PAGE NINE Want to Buy, Sell, or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! t MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1942. Bead everv ad n thle pact, ion will iiroltahl) Itntf eaallt the thing- vun hate been limit ing lot or sale Of trade (or nnuard artMlee too may hatt. Searrh tiMil alllr of store roitm you mat Una manv thlnae others art seeking and be ehle to rrallte Immediate caah. If what von want lanl here advertise for It Tribune rlaf I fled ada ara loupenslte effective! RATES Per word flrat Insertion! (Minimum IV) Earn additional Insertion, per word Id (Mlnlmam lor) Per Una per month without - cop change $IM CASH or money order must accom pany ail mall order claaallled ada. LOST AND FOUND STRAYED from West 11th. Kitten, 8 months old, grey with dark stripes, white under chin. Phone 3337 Sun day or week daye niter 6 p. m. LOST Leather billfold containing drivers license, social security, 640 currency, etc. Reward. Phone 3668 or 4893. Oeorge Oreen. LOST Brown ehort-halred female dog with long ears. Answers to name of Muggins. Call Ht-Way Pool. fsBPORT loat doga animal cruelty eases Humane Society Phone 8151 WANTED MALE HELP A-l O LAZIER for wood sash. No other need apply. Phone 4113. MAN WANTED with Iswn mower to care for lawn through the season, to begin at once. 414 Bsven. Phone 8831. WANTED Clerk, apply Allen Howl. AW MILL LABOR One setter and several laborers wanted for mill located several miles from Medford. Phone daya 3850, nights 6818. WANTED Retail grocery clerk, retail grocery vegetable man, wholessle grutry wsrehouseman. comblns tlon Invoice clerk and stenographer In answering this sd. kindly give your age, experience and reference Box 4729. Tribune. AGGRESSIVE SALESMAN To represent manufacturer of na tionally known producte backed by gMarantee and offering beat prlcea. que.llty and terms Pull credit for tnsll and repeat orders. Advertising - . 1 Mini-, hv faotorv up,Jl V -,,u h..,,u.B -j representstlve. Excellent financial arrangement. vjiv full detail In first letter. Box 8268. Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP HOUSEMAID Womsn or girt for housework. No cooking, no waab Ing. Mra. Voorhlea. Tel. 6971. WANTED Olrl for general house work. Phone 161 Jacksonville. WANTED Waltresaea. Dlshwashera. Coosa. Realater at 218 IJberty Bldg.. Culinary Alliance 81 Bar, tender'e Local 329 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Tractor work of all klnda. Reasonable prlcea. New equipment. W. H. Arnold. Phone 6389. Rt. I, Box 397. MIDDLE-AGED stenographer, exper ienced In meeting the public, de sires permsnent general office work. Phone 3670 or 6254 evenings. WANTED A position. Over draft age. aober. reliable, would like office work, day or night. Have filled po sitions in Title Companlea. Truat Company. Can typewrite, keep a email set of books watchman, or take charge 01 office. What have you Box 4968. Tribune. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT Acreese with modern hause. near Medford. Local resident. Ph 3580, 8 a m. to 6 p m. WANTED Electrolux refrigerator Phone 3536. WANTED 4-wheel truck trailer. Phone 3864. WANTED TO BUY Lot. prefer south west or northwest of stain street. 813 8. Grspe after 6 p. m. LATE MODEL SrDAN delivery In trade for 1940 Chevrolet business coupe. Box 4911 care Tribune. WANT SOME WIRE FENCE? We can unstaole and roll. Slmmervllle. Route 1, Rogue River. WANTED USED FURNITUI?! Don't sell tin sou r-t our bid Phone 2333 BARNTBURO 6 ANDREWS rTtrneet prlcea paid for furniture stoves, tools, or whst have you? MEDFORD BAROAIN HOUSE t7 N Crepe Phone 3744 bmt Miris run For Titir Purtjlt-ire Una Fl RMTIRR, Phone 4346 CRAP IRON SCRAP METALS WANTED Your government needs this vital material for Defense. Sell now Highest prlcea paid SCRAP AUTO TIRES AND TUBES I Any Quantity MEDFORD BARGAIN BOISE 17 N Ore pa Phone 3744 vtii i r mot rtH Fnt 0-1 ( -eo r"Mrn:tu-e HOIIIHIMIK H3M1I Kr J Moria Front f hues text WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 8-lnch well cashing. 40 (t. or lesa. 174fl No. Riverside. Rain bow Auto Court, Cabin 4. WANTED TO BUT - SO scrte ot food farm land preferaoly bay land on ftr-rue River please five exact lo cation lowest cash price per acre whether undei water or dry Ad dress P O Bos 333. Medford WEL1 DKrLUKO-8160 per ft. first 60 ft . etc J M Dodge. 618 Kind WANTED Horsea Point Pol Farm for teed. liag'.e FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 8-room bouse for rent. Dark's Grocery. Phone 8033. Adults only. LXTR1A HOTEL, ASHLAND 18 minutes from Medford. One of Oregon a fine hotels, 70 rooms with private Bath. ATTRACTIVE RATES BY THE MONTH TRUCKS FOR RENT- More yourself Ssve hslf prultt'a Mootlgae Bta tlon Mam snd Ivy Phone 4145 FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Rooms for men. t Chest nut. Phone 4044. FOR RENT Pleasant rooms. 803 E. Jackson. FOR RENT Nice bedroom, fins bed. quiet neighborhood. Inquire 45 Quince. TWO rooms with three double beds, doseta and bath room, private en trance. For 8 or 4 men to room together. Inquire Standard Service Station. North Riverside at Mc Andrewa Road. FOR RENT Nicely furnished heated room for 1 gentlemen, prlvste en trance. Call at 817 W. 10th. TWO heated Bleeping rooms gentlemen. 310 So. Orange. ROOMS with private bath for 8 or 6 men. 616 So. Oakdale. FOR RENT Furnished room, private entrance, garage. 108 Newtown. FOR RENT Room for gentleman. No drinkers. 337 so. Holly. FOR RENT Heated sleeping room. rnons 4470. THREE EXCEPTIONAL ROOMS for gentlemen. Private entrance hall 165 Almond Ave., 2 blocks from Msln street. ROOM snd garsre for one or two gentlemen. Outside entrance. 633 No. Central. NICELY furnished bedroom for gentle man: twin beda, heated, bath. 43 N. Peach. FOR RENT Large airy bedroom, t closets, outside entrance, fireplace, bath. Dial 4583. ROOMS FOR RENT. Board If desired. Mrs. A. A. Wslker. Oold Hill. ROOMS Heated, private bath, gar age, outside entrance. 1417 West Main. Phone 2618. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room for gentlemen. 418 Ar cadia. FOR RENT Double or alngle sleep Ing room. Parlor privileges. 308 Alice. Call after 7 pm. or Sundaya. SLEEPING) ROOMS for gents. 134 Tripp. FOR RENT Rooma for eight . men. Shower, good beda, reading room, a place for your car. 619 N. River side. FOR RENT For a good room, dial 6129. FOR RENT Room for two. Con veniently locsted. Women pre ferred. Phone 4281. PLEASANT ROOM for gentleman or two, close In. 609 E. Main. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS 404 8 Grape ROOMS Front. Stop at Brownies. 330 N FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS MODERN FURNISHED river cablne. Rogue-A-Lure, Trail Oregon. Driv ing distance to csmp. FOR RENT 18x36 stucco garage, suit able lor storage. 731 w. 2nd. 'UNION TRAILER CAMP" Trailer and tent apace with modern fa cilities. 314 miles north of Can tonment on paved roada. Camp sit uated In grassy field, near schools and stores. Bunt by a UNION man with UNION labor for UNION men. BEAUTIFUL TRAILER PARK On bank of Rogue River, among treea: quiet, restful. Oood hot showers; Isundry. ' Distinctively Furnished Csblna. HOMESTEAD On The ROGUE 4 Ml N. Oold Hill. Hlwsy 99 CHALKER8 MOTEL COTTAGES Housekeeping or otherwise. All en. tlrely modern finished In knotty pine, newly furnished frontage on Rogue River Also sleeping quarters and meaia avaiisbie in the msin building Only five miles from Oold Hill. Highwsy 99 on the river Short cut to camp through Central Point Ideal spot In the valley for the hot summer months Resson able rates Ask for Mr. Seidel. Manager. CENTRAL POINT TRAILER CAMP 8 milea from construction. All modern conveniences Reesonsble rates. No mud. East of High School OFFICE ROOMS for rent Bee Cory Nook Confectionery. 408 East Main Tel 9043 LITTLE BUTTE Trallsr Csmp In Isale Point hss plsce for 6 trsllers Exclusive, clean, quiet and near II'' res FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Jersey cow. Just fresh. Phone 4870. FOR SALE 1500 lb. horse, true, sound and gentle. Phone 6353. O L Lindiey. FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 heifers. 1 wttb csif. I to freshen nest month. A. A. GUlstt, 617 Edwsrds St. FOR SALE Three young cows, one freih, two ecmir.f Iresh eoon. K. H Besl Lsr.s. CASB tot 014 boraee. Dial 6376, FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WEANER PIOS FOR BALE Also 1.700-lb. horse. Chet Belderston. Antelope Creek. FOR BALK or Trade Three fairly good work mares for cattle or bogs John Nealon. phone 111, Central Point. FOR BALE Two fine fresh J. A. Bunney. Applegate. cows. FOR SALE Oood Guernsey milk cow. Rt 3, BOX 854. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. Morlas Prink, Sams Valley. HEIFERS, fresh end coming fresh: tuberculosis tested snd vaccinated for abortion. Oeorge Oilman. 309 B- Coulter St . Coqullle. Oregon. FOR SALE POULTRY MOUNTCREST LEGHORNS. trep- neated. blood tested breeders 375 830 egg record, mated to malea from over 300 eggera. None better. Chlcka aexed or straight run. thouaands batching. Rocka. Reda. Hampshire available every Wednesday and Sat urday. Order now. Central Point Hatchery. CALL Dreaaler'a Square Deal Hatch ery. Phone 8656. for chlcka ana hatching. Our chlcka live and grow. 1107 East Main. FOR SALE Hanson strain Leghorn Pullets. In full isy. Rt. 3, Box 354. ATTENTION Poultrymen. Order your Hanson strain baby chlx now fm April delivery. Only a few choice lota left Bparllna Hatchery, WU Uama. Ore. CHICKS Day old. also started chlcka all popular breeds, true strain ana hybrid Hatch each Wedneaday FABER-8 FARMERS' SUPPLY CO. 8th and Bartlstt FOR SALE- Barred Rock and Leg born ebirka McMinn Poultry Farm and Hatchery Highway 66 at Asn land city limits FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Modern home. 88 N. Or ange from 13:00 to 3:00 pm. FOR SALE Small modern home. 61800 down with car or terms, re malnder. 6800. Box 4949, Tribune. FOR SALE OR RENT 33 acrea. Ir rigated, free water, nine-room house, barn and out buildings, with or without equipment. Rt. 1, Box 43, Rogue River. S-ROOM bouae. renovated, back yard fenced. Open Sunday, 63500. 808 80. Newtown. FOR SALE Almost new. five-rooms and dinette. Reasonable. Phone 4318. FARM FOR BALE 184 acrea. About 70 In cult., fine ereek water, elec tricity in house, good barn, ehlck house. One mile from Cottage Orove. Hsa aluminum ore deposit. Make tine dairy farm. REAL BUYS S-ACRES. 8 Irrigated. 4-room house. city water, garage, 61200, 6300 down. S-ACRES, level, Irrigated, electricity, fenced. 8400. 3200 down. 9-ACRES. S-room house, barn. Irrl- eeted. clover, hlehwav. electricity, 31080. 8300 down, balance 615 monthly. 10-ACRES. unimproved, edge Med ford, cultivated. Irrigated, pave ment, electricity, 32800, UN down, long terms. S8-ACRE8. 70 cultivated, free wt. ter. good lmorovementa, nlgnway, electricity. 65500. terms. 440-ACRES. 80 cultivated, good mea dows, fenced, pavement, electricity, modem bouse, good barns, 66000 ft down. SHELET AOENCT Uorth City Limits Highway 99 FOR SALE New two-bedroom house. 628 Hamilton St. see owner at hi Beekmsn. FOR 8 ALE 10 acrea, close In, alfalfa, clover and grase pasture, fruit, berries, gsrden: 8-room house, pres sure wster system, electricity: barn and other outbuildings. Box 3234 Tribune. FOR SALE Large 7-room home, Ash land, converted Into 2 complete deluxe apartments. Oaragea. Large lot, garden. Box 4930 Tribune. FOR SALE 7-room house. Partly furnished. Two 3-room apartments, rented. One not rented. Price 61000. 118 McAndrews Road. FOR SALE 1 Vs. acrea with 4-room house. Rt. 4, Box 333-A, Fern Valley. FOR BALE 1 very desirable lots, 130 ft frontage on Weat Main. 164 ft. depth. Suitable for court or apart ment houae. 1104 W. Main. $5950 new Would actually cost over 67.000 to replace. Owner traneferred. making sacrifice for immedlste sale. Three bedrooms. Three sliding door ward robes. Two bathrooms. Automatic blower type oil furnace, wltb 600 gal. underground tank. Oaa water heater. Hardwood floors. Metal Venetian bllnda throuvhout. Large very modern kitchen. Electric ven tilator. Breakfast aleovs. Large dining room. Large living room Fluorescent lighting. Door chimes front and back, service room. Large double garage, wltb Insulated fruit room. Underground aprlnkler sys tem, front and back Concrete drive. Phone 2076; evenlnee. 6917. BPENCER-BAOLEY AOENCT 103 West Main Street. Medford, Oregon, FOR SALE Large lot on Berkeley way. Call 1473. FOR SAL! 30 acres. 8-room house shower, water pressure system. 16 minutes south of Medford on ftrlf f:n Creek. Two miles shove onffin Creek Orange. See Mrs. Hsrold Burton bouse below. Rt. 1. Box 409 FOR SALE Five-room modern house in Tslenv Bee M. W. Maxwell. FOR SALS 38 acrea. Including 4 acrea of pears, smooth, sub-lrrlgs-ted. 8 miles north of Medford on Crater Lake Highway. Some tenne See owner at 44 N. Peach. FOR SALE Modern bouae. 63 H Orange. From 13 to 8 p. m FOR SALE Nsw two-bedroom homes near bifh school Phone 3713 call at 608 Dakota FIVE- ROOM modern bouse, four acree fine soil, irrigation, family orchard in Oranta Pass. Inquire 1013 north Ninth at. WHEN YOU THINK of real estate think of the Spencer Bagley Agency. 10s w Main CITY and country properties Renals Lna instirenos C 8. Buttertleld. u MexUortf Bonding, FOR EXCHANGE TO TRADE for light car "SO Cher- roiet pickup. Texaco station. 4 i condition ei:ept tuning. 70s seck milea north of Eagle Point. man Ave.. Medford, Oregon. WILL TRADE 30-acre Bear ereek bat- tom land. Improved spring. For smaller plsce. improved, near Med ford. For information call 4433. WILL TRADE Almost new 3 -bed. room. well locsted Medford bunga low, for similar bouse In Eugene. Phone 4218 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES Look Look Look Used Car Prices audio 1937 Plymouth seven passenger eedaa completely reconditioned. 6160 un der book price. Steal thla for 8295 00 1936 Hudson 6 sedan, completely re- conairioneo. none better, cut to 6295 00. 1935 Terreplane Sedan, a real clean, anappy car. 6176.00. 1936 Chevrolet sedan, radio and heat er. Excellent mechanical condition, 6349.00. ALL CARS WITH OOOD RUBBER. COOKSEY MOTOR COMPANY USED CAR LOT 9 th and Bartlett FOR SALE '41 O MC. H-ton pick up, iixe new. inquire 0&1 reirview St., Ashland. FOR SALE 1940 Ford convertible club coupe, in good condition. Ra dio, heater, 6 tires, 6 tubes. Phone 6481. FOR SALE Pontlso Sedan. License and good rubber. Rt. 4, Box 60, Vanortwick. FOR SALE "33 Plymouth coupe. 4 good tires. Bob Brown. Sunset Drive Just off Orchard Home Drive. FOR SALE "20 Model "T" pickup body, good rubber, ruxtle axle, mo tor in good ahape. You can still buy ttres and tubes for this model. Can be seen Sunday at Don Elllott'a plnce. Route 3, Howard Ave. Phone 6045. 1933 V-6 4-door. very clean, new rings, brakes, wheels snd good tires, 6176. Harry Naugle, Talent. FOR SALE 4-8 yard dump truck bed complete with arm and roller hy draulic hoist, power take-off. etc. Fine condition. Sacrifice. See Claude Miles. Rogue River Chevrolet. FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth 4-door deluxe, good condition. Tires gooa 80. will sell for cash or through contract, call Ford oarage. 1934 CHEV. Sedan. Shutta Bros. FOR SALE -39 Ford truck wltb Mar, eury motor, hesvy sub-frame; 3-8 ton Eaton axie; new tirea. see Claude Miles, Rogue River Chevro let. 1938 BUICK Sedsn. radio, heater, Bhults Bros. FOR SALE or trade for livestock 1930 model Ford coupe, A-l con dition, good rubber. Eldon Holmes, Rt. 1. Central Point. DOZEN good Used Cars to pick from, 23 to 6100. Bhults Bros FOR 8LB-'37 Butck sedan. A-No-One condition. Oood rubber, radio neater Walter Dlller, Rose Hotel Rrwetvtr Ore. FOR SALE Miscellaneous JUST ARRIVED Another truck load of tree-ripened orangea. Ingram's Orange Truck, No. Riverside, next to cotiee pot. FOR SALE Factory made, fully equipped trailer house. Penlnger. 3 ml. north of Central Point on Pacific highway. FOR SALE Kanota oata, 3c per pound. D. p. Dugan, same valley FOR SALE Used 8 Berkeley Way. x 13 rug. 36 FOR SALE Oood tent, 13 x 14. Phone 3664. FOR SALE Wood atumpage, any amount. 7 mllea out, Ray Shafer, Jacksonville. BAROAIN Scrvel Electrolux Kerosene refrigerator. Late deluxe model. The economic refrigerator' you need where electricity la not available Call 631 Edwarda, Sunday. FOR SALE Newtown applea. cheap Jos (Cantor. 8 mllea aaat of Phoenix Fern Valley. ACROSS L Circuit 4. Meadows 6 Hkia IS. Anrisnt Irtsk eity 46 Wane 41 Cherry color 44 Came togalhel 11 Above: postie 11 r'emimne cams 41 Obtained 14 open court 41 Warn u 41 Poem 10 Server 11 Faint U Take efrenee 68 II Pronoun IS Border I! muft is Toward II Keaeb II Amertcs sumor II Roman date tl Fenclns sword 40 TemDered 11 Likely II Mlnuie entice Ik. Condition of 41 Steeps grest 44 Unit of work exrllement 61 Hsvlng little 17. Fruit drink speed II Gilat II Coiy home II 8ns He with cold it. padal digit 4 Article nnuwai U Oenm el Ue DOWM frog L Opper floor et 17. Firat wemae a Sara 1 u p i 7 f 10 ii u"Sf if" lit" "Sfit 5 "3TST T5"- 5 SerT""'"ler57r""-"- . - -T- T" HP Te- ;;. .' -7 ,". f 3T33" ,7T 'ST "" .ft 7i r 7T. " "" " v FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Upright piano. Oood FOR 6 ALB Soda fountain and elec- trlcal equipment lor restaurant. Lang Range. Tesstmaster. cash reg ister, etc. Sport Center. ChUoquln. Ore. USED Rebuilt National Caah Regis ters. Ph. 3018. TRAILER HOUSE Equipped with studio couch. Colemsn stove, re frigerator. 6250. 638 8. Holly. 3-WHEEL trailer. 610 00. Shulu Bros. FOR SALE Undamaged baled alfalfa and rye hay. Arthur Winter, 3 miles south Ruch. FOR SALE Westing house range. 810 8. Holly. RUMMAOI SALE American Legion Auxiliary. Friday and Saturday, March 13 and 14. Beck's Bldg. South Drape. Just off Msln. Dona tlona appreciated. SWINO SAW, elx horse engine. Res taurant counter, complete, winy one stools. R. C Thompson. 301 Couch Bldg.. Portland. Ore. BAROAIN for Immediate sale Elec tric refrigerator like brand new Act now. 824 West Fourth St. Medford. FOR BALE Reconditioned electric ranges. California Oregon power 00 MYERS At JACUZZI Pumps, 100 gusranteed. Exclusive Agent. Pick s PARTS and Service on all makes washers and pumps, pick FOR SALE Dry fir. Phone 4503 Hswlsy Fuel Co. GARDEN and FARM TOOLS. Lswn- mowsrs Hoae. Prlcea right, OIL. Wood Circulators: email wood stoves Oood buya. Pick Hardware FOR SALE Metal working home work-abop equipment, lathe, etc 108 South Holly. FOR SALE CHEAP Wicker act. In quire 330 E. 9th. 0 FOR BALE Wealx electric hot water heater. Weslx bathroom neater trashburner. 10-Inch Western Elec tric fsn. vscuum cleaner, drop-leaf kitchen table, five snd tables, desk and cbalr. eight-piece dining room suite. 13 gauge pump gun. oil beater 10-lnch burner. Phone 3844 FOR SALE Oyrsum. Empire brand None better. Monarch Seed at reea Co. NU- BONE Corsets, ssles at service Elis abeth C Hartley 681 S Riverside FOR SALE Newtown prles, wal nuts, hsy; 40-acre ranch, oeorge L. Trelchler, Central Point. MAKE CASH offer email stock new and used clothing: slso 3 nsw kit chen or camp tables. Box 4928, Tribune. NINE BY TWELVE Wilton two tone green rug. Mornings, 301 Crater Lake avenue. FOR SALE Baby crib and mattress, excellent condition. Inquire 665, Kennewsy. FOR SALE Overstuffed davenport and cbalr. 339 May street. STILL have few pieces ot Miracle Maid on nana, rnone oawa. FOR SALE Set of truck log bunka and roller type fifth wneei. in gooa condlttcn. Call or phone Blmmons Service Station, Eale Point, Ore. FOR SALE Fully equipped houae traller, new alx-ply ttrea, 6300 cash. Phone Coqullle 600-X or apply Arthur Terrell, city police. FOR SALE Heavy trailer: 8 good truck tirea, 32x6. Inquire Grace Walker, Eagle Point FOR SALE Early Chippewa aeed po tatoes. SU-e per pound. L. A. Dlts worth. Prospect. 1941 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle for sale. Inquire C. R. Kill, Provolt. CATERPILLAR and ' Bulldozer, hy draulic lift. Shults Bros. FOR BALE One Weaver tire spread er and rubber tire repair material. 731 W Snd St. FOR SALE Small wood range, part enamel. Complete with colla. 713 Palm. BETTER STOP at our yard and buy your lumber now while available and at present low mill prices R O Stephenson Co Phone 3000 Court and McAndrewa. Solution Of Saturdays Futile 3 Air: comb, fol ,11 8. Uoif iniructor 4. Epistles s. The pick 6 Title ot Athens f. Hindu wnmaa'e garment 8 Moeeaaia I. Mlttakas m a published work 16 Maial 11 Nil etelttng 16 Bars of lbs neck 36. Mention eberinoan 13 8m"olb It. Saucy II Ur.ll et eleetrV eai capacity 14 Kub out 17 Hlark an l II. Lawyers' patron salot ft Vtnluree 19. Ketatee minus the motnsr 13 Pra-eat II 8,ur II Chinese port tl Always 41 Nat laartng 44 Pllnt nth 46 Polvneeissj chestnut 66. Canvas shtltere 11 Imnitraes II Pagan g"d M. Aeqoir sy is one II OM lime daseer 11 Biav rose 11 R'lnS . SMtok l 1 lUmIembeIIl, a o A R AUlTnSiElEU I S A T EPA. L E RTjliJ 8 JtUjPP e TlLsno te A, CEPaT& SQV AT L PjOlR kiSQCjRlA TS 1 unA 1 lonely e h 1 It Pf I WPS., M eBuWIa CIARlls'prNTDiUls-p ' j abHainIaWaUT slug AlulAI cpMAPjOEg" M E wrtDE.p0 TflA ns aTsIIUeiDieInIsUyIeIt) FOR SALE Miscellaneous PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Used show canes and lunch counter equipment. Padgham Planing Mill. Phone 4750. WINDSOR wood circulator, 33 inch fire box Perfect condition. 625.00. Crater Metal. 143 N. Front St. MONARCH electric range with trash burner. Also Isrge friglrialre, auit able for restaurant. Both in good condition. 403 King. SILVER DOME trailer house. 3 beds. Werner electric brakea Also 1940 V-8 pickup, or will trade for small acreage. 508 King. IF YOU want to buy a beautiful t'iot banjo for almost nothing, call at 1308 West lotb St. W. A. Jacoos FOR SALE New trailer house. Bu- tsne equipped 6250 Inquire 8 O Shelburne. Court at McAndrews Road. SEE US for new and used doors snd windows (for dwellings, gsrsges business, etc I, showcases, lighting fixtures, pipe fittings, plumbing hardware paints, glaas Also cab, lnea to order Prices reesonsble MEDFORD SASH At CABINET, 1630 North Rlvetslde Phone 3063. FOR SALE Cabbage and head let tuce planta Alto blooming Pansy planta Crater Oreenhouee, Crater Lake Highway Phone 4401. FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4914 FOR SALS Used clothing, chesp tor whole family Juat acrofe the bridge. 618 E Main. DRY FIR for aale Phone 6160 after 6 00 o'clock BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FURNITURE STORE Must sell ac count sickness. 847 A. St., spring, field, Ore. HAVE OOOD PROPOSITION for a partner with small amount of cash. Csll 343 North Front St. Ask for Jsck. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE New dnve-lu lunch room. Owner called to armv. Some terme. 831 Orchard Ave., Oranta Paaa. FOR SALE Well eatabllahed. good navlne business In Oranta Paaa Consists of bar. soda fountain, card rom and adlolnlng restaurant. Priced reasonable. Owner wishes to sell because of health. Inquire 414 South 6th St- Oranta paaa. ore. GENERAL STORE Oood ateady In come, well located, no competition, good rural neighborhood, business can be greatly increased, ssoaem, well-built houae In connection. Also small acreage If wanted. Take con, aiderabie caah to handle. Write Box 3207, Tribune. SMALL restaurant, suitable for man and wife, good location and buel neaa. Must get Out. Box 8188, Trl bune. FOR BALE Fully equipped wrecking business For full details see Msc at Mac Floy 0 'a. 333 North River- aide. Phone 40SO. FOR SALE Bargain Sama Valley Store. Orocerlee, gaa, olle. post office In store. Large bulldinga Ideal for apartmenta, rooma. Auto matic eiettrie pump not, com wa ter 4 acrea land. Shade for auto camp. II mllea north cantonment office buildings owner name va, ley. Ore. FOR BALE Restaurant, best location In city, floe parking place sacri fice for quick sale. Must lesve 616 South 6th St . Grants psaa. Ore CAVE SHOP Restaurant, equipped Pruess. U S Bsnk Bldg oranta pass PERSONAL SARA ANNA will turn the cup every day but Sunday. 414 Bo. Riverside. Palmistry. Crvstsl Resdlng D Miller Ph 3446 460 Mountain Ave Aahlsnd MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Let me check your houae for termites No obligation. Phone 6568, McGonagle. GUARANTEED service on all makea of vacuum cleaners Feidman Elec tric Ph 8577 AGATES cut and polished -ws mount them In gold or silver and we have a large slock of all types on hsnd. Be sure to stop in and see them THE OEM COTTAOE. 7 mllea North of Oold Hill on Highway 99 LOOKING for some place to spend svenlngv Try Dresmlaod Wednea day nlht Good music, good floor and a good time. WEI L DRILLING wltb modern equip. ment Ooff Bros. Inq Pick s Hdwe BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountants INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Orville A. Kingman Notary Public 83 No. Central Phone 8916 Income Tag Accountant California Tax Returna made and notarized. Jaekaon County Bank Building, victor c eetner. Chiropodist Treatment of All Pout Troubles Dr A M Depner Reglstsred Cbl rooodist ( root specialist! 317 Pluhret Bldg Dial 8108 Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also furnaces and oil stoves cleaned can ueo as loo 88 No Front Phone 4240 Carpentering LESLIE RALSTON. Oeneral Contract ing, fine finishing work All kinds Carpentering. For sail ma tee plea: call at 701 N riverside or Tel 3881 Dressmaking THE PASHIOK 8HOP DrsaemaklM Pur Remodeling Button a and Buckles covered rtoora su? u Nstlonsl Bsnk Bldg. Tel 8681 DRE68MAR1NO Alterations tailor ing Katharine Batterlee. Singer bhop 33 So drape House Mewing HOUSES MOVED AKD RAISED Also bur houses that have to be moved Oeorge Lammers. 110 East 15th. Eivtene. or Allen Hotei Insurance rHERE Is a reaann why more art vera tnaure with State Perm thso with any other company State Perm tnauranee Company. 818 Liberty Bidg, Med! or a. Poooe 4143. BUSINESS DIRECTORY MONEY TO LOAN WE LOAN MONEY ON YOUR CAR Attractive Rate COAST FINANCE Harold H Brown Agency License 811 133 Eaat Main .'bone 344 Mlllwork WINDOW GLASS REPLACED Large Sto.-k Doors snd Windows. Prompt Service. MEDFORD MILLWORK CO. Phone 4113 10th and Orepe NURSERY STOCK CARLTON NURSERY The orly nursery in Southern Oregon with a complete eiock of (run. nut and ahade treea and ornamental ahruba and planta on band during all the planting sessnn. - Csrlton Nursery. 62nd year 4 mllea South of Medford on Pacific Highway Look for the Mlr-o-lit sign Phone 6224 Rooflnf WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof ps boo Roofings, sningiee Coatlnga and Palnta New stork wall Paper Ekeraon Pslnt and Roof Co 88 Bo Bartlstt. Tel. 3843 JOE SMITH YOUR ROOFER All Roof Troubles ts ken care of All work guaranteed Call 8766 or 9249 301 Hsven Floor Sanding EXPERT FLOOR SANDING La teat Equipment Oeome M Knowlee Rte 1. Stewart Ave Tel OM Transfer CITY TRANSFER At STORAGE CO Household moving and general Paulina 39 S. Grape. Phone 4004 Day or night. FURNITURE MOVING AND 8TOR. AOE We have van moving equip ment for local' and long dlatanoe hauling. Dry and clean atorage (concrete building I wltb speclsl locker rooms st low rates SAMSON BTORAOB WAREHOUSE Phone 3766 EADS TRANSFER A STORAGE CO Offioe 16 South Fir. Phone 3839 Prlcea tight. Servtos guaranteed DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Fir Street Insured Carrier LocJ and Long Distance Hauling mmm Phone 3888 mm!m txpart Window CUanor LET OEOROE DO ITI XPERT Window Cleaner. Oeneral house cleaner floor waxing, paint Ing Oeo P. Olrard Phone B&54 In The Day's News Br FRANK JENKINS WHILE we are waiting to see whether the Japs really mean to take on all of Australia, thua stretching themselves farther, spreading themselves thinner and making It easier for us to tackle them on the flank. India and what is likely to hap pen there are interestinc sub jects for speculation. see (INTERESTING, but not very 1 encouraging. If the Japs take all of India, they will be In a position to effect a Junction with Hitler if that Is part of their plan. Your map will tell you what that would mean.) THE situation in India doesn't look hnneful. About the only way India can be saved is by giving the people of India an Incentive to FIGHT THE JAPS. The British them' selves have no armies to spare for fighting in India. Providing such an Incentive AT THIS LATE DATE looks like an Impossible task. see THE basic trouble Is that the 1 people of India don't really care much who rules them. They've always been RULED. Through all these centuries of rulership they haven't got much for themselves. Their living standards are unbelievably low. Grinding poverty Is all the masses have ever known. Give the governing British all the credit that If due them. Ad mit (as historically you must) that Britain's rulership has been better for the masses of India than that of the native princes who were there when the British came. The fact remains that these masses are too poverty-stricken (as well as caste-ridden, disease ridden and superstition-ridden) to care greatly who governs them. At least, they aren't willing to fight and die to prevent change of rulers. see THE situation is complicated by religious and other Is sues. The 80 million Moham medans won't submit to being ruled by the 240 million Hindus -as would happen If India were given . self-governing dominion status. They say they'll revolt if that happens. Hindu nationalist leaders say they won't tight for Britain un LCD Gal NOTICES fhli rvHrjmn H rnrrif, fnt ntUlrv ot nt kin 4in(f all fraltMiuil an ftfrtir rniiiiaiiHtna. ar In llr to lit It lUlFtwIUr lift firtai inrrii4Mi a a Dm lot eaca ftefular 6ml-monthly mtetlnt of th Crater Lka Poat, Veteran ot Fore it n wra will ba held In tha auditorium of tha court hmiaa, 7:30 p.m.. Tuesday av. March 17. sraciai invitation la extended 9 member of out of town poata. Ladtea AuxHIarf will meet In th poat room at the armory. NOTICB TO CARPENTERS Special bualneaa Carpenter's Local next PrldaT evening. Feb. 20. Elec tion of dale tr a tea to Carpenter con vention to be held In Eugene. April nt 19 ana istn. FRANK L. APPLE OATS. Financial Sect&ry DeMolav Mother' Club will meet Tuesday at th home of Mrs. H S. Deuel. 1100 So. Oakdale, Desert luncb, eon wir ba served at 1:90. All moth ers of DeMolav boys ara urged to at tend a there la soma very Unport&nt bualneaa to discuss. less India is given self-Roverr. ing dominion status NOW. That will give you some idea of the mess. see DRITAIN (too late, as usual) la ' moving heroically to clean up the mess. Churchill Is sending Sir Etaf ford Cripps to India to see what he can do. Cripps is an extreme liberal. For that reason. It la hoped that he may be able to talk to the people of India In language they will understand, respect and BELIEVE. Cripps Is also Churchill's lead ing opponent. It is Cripps who will probably take over the gov 1 ernment If Churchill should fall. If he saves the situation In India he will be the MAN OF THE HOUR. If he FAILS there, he will b discredited. . Churchill displays high pat riotism when he sends his lead ing opponent Into a situation that may make him the man of the hour. Cripps displays high patriotism when he accepts a mission that will break and dis credit him if he falls as hs Is likely to do. BOTH are to be admired for rlnlne? wvhat tHw ara Hnlnw But to an outsider it looks as If it Is being done too late. Such Jobs normally take time. The crisis in India is a matter of weeks perhaps days. . e e . e TTHE situation in India brings into sharp relief the prob lems of world empire. This writer (admitting that tha present Job Is to WIN the war) hopes that after the war we of America do not find ourselves with the Job ot RUNNING THS WORLD left on our hands, e e . e JT Is an immense Job. ' It entails SERIOUS weak nesses. 'Britain,, with an empire scat tered around the globe, la hard put to it to defend herself at all the MANY places she is under attack. She .has all kinds of peoples to deal wltb in her em pire. Germany, with short, interior lines of communication and a racially unified people, has a re latively simple Job. This war . is demonstrating that world empire involves frightful responsibilities and con tains inherent weaknesses. MULTNOMAH VOTE CUT Portland, Morch 14 OP) A canvasa ot Multnomah county registration rolls, as ordered by the last Oregon legislature, has cut the list of voters 35,978, James W. Gk-ason, registrar, said yesterday. Travel Table . AlKPI-AKkS North bound Leave Mane Close 48Saea. ISl a. 13 33 p m 1 1 33 a m. 4:03 p. m. (Flag atop) 8-03 p. as, 48 p m iPisg stop) 6.33 p at. . Bouthbuiuit Leave Malls Close 6 63 a m - in i st 3:37 p. m. (flag atop) 1:37 p. m. Ill; a nag atop) lilt a, 11.63 p m ' 1043 p. as, TRAINS North bound Leave Mans Close IM p. m 660 p Ha, Bou th bound Leave ' Mails Close 8 66 a as. BUSSES Rorth -' South 3 30 a at, 13 05 a m. 116 am. IM i a, III I . 6 30 a m. I 40 0 as, . . 60 p as. 6 48 p m 08 p. sa te a la math Palls sot p m Prom awmalh fans 40 a ov aidltkHMl Mall Service northbound Vehicle Leave Malls Close tai Route llti a .08 a at. rruak 13 30 p m. IS Moua 8outboound frock II p at 8 II p as, Stai Route 80 p as 6 00 p a 11 re Oranta Pass only. () fo Ashland only Cloatng time for Classified Ade s. m. Too late la ClaaaUy UiMJ a. av' ... ... -