Phona Wal ter H. Jorvi 2570. FOR BALE 4-room modern houaa. Oood out buildings, 1 acre clover. Also 3 -room houaa, hot. cold ma ter, garage H acre, cloae in on Thomae Road, 1 block oil Stewart Avenue. $12500" .We offer for aale the beautiful Judee Norton residence, located on South Oak- dale on spacloua and attractive grounds, with shade, shrubs, flow ers. We cannot do justice to this property by describing It in any advertisement, as thla home must be seen to be appreciated. We can state however that this prop erty coat tn excess of 930.000 and to practically new. Drapes, floor coverings and carpets are Included In purchase price, and If property Is sold to an attorney, the entire Norton law library which cost 26000 00 will be included In the purchase price. Shown by appolnt jnnt only. Elmer Herrled. Exclu sive agent. Dial 3367 or 4860. FOR BALE 6-room house on W. 10th. fenced In back yard, shade trees, small garden, nice lawn and shrubs. B3000. 7W down, rnone LEAVING for service Must sell Su burban home and Medford income property Phone 4997 SEVERAL FARMS In Applegate vicinity for sale. Free water runts. E. Shay, 1V miles from Pro volt, Murphy, Oregon. BEAUTIFUL ROGUE RIVER 6300. 100 acres, neat 6 room bungalow, beautiful shade. 17 Inches free water adjudicated to 3B.& acres sandy loam soil. 60 acres In culti vation, fine garden or alfalfa land, some stock and machinery. 1 con sider this one of the prettiest spots on Roirue Kiver. rncea lor imme diate sale. See J. C Barnes, 20 N. Peach St.. Phone 4928. $1050" 3-rm bath and cabin north end of town. Down pvmt 8250. Bal.. monthly. COCC A 6-rm mod. bouse, 6 lots. 3s.UJU Irrigation. Furnished. 1-3 cash, balance arranged. fflOAfSf 8-rm. mod. bungalow, oak VjUUv floor, fireplace, nook. East side. 8900 cash. bal. monthly. ffQCAft 6-rm. bath and sleeping JJJUU porch. Fireplace, linoleum drain bd steel Venetian blinds close tn corner lot. East front paved. Reasonable terms. cakl uui luuns 7 H. Bartlett St. Ph. 4848. 17 ACRES Mt. home. 8-room log house, barn, ganvre. workshop, all fenced. 81350. easy terms. H. u Hill. Rogue River. 81500 or terms House. 1st right on Military road, out 01a stage rwau 2 miles from Jacksonville. Will rent. FOR SALE 1 acres, modern 4-room country home, electric hot water tank, electric pump. Bear Creek soil, 333O0. Terms. Phone 4731. 17-ROOM Hotel furnished for lease Sse H. O. Hill. Rogue ruver. prn An Terms. 3'a acres on the ODUUU river and 99 highway. 8- room moarm uoij also caretakers 3-room cabin, fur nished. Best buy on the river. H O. Hill. Rogue River. FOR SALE 40 acres timber, new 4- rooro house. 3 truck tires snd tuoes Oeo. Larson, Jacksonville, Sterling Creek Rosd. pjrftA A real Home. Seven rooms JDDlll) Excellent condition. Lsrge lot, old ansae. D.?o-roam uu ui.i. nn first floor: two bed-rooms snd bath on second floor: ill floors h&rdwood: sutomatlc oil furnace: awlmmlng pool for children:: Rr e. taxes verv reasonable: 83500. cash, bslsncs csn be paid month ly: fnterest at 4t,. Call Phone 2078 about our no. no-A. opencer Batley Agency. 103 W. Main St. Medlord, Oregon. 32 ACRES In Talent. Irrigation diet 28 in clover, good year arouna sarins-. Modern plastered house Barn for 12 cows snd 40 tons hav. aleenlna- ahed. Oravel road annno. half down Call Aehlsrid 8728 or O. P. Lytic, Rt. 1, Box 498. Ashlsnd. FOR SALE OR TRADE for smsller olsoe. mv 0-room nome at West Msln. Drive out and look It nMf: if interested, aee me at 1127 West Main. C A. DeVoe. Phone 4897. enn RALE Modern 4-room house Big bark porch and garage. 8800 casn. BiT Bessie owuw, o Main, Ashland. FOR SALE Modern 8 room atucco house, flrenlace. hardwood floors, good location. 831 Park Ave. Phone 8707. FOR SALE 80 acres 30 acres aprt cots, pears, peaches. 80 acres pas ture. Moaern nouse, oumuiwiuii Homer Wslker, Eagle Point. FOR SALE Beautiful mod. horns on vr. round stresm with 8 cabin rentals a1 ml. from Cemp White Box 4849, Tribune. FOR BALE S-rm modern house, 3'4 Iota. 81 000 rash Call or write 96 Dewey St., Ashlsnd. S ROOM HOUSE with sleeping porch flrenlaea located on Peach St.. for sale or will trade for Klemslh Palls residence Phone 8211. FOR SALE 8 nicely located small homes in Medford Phone 8482 FOR BALK New-two bedroom homes near high school Phone 3713 or call at 806 Dakota WHEN TOO THINK of reel estste think of the Spencer . Bsgley Agency 102 W Main FOR SALE 6-room house 833 Penn Ave Inquire City Cleaners. 124 W 8th FOR SALE My 380-A farm. 80 A pasture. 300 A good farm land snd mesdow Oood bulldlnaa. 8 miles f- Medford Bos 4?n Tnh'ine FOR EXCHANGE Rtal Estate 4-ROOM HOUSE. 3 lsrge lota, trade for smsller place. P. O. Box 174. Jacksonville. 8-ROOM MODERN ROUSE Lane lot. paved street, t mile business center Reddlna. Cslllornla. trade , for Medford or vicinity. Write 831 00. Riverside, M 01 ord. FOR EXCHANGE WILL TRADE Tocgen berg yearling one ror Toggenberg yearling Duck. Phrne 8445. FOR SALE Miscelljntout FOR SALE Kohler davenport and cnalr. good condition. 830. Fred Waits, mile east Talent Junc tion. FOR SALE Leaving town, davenport and chair, wslnut desk and dining room set. electric 1 roner. Phone 8788. 31 Portland Ave. FOR 8ALE De Laval Cream Separ ator, 400 lb. capacity. Drlaxell. Box 61, Crestbrook Road, off Buckshot Hill Rosd. FOR 8 ALE Royal Ann Cherries and fruit Jars cheap. 718 B. Msln. ROYAL ANN Cherries. J. B. Lester "4 mile esst Oil city, old airport road. ROYAL ANN Cherries, 3c you pick. ws pick 4c. 830 Taylor, rnone 3394. FOR SALE 4 good tires and tubes. 8:00x18. Call alter 8 p. m. at Willamette, Mr. Jordan, tn rear. CABBAGE PLANTS. 15000 Danish Ball bead. Walter Brooks, Rt. 3 Box 778, Grants Pass, Leonard Road. FOR SALE OR TRADE for large factory built trailer house, rural ture In 7-roorn house. Including new 8-ft. refrigerator, Wilton rug. davenport set, etc. House csn be rented reasonable. Also 1-wheel car trailer for ssle. Phone 4583. FOR SALE Large Royal Anne Cher ries. 3c. on tree: 8c delivered. W. H. Arnold, Arnold Lane. FOR SALE Baled oat and alfalfa hay. 81800. Rt. 2 Box 338. Loner Lane. Call after 8 p. m. FOR SALE Thor washing machine, 1st class condition. 931 N. Central. LAMBERT Cherries. 803 E. Jackson. 3c. you pick. FOR SALE Tent house 8x10. Wanted to buy small alee used electric refrigerator. Inquire back of 1103 W. 10 St. M. B. Mallory. FOR SALE Crocheted 817 N. Bartlett. table cover. FOR SALE Blacksmith coal, any amount you -ant. Bergman's Shop, 118 South Bartlett. ROYAL ANN CHERRIES. Dolph Pblppa. Crater Lske Hlgnwsy. SEE Our large assortment of "Sun shins Line" scripture plsques. Csrds and Stationery. The Albsr tells. 130 K. Central. CHERRIES Several varieties. Half mile north Bear Creek bridge. Central Point. Gebhards. FOR SALE MrCormlck Deerlrur No. 8 combine. Orange Co-op. Central point. CHERRIES FOR SALE Blng and Lamberts. 4c, you pick. Bendlck- son. 414 West McAndrews Road BIND CHERRIES FOR BALE 833 Taylor St. Phone 4888 or 4360. HOUSE TRAILERS New and used Trade Terma Hannum and Kelt Chevrolot Phone 89. Grants Psas WOOD Bone dry fir. no bark or sap wood; cut from exa timbers we deliver R O Stephenson Co. Court and McAndraws. Phone 3000 FOR SALE 4 tons of good bsy. In quire 808 NO Riverside. TWO-INCH BIN or silo lumber for sals Tiller Mill aud Lumber Co. FOR SALE Two gas pumps 816 each I beer unit, refrigeration doors. 86 esch msrble alaha Med lord Sash and Cabinet 1630 Nortb Rlversids. WANTED Car trailer with 18-inch wheels Call Elliott at Jackson Hotel. LOW priced lumber R O Stephenson Co Court and McAndrews Phone 3000 ICE A-l service Phone 8873 for delivery FOR 8ALB-14 ft Trailer house Will trade lor good 88 or 39 car Call three miles north Trail at Elk Creek Mitchell s Trailer Csmp FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4914. SELLINO OUT Prices eut on sll stock New snd used doors snd windows ifor dwslllngs. garages business, etc . shuwesaes. lighting fixtures pipe fittings plumbing hsrdwsre. paints, glsss. window screens Medfurd Sssh snd Csninet 1520 North Riverside Phone 3082 MISCELLANEOUS FOR UP to the minute beauty work Dial 3381. Cameo Basuty salon. 18 S. Central. WELL DRILL INO with modern equip ment Ooff Bros tnq Fick'a Hdwe OWNERS. LEASORS or others having definite knowledge of chrome. manganese, antimony, clnnebar. copper, or cine properties suscep tible to practical development send or bring complete details of same to C. W. Hall, 618 Belmont St. Ph. 6533, Medford, Oregon. MERLE NORMAN STUDIO closed daytime remainder of July. Open evenings, a to 10. FISHERMEN! IP vou want tour fishing rod re- wrapped dial 4038 and aak for Bob Ollatrap or call Lamport zsie. ass Veru tor perticulsrs. WHERE QUALITY cleaning gl price a meaning Call Reliable Clean.ra Phone 3870 630 Main AOATES CUT and mounted to order at Santos Agste Shop. 426 t Main arrosa from Rvv BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Service Station, 8 lots 4 pumps. 8.000 gallon storsge Msln St Oood bualueaa Sell cheap Decsuse of poor health. Mrs A. R Owlngs. Central point. Oregon. BEER HALL for aale. miles north of eaiitonmant. good buslneaa. O K Pastime, telephone 181. Oold Hill Oreeon PERSONAL OFNTLEMAN. 38. wsr.U to meet refined lady, his sgs or younger Metrlmony considered. Bos 4448 Tribune. Bombs Blanket Ship At Port Moresby e- 1 1 i !' - t y Almost obscured by bomb bursts, a United Nations' ship, lying In the harbor it Port Moresby. New Guinea, alter its arrival In a convoy bearing troops and supplies. Japanese warplanes raided the harbor before tha ships could unload. (Associated Press Photo from a newt real.) PERSONAL SARRAH ANNA will turn the cup ev ery, dsy but Ssturdsy and Sunday 4)4 So Rlvsrsids. CARD resdlng. 31 00 339 Jeanette Palmistry, cryetal Reading D Miller Ph 3448 430 Mountain Ave Ashland BUSINESS DIRECTORY Corsatiara Spencer Seles At Service Individual ly designed foundation garments Registered eoraetlsre Tel 8878 Mrs Enid P Burrh. 718 Pine Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING, repairing, and washing. J. W. Kellogg. Baldwin Piano Bhoppe Phone orders 4193 Chiropodist lYeatment of All Foot Troubles Dr A M Depuer Registered Chi ropodist ( Foot Specialist) -317 Fliinrer Bldg Dial 3103 Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also furnsces and oil stoves cleaned Call Oeo Eston S8 N Front Phone 4340 Dressmaking THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling Buttons and Bucklea covered 1,'oom 302 u. a Nstlonsl Bsnk Bldg Tel 8931 DRESSMAKING Alterations tailor ing Kslherlne Sstterlee. Slngei 33Slraoe Hoofing HAVE YOU EXAMINED TOUR ROOFS' OUARANTEED ROOF SERVICE VAL. TRU AX HOTEL MEDFORD. WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof Psbco Roofings. Shingles Costings and Paints Nsw stock Wsll Psper Ckeraon Paint and Roof Co 38 S Bartlett Tel 8843 Hearing Aid DEAF HEAR with the new Bonotone Vacu um Tube Hearing Aid Free borne demonatration Write Sam Mete (Conaultant) P. O Bos 883. Med ford Transfer CITT TRANSFER 81 STORAGE CO Household moving end general hauling 39 8 Orape. Phone 4884 Day or algbt. FURNITURE MOVING ft STOR AGE We have vna moving equip ment for local and long distance hsullng Dry and cleau storsge (concrete building) with spsclsl locker rooms et low rates SAMSON 8TOHAOE WAREHOUSE Phone 8768 DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 s Fir Street Insured Csrrlers Local and Long Distsnce Hauling Phone 2888 EADS TRANSFER o STORAGE CO Office 18 South Fir Phone 2838 PMeee right Service gnarsntead Expert Window Cleaner LET OEOROE DO ITI EXPERT Window Cleaner Oenersl house elssners. floor wsxlug psint Ing Oe,i F fllrard Phone MM LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of Joseph J. Da hamel. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and qualified as administrator of the estate of Joseph J. Duhamel, deceased; ail persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, with proper vouchers, at the office of Kenneth G. Den man, attorney for the under signed, In the Jackson County Bank Building, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 7th day of July, 1942. F. P. FARREIX, Administrator of the Estate of Joseph J. Duhamel, deceased. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for tha County of Jackson. tn the Matter of the Estate of Mary . Middlebusher, de ceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have been duly and regularly ap- pointed Executor of the above en titled estate under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, duly made, rendered and entered upon July 13th, 1942, and all creditors having cluims against said de ceased are hereby notified to pre sent the same duly verified, and with vouchers thereunto attach ed, and all persons owing said estate are notified to pay their said indebtedness, to me at the office of George IVI. Roberts, my attorney, in the United States National Bank Building, Rooms 201 205, Medford, Oregon, with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 13th day of Julv, 1942. DENZIL H. MIDDLLBUSHER, Executor of the Estate of Mary E. Middlebusher, Deceased. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Grace E. Fredette, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator of the above estate by the County Court of the County of Jackson. State of Oregon, and having qualified, notice is hereby Riven to all per sons having claims against said estate, to present them at the of fice nf trip linHnraiennH'fl nttni. I ncy, at 126 East Main street, meaiora, tjregon, properly veri fied and with proper voucher. within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which is the 14th day of July, 1942. HENRY C. FREDETTE, Administrator. O. H. BENGTSON, Attorney for Administrator. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of G. C. Brown, also known as Gustavus C. Brown, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Administratrix of the above estate by the County Court of the County of Jackson, State of Oregon, and having qualified. notice is hereby given to all per sons having claims against said estate, to present them at the of fice of the undersigned s attor ney, at 128 East Main Street. Medford, Oregon, properly verl- uea ana wnn proper voucher. within six months from the date of the first publication of this no tice, wnicn u the 14th day of July, 1942. FERN HIBMA, Administratrix. O. H. BENGTSON, Attorney for Administratrix. Summons for Publication tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. vioia Antnony, riainuu, vs. Curtis Anthony, Defendant. To the above named Defendant, Curtis Anthonv: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the Com plaint filed against you In the above-entitled suit on or before the last day of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, and. if you fail so to appear and answer said Complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will aoply to the Court for a decree for the relief de manded In her Complaint, sue cintly stated as follows, to wit: That the bonds of rtiatrimonv heretofore and now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant be dissolved and held for naught; That the plaintiff be granted the absolute car and custody of plaintiff's and defendant's minor children, Wila May Anthony and Violet Anthony. This Summons la published by order of the Honorable H. K. Hanna, Judge of the Circuit Court of Jackscn County, Ore gon, made and entered on the 13th day of July, 1942. The time prescribed for publi cation of this Summons Is once each week for four consecutive weeks. The date of the first pub lication of this Summons la the 14th day of July. 1942 O. H. BENGTSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. 120 East Main Street, Medford Oregon. closing time for Classified Ads 3 s. ra Too late to Classify 1240 p. m. . 1 s7 k f. , : ' TV - . . 7 -a t I P 7 T- A. v CONTESTANT-Disn. Mason, "Miss Conservation" in a Los Angeles beauty contest planned to enter further compe tition for title of "Miss Victory' and a fret trip to Saa Francises. Sails Bicycle for Bonds Suter, Cal. (U.B George D. Elderkin. sixth grade pupils. after selling his bicycle to com plete payment for his first $25 war bond, now Is helping car for 1,500 baby, turkeys to earn money for his second bond. Ha has nl edged himself to buy third with vacation earning picking almonds and prunes. Travel Table Atari ANts Northbound Leave 4 48 a m. II 87 a m. 8 33 p m. Malls Close 8 63 a ra. 11 03 a m. t 88 p ra. 838 p in 19 p. m Southbound Leave 10 63 a. m. 3 07 p tn. 6 63 p in. 13.13 a. m. Malls Close 67 a tn. 1:12 p m. 4 87 p m. 11:17 p. m. TRAINS north rjuuBd Leave Malls Close 7 M 0 a. 680 p. as. South hound Leave "1M a. (a. Mails does 8:88 a. ra. North 3 80 a tn. TOO a. m. I M a in. 10 as a. m. 12 80 p. m. South ISO a m. Ills m, 10 26 a ra. I 80 p m. 7:06 p. ra. 7:60 p m. 818 p. m. 10:18 a a. 8 00 p m rrore Klamath rails 111 a m. 8.48 S. m. Addltlnnal Mall Service Northbound Vahlels Star Route rroc rruck Star Route Leave Malls Close 3 33 em. 8 08 a as. 13 30 p m. 13 Kosa Southbound loop a. 1:1 p m. 3 30 p m 8:00 B. as. 11 ro Orants Pass only. () IV Ashlsnd only (I To Ounsmulr only. Iv 4 lasr.....:.vl... .tliJi,-. '.' ...II 1 laM ..fcma-i