MEDFORD MAIL" TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1942. PAGE THREE RALLY IS SLATED OF Meeting at Courthouse Wed nesday Will Draft Final Plans For County Census. Final plans outlining the role Jackson county la to play in the first statewide mobilization of "wo manpower" in the United States will be drawn at a mass rally of representative county women in the courthouse audi torium, Wednesday at 2 p. m. Mrs. Saldie Orr Dunbar, state director of the Oregon Board for Mobilization of Women and honorary president of the Gen eral Federation of Women's clubs, Is scheduled to meet with the divisional chairman earlier , in the day in order to complete preliminary arrangements. A strong, smoothly-function ing organization already has been developed in cooperation with federal and state employ ment service agencies under . the state leadership of Mrs. Dunbar, and the local super vision of Mrs. Leonard Carpen ter recently appointed to the state sponsoring committee by Governor Charles A. Sprague, and also named county chair man of the Board for Mobiliza tion of Women. Much Aid Needed. Although the house-to-house campaign to register the present or past work experience, train ing or vocational preferences of all adult Oregon women will not begin until February 16, the large problems demand de tailed attention in advance. Every active women's organiza tion in the city and county is expected to play an important part when the door-to-door can vassing begins the registration of all women above high school level. Announced purpose of the inventory is to create a vast new reservoir of skilled, semi skilled and "trainee" ' woman- power, available as substitutes 4 for men if, and when, an acute labor shortage develops as the result of workers being drawn into military service and heavy defense industries. Commenting on the program. Mrs. Carpenter drew a distinc tion between the pending in ventory of women's vocational skills, and 'the various civilian defense organizations. Paid If Needed "The registry of women's vo cational skills will be placed at the disposal of the employment service," she explained, "and if women are called for emergency work they will be fully paid in accordance with union stand ards. Civilita defense workers volunteer their services." Abilities of the women reg istered will fall into four main classifications: women with skills more important than the work they are now doing, wo men who have secondary skills that may be developed when needed; women with potential skills who are willing to be trained in vocational work, and women who may fit into places vacated by men called into heavy defense industries or military service. Some 4,000 trained Inter viewers will begin the house- to-house canvassing February 16, and it is hoped that the inventory data for the entire state may be collected by the end of the month. "If the inventory is success ful. It may be used as the pat tern for other states from Bos ton harbor to the Golden Gate," Mrs. Carpenter said. Just when women will be called into emergency jobs in the state's offices, factories and fields, if at all, depends largely upon changes in the accelerated American defense program, and the expansion of the military forces. . The Mesdames Dunbar and Carpenter urged that all wo men s organizations, clubs, aux iliaries and other groups be represented at the mass meet ing Wednesday. Further infor mation about any phase of the women's mobilization project may be obtained from Lewis Ulrich, office manager of the employment service. London, Jan. 24. (AP) The Mikado was stricken today from the roll of Knights of the Order of the Garter. .'at Mall Tribune want ads. Your Mail Tribune Boy Is a Volunteer ' J TV rt VeTTlT7 r JSSjr 1 I VI .n II Carpentry Classts To Be Held Nights At J'ville School Jacksonville. Jan. 24 SpI.) Night school classes in carpentry will begin Tuesday, January 27, at the Jacksonville high school. The classes, under supervision of the division of vocational edu cation of the state board of edu cation, are carried on to provide i carpenters for the cantonment. Classes will meet between 7 and 10 p. m. dally from Monday to Friday. Any man between 17 and 25 years of age tn Medford, Central Point, Griffin Creek. Ruch or Jacksonville is eligible to take the course. Anyone in terested in the course should contact the Jacksonville high school before the opening date. Chester Purseu of Jackson ville has been selected by the division of vocational education to conduct the classes. AXIS PLANES SMASHED San Francisco, Jan. 24. V- Australian planes, cooperating with allied fighters and bombers. smashed an enemy concentra tion of 400 transport planes in Libya, the Australian radio claimed today In a broadcast picked up by CBS. CHROME HEARING Portland, Jan. 24. (IP) John F. Norton, head of the mining division of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation will attend a meeting at Grants Pass Febru ary 2, and Earl K. Nixon urged Oregonians interested in cromite production to attend. The coffee plant is expected to furnish perfume as well as drink during the World war. Too Late to Gassify WANTED Clean cotton rags. Com mercial Printing Co. SO No. Grape. FOR BALK Refrigerator fountain, complete with compressor and car bona tor. Cheap. Box 24, Talent. BIO Hollywood, and Klmber and Bol lywood atralna Leghorn chicks for aheer egg production, eexed or atralgbt run. Hart's Breeding Pens A Hatchery (North and of Talent). OASCO BRIQUETS Now SIS SO per ton. Cheaper and better than coal. Valley Fuel Oo. Tel. S37. - FOR BALE 4 Weaner plga. Vofel Ranch. Griffin creek. ; y ran RVT-a m m niies mm poat orftee. Suitable (or trailer ' camp. Baa Jonee. Willow Springe arr. Sta., tu, miles North on M. FOK BATH raise, 1st tleas Ouereeev heifer, freeh tn spring. Harold Crump, Jarkeonvtlle. FOR TRAStv--room modern home and 4 lota In Central Point, for small tmproTed acreage aouth of Medford. W. H Wheeler. Cor. th and Cherry, Central Point. POlt BALB IMS Pord aoupe. rood condition, good rubber. Shp. 220 440 volt. S phaaa eleetrto motor. Phona S73S. WANTED Baled straw. , alao good Kanota oata. F. B. Samaon Oo. run FOODS at Moderate Prices. Din Cafe. Sth St.. jun on cen tral. Opening Monday. FOR SA1X Unimproved acreage, beet or sou, eioee in. Alio vacant iota, priced right. Inquire at Hotel ' Orand. . - ORDER Barry Planta and Fruit Tnea now. Aiwyr iruraenee. near Dig i MR. FOVLTRTMAN, the cantonment will create a big demand lor egre and meat. Oat ready with our egg production bred heavy breed chicks, aexed or straight run. Hart's Breed ing Pane Hatchery (North and of Talent). WANTED Oood women for compan ion W Kirj l T IWIJi WWW uwuw nianed. SOS Bo. Grape. FOR SALE Bergman, one minute washing machine. Clean and good working condition. Price SSO. Apply 220 South Grape, aide entrance. OUR famoua Cooper strain broad breasted bronaa poults are going fait. Drive out today and lefl talk turkey. Hart's Breeding Pens Hatchery (North end of Talent). USE OASCO BRIQUETS for a long lasting fire. Valley Fuel Co. Tel. S878. $3700 7-room houia. hardwood floora, . fireplace, paved street, well located, terms, double ge- S40AA 8-roora houee. hardwood e?JesUV floors, fireplace, well lo cated, terms to suit. $14001 4-room house, eloee to school, good rental. BROWN AND WHITS TRAPPERS Eagle Fotnt Fox Farm paya highest prices for your furs. OPENING TOMORROW Med ford 'l newest restaurant. DIXIE CAFE. Sth St- Just off Central. WANTED Hones for feed. Eagle Point Ft CHOW PUPPIES for aala. J. W. Qua tafaon. Jacksonville Highway. MINK FUR COAT Sine SS, nearly new. To trade on good used car. Phone 417S. FOR BALE By owner, bedroom ' house, comer, pavement, bullt-ms. S1760. SS0O cash, balance very easy. Would consider lata model car. 400 Beatty, forenoons and evenings. V w DACS UP 11IE BOYS DE1TIXD THE BOYS Tett your , MAIL TRIBUNE netnpopet h'yy to deliver 10-etit Defente Stamp toy out - homo regularly, every tooth To make it easy for yon to buy 10-eent Defense Stamps regnlarly, the earrler boy of thlf newspaper hsve rolnsteered as Official United States Defense Agents la the sale of these Stamps. In other words, yonr carries' hoy Is srathorised to take year order for the nnmher of Stamps yon want each' , reek and to deliver thesn direct to yonr home. Fill oat the order form below and giro it to year carrier hoy. WitE year Cm Sumps, yoa will receive s free slbum in which' to paste thews." Woes TO "KEEP 'EM FLYING," KEEP ON DUVINC U. S. Defense BONDS STAMPS AMEBICA Keedi.3Ien . . o 9totorUls . FOR 8ALB loss Ford aedan. good ehape. 1921 W. Main RlchHeld Sta tion, S13S. Trade for cow. TRY OASCO BRIQUETS The finest amid fuel available. Valley Fuel Co. Tl'I. S37S. FOR SALS OR TRADE 1440 Chev rolet 4 door deluxe, trade for older model or livestock. Phone S911. OOOD POOD Quirk earrtoe and u,uuwi pnoea. jne new ixsie Cafe opena Tomorrow. Sth at. Mat off Central. . W. B. ALEXANDER Central Point Authorised International Harvester Dealer for Jackson county. Insist on genuine McCormlck Deerlng. F. . O. and Dyrr pane they fit. FOR RENT e-roora modern houaa at loss court. Phone sec. FOR SALE Lease for three years. 60 Mcsve, eu acrea pal a water garden land, balance hay, grain and pas ture. Would keep 30 cows. Grant Road. Rout 1, Box s, Central Point. FOR RENT Two S-room houses, partly furnished. Water paid. Near comer of Raaal St, New Highway. FOR RENT 4-room furnished house. Inquire as Washington. FOR RENT S-room unfurnished iwu-v. e-room rumisnea apartment. SIS each. Not modem, city limits. Owner. SIS Beat Main. CASH FOR THAT old camera of yours at Bralnerd Camera Shop, ,40 South Central. Bring It In and let ui make you an offer. FRIED CHICKEN asc CHICKEN SOUP 10c Come Auk tn vminw aiH a i mllea north on Pacific Hwy. Home made chicken aoup, crisp fried chicken every day from noon to S. FOR SALE Oood feeder plga. End of South Peach, across Stewart Ave. Mark D. Cole. FOR RENT OR LEASE S-room house, furnished. 6 acrea, $30 monm. rnone ease. J Loggers Wanted, competent Logger with good equipment, capable of handling 20 to 2S million feet yearly, to figure on large Fir job near Sutherlin, Oregon. Oood logging show, fourteen mile truck haul. Long job, 200 million feet la solid block. Must be financially responsible and able to furnish satisfac tory references. Smith Wood-Products, Inc. COQUILLE, OREGON tS FORD Sedan, must sell, called tn army. Call between 1:00 and J:00 p. m, Bohemian Club. IJTTLB SUITE TRAILER CAMP nae a clean, up-to-date spare for you I Free laundry, showers and Medford city water. No mud, no nolae. Get your apace before the rush. Inquire at O. a. Cash store. Eagle Point. Ore. FOR BALB Oood farm near Olen dale, Oregon. Phone 4443. FOR SALsT Improved farm 'of SS acrea. all In cultivation. Only 4 ml. from Medford. This Is a good farm and a real buy at assoo, terms. 4-ROOM home, cement foundation. hardwood noon, large garage, cor ner lot. paved St. close to Jr. high and grammar school. This la a neat home and Is In good shape. S2A00. L. J. Dial 4S27 AUSTIN S10 Laurel St. FOR SALE OR LEASE Apartment house property. Tribune. Box S3SS. FOR RENT Modern furnished house, piano, fireplace, garage, S bedrooms. 405 Earners. CALVES WANTED Ph. TSS J-VUla. FOR SALB 9S V-8 Ford deluxe 1 door SS eedan. 90 new tires. Full price S37S. My equity vary reas onable. SIS Cedar street. SAVE SSS Tailored to your meas ure sulta. One week only. Valuee to (50.00 at S3S 00. Klein the Tailor, 1SS E. Main. Upstairs. HAVE TOUR Furniture reupholatered Ilka new. Phona 2S0S, Mr. Thlbeult. CARD READING (1.00. 329 Jeanette. FOR SALB -M Essex with 8 good tires and tubes, 600x20, cheap. Mrs. Minnie Smith, Gen. Del. Central Point. JUST ARRIVED Another truckload of Oranges, Lemons and Arlrons Grapefruit. These are our first tree-ripened Oranges and Art eons Grapefruit this season. For depend able flavor, buy from INGRAM'S ORANGE TRUCK, North Riverside, next to Coffee Pot. Attention T U. S. Defense Agent! The More Stamps You Buy, the More Planes Will Fly "Wu eoU moneyl Billions of ilolhrg are needed HOW. la parciuuei planes), gout, tank. 1 The none, matt eome from all of tu toluntartfyt Hecanse that U the Ainerlean Way. Let'i thow the Boya that we're hehlntl them Tolnnteef your dimes and dollar for doty now In time they'll all eome hack to yon, with Intereat, for that, too, la the American Ways' the slbum it filled It will contain '187 ltVcent Defense" Stamps snd Baa bo sschsned with S cents for an 118.75 Defense Bond paving $25.00 when held to maturity. If yoa have already given year order, bow Is the tbue to iwconssdet IK Bomber of Stamps previously ordered and Inrrssss it to the limit of Tjoat powers. Rrarewnher that bosnbs are falling on American land that American Bven, womon, and children trs dring that America may Svo. For all of m the boor of destiny bias struck, Cir oar anted forces the guns and ships and planes they mtut bars to crush the enemies of freedom and guard yosar lia, yew hamof Money -, and the Money Mtut Cczae frci YCU1 ASSOCIATED heating oils, day or -i. !,, MsiA run ATTRACTIVE modern, furnished apartment. Adults. SIS South FASTURB LAND Approximately 400 acres with houee and bams for lease Baraeburg Ranch. Phone J0TJ or call at Crystal Springs Pack ing Oo. for Information. SKVTN i ttNTH Annual states Baa- iu,, January 2Tth at SO p. m. First Methodlet Church. Phone Mrs. Maynard Sueh. 4310. for reesrveUone. WANTED To rent or leaaa Improved RAW FURS WANTED r.T.cV1 Prl0M paid for Mush rai Skunk. Mink. Coyote sad Bob Investigate our prices before you sell MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37 North Oraps LOANS ON HOMES Applications for loans ties are being promptly re closed without daisy. If yea plan to buy or transaction. 1UY DEFENSI 0NDS and STAMPS HEM I c; I siV.iaCsrfis.i n 1 IISllHI FOR KIRS Swing trie mttmMUm, base and guitar. For dances and private partlaa. Phone 4223. 1 - uoar agency. FIR SAWDUST SOO ef. load, St, delivered. Phone ST, Jecfceonvllle. Hugh Mcointy. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. John Dartre. Orlflln Creek. FOR SALE Complete House MoTing Outfit Plenty ( business ihlaS J. S. LYDIARD Blddle Rd Rte. 2, Be tl Medford To BUY Or BUILD on residential proper acted upon and loans sail, let w finance the Jackson County FEDERAL savtcss i icii . . ASSOCIATION IHEtttCth