PA OF. SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNF. MEDFORtt OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1941. y civi i AID INSTRUCTION About 170 attended the organ r izational meeting of civilian! ', registered for first aid defense at the Jackson county court-house auditorium last night. 'Those enrolled were assigned to various classes. Cant. S. M. Tuttle emphasized the importance of having a civIL ' ian population well trained In first aid work. C. c. Haggard, in . charge of first aid instruction for the Red Cross, showed films 1 Illustrating proper driving on snowy and icy pavements. Mr. Haggaro announced that the text books to be used In the course would be available at the Red Cross office next week for those who had not received them. Initial assignment was the first three chapters of the text book. Mr. Haggard said there was room for a limited number of additional enrollees in some of the classes. Persons registered for civilian defense who want to sign up for this work may notify the Red Cross office. Instructors for the classes are J. B. Meehan. Dr. C. W. Lemery. Ed Kirtley, Marjorie Kelly and Harold Blther. Los Angeles Blacks Out GIVEN 1100 FINE Hugh M. Rutledge, 41, 228 South Ivy street, was fined $100 and his driver's license was re voked for year by Judge W. W. Allen In city court this morning on a charge of operat ing a car while under the influ ence of intoxicating liquor. Rutledge, a temporary resi dent here who held an Idaho license, was accused of running into a car parked In front of the GeBauer apartments on Forth Oakdale avenue late Tuesday night. The parked car was owned by D. H. McCargar . of Grants Pass, the police report (aid. John L. Detweller, S8, 822 Edwards street, was fined $10 for failure to give right of way. Detweiler's car struck an auto operated by Melvln L. Stein back of Ferndale, Wash., who gave a local address of 1700 Prune street, and in the mixup the parked car of Dr. C. M. Young of 109 South Oakdale avenue and a sign post were struck, according to the police report. The accident happened at West Main and Ivy streets yesterday afternoon. Dm sun mourn wmnt uOm. CD 1 1 CD . . Is. - S1 ,0?. .S3 In a thrae-hour blackout. In which unidentified planes reported circling In the Los Angeles vicinity, the usually well lighted downtown section faded into almost complete darkness. At topt Broadway's street lights have Just gone out, other lights still blase. Belowi 20 minutes later, only a few Isolated lights remained. DIVORCE Baltimore (P) Christmas shopping figured as a causa for divorce in a case before Judge Ell Frank. The Judge awarded Mrs. Naomi Nelva Horan an ab solute divorce from Thomas James Horan, taxicab driver. Mrs. Horan testified they quar reled when she returned home late from Christmas shopping In 1938 and her husband left in a huff. She said her shopping took "an awful lot of time" be cause of a heavy rain. Dm UU Trltmn want Ma. ALL MAY DONATE YULE DELICACIES Fl Medford residents who wish to add Christmas Joy to boys in Oregon military camps and co operate with the national de fense program have an oppor tunity this week to do both, and merely by leaving a donation of cookies, candy, fruit cake or nuts at Boy Scout headquarters tomorrow at the end of Bear Creek bridge on East Main street. Christmas boxes of home made cookies and other deli cacies will be packed by Med ford unit Pro America mem bers. AU Medford residents who wish to donate to this project may do so. Those who have no means of sending their dona tions to Boy Scout headquar ters may telephone 2477 and someone will call for the con tribution. Donations will be re ceived beginning at 10 a. m. and continue all day. AMATEUR PILOTS Feudalism to World Power Is Japan s Recent History Fred Beck and Richard H. Witt, local amateur pilots, en listed today in the army and were accepted directly for the air corps, said to be an unusual procedure. They will leave to night for Portland to take a final medical examination and to be formally sworn into serv ice If they pass. Beck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beck of the Old Stage road and manager of his father's bakery plant In Klamath Falls, holds a private pilot's certificate and has had more than 150 hours In the air. Witt, plant manager and supervisor of the Beck Bakery here, holds the same kind of certificate and has had almost 300 hours in the air. Both expect to become army pilots. Witt is the husband of the former LaMurle Beck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Witt reside at 231 South Ivy street. "Time Served in 18 States Salem, N. J. (U.R Arthur James, 48, of Atoka, Okla., who Is serving a 90-day sentence in county Jail here, believes he is one of the "most arrested" men in the country. James' record shows he was arrested at least 33 times, and that he has served sentences in 18 states. A. P. Feature Service Washington, D. C Doughty Commodore Matthew C. Perry sailed into Uraga harbor, Japan in 18S3, heading a large U. S. naval squadron. He accom plished the design to frighten the Japanese Into friendly trade with the United States, breaking her hostile isolation. Perry's act also started Japan on its way from feudalism to a world power. Up to 1931, the U. S. looked on approvingly. Here's a thumbnail history: 1898 Treaty permits U. S. advisers, teachers, missionaries to enter Japan. 1899 Joins U. S. In "open door" doctrine in China. 1900 Japanese, American, European soldiers Join to put down China's Boxers. 1905 U. S. mediates Russo Japanese war. 1911 A "gentlemen's agree ment" remedies influx of Jap anese to U. S. Pacific coast. 1914-18 Japan Joins allies. 1922 Signs the Washington treaties to limit arms and main tain status quo in the Pacific. 1931 Military clique rises in Japan. Seizes Manchuria (Man chouku). 1937 Japan Invades China. U. S. gunboat Panay sunk. En ters axis anti-communist pact. 1939 U. S. denounces treaty of friendship. 1940 Japan Joins Rome-Ber lin axis. 1941 July-August, Japanese credit! frozen In V. S., ship ments of oil, metal from U. S. banned. November, Japan pro tests U. S. economic "strangula tion." Takes control of Indo China from Vichy France. Speeds special envoy, Kurusu, to Washington. Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese planes attack U. S. Pacific bases. ALLIES OCCUPY ISLE OF T London, Dec. 18. (PI The Netherlands government an nounced today that allied troops had occupied the Portuguese island of Timor, between Java and Australia, strategic station on a Japanese air line. But Timor's importance for Japanese submarine warfare was emphasized in the Dutch announcement, which said: "In view of Japanese subma rine activities off Portuguese Timor it became an unavoidable necessity to take steps to safe guard this territory against Jap anese aggression and to forestall its being used as a base from which attacks could be made on allied territory and communications." Oh Mill Tnouiw want via. Here's Why II. E. POCUE America's Most Authentic Bourbon Merits Your Recognition There U a heritage of tradition hi K. E. POGUB Fine Kentucky Bourbon. landmark of "The Original Bourbon County. Strict quality methods, act op by the POGUK Distillery Co. at Maysville, Kentucky, in 1876, have never been compromised by time or economy. POGUE'S "Old Time" Whis key, identl6ed in that rare old group of ' Fine Kentucky Bourbons, la typical of POGUE'S "custom quality" and authen tic character . steadfastly maintained throughout the mellowing years. Distilled and bottled by the H. E. Porn Distil- rn MfiyviM, Ky. m proof 4 years oia LET'S GO SKIING SKIS $2.40 to $21.15 Ski Poles $1.45 to $3.80 Ski Waxes All Types 25c -30c -40c Ski Climbers 75c pair Ski Shields Roll-Up Type 95c Ski Carriers Sid. Mounting $4.30 set Ski Carriers Top Mounting $6.85 set Ski Mitten Palm, pail L.ath.r C I m ir V "H Ski Kitten Water R.p.llant, pair ..... $1.40 Ski Caps $I.C5 and $1.20 HUBBARD BROS. Main and Riverside Phone 2119 .aii ji' iv; V VAN SB 4 AAA ? HUM? TREE SETS ALL MAZDA SETS 7-Iight sets, light Independent DQm oi all the oth.r glob... G 1 S light set, .ach glob. lnd- C I Qfl p.nd.nt of all th. others 9 iU Masda Sets S.rl. oi 6 , i 59c Twin Waffle Iron All Chrome finiih, heat Indicator on Iron. Iron heats J QC , VO.33 Revere Stainless Copp.r-Cl.d St.lnl.s. Steel. The finest of all tine cooking ware. S.p.r.te pieces or In sets. 1 1 Purpose i.t I,, $21.60 Pottery, Dinnerware Starter Pieces at Special Franciscan Coronado 18 (Fluted Shape) Franciscan El Patio 18 pieces (Plain Shape) Bauer (High Colors) 20 pieces (Banded Shape) Bau.r (Past.l Colors) 20 pieces (Plain Shap.). LuRay Pastels 20 pieces (Plain Shape) Prices $5.95 .$4.95 .$4.95 $4.95 $3.59 Carving Sets Three-piece sets of English made Shef field Stainl... Steel QC in gift box. Starting Coaster Wagons 35-inch seaml.ts tl bed. action steering apparatus. Roll.r bearing wheels Special ea.T 55.25 SILVER FIR CHRISTMAS TREES HUBBARD BROS. fagf fog) (asii 4 ifiuibeam COFFEEMASTER The same delicious coffee every time automatically without watching. Clicks off by itself when coffee is done, then reset itself to keep coffee piping hot AU rich chromium ....$18.85 Stunning service set, in cluding circular tray, sugar and creamer $8.50 COJK ON THE HOCT Seattle (&) Co-ed Isa belle Mae Smith at the University of Washington has a potential mink coat, on the hoof. Benny, a five- month-old mink she found on a Canadian Cascades field trip this summer. Is her pet "She'll answer to her name some times, too," Miss Smith said. "When she's mad, she barks Just like a puppy and she won t sleep un less I scratch her back first." ROACHES IN MOVIES Columbus, O. (P) Imagine anyone's wanting to raise bed bugs and cockroaches and even make movies of them! They do it at Ohio State university to learn better how to eliminate the pests. No one volunteered to be a dinner table for the bed bugs, so the scientists place the bugs In glass dishes and attach them to the shaved stomach of a rabbit once a week. Main and Rlvarslde Phone 2119 Case Brand Cutlery M.k.s Much Appreciated Gifts Pock.t and Shaath Knives Kitch.a and Paring Knives Carving S.ts Clippers. Scissors Hollow Ground Kitchen Knives o y .-:r- I it Si lK- i FREE FRIDAY NIGHT Here if a night set aside for YOU, ladies! Let Hubby take care of the children and come down to "His" store and choose a gift that he will USE and APPRECIATE. We've a fine stock southern Oregon's largest awaiting your Ladies' Night visit! Corsage Bouquet Yes, a Christmas bouquet for the first 200 Ladies' Night visitors ... Be sure to get yoursl Give "Him" Shirts! NOW- THE FAMOUS VAN HEUSEN COLLAR "ON NEW ctan7&iwn ff''' Kama famous COmforL v-'some exclusive construction $'Jk available on no other thlrt tn th world T-'SfifSQ whites ond imort patterns. This Christmas NOW...It9s EV-R-UPS! relnforeed at bcela and toea wlib DU PO.TT o nylon This famous self-supporting sork now made for longer wear with nylon! Fine lisle genuine 6x3 rib body. New colors. Sixes 10 to 12. II rs mm m -.r v j 55c J GLENN H. UTZ "Give Something to Wear"