PACE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1942. WILL NEWLY Former Gymnasium Trans formed Into Two-Story Sunday School Structure. chain. A good attendance la through the pastor, Rev. Loula C. Klrby, today announced com pletion of the newly built church achool temple at cost of over $8000. The part of the building formerly used ai a gymnasium has been made Into a two-story modern Sunday school plant adding to the pres ent equipment two assembly rooms and twelve sound-proof class rooms. Other improvements Include a beautiful worship chapel com pletely furnished, a large social hail for recreational and social activities, complete renovating and decorating of the church auditorium, the laying of a new carpet, painting of the church inside and out, and modernizing of the heating units. The new temple will be dedi cated Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Dr. S. E. Falrham, Ore- con conference superintendent, and the former pastor,. Rev. Joseph Knotts, of Salem, will be here to officiate. Other pastora expected to attend are the for mer pastor of the South Metho dist church, Rev. J. P. Bray, of North Bend; Rev. George Bruce, of Ashland; Rev. Darlow John son, of Grants Pass, and Rev. C. W, Attleford, of Talent. . The choir will sing the an them: "The Heavens Are Tell ing", from The Creation, by Haydn. Solo, "The Holy City", by Adams, will be sung by W. P. Brooks, baritone. At the close of the morning service, the church will cele brate the occasion with a pot luck dinner, self service style. Tablet will be provided for 200 people. A solo, "Wake, Soul of Mine", by Hemery, will be sung by Helen High Pierce, soprano. A large evening service at 7:30 is planned with Rev. Joseph Knotts as speaker. The program will Include a quartet, "The Lost Chord" by Sullivan, per sonnel, Elsie Carleton Strang, soprano, Mabel Randolph, alto, C. A. Meeker, tenor, R. C. Wright, baritone; a solo entitled, "How Lovely Are Thy Dwel lings", by Llddle, by Mary Ann Gates, soprano. Speaks Sunday DEFENSE BONDS GUYING PLEDGE WILL BE ASKED All Oregonians To Be Offer ed Opportunity To Put Patriotic Aim in Writing TALK WAR CONTRACTS - Portland, Jan. 9 07) Salem and Albany manufacturers and potential suppliers of war ma terials met today with represen tatives of the Oregon division of contract distribution under the OPM. The representatives discussed possible contracts at the two cities and tomorrow will be at Eugene for similar conferences. Over 390,000 people are em ployed In the cosmetic Industry of the United States. THIRSTS TOR DEFENSE Fall River, Mass. (UP) Francis P. Moffitt and his son, who are conducting an individ ual defense stamp selling cam paign In their restaurant, hung up sign reading: "Instead of buying a drink for the bartend er, buy a stamp for democracy." They almost sold out their en tire $250 stamp stock the first day. Production of asbestos in Arizona has been spurred by demands of defense industries. SAWMILL SPEEDS UP Toledo, Ore., Jan. 8 W) The C. D. Johnson sawmill, which has been working its 800 man crew half-time for several weeks while bearings were be ing repaired, Is returning to two eight-hour shifts daily. The Rev. John B. Weir. D.D.. Ph.D., (above) a former secre tary of the India Missions council, and for IS years a mis sionary in India, will be guest speaker at the Presbyterian church Sunday, at the 11 i. n. service, discussing "The Prob lems of the Far East." Menus of the Day BUGGY FINALLY SOLD Sardis, Miss., Jan. 9. (VP) With tire rationing and fewer automobiles, business Is looking up for one Sardis merchant. He sold a buggy, complete with harness and whip, that had been in stock for 21 years. Bae Mall Tribune want ad. By MBS. ALKXANI1ER GEORGE Mlllnl The TVa-Table . Aaaortd Sandwiches Stuffed CMery Sticks Rip OIIth . Tin; Bmet Plcklea Hot Tu Hot Chocolate Fruit Cooklea Pound Cake Salted Nuts Orange Data Flnaera 18 places white bread, buttered IS cup soft cream eheeaa V4 cup chopped dataa S tablespoons orange Juice 1 tablespoon lemon Juice K teaapoon aalt 4 teaapoon cinnamon Mix -Ingredients, spread on bread. Dlacard cruats and cut bread Into finger lengtha. Tuna rnffa Rich blacult dough t eup savory creamed tuna 18 eup diced celery 1 teaapoon mlnoed parsley cup grated cheese Pat out dough 14 Inch thick, cut out amall btaculta. Spread with but ter. Spread half the blaoulta with tuna mixed with celery and parsley. 'Put together In pairs, apiinkle with cheeae. Bake minutes In moderate oren. - Ham Rellah awtrta 13 sllcea buttered fresh bread H cup chopped cooked ham 5 tableapoona butter 1S cue dloed celery 1 teaapoon mlnoed onions t tableapoona mayonnaise 1 tablespoon catsup Dlacard cruats and spread bread with Ingredients. Roll In waxed pa per, damp cloth and chill. Serv tn u, Inch allcea. - Baron Relish Squares Hnt Canapes) 11 allcea whit bread Inch bacon aquarea , Thin cheeae allcea t tablraooona oataup 4 tabl'oons butter teaapoon mlnred parsley teaapoon paprika Remove cruets, cut each slice Into 4 aquarea. Toaat on one aide, place bacon and cheese on untnaeted aldea, spread rest of Ingredients. Bake or broil until well browned. Uae Mail Tribune want ads. Citizens of Oregon, every one of the 1,118,000 within the boundaries, will have the op portunity of "lining up with I Uncle Sam" on January 20, It was announced in Portland to day by Palmer Hoyt, state chairman of the defense savings bond staff. The opportunity will be offer ed everyone, beginning on this date, to sign, voluntarily, a pledge to purchase regularly United States defense bonds and stamps. Through firms, organi zations, and by a house-to-house campaign, pledge cards will be made available to all citizens. Those signing the cards will themselves set the amount they wish to subscribe for bonds. and may make what changes are necessary in their purchase programs later, It is pointed out. Chairmen In Charge In charge of the campaign to obtain pledges will be chairmen of the county defense bond or ganizations throughout the state. They will be assisted by the entire state defense bond staff, and numerous patriotic, fraternal and other groups. The drive will bo the greatest concerted action of Its kind ever undertaken in this state, Hoyt points out. It is also ex pected to base plans for the en tire country on what is accomp lished in Oregon. "Oregon has always led the nation in patriotism," Mr. Hoyt stated. "And this will be an other opportunity to demon strate our leadership. The suc cess of this pledge campaign will also be a ringing note for victory In this great war in which we are now engaged." Citizens who wish to volun teer their services for the pledge drive are urged to get in touch with members of their county defense bond organizations. The defense bonds and stamps which people will be urged to pledge' themselves to purchase are United States securities, with the full faith of the government behind them. PRESS CONFERENCE Eugene, Jan. S UV) The an nual Oregon state press confer ence opened today on the Uni versity of Oregon campus. George S. Turnbull of the school of Journalism, conference secre tary, earlier had urged all pub lishers In the state to attend because of the timeliness of the topics. Seven towns in the country are named Dixie. 1 I oCK-J AN D BKEAKFAST 8AD I WO00L-- W 7 1 I THAT TOASTS SO GOOD- f Protected by freshness-preserving, mois- j AKID'S SETTER ture-proof "Cellophsne" your guide to V tor you too Jyy ,dd, vIue "BREAKFAST BREAD" V J is easily identified by Rodney the Rooster , on the wrapper. "BREAKFAST ru.- I BREAD" tastes better, toasts better and is Smmyf - better for you and your family. mm Defense of your country begins with defense of your own pers onal health. Serve plenty of nutritious, health-building meats every day of the year. Shop your nearest Safeway market for finest quality meats at a saving that will enable you to spend ad ditional dimes and quarters in the purchase of DEFENSE SAV INGS STAMPS. PORK Roast, lb. 21c Picnic Style Steak, lb. 25c Sausage lb. 19c Country Style SLICED BACON, lb. 29c No Rind BACON, by Piece, lb. 29c Sugar Cured BACON SQUARES, lb. 17c Fat Back PICNICS, tenderized lb. 27e BEEF ROAST, blade cuts, lb. 23c SIRLOIN STEAK lb. 33c. Ground ROUND STEAK, lb. 25c GROUND BEEF lb. 19c Were You a Safeway Customer Last Year? If you were, we feel pretty confident you will continue as our customers in 1942, because WE know that YOU know that all Safe way prices are consistently low every day, that in the long run your family can enjoy the finest quality foods regularly at the low est possible cost. On the other hand, if you are not a Safeway customer as yet. than we most earnestly urge you to investigate the Safeway method soon. What you find in quality foods, economical prices, in guaranteed satisfaction will be more convincing than any ' words we can use. You be the Judgel Meat Prices Effective Saturday Only CORN or PEAS Gardeniide, 303 can 3 cans 25c ftVCTCDC L"9- Fresh.. pint 29c CHOCOLATES Close-Our Prices HOLIDAY 2'i-lb. box 49c 5 lb. box 85c DOROTHY DUNCAN Vx lb. tin. 39c 3 lb. tin i. 89c TOMATOES Gardenside, No. 2'i tin 3 for 33c Prices are effective Sat., Jan. 10th thru Monday, Jan. 12th CATSUP, Red Hill. 14-os. bottle 11c CHILI SAUCE, Moneta UVt-et. btl. ic HOT SAUCE Gardenside S-os.. 3 cans lie KITCHEN BOUQUET reg. btl. 38c CRANBERRY SAUCE, Ocean Spray 17-os. can ... 2 for 25c SWEET PICKLES Paradise 25-os. jar 25c Sandwich Spread. Lunch Box. 16-os. 23c CHEESE, full cream. 2-lb. loaf 69c TEA Orange Pekoe Canterbury W-Jb. 34c TEA. Lipton's yellow label W-lb. pk. 42c Nob Hill Coffee 23c 2 450 Airway Coffee , 1 9c 3 ,b.55c SOUPS Atiortod xcopt Consomme Clam Chowder, Chix 1 Gumbo 9V4 oi. can 3 for 25c al. eel .f 141 B -.W.;.rt." 1. ,0Vb7' Real freshness, everyone will agree. It the important feature in fruits and vegetable. And that Is why you'll thrill at the crisp, garden freshness of produce you'll find at SAFEWAY. Every purchase guaranteed dewy fresh, full-flavored or your money back! Bananas 2 lbs. 15c Carrots T ...' 3 lbs. 10c Oranges , 10 lbs. 45c Grapefruit Ss55 .... 10 lbs. 45c Dry Onions YDer.r. 10 lb. bag 43c At V I IrVI i now bated yT '?TJff -1 plainly on everyj 1 KCVT gapped '. ..hex " ,r Sl 'r .isrti -jaw POTATOES KLAMATH GEMS U.S. Ho. 1, 10 lbs. 29c 25 lbs. 75c U.S. No. 2, 25 lbs. 49c 50 lbs 85c H. 0. OATS Quick Cooking LARGE PACKAGE 25c Produce Prices for Saturday Only Harvest Blossom PANCAKE FLOUR 9 POUND BAG 49c Toilet Tissue. Silk. reg. roll, 3 for lie Facial Tissues. Stellar 800t 23e Chore Girls .. reg. pkg. 9e Old Dutch Cleanser. No. 1 can 2 for lSe Purex 34-os. bottle 25c White Magic Bleach, quart bottle 10c Bluing. Mrs. Stewart's, 10-os. btl. 13c Ssniflush 22 os. can 19e Cat Food, Puts'n Boots, S o... 4 cans 19c Instant Postum, a os. can 37c Rice Screenings 3 lb. pkg. 19c Cherub Milk, tall cans ... 4 for 33c Grapefruit Juice, Town House No. 2 cans 3 for 23c Syrup. Sleepy Hollow ..S lb. can 39c Malt Syrup. Blue Ribbon, 31b. can 47e Flapjack Flour, Albers lg. pkg. 20c Popped Wheat or Rice. Nu Vita 8-os. pkgs. 2 for lSe Flour, Kitchen Craft, 491b. sack 31.79 Keen Shortening lb. 16c 4 lbs. 81e Graham Crackers, Honeymald 2-lbs. 29c Jell Well Desserts and Puddings 4 pkgs. lte Marshmallows, Fluffiest, 4 4 -OS. pkgs. in box ... 13c Egg Noodles, Sunrise, 14-os. pkg. 17e Baked Beans, B.fcM. No. 300 can 10c B.atM. Brown Bread large can 14e Green Beans, Briargate, No. 2 can I2e Spinach, Emerald Bay, 2V4 can lSe Sauerkraut, Llbby's No. 2 can 9e Sauerkraut, Highway No. Jii can 10c Apricots, Valley Gold, whole, unpeeled 2'i can 13c Pears, Harper House....2 can 21e Peaches, Castle Crest 2"t can 19c Sweetoned Cocoanut Vi-lb. cello pk. 13c Dried Prunes, Del Monte, 2 lb. pkg, 17c HORMEL SPAM I PALM0LI VE I ZEPHTRrRESH lIVORY FLAKES 3 qq fessSk 5tp Tg?HEALTHS0AP IVORY SNOW can JJC 3-25 ijp ZW i2vpkgj2c ROLLED OATS M- 9-lb. bag HOC Albert quick or regular CORN MEAL 01 9-lb. bag OIC FARINA Albert, 9 lb. bag 49c SU-PURB SOAP 19e 5b0r37 Hat a hand lotion added 24-oi. IQc SO-ox. box 1 9 box BUY A SHARE ln America! Start a 10c or a 25e Stamp Book Todayl