PAGE NINE Want to Bay, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! t MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOR OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1941. Kmtf vtrry id on this pag You will imitmhlt find . Il thr lhiii truu imvv brrn hwh Ini f ui a ir at irndr lot onurd rtkiew tuu may hat Mrrli tout all ir at tirv nwm tuu ma? rind mini lhini cnr art wraini and ne a hi in rnHrt immrdlalP rah ll what rati want tnt het rttrfl rot II Trihunr (Mat ind d axa inaiixnklTa cffrtti.el RATES Psf word rim insertion tc (Minimum tvi sVrh addithmsl insertion, per word ... 1c (Mlnlmiim I Or) Psr line pet rounlk wltbnnt copy chants 91.36 CASH or money ordtt must aerom pen; til msU order classified ads. L03T AND FOUND LOST Black Onyx aororlty pin. dta- DODQ suaJ. uitck iw vni m tmu Nu. Reward. Phone 8805. nuJZTSJrffi WANTED MALE HELP FRUNERS WANTED Rogue River Orchards. End of r?o. Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Competent woman for CaU 4014. WANTED Women to do small amount of housework. Oo home i nights. 11 Vancouver. I ... -.-i-. ... - - j WANTED Reliable woman between ; M and an with some aooktns and waltreaa expertenoe. Out of town. . 650 mo. room and board. Inquire 11 No Columbus. Phone 4490. HELP MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Couple to look after gel gentleman In comiortable home. Give character references and aal ary expected. Tribune. Box691 W ANTED SITU A TIONS WANTED Carpenter or repair work. Phone 8384. RELIABLE woman wants to stay with children evenings. Phone 8360. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT partner with small amount of cash. Oood proposlton and good Tribune. TOUNO MAN wante ride to South Dakota. References. Call 8417. WANTED TO BUY Small going res taurant, suitable for man and wife. Box 354, Tribune. WANTED Chairs. tools. dressers, bed springs, anything of value. Box 648, Post Office. Private party. WANTED Driver or couple to San Francisco for holidays. Phone 3894. WANTED Cheap room by widow lady. Permanent. Tribune, Box 301. PHONE 806. Mattress, upholstering. Central Point Mattress Factory. WANTED Horns on farm for dog. 1700 Prune St. FAINTING and kalsomlnlng. No Job too big or too small. Phone 3083. All work guaranteed. 8. R. Carey. WANTED Improved 1 acres or lees close in Olve price, location, ato Box 634. Superior. Wyo. DRESSMAKING. Altering. 44(1 So Riverside WELL DRILLING 61 80 per ft first 80 ft. etc J M Dodge. 619 King HIGHEST, eaab paid for iron copper brass, radiators, aluminum bst tenee tubes rags laed asd sins Medford Bargain Houas WANTED Wool, monair hides and pelts Medrord Baraalu House 37 North Orape St Phune 9744 WILL PAV MOST CASH For Ouod Used Furniture HOLBKOOK FURNITURE 18 North Front Phone 4033 BUT PHirr.a PAID For Tour Furniture 'MM MKM1I KK Phone 4740. FOR RENT HOUSES 6-ROCM3. modern, newly decorated. Close In. near high srhool. Reason able. Owner. Phone 4303. FOR RENT Partly furnished house on East aide. Phone 6385. FOR RENT 6 -room modern house, partly furnished, close, desn, adults 340 South Orape. FOR RENT 3-rocm bouse, base ment. furnace. On Sprint Street. Inquire Peach Street Orocery. FOR RENT Furnished duplex. 3 rootns and enclosed sleeping porch; strictly modern, 840 per month. Phone 8106. FOR RENT Smsll whit house north of Big T. 613 60 Also house. 716 Pine. 6 rooms, wood 'ante, circula tor heater. See owner at first house north Big T on old highway. Week davs only from 11 s m. tu 3 p.m. Mrs. R. E. Carley. FOR RENT New S-room modern bouse. Inquire 98 Almond. FOR RENT 6-room house, partly furnished. 811 Laurel. SMALL unfurnished boue with range and heater. East aide. H. L. Cook. 1104 W. Main. FOR RENT Furni'hed housss. 4 to 7 rooms 1127 West Main, Te -, ftpone 4897. FOR ReT Furnished 4-room house. I FOR RENTHOUSES 4-room and bath. 918.00. garage and chicken yard, city water. Sea own er Wednesday a. m. at Richfield Station. 6U1 and Grape. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 6-room modern bouae. 3 bedrooms, fur nace heat, electric range, waahlnf machine. Prlgldatre. garage, eloae In. at 830 w. Fourth. Key at 44 No. Pescn FOR RENT s-room partly fumlahed house, dec range, waaner, gaa range, circulating heater. Phone a&ai. FOR RENT A-room furnlihed bouao. No pets. Inquire 403 Newtown. FOR RENT S-room duplex, well fur nished, clean.' close In. reasonable. 618 South Oakdals. FOR RENT Lovely new small bouae. strictly modern. Oat utilities, floor furnace. H. L. Cook. 1104 Wast Main. HOUSE FOR RENT JO Tripp. FOR REN r Furnished 4 -bed room. 9 batbroom residence and garage Close In. Electric stove. Frlgldslre. gaa furnace, shade, shrubbery and garden. Victor C. Setber. FOR RENT Furnished 9 -room bouse electrto stove, fireplace Adults Pbon 6033. Darka Orocery. FOR RENT 6-rem modern cottage, unfurnished. 625 00. Inquire 136 Cottage TRUCKS FOR RENT-Move yourself Save half Prultt's Mooligaa Sta tion. Main and Ivy Pbon 4146 FOR RENT 7-room plastered house with bath, lanre lot, 627.50. L. Q Plcell. 16 S Bartlett. FOR RENT Furnished Roomt iS2 - - SPSy a J VH 1 like, with or without board. No. Holly. WARM, furnished room, private bath and entrance. Oar axe. 1104 W. Main. WARM, well furnlsned room. Break fast and dinner 11 desired. Dial 4131. ROOMS (tor Ref- 153 M Oakdale ATTRACT1CE ROOMS 404 8 Orape FOR RENT APARTMENTS -,. FURNISHED apartment. 3nd. FOR RENT Purnlahed apartment. Adulta only. No. 6, Laurel. ATTRACTIVE 4-rm. fumlahed apt., steam heat, frlgldalre. over Rollo way'a Orocery. Ph. 8836. FURNISHED apartment, Frlgldalre, I electric stove. Holland Hotel. FURNISHED apartments, steam heat ed, new gas range and refrigeration. Adulta. 330 No. Holly. FURN. APT Steam beat, hot water. Frlgldalre. 503 B. Holly St. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Heat and water 835 So Ivy. Call mornings ; or evenings after 0. ! MODERN, attractive furnished apart ment. Adulta 630 So Oakdale. FOR RENT 8-room furnished apart ment Adults 138 Mistletoe FOR RENT F and P apartments 9' roomt and bath gas beat. In quire 317 West 6th FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM BOARD t ROOM. 716 t Main FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Extra large. 6 gallon Guernsey cow, freahen soon. Extra lsrge Holateln cow. ready to freah en with first calf. White brood sow to farrow with second litter In January. Corn fed fat sows, two gilts, over 100 lbs. West Main. Sec ond houas west Frees' Oarage. FOR SALE Pigs. Alfred Pells, Eagle Point. Crater Lake Highway. FOR SALE Cow, 640. Inquire Steve's Shoe Service, 187 N. Central. FOR SALE Weaner and feeder pigs C. T. Hlgdon, Routs 4, Box 331, Fern Valley. FOR SALE Thirty wesners. Rt. I, Medford, Jos Nary, OPENING Dee. 8. st 1:80 tnd every Saturday thereafter, modern heated acutlon sal bam. Oood demand for all kinda of livestock. Three miles south Klamath Falls on old Midland road. FOR SALB OR TRADE Oood 8-year-old bores J. A Manke. & F D. Medford CASH for old horee Dial 6376 FOR SALE DOQ3. PETS FOR SALE Friendly chow dog, reas- onable price, pip K Btrtlett. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALS Pun-blood Hubbard strain New Hampshire Cockerela. Phone Ashland 8341, R. N. Cheney, Rt. a, Ashland. 34 N. H. Red laying pullets. Buaerest Orchard. Tslent. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4-room modern home, 9 bedrooms, dinette, fireplace, com pletely furnished or unfurnished. Inquire by calling 3884. MTJDPORD INCOME property for sale. Duplex. P. O. Box 665, Newman, Cal. WANT TO REDUCE your eosi of Hy ing. Buy this 4 acre place. 3 miles from Medford. Modern house snd out buildings, pasture, alfalfa, orchard and walnuts. Place for cowa. pigs snd poultry. Be th W. B. Brltton piacs. Oak Orov Road. Priced right. Terms. FOR SALE- 6-room house. 9 bed rooms, breakfast nook. bath, servlc porch, wssb trays; lot 60x130 feet: Isrre shsds trees; peved afreet, de sirabls location Closs In. 91900 Terms. L O. PICKfXL 18 S Bartlett BUILDING A ROME Let us handle all de'stle on 95 year FHA loen quickly sfftctsntly Ooidy Aaency C1TT and country ernpeniea Rentei Loatia Iriaurane C B Buttarfleld 409 Medford Building WHEN TOO think of real estate think of the Snencer- Bsgley fr W Mem I rOR EXCHANGE Real Esisls TBADB Small 4-room bouae In Jacksonville, for a acrea or leee. Improved. Box 667. Tribune. FOR BALI OR TRADE I acre and 4-room modern bouae on Lozier Lane for home near Junior high acbool. See Pierce, Room 1. Palm Building. Medford. TOR SALE AUTOMOBILES CHEVROLET coup for aale cheap; good shape. See Floyd Pal mer, Crater Lake Motors, or 333 Mae St. FOR SALB OR TRADE Equity In 1939 Ford Deluxe Fordor. Good aa new. 416 Boardman. WILL TRADE OR SELL 1035 Plym outh coupe for later model Ford or Chevrolet. 616 So. Oakdale. af ter 6 p. m. NEW 1643 Chevrolet Matter, 6-pasaen-ger coupe with extra bumper guards, dock, vanity mirror, etc. heator and defroeter; never been run. 1641 Packard "130". 4-door sedan demonstrator; 6300 reduction. Perry L. Ash craft, 128 So. River aide. FOR SALE Model A Ford coupe. Fine shape, not been used since com- Sletely overhauled, new paint, good res. 314H Haven Street. FOR SALE '30 Chevrolet coupe, ex tra good condition, fair price. 330 No. Riverside. 40 USED cars to pick from, priced from 635 00 up. No car aalaaman to annoy you. More allowance on your car. Shultr. Bros. 1038 BU1CK SEDAN Century model for sale or trade for lighter car Call Beds- Furniture Co F 0H sale-miscellaneous ORDERS TAKEN for Reel 811k Hos iery. Phone 3008. 839 Apple. CROCHETED bedspreads, potnaettla, Irish crochet. 1109 W. 11th. FOR SALE Pithing boots, alt 10. A. Patterson, lat lane off Thomas road. FOR SALE Handmade bedspreads, reasonable. Mrs. Rtckard. Rt. 1, Box 633. SADDLES Real leather, real work manship, aa low as 879.50. See them at Hansen Hardware. FOR SALE Davenport. 68. 118 Ken- FOR SALE Equity In 6800 worth of latest, most up-to-dat furniture In 4-room house, will sacrifice for quick aale. Call after 4 p. m. 803 a.awaraa. ELECTRIC Simplex Ironer for sale eneap. Address 1116 I. 11 to. FOR SALE S cu. ft. electrto refrig erator In first class condition, half price. 808 North Ivy Street. FOR SALE Lovely full budded Xmas Cactus. 40" spread. Mao large as paragus fern. Make lovely girts. jTioune, box sua. EXCELLENT values In used washers. radios, refrigerators. Flck Howe. COAL Clean and lots of heat, 66.00 ton at mine. 67.50 delivered Med ford and Phoenix. 35 Kenwood. Phone 6095. NEW World Blks. Reasonable pries. 1311 Locust. ENGLISH WALNUTS 435 Bsrhsrt St. LATE model Hoover Sweeper for bal ance on contract. Feldman Electric Phone 8577. FOR XMAS Crocheted Dollies. Hand Embroidered Pillow pases. Tea Tow els, etc. 417 J. St.. house In rear. FOR SALE Largs circulating heater, wood or coal, fit good condition. Price 635 00. Don Elliot. Rt. 3, How ard Ave. Tel. 6945. FOR SALE Pears snd spples. Joe Kaiitor 9 miles north Talent FOR SALE oil heater 10" burner. Economise; La Fargue: Electric stove. Crawford. Phone 3633. 1709 E. Main. FINEST QUALITY NURSERY STOCK at lowest price In years. Csll or write Alwyr Company, Route a. Box 10, North Medford, nsw bleb wsy. REAL BUYS In used clothing 1408 No Riverside, across from Back's Baksry FOR SALE Low priced lumber or any bulldlug materials Call us be fore you buy R O Stephenson Co Court and Mc Andrews Telephone 9000 Singing cansrles make fins presents See them St 1137 W. Msln. Pb 4897. AGATE JEWELRY. Novelties and Myrtle-Wood Hsv your Ms tee cut at San to 'a Agate Shop, 436 East Main St, WOOD Dry ftr and laurel oa ground or delivered. Phone 8859. WA8H-RS and Ironera for Xmas Fill motbera atocklng with beautiful Speed Queen More features. Ail year to pay Flak Hdwe. FOR SALB Dry Mr and hardwood Phone 4603 Hawley Fuel Co. MONARCH Ranees Byrd used them Easy price range Flck Hdwe WOOD snd Oil Circulators Best buys In town Flck Hdws. MYERS Jseuasl Pumps Installed 100 guaranteed PI k Rdw. RADIOS Golden Tone General Elec tric Select now Flck Herdwsr MUlfllHIl S4RIIAIM HOI SI We flsv Whet You Went Pipe and Pinnies ell sixes Soil Pip snd Drslnase Pming Plumblns Fixtures end Septw Tanks Tsnt and rams 'tins Doors windows snd Olasa Split Pulleys Belting. Cable and Block Barbed Wire Stock Fencing eta. Roofing Paper Building Paper Paints Roof stain Army okis Shoes Boots Quilts Underwear and Socks. Pumps snd Machinery Tools lor th Houss. Farm Lnatrers' and Mill Suppllss New snd Used Furniture of All Kinds Stoves snd Circulator Hesters We Osa Save Yon Dnllers Ph 3744 37-88 N Ores St DRY FIR for saw Phone 8180 after 6 00 o'clock FULLER BRUSHES Phon 4014 FIR SLABS -Buy Mow City Fuel Phone 4H4 MISCELLANEOUS BOWMAN BEAUTY SALON SUG GESTS s lovely PERMANENT WAVE for s Christmas gift for her. The best of materials used. The best of operators to give them. Op erators. Marcella Bowman, Maxlne Stlnson. Leons Crawford. Phone 8188. 937 South Central. ELECTROLUX Sales 6 Service, pbon 8889. CAL1 6523 for special dinner parties old stage House, rnuenlx. ore. PERSONAL SARAH ANN will turn the cup ev ery osy except saturaay ana nun day. 414 So. Riverside. PSYCHIC. Cards and Palm Reading. 60e. 618 N. Bartlett. MRS. DELMAR Palmist. By natural girt with yeara of research and atudy. Olvea advice on all affairs of life, business, love or trouble. When all others fall see me. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Rainbow Auto Camp. Highway 99. North. Palmistry Crystal Reading D Miller Ph 8448 480 Mountain Are Ashland BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Smsll business, groceries and gaa. 9 pumps. At Inventory. Living quarters In rear. Bellvlew Store. Ashland. Ore. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiques EARLY AMERICAN OLA 88 at the sign 6 miles south of Oranta Pas or mile nurtb ot Savage Rapids dam on Hurhwav 99 Assayer ASSAYER W. O Wright. 3318 Capi tal Avs City So of water reservoir Gold 61. copper 61. cinnabar 63 Carpentering LESLIE RALSTON, General Contract ing, fine finishing work. All kinds Csrpenterlng. For estlmstes pleess csll at 701 N Riverside or Tel. 381 Christmas Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Christmas Cards Dainty Handkerchiefs. Albert's Myr tlewood Novelties THE ALBERTIU LA. 130 North Central Chimney Swsap CHIMNEY Sweep Also furusoes snd oil stoves cleaned Csll Oeo Eaton 38 Nr. Front Phone 4340 Chiropodist. FOOT SUFFERERS Opening modern Chiropody offices. Corns, csllousee, Ingrown nans removed, arches cor rected. Dr. Arnold M. Depner, Chir opodist, Foot Specialist. 317 luh rer Bide. Phone 3103. Expart Window Claanar LEI OEORdE DO IT I RXPER1 winouw Clesnsr General bouae cleaners flour waxing palnt ing Oeo 8 Oliard Phone 3954 Dressmaking PHE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling B u 1 1 o o s and Buckles covered Room 609 U 8 Nstlunsi Bank Bldg Tel 8931 DREoSMAKINO Alterations tailor ing Bathertne Satterlee. Slngel MONEY TO LOAN YOU ARE INVITED to see us for CHRISTMAS CASH PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE on Car, Livestock snd Personal Loans OREOON FINANCE CO. W. . Thomas. Mgr. Lie. No. 8-11 M-31T 48 Bo. Central Dial 4438 Horns owned and managed Since 1938 WE I0AN MONEY ON YOUR CAR Attractive Rates COAST. FINANCE Harold H Brown Agency License 311 133 East Main Pbons 3448. PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farms Address Box 416. Trlbuns. ACROSS L Hoarse eound 4. Higher than 6. Old piece cloth It The nillkflsk II. At no time 14, Old musical note llw Oriental com- manner 14. French liver 17. Cleaning Im plement 18. Princely Italian house 16. Sea eagle 11. Tree 21. From there 21. Humbled 24. Drlnklns fllasaea uils -IL Old ttmast aoetie Is. Moentaia la Crete II. Pitcher II. Crafty 17. State posi tively II. Beverage 19. Soft murmor 40. Concerning 4L Cooperation f s group 44. Breathe la it Care for 10. Course of eat ing 11. Weisnt , 13. Silkworm 14. Always: eonrr. si. Sacred flf of India If. tntect 51. Unit I'j. Fine eld Ttolla 40. Owlnff 6L Oulded "i U l : U V W 1 7 it ' V' 1 X13 V: s 2T-rsrsr LZEl 1?L 3- iZZZZIZZ " ST " " " IT "i" BUSINESS DIRECTORY Nursing Horn TRUAX NUR81NO HOME Graduate Nuraea. Equipped to care for all 111 neaaee except Surgery and O. B cases Phone 161. Jacksonville. Ore. NURSERY STOCK CARLTON NURSERY The only nursery In Southern Oregon with a complete stock of fruit, nut snd shade trees snd ornamental ahrube and planta on hand during all th planting aeason. Carlton Nursery. 63nd year 4 miles South of Medford on Pselflo Htehwsy. Look for the Mir-c-llte slrn. Roofing WB REPAIR or spply any type of roof Paoco Roofings Shingiea Coatings ana Paints Nsw stuck Wall Paper Ekerson Paint snd Roof .. i8 So Bsrtlett Tel 843 JOB UMITH YOUR ROOFER All Root rruubles taken care of All work guaranteed Call 3768 or 3349 Transfer CITY TRANSFER STORAGE OO Household moving and general hauling 9 8 Orape Phone 4664 Dsy or night FURNITURE MOVING AND 8IOR AGE We have vsn moving equip ment far local and lung dlstsuoe hauling Dry and clean store te (concrete building l wltb special locker rooms at low rates SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Pbons 8766 EAD8 TRANSFER 41 STORAGE CO Office 16 South Fir Phone Mt2 Prices right Service guaranteed DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAOI 40 S Fir Street Insured Carriers Local and Long Dlaisnc Hauling Phone IBX6 Vacuum Claanar Servlc GUARANTEED SERVICE on all makes of vacuum cleaners. Called for and delivered free. Feldman Electric. Phone 3577. Phoenix Phoenix. Dec. 0. (Spl. Thursday club will meet Decem ber 11 at the home of Mrs. Mat thew Bark-ley with Mrs. Pete Montgomery assisting. Plans will be made for the annual Christmas party Choir practice for Christmas mu slo will bs held Thursdsy at 6 p. m. Ut ths Presbytertsn church parlor. Garden elub will meet Friday at Mrs. Woodford Turpln's boms. Mrs. Esther Wilson will assist. A dessert lun:beon will be heed, followed by a business meeting. Ladles' Missionary society will meet wtth a covered-dish luncheon In the Presbyterian church parlor Thursday. December 11. Olrl Scouts will hold a Chrlstmaa candy party Tuesday, Dsoember 9 at 7 p. m. at Phoenix high aehool in the home economics rocra. All girls be tween the sges of ten and eighteen are cordially Invited. Martin Hill la confined to ths Sac red Heart hospital with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Brrt Stadln of Klam ath Falls were week-end visitors st ths Colonel A. H. Dudley home. Miss laabelle Miller, tilth school teacher. Is confined at bome with the mumps. Miss Vera Humphrey of Medford Is substituting for her. Lesvlng December 9 for Sunland. Calif, waa Miss Marian Btancllffe. Sh will spend ths winter with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Alford Adama. Jr. Neighbors of Woodcraft met In reg ular session Thursday. Plana were made for a bazaar and card party to bs held December 18. Mrs. Fred Powell of Centralis. Wn was a recent guest at the Woodford Turpln home, Mrs. Powell Is ths Snleos of Mrs. Dells Fisher. A covered-dlah luncheon wss en Joyed December 8. st Mrs. Robert Furry's horns. Attsndlng were Mrs. Earl Briscoe. Mrs. Alvtn Costs, Mrs. Seotty Falrweether, Mrs. Mllo Furry. Mrs. Raymond Furry. Mrs. Doug 8td msn and th hostess. Solution Of Ysstsrday's Funis It. Canceled 41. Enxllnh letter DOWN t Mirk denoting an emleelon lAn6NACTfeA. B JL EH 1 Li 1 1 1 fl 1. -L T bInUo L E J.CJJHU T S IvslOIR D PeIn t e Kyl rJajn in bip IjDjK I OlBfJPlRIE 0 l CTtJIS O wiiinAliJePilo m S T A rUTUs C R A WILIS tw3 !4 0 r tUm b K jE3 A BlE e BjB J c 2. LjlL A U. R AflilB A oallRS S A VEJK N W AlsUr4EislTlsUcP-Y 8 Covered with water 8. Refuse 4. Bird of the cuckoo famte ly 8. Be suitable t 6. finished 1 . la a manner relating te eprlng 8 Before 6. r rr si vlng 16. Singly 11. Yawned 16. Come oa the etage ti. Eluantr II. Worthless dof la. Garden plot 27. Under IL Bleep 13. Ferns !e sheep 14. Covered wit plums II. LaTr 14. Skill 14. f irmertr 17. Body Jclnt II. Masculine sick- nsms 46. Fust 42. bevour a 4a. Richly de- ersted 44. Standard of perfection 41 lifter of one's nephew 17. Tursish 4 scree II bvr iv i'ste .J. Oem !V Tablet 44. Covet. Ths annual Jackson County School Maeura banquet will bs held Mon day evening, December, st Phoenix high school. Ths Olrls Lesgu will prepare snd serv ths dlnnsr. Motoring with Maynard Wilson from Klamath Falle for ths week end waa Jean Hays. Mr. and Mrs. Clyds Lynrand and children, Reba snd John, hsv moved to Klamath Falls. Their property has been purchased by M. Smith snd family of California. Thimble club met Friday at the horns of Mrs. Ka Miller. A covered dish dinner waa enjoyed and quilt. Irvr wss done afterwards. Mr. snd Mrs. Bob Coke srs proud parents of a baby boy born Saturday. December 8. Mrs. Coke is th for mer June Feebler. Mrs. Florence Wakefield, whs has been visiting her sister, Mr. Dans Fisher, left for Los Angeles Thursday, where ahe will apend the winter. Ths Old Stags Houss now has a new dancs hall which will be used by private parties. Colonel A. H. Dudley auctioned a box social st Wayhaussr Camp en th Oreen Spring Frtdsy evening. John Blackford. Snider truck driver of Medford, wrecked his truck Friday evening on ths Pacific, highway In th south city limits. Phoenix high school beat Sams Val ley at the basketball tournament held In Medford, December 6. Brownsboro Brownsboro, Dec. 9. (Spl Mr. and Mra. Orville Wright of Montana are gueats at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wright Billy Wright, who Is attending school in Ashland, spent th week-end at home. Friends of th Fernlend family ex tend sincere sympathy to them In ths loss of thslr son snd brother. Boa Fernland, who waa burled In Browns- boro cemetery last Thursday, Ths pie social given at ths school houss list Thursdsy evening wss well attended and enjoyed. Oeonj Brown acted as auctioneer and 313 wss rs- sllzrd frcra ths sals of ths pies. This will be used for a Christmas treat for ths children of th community, Dell Wilson. Uttl son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, who wss taken seriously 111 last Saturday and un derwent an operation for appendicitis at a local hospital. Is getting rtldnf as well as can be expected. Meeting of th Ladles Social oluo, which waa to have been with Mrs. Wilson next Thursdsy, has been post poned Indefinitely. The Grange Young Grangers Jackson County Pomona young Grangera of America will meet at Bellvlew urange nan Wednesday, December 10, at 8 d. m.. when selection of ad visors for the coming year will be made. . The Christmas theme will be used In recreation being planned to follow the business meeting. Young grangers are reminded that state grange officers will conduct a conference at Central Point Grange hall Saturday, De cember 13, starting at 1:30 p. m. All young people are urged to be present and are especially in vited to a 7:30 p. m. YGA con ference which will be led by State Youth Superintendent Ben Bui-man. PSYCHOLOGY KEY Hamilton, N. T. -(U RV Clar ence W. Young, Colgate unlver- rlty phychologist, believes the United States army should take a tip from Germany and utilise psycho'ogists to Improve the morale of the American soldier. Young asserts that one of the chief causes of poor morale In a-, army is poor leadership. "Some of this Inefficiency." lie said, "results from lack of training, but In large part It la due to the fact that we have many men In officers' positions who lack the necessary qualities of personality. "Beore the blitzkrieg In the spring of 1040, military experts in this country agreed that the German army had not had time to build up a good body of officers. "We now know how wrong they were, and It seems certain that the work of the military psychologists started back In 1920 and continued with Increaa- iiig emphasis, has had much to do with the surprising effective ness of German officers. SEA OIVES IP Norfolk, Va, (eP A nawtpspsr re porter sbsent-mlndedly kept his glsasee on wbsn he went swimming In ths surf at Virginia beach, and a wsvs knocked them off. Th tide was running and he gsv ths spectacles up for lost. Nearly three hour later, as he and frlrndr searched th beach In a forlorn hops, a way rolled In and deposited tbs glasses at his wife's feet 900 yards from where he asd lost them. aid not.rr.Ra un North Platte. Neb. ovtan Rail snd W. M. O'Connor dropped golf balls, on each for ntn holes, from an airplane at a height of 800 feet Then they cam down and pley-d th ball onto the greens. But O. a Bradley and Chsrlry Kosnts. plsylag their regulsr gems, won 9-8. NETS THOUSANDS OF Kicks From Business Men On Dislocations Pour Into Washington Constantly. Br Jack Stinnett Washington. Pouring into Washington almost constantly these days are the complaints of thousands of business men over the dislocations caused by priori ties, shortages and odd specifica tions which are all jumbled Into the gigantic buying ot national defense. Some of these headaches are perversely humorous; some are almost tragic in their conse quences; nearly all are interest ing. Here are some: The army, navy and what not's great need for linoleum threatened a shortage In this flooring commodity. The gov ernment experts went to work on it and not wishing to knock out linoleum for private homes unless they had to, cast about for other uses to which it was being put To their amazement, they discovered that thousands of square yards were going into the manufacture of furniture (table and dresser tops, etc.) Scrap Piles Up The priorities orders were drawn up. Linoleum for such frivolous business as furniture was out. As a result, some eastern sea board warehouses soon will be come piled sky-high with scrap linoleum absolutely unusuable for any other known purpose. Linoleum is manufactured In standard widths and lengths. When sold, scraps invariably re sult and for some years now, the companies have been making sufficient profit on this scrap that the price of their product could be reduced. Mow what happens. The government will have to pay for the scrap and the manufacturers of that type of furniture will have to whistle up a new business. Army Chaste A northwestern lumber man is wailing because his yards are glutted with four grades of lum ber lower than absolute top grade. Only by cutting down more trees and sawing them up and swelling his surplus of low er grades can he get any of that choice, unblemished grade that goes into the more than a mil lion chests which the soldiers keep at the foot of their beds. The army specifies this one certain grade. It needs millions ot feet of it. But, says the lum ber man, nobody needs millions of feet of any of those lower grades. , Jacksonville Seniors To Give Annual Play Next Friday Evening Jacksonville, Dec. 9. (SplV Senior class of Jacksonville high school Is presenting its an nual senior play Friday evening, December 12, in the bwrh school gymnasium. The seniors have chosen for their production the mystery-comedy The Cat o Nine Tails,'' with the following seniors in the cast: Mr. Gordon, Merton LeRoy; Mrs. Gordon, Alma Ayrea; Jim mie , Gordon, Robert Smith; Bette Webber, Bette Math my; Jacob Webber, Jim Hall; Miss Smith, Wllda Woodward; Fox, Bob Hyde; Henry, Don San ford; Theodora, Inez Glines; Bridget, Lois Sanden; Peggy, Mary Rumley. The play Is being coached by Warren Adams and the curtain will rise promptly at 8:13 p. m. Between acta there will be a miscellaneous program. Schools of Tacoma Resents Sessions As Janitors End Strike Tacoma, Dec 0. (JPi All classes In Tacoma public schools opened this morning as 17 000 pupils returned to their studies after a week's Interruption caus ed by strike of Janitors, fur nace and maintenance men. E. S. Jackson, labor deoart ment mediator, will meet with members of the engineers union and with school officials some time today. The employes struck lor a go per cent waae raise. The men returned to work when Mayor Harry P. Cain ar ranged a truce pending the find ing of a federal mediator. Chewing gum produced in the 98 United States gum factories has sa snnusl valus st fsetory of mors then 60 000 000. an Increase of TJ per LODGE NOTICES TABLE ROCK COUNCIL. No, 16, R. dt 8. M. Stated assem bly Tuesday, Dee. 8th. Blee- and Installation of office re. All Council members urged to attend. V. T. WILSON, Ilia. M. Stated communication of Kmmmma -Kn r- M m ttv Thursdsy evening. Dec. 11. at 8 o'clock. Initiation and v election of officers. Re. freehments. Visiting members la sited. CLAIR NORRIS. W. M. Meteorological Report By V. S. vV.ATHI!R BUKEAO Ettcnded forecast For Washington. Oregon, Idaho, Nevada and northern California for ths period beginning 4 30 p. m. today to 4:90 p. m. Dec 19: Generally cloudy In Pacific northwest with fre quent recurrent reins over and weal of Cascades but light rains and snows at beginning snd toward snd of per iod esst of Cascades to mountains of northern Idaho. Fair elsewhere In northwest but with considerable cloudiness snd except for light rstns over mountains of southern portion of northern California eitendlng over southern Nevada Wednesdsy and Thursdsy. No material change In temperature. Forecasts Medford and vicinity i Cloudy with occasional light rata tonight and Wednesday. Llttls change in tem perature. Oregon: Generally cloudy tonight and Wedneedav with nveilenat ti-ha rslns over snd west of Caseadn. lit. ti ebang In temperature. Local Data Temperature a rear avn Snrfawv Highest 87: Lowest 84. Tout monthly nreetnltathm 1 16 Inches. Brass fee tbs month 9.80 inches. Total precipitation sine Bantam. bar I, 1941. 8.40 Inches. Bsc top ths issson 9.04 Inehss. Relative humidity at 4:30 p m. yee terdsy 98; 4:30 ajn. today 100. Tomorrow Sunrise 7:38 a. m. Bun. eet 440 p. m. Observations Tskrn si 4:98 a. aa. lie Meridian Tim. errr Boise 89 96 Clear 40 84 P.Cldy 88 81 jOI Clear 66 38 P.Cldy , 68 48 T Cloudy , 47 30 T Snotv 70 86 Cloudy 88 89 A ram 68 37 Cloudy 41 39 Clear 78 48 Cloudy 89 84 T Cloudy 84 34 Foggy 43 88 T Cloudy 43 33 Clear 89 44 Foggy 46 40 T Bain 40 34 Foggy 66 3T P.Cldy 44 83 M Foggy Boston Chicago ii Denver Eureka , Havre Los Aneelee Medford New York Omaha , , , , Phoenix , Portland Reno . i Rose burg ,. i, Salt Lak ,, San Francisco.- Seattle Spokane Wash. O. ".I, Tsklma ,,, Sea Story Hero Ready To Serv Seattle, Dec. B. (A) Cant Ralph (Matt) Peasley, veteran skipper of sailing vessels who furnished Peter B. Kyne with a hero for his sea stories, says he is ready to go to sea again and aid In the war with Japan. Peasley, although 73 years of age. Is coming to Seattle from Aberdeen to renew his master license. OME FAMILY TREE Prentiss. Miss (VP) When Mrs. Sallie Graves, 87 daughter of a confederate soldier, died nere she left three sons, four daughters. 70 grandchildren, 153 great-grandchildren, on great great grandchild. Travel Table AIRPLANES Northbound Malls Close m. 4:14 e. m. m. ' 11:88 a. ra in. (Flag stop) No mail . m. Flag atop) 9 98 p. sa. Southbound alalia Close nv 10:03 a. ta rn. (Flag stop) No mall m. (Flag stop) 447 p. to. sa. 11:07 p. 38. Leave 4:89 a. 19:33 p. 4:03 p. 9:33 p. lav 10:47 a. 3:37 p. 9:43 p. 1143 p. TRAIN . Northbound Leave Malls Close 11 as s. m. 10:s a. sa. 740 p. sa. (40 p. sa. Southbound teev Malls Closs 7:88 a. nv. 6:66 a. nv 9:68 p. m. 4 68 p. aw BCSCS North South 3:30 a. m. 13:08 a. Os, 740 a. m. ' 8:80 a. m. 49 a. as. 940 a. as. 1:40 p. m. 8:60 p.m. 6:46 p. aa. SOS p. m. I Khvmatk rail 6:06 p. m. Prom Ktamsth rails 9:90 a. BV ) To Aahlsnd only. () To Oranta Paaa only. Note: Auto connecting ft ret ataas mall eloasa at 808 a. sa. for dellvwrf rvinw nw.n we . u.-m ' e. m. for deliver as aatat scaath FOR SALB Dry (1Z 8106. 6180. lee Matt fnouD want soa. 0a laati xneuas) was ada asa! a two faia Duaanulr, OsUf.