PAGF. NTNB Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! t MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1941. Brad riv ad on thU vt t'u will prttfMiiU find pwIIJ Ihr thing it - lti slr of lidt lot rtMip tuu mmy ttmv $mrr .nut ajttlr ltirr rrmm u mi find man thino tth-r art rrhini and n t rraltn imnifiiiNlf rnh It thai nu want ln1 nrr adtrrtl tm It TMhnnf I'laa airird ada arc lnapnla RATES rtff Kurd fir-i inmuol (Minimum tAr Cart, addltltinal inpertlon. net wort. - 1 (Minimum I Or) rtr ttnr pet montk wit-nut copy rnanc $lta CASH r none? ordn mul arrom pany all maU order ctaMiried da. LOIT AND FOUND LOST Heavy phone 6036. electric cord. Please "XMSS&rSS Nln, tage. Finder please phone 3916 or 3333. I; rlnlK.: k,:,: JU., hn.m-s. street. Saturday mgnt. rnone .jw. Reward. L. O. Kankln. BXPUH1 loet due, animal cruelty case. Humane Society Phune 6181 WANTED MALE HELP FRUNERS WANTED - Rogue River Orchard. End ol k'o Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Houae keeper for general housework and care of baby, for employed couple. 333 So. Rlveralde, alter 6 pm. WANTED Woman cook, middle aged, good wages. Rte. 1, Box 48. WANTED Experienced woman for general housework. Mrs. Edwin Jen ney. Pbone 8846. RELIABLE WOMAN to care for two small children. Weekly wage, room WANTED SITU A HONS MARRIED MAN wants lob as herds man on stock and dairy ranch. 30 . YOUNO singing canaries. 64, Includ yeara experience. Box 737, Trib- lng cage. Pbone 6103 mornings I FOR SALE White collie puppies. A. EXPERIENCED girl wishes house- i work: go home evenings. Box 716, Tribune. WANTED Steady position by young I. "r' " i civaiw. nmuu yuuuv. c, . Stenographer, bookkeeper. 8teadlly employed, available on two weeks notice. Box 1038. Care Tribune. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Used woven wire fence. ; Trail, pbone l-F-7. . WANTED-To run on sharea, a ranch. Tftnmnahl. anwrl.nMil ft.lrvmftn and taraer. Good references. Make a,. . puun. d ,o , WANT TO LEASE Place suitable for hamburger stand. Write or call at 730 Oak Street. Medford. cmlvea. eanner com. stock cattle. ! O. W. King, stock man, Oen'l Del. Medford. KOTICE Ekatrand specialises in pruning shrubbery, trees; tree sur gery: and guarantees his work to be the best, for It's done correct. Telephone 4580. WANTED A few more men to tak advantage of our weekly rates. Big. warm lobby, clean comfortable beds, hot showers, slnsle rooms. 33 00 and up. Crater Hotel. 30 8. Central. WANTED Trade merchandise and cash for rtna shotguns, pistols 817 North Riverside. FAINTING and kalsomlnlng. No Job too btg or too small. Phone 3033 All work guaranteed. E. R. Carey. WANTED TO BUT Small going res taurant suitable for man and wife Bob 354, Tribune. WANTED- Improved 3 acres or less close in Olve price, location, ate Boa 334. Superior. Wyo WELL ORILUNO 31 50 per ft fir 60 ft. ate J M Dodge 610 King BIO H ESI easb paid fat tnm copper brass radisuira aluminum oat teriee tuoea rags laed and sine Medford Bargain House WANTED Wool, mohair aides snd pelts Medford Bantalu Hours 87 North Orape St Phone 3744 WILL PAY MIItT CAH Pol 0nd Used Furniture HOI.BROOK Fl'RMTt RE 18 North Profit Phone 4033" Hf:T FHirr.a P4II For Yout furniture rri Y hmii ur rnmie 44n FOR RENT MOUSES FOR RENT Three-room fumlehed apartment, one block weat court bouse. 18 MUtletoe. FOR RENT 8-room house. Inquire Medford Fuel. 1133 North ntrsl. FOR PENT 4-room houae. close In. electrically equipped. 318 So. Or ange FOR RENT &-room modern house: garass. Inquire 818 So. Rlveralde 10-ROOM bouse. Ideel for roomers Close In Shulu Bros. STRICTLY modern new tmeil on furnished huss for rent Conven iently loci ted. H. L. Cook, 1104 West Ma,n. FOR RENT Modern, attractive 4- room house, partly rtirnlrted. weter paid. Call 31 Haeel St . near Big Y. SOUS! FOB 8I-NT 30 Trips, FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnttbed S-nxxn bouse. 123 Almond 8u FOR RENT- Puruubed I-ruocn houee. lectrtc stov. fireplace AduJu Phone 6033. Oarka Grocery ."RUCKS roR RENT Move euuraelf Save balf Pruitra Mobil g&j Sta tion Mam and Phone 416 FOR RENT APARTMENTS WARM furnished apartment. Prlrate batb. frlgldalre. 806 W. Main. FOR RENT F and F a part menu 3 room a and batb gaa beat. In quire 311 Weat 6tb FOR RENT Nicely furnished apart merft. 403 Newtown. FURNISHED apartment. 2nd. 317 Weat ATTRACTIVE 4-rm. furnished apt., steam beat, frlgldalre. over Hollo way's Grocery. Ph. 3836. FURNISHED apartment. Frlgldalre. eJectrlo stove. Holland Hotel. FURN APT Steam beat, hot water. Frlgldalre. 603 6 Holly St. FOR RENT 3- room furnished apart ment Adults 129 Mistletoe fOR RENT furnUhad Rooms FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room for gentleman 335 South Riverside. CLEAN rooms, new Simmons Inner spring mattresses; warm lobby; plenty hot water, circulating air beat; single 63 00 weekly and up i Crater Hotel. 30 South Central. Right down town. ROOMS ror Rent 163 N Oakdale WARM, furnished room, private, bath and entrance. Oarage. 1104 W ATTRACTIVE P.OOM8. 404 8. Orape. ,,, -..-. ..,, run nui s Dwnnw, ftw.-a BOARD & ROOM 716 B. Main. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR BALE Guernsey heifer, freshen In a week. James Keith. Just south of Siskiyou Park. Come after four o'clock. - COWS FOR SALE 10 good young cows, some fresh, rest to freshen soon 1 miles below Applets te Store on Grente Pass Highway, M. L. Forrest on mall box. FOR 8 ALE Brood Phone 6133. sow and pigs. EXTRA GOOD Jersey cow, ready to freshen coming with 3rd -.alf. a heavy springers, milking a, (irthorn cows. 3 Guernsey heifers, J miles flmith nf Merifmvf An Hiff'twav W.. first bouse south orcnara rars Ranch, same side road iCASH i rues Dial 6376 FOR SALE DOGS PETS L. Ferns, rem valley. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES ron 8ale -34 Chevrolet 2 -door trunk sedan; new rings, special Inch wheels; brakes Just rellned. Will Uke trsde-ln car or house trailer. CHAMP'S TEXACO SERV ICE. Riverside A Jackson. FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate UU8X gEXL on account of health Clt, property In Montana, or trade for Medford property. Inquire 608 Palm. rat.m Virri gy'fH AWfllrnnrTtTiNY "iO I tcr, irrigated. Twin Falls. Idano. for small auto court or groceries of line value. Write or see owner at Oak Ptret. Medford. FOR SALE -REAL ESTATE FOR SALE House and lot In Butte Palls. Clifford B. Moore, Rt. 4, Boa 14, Medford, Woodrow Lane. 3 ACRES, 7-room plastered bouse with bath, fireplace, service porch, fruit room, cement foundation, shade trees, city water, located on Jacksonville highway. 33500.00. Also 5-ROOM modern house, well lighted living and dining room, large bed rooms, fireplace, cement founda tion, well located on pavement, 32350.00. Easy terms. L. O. PICK ELL 10 8. Bsrtlett BUILDING A HOME Let us handle at) details on 26 year PHA loans--quickly efficiently Ooldy Agency FOR BALE OR RENT One acre or leas. 2 -room house. Grant Walker, Pnoenii. FOR SALE 40 acres wood land. Box 183, Jacksonville. FOR SALE Medford Improved prop erties Ben Vlmont. Aerate. CITT and country properties Rentals Loeus Insurance C 6 Butterfleld 409 Medford BullOrrig WHEN TOO tm think . ot t AWencv 103 W nk of real eetete le Spencer- Bsgley Mam f OH SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR flALE Furniture for 3 bedroom ' noune. 1018 W. 11th. Phone 4100. FOR SALE Electric pressure pump. "33 Chevrolet pickup. First plsce on rlihl west of Mstlsck's Store, Jacksonville Hlwsy. FOR SALE Bsled and ground alfalfa. Monarch Seed Ac Feed Co FOR SALE Baled Straw. 60c Monarch Seed Al Feed Co. FOR SALE Hog feeds of sll kinds. Try Monsrcb Hog Concentrate with your bocne-grown gralna. Faster gains when you use It. Monarch Seed at Feed Co. FOR SALE "I would like to see all my old friends come in and get acquainted with my new employers the Monarch Seed et Feed Company who have taken over the 8 perry line of "FARM-TESTED- feeds. Ill be on the )ob wben you come In. You'll enjoy the Improved service we will be able to give you both at the warehouse and the retail store." Trm Poose. run BALa anil aeasprvH. Mrs. w. M Knoa next to otlmore Station, Jacksonville. (-kO ait Slveeww ew.tatt1" I L.!' Tr.m J UJi ! waiting for his old friends to eome In for Kperrya. Monarch Seed Peed Co, I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Sperry'a "Farm -Teat ed" poultry and acock teeda. We wel come the patronage of all Spetry usera and promise you eourteoua and fair treatment at all tlmea. Monarch Seed Feed Co. FOR SALE Trailer bouse, exception ally clean, like new. R M. Canaan, 603 South Riverside. FOR SALE 6-tube table model radio In metal case. Address Tribune. Box 1243. FOR SALE -Ladles1 knit dress, alee 40. Set My Bookhouse by Olive Beaupre Miller. Phone 3039. CULL COMICS In lues, very reason able. Crystal Rprlngs Packing Com pany, South Fir. rX)R SALE Mountain fir sawdust for zuei. rABtita rAK-iuts Burtrux Pbone 4449. USED circulating beater. 115. Crater Metal fe Engineering. 143 K. Front. USED Heat rola coal circulator, perfect condition. 325. Crater Metal dt En gineering. 143 N. Front. CHRISTMAS TREES, wreathes and greenery. Tbe beat In town. Prices right. Bert Johnston, corner Sixth and West Main Streets, next to G rover's Dairy. Open dsy and night GET English Wslnuta for Christmas Oliver Rogers. 610 Crater Lake. ORDERS TAKEN for Real Silk Hos iery. Phone 3003 329 Apple. EXCELLENT values In used washers radios, refrigerators. Pick Hdwa. FOR SALE Pears and apples Joe Kautor 3 miles north rslent FOR SALE Low priced lumber or any building materials Csll us be fore you buy R O Stephenson Co Court and McA-.drewe. Telephone 3000 AGATE JEWELRY. Novelties and Myrtle. Wood Have your agates out at Ranto's Agats 8hop, 423 East Msln St. WOOD- Dry fir and laurel. Assoc! a ted Station, 700 E. Main. Tel. 3BS8 MMIHIKK RAHIItlN Hill We Have What You Want " Pipe end Flttmits all steea Soil Pipe and Drainage Fittings Plumbing Fixtures and Septle Tanks Tenia and rsrpm ilns Doors Windows snd Glass Split Pulleys Belting. Cable and Bloeka Barbed Wire Stock Fencing, ete Roofing Paper Building Paper Paints Root Stain Army Oouda Sbnea Boots Quilts Underwear and Socks Pumps snd Mschinory Tools lor the House Farm Uvgerr and Mill Suppllee New and Used Furniture ot All Kinds Stoves sod Circulator Hesters We Can Save You Dollar rn a . 37-38 N Grape St DRY FIR for ssis Phone 6180 aftei ft DO o'eiock REAL BUYS In used clothing 1408 No Riverside, serosa from Becks Bskery Singing csnarlea make fine presents See them st 1137 w Main Pb 4897 FIR SLABS Buy Phons 4H4 Now. City Fuel FOR BALE Dry 6180 fir slsos. Pbone MISCELLANEOUS ELECTROLUX Ssles a Service, phone 3689. ATTENTION I Dont forget the Bar becued Pork Sparerlbs Saturday and Sunday at Ullle'e Piece, corner court and Me Andrews. PERSONAL P READ1NQ, 31. 329 Jeannetta. p,iml(ltr, crrstai Readme D Millet Ph 344(1 480 Mountain Ave Ashland BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Restaurant fully equip ped. Good location. If you are looking for a bargain, see E. Oould. 402 W. Jackson. FOR BALE OR LEASE Meat market In connection with grocery, good paying business. Apply at once Hlll'a Fine Foods. Vrcka. Calir BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiques EARLY AMERICAN OLASS at the algn 8 mllea soutb of drams Paas or I mils aorth of Ssvags Rapids dam on Highway OT Atsayar AS8ATER W O Wright. 3318 Cepl tal Ave City So of water reeervolr Oold 81 copper 31. rlnnaPer 33 Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also furnaces snd oil stoves cleened Cell Geo Eetuo S8 No Front Phone 4W40 Carpentering LESLIE RALSTON . Oenersl Contract ing, fine finishing work All kinds Carpentering For estimates please cull at 701 N Riverside or Tel 2881 Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Chrlstmss Cards Dslnty Hsndkerchlefs. Albert's Myr tlewood Novelties THE ALBERTEL- f.A 130 VorTM fen'ml Chiropodist, FOOT SUFFERERS Opening modem Chiropody offices. Corns, callouses. Ingrown nslls removed archea cor rected Dr. Arnold M Depner, Chir opodist. Foot Specialist. 317 'luh rer Bide Phone 3103 Dressmaking IKE PAHHIuN SHOP Dreasmeslng Fur Remijeung Buttons and Bucklee covered Room 803 U 8 National Bank Bldg Tel 3l DREoSMAKINO - Alterations ta l kit ing Kethertue Satterlee Slngel Shop 33 ) Orape Expert Window Cleaner LI1 OEUKOE DO ITI RXPtKI Wineow Cleener Oenersl house eleenere wssing paint. Ins fVo P Ol srd Phone )M Floor Sanding and Reflnishing i - ' - J FOR ernoother aandtng Jobs, a more 1 lasting unisn. csu j. ttsiswig. fl .licvrrllle ' Closing time for Clesslfled Ads rint. nan' m- 100 w Classify 13 JO. 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY MONEY TO LOAN OC ARE INVITED to see us for CHRISTMAS CASH PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE on Car, Livestock and Personal Loans OREGON FINANCE CO. W. E. Thomss. Mgr. Lie. No. 8-11-M-317 43 So. Central rial 4433 Home owned and managed Since 1931 WE liOAN MONET ON YOUR CAR Attractive Rate COAST FINANCE Harold H Brown Agency License 811 133 East Mam Pbone 8446. PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farms Address Box 413. Tribune. NURSERY STOCK CARLTON NURSERY The only nursery In Southern Oregon with a complete stock of fruit, out and abade trees and ornamental shrubs and plants on hsn during all tbe planting season. Csrlton Nursery. 52nd year 4 miles South of Medlord on Pacific Riebway. Look for the Mir-o-llte sign. FINEST QOAUTT NURSERY STOCK at Lowest Price in years. Call or write Alwyr Co.. Rt. 3. Box 16, North Med ford, new highway. Rooting WE REPAIR or apply any type ot roof Pabco Roof Inns Shingles Coatings snd Paints New tuira Wall Paper Ekerson Paint ami Rout 8 So Bartlett 11 843 JOB SMITH YOUR ROOFER AU Rout rruubles taken car of All work guaranteed Call 3768 or 2248. 301 Haven. Transfer CITY TRANSFER STORAOE CO Household moving snd genera hauling a0 S Orape Phone 4064 Day or night FURNITURE MOVING AND STOR AGE We have vsn moving equip ment for local and long distance bauling Dry and clean storage I concrete building with special locker rooms at low rates SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Phone 3756 BADS rRANSPER A STORAGE CO Office 16 South Fir Phone i828 pncee right Service guaranteed 0AVI8 TRANSFER AND STOR AO I 40 S Fit Street. Insured camera Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone 1888 Vacuum Cleaner Service QUA RAN TEED SERVICE on all makes of vacuum cleanera. Called tor and delivered free. Feldman Electric Phone 8577 COURT HOUSE NEWS Marriage Licenses Glen Guches and Vera M. Six. Frederick Joseph Keith and Vivienne Mae Ross. Al Willard Mason and Jessie Newton. Divorces Filed Cathryn Virginia Cameron vs. Eoss M. Cameron. Deads William H. Jordan et ux to John A. McEndree et ux, W. D. 80 acres In Sec. 38, Twp. 38 South Range 4 West W. M. Leo F. Ferguson et ux to Floyd B. Old. W. D. In Sec. 35, Twp. 37 South Range 3 West W. M. Pabrlck's unrec orded plat. Blanche Burge Oarrett et vlr to ACROSS l. Arrow pollen I Steal 17 Sound f cattle 4. Cover! with S Lo-it!on watir II. Dln.mrd-riite f. Skill tint cup It Philippine 40. Mountato mountala laurel II Trea with it Tyy rnaaora trsaktd 41 Pieca oat W004 44. ThrnufiK prw 14. Cnfltnh rfvr fit tS. Introduction of 41. PubJto amiTton new wortp abbr. IT. Ood'les of till M Stat harveit . urn in favor af tl. Onu oppoM-1 II DlMied 11. Etactiy tnjit n. Recent It aa )'! qutrtjd . Anrient liih 14. Caiirornta but muiieal io ruh trumenT 17. Metal t1. Mineral aprlnf &S United aarala U. Sunpurt 40. KeNtntvn auO :i Kiixt ttanro 2T. I'oint 41. Atvor,4 I. Oecay 8J. Flrtlth 10 At hurt.. . Conaealatl 12. ftimti- .tinea water ahapod Into 44. Antio 3axo piliart alavaa II. "ml nine nam 4a. Beam n i y y p p "'Y ' 1 ' :, '7 23 T 'rm"S'"rar -... 5 "Z3" 3 Kathryn B. Nell, quitclaim deed. In Ashland. Leon Saccarea to L. Tracy, special warranty deed, 18 acre In Eagle Hewitts Fruit Fsnn, In Sees. 1 and 3. Twp. 36 South Range 1 West W. M. L Tracy to Barry E. Dennla et ux. special warranty deed. 18 acres. In Eagle Heights Fruit Farm, In Sjcs. 1 and 3, Twp. 86 South Range I West W. M. .... . . r-h..i-. w Moon et al. redemption certificate. In j Central Point. Medlord Corporation to .Wesley w. Drtakell et ux. W. D. In Butte Palla. Ja:son County Federal Bavlnga and Loan assoctstlon to Clara Smith, In Sec. 10, Twp. 87 South Range ! West W. M. Mrs. L. J. Matlock to W. I. Qlbaon. quitclaim deed, 10 acres in See. 8, Twp. SS South Range I East W. M. W. E. to Lelsnd L. Dyslnger st ux, qultclslm deed. 10 seres In Sec. 8. Twp. 38 South Range 1 Bast '. M. Jones R. Hunter to Reber B. Hunter. W. O. in 1840 acres In See. 18. Twp. 38 South Range I Weat W. M. O. E. Rutledge et ux to C. 8. Clif ford et ux. W. D. In Mac sub-dlrl- slon. Fred Miller et ux to Robert H. Jones et ux. W. D. 8147 acres In Sec. 17, Twp. 38 South Range 4 Weat W. M. Dorothy Miller to Prank H. Osster et ux, W. D. In . Benson a addition. Medford. Jackson County Federal Savings and Loan asaoMatlon to Dorothy Mil ler, W. D. In Benson's addition, Med ford. Marlon Lee Hadden et al to B. L. Lockwood. deed. 8 74 acres In Sec. 11 Twp. 38 South Range 1 West W. M. Eugene National company to H. L. Edmunds, W. D. In Seo. 88, Twp, 87 South Rsnge 3 West W. M. T. C. Clark et ux to Crater Lake Orchards, Inc.. W. D. In D. L. C. No. 87, Twp. 38 South Range 1 West W. M. City of Medford to Mary Xoehler et vlr, W. D. In Sutherlln Terrace. Hattle Elliott et vlr to Amelia Jacobs, w. D. In Eagle Point, Bert 0. Bostwlck et ux to H. W. Dunham et ux, W. D. 174 acres In See. 38, Twp. 38 South Range 4 West W. M. Jsckson County bsnk to J. W. Pal mer. W. D. In Pitt View subdivision. City of Medford, to George W. Porter, W. D. In Laurelhurst addition Anna M. Roblson to James L. Rlghtmler et ux, W. D. In Railroad addition. Mary Josephine Estee et vlr to the First National bank of Portland. W. D. In Mc Iford. H. W. Vsn Hiss et ux to J. Orbln Cookaey et ux, w. D. 16 acres In D. L. C. No. 41, Twp. 38 South Range 1 West W. M. Mrs. Beatrice Hargadlna to Grace Cramer, quitclaim deed, In the city of Ashland, Ore. Jennie O. Charley to Leland L. Dyelnger et ux, quitclaim deed, 10 acres In Gee. 8, Twp, 88 South Range 1 East W. M. Annie J. Bateman to George 8. Rusco et ux, W. D. In Shady Cove sub-dlvlslon. In Sec. 18, Twp. 84 South Renge 1 West W. M. Harold Chapman et ux to Robert R. Lytle et ux. W. D. 13 64 acres In Sec. 13, Twp. 88 South Range 1 West W. M. Curtis t. Sanford et ux to V. H. Chapman et ux. W. D. In Miners ad dition. Ashland. Guy Tex et ux to R. H. Dopp et ux. W. D. In Central Point. Anna L. Mcculloch to prances M. S.-hadler, W. D. In. Summit addition, Ashland. Bert S. Stancltrt et UX to A. R. surhey, W. D. In phoenix. John T. Breeding to Maude X. Breeding, quitclaim deed, one-half Interest. 638 scree In Bee. 16. Twp 36 South Range 4 Weat W. M. Oregon Rural Rehabilitation cor poration to the United States of America, quitclaim deed, 80 acres In Sec. 30. Twp. 38 South Rang 1 West W. M. Jackson county court to Allot R. Cummtngs, deed, In Butte Falls. Jackaon county court to Oeorge McDonald, deed, In Sec. 10, Twp. 89 South Range 1 Eaat W. M. Solution Of yesterday's PuhIs DOWN L Oenus uf the frog 8. Unclnee 8. Articles of se- psrsl 4. Former Prsel cent's ,lrk. asms I. Twist net el shspe I. Operstls eolo, t. Women's re llglojs or. f solution 8. wind of mest I. Embellish la Ont woe dis owns or die elalms II. Trlsl It. Oo softly !0. Mkht fsd 32 Us the matter 34. Kind of s 'nee te. Ammonia de rivative 31. Parsons as one euhjeet 33, H.rb. t ins frlmr'.ee mllr II. Poor 13. Cl-er f finer. In wool ataal, 14. Also 15. River: Koaalat It, Lars erm- p'eilonsdl Score a. Know runner 41. P net! 41. Salamander 47. Pranlea award play 4L Fruit so. Kiternsl i Clan! uf fee lsn4le tes St Rf movs SH,la lure IS R 'i.riin river St. Whirlpool M. rtmale esnd- Dlpsr II. Or'.r -f S -otk "f"h IS' sUaa tribes a c pfic oTr ail TSlTAj CUPjlRATfl rJEf U Title CtflT JaIsII wtfrgfsjHHE sjTjinulgl PE"HA LAflfefVi7lL A CnA TAROfni C H AM te Ll ICff RTdjE BASD-tpaueiA sjunuF.nfTi jpisci nrTteLijA la MEn?AiLi3r.L!1 N cu!ElljntT6ll6.R'e AjeTllUaii;olAlN!Jp:P Jackson county court to It. C. Strltyrer. deed. In Palm's addition. Medlord. Reese Creek ! Reese Creek, Dee. 34. (Spl.) i Mr. and Mrs. Victor Blrdseye ITeddy and Mary Ann, were din- ""ta Dec. 21, of Mr. EHte Blrdseye at Foots Creek. "r. and Mrs. cnarlea Humpnrey attended the aupper and meeting of tne Eagle point Townseno eiuo Dec. American union Sunday scnooi en joyed a short program after the lea son which Rev. D. D. Randall pre sented. The program Included reel, tatlona, Stanley Martin and Jim Jackaon: vocal duet, Mr. and Mrs. Randall: readings. Revs Chesnut and Mrs. W. R. Lamb. Officers elected far next year Include: superintend ent, Ralph Memtt; assistant super intendent. Mrs. W. R. Lamb: secre tary treasurer, Mrs. Ida Martin; li brarian, Reva Chesnut: pianist. Myr tle Camack: assistant pianist. Janst Merrltt: primary teacher, Mrs. San derson: junior class, Reva Chesnut; teacher at large, Mrs. Ralph Merrltt; Bible Class. Mrs. W. R. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Randall were dinner guests at the W. R Lamb home Dee. 31. Mr. and Mrs. prank Dunlap and children of Butte Falla were guests for supper, also visiting thslr grandparents, the Lam be. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan sold their fine flock of turkeys for the Christ mas holiday trade, and did well on their venture. There will be two weeks' vacation for arhool thla year. Mrs. W. H. Medley returned home from a trip to Benlda, Calif., In time for the holidays. Her daughter and husband, Mr, and Mrs. Vem Stewart and son, also came from the same place for the holidays. Mra. Elmer Robertson hurt a thumb badly while helping Mr. Robertson with a calf. The rope became twisted round her thumb tearing It, Mr. Robertson had to Uke har to the hospital to cava several stitches taken. Gold Hill Gold Hill, Dec. 24. (Spl.) Nellie Reed left Sunday to spend the holiday with friends In Portland. one "HO Vlsltea enrouie Wltn Mrs. Minnie Guy st junction City. Mr. and Mra. Fred Baker of Bussn- vllle, Calif, came Saturday to spend Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mra. Hugh Hayea and family, on Garden Row. The Baker children have been here with their grand parents for several weeks. Leo Walker, youngest ton ot Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker, left Monday for Portland for a physical check-up. after enlisting In the navy. Mr. and Mrs. Asll Walker returned home last Sunday, after spending the psst several week, at Lindsay, Calif. Miss Dorothy Burkst la spending tbe Christmas vacation with her par ents in Pasadena. Calif. Her father has just recently returned from China. Mrs. Claire Palmer la epsndtng the holiday. In Portland wltn her hue band and other relatives. Barbara Nathan of Medford la a guest this week of her grandpar ents, Mr, and Mra. William Auten rleth. Mr. and Mra. Kama! Buhler are guests of relative, at McCoy, Oregon. Mra. Reeae Evans and son of Trexa vial ted relet! vea here from Thursday until Saturday. They were acoonv panted heme by Mr. Bvana, who Is employed near here. Mr and Mrs. George Dorman en tertained members of thslr family at a pre-Chrtstmas dinner, Deo. SO. The Dormans left for Wllllta. cam. Dec. 33 to epend the holiday with Mr. Dorman's brother and wife, Mr. and Mra. Frank Dorman. Ray Ettlnger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Itttrvrer ot Medford, visited relatives here on Mondsy. He has ntlv returned from Penaaoola Florida, where he haa been In naval training. The Ettlngere are former residents ot this erty. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright of Kerby visited hers briefly on Satur day. Mr. Wright had returned home from Midway shortly before toe war started. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Whites tt of North Bonneville, Waah, and form er residents of Oold Hill, are spending the holidays hers with relatives and friends. Betty and Donald Mullln of Med ford hare been run ting tneir grana- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emm ett Button and family. Floyd Lance of Trinity center, Calif, visited his family here from Saturday until Tuesday. Aurelle Msunler returned noma Sunday from a Medford hospital where ha underwent an operauoo recently. Mr. and Mrs. Menard Oray and eons ot Prospect are spending this week here with rslatlvee. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Kulkman of Bremerton. Wash, came Tuesday to spend the holidays with Mrs. Kulk men's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bmmett Sutton and fsmlly. Mr. and Mrs. Olsn Ungren of Fsaadene are guests of Mr. Ungrsn's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lln- aren and family. Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Largs and son of Canby, Calif, are visiting Mrs Largs's parents, Mr. and Mra, Id Shoemaker. ' Quests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Martin are Mrs. Martin's brother and slster-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Doty and family ot Idaho. YOUNO PATRIOT Atlanta. Ga., Dec. 24. (PV Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Allen were amazed when their ll-year-old son, James, came home with defense I tamp album and a dot lar's worth of stamps. He bought them by saving half of his 10 cents day allowance lor school lunch. Commands Fleet 'I i A a v ft -Va Admiral Ermil J. King (above), was elevated to com mand of the United State, tiawt and will have suprsma direction oi the operating iorcaa in the At lantlc. Pacific and Asiatic at an. Secretary oi the Navy Frank Knox announced. Communications What Price Inferiority! To the editor. Why did the Japs do It? Why did country which coulcin t even lick disorganized backward China take on the greatest industrial nation In the world, with twice its popula tion, and incomparably greater resources? The Japs are not crazy. The sly, shrewd strategy they have so far employed proves that. We must look deeper In the Japanese character for an ex planation. To this writer, It looks like a plain case of Inferiority com plex, bedevellng the Japs into suicidal course at the most critical point in their history. Japan has stood for over a decade at a cross-roads. One way lay cooperation with America westernization of the country with the concomitant relegation of Japan to a sec ondary role in world affairs. since, as a westernized democ racy, the Japs could never hope to be more than an Imitation. The other way lay jingoism the pursuit ot the policy laid down by Jlmmu Tenno, Japan's first emperor, who ruled some 26 centuries ago, and who, like the present emperor, Hirohlto, Is firmly believed by the Japs to be a direct descendant of the sun goddess. Jimmu Tenno s most memora ble words to his people were, "We shall build our capital all over the world. We shall make the whole world our dominion." The lingos who had seized control of the present Japanese government realized there was no turning back, tuner ine westernization they so haled, In which Japan could be only an imitator, not a leader, was to continue, or Japan would have to find, through a cata clysm if necessary, a truly Japanese role In which she could star, Perhaps they figured that no catastrophe even aeieai could be worse than westerni zation.' The majority of Jap. anese, who are essentially a kindly, sensitive, U. S.-admirnig people, were disregarded, since they have little voice In their government. Now, their fanatic devotion to the emperor win cause them to follow where they are led. To where? ALMUS PRUITT, 111 W. Main, Medford JAIL FOR SALE Gadsden. Ala. (U.R) Any body want a jailT The Gadsden iwllce department has one lor snle. It was used to nouse of fenders In adjoining Alabama City before the two municipali ties consolidated their govern ments. Proceeds will be used to build a new Boys club, DIES IN BLEEP Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 14. (JPi Mrs. Hazel Travis, wife of Wesley, Elgin Travis, president of Pacifio Greyhound lines, died In her sleep today. Mrs. Travis was prominent socially In Phoe nix, where she maintained a winter home. Washington, Dec. 24.-4'- The Canadian-United States joint war production commlttes rec ommended todar the r.bolltion of all tariff or other "!egislatlve and administrative barriers hampering combined all-out manufacture of w eapons by the two nations. Closing Urn for Classified Ads t a. m. Too late to Claselfy 13 30 p. m. Use Med Tribune want ada. Meteorological Report By C. 8. rVrTHK BUKCtO Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Little change) in temperature. Oregon: Little change In tempera ture. Fair east of 130th meridian. . Local Data Temperature a year ago today l Klgheat 83: Lowest 38. Tomorrow Sunrise 7:38 a. m, Btnw set 4:45 p. m. Observations Taken at 4:30 a. m. lto Meridian Time. It Boise , 89 37 Boston . 44 ay Chicago 88 8S Denver 8 16 Eureka 46 40 Havre .,. 48 34 Los Angelas 88 44 Medford 41 34 New York 86 80 Omaha 33 38 Phoenix 84 37 Portland 48 88 Reno 88 33 Roseburg 44 87 Belt Lake . 34 38 San Francisco 83 44 Seattle - 46 88 Spoksna 41 3 Wash, D. C 63 88 Ysklma 47 37 The Grange Lake Creek Orange Lake Creek grange met Dee. 12, with master George B. Brown, presiding. Comlttee reports Included: Tom Stanley, on agriculture; Claus Charley gave few re marks pertaining to the feeding of cattle; Mabel Brown, educa tional; Mrs. Brown had mad map of South America and gave Interesting data pertaining to the history of South American countries; Ellyn Charley, ot the educational committee, gave report . on "saving paper", a mearn of helping the govern ment. The grange voted on state of ficers for the coming year. Names were drawn for our Christmas party, to be held Dec 28. We hope that all members will make an effort to attend grange on this night and enjoy tne program that Worthy Lec turer Gwendolyn Bradshaw will have far our enjoyment. Grange members will miss Mr. and Mrs. Russ Moore at the . Christmas meeting. We extend to them hearty Christmas greeting. The Dee. 20 meeting Is the final meeting for the present officers. We hope that all have benefitted from the meetings during the past year. Sardine Creek Sardine Creek, Dee. 24, (Spl.) Arthur Brown, state grarga deputy, of Salem, Bertha Beck, state grange secretary, of Porte land, and Mrs. L. Rena. stats) Junevllle matron, called on Mrs. Nora Walt Monday of last week on their way through here. Ellsworth Greer went to Portland Friday to enlist In the O. 8. army and passing the examination was sent to Bt. Louis, Mo., for training. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln HoweU of Golden, Idaho, who bars returned to Rogue River tor the winter, called on friends hre Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fssel and bsby of Central Point, were Sunday din ner guests of Mrs. Mora Walt. Among Medford rut tort Mondsy from her were Mrs. S. A. Dusen berry and son Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Smith and daughters, MarJorl and Oenevm. - AIRPLANES northbound Leave Mslls Cloe 448 a. m. - 4:14 a. a. U.33 p. m. 11 :3S a m. 4 03 p m. (Flag stop) Ho mail 1 23 p. m Flag stop) 8 38 p. as. Southbound Lear Malls Cloa 10 4T a. as. in:03 a. m. S:37 p. m. (Flag stop) No maU 3 43 p. m (Flag stop) 4:67 p. m. 1143 p. m. 11:0? p, m. TRAINS northbound Leave Malls Cloa 11:33 S. m. 10:38 a. m. T.&0 f. 6:80 p. m. Southbound Leave 7:66 a. m. 1:88 p. m. Rortb 8 so a. as, 10 a. m. 3 33 a. as. 1:40 p m. Malls Close :8 s. nv 4:86 p. m. out. 13 Or! a. re. 8:80 a. av 6:80 a as, 3 :60 p. m. .-46 P- aa. 6:06 p. BS. Te Klamath rails 6 OS p. m. Ms SlaeMtk- Fall 30 a m. () To Ashland only. () T Qreate Pass only. Hotel Auto connecting first elaas mall closes st 8 OS a. ss for delivery t points aorth of lug ens and st -OS m for deli at points acuta af Dunsmulr. Calif. Cat Mall Trunin want ada. - I Travel Table I It- m a i