PAGE SEVEN Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! r MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1941. 3 Bead every ad on this page Vou vlli prolMhlj find exaitly lb things mu hsve been luuk lat Iw I Ml or trsde tof nuwfl smciee oa may have, ftaarrh viral altlc 01 Mora room yoe may rind many thing other ar erefctng and ani In mill Immedlsle cash If what fou manl lanl her adtertlsr rot It- Trlhun Clas sified eds ar losxpenslts effective! RATES rt word flret Insertion IMInlmum tV) Ik) additional Insertion. pat ftord (Minlmom I Of) far nn pi month without copy ensng 11.16 CASH or money order mutt acrom pany all mall order classified ads. L03T AND FOUND LOST flmell bob-tall Spaniel, an swers to "Jill". Reward. 738 Oak. LOST Fringed dark plaid blanket on Portland Ave., between 8th end East Main. Valued as keepsak. Re ward, return to Mall Tribune. LOST Tan wool laprobe. Business district. Saturday a.m. Reward for return to H. S. Deuel. STRAYED Male Irish setter, last Saturday. Reward. Phone 2517, REPORT lost ao, animal cruelty cases Humane Society Phone plSl WANTED MALE HELP WANTED VOLUNTEERS Men 35 to ' for RENT Nicely furnished apart 45 years for Bicycle Patrol. Must j ment. 403 Newtown. hav bicycle and rule ana eoi. to serve at least a hours between 6 p. m. and 7 a. m. Register Emer gency Headquarters, Old Polios Station. City Hall. PRUNERS WANTED Rogue River Orchards. End of ICQ. Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Middle-aged woman for light housework and companion to elderly lady. 1113 Nlantlc. HELP MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Man and wife for ranch work. Tribune Box 120. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Steady position by young lady thoroughly experienced In I credits, meeting public. Expert stenographer, bookkeeper. Steadily employed, available on two weeks notice. Box loan, car Tnoune. EXPERIENCED PEACE OFFICER. 64 t veers of axe. best of health, good moral character, excellent reference, j seeks permanent position witn reli able firm or corporation In Jackson eounty as guard or watchman. Phone 3933. WANTED Carpenter or repair work. Phone 3384. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Clean soft cotton rags at Mall Tribune. WANTED 4 or 5 In. Jointer plan. Crater Green House, Crater Lak Highway. Pbon 4401. WANTED Th best smsll equipped dairy ranch that 81350 down wiu buy. Box 535, Tribune. WANTED TO RENT Milk cow for two months. Address, box 344, Cen tral Point. WANTED Trad merchandise and cash for rifles, shotguns, pistols. 817 North Riverside. FAINT1NO and kalsomlnlng. No Job too big or too smsll. Phone 3083. All work guaranteed. E. R. Carey. NOTICE Ek trend specialises In pruning shrubbery, trees; tree sur gery; and guarantiee hla work to be the best, for It's don correct. Telephone 4580. WANTED TO RENT Ranch not less thsn 80 seres, on shsre basis. Pra- fer one equipped. Good references. E. H. Ung. Applegst. Oregon. WANTED TO RENT Smsll Improved acreas near Medford on highway. Would consider buying. L. M. Cllne, Box 137 Stewart Ave. WANTED TO BUY Small going res taurant suitable for man and wife. Box 354. Ttlbun. WANTED Improved X acre or leas closs In Olv price, location, etc Box 534. Superior, wyo. DRESSMAKING, Riverside. Altering. 440 So WELL DRILLING 81 50 per ft first to ft. etc J It Dode 618 King HIGHEST cash psld for Iron copper brass, radlstors. aluminum bst tene tubes rags lend and sine Medford Bargain Rous WANTED Wool, mohsir bides and pelt Medford Bergaln Hours 37 North Orap St Phone 3744 WILL rY Mini CH For Omd Used Punittur HOLRROOK Fl RMTl HE 18 North Front Phone 4078 BKT PKirr PAID For Your Furniture .! FI'RMTI HY phnne ? FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 4-room house, close In. electrically equipped. 316 So. Or anr FOR RENT Furnished house, attractive. 314 So. Holly. FOR RENT Furnished 5-roora boua. 8 bedrooms. nesr Jackson and Jr. high schools. 730 Oak. FOR RINT Fumlsned 4-Bdroom. 3 bstbroom residence and gsrag v. Close in Electric stovs. Prte.deire J gas furnsce. shale ehrubbery and garden Victor C Sether. FOR RENT New S-room modern I ic,ulr M FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT ft-room modern houaa; garage. Inquire 816 80. Riverside. 5-ROOW furnished houss. Clot In, JO 00. ShulU Bra. 10-ROOM houss. Ideal tor roomers. Cloaa In. fihulu Bra. CANTONMENT OPPORTUNITY For Rent. 7-room bouse, 6 bed rooms; will handle la roomera or mor. Reception room and living room; water; woodshed, chicken boua and cow shed. Will rent on percentage or cash. Inquire at LU lie's Place. 1183 Court St. FOR RENT 4-roora modern fur nished house, Cal 406 West 6th. Phons SU8. FOR RENT Furnished 6-roora house. 811 Laurel. Owner 32 Washington St. SMALL unfurnished house with B. L. range and beater. East side. Cook. 1104 W. Main. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 6-room modern house, I bedrooms, fur nace heat, electric range, washing machine. Frigtdalr. garage, close In. at 630 w. Fourth. Key at 44 No. Peace, FOR RENT Furnished a-room bous. . electric stove, fireplace. Adults Pbon 6033, Dark Grocery. HOUSE FOB RENT 30 Tripp. rRUCKS FOR RENT Move yourself Save half Prultfa MoDtlgaa Sta tion. Main and Ivy Phone 4145 FOR RENT 7-room plastered house with bath, lartta lot, 427 .50. L. a. Plckell. 16 8. Bartlett, FOR RENT 3-room houae, partly furnished. Pnone 4347. For Rent Furnished Room CLEAN rooms, new Simmons Inner spring mattresses; warm lobby; plenty hot water, circulating air heat: alngl 13.00 weekly and up. Crater Hotel. 30 South Central. Right down town. ROOM FOR RENT Heated with (as. 331 West 6th. ROOMS ror Rent 153 N Oakdale FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-ROOM apartment for rent wtth garag. 33 Almond. COZY Furnished Apartment. Refrig erator, private bath, heat. 806 W. Main. FURNISHED 2nd. apartment. 317 West ATTRACTIVE 4-rm. furnished apt., steam heat, frlgldalre. over Hollo way's Grooery. Ph. 8836. FURNISHED apartment, Prlgldalnv, electric stove. Holland Hotel. FURN. APT Steam heat, hot water, Frlgldalre. 603 8. Holly St. MODERN, attractive furnished apart ments Adulu 620 An Oakdale. - FOR RENT 8 -room furnished apart- ment Adults 128 Mistletoe FOR RENT F and 3 rooms and bath. qulrr 217 West 6th F apartmsnta gaa beat. In- FOR RENT F urntshed Rooms WANTED A few mor men to tak advantage of our weekly rates. Big, warm lobby, clean comfortable beds, hot showers, single rooms, 83.00 and up. Crater Hotel. 30 8. Central. WARM, well furnished sleeping room for rent. 333 8. Riverside. WARM, furnished room, private bath and entrance. Garage. 1104 W. Main. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS 404 8 Prepe, FOR SALE LIVESTOCK po,, bale Duroc weaner plga. C. J. McCay, Spring St. West of Orange Hall. FOR SALE Hereford steers. !-jC A. Scott, Little Applegst. CASH for old horses Dial 6876 FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Purs bred Barred Rock cockerels. W. F. Martin, Eagle Point, Star Rt. Medford. FOR SALE DOCS PETS ROYAL ROGUE KENNELS offer two more young Scottles. Priced low. Msls snd femsls. Exceptional com, panlons and guards. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Best "St Ford Tudor In town. Lota of rubber, good uphol stery, original paint, perfect mo tor. MUSt Sell soon. 8249. tsoo sau man. 315 No. Ivy. TRADr) '36 Chevrolet tudor sedsn for 3 good milk cows. Robert Fow ler. Gen. Del.. Ashlsnd. FOR SALE 1928 Durant coach. 81. 000 miles; good rubber, runs good, reasonsble. 303 Haven St. MUST SELL EQUITY In "S3 Chevrolet Master Coach Immediately. Excel lent condition. 716 East Msln St. FOR SALE "37" Plymouth Sedan, new rubber, radio, heater, etc Looks and runa Ilk new. 615 South Riverside. STAR CAR for sal. 1130 Weat Snd. 1941 HUDSON COTTB Run only 4 000 mile. Phone 3310 1938 BU1CK SEDAN Century model for ssle or trsde for ughtar car ran rs-f' p-irnittire Co FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE by builder New two-bed-rtv-m homes on Whitman Ave. 64000 S at 919 and 916 Whitman or phon 3713. FOR BALE 1!4 -story 6-foom modem home. 8 bedrooms, herd wood floors, flreplsce, oil floor, fumec. rood location, nesr school. Box 1075. Tribune. FOR SALE Modern 6-room bouse, garag. bam. 3 acrea Irrigated. I block city limits. 61800. 8600 down. Semi-modem S-room house, on pave ment, close In. 69O0. Hslf cash. See A.. W. Wslker Rest Eetete for Bargw.ns In Fsrm snd City Property Rentals. 417 East Main, close to Brldg MTTIPORD INCOME property for sal. Duplex. P. O. box 66, Jiswaoaa, CsA. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LA.VD AT LAND OFFICE, MS 8. Central Wl have been appraising, buying and selling land In Jaekson county for the past 30 yesrs. We her a complete listing of farms and smsll acreage tracts for sale. We ar offering land now at a lower prloe than w have ever offered It In the 30 years w hav been In buslnesa here. If you are looking for a location In Jackson county you should get In touch with me at once. Sundaya come to 30 N. Peach St. Week days to my oftlos at 04 S South Central. A deal made through our offlos will b a satisfactory deal. For land eoma to the Land Office. Special CIA Alt w BaT "w tneU ,or atle. 810.00 down and 61000 s? 1 U.UU per monts, m . v. pam 11 FOR SALE Medford Improved prop- ertiea. sen vimont. Agate. FOR SALE Mountain ranch, two- hundred sixteen acres Including manganese deposit. Twenty acres Irrigated meadows, free water. For ty acres other crop land. One seven room farm house, one five-room bungalow. Plenty fruit and wood. Spring water piped to both houses, good bsrn and other buildings. Water power electric plant, quiet plac to live. Best ellmate In south ern Oregon. Oood hunting and fishing In fin recreational valley. On Lost creek. Four miles south Lake Creek post office. Priced low for quick sals. Thtrty-ftv hundred will handle. Balance on asy terms, with or without manganese de posit. B. M. Bush. Lake Creek, Ore.. Pbon Eagla Point S-F-33. MODERN home and poultry farm for sale. 650 healthy laying hens, room for more. Average Income over 8300. per month. Buy now for spring brooding. Big demand for fryere. Illness forces ssle. Small down payment. Bslsnce Uk rent. Writ Box 765, Bly, Oregon. BUILDING A HOME' Let us hsndle all details on 35-year FHA loans quickly stridently Ooldy Agency CITY and country properties Rentala Loans Insurance C S ButUrfleld 408 Medford Building WHEN YOU think of reel estate think of the Spencer-Bsgley Aitenev 103 W Main FOR EXCHANGE Ral Eitala WILL TRADE 6-rooms. almost new rurniture tor gooa trailer nouse. C. D. Hoxle, Route 1, Box 383, Ashland, Or. At Siskiyou Summit. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 sere and 4-room modern house on Loaler Lane for home nesr Junior high school. See Pierce, Room 1, Palm Building. Mulford. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALE House truck. 431 Er- hart St. FOR SALE Llks new. Coal and wood circulator heating stovs, or will trsde for drill press, 4 or 6-ln. Jointer, plsne or shsper. Cratef Oreen House, Crater Lak highway, Tel. 4401. GET English Walnuts for Christmas. Oliver Rogers. 510 Crater Lake. NOTICI A complete selection of Chrlstross trees, wreaths and grean ery of all kinds will be on sale beginning Dec. 16th at Culy Service station, c. m. ouiuven. ENAMELED trash burner, 616, trade for plga. 705 Dakota. FOR SALE Electrlo range snd Weslx electric, 40 gsl. water tank, cheap. 39 Cottage St. FOR SALE Davenport Phone 4758. HEAT WTTH from MED. Sawdust as Hogfuel FUEL. TEL. Sill. FOR SALE Good meadow hay, 610 ton. Near Antelope scnooi. cnet Balderston. FOR SALE Blcycls, nearly new, 618. Pigeons, several varieties. Phons 3918. FOR WHOLESALE Douglas fir Christmas trees st roadside. A. L Frtel, or Bill Badger, Drew, Oregon. REAL BAROAINS on used and re possessed electric ranges. California Oregon Power Co. FOR SALE Use(l wood ranges, forma Oregon Power Co. ENGLISH WALNUTS, 848 East 9th. 13c and 15o, FOR 8AJ.J5 All ornamental every greens. both blooming broodleaf and conller types are on display at Medford Rose Oardena and Miraery, All specimens the same fine quality aa Holly at th post- office. Rosee from 35c up. 300 varieties. Many of our shrubs are locally grown. Phone 6931 for any Information regarding ahruba and their care. SCRAP LUMBER, 2x4'S. 3x6's. 2x8's. Young mare. 635. Young hens. 833 South Riverside. Phon 2743. FOR BALE Used and repossessed electrlo refrigerators. CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER CO. ORDER your Christmas Tree, de livered to your home. Large as sortment st lot. 333 South Rlv raids. Phon 3743. SELLTNTJ OUT AT COST Entire stock of AnUqu Furniture, and Early American Olaas. Must be sold st once. Dealera attention. Open evenings. South's Antique Shop, corner 6th and D Sts., Grants Peas, Ore. FOR SALE Boy's used bicycle, good condition. Inquire Route 8, Box 4-X. Morrow mad. FOR SALE Phtleo radio snd trumpet. 337 S. Oskdale. Call evening LAROE English Wslnuts. Winter Nel lis peais, Newtown apples. George Trelchler, Central Point. COAL Lota of heat, 86 at mine, 1750 delivered. Phone 6096. SILVER FIR snd Douglas Fir Christ maa trees for aals. 105 North Cen tral. FOR SALeT Gas room heater. North Central. FOR SALE Leather South Peach. harness. Tie, ORDERS TAKEN tor Real Silk Hos iery. Phone 3003 829 Apple. EXCELLENT values In used washers, radloa, refrigerators. Pick Hdw. FOR SALE--Fears snd spples. Ksntor 8 miles north Tslsnt REAL BUYS in tued clothing 1405 No Rivsrsida. across from stocks Bakery FOR BALE Low priced lumber of sny building mstensls Csll us be fore you buy R O Stepbeneon Co Court and MeA.-drew Telephone 3Q00 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 1 row eve. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS AOATE JEWELRY. Novelties and Myrtle-Wood. Hav your aerates cut at Santos Agate Shop. 435 East Mam St. WOOD Dry fir and laurel. Associ ated Station, 700 E. Main. Tel. 6658 WA8HTR8 snd Inner tor Xmas Fill mothers stocking with beautiful Speed Queen. More features. Ail year to pay Ftck Hdw. FOR SALE Dry fir snd hardwood rnon sos Hawiey Fuel Co. MONARCH Ranges Byrd used them essy price range pick Hdw. WOOD and OH Circulators, Best buys in town nek ttaw. MYERS Jscusxl Pumps. Installed 100 guaranteed PI k Hdw. RADIOS Oolden Tone General Elec trlo Select now Pick Hardware MPnroKii nsROAiN house We Hav What You Wsnt Pip and Fittings all else Soil Pipe and Dralusse Putins Plumbing Futures snd Septia Tanks rents sna rarpa inns Doors. Windows and Glass Split Pulleys Belting. Cable snd Blocks Barbed Wire Stock Fencing, etc Roofing Paper. Building Paper Palnu Roof stain Army Ooods. Shoes. Boots Quilts. Underwesr snd Sucks Pumps and Machinery Tools lor the House. Farm Loggers' and Mill Suppllea New and Used Furniture of All Kinds Stovea and Circulator Heaters We Can Sav You Dollars Ph. 3744 37-33 N Oreo St DRY FIR for sal. 5:00 o'clock Pbon 6180 afur Singing canaries make fine present Be them at 1137 W Main. Ph. 48S7 FIR SLABS Buy Phone 4114. Now. City Fuel FOR SALE Dry 6180 tlx slabs. Phoa BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WILL SACRIFICE Green house within th city limits of Medford, Oregon. Priced for quick ssle. An exception al business opportunity. In quire 317 West 6th Street, Phon 3623. MISCELLANEOUS BOWMAN BEAUTY SALON SUG GESTS a lovely PERMANENT WAVE for a Christmas gut for her. The- best of msterlsls used. The best of operators to glvs them. Op erators. Marcella Bowman, Maxln Sttnson. Leona Crawford. Phone 8186. 337 South Central. ELECT ROLUX Bales Service, pbon eoo. ATTENTION! Don't forget th Bsr- bequed Pork Spsrerlbs Saturday and Sunday at Lillle'a Place, corner Court and McAndrews. PERSONAL PSYCHIC. Csrds and Palm reading, 60c. 613 N. Bartlett. Did you receive your FREE aet of PRUDENCE PENNY COOK BOOKS! Your own subscription to ths Ssn Francisco Examiner enutles you to these books st no extra cost. More than 1,500 pages with thoussnds of the world's beet recipes. Now on display at Heath's Drug Store or phon 3073. MRS. DELMAR Palmlat. By natural gift with yean of research and atudy. Gives advice on all affalra of life, business, lov or troubl. When all others fstl see ms. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Rainbow Auto Camp, Highway 89. North. Pstmlstry. Crystal Reading D Miller Ph 8446. 480 Mountain Av Ashlsnd ACROSS II. Clock Is the form of a snip tl. Plural ending 19. Calorie 40. Sword hsnnts 41. City In India 41. Caps his of bslt.g mstnulneg 4S. Compulsion 47. Esst Indies WSlfht 41. Conjunctlea 4. Great Leke 50. Irrtrstes 51. Fleur-de-lis 64. performed. L Metal t. 1.0' .oration s. Klrat womaa is. fusion li. Pedal etglt 14. Brownie 16. Harvest Is. Lodglnt houses IT. Child is. Muffler :o. suck SI. Mornlngr efebr. 21. Greek letter 24. Extreme fssr 14. Psrt of a flower St. Reveree and slone of s hammer Is. Romsn need emperer 26. Russlsn river Is. The palmyra 21. Narrow slrset palm IS. Symbol for II. Algerian calcium seaport II. Pull IS. Coat of sbsep IS. Drinking IL Indaflnlts vassal ausnutp I "V a B U 6fl5 O L gaflw O W a i fe. I".;', i 7 j , 7 r' " W !T "fIa ZfZZZ" 33 5T "" T " p" 3T r w ZZZE ZZ -7T'T 3 zr 'TJW T-- -i. Vol W It'11 Sl m H a ""ZZZZZZ BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiqusa EARLY AMERICAN GLASS at th sign 6 miles south of Grants Pssa 0 1 mils north of Savag Rapids dam on Highway 99 Auaysr ASSAYER w. O Wright. 2318 Capi tal Av. City. So of water reservoir Ooid 61. copper 61. cinnabar 2. CarpenUrlng LESLIE RALSTON. General Contract ing, fine finishing work. All kinds Carpentering. For estimates please call at 701 N. RJver1de or Tel. 28H1 Christmas Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Christmas Cards. Dainty Handkerchiefs. Albert's Myr tlewood Novelties. THE ALBERTEL- LA. 120 North Central Chimney 8wp CHIMNEY Sweep Also furnsoes snd 011 stoves, cleaned can oeo Eaton 98 Nn Front Phone 4:240 Chiropodist. FOOT SUFFERERS Opening modern cniropoay omces. corns, canouses. Ingrown mill removed, arches cor rected. Dr. Arnold M. Depner. Chir opodist. Foot Specialist. 317 "luh- rrr Bldg. Phone 3103. Dressmaking mi FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling Buttons snd Bucklee covered Room 803 D 8 Nstlunsl Bank Bldg Tal 3931 DRESSMAKING Alterations, tailor ing Esthertne Setter. Slnget SjioDMoorajie Expart Window Clanr LET, OEORUE DO IT I EXPERT Window Cleaner. General house clesnera. flour wsxltig paint tng Oeo F Oliard Phone H964 Nursing Horns TRUAJt NURSING HOME Qradust Nurses, Equipped to cere for all Ill nesses except Surgery snd O. B cases Phone 161. Jscksonvllle. Ore. MONEY TO LOAN YOU ARE INVITED to see us for CHRISTMAS CASH PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE on Car, Livestock and Personal Loans OREOON FINANCE CO. W. E. Thomas. Mgr. Lie. No. S-ll M-317 46 80. Central Dial 4433 Home owned and managed Sine 1838 WE IOAN MONEY ON YOUR CAR Attractive Rates COAST FINANCE Harold H Brown Agency License 311 138 East Main. Phons 1446. PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farms Address Box 416. Tribune. Transfer CITY TRANSFER at 8TORAOE CO Household moving and general hauling s9 8. Oraps Pbon 4664 Day or night furniture movino and BTOR i.. 71 v."-m'.n-,,.?..,S;' hsullng. Dry and eleen storage louncrat building) with special locker rooms at low rates SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Phon 8756. EADS TRANSFER at STORAGE CO Office 16 South Fir Phone 3838 Prioee right Service gusrsnteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Fir Street. Insured Csrrlers Local and Long Distsnos Hsullng. Phone I8HH Vacuum Cleaner Service GUARANTEED SERVICE on sll mskes of vacuum cleaners. Called for and delivered free. Feldmaa Electric Pbon 3677. Solution Of Vesterdsy's Puitl If. Exists 41. Hastened DOWN L Persian mtesTir of lensUt t. Wrtth I. Ordtrlr 4. StAU bOUM I. flpclfip C Charictcr tn "Th Last t)vt rf PomfMll T. On of tn qiukl parts 1 Cnfllth Utter t. Wbol 111 Mualfal luauumant II. Corr rxiuntj thr II. Cranr 10. Vie Mm It. Ktn IS. KIM of dinoaaui , rWta 17. Crul H. Watchful IS. Ktn1 of rrwH I. In purmll of . Wild t,hp IT. 1411 polni I. Wryvlr plant 40. .Krlcultural impla)fTint 41. Orim and Vhaatijr 44. Born 11. Mouth f a lr rlvaf 41. Tooh oath II. WinCim II. Obm M. Intmlnat II. Oarlsn 1mpimnt 17. Of ton aufLitrig n u "n h m ,c mm t rf c-es w A & Slftl! rPewstl 0 1 T A tUaTb MjSlsnT Pj A A T FiCal' oInUwIs p eTaJi Tiw slliljrgii BieiSITjiJ PQ& I iMjQ.itiK a vAfv AiuirTrTlAr e 6i3UelNlAlT!EUBlNiP" BUSINESS DIRECTORY NURSERY STOCK CARLTON NURSERY The only nursery in Southsrn Oregon with a complete stock of fruit, nut and shade tree and ornamental ahruba and planta on hand during all th planting season. Carlton Nursery, 52nd year 4 miles South of Medford eft Paolllo Highway. Look for th Mir-o-llt sign. FINEST QUALITY NURSERY STOCK at Lowest Price In year, call or write Alwyr Co., Rt. 3. Box 16, North Medford. new highway. Roofing WE REPAIR or apply any type en root Pabco Roofings, Shingle Coatings snd Paints. New stock wall Paper Ekerson Paint and Roof 00.. 8 80 Bartlett Tal 8848 JOE SMITH YOUR ROOFER All Roof rruuolss teken car of. All work guaranteed. Call 8768 or 334 LEGAL NOTICES Administrator's Final Notice) Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned has filed In tho County Court of Oregon (or Jackson County his duly veri fied Final Account, and aaid Court has fixed Tuesday, De cember 23, 1941, at 10:00 a. m. of aaid date, in the Court Room of aaid Court in Medford, Ore- eon, as the time and place for hearing said f inal Account. All persons interested are hereby notified to make or file their objections to said Final Account, if any they have, with aaid Court on or before aaid time. V. J. EMERICK. Administrator of the estate of Matti L. Enierick, deceased. NOTICE This Is to give notice that we will sell for ca.-th the following described articles which have been stored in our warehouse for more than year past. The proceeds of said sale to be used to satisfy our claim lor storage due on said articles. 1 wooden box household goods and 1 paper carton house hold goods. All above articles bulona to Mrs. Robert Kelly. Also, 1 trunk, 1 washtuB and contents, 1 wood chest, 2 wooden boxes fruit, 5 paper cartons fruit, 3 paper cartons clothes. All above articles bo- long to C. J. Baglien. Also, 2 trunks, 1 cream can, . i , i- , 1 Btunc vuuin, a uws Kiwaervwtw. 3 boxes cooking utensils, 1 hand tool box. 1 high chair. 1 cnua rocker, and other miscellaneous articles. All above articles ba ling to Jack Overstreet. Also, 5 boxes household foods, 7 chairs, 1 buck saw, lawn mower, 1 roll bedding, 1 barrel tools, 1 bed complete, 3 tables, 4 rugs, 1 trunk, 1 dresser, 1 oil heater, 1 wood range, 1 phonograph, 1 wood heater, ana other miscellaneous supplies. All above article be long to Ora L. Barnett. Sale will be held at our ware hcuse, corner 4th and Front streets, Medford, Oregon, Tues day, December 33rd, 1041, at 9 A. M. F. E. SAMSON COMPANY (Paid adv.) CALL FOR WOOD BIDS Notice la hereby given that School Dist. No. 48, Medford. Oregon, will receive bids for 243 cords of sound old growth body fir wood; 175 cords of same to be 48 Inches long and 70 cords to be 42 Inches long. Wood to be delivered between June 1st and September 1st, 1942. Detailed specifications for wood may be had at the office of the Board of Education, City Hall, Medford. Bida to be submitted to the clerk on or before December 22. 1041. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. REBECCA JENSEN, Clerk School Plat. No. 49 COURT HOUSE NEWS Marriage Licenses Harry Earl Eskrldge and Mary Lillian Furch. Archie O. Harris and Eleanor J. Wright. George B. Crspsey and Anna Mae Walker. Divorces Filed George V. Hult vs. Ellen Z. Hull. Garmt Zulderweg vs. Mary Zulderweg. Samuel J. Lemen vi. Eileen Lemen, Probate Court Estate of Jesse Hamrlck, de ceased. Deeds C. It. Chapmsn t us to Ttolsnd t. Blrkhola et us, W. O. la D. U 0. . ! 46. Two. 8T Bouth statin 1. Was W. I af . Bhsrlff Srd I. Brown to Ooa Col. vtg, redemption certificate, In Oak burst addition, Stanford. L. F. Belknsp, execute of th eitste of Add l Haller, deceased, to Tslnvsge 0. Flory et ux, executor's deed. In Beattys addlUon, Medford. a. i. Welburn et us to Harold W. Welburn, qultclalra deed, 40 aeree tn Sec. 81, Twp. 88 Sou to iUns I W, M. ' Anns 1. Bete man to Ttslbert . Deuel et us. W. O. In Be. 16, Twp. 64. Boutb Bang I Weat W. M. Clareno M. Oeorg et ux to Char, lott O. King et al, W. IX In Fair, view, in - Cblldtr's Esstera addition. Mad ford. Western Loan and Bulltllret eotn panv to Jennie Walden. special W. D. In D. L. C. No. 61, Two, 7, Boutb Jurg t West W. U. Robert 0. Hart et ui to William A. I Barker et ax. W. D. In th extension of Siskiyou Height addition. Med-: ford. I Fred Bustrln to Msrjorl Florey. ; quitclaim deed. 160 acres In Sec. 6, Twp. S3, South Rang 4 West W. M. Duncan Alexander MacQuarrt to John Rtr. quitclaim dd, 160 acres la See. 8, Twp. 83, South Rang 4 Weat W. M. B. W. McTlmmonds t al to John Reter, quitclaim dsed, one-third In terest, 40 acre In Sec. a. Twp. S3. Sou-L Rang 4 West W. M. LI ssle L Lane at al to H. C. Mechem et ux. deed. In Jacksonville. James J. Slmsrvllls et al to Everett A. Pabr, W. D. In Butt Falls. Aleta Luehterhand et vlr to Ethel May Knaebon. w. D. la Coolldg ad dition, Ashlsnd. J. E. Jonss et us to Cecil O. Jones et ux. w. D. la Park addition, Med ford. Maggl Wheler to Oeorre Craw ford et ux. W. D. 4 66 acres In Sec. 16, Twp. 88, South Rang 1 West W. Is. O. w. Kellsoa. administrator of th tut of W. D. Yant. to Maria Carl- administrator- deed. 114.84 acres In Sso. I, Twp. ST. South Range I West W. M. Josephln F. Clark to Nslll Nichol son, W. D. la Highland Park addition, Medford. City of Central Point .to It. A Rogsn, deed, In Central Point. Harvey P. Morgan st us to Cor nelius B. Collins. W. D. ons-hslf In tsrest la Central addition, Eagl Point. Marlon T. Bums t ux to Chris Baalks et ux. W. D. la Ashland. City of Central Point to Keith . Lawton, deed, in Central Point, Medford Poultry and Egg Co. to Wlllsrd Hetmerdlnger, W. D. la West's addttloa, Medford. Fannie Purdy et vlr to Willis M. Xlsse t ux. W. D. In Ashland. Edward Walker to Myrtle I. Walker. W. D. otw-hatf Interest, 40 acres In Sec. s, Twp, 40, South sung West W. M. Sheriff Srd I. Brawn to J. n o. Hsynss at al, redsmptlon esrtlflcate, la Ashl.-nd. Clareno Lan et al to J. F. En gel et ux. W. D. la Sec. t, Twp. 40. South Rang West W. M. E. r. Adams at al to Clarence J. Smith et ux, W. D. tn Orchard Home association tract, H. , Hawk at tu to O. I. Rusbasr t us, W. D. la Park addlUoa, Med ford. R, B. Cerley at al to Chas. 0. Fur nas at tut, W, O. la Roanoke division, Medford. Mettle Todd to O. It. Lorton at ux, W. D. la Butt Falls. Cart J. Bchlbler et nx to D. B. Millard at al, relesee of contract, 1.6 acre la Twp. (4, South Bang 1 West W. M. Jams ; Johnson st ux to D. E. Millard at al, W. D. on-half acre la Twp. 84, South Range 1 West w. M. D. a. Millard et al to Mils H. Wllllsms t ux, W. D. la Twp. 84 South Rang 1 Wait w. M. Mrs. Bernl H. Williams et al to Mary Hsnnlngr. deed, all of th property owned by S. L. Hennlnger. Oeorge B. Hugh at us to Alice chulta Tilly. W. D. la Mary's plac addition. Medford. Arthur L. Cogslaa t ux to B. L. Strubl. W. D. 80 acres la See. 17, Twp. 86. South Rang 1 East W. M. Th Texas company to the Texas company. dd. all the property owned by the grantor. tar M. Oolvig et vlr to Mrs. Pauls Turnbow, W. D. la Oak hurst addition, Medford. Big Applegate Big ApplegaU, Dee. lfc (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Anall Ollaon are expected to return this week from Willamette valley, where they have spent the last month visiting relatives. lorsnso Harvey nas returned to th community sfter spending sever al weeks visiting relative and friends at Pendleton. Mrs. Lano Offenbeeher waa ap pointed aoctal chairman of tn local square dsnos club wbleb met at th Applegst community ball last week, aire, oisna Hunter was named as host, wtth C. K. mil aa eallar, snd Clareno OassawaT assistant oal. lr. Mrs. Lee Port was elected council woman to attand esunty mseUngs. Th club was organised several weeks sgo. with the president, Mrs. Helen Davis, and other offloers lctd at that time. Meetings hav been sus pended for the bolldavs. Janusry 14 was selected as th date of tn next meeting. Miss Bvelrn Byrne Is recovering from a Maps following an appendi etue operation a month ago. Evelyn entered the Community hospital aesln las weak, following a short period rpenf at bar been her. Mrs. B. B. lUnsen an' daughter. Mary, war hostesses at tba Christina party of the Uttl ApplegaU sewing club Wsdnssday aftamoon. Following the gift sxchsng. a short brsinsss meeting was held in which Mrs. Har old Crump and Mr. Olenn 8ltmarsh were appotntad to Investigate pos slbllltlss of first aid Instruction for th crous. Members also expect to start Red Cross sewing proKt. Gold Hill Gold Hill. D!. 18. (Spl.V Mrs. Olaf Lokken of Brattle it visiting her mother, Mrt. Lton Wls and Mr. Wise. Mr. and Mrs. Art Law have re turned to their home bars, from Ool a. Idaho, where Mr. Laws ha been smptoyed est a mining drwdf lor th put savant months. Mr. and Mr. Paul 'Thorn coon en tertained a group of friends at tnalr horn FrUef evening, la honor of Mrs. prlsetlla Melelnrer and dsugh r. Pstnsta. of 6Mm. They veers aecompaassd by Mrs. Alt Walla, also of Salem and Mrs. Barman Puruckse of Medford. at who bom the Sal em group bas bass houss guess. The Metslnrert ar formor residents of Gold Hill and have many friends tvsr. PatrtcU It wsksaUd xgrrUfa, L LODGE NOTICES SCOTTISH RITE Special meeting Lodg of Perfection 7:30 p.m. Mon day, Dec. 13th. Work In ninth degree. L- E. Williams. Secty. MEETING at p. ra. Monday. Knlghu of Pythias. Visiting Knights welcome. CRATER Lake Chapter. No. S3 K-A M. stated convoca tion Tuesday, Dec. 16th. Election and Installation of officers. All rituals must be turned In on this evening. Erie M, Pray, H P. 1st and favored guests with several number. Mrs. Ella Patrick was a recent guest of friends la Ashlsnd. Mrs. Lyl Llndley and daughUr, Sharon, of Eagl Point were Wed nesday guests of Mrs. Undley's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. William Hlttl. Past Nobl Orand club met Deo II with Mrs. Lucy Me, at th Thomp son Care-Rest home, where ah makes her Horn. Th program was la charg of Mrs. Ada Cook. Th an nual Christmas party will be held Deo. 18, at th home of Mrs. Eve lyn Thompson, at 8 p.m. Th party I being held la th afternoon, la order not to conflict with th school program th evening of Dec. 18. All Past Noble Grands are Invited and are reminded to brtng a gift for ex change, If they have not a secret Amethyst friend to remember at this Urns. Betty Mullln of Medford was week-end guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmstt Button and family. The Grange Gold Hill Grange Eighty-seven Grangers from six granges Bellview, Eagla Point, Central Point, Sams Val ley, Enterprise and Gold Hill attended Gold Hill Grange De cember 4 to witness presenta tion of the traveling agate by Enterprise Grange to Gold Hill Grange. Two lady masters were pre sent, Eula Foley of Central Point and Mrs. Miller of Enter prise. Bertha Potter, Patricia Mart den, Katherlne Hayes, Harold Train and James Cummlngs were obligated in first and sec ond degree by Psst Master E. C. Ftene. Birthday night will be ob served December 18. Irene Johnson, Jack Pinkerton and Dorothy McGulre are on the committee in charge of pack. agea to be tent to soldiers. Dor othy McGuirt, Marte Chrlsten- sn, Irene Johnson and Minnie Flene are In charge of the Christmas party December 19. ' A program under direction of Enterprise Lecturer Geneva Moore Included numbert by Lor etta and Lucille Miller, Harold Hargltt, Sammy Evensizer and Neil Moore. Refreshments war served with Florence Lance and Hattie Chaffee as hostesses. H. E. C. met at the Grange hall December 9 with Fanny Long, Eva Wlgle and Florence Howet hostesses. Mrs. Anna Lance was a visitor. There will be no H. E. C. meet ing December 28. Talent Grange. Talent grange will meet Thursday evening In regular session. After the meeting there will be a program and Christmas party. n. E. c. will meet at the home of Mrs. Stanley Robbint on Tuesday, Dee. 18. All art to bring a small gift for the tree at both of the meetings. Travel Table AIRPLANES Horth bound Leave Mails Close 4:6 a. m. 4:14 a. m. II as p. m. 1141 a. m. 4 OS p. m. (Flsgstop) Ho mall titt p. m. Fist stop) l.3t p. m. Southbound leva. Mslls Close 10:47 a. av inua a. m. I 87 p. m. (Flsgstop) No mall l:4 p. m (Flag stop) 4:67 p. ra. 118 p. as. - 11:07 p. m. f RAINS North bound Leovo 118 a. as. Mails Close 10 as a. m. 1:60 p. as. 6:60 p. m. Bouth bound Leav Mslls Close 7:64 a. m. 1:66 p. m. Hortb 8 80 a. as. 70 a. m. 16 a. as. 1:40 p. as. t:66 6. m. 4:61 P. m. - aouta 1144 a. m. 1:60 a. m. 6 to a. m, I 60 p. m. t :46 p. 6:06 p. m. T (la math rails im p. m. rna Klamath raits 1:80 a. m. () To Ashlsnd only. () To Orsnt Pass only. Sfotei Auto connecting first class saall sloae at 8 KM a. m. for delivery at point aorth of Eugene and at 10 p as. for delivery a point aouta af piinsmiilT. Oallf. ... - - JS7.