MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAT 29, 142 PAGE SXVDT LOCAL and Camp Fireman Lawrence Wilson, assistant firs chief in Ashland, has accepted employ ment with the fire department at Camp White. Return Here Melba Brown and Mr. Marie O'Guinn have returned to this city after spend lnf several days visiting Mrs. O'Guinn's son at the home of Mrs. Alva Mathews in Boseburg. To Caves Ernest P. Leavitt, superintendent of Crater Lake National Park and Thomas C. Parker, assistant superintendent were spending today at the Oregon Caves on official busi ness. la Boseburg Mr. and Mrs. Elmo P. Atterbury and children, Colleen, Richard, Sharon Louise ..and Mary Ellen of this city are pvlsiting Mrs. Atterbury's mother Mrs. J. Earl Pickens In Rose- burg. Tnommesens Leaving Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thommesen, of Ideal Court, expect to leave Sat urday for Los Angeles. Mr. Thommesen, a mechanical engi neer, came here with the first corps of planners connected with the cantonment. Return Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hermanson of 515 South Grape street returned to Medford by train this morning from a week s vacation in Washington, where they visited Mrs. Hermanson's two sisters. Mrs. r. Li. riscner of Bremerton and Mrs. S. 3. Lindsey of Tracytown. forfeited $2.50 bail in the city nnlica court yesterday on charge of parking an automobile on a sidewalk. Marjorie Finley forfeited $2.50 bail today for double parking. L. A. Chapman paid $5 fine for operating an automobile without an opera tor's license. Minor Mishap R. W. Loffer and Herman A. Morgan, 517 Park street were operators of cars involved in a minor mishap Thursday at 2:30 p. m. on the """"" ZLZrJrj. rr7rCobb brought a high chair, and Sova, 504 Pennsylvania ae.ue and W. V. Hover oi ..L'e-atral Point, were operating ssenger ears which collided the Inter section of Mar i4 street and Riverside iverie 'Wednesday at 10 p. m.. a 'epf rt on file stated. Continuous Show Every Sat and Sua SATURDAYS Doors Open at 1:00 POSITIVELY INDS I Mats: 40e-2Sc lle. Eti SOe iGMING PERSONAL In Hospital Frank Hull. manager of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, was ex pected to return to his office tomorrow after spending sever al days in Community hospital resting. Guest Speaker The Rev. Sydney A. Wacker of Baker will be guest speaker at the First Presbyterian church Sunday at 11 a. m. His topic will be "The Eternal Purpose In a Chaotic World. A cordial invitation is extended the public. To Hold Clinic Jacksonville P.T.A. will hold a pre-school and infant clinic in the school house Tuesday, June 2, at 1:S0 p. ra. Diphtheria immunization and smallpox vaccination will be offered. Dr. A. E. Merkel will be the examining physician. THEATRES OF NATION TO PUSH WAR BONOS Portland, May 29. (AP) A nation-wide campaign to sell war stamps and bonds through the aters got under way in Oregon yesterday. In Portland comely usherettes from downtown the aters paraded with theater man agers and soldiers in a demon stration which inaugurated the drive here. MOST FINE COTTON YARN FOR FIGHTING SERVICES Washington, May 29. W The War Production board to day ordered a major portion of the nation's fine cotton yarn pro duction set aside for the army and navy, forcing a sharp cur tailment in the manufacture of more expensive men's shirts and underwear and women's dresses. Births DOTY To Mr. and .SOri win, route 2, Tjox l'-f-r Med ford, May 27, a ,hov.-ames Ir win, eight p'ruKi'; at Osteo pathic cliniev', PATHS' AND DAUGHTER Tw!b..alls, Idaho, May 29 0P H'toody said anything about leev limits at the iatner ano Xaughter banquet, so: Herschel his 18 -months -old daughter, Susan. The granddaughter of Ty Cobb of baseball fame enjoyed herself and a box of animal crackers during the program. In parts of Europe, bread fa made from chestnuts. SUNDAY! THRU DAYS ONLY! j Just a Meek Professor Mild as a Lamb! BUT WHIN SHI AROUSED HIS CiUm&i INSTINCT WHAT A LION! I HENRY FONDA OLIVIA de HAVILLAND JOAN LESLIE JACK CARSON EUGENE PALLETTE TOMORROW NIGHT JSe-lle Inc. Ta J" Gene Autry In &.v-W America's Number One Sing ing Cowboy gallops full-speed onto the Holly Theater screen tonight and Saturday matinee and evening In "Home in Wyom ing." Smiley Burnette and Fay iaJ?'nzie star with Autry. Wolf Bait Explodes Wilburton, Kans. U .B "Blow off their heads' is the way to rid Kansas of coyotes, says Lee Wilbur. He places a capsule, filled with explosive, in some meat and leaves it where the coyote can get it. When the animal bites into the capsule it explodes. China and India are the world's leading producers of peanuts. Too Late to Classify WANTED Men to cut wood. Hamilton. FOR SALE 1S4( . .".laoMtls 8-pa. enser con-.i.. radio, i-.-ii light, foe itSEhta, d' h?Ar. Also 1842 Wnrff d". ;s truck. Can tay oa job. SIT a. rnoas aos7. rOR ISASE Three p'anp arrrles stattor., grocery atnre. living quar ter in rrar, Beaaona$l, 2 ml. South of Ashland on Bwy. 99. R. Z Bell. Call SuniteT. YIPPFFI a aa k aw a at HIS v ,Tt Sinqm ana ahootm eOkJi - eV,-'e- 'J v -v 't' ten . S5f ri7 SOrt MOrt-TUEi SV 'jprWaMeTSla OPEN tVRY KIGiiT TELFCK 3090 PLENTY jet ZmA if fK-. 1 1 im ii ii i m i - - " 'ik1irm-i: -'-itiiiiiiiii-riirifai rn I'' e 3 IK-- jr-ij! B ak i SATWW 1 r zr- afaTTB-r t i m w t . i m t t Holly Picture i4Jwri 4, will "Four Jacks and a Jill, fea turing comic dancer Ray Bolger and Anne Shirley In a side-splitting musical comedy, plays as the companion feature with the Western. MWABt COTTPLS arant fanslahed bouse or apartment. Can Eumuh ' refrreBCM. Phnns 6!3a. 240 ACRES. 1 irrigated. Ret creek bottom soil. Lota of wood, outalde rane. good butldinra. apflna; water piped to t.eue. fm!!a orchard, ber ri. S2.500, iiwHidiriR 1 head stoek. equipment and bouaehold tur&l ture. ALSO 4-room home with bath. Paved street, clow to. l,oo. noo cash. ALSO 6-acrea trrteated. Drilled wen, sew -room bona, modern. Tree xmlea out os gr-od road. S3oo. Eay term. L. C. Plckell. 36 So. Bartlett POR SALS Two electric brooder, on chick, and on 600 chick aire. ai w. !3th. ROOM and Board. 303 Maple. MAKE as otter for my eoalty in S room fcouse and lot. Principal bal ance $1060, payable its per month. Including Interest. Boa J5W Tribune. FOR SAUE Good used bicycle and Coaatar waaon. Can be seen at 33? So. ley. BROILfHS for sal. 2S Wast 13th. It'c AIITDY 11 w n w I It I 6-GUN BEST' into new adyentura'tT 5 a-, afse - Ait 4X i9i Horn in with Smiley Burnette FAY MtKINZII P 1 a a this laugh - spasglad. aong-stuaasa, muncal comadyi Two Bis Hlt.l H HAtS Sif a SlifJ!" OF PAKIltO SPACE A3IT TIME) ?Bf mWt mail ! 1 1 tn a MU-B8- ,.! ran mrs imi naoxmttim-i m S6s. wui tra for mx.:r ear or pickup, ill Qraclt feu F&oo tlU. Aahiand. roa SAIS fitflalsfeetf 4 roes rood em ham. E.rtnc &r, re rncersGcr. toes, bed. m, re S-f s'n, si.oos. Term. S'n rx! turi S,., Central Poiat. eoupl lutt to rent 3 blroom. partly famished fcsxl. Fermaseisi, re!f rrr.. Fh S3M. 120 Par in. FOR SAL Model A tMu, aaM eendtuoe. fair rubber. Andy Suts mer. bet of p:nint Em.:, cen tral Fsuts. to. ell fumiiRd. Pho 34SI. WASTSO TTMpori to Vilw. Saturd?. Jurw Stls. Can t&tp fillvtt Mi. C. L. HanStog, Tntl, Oron. I BAVS in rtlj tdft m!l fKxtM properly lortd be. twrn LJbrarr asd Blals School loo to 3 ooo, viftcr Cttiier. Of (K Psoa SIM. WAJTTTO 14- or laryrr writ Brat 182a. Tr!tHm. tOH 6ALt a fcsuerv fmba about J una S i- Corcoran. Hoaa nHnTT'rRE POR SALS Bmsnport aofl chair. 8rutil& rmjeh, alwtrtc rana. ub'ft tnattraaa. ea othr arnclr. Pbofia JJS7 after 10 a. m DIESEL JOBS TRACTOR Men IS-tO whs MA1AT warn joM pa j. petmasest tutttra tn thia ba&lc field aa eemc men. operator and dleaeiiaaB. 15 Will 6 Utectei From the Medford Area in June for training tad placement aer rloa. Tm full particular write Tractor M vial on, f!0 Me4 Bldf.. ItrMand. Orejorj. AT OKClt i AwatlMiBM at tk Mav MATIHEESi eiMM ''''''' 'nl'J ! if wm,mp . A V V V. WANTHO To bST tlaed eae or aoniEf mai-b'ne. Pi. ;87. tern Company. rtH SALS IMO fTSKnitS DeLme 4 -door trunk ardas, cood S-plf alree. 3 'fr.ft paint, arc Uj-.t heat, ar. tnecha&Kalif periect. I wui taka cheaper car m trad. e tfc: oar t SJa . Jarkaaa. fATSDm MOVKO 8BBVICS wAsmsorojr. srooH, cauf XAD6 TSASSrER. OIAI, 33S. WAIt aousd nnainf cry for ail ear to eonse to the asd o? their eotiis'rr. Brt'v to-jr auto bed? work to Salr Auto Psintlna: and Scdy Shop, South Sartlelt. POH SALE Asnland c?ea. all p'ped far aprinkllsg; S room plaa tered bonae, Term. Will cos- aider car, pickup or truck a dows pytccr, t See 4 Krire, Aahland Hotel. Isetcre Sunday erenirif . Jack. oo Hotel. Mediord Bt week. POR SST tre Hah aSeeptns rooms aod aparur,Dt, U ntwlt fumlahed. On eScck from Ar mnrr 54 Ko. CBtra3. Pbon S39S. POJt 8AL Corapli bed and ti mMttrtm. Chtr afuat b sold at once. Call US. FOR SALS Chow pupa. 824 Eaat oth Pbon S51S Saturday or Sunday, CLOSED Memorial Day arid Sunday. Buy lor data t th Quality Mar ket. 311 Weat llais. DANCE at tha OASIS SPRINS FL00 1 SATURDAY NIGHT 1 Mary Lett's Victory Orchestra w f ' I ! THI '?, :.!f. Kanao on bcott ft .Tr,T J SAST !i.?-S Kagpt-?7e. Hock, eeda n4 lahoris. Kafcrfttftc er re Wad, aed Scm cacted etilcka. Cntri Kant Ki'-cbarj. ris ao. Wrt TOKOTT to a fee d Ta Ouaist j Market, ail Waat Mailt U1 b c;ecl frasydae and 8 Jn da. B 7 OWXBK 1M! Bulek Stiper arar coup, low eslleu. so rubber, Seiux Heater ar.4 Hadla Caab, Blu Boot price, Pbce 3So. rCR SALE To teal, on I3H practically rw. em 116 -e fou. datKxi, (rood abape. . t. B Sit Clrant ?aaa. Pleaaatit Valler, Tur la Park, 9 miles north Oranta Paa. POU nJECTSOM.' Tiif sboM - aooo. w, S- Co, Authorteed Saaler. WALKER'S DANCE DREAMLAND Erry SATURDAY NIGHT Real Dance Music 4 Both Msdara k Old-Tim eUwcf a Good Crowd and a Good Tim WALKER S DAWCE IS EVERYBODY'S DANCE Ms jltter-Bagsiag Allowed BWIOK BMfD Sentiemaa tl.10, fate, tax LADIES FREE Man la Uniform Admitted ioi 75c Tlx Inciud4 s h'ak - rr - r - ."a a i PAYWE. w a a 1 C vita AHOY KELLY WILLIAM RAOY Htxli Rojenbloon Usury Morgan Risstll Kicks Edmaai MacDomld IDQs Otters KM SA-I Koloeiua i--it fisoea wits chame. WW ai rt -nta llaht. A barasta tf takes kt oc.o. at $aalt Vr. Sui ctloa. jr. to Median!. Ph. Has. U:Ckx. .14. AaArSS etst, pof iS'.td asd ftmlTf mmaurkcttired wbis foa was. T: Oeaa Csng. 1 snles esrts od &0i4 HlU os H!Sway M. DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT IN THf ilC HALL ORIENTAL GARDENS RAY'S BAND "Singing Skinny? and Apollo OFoHow th vatlf ad Join th crowd i at th Oriental Cardan done) to Southern Orecon a iinail muaio, Esjsy iealule which add it ta year tosclns pleuute. Go a ,U eul Jor Iub at iriandiy Oriaslal Gardmsl ' POPULAR PRICES , - A. MAUREEN O'HflRfl aaBiai K f am SVEKOiaSt tax. in