PAGE NINE Want to Buy, Sell, or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! ! WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOB SALE REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1942. Keaa) rer rt " toll alll'l Hll esartlj the Hunt ln, mi ot de enurd sfllriea iim mat be SeaM-h viinl 4IIH "l,,rr "",m iou ma 'I" merit things sir teeting end elll In inline...-..- .. inn want m here artterlMe li It Tribune riae tirled sds r Inexpensive effectlvcl RATES u w Insertion (Minimum IV) garh additional insertion. per wm (Minimum 0r) per lint pet monllr wllhooi cop; change. ' CASH or mftnry order mutt ream pan; til mill order classified edt LOST AND FOUND LOST Toy fox terrier dog. 68 re ward. Answera to name of "Jackie.' White with round brown apot on back and brown head, almost a heart. 344 B. Central. FOUND Coin puree. Call at Tribune. Identify and pay for ad. LOST Billfold containing currency and valuable papera. Finder may keep money. Phone 8308. aJOST 8 black and tan fox hounds. Male and female. Reward Leave name and address. Bx 864. Tribune. REPHHI loat eige animal cruelly cases Humane Society Phone 6131 WANTED MALE HELP SHASTA DAM Carpenters and labor ers wanted; alto other crafts: 8-dsy week. Steady work. Union Job. Excellent camp and family living oondltlons, comfortable and reason able. Husky young collate and Junior college men properly quali fied also accepted. Apply on Job to McAdams. Shasta Dam. near rea ding. Calif. Pacific Constructors. Inc. MAN with Transportation, wanted for gardeners hslper. 314', Haven St Call evenings after 8:30. WANTED Male dishwasher. Lunch Box. IS No. nr. WANTED Single man for general ranch work. Tel. 6404. WANTED Single man for general ranch work. Tel. 6404, WANTED Logging contractor, must have equipment for delivery. 100. 000 ft. dally up to 8.000 000 ft. for season. 4 to 8 mile haul, no high way, averare 10 000 per acre. Call at 313 Fluhrer Bldg for particular MEN COOKS, dish wtthert. waiters members and non-members, please leave vour telephone numbers and addressee at 0'ir office If you i are not working, aio wwu Culinary Alliance. Local No 3 WANTED FEMALE HELP WOMAN for housework In privets family No cooking, no waaning Phone 6871. WANTED Waitress, dishwasher ana Janitor. 131 North Bartlstt. WANTED Woman dishwasher, what Not. WANTED woman Fry cook. Not. What WANTED Housekeeper for elderly mn eemi-tnvellrt. Address Butte Falls. P. O. Box 63. "'ANTED Women Phone 6400. onion weeder. WANTED Woman fry cook at the Shack. I. Main St. WANTED Waitress. 133 N. Central. Everett's Lunch. wtNTTTv Middle-aged lady for ten eral work. 304 So. Central. Corner Inn. WANTED Oirl or woman for house work. Telephone 4663. WANTED Waitress and girl. What Not. fountain WANTED Woman and dishwasher. to relieve What Not. WAiTBESaES. women cooks, dlsb washer members and non-mem bers. please leave your telephone numwn and addressea at our office If vou are not working 318 Liberty Bldg Culinary Alliance Local No 329 WANTED Capable housekeeper Care of Iwo children Psrenta employed 830 a month, go home night. 830 E Ja-kscn HELP MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Middle eged couple, with out children to live with eged men In raoden home, wife to care for ag-d man. Boa 1894. Tribune. WANTED SITU A T1CNS WANTED Better foreman poaltlon cattle ranch, modern house. Bute wages, details. Box 1383. Tribune YOCNO couple wsnts work In Lum bar Camn. Experienced truck drlv er ani machinist. Wire oooks sr.d bookkeeper. Phone 4493. Mr. Mc- Connell. WANTED Cook house Job. Expert, er.r-d B 1190 Ore Trth'fcre WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT TO RENT 8 or 4-roora bouse by permanent adults: prefer walk ing :tanre of Met ford Csrp. mill Not over 833. 'Camp Wlth-L'e,' Cabin 10. ORrVTNO to Texts anon. Want elderly r.en as companion, help drive. vaT:ic4 g. nth. WANTED TO RENT By May 16. I email frrEnh-1 bouss or apart. ment by local coup.. Bos Tribune. UT6 WASTED Horn for - dot- Owner drafted. Ph. 4131 titer 5:30 p. m. WANTED TO RENT 8 bad room, fur ntaaed houae. A. 0. Morrta, City Polios. WANTED Laurel, oak or apola wood. 18 or 16 Inchee. Uun ba dry. Med ford Meat Company. Ph. 1063. WANTED, a uaed bay rake. In ood condition, hay fork .and windows unable for stable. Leonard Brock. Rt. 1. Box 17). Phone 6471. WANTED To buy a wrecked "39 oi later V-8 Ford. Olenn Howell. Cen tral Point. WANTED 4-80 Tina. BOO I IS. Elm I tract. WANTED Boom In private home by gentleman. P. O. Boa 801 Oold nm. WANTED Tractor work, grading, lev eling and plowing. Phone 2687. WANTED BUOAR GRAIN BAOS We nay top prleaa for good taeki Brln- them In. Monarch Bead el Peed Co. WEU DI.ILLiMI -81 so per rv first 60 rt.. etc J U Dodge 6-19 King WIIL PAY MOST CAKH For Ornjd (jaed Purnlture HHI HKIHIK Kl HMTI HE 18 North front Phone 4018 WANTED Horses for feed. Eagle Point Pus Farm BFT PRICKS PAID For Tour Furniture EARS rUKMTKKE. Phone 4846 Hlgheet prlcea paid for furniture stoves, toola. or what have you? MEDFORD BARGAIN ROUSE 87 N Orape Phone 8744 SCRAP IRON SCRAP METALS WANTED Tout government naeda this vital material for Defense. Sell now Highest prtcee paid SCRAP AUTO I-IRES AND TUBES Any- Quantity MEDFORD 8AKOA1N ROUSE 17 N Orape Phone 8744 WANTED USED FURNITURE Don't aall till vou get our bid Phone 3383 . BARNEBURO at ANDREWS FOR RENT Miscellaneous COTTAGES 633.00 per month. Private plumbing, no children. Grants rase Auto park. Grants raaa. FOR RENT 10 acrea. modern 4 room house and outbuildings; 4 acrea ledlnd clover. 1 miles west of Oranta Paas. Ph. 8168. Medford. FOR RENT Filling station. More. commercial garage, modern dwell ing, acre garden aoll. Oood loea tlon: Klamath Junction. 7 mllea eouth Ashland Mery Helms. Klem ath Junction, Route 1, Ashland. rRUfKS FOR RENT More yourself Save half Prtiitt'e Moongss oia tlon Main and Ivy Phoue 4146 OPTlct rooms for rent See 0"cy Nook Confectionery 408 Eaat Main Tel 9043 FOR RENT BOARD ROOM ROOM and BOARD. 803 Pine. BOARD AND ROOM For men: good meals, plenty milk and dairy pro duets. Sleep In cabin. 610 per wk No drinkers. 130 Kenwood. Phone 6489. BOARD AND ROOM Block off Mid way Hwy. Phone ssis. ROOM AND BOARD for 8 men. Turn right on Weat Prune or phone 6334 or 8870. BOARD AND ROOM 810 per week 1113 South Oakdale. BOARD at ROOM Corner 3rd Main Jacksonville FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished house or apartment. 173 Skldmore, Ashland. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Large sleeping room for two gentlemen to share. Dia eo. Oakdale. FOR RENT Cabin for two In Little Butte Auto Court, Eagle Point. FOR RENT Nicely furnished bedrm. bath, garage. Dial 8840 evenings. 3 NEW ROOMS for gentlemen: twin bed, private bath and entrance. Phone 3336. FOR RENT Large aleeplng room, modern, alto Ideal trailer apace, ahade. watar. lights. Inquire 604 B. Oskdale Avenue. Medford. SLEEPING Room for rent with gar. age accomodations. Phone 4361. ROOM fir rent to working coup! Call 4738. PLEASANT rooms for Cloea in PI I Main. gentlemen SLEEPING ROOMS for gentlemen 134 Tripp PLEASANT ROOMS for gentlemen close in Attractive suite; also singles Outside en us nee 708 So Oakdale LTTH1A HOTEL. ASHLAND 19 mlnutea from Medford One ot Oregon fine noteia 70 room with private oeh ATTRACTIVE RATES BY THE MONTH ROOMS for MEN ta elesn newly remodeled CRAJTR HOTEL Center of town Central and Eighth Street romfaeiaote Simmons oeda springs msttresaee Shnwe-e evalleble 8 pie and Span Ralee 81 00 to 61 30. Special rate by the week ArAinTgJtooMS 404 S Orep FOR SALE POULTRY BABT DL'CKS Also Dreaslrrs Hatchery, rboa 63. acme 1107 E. FOR BALE Toung fresh eow. Mrs Burns, ejo. Peach Extension, fit. l. FOR SALE Two good cowa. 1 "4 miles w. of unrtln creel orange, Henry BukUL FOR BALE Team, harneee and wa gon: a-horae cultivator, Caaa rake. McCormlck mowirag machine; may be aeen at Mr. Schauta's Place. Same Valley. FOR BALE Extra fine, fresh Jersey eow. pnone eiw. WANTED All kinds of butcher stock Farmers' Packing Co. Phone 3966 FORP SALE Four choice Jersey heif ers. To freshen eoon. Tel. 8404. FOR BALE Two cowa. teat 6 and 6. Oentla to milk by hand. Ray C. Tost. Rosa Lane. FOR SALE Four choice Jersey half era. To freshen toon. Tel. 6404. FOR SALE CHEAP T-yr. eld Buck. shlre horse. Welgba 1.700 lot. Jim Rosa, Prospect. Bos 176. CASH for aid bortat Dial 6878 FOR SALE 68 good weaner pigs. Perdue, half mile north of Central Point. FOR SALE Choice from 80 head fine dairy cowa Holstelns, Ouerneeys. Jerseys end Milking Shorthorns Oeorge Hilton. Jr. William, Or.. Phone 6-F-3. Provolt. FOR SALE DOCS PETS FOR SALB Registered Welch Tev rler. good babita. Original purehaae price 8100. went to place In eoun- try home. Writ detail. Tribune BOX 913. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1930 Dodge sedan. Oood running oonaition. Anay omitn. urena notei.. FOR SALE 1936 Ford 4-door Sedan radio, heater, good condition. Lloyd Arona. 807 King. Call between and . FOR SALE 1938 International pick up. Superior rubber on this one. Rovue River Chevrolet. 8th and Bartlett. Phone 3288. WE are giving up acme of our uaed ear lot aoace and we have stored there a dump truck body and a 1931 Pentlac Sedan and two plat- lorm and stake racks for trucks Someone can get a real bargain on these If you act quickly. Rogue River Chevrolet, 9th and Bartlett Pbone 3388. 38 WHIPPET. 838. Had 830 repair work. Ready to go. Reason for eelllng. Call at Ever-Shady Auto court, cabin 18, after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Equity In, 1989 Ford coups: radio, heater: motor and tires In good condition. Box 870. Tribune. 1933 FORD Sedan. Shulta Bros. 1931 CHRYSLER Roadster. Shulta Bros. 1939 FORD Roadster. Shulta Bros. 1941 PONTIAO Bsdan. Shulta Bros. 1940 STUDEBAKER Coupe. Bbulta Broe. 1939 OLDSMOBILB Coach. Shulta Bros. 1936 FORD Sedan. Shulta Broe. 1941 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Shulta Broe 1937 BUICK Sedan. Shulta Broe. 1937 OLDSMOBTXI Sedan. Shulta Broe FOR EXCHANGE TRADE Residence lot In Medford for late model car or trailer house Write 1900 Lancaster, Klamath Palls. NEW and USED House Trailer. Trade and terms. Hannum ex Kelt Chevrolet. Oranta Pass. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Ranch, 30 acre under cultivation. Plenty of wood. Spring pasture. See or write Vernon Ouches. Rt. 1, Box 883. FOB SALE Four-room house, a acrea land. c. J. Mccay, Spring St. FOR SALE 6 room house. Large lot. Paved street. P. O. Box 48, Medford. FOR SALE 8 rra. plastered house. Large living room, 3 bedrma., aereened-ln back porch. Wash tray. Cement foundation, enclosed yard, shrubs, flower. On paved street, desirable location, near echeol, S3 -000. easy terms. Alto 30 acres of fine Irrigated land. Close In. 6133 per acre. L. O. Ptekell, 16 Bo. Bart lett. FOR SALE Modern, 3 bedrm. home. near High School. Lot of bulltlns. also fruit, berrlea and garden spot If you want reel heme, thle 1 It. Must be seen to be sppreclated. Bee any time after 10:00 s. m. 906 Bo. Holly. 633 A MONTH will buy a new 8- rm. modern home. Furnace, vane Han bllnda. fireplace. Down pay ment reasonable. Private party Leaving city. 831 W. 14th Bt. Ph. 3344. CASH SALE Cheap K tore, irri gated, fruit, garden, outbuildings, good 6 rm. house, furnished. Leav Int. Owners, 437 w L Oranta Paaa. FOR SALE 30 acre, til clover and Alfalfa. Fair Improvements, a hogs. 4 m'lk eow 4 calves, all farm tools Wslklnt distance ot Medford. Total 64 300 00. terms Be A. F. Flowers. Cor 13th end Front. ffQArt 3 small house on earn lot, ySUU edge of Medford. 8800 down balance 836 per mo, 1 1 04 W. Main. EL L. Cook. FOR SALS 340 teres. 14 A Irrigated, free water, beet of bottom lend. 4 room house, spring water piped to nouxc. " 2nd eoia water, oern and other out building, family or chard and berrlea. good eutaide range, lota of wood, located 7 m'fea from Highway 89. Price 63 730 00 Including 1 cattle, farm equipment and garden toola. Half cash. L. O Plckell. 16 B- Bartlett. FOR SALE Reasonsblo House la Central Point, a bedrms. firepisos. 7 lots adjoining, good location. Call Clarence Ptnkey. 831 Annie St., Medford. Ph. evenings 4934. FOR SALE New. modem 8-room brm P.xeeoent locetlon. Inquire Bis e-ni'n oakoal. tlouM located 130 Mistletoe. FOR SALS 8 nicely looated small homae In Mealord Pbone 8483. FOR SALE a-room house. 838 South Holly. Inquire ai9 South Ivy. FOR SALE Dairy ranch. Equipped Inquire 198 Mountain Avenue, Aao- land. FUH SALE New two- Bedroom humee near uigh echuui Pbone 3718 eg call at 608 Uetota, FOR 6ALB Lay's Camp at Ashland FOR SALE 6-room house. 686 Penn Ave. Inquire City Cleaner. 834 W 8th, FOR SALB Mc home. Bargain. By owner. Joe Eudey. Phoenix. FOR SALB 6 acrea. lot 4. block 4. Nickel addition Wnta C. Webb. Plant No. 6. Bishop. Calif. WHEN YOU THINS U real estate think of the 6 Dancer Bagley Agency 103 W Main FOR SALE Mlaclleneoua FOR SALB A hay rake. Mr. Agnee teuakennusn. Rt. a. Ashland, en Old Hwy. Phone 4348. FOR SALE 18 ft. house trailer. 6380. Don Pickerel, co Ruse Albeugh Auto Camp, Butte Creek bridge, e?ie point. ONE GOOD 10 000 lb. Shulrr axle, cheap. Olen Hoist. Table Rock. FOR SALE 880 Remmlngton auto matic. 616.00 cash. 613 N. Bartlett. HOT POINT electric range: good con dition, call 19 Mistletoe, between 6 and 8 p. m. PANSY PLANTS. Dressier' HOT Main. FOR SALE Plsyer piano with 78 rous. cnesp u taken at once. 103 So. Orange. LEAVING, must sell good furniture. reasonable. M. B. Mitchell. Crater Lake Hl-way, 1 mile beyond Eagle roins. FOR SALE Trailer house. Reason able. Call 116(4 Cheanut after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Practically naw modern nouse trailer. oargain. Inquire Ml Manzauua, Asniana. REBEKAH LODGE Plant, handmade quilt. rumm-,e aale Saturday and atonoay, ii nortn central. FOR SALE Trailer houss. 7x14. sheet mstal covered: lots of bullt-lns. Chst Round. Cars Coryell's Trtlltr ctmp. Old Pacific Highway North FOR SALE 8 hand-braided ruga. Tel. FOR SALE Jackson hayfork. 4 h. p. gaa enttlne, pump Jack and farm implement, w. A. orant, Beagle, FOR SALE No. 8 MeCormlck-Deer- lng combine. Orange Cooperative euppiy Association, central point. FOR SALE Oak dln'ni table and als chain. 810. Tel. 3794, Box 89, Jaok tonvllle Highway. USED FRUIT Jars for tale. 1038V, W. 11th. Inquire FOR SALE One John Deere hay loader, uaed 6 daya. Franca Russell a miles west Table Rock Store. Pb. llxl. Central Point. FOR SALE Davenport and chain email dining room table and ehalra: excellent condition. Tel. 4338. 3018 East Main. FOR BALE Wool sacks at Morton Mill. W. Jackson St. FOR SALS Oood John Deere com planter, also yearling eolt and good work horse. Earl Blgham, Same Valley. FOR BALE Platform scales, gas pump, two 4-horae svenars. two double trees, corn eultlvstor. power corn sheller. Iron-wheeled wagon, mower. Mack, Box 188. Beall Lane RAWLEIOH medicine, 6380. extract. Pb FOR BALE Cook stove, good condi tion. 816. 1 ml northeast ot Big Y on Hilton Rd. FOR SALE 110 feet galvanlred IV Incb water pipe, inquire isa nortn Central. erilXH STOP at our yard and buy your lumber eow while evsiisbie end et oreseut low mill prices R O Stephenson Co ' Pbone 3000 Court and MeAndrewa FOR BALE 1 medium. 7 ft. Soda Fountain tnd earbonitor. I large 13-ft. fountain and earbonator back and front bare and counter. Creacent Electric Dish Waahar Small Lang H. D. Cafe Range, Large Electric Baking Oven. Priced right Writ or call Chaa. Bchuaa, 833 Main. Klamath Fails. Ore. FOR YOUR vegetable and flower plante call at the Crater Oreen. houae. Crater Lake Highway, be tween Spring St. and Mc And re we Two-way traffic. MYERS JACUZZI Pumps 100 guaranteed Exclusive Agent. Pick FISHING TACKLE Everything you need. Prices right. License pick FOR BALE Osrden. flower and eao tua plant 1780 Ho Rlvareide ICS A-l service Phone 8878 tor delivery BOAT and TRAILER for sale cheep Bee Hihlweg 6th and Bartlett DMT FIR for sale Pbone 6180 after 6 00 o clock EE US for new and used door tnd windows I lor dwelling garagea buamea etc snowceeea lighting fixtures pipe fittings plumbing herdwsre paint glsst Also eeo lnes to order Prices reasonable MEDFORD SASH dr CABINET. 1830 North Rjveislde Phone 8063 FULLER BRUSHES Pbone 4814 FOR SALS Pomona Jet pump have a exclusive features Economy rted tnd Seed Co, 111 W. 6th. Paooe 8133 MISCELLANEOUS HAVB TOUR OUN BLUED Precision Machine Shop. 680 North Central ve. AVS Tlill We rspatr all ma Set of eewlng machines singer Lilstneu tor. 33 South Orape. Phone 836 wr.U DHIU mo witb modern equip ment Oufl Bros fnq Pick e Hdwe BOA MAN BEAUTY SALON -E .enlngt ay aypoinirfient. raos sis. PAINTING and Paper Hanging Vic tor ana c u Medcau. Phone 8tu 831 W. 8th. AOATES CUT and mounted to order at Santo Agate Shop. 438 . Main scrota from Boxy. WHERE QUALITY cleaning glvet price a meaning Call Reliable Cleaners Phone 1670 830 B Main BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE or TRADE Beer parlor equipment, in good oonaition. si wood Hueaey, Cave City, Ore. FOR SALE Grocery stock, fixturea with property og fixturea and stock with lesse of store and living apt. Phoue 8038. FOR SALB Grocery store, soft drinks with beer license and service sta tion, near Medford. ALSO 6 mv house U acre, close In. 88.600 aown. bee a. n. ijoiiano, e Bo. oakdale. SMALL business, clearing 6400 00 month, very reasonsbia. Must leave to look after otner business, m. bune. Box 899. PERSONAL SARAH ANNA will turn the cup av. ery day exeept Saturday ana sun day. 414 Bo. Rlveralda. ORDAINED Healer end Reeder Pay chic Will be glad to help you eolve your problems, strictly con fldentlal. Hotel Allen. Room 336. WITH COOKIES end tea. free card reading. If desired. Dial 4016. . tor Milme. Palmistry Jrysul Reading D Millet Ph 3446 480 Mountain AveAshlsnd BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropodist treatment of All Foot Troubles Dr A M Depner Registered Chi rop4ilst iPl-ut gpeetalleo BIT Fluhret Slog Dlsl 8103 Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also ftiriiarea and on stoves oiraned call oao as ton 88 No Froul Phone 4V40 Dressmaking fHB FASHION SHOP Dreaamatln Fur Remndelina Buttons snd Burklae covered Room sna 0 8 National Bank Slldg Tel 8931 DRESSMARINII Alteration lug Katherlne Saiterle bh-p 33 So O ra pe tailor Slngel Piano Instructions PIANO INSTRUCTION: Classical and Modern. Any age over 6. (Course by mall) Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Bong writing: arranging Words and Music wanted. Pianos tuned 6876. Fred Alton Height Liberty Bid. txpert Window Cleaner LEt OEOHOE DO 111 EXPER'l Window Cleaner Oenerai boiiee eleanera floor waslng paint Ins Oeo P fllrerd Phone Sent HEARING AID DEAF HEAR with the new Sonotone Vacuum Tube Hearing Aid Free home dem onstration Writ Sam Mete (Con sultant!. F O. Box 683. Medford House Moving HOUSES MOVED ralaed leveled Work guaranteed J 8 Lvdlerd Rt 3 Bos 33 Medford Biddle Road Insurance STATS FARM INSURANCE COB. . Auto Lifa Fire 80S Liberty Bldg . Medford. Or. Phone 4343 Nursery Stock DRIVE out and see the most com Plate stock in field at growers Diine Psrk Landscape Co Nurseries Ro gue River. Oregon, Vs ml up Bvana creex. weal oanx Roofing WS REPAIR or apply any type of roof Paoco Roufliite Shingles Coatings snd Psinta Nsw stuck Well Psper Eaersun Psinf snd Roof Co 89 to Bsrtlett Tel SS4I SHOE SHINING SHINES THAI SHINS -Ls dies' snd gsntlemeo s Shoes of all typee cleaned and ahined Ssltafacltoo guaranteed Allen Hotel Berber Shop Transfer CITY TRANSFER STORAOE CO Household moving and general nauung ze orape Pnou 4664 Da? at uight. FVHNIIURB MUV1NO AND STOR AOE We nev yen moving equip ment for local and long dlatance hauling Dry end leao eUirage (eouereu) buildlngl with speclsl lacaer rooms et low rales 8 AMBON 670RAOE WAKSHOUSI rbou 8786 DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAOE 40 S Pit Street Insured Carrier Local sad Long ine'anc Hauling phone asas SADB TRANSFER at STORAOE CO Of fioe is South Fir Photie aaia Pneea right Service guaranteed LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Outstanding; warrants of Proa pect School Dist No. 69. num bers 380 to 411 Inclusive, are hereby called for payment. Int erest ceases after May II. 1S43 Ross J. Kelley, District Clerk Notice ef Final Settlement In the County Court of the State ot Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Wallace G. Trill, also known as W. G. Trill. Deceased. The undersigned has filed In the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, the final ac count of her administration of the Estate of Wallace O. Trill also known aa W. G. Trill, d ceased, and aald Court haa fixed the 3rd day of June. 1942. at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore noon of that day. at the County Court Room In the Jackson County Court H-ue. at Med ford, Oregon, u lb tune and It place (or the settlement of said I citate. All persons Interested In aald estate are hereby notified and required to make or file their objections to said final account, if any they have, on or before the time aforesaid' fixed for the hearing and settlement thereof. Date of thia notice and the first publication thereof is April 28, 19i2. JANK1IE TKIL.L) WITT formerly JANETTE TRILL Administratrix O. H. BENGTSON Attorney for Administratrix Notice In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County In the Matter of the Estate of Philip B. Harrison. Deceased Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, executor of the above named decedent, has filed herein Its final report and ac count, and that May 29. 1942. at 10 o clock A. M. at the court house in the city of Medford. In said county, has been fixed by the above-named court aa the time and place for hearing ob jections to said final account and for the examination and allow ance thereof. nnti. Ann en inio THE FIRST NATiONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, By W. E. Price, Assist. Trust Officer, Executor. Notice of Guardian's Sals In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of JoseDhine. In the Matter of the Guardian ship of the Person and Estate of Janet E. Ross, a Minor. Notice la hereby given that Fred G. Roper. Guardian of the person and Estate of the above named minor, on or after the hour of 2:00 o'clock p. m., May 27th, 1942 at the law office of Orval J. Millard, County Court house. Grants Pass, Oregon, will sell at private aale for cash all the right, title, estate, lien and Interest of the above-named minor in and to the following described real property, to wit: The Lot numbered twelve (12) In Block number Six (0) of the Town, (now City) of Central Point, according to the official plat thereof now of record. The aale will be made subject to the approval of the County Court of Oregon for Josephine County. Dated this 22nd of April, 1843. FRED O. ROPER, Guardian of the person and es tate of Janet E. Rosa, a Minor. Notice of Sale In the 'County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Alexander Duff. Decesuil Notice It hereby given that In pursuance of the will of Alexander Duff, made and exe cuted on the 26th day ot June, 1930 which eaM mH1 proof thereof, was admitted to SroDaie and recorded In Volume , pages 30810, Record of Wills, Jackson County, Oregon; in the matter of the estate of Ale-xan der Duff, deceased, the under signed Executors will sell at orl vale ealf, in four parcels, to the highest bidder, upon the terms ana conditions hereinaf ter mentioned and subject to confirmation of said court, on and after Thursday, June 4, 1942, ail the right, title. Interest and estate of aald Alexander Duff, deceased, at the tune of hla death, which was a fee sim ple Intel est In and to the whole of the real property hereinafter described, and all right, title and Interest that said estate has by operation of law or other wise acquired other than, or In addition to that of said de ceased at the time of hla death, of. In and to those certain lots, pieces, or parcels of land, lying and being in the County of Jackson, Ut of Oregon, and Locks Them Out more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Tract no. i: Lot sixteen (18) in Highland Park Addi. tlon to the City of Medford. Oregon. Tract No. 2: Ths South Twenty (20) Feet of Lot Eighteen (18) and Lot Nina teen (19) and Twenty (20) in Highland Park Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Tract No. 3: Lot Twenty one (21) in Highland Park Addition to the City of Med ford, Oregon. Tract No. 4: Commencing at a point on the east line of "C" Street (now Central Avenue) In the City ot Med ford, Jackson County, Ore gon. 200 feet southeasterly from It Intersection with the south line of East Ninth Street; and from said point, run thence Easterly, parallel witn Ninth Street, 108 feet: thence Southeasterly, parallel with "C" Street 42 feet; thence Westerly parallel with Ninth Street 108 feet to the easterly line of "C" Street: thence Northwesterly along avast une oi central Avenue 42 feet to the place ot begin ning. Terma of sale: Tract No 1 Five hundred ($300.00) Dollars cash, balance Twenty-five ttisa.uui Dollars per month, se cured by note and first mort gage on the property, Interest o per cent on deterred balance: Tract No. 2. Fifty (850.00) Dol. lars casn, balance Ten ($10.00) Doners per month, secured by uoi ana nrst mortgage on nroiv erty, interest 8 per cent on de- ierrca balance: Tract No. J Seven hundred fifty ($730.00) Dollars casn. balance Thirtv. five ($33.00) Dollars oer month secured by note and first mort, gage on the property. Interest 8 per cent on deferred balance: Tract No. 4, Five hundred ($300.00) Dollars cash, balance In one year, secured by note and first mortgage on the prop erty. Interest 8 per cent on de terrea Dtiance. ueea ana ab stracts at the expense ot the estate, all property to be aold tree ana Clear of encumbrances excepting prorated 1942 taxes. All bids or offers must be In writing and may be left at the office of J. F. Fllegel, attorney tor said executors, at n Nortn Central Avenue, Medford, Ore gon, or may be delivered to said Executors in aald County of Jackson, State ef Oregon, at any time after ths first publica tion of thia notice and before the making of the sale. Dated this 8th day of May, 1S42. ROBERT A. DUfT, Executor. LAWRENCE E. DUFF, Executor. 3. T. FLIIGEL, Attorney for Executors Upper Rogue Orange Upper Rogue Grange met May 7 In their ball with Master Kerb Carlton In the chair. Ron old Axtell reported on Boy Scout activities. Mrs. Pauline Walker reported on education Victor Chapman reported on fi nance and Mrs. Helen Axtell on Home Economics club. Mr. and Mra. Redmaync and Mr. and Mrs. Carrol were obli gated In 1st and Snd degrees. Ths lecturer asked all mem bers to write to Brother Donald Vaughn who It stationed at Fort Stevens. A Mother'a day pro gram was presented by the lec turer with all members partlck pating. Gas alau Tribune tranl sea. The Grange LODGE NOTICES This column M reserved rnc rwllres of ns kind and all frelernel and eervlre organisations sre In vited In use It Kales lor e line rim insert mn ar a lie tor each fitlliiwlna Insertlnnj MXDFORD LODOB No. 103 A. F. at A. M. Special eommunlcauoa, Friday, ' May 16. Vial tore welcome. Cheater A. Hubbard. w. u. T SET UP BY JONES Washington, May IS. O Secretary of Commerce Jess) Jones announced today creation of fl80.000.000 fund for the purchase of new and used tire now owned by consumer. Omitting details of the pur chase plan, Jones said further plans would be made public later after being worked out by the Office of Price Administra tion and the Reconstruction Fin ance corporation. The purchas ing agency will be the Defense Supplies corporation, a sudjldl ary ot ths RFC. TWO AT G.A.R. MEET Portland, May 1$. OP) Theodore A. Penland, 97, a vet eran of the army of ths Poto mac, presided today at the meet ing of the Oregon department G.A.R. Hla audience was Dan Daffron, 98, Forest Grove, only other Civil war veteran attend ing. Travel Table tPUINM RorthDuuod Leave Malla Close 4 a a as. a a at. 18 16 p as. tl aa a as. 8:48 f, m. (Flag atop) 8:48 p. rev 6 06 p da. I rag stop) no null 10.OS P. aa. (Flag stop) till p. a South bound Leave stalls Cleee 10 88 a. a. 6 87 et- ast p ra (Flag Map) 17 p aa. I 88 p at IPlag atop) 481 p as. 6 8 p. as. (Flag atop) no null 114 p. as. 107 a. at. TRAINS PorlAOvund Mails Close n. 60 p at. Southbound tails Cine av 64 a. as. Laeve t-ao Leave iM a. L6686 Iterta outfc t ao a as. ' T 16 a as. 86 a aa. 10 a s I 40 p ra. 6 46 p aa. It-OS s as. 8 80 a as. 6 80 DO. 80 p ra. 6 06 s at. 1 44 p. as. t Rlamatk rails S so a as. S 46 p at rrem Hlamaia rail S 80 a as. t M at. Mltlonal Mall Service Moribbuuad Vehicle Bur Rout mica rniek Star Rout Leave atallt Close t ea a as. 6 06 e aa ll to ra II Soon South buuad 6 00 p at 16 p aa. 4 to p a 4:00 p. a. I'lfi Oranta Paas only, (l re Aablend oolr ( T Ounaaulr enlr- Clnetna time for Claaalfled Ad a m. Tue late to Classify UJt a. a. A