PAOE FIFTEEN Want to Bay, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! I MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1941. ttr? ) on thtft Visit will prulMbl) nnd s-.atllj th Chine fu . brrn Hmh tnc in at if of irsdf lot gnHrtf nttlr too ma tiavo oarrh will atfir at ur ranm fua may find mint thingf tMh'r ar arrkint and 6 ah If Ia mll7f imniPilUlf ct.h If what roo arant Unl tier artvprilw fm It Trthiinr riaa aififd ada ara InaiixuHro tlfecUtcl RATES fat word ft rat marrtlua U (Minimum tVJ Kara) additional inwrtloa, per wn'd i 1 1 (Minimum I Or) rer line per month without copy changa -- f..U CASH or snoney order mint arrora peni Ul mall order classified ads. L03T AND FOUND STRAYED Black team of horses. Notify Todd Beauleiu, Sacred Heart hospital. LOOT Between Jacksonville and Medford, truck tire chain. Phone 6437, STRAYED Yearling heifer . upper ' bit in left ear. under spilt In right ear. branded right hip a K Bar. Oorbett 8mlth, Butte Palls. Box 164. IL1POR1 lost a o. animal cruelty caws Humaue Society phune 8181 WANTED MALE HELP Hr. McCabe. Orand Hotel, 9 a-m. . - - - An IB m W O f- HI- life" " IU w. FRUNERS WANTED Rogue River Orchards End of iCo Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Colored housekeeper per manent. Small wages. 317 Martin St.. Klamath Palls, Ore. WANTED Middle aged woman to care for elderly lady (no cigarette smokers!. Apply 412 N. Orape. WANTED SITU A HONS MPERiENCroBookkMneV"'..!; JT.PERIENCED Bookkeeper avauaoie for part time work. Some daytime opcu. inouiw wi. WANTED Steady position by young laay thoroughly experienced In credits, meeting public. Expert credits, meeuuK iiuuiiv, ateDographer. bookkeeper. Steadily i mployed. available on two week notice, box io?iH, care -rriDune WANTED LIVESTOCK WANTED All kinds livestock. Trib une. Box 102. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 60 tons second or third cutting bay. Phone 3464. WANTED Companions for trip to Loa Angeles over Christmas holi days. Box 1011 Tribune. WANTED Small ranch. Will pay 1000 down. No agents. Tribune. Box 1038. WANTED Dial 493 for Information regarding our approved BLACKOUT for your home. WANTED A few more men to take ad van taw of our weekly rates. Big. warm lobby, clean comf orta ble beds, hot showers, single rooms. 3 00 and up. Crater Hotel. 30 8. Central. WANTED Clean soft cotton rags at Mall Tribune. W A NTED Trade merchandise and cash for riflea shotguns, pistols. 17 North Riverside. FAINTING and kaleomlnlng. No Job too big or too small. Phone 3083 1 All work guaranteed. E. R. Carey. NOTICE Efcs trend special! sea in pruning shrubbery, trees: tree sur gery; and guarantees his work to be the best, for It's done correct. Telephone 4&S0. WANTED TO BOY Small going res taurant suitable for man and wire Box 354. Tribune. WANTED- Improved S acres or leea close in Give price, location, etc Box 634. Superior. Wyo WILL DRILUNO ! 50 per ft first 50 rt. etc J at Dodge 5l King K20HES1 cash paid for iron copper brass, radiabjra aluminum bat teries tubes rags lead and aino Medford Bargsiu House WANTED Wool, mohair hides and pelt Medford Baraalu Huuea 37 North Orape 8t Phone 1744 WILL IMV MOT CAH For Ch3 Used Furniture HOLRROOK Ft RMT1 RE IS North Front Phone 4033 BKT PRirp.H P4ID For Tour Furniture t, JO ri'HMTI Hr hne iUt FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 5-room house. Inquire Medford Fuel, 1133 North Central. FOR RENT ft-room furnished house basement, furnace. Inquire 405 W. ana FOR RENT Lovely 5-ronm unfur nished home, close In. Inquire 130 Vancouver. FOR REN r pumlsned 4 -Bed room. 3 bsthroom ' residence and garae Close In Electric stovs. PrKmslre. fas furnsce. shade ehrubbery and garden. Victor C aether FOR RENT 4-ronm house, close id. electrically equipped. 316 So. Or ange FOR RENT 5-room modern bouse; garage. Inquire (lg So. Riverside FOR RENT Furnished house, new k attractive. 914 So. Holly. 10-ROOM house, t-ieal for roomers. Close in, Shulu Bros. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 1-roum unfurnished SO. OREGON 300-acre highly 1m- house, dose In. Reasonable. Phone proved ranch, very picturesque, two 3660. miles from postofllce. one from . - ' school. Seven-room house. A-l con. STRICTLY modern new small un- dltlon. Barn. 34 stairs: five other furnished house for rent. Conven- buildings. All painted. On nshlng lently located. H, L. Cook, 1104 stream, free water right, 14 springs. West Main. ao dairy cows. 40 hogs, span mules, - - '' ' ' " " ample machinery with place. POR RENT Modem, attractive S- qqq Terms r?m 5',P;rtlT, ';irn't"1' 17 acres. lo'ur-room house. 40-ton paid. Call 81 Basel at- near Big Y. bam oth buUdingfc i0 acres POR RENTurnUhed S-room bouse. one-year Hale peachea two acres Phon. .032. Dark. Grocery HOUSE POR RENT 30 Tripp. k about beautiful Rogue River Val- " " . . r.TrT.-TZ ley properties. 8800 to S45000. rRUCKS Pop RENT Move yourself Phone 2078. Save half Prulttl Moollgms Sts- SPENCER-BAOLET AGENCY tlon Main and Iw phone 4148 103 W. Main 6t, Medford. Oregon ma sriiT a. DS. RTMrNTa BUTUDINO A HOME Let us hsndle FOH RENT APAHTMEWTS B) dlu on . pt,a ,., POR RENT-Apartmant. 834" ippl" qu-kly s.flel.ntly Ooldy c.ucy ovt . . -,., CITY and eounrry properties Rentals POR RENT P and P apartments IIIIIPOT 0 g auttsrfleld 8 rOO!.S, " U" 400 Medford Building quire 311 West 6th - ""T 2: 1L" , . " "," FOR SALE Medford Improved prop. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 310 m Ben Vlmont. Agsts. N. Bsrtlett, ,-, -;. ,' IT'T'IV -. WHEN TOO think of real estate POR RENT Nicely furnished apart- thnl of Sp,nc,r.B.,iey msnt. 403 Newtown. Asency 103 W Main COZY Furnished Apartment. Refrlg. priced for quick sals or exchange erstor. prlvats bath. heat. 60S W. L.ri;. houiy ,ulub xor apart. Main. ments or guest home. 433 North FURNISHED "apartment. 317 West Ashland. Phone 8071. . FOR EXCHANGE Hssl Estate ATTRACTIVE 4-rm. furnished spt., .- steam heat, frlgldalre. over Hollo- FOR SALE Oarden gadgets make way's Grocery. Ph. 3836. Ideal gifts for garden fans. Mon- - ' ----'- arch 8eed A Feed Co. FURNISHED apartment, Frlgldalre, , - .. . electric stove. Holland Hotel. WILL TRADE B-rooms. almost new - - -- furniture for good trailer house FURN APT Steam heat, hot water, c. D. Hoxle. Route 1, Box 883. Frlgldalre. 603 8 Holly St. Ashland. Ore. At Siskiyou Summit. FOR RENT-3-room furnished apart- poR 8ALS OR TRADE 1 sere and ) ment Adults 138 Mistletoe 4-room modern house on Losler I " ' " Lane for home near Junior high FOR RENT furnished Rooms school See pierce. Room 1, Palm 1 Btilldlne. Medford. i FURNISHED room with private bath. B I heat. 80 West loth. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS "O" T"'r',f"?'h3?5 FOR SALS-Oood H-inch balvsnlred '"i ,or lnUemaa. 336 South Jq galT,n. mversiae. lw.d plp R A Wagner, 164 Oak. CLEAN rooms, new Simmons tnner- Ashland, Ore. heat; single $3 00 weekly and up Crater Hotel. 30 South Central. Right down town. ROOMS For Re til 163 N Oakdals WARM, well furnished sleeping room for rent. 833 8. Riverside. , WARM, furnished room, private bath j and entrance. Oarage. 1104 W ' Main. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. 404 8. Orape. FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM and BOARD 614 Beatty. F0H RENT MISCELLANEOUS , RENT Oarage building, corner Central and Jacmon. pnone soaa. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Plvo weaner piga. Half mile past Prescott Camp. May Butpnin. JERSEY COW 4Vi yr. old. Good cream cow, xresnen April, rnone 6535. AUtn7ISN.t,ir?.vfnor &2 ! nix Ore. Commenclna at 1:00 Dm. Selling all classes of livestock. Reg- ular patronage of out of state buy-: able market for your livestock. We vaccinate pigs Friday p.m. Health certificate must accompany drlve In on all cows for dairy. "Always attend the Auction." Southern Ore gon Livestock Co. Col. A. H. Dudley, Auctioneer, Phone 8225. FOR BALE 3 brood Bows to farrow aoon. O. B. Perdue, ball mile north Central Point. FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bull. Meadowbrook ranch. Eagle Point, Brownsboro highway. CASH for old horw Dial 6ST6 FOR SALE POULTRY FOR 6ALE Pure bred Barred Rock cockerels. W. P. Martin, Esgls Point, Star Rt. Meflforrt. FOR SALE DOGS PETS BEAUTIFUL red Cocker puppies. Will hold till Christmas. Ressonable. Csll afternoons or evenings. 711 Pins. FOR SALE- Two pair green love birds, 63 pair. A. C. Lewis. Fern Velley. FOR SALE Sweet-voiced eanartea. cages, pet suppllea for Christmas elfts Monsrch wd St Feed Co. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CHEAP Equity in "35 V-g. Inquire Route S. Box S7. Medford. U Nvberg. Midway Road. WE HAVE s 1919. 1937. 1938 and a 1939 of the finer used cars left. They are going fast. Snulta Bros. A GOOD selection of dependable used cars. Down paymente aa low aa 10. Tea we take trade-ins. Shulta Bros. POR SALE Fordor, Model "A" se dan. Csll Mrs. Cornelia Barnes, Phoenix. FOR SALE Best 84 Ford Tudor In town. Lots of rubber, good uphol stery, original paint, perfect mo tor, twin driving lights, heater, good brakes. Must sell aoon, 9216. Bob Bauman, 315 No. Ivy. Call 3409. 193K BUICK SEDAN Century model for ssle or trade for lighter ear CsM Psfl. Furniture Co FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 714 acres Lsdlno clover. Live stream runs throurh place for Irrigation and stock year round. Jotna mill creek with good fishing year round. Bnrn for cows, with numeroua outbuildings A very good plastered house. Insured for 13000. This plaoe must be seen to be appreciated. Price ssooo Will - take part trade In livestock and car. Terme. S- M. Severson. 1 miles northeast Los Molinos. Calif. POR SALE Two choice lot near Roosevelt school. Inquire 138 Van couver. FOR SALE 118 acres. 30 acres under cultivation Route I. Box 883, Med- ord. Vernon Ouches. MVDFORD fNCOMF property for sale I Dupisx. P. O. Box 665, Newman, CsO. FOR SALE REAL E8TATE mvrtlewood lamps. 1 floor table. 834 South Newtown. RADIO atewart-Warner small mod em console, 810. 303 West 3rd. Phone 3583. HARVARD CLASSICS 61 volumes, never unpacked. J. Ollmore. 606 W. Main. POR BALE Oas heater or trade for bedstead and springs: also Corona portable typewriter. 741 West Jack son. USED circulating heater, 816. Crater i Metal & Engineering, 143 K. Front. POR SALE Leather rocking chair. Also oak rocking chair In very good munition. 101 Vancouver Ave. USED Hestrols coal circulator, perfect condition. (36. Crater Metal 4 En gineering. 143 N. Front. FOR SALE 1938 Ford son tractor on rubber. Flnley Imp. Co. CHRISTMAS TREES, wreathes and greenerv. The best In town. Prices runt. Bert Jonnston, corner Bixtn and West Main Streets, next to Grover's Dairy. Open day and night. POK LE-OoU.-.Jh an. aquariums. shut-ins. Monarch Seed Ac Feed Co. SALE5 Bishops rustic bird houses and feeders make Ideal gifts. Monarch 8eed At Peed Co. FOR SALE Give roses for Christmas A complete stock of northwest grown No. 1 bushes. Monsrch Seed At Feed Co. FOR SALE Walnuts. Geo. Alford Fern Valley. FOR SALE Christmas greenery, holly wreatns. evergreen aoor garianos. cut holly, mistletoe, boutonnlere Monarch seed es Feeu Co. FOR SALE Cacti of all klnda. Give them as gifts. Monarch Seed At Feed Co. . FOR SALE Christmss tree holders. Equipped with moisture container, keeps the tree fresh longer. Mon arch Seed At Feed Co. FOR SALE House truck. 431 liar hart St. GET English Walnuts for Christmss. Oliver Rogers. 519 Crater Lake. SELLING OUT AT COST Entire stock of Antlqus Furniture, and Early American Olasa. Must be sold at once. Dealers attention. Open evenings. South's Antlqus Shop, corner 6th and D Sts., Grants Pass, Ore. SILVER FIR and Douglas Fir Christ mas treea for sale. 105 North Cen tral. ORDERS TAKEN for Real 811k Hos iery. Phone 3008 829 Apple. EXCELLENT values In used washers, radios, refrlsierators. Pick Hdws. FOR SALE- Peera and apples. )m Kantor 3 mtlee north Talanl FOR BALE Low priced lumber of any building materials Csll ua be fore you buy R O Stephenson Go. . Court and McAdrews Telephone 3000 FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4914 AGATE JEWELRY. Novelties and Myrtle-Wood Have your aerates cut at Santo's Agats Shop, 425 Esat Main St. WOOD Dry fir and laurel. Aaervi sted Station. 700 E. Main. Tel. 8859 Mf liroKII 84RIMIN HOI Kg We Have Whet You Wsnt Pipe and Fittings all sires Soil Pipe and Dralrisee Fittings Plumbing Pistijree and Septle Tanks Tents and rarpa .Una Doors Windows and Olaa Split Pulleys Belling Cable ana Blocks Bsrried Wire Stork Fencing, etc. Roofing Psper Building Pspsff Psmts Roof stsln Army Oonds Shoes Boots Quilts Underwear and Socks Pumps and Machinery Tools lor ths House. Farm Logeera and Mill Supplies New and Ced Furniture of All Kinds Stoves snd Clrrulatov Hesters We Can Save You Dollars Ph 8744 87.88 M Orape St DRY FIR for sais Phons 6180 aftet 6 00 o'clock FOR BALE Dry nr and hardwood Phone 4503 Hawley Fuel Co RFAl BUYS in uerd clutnmg 1405 No Rivtraidt, across from Becks Beury. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Singing canaries make fine presents see tnem at 1137 w Main, rn vt. P1R SLABS Buy Mow. City Pus) Phone 41 14 FOR SALE Dry fir slabs. Phone eieo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES POR SALS OR LEASE Meet market In connection with grocery, good paying business. Apply at once. Hill s Fine Foods Yreka. Csllf! MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Party Is known who smssned lender V-B sedan, plesse contact me at 403 Park after 8 or call 4353. BOWMAN BEAUTT SALON SUG GESTS a lovely PERMANENT WAVE for a Christmas gift for her. The beet of msterlsls used. The best of operatora to give them. Op erators, Msrcella Bowman. Maxlns Stlnson. Leona Crawford. Phone SIBS. 22T South Central. ELECT ROLUX Sales At Servloe, phone sow. ATTENTION I Dont forget ths Bar- bequed Pork BparerlDs Saturday and Sunday at Ltllte's Place, corner court and McAnnrews. PERSONAL CARD READING, 91. 829 Jeannette. MRS. DELMAR Palmist Gives ad' vice on all affairs of life: all ques tions answered free. Rainbow Auto Camp, Highway 99, North. Palmistry. Crystal Reading D Miller pn 3440 4H0 Mountain Ave Asnisnd Dressmaking rHB FASHION SHOP Dressmaking . Pur Remodeling B u 1 1 o o s and Buckles covered Room 803 U Nstlunsl Bank Bldg Tel 8981 DKEoSMAKINO - Alterations tailor ing Catherine Batteries. Singer Hhop . 23 3 orape BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antique! EARLY AMERICAN GLASS at the algn 9 mtlee south of Grants Pass or I mile uurth ot Savage Rapids asm on Highway 99 Asssyer ASSAYER w O Wright. 3318 Capi tal Ave City So of wster reservoir Gold 91. copper 91. cinnabar 93 Carpentering LESLIE RALSTON. General Contract Ing. floe finishing work All kinds Carpentering. For estimates plesee call at 701 N Riverside or Tel hhhi Christmas Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Christmss Cards Dainty Handkerchiefs. Albert's Myr tlewood Noveltlea THE ALBERTEL- LA. 120 Sorth Central Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Bwaen Also furtisaee end 1 , , .n Chiropodist. FOOT SUFFERERS Opening modern Chiropody offices. Corns, callouses. Ingrown nslls removed, erches cor rected Dr. Arnold M. Depner. Cblr opodlst. Foot Spectnllst. 317 luh. rT Bids Phone 3103. Expert Window Cleaner LCI OEOROE DO ITI RXPER1 Wluoow Cleaner General bouse cleaners nour waxing palnt- ing Geo f Oltsrd Phone 89S4 Rooting WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof Pabco Rooflnga. Shingles Coatings and Paints New stuck Wall Paper Ekeraon Paint and Roof to . i8 So BarUett Pel S848 JOE SMITH YOUR ROOFER Ah Rout rruuoles taken cars of. All work gusrsuteed Csll 8768 or 2249. 301 Haven. Vacuum Cleaner Service GUARANTEED SERVICE on all makea of vacuum cleanera. Called for and delivered free. Feldmaa Electrle. Phons 8677. ACrtosa i? i L lltaiitrroua rock " 4. Spikri of oora 40- 5. Trouble 41. IS. Chum 42 : It. OiBiurbanr of 4(. th pacs 4T. i II PrttrutJ tba !tpt 49. . t. Epoch (0. . 14. Wild flowar It. FoMi ovr ant) itltch 61. ! to. ftcent i3. i tl. Anier 12. Ple t out BR. 14. Butter ftubftl- 47. tutt 40. ' 14. Short for a man'i rmma 4S. I IT. Pertnlnlrtf to u.t) - fl 1 l.lsari 15. Go ar,oar4 a 44. , puhtle rarrlar 14. Cnrliia drams- 44. tlt i l Belgian livar Sura ! cat thratW Rtlst Natur-a. forT itif of tba beiil 'hut which drives s plsn StJ-l"ng glance ' 2 3 PI F N7 Pi8 17 T :2B" T 3, - - - - IT 26 q fJ 34 7 j tiT,, cr T5- t-.ix ui., 1 1 i . ii.i. 1 1 i . . BUSINESS DIRECTORY MONEY TO LOAN Tor ARE IVVITK.O to see ua for CHRISTMAS CASH PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE on Car, Livestock and Personal Loans OREGON FINANCE CO. W. E. Thomas. Mirr. Lie. No. 8-11 M-217 "SLi-L". .Lr?S,.'Lund5ford sometimes other- VUVU ,1 1- I l-a- . - " WE LOAN MONET ON YOUR CAR Attractive Rates COAST FINANCE Harold H Brown Asncy License 811 138 Bast Mala Phon 844. PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farms Address Box 413, Tribune. NURSERY STOCK CARLTON NURSERY Ths only nursery In Southsrn Oregon with a complete stock of fruit, nut and ahade treea and ornamental ahruba and plants on harul during all the planting season. Carlton Nursery. 62nd year 4 mllsa South of Medford on Pacific Highway. Look for the Mlr-o-llte algn. FINEST QUALITY NURSERY STOCK at Lowest Piles In yesrs. Call or write Alwyr Co., Rt. 3. Box 16, North Medford. new nignway. Transfer CITY TRANSFER At 8TORAOE CO Huuaehold moving and general hauling i9 8 Orsps Phone 4084 Day or night FURNITURE MOV1NO AND 8TOR AGE We have van moving equip ment for local and long distsuce hauling Dry and clean store it (concrete bulldlngl with special locker rooms at low rates 8AMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Phone 8768 IADS rHAN9FER STORAGE CO Office 16 South Plr Phone 2828 Prices right Service guaranteed DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Plr Street. Insured Camera Local and Long Distance Hauling. Phoue tHMl LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon For the County of Jackson. In the matter of the estate of Elva Raypholtz, deceased. Notice is hereby given that thtf undersigned Administratrix of the Estate of Elva Raypholtz. deceased, has filed In the Coun tv Court of Jackson County Oregon, her final account of the rimlnisttntinn of said estate. 1 : j 1 ., ,. , SHU R IU touu una acv iuimua. at ine nour 01 ten nciuca iuip noon of said day, in the county court room of the court house In Medford. Jackson County Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing on said final ac count, and all objections thereto and for final settlement thereof . MARY BROWN, Administratrix. NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACKSON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ELTON E. BEESON, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Administratrix of the estate of Elton E. Beeson, deceased, has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Jack son In the Matter of the Estate of Elton E. Beeson, Deceased, her final account and report, and that a hearing will be aad thereupon on the 10th day of January, 1942 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m. at the court room of the Court House of Jackson County at Medford, Solution Of Saturday's Puxile 81 Court crier's call . Pigpen DOWN 8. glmpl 4 Rllkw'.rni s. One of se re di.Tt-noiis Jai.inees rare 8. Vurm of mast eil coir.po sittoe f. RsrMrss Bests I. Copy Am'Hrsa In dian le. lln.itr II. Hvr.e 17. Crawl IS. a:)eht ennteet IS. Old mualt-sl note fs. T-iroBefis girl 17. Burn Is. Wlthlnl SODS. form 1. Ooort.-e eg h-allng It. rnndlmentg . rile . tvin entmal tl A41ltiens ts buildings t. Etl.ted t atop ti. Color b. -'ve rn Venice tl Dismay: vari ant s. f renrh elver 11. Am. "ran poet It, rieeotls'.l flrtsnrtal ls stru.nest M Csnrel 51 Ktnroll l Srr.sll , lr4 M. MusMlv il Orl'-nlal euSae , anaadag I Manns ask tury SlLlAlP TP R OlPfie A I h Ie IrTo II e nIeUo r a OvfelN J A L gWrjO R y w eUd a, tIeUsji l ElAllL El re tBP E &t rTr A TINT ElDlaP AF A IM 0 M GPSlL E dBtIO 5.!Lp i. n" eHe l i) Die D i nBl e PDA m i s' e L A PLOP I L AIT E f ' I Oa a rUcJa rIeDmiein SjE n i ipgNj I Dfilli lO r t. 2J 4 nsw o In aIiTrMo 6 E ell I nee d leTYUfmtDTsUfTATTls Ore Ton, and all persons having any '"ijections thereto are here by required to file or make such objections In the above en titled court and cause at or prior to the time o! said hearing as aforesaid. Edna B. (Beeson) Trent Administratrix. Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACKSON COUNTY. H. L. Bar rett, Plaintiff, vs. Bertha May , Hjr Dbu : wiec nuuvtii s ovinia moj "i rett. Bom Mimes otherwue known as Pat Webber. DefenJant. To: Bertha May Lundsford some times otherwise known as Ber U a May Barrett, eometimes otherwise known as Pat Web ber. GREETING: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby summoned and required to appear in the above entitled Court and Cause and answer the comolaint filed against you therein within four weeks from December 12, 1941, the date of the first publication of this bum mons, and if you fail so to ap Dear within the aforesaid, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the Complaint, viz, A decree decreeing that the name of Bertha May Barrett as it appears in that certain deed recorded at page 349 of Volume 226 Deed Records of Jackson County, Oregon is a cloud upon the title to the Southeast Quarter (SEVs) of the Southwest Quarter (bW v.) in Sec. 33 in Township 34 boutn Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian, and decreeing a re moval of the cloud and for such other relief as to the Court seems equitable. This Summons IS puonsnea oy order of the Honorable H. K. Hanna, Judge of the above en titled Court, dated Decern Der o, 1941. Date of first puDllcauon December 12. 1941. Sherman S. Smith, Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffice address: 108' South Sixth Street, Grants Pass, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Jackson county n the Matter of the Estate of OLAVA PEDERSON. de ceased. The undersigned has filed In the County Court of Jaokson County, Orvgon, the final ac count of his administration of the Estate of Olava Pedrrson. deceased, and said Court has fixed the 7th day of January, 1942, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the County Court Room in the Jackson County Court House, at Medford, Oregon, as the time and place for the settlement of said estate. All persons Interested In said estate are nereby notified and required to make or file their objections to said final account, if any they have, on or before the time aforesaid fixed for the hearing fnd settlement thereof. Date of thia notice and the first publication thereof is De cember S. 1941. MART IN O. PAULSON Administrator with the Will annexed. C. H. BENGTSON, Attorney for Admimstrrtor wttn the win annexed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Coui.ty Court of the State of Oregon for tne county of Jackson. In the Matter of tne Estate of Millard D. Olds, sometimes known as M. D. Olds, de ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai I havr been duly and regu larlv annotated Administrator of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an order of the County court or jaexson Countv. Oregon, duly made rendered and entered upon No vember 19th. 1941. and all credi tors havina claims against said deceased are hereby notified to present the same ouiy vermea to me at the office of my attor ney, George M. Roberts, Rooms 201-203 U.ilted states national Bank Building. Medford. Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 19th day of November, 1941. EARL 8. TUMY Administrator of the Es tate of Mll'ard D Olds. sometimes known as M. D. Old", deceased Beagle, Dec. 19. Spl.) An tioch Sunday school attended Sunday school at Upper Rogue River Grange hall December 7. Basket lunch was served at noon. A number from her attended ths unit meeting st th bom of Mrs. Jennl Russell December 13. Dinner was served to those present, demon strating cheaper cuts of meat by Mrs. Russell snd Mrs. Morgan. There wss a gift sxchsngs In th sfternoon. Next meeting will b at th bom of Mrs. Ruth fills with Mrs. gills snd Chsrlott Bwsst demonstrating Uttle Carl Bellows, who has been sick with toneUIUs. la much better. Mr. snd Mrs. Ray Bowen snd Mrs. Home Bowen and llttl Prsd ex pected to spend Christmss at Lot Angeles but race Led word not to com at present as Mr. snd Mrs. Bowen daughter and husbend wars having to move on account of war eondlUons. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Arnold and children of Lakevlew spent th week end Halting Mrs. Arnold's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl cas and fsmlly snd with Mr. snd Mrs. rttck Arnold sad family of Msdford, Beagle Donald Cass left last week, having enlisted In the army. : Mr. and Mrs. R. Biachoff and fm- lly spent December 14 at McLsod at the home of Frits and Bill Edler, I where the wedding of Mrs. BlscbofTa niece. Mas Edler to BUI Hull of Klamath Falls took place. Both i young folka uaed to live her and I all extends heartiest congratulations. Mr. snd Mrs. Lawrence Sanderson snd children spent December 14 at the home of Mrs. Sanderson's parents. Mr. snd Mrs. Frank Arnold of Med ford. Ths oocsston betne a fsmlly reunion as Glen Arnold left Monday to Join the navy. Election of officers for the coming year for the AnUoch Sunday school was ss follows: juperlntendent, Mrs. Ruth Foote: assistant superintendent. Mrs. Ruth (Ills; secretary-treasurer, Oherlott Sweet. Mrs. Sadie Prink, who has been visiting rn Artsons for the psst six weeks, returned horns this week. All are glsd to have her home again. Friends hers of Mrs. Ruth Bchuls of Sams Valley, who Is In a hospital In Medford, are glad to know that ah la Improving and will aoon be bom again. Mr. and Mrs. Schuls an proud parents of a fin baby boy. Oongrstulstlons. Mr. snd Mrs. Lloyd Sanderson snd little son, of Ssms Vallay, and Mr. and rMs. Melvln Martin and Donnla spent Sundsy evening with horn folks. Donald Grant spent the week-end with his parents December 7. He cam up from Oakland with hla cousins, Mr. snd Mrs. Ted Williamson snd little daughter. Mr. Williamson is connected with a produce company' In San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Martin and Donnla spent Wednesday evening visiting Mslvln's parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Homer Mania and sons of Reeee Creek. Brownsboro Brownsboro, Dec. 19. (Spl.) Mrs. Inch, school supervisor. visited Brownsboro school last week. The Christmas program being prepared by the pupils and others of the community will be given Tuesday evening, December 23. after which there will be a visit from Old Santa and a tree with gifts, nuts and candy for all. Llttl Dell Wilson, wno unosrwens an operation for appendicitis at the Community hospital recently, Is horns again and rapidly recovering. Rev. snd Mrs. Randall of Medford visited at Sunday school last Sunday. Ths messsg for ths after service wss given by Everett McOes of Ashland. These services are held each second snd fourth Sundsys of the mouth and aU era Invited to attend. H. W. Wright Is building two new cabins on his place and Vera Kay- ward of Medford Is doing the work. W M. Hansen and Gerald are also building a house on the Hansen farm snd when completed Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hansen will tneks It their boms. J. B. Roh-sr of Montagus, Calif., was a guest reoenUy at the Rohrar horns. High School Newt by STUDENT REPORTERS (By th Journalism elass) A luncheon for the H.E.C.A. was held Wednesday, President Royal Gleason opening the meeting with a flag salute. Luncheon chairman Verna Paul son introduced th . program which consisted of current re views by Cliff Qulgley and two Christmas carols by Bette Lu Forlk. Lanar Coverston was ap pointed chairman for th next luncheon to be held after Christmas vacation. Discussions were held concerning club pages In the Crater yearbook and also on purchasing a flag for the or ganization. e "Elephant Boy." a full-length motion picture, was presented free to students in the auditor ium yesterday noon by the A.S.B. Setting and theme of the picture were In India. This was one of several educational films sponsored by the high school this year. . e e Ticket sales for the Medford high school annual, the "Cra ter," went into full swing this week, with bargain rates an nounced for the first month of the sale. Editor-in-chief Doris Sims announced that salesmen are Jim Elliott, Dolly Age, Jeanette Showers, Janice Pitt, Verna Paulson, Margaret Rob erts, Lois Yost, Helen Webb, Shirley Wetsenburger, Doretha Linn, Margy Hardy, Norma Central!, and Mildred Smith. Bill Bowerman returner to senior high yesterday to award letters to the boys of the '41 football squad. The football squad, represented by Cato Wray and Bill Wall, In IU turn presented Mr. Bowerman with a portable radio to take with him when he leave for the army. Boy receiving their let ters were Bill Will, Ike Orr. Cato Wray, Roger Barker, Dan Winter, Steve Dlppel, Jack Baker, Cliff Jones, Curt Hop kin, Bill Bayllss, Jack Young. Stan Smith, Hal Adams, Wesley Davis, Lea Reynolds, Clayton Anderson, Steve Isaac, Bob Stead, Bob Mitchell, Ken Stocks, Chet Ricks, Ray Case- beer, Darrel Montieth, Bud Mayfleld, and Jack Pope. Wat lac Rica, Dean Barker, BUI LODGE NOTICES This colamn la reserved for notices of sny kind snd all fraternal and service orgsnlzstlons are In vited to use It. Bates lOe a line nrst Insertion. Be a lln for each Hnwhignsertlftll MEDFORD LODOB No. 103, A. P. A M. tatad communication Frt dsy, Dec. 19th. Election and Installations of officers. Re freshments. Olen L. Fs brick. W.M- Gitzen, and John Thomas were awarded manager letters. e A short, serious Christmas program was presented in the auditorium this morning by the music department under direc tion of Miss Helene Leach. The choir, robed in black and white, sang before an altar of stained glass which had been construct ed by the art class. Members sang such favorites ss "Adore mus Te," "When the Sun Had Sunk To Rest," "Sanctus," and "Silent Night." Jack . Moffatt also entertained the students with Christmas reading from Luke II. This was the last as sembly of the year since the stu dents were excused this after noon for Christmas vacation. Meteorological Report By 0. t. MTKATHEIt BtlHEAD rsewrasts Medford and Ttstnltyi Rain today and tonight. Temperature shoe nor mal. Oregon I Rain today and tonight. Temperature above normal. Tempera tur a year age todsyt Highest, 88: lowest, 84. Total monthly precipitation, T.M Inches. Excess for the month, 8.1T inches. Total precipitation sine Sept. t. 1M1, 13.23 inches. Excess or the season, 8.04 Inches. RelaUvs humidity at 4:80 p, m. yeeterday.01: 4:80 a. m. today,'. Tomorrow: Sunrise, T:M a- m4 sunset, 4:41 p. as. Obeervallnns Taken at 4:8 a. as. II Meridian Time. F If ? Boles ' . 48 44 ,TT . 8 39 .I n . B SO 80 8T .1 Boston Chlcsgo Denver Eureka Los Angeles. 78 87 Medford 47 41 J New York 4 4 Omaha , (t Phoenix 70 88 Portland 87 4 1J Reno 88 88 Roeeburg H II it Bslt Lax SO 88 San Frenctsoo. 88 80 Seattle 4T Ul Spokane 4T 41 J4 Precipitation amounts less than .10 Inches and types of weather not publish ed. The Grange Rosy A a Orange Regular meeting of Roxy Ana Grange will be held Friday, De cember IS. Member are urged to be at th hall by 7:30 a th Lone Pin school will pre sent Christmas program. Th annual Grange Christmas tree will follow the meeting. The dance announced for Saturday, December 30 will not be held because of th war emergency. - By th and of 1841 about 190,000.000 tree will be plant ed In six western state a a result of th shelter belt pro ject. Travel Table AIRPLANES Northbound Leave Mall Close 4:8 a. m. 4:14 a. m. 18:88 p. m. 114 a. m. 41 p m. (Rag stop) No mall 33 p. m. flax stop) im p. m Bouth bound Leave , Mall Close 10:47 a. at, lft.-M a. to. 8 17 p. os. (Flag stop I Mo mall 8:43 p. m (Flag stop) 447 p. at, 118 . aa. 11:07 , aa. TRAINS Northbound Leave Mails Close 11:8 a. m. to.- a. m. tM p. SB. f 40 p. at, Southbound Leave Malls Close "I II a. at, 8 u a. at, IM p. aa. 448 p, m. BLSES North 8 SO a. as, I M a. m. t:SS a. as. 10 p at. South urn a. m. 8 :80 a. m. IK a. m. 8 to p. at. 1:4 p. m. KM p. Bk T Rhunsth rails 8:08 p. m. Itsva Ratrsalk ratal t SO a aa. () To Ashland only. () Te O rants Paaa only. Not i Auto connecting first slsss mall eloas at 1:0 a. at. for delivery at points north of Sugene aad at tr D aa for delivery at polots souta t Ountnulr, cam. . . v