PAGE TTTTRTEEN Want to Bay, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities t MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1941. Read eiry ad on (hl pace You III pnilMbly find rxailly the Ihllisi tu brrn ItMik- Ini rn wt a . trad foi anurd rltir vuu mat hat. Starr h mm aft a tr rwim vuu may find man ihlnca ottirr arr raint and n attle a rraitre iromrdlale cah If rhal von want Unt hra arttertlv fw It Tribune f'lat airird ada ara inaipenUta tfrrclitel RATES pel word flrnt insertion (Minimum tv Barn addHitmaJ Inwrttoa, per rd , , It (Mlnlmon) 10r) rer line per month wlthortt copy chant ., , . .t3 CASH er money order mnit acrom pan; ill mall order classified ada. L03T AND FOUND STRAYED Black team of horses. Notify Todd Beaulelu, Sacred Heart hospital. STRAYED Yearling heifer , upper bit In left ear. under split In right ear. branded right btp H K Bar. Corbett Smith, Butte Palls. Box 164. REPORT, lust aog. animal cruelty cases Humane Society Ptlunc 0151 WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Combination fry cook and dishwasher, male. Apply mornings. Lunch Box Cafe. WANTED Body man and painter. Rogue River Chevrolet. FRUNER8 WANTED - Rogue River Orchards. End of rfo Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP RELIABLE WOMAN to care for two small children, weekly wage, room and board. Box 1395 Tribune. WANTED Colored housekeeper per manent. Small wages. 311 Martin St., Klamath Falls, Ore. WANTED Middle aged woman to care for elderly lady (no cigarette smokers!. Apply 413 N. Orape. WANTED SITUATIONS HERDSMAN wants Job on stock and dairy ranch. 20 years experience, j Box 1383. Tribune. ; MARRIED man wants work. Anything steadv or Dart time. Give me s i try. Call at 131 Crater Lake Ave., i between 5 :30 and o :ao or write r, v. Box 1101 EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper available for part time work. Some daytime open. Tribune Box 6015. WANTED Steady position by young laav thoroughly experienced In credits, meeting public. Expert stenographer, bookkeeper. Btesdlly ! employed, available on two weeks noni-r. .iq. - ... i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Home for elderly lady. Call at L. I. Taylor, 3rd St., Jack sonville. WANTED TO BUY A good work mule. Phone 8453. Jessie M. Mlnear. WANTED 60 tons second or third cutting hay. Phone 3454. WANTED Companions for trip to Loa Angeles over Christmas holi days. Box 1011 Tribune. WANTED Dial 4693 for Information regarding our approved BLACKOUT for your home. WANTED A few more men to take advantage of our weekly ratea. Big. warm lobby, clean comfortable beds, hot showers, single rooms. 63 00 and up. Crater Hotel. 30 S Central. WANTED Clean soft cotton rsgs at Mall Tribune. WANTED Trade merchandise and cash tor rifles shotguns, pistols 317 North Riverside. FAINTINO snd kalsomlnlng. No Job too big or too small Phone 3083 All work guaranteed. E. R. Carey. WANTED TO BUY Small going res taurant suitable for man and wlfa Box 354. fTlS-une. WANTED- Improved 2 seres or leas close in Olve price, location, eto Box 634. Superior. Wyo WELL DRILUNO 61 60 per ft first 80 ft. eto J M Dodge 619 King HIOHEST cash paid for Iron copper brass radlatora. aluminum, bat teries tubes rsgs leed snd slno Medford Bargain Houss WANTED Wool, mohslr bides snd pelts Medford Bsrgslu Ko 27 Nortb Grape 8t Phone 8744 WILL FAY MIIT CASH For Used Furnlturs HOI HKOOK riRMTI RB 18 North Front Phone 4023 Bi-T PKirm Pll For Youi Furnlturs flM rl'HMTt UK I'h-ne ?6 FOR RENT HOUSES NICELY FURNISHED 5 -room house, modem conveniences. Adults. No pets. H. L. Cook, 1104 West Main. FOR RENT Nicelv furnished 6-room house. 931 North Central. FOR RENT Two-bedroom house. Close In. East side. 625. Call at 331 Apple. FOR RENT 5-rootn house. Inquire Medford Fuel. 1133 North Central. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house, basement, furnace. Inquirs 405 W. 3nd FOR RENT Lovely 6-room unfur nished home, doss In. Inquirs 138 Vsncouver. FOR RENT 4-room house, close In. electrically equipped. 11 So. Orange. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6-room modern house: garage. Inquire aid Bo. Riverside. 10-ROOM bouse, ideal for roomer Clot in. Shults Bros. FOR RENT 1-roum unfurnlahed I house, close In. Reasonable. Phone 3668 I STRICTLY modern new amall un furnished bouse for rent. Conven iently located. H. L. Cook, 1104 West Main. FOR RENT Modern, attractive 4- room house, partly furnlabed. water paid. Call 31 Hazel St., near Big 1. FOR RENT Furaiahed 8-room house electric stove, ftreplaca. Adulu Phone 8033. Oarka Orocery. .. HOUSE FOR RENT 30 Tripp. rRUCKS FOR RENT Move yourself Save half Pram's Mooilitae sta tion Mam and Ivv Phone 4148 FOR RENT APARTMENTS MODERN a tractive furnished apart ment Adults. Close In. MB South Oakdale. FOR RENT Apartment. S34 Apple. FOR RENT F and F apartments 3 rooms and bath, gaa beat. In quire 311 West 8tb. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 810 N. Bartlett. FOR RENT Nicely furnished apart ment. 403 Newtown. FURNISHED apartment. 2nd. ATTRACTIVE 4-rm. furnished apt.. ateam heat, frlgldalre, over Hollo way'a Orocery. Pb. 8838. FURNISHED apartment, Frlgldalre. electric atove. Holland Hotel. PURN. APT Steam heat, hot water, Frlgldalre. 803 8 Holly 8t. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment Adults 128 Mistletoe FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FURNISHED room with private bath, heat. 809 West 10th. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room for gentleman. 325 South Riverside. CLEAN rooms, new Simmons Inner spring mattresses; warm lobby; plenty hot water, circulating air heat: single 83 00 weekly end up. Crater Hotel. 30 South Central. Right down town. ROOMS For Rent 163 N Oakdale WARM, well furnished sleeping room for rent. 323 8. Rlveralde. WARM, furnished room, private bath and entrance. Oarage. 1104 W. Main. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. 404 8. Orape. FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM BOARD ROOM 716 K. Main. . - ROOM and BOARD 814 Beatty. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS . ..-. FOR RENT Oarage building, corner central ana jacason. mono auoj. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK QAME CHICKENS 61 each. 333 So. Riverside. YOUNG fat geese. Flnley Farm. Ross Lane. poh sale Weaner nine. C. J. Mc c, WMt orange Hall on Boring I ol. FOR SALE Milk cow and two young belters. 616 Alberts. FORCED TO SELL on account of sickness One milk cow: one 10- montha-old heifer; one 4-months old heifer: 95 Aus'ra-Whlte pul- j leta now laying: 40 Red pulleta, lavlne. Lozler Lane. Routs 3. Box s50' ! FOR SALE Good gentle team work horses. Bartch, Rte. 1, Box 103, cen tral Point. STRA YET Gentle male Irish setter, answers to name of "Red." Reward. Phone 2517. WANTED All kinds livestock. Trib une, Box 1039. FOR 8ALE Five weaner plga. Half mile past Prescott Camp. May Sutphln. JERSEY COW 41, yr. old. Good cream cow, freahen April. Phons 6535. FOR SALE 3 brood sowa to furrow soon. o. B. Perdue, bslf mile north Central Point. CASH for old fiornea Dial 6376 FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE: Pure bred Barred Rock coekerela. W. P. Martin, Eagle Point, S'nr Rt. Mfflforrt FOR SALE DOCS PETS CHOW PUPS, full blood. Will hold tor Xmaa. Call evenings and Sun day. Box 858, Lozler Lane. FOR SALE Boston bull puppy. Mrs. . A. F. Doty, Routs 1, off Bellinger Lane. BEAUTIFUL red Cocker puppies. Will hold till Christmas. Reasonable. Call afternoons or evenlnga. 713 Pine. FOR BALE Two pair green love birds. 63 pslr. A. C. Lewis. Fern Vslley. FOR SALE Sweet-voiced canaries, cagea. pet aupplles for Christmas rifts Monarch ."rl A: Fed Co FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR 8 ALE Sedan. Good shape. 650 603 King. FOR SALE Station waron. 1840; 833 So. Riverside. Phone 3743. 1941 FORD 8-pssserwer coupe: rone 9 000 miles: private party. Be at Richfield Station. 6th snd Orape FOR SALE CHEAP Equity In ti V-8. Inquire Rout 8. Box 87. Medford. L. Nyberg. Midway Road. WE HAVE a 1936. 1937. 1938 and 1939 of ths finer uad cars left. They sre going fast. Shults Bros. A GOOD selection of dependable used csrs. Down payments aa tow aa 610 Yea ws taka trade-ins. Shults FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOR BAIE Mdford Improved prop erties Ben Vlmont, Agate. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE IDEAL SUB-DIVISION tract adjacent newly developed atw. near pave ment, rich soil. Aadrcss owner. Apt. 305, 660 W. Jellerson, Los Angeles. LITTLE PLACE on Bear Creek suit able to keep few cowl, aome good cultivating land, good bouse. Jav Terrlll, Talent. BAROA1N 13 Acre on Pacific high way: 4-room house, concrete foun dation, basement; woodshed; Irri gation: lots of nice ehade. berrlea and fruit for family. Owner says sell. This la a steal. Price 8850. 8400 down, balance 610 month. VALLEY REAL ESTATE. I miles south on Pacific highway. FOR 8ALB 7H acres Ladlno clover. Live stream runs through place for Irrigation and etock year round. Joins mill creek with good fishing year round. Barn for 8 cows, with numerous outbuildings. A very good plastered house. Insured for SoUw. i mi place must oe snn to be appreciated. Price 63000. Will take part trade In livestock and car. Terms. 8. M. Severson. IS miles northeast Loa Moltnoa. Cauf. FOR SALE Two choice lota near Roosevelt school. Inquire 128 Van couver. FOR SALE 118 scree, 30 acres under cultivation. Route 1. Box 382, Med- ford. Vernon Ouchea. SO OREOON 300-acre highly Im proved ranch, very picturesque, two miles from postoiiice. one irom school. Seven-room house, A-l con dition. Barn. 34 stahs; five other buildings. All painted. On fishing stream, free water right. IS springs. 30 dairy cows. 40 hogs, span mules, smple mschlnery with plsce. 615, 000. Terms. 17 acres, four-room house. 40-ton bam other buildings. 10 acres one-year Hale peaches, two seres strawberries, one raspberree. Irri gated. All necessary tools. 6300 down, balance 630 per month. Ask about beautiful Rogue River Val ley properties, 6600 to 645,000, Phone 3076. 8PENCER-PAOLEY AGENCY 103 W. Main St.. Medford. Oregon BUll.DINO A HOMET Let us bsndle all details on 35-veer FHA loans quickly efficiently Ooldy Agency CITY and country properties Rentals Loans Insurance C 8 Butterneld 409 Medford Building WHEN YOU think of real estste think of the Spencer-Bagley Atrenrv 102 W Main FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR SALE Garden gadgets make Ideal gifts for garden fans. Mon arch Seed as Feed Co. WILL TRADE 5-rooms. almost new furniture for good trailer house C D. Hoxle. Route 1. Box 383. Ashland. Ore. At Siskiyou Summit. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 acre and 4-room modern house on Lozler Lane for home near Junior high school. See Pierce, Room 1, Palm Bulldlne. Medford. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS REMINGTON hammerless pump shot gun. Good condition. 109 Geneva St. ONE PAIR hickory sklls end hsrness; one 8-foot maple toboggan. Phone 3178. 33 North peach St. FOR SALE Twin bed and springs. 1031 Narregan St. FOR BALE: Antique Decker grand piano. 634 south Ivy. l FOR SALE Girls' slightly used 1 Goodyear bicycle, 618. Phone 3853. 1613 West Main. CULL COMICE In lugs, very reason, sole. Crystal Springs Packing Com. pany. South Plr. FOR 8ALE Mountain fir sawdust for fuel. FABER8 FARMERS SUPPLY Phone 4449. FOR Mvrtle Wood Olfta made Medford. aes our large dlsplsy at 309 E. Jackson (near the Armory). HOLLY with berries for Christmas. FABER'S, 8th snd Bartlett. FOR SALE Oood 14 -Inch balvanlsed pipe or trade for -inch galvan ised pipe. R. A. Wagner, 154 Oak. Aahland. Ore. FOR SALE Piano, library table. 3 myrtlewood lamps, 1 floor and 1 table. 824 South Newtown. RADIO fitewart-Wamer smsll mod ern console, 810. 303 West 3rd. Phons 3583. FOR SALE Gas heater or trade for bedstesd snd springs: also Corona portable typewriter. 741 West Jack son. USED clrculstlne; heeter, 616. Crater Metal St Engineering, 143 N. Front. USED Heatrola coal circulator, perfect condition. 623. Crater Metal At En gineering. 143 N. Front. FOR SALE 1938 Fordson tractor on rubber. Flnley Imp. Co. e CHRISTMAS TREES, wreathes and greenery. The best In town. Prices right. Bert Johnston, corner Sixth and West Main Streets, next to Orover's Dairy. Open day and night. FOR SALE Goldfish and aqusrtums. Idesl gifts for the young and ths shut-Ins. Monsrcb Seed At Feed Co. FOR SALE Bishop's rustic bird houses snd feeders make Ideal gifts. Monarch Seed Ai Feed Co. FOR SALE -Give roses for Christmas. A complete stock of northwest grown No. 1 bushes. Monsrch Seed At Feed Co. FOR BAI.E Walnuta. Fern Valley. Oeo. Alford FOR BALE Christmas greenery, holly wreaths, evergreen door gsrlsnda. cut holly, mistletoe, boutonnlere Monsrch Seed at Feed Co. FOR SALE CaU of all kinds. Olve them as gifts. Monsrch Seed at Feed Co. FOR SALE Christmas tree holders. Equipped with moisture container, keepa the tree fresh longer. Mon arch Seed at Feed Co. GET English Walnuts for Christmas Oliver Rogers. 619 Crater Lake. SILVER FIR and Douglas Fir Christ mas trees for sals. 106 North Cen tral. ORDERS TAKEN for Resl Silk Hos iery. Phone 3001 329 Apple. EXCELLENT vslues In used washers radios, refrigerators. Pick Hdwa. FOR SALE Pesrt and apples Jos SUutot, t rauea aorta raleui. MISCELLANEOUS FULLIR BRUSHES Phone 414 FOR SALE Low priced lumber or any oulldiug matertala call ua Be fore you buy R O 8tepbelison Co. Court snd McAdrews Telephone 3000 AGATE JEWELRY. Novelties and Myrtle-wood Have your agaua cut at Santo a Agats Shop. 426 Cast Main St. WOOD Dry fir and laurel. Associ ated station, too stains Tel. ssae MMIFOKIr BAKI1AIN HOICK We Have Wbat You Want Pipe and Fittings all sixes Sou Pipe snd Drsliiaee Fittings Plumbing Fixtures snd Septic ranks Tents and rarpa nine Doors. Wludowa and Olass Split Pulleys Belting. Cable and Blocks Barbed Wire. 8tork Fencing, 'eta. Roofing Paper Building Paper Pauita Roof Stain Army Ooods. Shoes Boots Quilts (Jnderwesr and Sucks Pumps snd Mschlnery Tools lor the House, rsrm Loggers' and Mill Supplies New and Used Furniture of All Kindt Stoves and Circulator Heaters We Can Save You Dollars Pb. 8744 37-38 N Orape St DRY FIR for sale. Phone 6180 after 6:00 o'clock FOR SALE Dry fir and hardwood Phone 4503 Hawley Fuel Co. REAL BUYS in used clothing 1406 No Riverside, across from Beck Bskery Singing censrtes make fine presents Bee tnem st ii-jr w. slain, rn. sou. FIR SLABS Buy Now. City Fuel rnune sua. FOR SALE Dry fir slsos. Phone 6180 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Hera la your chance, Grocery Store In good location In Medford. Stock Invoice about 61500 and fixtures only about 6300. Do ing about 640.00 business dally. Rent with lesse 635 per month, living quarters. Buy wholesale in voke price, no chances to take. Owner same place 8 years, retiring reason for selling. All cash or no sale. Bee A. W. Walker Real Estate. FOR SALE OR LEASE Meat market In connection with grocery, good paying business. Apply at once. Hill's Fine Foods. Yreka. Calif. MISCELLANEOUS PHOTO TINTING In oils. Make old or new portraits more life-like Satisfaction guaranteed. Janet Rob ertson. 1118 west 8th St. ELECTROLUX 8alea as Service, phone ATTENTION I Don't forget the Bar bequed Pork 8parerlbs Saturday and Sunday at Llllle's Place, corner court and McAndrews. PERSONAL CARD READINO, 61. 329 Jeannette. MRS. DELMAR Palmist Gives ad vice on all affairs of life: all quea- tlons answered free. Rainbow Auto Camp, Highway 99, North. Palmistry. Crystal Reading D Miller Ph 3446 4fto Mountain Ave Ashland Dressmaking rHE FASHION SHOP Dreeemsklug Fur Remodeling Buttons and Bucklea covered Room 803 U 8 National Bank Bldg Tel 8931 DRESSMAKING - Alterations tailor ing Katherltie Batteries. Slngei Shop 23 3o Orape BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiques EARLY AMERICAN OLASS St the sign 6 miles south of Grants Pass or I mile north ot Savage Rapldt dam on Highway 99 Aasayer ASSAYER W O Wright. 3318 Capi tal Ave City So or water reservoir Gold 61. copper 81. cinnabar 62 Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also furnaces snd on stoves cleaned call tieo Baton S8 No Front Phone 4240 Carpentering LESLIE RALSTON. Oeneral Contract ing, fine finishing work. All kinds Carpentering. For estlmatea please call at 701 N. Riverside or Tel. 2881. ACROSS Is. Athenian L Diminish ''V"1"" . . . . 17. company 4. Dispatched u.. Depression, be t. Beasonlns herb tween m.iune 12. Period of Ums tain peaka II. Always II. Geometrical 14. Silkworm solids lt. Siamese Solne 46. Americas efk II. Split 41. Performed 17. Water ersft alone 1. Rhytlimlcel 44 Fish saurs 30. Knallih queen 46. Qlnghsm with IL Sister of one's a in,n f-iisb parent 41. Score In car It Smaller games It. Canvas shelters S Flying toy 15. Imitate II. Bustle 17. Frees II. Formerly II, One who fives si. SuorMe a In a lace pualkcstlba It Metric land II. Sailor measure nV ftequlra II Mora aexs.tlvs It l-o riuntS 14. Orasay n.ld il. Defers ' I Is Pit I 1 V f ; ia I' I" ?-r- -mm rrr. frr I.;: ,, .,; i. iii JSlu ji. 3j Jp;3a if Ja 31 w zzztwl zz ,: ... M. 4t 41 41 .,.,, 4 , -, j. 'jU-Jj. Zf iT fc 7 eW 5 st 7 BUSINESS DIRECTORY .Christmas Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Chrlstmaa Cards. Dainty Handkerchiefs. Alberts Myr tlewood Novelties THE ALBERTEL- LA. 120 North Central Chiropodist. FOOT SUFFERERS Opening modern cmropody offices, corns, csuouees. Ingrown nslls removed, arches cor rected Dr. Arnold M. Depner. Chir opodist. Foot Specialist, 317 'luh- rer Bide. Phone 8103. Export Window Cleaner LSI oeoriie do ITI EXPERT Wlnoow Cleaner Oeneral house cleaners, floor waxing paint Ine Oeo t Ot'srd Phone tttJM MONEY TO LOAN TOP ARB INVITED to see us for CHRISTMAS CASH PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE on Car, Livestock and Personal Loans OREOON FINANCE CO. W. E. Thomas, Mgr. Uo. No. 8-11 M-217 45 So. Central Dial 4433 Home owned and managed Since 1938 WE liOAN MONEY ON YOUR CAR Attractive Rates COASf FINANCE Harold H Brown Agency License 311 133 Cast Main Phons 3448. PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farms Address Box 4in. TrlouneJ NURSERY STOCK CARLTON NURSERY The only nursery In Southern Oregon with a complete stock ol fruit, nut and shade trees and ornamental ahrube and plants on hand during all the planting aeaRon. Carlton Nursery, 62nd year 4 miles South of Medford on Pacific Highway. Look tor the Mlr-o-llte algn. FINEST QUALITY NU"VSERY STOCK at Lowest Price In wars. Call or write Alwyr Co.. Rt. 3. 1 -x 16, North Medford. new hlchway. Roofing WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof Psbco Roofings. Shingles Costings snd Pslnts New tlcK Well Psper Ekereon Paint and Roof r.. tB So Bsrtlett rel 3843 JOE SMITH YOUR ROOFER All Root rruuoles taken cars of All work guaranteed Call 3768 or 2249. sol Haven. Vacuum C leaner Ssrvlca GUARANTEED SERVICE on all makes of vacuum cleaners. Called for and delivered free. Feldman Electric Phone 3377. Transtar CITY TRANSFER A BTORAOE CO Household moving snd general hauling l9 8 Orape Phons 4664 Day or night. FURNITURE MOVINO AND STOR AOS Ws have vsn moving equip ment for locsl snd long dlstsuor hsultng Dry snd clesn store st I concrete building l with special locker rooms si low rates SAMSON STOHAC1E WAREHOUSE Phone 3766. EAD8 rRANSFEH At STORAGE CO Office is South Fir Phone 2828 DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Fi Street. Insured Carriers Local and Long Olstsnce Hauling Phone tHHB LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Is hereby given that School District ' No. 1, Jacksonville, Oregon, has called tor payment protested warrants Nos. 179 to 257 inclusive. Above numbered warrants will not draw interest after December 20th, 1941. HAZEL. WHITE, Clerk District No. 1, Jacksonville, Oregon. Use msii mount want ada Solution Of Vesterdsy's Puula DOWN L Kind sf caress 8- Lessen I One present hill not taking part I Finches I. Put eat 6. Russian river I. Sup-orta for vlnta 6, Lowered la value 9. Manaclee 10. Any chmblnf woody per ennial II. SutefiueBUF 11. Oroovee II. Araoiaa shiefe tela II. Kind of rrck U. Ireland 14. Small lakes II. Mnved . smews. Iv and awas- StrliiRlr . Worked 3UI la detail 10. Hawaiian roost 11. Vounitstere II Us. I 14. Covered wltt pendent masses of let 17. Eniaissmenl of a cylinder 19. CetesllAl teMlleS 40. Tart 41. Sinflr 41. S-renlte U. Uln-sr slut fal.r:e l. Ponesl 47. Jewisi rreMts la. Tlins k.i.6 soat lglEf1ElAlR SflA 'lLS pa lIIr I 0Tip 0 u M G EUJ. N h O ClE M C E "'E m sno o o rIITJ&TeI sie n T lTepN e W "Il j E M f R WwtjPjE ElLlEl ADA rlMffiyVHR All J S, 2i i chpaF sou rfy sTi rPsJe t oMsl P A NPS A T DM I PT E 3- 0& U L ERfM E pi H xfll? t evl IgIaJw LOCAL and Fined Gerald J. Morgan, 33. Horn From Collsge Ray Pasadena. Cal., was fined J 10 1 Johnson, freshman at the Unl in city court yesterday on a I versity of Southern California, charge of being drunk in public. Los Angeles, is spending Christ- a s mas holidays at the home of his To Build James V. McGowan I grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Smith ol 516 Palm street applied at the city building inspectors of fice yesterday for permit to build a residence at 521 Palm street with a stated value of j $1500. m w m Cars Collide Cars operated by George J. Dougherty, 119 North Central avenue, and Art Good, Prospect, collided on the Crater Lake highway two miles south of Prospect yesterday morning. It was stated in a report on file. ess Horn For Holiday Sparkey Bourque, manager and profes sional at the Medford Ice Arena, will spend Christmas at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. h. L. Bourque of Seattle. He plans to leave Wednesday and return to Medford Friday, ess Need Licenses All Medford milk handlers and dispensers must procure city licenses by January 13, the city council's public health committee said yesterday. Dispensers, stores, and public eating places must have a license for each serving place, it was pointed out. see Rangers Here Richard Tub man, Rogue River national for est district ranger at Union Creek, and Sam Warg, assistant ranger, motored to Medford yesterday and reported powder snow falling at Union Creek on top of eight inches of frozen snow. Fifteen Inches of snow fell the first of the week, fol lowed by a rain which melted the snow to eight Inches, they said. s a a Bumper Hooked TIney Corn best, 46, Talent, and Victor W. Milnes, 30, 807 Bennett avenue, v, -e drivers of cars that col lided Friday morning on West Sixth street near Fir street, according to a report on file yesterday, Combest was pulling away from the curb when the Milnes car hooked his machine in such a way as to yank the bumper off, the report showed, see Car Skldi A car operated by Fred O. Llndgress, 41, Oakland, Cal., skidded on a slippery spot of Crater Lake highway 19 miles north of Medford Thurs day morning, ran Into a ditch and back on the highway and spun around seven or eight times before it came to a stop, according to report on file yesterday. Promoted A press release re ceived here yesterday announced tne appointment of D. J. Russell at a vice president in the execu five department of the Southern Pacific company. Mr. Russell was advanced from the position of assistant to the president. He started with the railroad company In 1920 after complet ing his schooling at Stanford university. He is a descendant of Jacksonville pioneers. To Enlist Cadets All avia tion cadet applicants will be enlisted immediately and will no longer have to wait their turn, Sgt. Joseph W. Cushman, army recruiter here said he was notified yesterday by Lleut Col. B. H. Hensley, district re cruiting officer at Portland, Full information about this phase of army enlistment, under which those accepted receive $79 a month and the usual free serv ices while they are training, may be obtained at Sgt. Cushman's office in the Medford federal building. m Enlisted Sgt. Joseph W. Cush man, army recruiter here, yes terday was notified of the for mal enlistment of the following men at Portland: Joe E. Earley, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe E Karlcy, Sr., operators of the Hotel Holland, Orln J. Ellis, Dutte Falls, Sidney L. Fred erlckson, Roseburg, Oscar Bark man, Selma, Edward M Leon ard, Selma, Charles S. Gibson, Yreka, Cal., and Gene R. Hecht. Yrcka, Cal. All were accepted through the local recruiting office In the federal building. Earley, Gibson and Hecht chose the air corps. see Promoted At Loom Is, gradu ate of Medford high school and the U. S. naval academy at Annapolis, recently was pro moted to lieutenant commander In naval aviation and was trans ferred from Pensacola, Fie., for a short tour of duty at Norfolk, Vs., it was stated in letter received from his mother, Mrs. A. L, Loom I a, by Mrs. C. S. Butterfield, 1407 East Main street. The Loomls family re sided here up to about 15 years ago. Mrs. Loomls now resides in Hollywood, Cal. Her young est daughter Adele, also a Med ford high school graduate, now resides in Hawaii with her hus band, David Silver. PERSONAL ol Talent. Snow At Laka Forty-two inches of snow, with the top 'our inches being dry snow, were reported at Crater Lake national park yesterday. Good skiing was anticipated for the week-end. a a Visiting Parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clay, Jr., and son. Charles Clay III, arrived here lust week by motor to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Clay's mother, Mrs. A. H. Miller, 348 South Holly street, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cray, Sr., 23 Crater Lake avenue. see Townsend Club No. S Town send Club No. 8 has changed its next regular business meet ing to Monday, December 29, to avoid meeting Christmas eve. as scheduled. The meeting will be held at the Kurtz Music Studio and December seals and new membership cards will be available. Members are Invited to bring their cards so that seals may be affixed. e a Arm Broken Elsie Tucker suffered a broken arm Friday forenoon when a car in which she was riding skidded on a slippery spot of the Klamath Falls highway seven miles south of Ashland and ran into a bank, it was shown in a report on file yesterday. The report, filed by W. E. Tucker as driver of the car, did not give any address or other details of the mishap, ess Plane Passengers Leaving by United Mainliner yesterday aft ernoon were W. Brennan, to Missoula. Mont., and Victor Vet- tel, to Portland, A, J. Jones departed for San Francisco on the forenoon plane. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Bryant departed for Los Angeles on the Friday fore noon Mainliner. Other planes were flying on regular schedule hut no passengers arrived or departed. a a a Craw Working Reports from the Rogue River national forest office yesterday indicated that telephone service between Butte Falls and Union Creek was still disrupted and crews were work ing to repair the telephone line which was damaged the first of the week by heavy, wet snow. If the line cannot be repaired by next week, it is expected that radio communications will he installed in order that word may be received from Union Creek, the office said. ass Lecleres Safe Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Leclerc, 615 West Sec end street, received an airmail letter Saturday from their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leclerc, former Medford residents, now In Hono lulu, that they were well and safe. The letter, dated Decem ber 12, said that after consider able excitement of the Japanese attack, the army and navy now Mave all under control, Mr. Leclerc Is employed by an elec tric concern on the island and Mrs. Lelerc is employed by the Bishop National Bank of Hawaii. They recently built a new home in Honolulu. Driver Tests Beginning this week examinations will be held here only on Saturdays for per sons seeking licenses or permits to operate motor vehicles. Ward McReynoIds, district supervisor announced yesterday. The sched ule is being reduced because of a year-end slack in the number of applicants, he explained. In the past few weeks, examina tions have been held three days a week here and for several months prior thereto they were held five days a week. This week examinations will be given In the Gold Hill city hall from noon to 4 p. m. Wednesday, Mr. McReynoIds said. The Sat urday examinations here will be given as usual in council cham hers on the top floor of city hall from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. VICHYlGlTO TRY NEUTRALITY Washington, Dec. 10. AP) Admiral William D. Leahy, American ambassador at Vichy, has reported that the French gov ernment under Marshal Petaln has announced Its "Intention of maintaining an attitude of neu trallty in the present conflict" Gaston Henri-Haya, the French ambassador here, told newspaper men at tr, I state department sev eral days ago that he was inform ing the American government that Franc wouldd remain neu tral in the war embroiling the United States, but today's an nouncement was the first official declaration to that effect, LODGE NOTICES This eolnmn Is reserved for notices of sny kind and all fraternal and service orsanlxatlona ara In vited Co nas It. Kates lOe a line first Insertion, Se a Una for each olmvlneUisertlon SCOTTISH ROT Stated meeting Council and Consistory, Monday, Dm. Z3nd. L. WUllams, asety. FIRST NATIONAL CHECK SERVICE Starting Monday anyone In the Medford area wishing the convenience of a checking ac count may open one at the Medford Branch of the First National Bank of Portland un der the CheckMaster plan with an initial deposit of as little as one dollar. It is announced by Eugene Thorndike, branch manager. "No minimum balance will be required at any time, and there will be no monthly carry mg charge regardless of how small the depositor's balance. Checkbooks are free, with no advance payments of any kind. Only 9c la charged for each check drawn and each item deposited," he said in telling of the CheckMaster department as an addition to the bank's exist ing checking account facilities. 'The CheckMaster plan." Mr. Thorndike pointed out, "is na tionally famous as 'the checking account plan for all the people,' ana is now being used by bun dreds of thousands of depositors in other section! of the country. The bank's only requirement la that the, depositor's balance be sufficient to cover the check he draws." "We are pleased," Mr. Thorn, dike said, "to bring this Check Master plan to Medford. This new service will be In addition to our present checking account facilities which will continue as in the past. One of Check Master's chief purposes is to serve those who have not pre viously had the convenience of a checking account. "An account In the Check Master plan makes It possible for the depositor to pay bills conveniently by check at homo or wherever he finds himself. It allows him to shop or travel without the risk of carrying large sums of money. The bank' charge of five cents la consider ably less than the cost of an average money order, which many people without checking accounts use as substitute for a check. Besides, writing a check eliminates the time and trouble of purchasing a money order every time payments are to be mailed." EDITH SWEENEY Dr. Sweeney la returning to Medford tonight and Mrs. Sweeney on Monday. Edith Sweeney, 45. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Sweeney, of Medford, passed away Saturday at the Sweeney' winter home In Carmel, Calif., according to word received here. Funeral services and the en tombment In Medford Mauso leum, will be private. A complete obituary will be published later. Travel Table AIRFLANIS Northbound Leers Malls Close 4:18 a. SS. : 8. as. 13:23 p. ra. 11:8 a. av 4:03 p m. (flag stop) Mo sua ru p. s. Flat step) 1:18 p. at. South bound Leave alalia Close 10:47 a. av 10:0 a. as. 8:37 p. en. (FUfstop) Ho snail 1:4 p. av (Flag l . 113 p. a. 11:07 p. av TRAINS northbound Laav lias a. tm. Malta Cloae 10:33 S. as. 7 60 f. at. so a. as. I Southbound Leave Malta Close 7:81 a. av 66 p. as. 61 a. aa. 4 66 p. as. Bines outs, 11:01 S. as, 50 a. aa. :! a. aa, I 60 p. n. 1:0 p. SS. Horl Is so a. sb. lao s. ra, :S6 a. as. 1:40 p as. 46 p. m. fa I Urns t a Falls 06 p. m. Frees manaalk raits 80 a. m. () To Ashland only. ' () To Grants Fa as only. Hole: Auto aonnactlnf first alas mail closes at a. sa for salivary at points aortk of Brirerte an ' p aa for delivers a potass souta at ' Ouoaamlr, Caul. DIES IN CARMEl