PAGE SEVEN Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! Its Filled With Opportunities! ! MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFOR OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1941. Kiwd errj pr uu IM pnrtMiti) Mud rulh lh .hint,.. uu to. mh look ing Uh t mi oc tradr fw anurd rtirie toy mat hat gtearrti ui ejitif fM ir riMim tu mat Hnd man thine thrn mr wrkinit and hr jhlt l mii?r inimrdUl mh II what rau anl Unt htr advrnift rm It. Trthtinr Vlf If., ad ara lneiinla efrecti.el RATES Per word nnt insertion I (Mlnltnum tV Barti adlitumal lnrtlon. par word ... .... If (Minimum tor) Par line pet month without copy Phone , - l.tfl CASH or money order muil accom pany oil mall order classified ads. L03T AND FOUND REPORT lost auga. snlmsl cruel t J cases Humane Society Phune 6181 WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Body and fender repair man. 8elby Chevrolet. Ashland. PRUNERS WANTED Rogue River Orchards. End of So Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Women to do small amount of housework. Go home nights. 11 Vanoouver. WANTED Housekeeper. Cell at 62 N. Central. Ellison studio. WANTED Reliable woman between 26 and 40 with some cooking and waitress experience. Out of town, 650 mo. room and board. Inquire 11 No Columbus. Phone 4490. HELP MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Couple to look after aged gentleman In eomiortable home. Give character references end sal ary expected. Tribune, Box 631. W ANTED SITU ATIONS RELIABLE woman wanta to stay with children evenings. Phone 3260. YOL'NO married man wishes work of any kind Tribune. Box 236. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Driver or couple to San Francisco for holidays. Phone 8894. WANTED Cheap room by widow lady. Permanent. Tribune, Box 201. PHONE 808. Mattress, upholstering. Central Point Mattress Factory, WANTED Home on farm for dog. 1700 Prune St. PAINTING and kalsomlntng. No Job too btg or too smsll. Phone 3083. All work guaranteed. B. R. Carey. WANTED Small Improved or unlra. proved acreaee near Medford. Must be priced right for cash. Give loca tion and price first letter. Box 240. Tribune. WANTED 2-wheel trailer. Prefer 18 Inch wheels. 1207 Court St. TREE TOPPING Surgery. Mistletoe and dead Hmbs removed. Roof gut ters cleaned. Dial 3087 for Sherman Shults. 412 No. Orape St. ORDERS TAKEN for Real Silk Hos iery. Phone 2003. 320 Apple. WANTED Improved i acres or less close In Give price, location, ete Box 634. Superior. Wyo. DRESSMAKINO. Riverside Altering. 440 Bo WELL DRILLING 61 60 per ft first 60 ft. etc J M Dodge. 610 King HIGHEST cash paid for Iron, copper brass, radlsuirs. aluminum, bat teries tubes . rags lead end slno Medford Bargain House WANTED Wool, mohair bides snd pelts Medford Bargain House 27 North Orape St Phune 8744 WILL PAy MllT CASH For Ooud Used Furniture MOI HKllllH FL'KMTI HE 18 North Front Phone 4023 but PKirr.a For Youi Furniture F.r fl KMT! KK 4t4. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Partly furnished house on East side. Phone 6266. FOR RENT 6-room modem house, psrtly furnished, close, clesa, adulta 240 South Grape. v FOR RENT 3-room house, base ment, furnace. On Sprint Street. Inquire Peach Street Grocery. FOR RENT Furnlahed duplex. 8 roorra snd enclosed sleeping porch; strictly modem, 640 per month. Phone 3106. FOR PENT Smell white house north of Big T. 612 60. Also house. 718 Pine. 8 rooms, wood -anee. circula tor heater. See owner at first house north Big T on old highway. Week days only from 11 am. to 2 pjn. Mre. R. E. Csrley. FOR RENT New 3-room modern house. Inquire 26 Almond. FOR RENT 5-room house, partly fumtahed. 811 Laurel. SMALL unfumiahed house with range and heater. East aide. R. L. Cock. 1104 W. Main. FOR RFNT Fine) furnished house. Ideal Court, enrner Myrtle and Tay lor Sts Geo. tveraon. FOR RENT PVMwlthed houses. 4 to 7 rooms. 1 127 , West Main, Ts -phone 48t . FOR RENT Nicety furnished 6-room mnclern house. 3 bedrooms, fur nee heat, eteetne range, washing machine. rVgftielr grae. close In. at SJO Fourth. Key at 44 No. Peacsa, , : FOR RENT HOUSES SMALL Furnished, House. Inquire 9 OA 8. Oakdale. FOR RENT Furnished (.room house. Inquire 8M Apple. FOR RENT 1 room furnished bouse. 930 N. Central. Ph. 8607 or enquire sfter 6 p. in. or Sundaye, FOR RENT 6-room furnished house. No pete. Inquire 403 Newtown. FOR RENT S-room duplex, well fur- nisnea. clean, close in. reasonaDi. 618 South Oakdale. FOR RENT Lovely new small bouse, strictly modern. Oas utilities, floor furnace. H. L. Cook, 1104 West slain. HOUSE FOR RENT 20 Tripp. FOR RENT Furnished 4-bedroom. 9 bathroom residence and garag Close In. Electric stove. Frlgidsire. gas furnace, shade, shrubbery and garden. Victor C. Sether. FOR RENT Furnished S-room house electric stove, tire pi tee Adults Phone 6032. . Darks Grocery FOR RENT 8-rem modern cottage, unfurnished. 638.00. Inquire 126 Cottage rRUCRS FOB RENT-Move yourself Save half Prullta Mobllgss Sta tion. Main and Ivy Phone 4143 FOR RENT 7-roora plastered house with bath, large lot. 637.80. L. O. Plrkcll. 16 8 Bartlett. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms LARGE sleeping room, the kind you like, with or without board. 439 No. Holly. FOR RENT Furnished llgh house keeping room, large enough for two. Private entrance. 627 Putman 8t. SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman, em ployed. 307 So. Oakdale. WARM, furnished room, private bath and entrance. Garage. 1104 W. Main. WARM, well furnished room. Break fast and dinner If desired. Dial 4131. ROOMS For Rent 163 N Oakdale ATTRACT1CE ROOMS 404 8 Grape FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment, I Adulta only. No. 6. Laurel. ATTRACTIVE 4-rm. furnished apt.. steam heat, trlgldalre. over Hollo way's Grocery. Ph. 3836. FURNISHED apartment, Prlgldalre, electric stove. Housna Hotel. APARTMENT, room for rent. 131 crater Lake. FURNISHED apartments, steam heat ed, new gas range and refrigeration. Adults. 330 No. Holly. FURN. APT Steam heat, hot water, Prlgldalre. 603 S. Holly St. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Heat and water 336 So Ivy. Call mornings or evenings after 6. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment. nested 228 North ivy. MODERN, attractive furnished apart ment. Adults 620 So Oakdale. FOR RENT 8-room furnished apart ment Adults 128 Mistletoe FOR RENT F and F apartment 3 rooms and bath gas beat In quire 217 West 6th FOR RENT Medium priced furnish ed apartment. Inquire 606 So Oak- dsle FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM and board If desired. Tel. 4342. BOARD A ROOM. 716 B Main FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fresh cow, large type, . heavy producer. C. F. Smith, Seven Oaks. FOR SALE Pigs. Alfred Pelle, Eagle Point. Crater Lake Highway. MILKING SHORTHORNS Improve the best qusltty of your csttle without detracting from their pro duction by the use of a Milking Shorthorn Bull. W have several good bull calve from proven pro duction ancestry for sale at reas onable prices. DUALWAY FARM. North 8th and Beacon Drive. Grants Pass. Oregon. FOR SALE Full blood Duroo pig at common prices. C. J. MCay, Bprlng fit., west of Orange hall. FOR SALE Cow. 640. Inquire Steve' Shoe Service, 137 N. Central. FOR SALE Weaner and feeder pigs. C. T. H:gdon. Route 4. Box 321, Fern Vslley. FOR SALE Thirty weaner. Rt. t. Medford, Jo Nary. OPENING Dee. 8, at 140 and every Saturday thereafter, modern heated acutlon sale bam. Oood demand for all kinds of livestock. Three miles south Klamath Falls en old Midland road. FOR SALE Weaner plge Penlnger place. Central Point. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADV-Oood 1 d 8-year. R F D. pld horse J. A Mi Medford CAH for old horvee Dial 6378 FOR SALE DOG3. PETS FOR SALE Friendly chow dog. reas onable price. 610 V. Bartlett. FOR SALE POULTRY 34 If. H. Red leylng pullet. Suncreat Orchard. Tlnt. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE WANT TO REDUCE your cost of 11 v. Ing. Buy this 44 acre plao, 3 mil from Medford. Modem bouas and out buildings, pasture, alfalfa, orchard and walnuts. Place for cows, pigs and poultry. See the w. B. Britten place. Oak Grove Road. Priced right. Terms. FOR SALE 6-room bouse. 1 bed rooms, breakfast nook. betb. ssrvlo porch, wasb trays: lot 60x120 feet: large had trees: paved street, de sirable location Close In. 11800 rvrma. I O. PICK1TLL 18 Bartlett BUILDING A HOME' Let u handle sll details on 36 year PHA mans quickly fflclritly Ookjy Agency CITT end country pmpr'le Rentels Loans liisnrsnc C S Butterttc-d 408 aiedjord Building, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WHEN TOO think of reel estste think of the Spenoer-Bsgley Agency 103 W Msm FOR EXCHANGE Reel Estate TRADE Small 4-room house in Jacksonville, for 3 seres or less. Improved. Box 667. Tribune. FOR BALE OR TRADE 1 acre and 4-room modem bouse on Loaler Lane for borne bear Junior high school. See Pierce, Room t. Palm Building. Medford. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES NEW 1S42 Chevrolet Master, 6-paesen. ger coupe with extra bumper guards, clock, vsnlty mirror, etc.. heater and defroster; never been run. 1841 Packard "120". 4 -door aedsn demonstrator; 6300 reduction. Perry L. Ash craft, 128 So. River side. FOR SALE Model A Ford coupe. Fine snspe, not oeen uaea since com pletely overheuled, new paint, good tires. 214', Haven Street. FOR BALE 36 Chevrolet coupe, ex. tra good condition, fair price. 230 No. Riverside. 40 USED cars to pick from, priced from 625.00 up. No car salesman to annoy you. More allowance on your car. Shults Bros. 1638 BU1CR SEDAN Century model for sale or trade for lighter car Call Bads' Furniture Co FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALE Equity In 800 worth of Istest. most up-to-date furniture In 4-room bouse. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Call after 4 p. m. 303 Edwards. ELECTRIC Simplex Ironer for sale cheap. Address 1118 s. lltn. FOR SALE 9 H cu. ft. electric refrig erator In first class condition, half price. 308 North Ivy Street. FOR SALE Lovely full budded Xmas cactus, 40 spresa. Also large as paragus fern. Make lovel gifts. Tribune. Box 303. MUST be eold todsy. Weslx eleetrle heater, wicker baby buggy and high chair. Also equity In new 1941 Prlgldalre. 6 months old. Her Is a real buy at a big saving, pnone 2063. EXCELLENT value In used washers, radios, refrigerators. Pick Haw. COAL Clean and lot of heat, 6600 ton at mine, 67.60 delivered Med ford and Phoenix. 35 Kenwood, Phone 6008. NEW World Bike. Reasonable price 1311 Locust. FOR SALE OR TRADE New Coif Woodsmen with holster, 4-lnch bar. rel. Ron DeVoie, City Meat Mkt. ENGLISH WALNUTS 426 Earhsrt St. LATE model Hoover Sweeper for bel anoe on contract, Feldman Electric. Phone 3577. FOR XMAS Crocheted Dollies, Hsnd Embroidered Pillow esses, Tea Tow els, etc. 417 J. St., house In rear. FOR SALE Large circulating heater, wood or coal. In good condition Price 626.00. Don Elliot. Rt. 2, How. ard Ave. Tel. 6945. NICE Spltsenberg and Newtown Ap- 8 lea, walnuts, poena rruit otana, . Phoenix. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Rhododen. drons, camellias. eaaleaa, 26c. 6oc. 76c, 61.00. Across from Becks' bakery. SPECIAL SALE on boy's leather Jackets. Oet your' while they last. Across from Becks' bskery. FOR SALE 600 lbs. garlic planting stock, will sell any amount. For Information write Mr. Louis Doll, Orants Pssa, Ore. Oeneral Delivery. FOR SALE House trailer, 660. 418 Boardtnan 6t. FOR BALE 2-wheel trailer, 8 ft. long, 8 feet high. ' Walter Frank. Central Point. FOR SALE Furniture, Including davenport and chair and bedroom set. call at 731 Alder. FOR BALI American Technical so ciety practical business administra tion course. Half price or trade for good typewriter. Also stamp col lection, guns. sled, furniture, book, etc. Box 234. Tribune. FOR SALE Fears and applea Joe Kontor 3 miles nortb Talent. FOR SALE Walnuts, 12'4o lb. C. E. Stockwrll, 1 block west of Prince' Shell station. Phoenix. FOR SALE Oil heater 10" burner. Economises La Fergus: Eleetrle stove, Crawford. Phone 3633. 1708 . Main. FINEST QUALITY NURSERY STOCK at lowest price in year. Call or write Alwyr Company, Route 3. . Box 16, North Medford, new high way. REAL BUYS in No Riversld. Bsksry elothlng 1406 from seel FOR SALE Low priced lumber or any building mstensls Csll us be fore you buy R O Stepbeneon Co. Court and McA . draws Telephone 3000 Slng'.ng canaries make fine presente See them at 1127 W. Main. Ph. 4897 SPITZ APPLES We packed few boxes of th famous A! Vtsta Orchard Spit specially for the Chrlstmss Hotldsya. Oet your while they last Csll St Medford Ice snd Storsie Co., or at our Fir Street warehouse. American Fruit Orowera. Inc. AOATE JEWELRY, Noveltlre and Myrtle-Wood Hare your agate cut at Santo' Agate Shop, 428 East Msin St. WOOD Dry fir and laurel oa ground or delivered. Phone 369. WASHRS snd Ironers for Xma Fill mother nocking with beautiful Speed Quean More feature All year to pay Pick Hdwa. FOR BALE Dry fir and hardwood Phone 460 Hawley Fuel Co. MONARCH Rsntee Bvrd used them Easy price rang Flck Hdw WOOD and Oil Crrrulator Best buy In town Flck Hdw MYFPS Jarum Pumps Installed lOO guaranteed pi k Rdwe RADIOS Oolden Tone Oeneral tleo Ulo. Delect sow. Flck Bardwua. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4914. FIR SLABS Buy Mow. City Fuel Phone 4114 FOR SALE Dry fir slabs. Phon 6160. MKIIFIIKI) BARdAIN HOI 81 W Have What You Want Pipe end Fittings sll sisea Soli Pipe and Drainage Fittings Plumbing Futures end Septlo Tanks Tents and Farpa .ilns Doors. Windows and Glass Split Pulleys Belting. Cable and Blocks Barbed Wire Stock Fencing, eta Roofing Paper. Building Paper Peuit Roof sum Army Oood a Shoe Boot Quilts. Underwear end Sucks Pumps and Mscblliory Tools lor the House. Farm Logger' and Mill Supplies New and Used Furniture of All Kind Stove and Circulator Hester We Can Save You Dollar Ph. 8744 37 33 N Orape St DRY FIR for sale Phone 6180 after 5 00 o'clock MISCELLANEOUS ELECTROLUX Sale at Service, phone CAL1 6523 for spec.) dinner partlea Old Stage House. Phoenix. Ore. PERSONAL SARAH ANN will turn the cup ev ery day except Saturday and Sun day. 414 So. Riverside. PSYCHIC, Cards and Palm Reading, 60c. 613 N. Bartlett. MRS. DELMAR Palmist. By natural gift with yeara of research and study. Gives advice on all affair of life, business, love or trouble. When all others tsll eee me. Hour 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Rainbow Auto Camp, Highway 08, North. CARD READING 81. 329 Jeannett Palmistry. Crystal Reading D Miller Ph 3446 480 Mountain Ave Ashland BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED TO BUY Small going res ts vl rant, suitable for man and wife. Box 254. Tribune. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiques EARLY AMERICAN GLASS at the sign 6 miles euutb of Orenu Pass or I mile north of Savage Rapids dam on Highway 99 Attaycr AS9AYER W O Wright. 3318 Capi tal Ave City So of water reservoir Oold 61. copper 61. clnnsbsr 62 Carpentering LESLIE RALSTON. Oeneral Contract ing, fine finlahlng work. All kinds Carpentering. For estimate please call st 701 N. Riverside or Tel 3881. Chrlitn.18 Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Chrlstmss Csrds, Dainty Handkerchiefs, Albert's Myr tlewood Novelties. THE ALBERTEL- LA. 120 North Central Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also furnsces and OP stoves cieanea csll ueo aaloo 89 Ho Pnint Phone 4240 Chiropodist. FOOT SUFFERERS Opening modem c-uropooy olllces. corns, callouses. Ingrown nails removed, arches cor rected. Dr. Arnold M. Depner, Chir opodist. Foot Specialist. 317 luh- rr Bide. Phone 8103. Expert Window Cleaner LET OEORCIE DO ITI EXPERT WluOow Cleauer Oeneral house eteenere Hour wssltig paint ing Oeo P Olrsrd Phone 8954 Dressmaking THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling B u 1 1 o o a and Buckles covered Room 803 U B Natlunal Bank Bldg Tel 8931 DRESSMAKING - Alteration tailor ing Katherlne Satterle. Blnget Shop 22 So Orape Nursing Home TRUAX NURSINO HOME Graduate Nurses, Equipped to car for sll 111- " nesee except Surgery and O. B eases. Phone 191, Jacksonville, Or. ACROSS . L Bleat 4. Legislate 6. Psi t of a loco. tlve II. Hind princess 17. Military cap II. Bihllcal l hllcal DMast la. Siberian fiver It. Foretell 19. Proceed 40. Humor 42. The herb dltl 41. Englleb School 45. Uegln 47. Wr'tee care leaaly 46. Protective dKea II. In this pine II Run away nnli-klv IX. Participial auf ns IS. Valley en th moon 14. West Indian sorcery II. Number Is. Pertaining te on IT. Threaded mats! II. Religious poem fastener 66. Depression be. Is. Edged weapon teen moun. 16. Underetandlng tain peaks D.iween s. reminine nam natlona IL 8neap-kllllng II. Encounter psrrot 14. Japanese hare 41. Native metal. JS. Kind of cheese peering com. U. Pertaining to pound ons s birth ft. Test II Aeroee , 5 3 ; i . h YW 7 t.TT 7' 33" 2T 3sr3t ssrf" 5TT w TTE ..V.,; sxEawawalaisB saBaJafBftM saxeaxe BUSINESS DIRECTORY MONEY TO LOAN YOU ARE INVITED to see us for CHRISTMAS CASH PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE on Car, Livestock and Personal Loans OREGON FINANCE CO. W, E- Thomas. Mgr. He No. S-ll M-317 48 So. Central Dial 4433 Home owned and managed Since 1038 WE IOAN MONEY ON YOUR CAR Attractive Rate COAST FINANCE Harold H Brown Agency License 311 123 East Main Phone 8446. PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farms Address bos 4!o. Tribune. NURSERY STOCK CARLTON NURSERY The only nursery In Southern Oregon with a complete etock of fruit, nut and shsde trees and ornamental shrubs and plants on hand during all the planting sesaon. Carlton Nursery. 52nd year 4 miles South of Medford on Paclllo Highway. Look for the Mlr-o-Ilte elgn. Roofing WE REPAIR or apply any type ol roof Pabro RooMngs Shingles Coatings snd Palnta New atoca Wall Paper Ekerson ostnl snd Oo.. '8 So Bsrtlett Tel SB48 JOE US1ITH TOUR ROOFER All Root Troubles taken car of All work guaranteed Call 3768 ot 2249 Transfer CITY TRANSFER At STORAGE CO Household moving and general hauling '.9 8 Orape Phone 4664 Day or night FURNITURE MOVING AND 8TOR AOE We bave van moving equip ment for local aod long dlaiauce hsullng Dry and clean suirsit (concrete building! with special locker rooms at low rates SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUS1 Phone 8756. EAD8 THANSrEH at STORAGE CO Office 16 South Fir Phune 2828 Prices right Service guaranteed DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Fir Street Insured Carrier Local and Long Distance Hsullng Phone H8 Vacuum Cleaner Service GUARANTEED SERVICE on all makea of vacuum cleaners. Called for and delivered free. Feldman Electric Phone 8877 LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and For Jackson County. DORIS MAXINE BARTZ, Plain tiff, vs. MERLE AUGUST BARTZ, Defendant. To Merle August Bartz, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby sum moned and required to appear in the above entitled Court and cause and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff therein on file against you within four weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, and you are further notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as aforesaid. Plaintiff wlli apply to the Court for decree as prayed for in said complaint, namely: for a decree foiever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exist Ing between the Plaintiff and the Defendant. This summons Is published for four successive weeks by order of the Honorable H. K. hunna, Judge of the above en titled Court, made on the 17th day of November, 1941, direct ing same to be published in the Medford Mail Tribune, a elutlen Of Yesterday- Fuul fyeet Beetek 5s related Cy home Thirsty DOWN 1, Fragments f. Afrfih . Added nam or tpitht 4. Wnin away I. Nothing fl. On tn hr?I tr4 lid T. Slitrht t.nkjlnf mind t. Arc!ittvtaral tlOB t4 U.6) primary mejanlnf IS. Touih at tba boundary IL (,n of an la Itect If. tmnirM iKala 11. ;rsk itttar 22 navrvHl . B'arh btrtia -M. Cut ternary a tlon IT. Interpret: ar- i,aie n. tiar tn PrMJ 14. Wid animal! U. Deliv.r ft bl to a hatter IT. efennd of bat ing a Sruni II Pulls aaart 41. WiTnn d'thaa 44. Pinch and dum4 4 Ovpfy Rwiuttat M. Anrv-r by rati' iary t VM U. Fmtrtlna nar4 M. E"rfn roun try; t,t-r. M ftM'fnnf aiaoc 117 Xufsrout tt eWaot eHlOAH1AIBELE6 !!L!iEsU BfM A M A !L A T E SL A,B1P1M M TPbVtja I E sBM a e F"''V EsffTle A TALI fSiCE OP B U L f e L tUEllISJsal 1 f. V Hi OTotLnP L E Ejtz DIE P OjTffptT E PTL A R e U setlsAT si to" p e g AlekicU'gfT tfjA o I Tpf? AM AIR AlSPT U D I IlA T lHt L A R I C IB V 0, E sT E P, E T pIeHeIsItUaIsIi IpieIs newspaper published In Jackson County, Oregon, and you arc therein and herein ordered and required to appear and answer Plaintiff complaint within four week from the date of the first publication of thi summons. which is the 17th day of Novem ber, 1941. J. T. FLIECEL. Attorney for Plaintiff. 32 North Central Ave nue, Medford, Oregon. Administrator's Final Notice Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In th County Court of Oregon for Jackson County his duly veri fied Final Account, and said Court has fixed Tuesday, De cember 23, 1941, at 10:00 a. m. of said date, in the Court Room of said Court In Medford, Ore gon, as the time and place for hearing said Final Account AH persons interested are hereby notified to make or file their objections to said Final Account, if any they have, with said Court on or before said time. V. J. EMERICK. Administrator of the estate of Mattle L. Enierlck, deceased. BigApplegate Big Applegate, Dec. 8. (Spl.) Miss Lillian Moore ot Klam ath Falls spent last week here as a guest of Mrs. Helen Davis. Applegata community, participating in. the annual Red Cross membership drive last month, contributed 6117.78 to to Red Cross fund. Chsirmen In charge of the Applegate district this year wera Mr. Helen Davis, Mr. Helga Lund, and Mrs. Lea Port. Mr. Neva Cook and Mrs. Sophia Sharp have returned to their homes in Oold Beach, having been guesu for a short tlms at the bom of Mrs. Cook' aunt, Mrs, Anna Knutsen. Members of th local extension unit had the privilege of bearing air. Axalea Saoer, state leader of bom economics from Corvallla, at tbslr December meeting held Wednesday at Applegate school building. Mrs. Bagar spoke on "Keeping your balance in a world of propaganda," and after briefly picturing th present world crisis, stressed th Importance of log- leal, rather than motlonal. thinking on th part of each Individual. Mrs. Ssger devoted aom tlm to xplna. tton of th word, "propaganda." Th Unit voted to have an afternoon Christmas psrty at th horn of Mr. Lee Port on December 17. Mr. Hugh McCain returned to her horn In Portland after pndlng a short tlm her with her nleos, Mrs. CUT Dunlngton. Before coming her Mr. McCain had visited her mother. Mrs. Abbl Van Winkle at Red Bluff. Jim Wants left a few day ago for th Ssllnsa State College of Callfor. nla to resume his studies after a va cation period apent with hi parent. Mr. and Mr. Lee Wall. Previous to hi visit, Jim accompanied th Salinas footbsll team to Colorado, where a gam was played with the Mesa Junior oollege. Miss Jacquelln Spelra of Ban Fran. Cisco I spending a few days vacation her wltb her mother, Mrs. Otis Buok. Thompson Creek Thompson Creek, Dee. 8. (Spl) Applegate Grange hag elected the following officers for the coming year: Master, Lester Hill; overseer, Charles Elmore; steward, Cal Hill; lecturer, Ben Ellis; chaplain, Bessie Elmore; secretary Beryl Elmore; treasur er, Herbert Elmore; Ceres, Mae Fields; Pomona, Veils Hill; Flora, Naomi Cassaway; assist ant steward C, Gassaway; lady assistant steward, Lydla John ston. Work of ths road graders was partially undone during th recent rain. Th road la now Just aa full of rut as before) th grading. Thompson creek b4 a heavy fan of rain 44 Inches ss mesaured ky a. L. Johnston. Mrs. Nsoml Oaasawsy marks led her turkey crop this week. Harold Task ot Provott, Edith Tasks of Balem and Idgar Task of San Francisco war gusete at th L. Johnston Nov. 80. Ben Bill wsa a bust nee callsr on Thompson creek Nov, go. At th last regular meeting of th Applegate (rang two new members were Initiated, Tby were Mr. and Mr. Harrington of Humbug Creek, Albert Johnston and Raymond Ayers ar both out of achool with th unumps. w. v. Brown or Asnisnq wsa a ealller at th horn ot hi daughter, Mr. Naomi Oaseaway December 1. Officer were elected for th com Ing year to serve on the board of th Thompson Creek Irrigation sao elation as follow: Clareno Oeas. way, Olen Hunter, Jim Allen, John Smith, Herbert Elmore. They also mad up th budget for the coming year. Th meeting wsa held at th Herbert Blmor horn Dm. 1. McLeod McLeod, Dee. Spl. Din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ran ald Axtell Thursday ware Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brlgga and daugh ter, Phyllis Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rayome, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roth. Mrs. Olga Brill and Mrs. Arise Ragsdal have been cooking th lunches for Bk creek school feupua during th s bee nee of th regular cook. Mrs. peso, who has been tn Medford staring wltb her daughter who I 111 at Oommunlty hoartel. Word has been received by Mr. Desn Tate of th seta arrival at Hon. olulu of her daughter. Mrs. Onlta Steam and (mall daughter. Dean. Dinner great of Bob Clark on Jl ore msec M war Mr. and Mr. aUrrf Harding. Br, and son, and Mr. Paul ine Walker. Mr. Ethel Casey ha gon to San Francisco to visit relative and friend for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. jack Johnston have gone to San Joe to visit their son and family, Mr. and Mr. Clair Steam. Mrs. Herbert has gone to Burns. Ore., to visit her eon for a few dsys. Mrs. Flossie Mullens and her daugn. ter. Myrtle, of Portland, motored to Doris. Calif, recently to visit Mrs. Bva Fuhrher. ' Bom to Mr. and Mr. Ed Boothby at Klamath Falls on Dec. 4 a boy weighing 6!i pounds. This Is their first child and Grandma snd Grand pa Tracer Boothby of Prospect are mighty pround. McLeod Extension Unit win hold sn ell-day meeting Wednesday Deo. 10, at th borne of Mr. Treasi Vaughn. This meeting will be on "The Cbesper Cut of Meat." Anyone Interested 1 Invited. Number 4 unit of th horn eco nomics held publlo pinochle party tt Tatea November 39. Mr. Jack Roth won high seor for ladle. Desn Tat won high score for men. while Mr. and Mr. Jim Casey won low. Traveling prim was won by Jack Roth. I Gold Hill Gold Hill, Dec. 8 Spl.) Members of the Odd Fellows lodge took their candidate, Don nis McGuire to Grants Pass on Wednesday to receive the second degree. Those who attended from here were Paul Holderness, Walter McLean, H. D. Force, Norman Gall, William Hittle. William Autenrleth. Tom Hen derson, Tom Cook, D. Hendrick son, and Dennis McGuire. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lents left Saturday for Pendleton, where they will reside while Mr. Lenta la station 4 there. Frank McLean of Spoken cam Thursday for an Indefinite visit with hi brother and alster-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. waiter McLean. B1U Wyatt came oa Dee. t for a visit with his mother. Mrs. Frit Snyder and with bla sisters and bro ther la Oold HU1. He expects to re turn to hi duUea at Ft, Stevens about Dec 19. Mr. Ren palmerton of Rogue Riv er visited relative and friend her oa Wednesday and Thursday and at tended Rebekah lodge her on Wed- nesdsy. Amethyst Rebekah lodge met Deo. I. Plans war mad for th annual Christmas party to be held on Deo. IT, when members ot th Oddfellow ledge will be Invited to participate. Instead of th usual gift exchange. It waa decided to tedlcat th gift to th boys In the service, from this community. All members era aked to bring a smsll donation, prefer, sbly horn made candy, cookies, fruit oak, or cigarette. Another n-gge-tlon was a smsll donstlon of cash, which th committee will decld up. on using for th best purpose. De cember birthday nlgbt will aleo be observed ths asms evening. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Oray and sons of Prospect spent th week-end her with relative. Mr. and Mr. Lloyd Dusenoerry of Ashland ar guests of Mr. Dussn berry' parent, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorga Donna n. Oarden club member msd Christ mas wreath at their regular meet Ing, Deo. 8. In th WJ1.0. haU. Ma terlal war furnished by Y'l. Haael Holdemesa and Mrs. Fannie Kls club president. Th club voted te buy a Red Cross membership. Plans war completed for th annu.' Christ, maa tree and party to be held Uec. 19. Pot luck dinner will be served at on o'clock and gift excheivred, to reveal th names drawn last year, at th annual party. Decorating, program and table committee- war appointed. Member were also asked to bring a email gift donaUon of candy, nuta, cookie or fruit oak which will be turned over to th committee la this community to di vide aod mall to local boy la th army and navy, Mrs. Lsur Thompson ha received announcement of th birth ot a grandson born to Mr. and Mrs Or rls Swindler of Blmlra, Missouri, Nov. ember . Mr. Swindler la a eon of Mrs. Thompson and visited her sev eral month ago. Mr. Florence Adsms of California haa been vlsiung her incls, Wssley Roblson and othsr relsUves here. Mr. H. Bccle, formerly of this city, aad owner eg the Beaver Auto Court, baa been transacting business her, la con nee 11 oa with her proper ty. Mr. and Mrs. Eocls now reelle In California. Aural Maun ter underwent a ma jor operation but wsek, la a Msd ford hospital. Cleo OUchrtst la Mill confined to hi horn on OllehrUt Lena, with a praised knee, which haa been in a oast for some tlm. Mrs. Haesl Holdernee and Miss Allen Inlow attended th annual get-togetner dinner of th Otrt Scout leader's aasoelauon, held In Medford last Monday vsnlng. Recent guest at th Claud Scott horn waa F. it. Fawottt of Denver, Oolo. Mr. aad Mrs. Robert Flock of Pendleton were guW last week of Mrs. Flock' sister and brothar-rn- law, Mr. and Mr. Jack Frost snd family. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Silaa Flaming, parents of Mr Flock. Mrs. O. m. Moor Is confined ts a Medford hospital ufflng front a broken hip. Th accident happened at bar bom her when sn reu uec I. Mrs. mil a. Mathews and two children ot Klamath Falls wen week end guests of Mr. Matthew's mother. Mr. Cal Dueao berry and family. WIATHEK Northern California: Fair to night snd Tuesday, but consid erable cloudiness in extreme north portion Tuesday; gentle variable wind offshore; little Changs in temperature. LODGE NOTICES SCOTTISH RTTTi Stated Meeting Lodge and Chapter. 7;30 p. m.. Mon day, Dec. 8th. work la 6th and Tth degreee. L. B Williams. Sacty. TABLE ROCK COUNCIL, No. IS. R. at S. M. Stated assem bly Tuesday. Dec oth. laee- and Installation of officers. All Council members urged to attend. V. T. WILSON, Ilia. M. NOT1CB Meeting at 8 p. as, Monday, Knights of Pythiss. Visiting Knight welcome. Meteorological Report By U. 8 vVkATHKK BUKCAD Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight nd Tuesday wltb shower r late Tuesday. Not much change la '' temperature. Oregon! Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesdsy with showers on north coast tonight and In west and north por tions Tuesdsy. Little change la tem perature. Fresh southerly wind along coast diminishing 1st tonight. Local Data Temperature a year ago today! Highest 88: Lowest 86. Total monthly precipitation 8.16 Inches. Bxceaa for the month 3.68 inches. Total precipitation sine Septem ber 1, 1841, 8.37 Inch. Excess for th season a 13 Inches. Reletlve humidity at 40 p. 8a, yeeterday 61: 4:80 a. tn. today 100. . Tomorrow Sunrise 7:37 a. m. Sun set 4:40 p. m. Observations Taken at 4:86 sv as, ISA Meridian Tlm. crrr- i V f s Boles Boston Chicago Denver Eureka 44 17 Clear (4 as p.cidy 88 84 T Cloudy 48 SO Clear 66 46 F.Oldy 46 89 T Cloudy 61 66 P.Cldy 41 88 T Foggy 83 ar Cloudy 61 84 Clear 78 88 Clear 48 8T Foggy 66 at Foggy 63 88 J01 Foggy 48 as Clear , 66 48 Foggy , 61 87 Foggy 47 80 . Clear 48 80 Cloudy 81 a Clear Havre Los Angelea , Medford New York - Omaha Phoenix Portland . Reno Roft&burg Salt Lake Sin Francisco.. Seattle Spoken Wash., D. 0. Yakima Wheat Men Oppose Legislature Call Heppner Ore., Dec. 8 (AP The Eastern Oregon Wheat league pledged support to the national defense program her) Saturday, selected La Grande as the 1942 convention city and ad aurned. A resolution opposed a special session of the Oregon legislature to consider tax law revision. It recommended adjustments, par ticularly In the S per tax limita tion law, be made later, GOLD HILL SENIORS' COMEDY FRIDAY NIGHT Gold Hill, Dec. 8. (Spl.) Gold Hill high school Junior and seniors will present their play "Listen To Leon 'at the high school gymnasium on De cember 12th, at 8 o'clock. The three-act comedy has been di rected by Miss Dorothy Burket There ar 1,133 establish ments In the United States en gaged In bookbinding and re lated Industrie with an annual production valued at $102,891,. 000. Travel Table AIRPLANES Northbound Leave Mall Close 4.M a. m. 4:14 a. m. 18:38 p. as, 11:88 a. at, 4 OS p. m. (Flag stop) No mall 48 p. m. rag atop) 6:88 p. s. South bound Leave ' Malls Close 10:47 a. ev 10:08 a. m. 8:37 p. m. (Flag stop) No mall 8:48 p. m. (Flag atop) 4:67 p. se ll M p. as. Hr07p. , TRAIN'S North boudd Leave 11:38 a. I 1:60 p. I Malls Close 10-38 a. m. 40 p. at. Southbound Leave 7J8 a. nv . 8:68 p. at, Malta Close 6:66 a. nv, 4:66 p. m. B18C8 Korth ' 8:80 a. as. 7 JO a. m. I II a. at, 1:40 p. as. 6 :46 p. m. South 13:06 a. m. 6:60 a. m. JO a. m, m p. sa. SOS p. ea ts Klamath falls SO p. m. From mamala Fall 9:90 a. a. () Ts Aabland only. () To O rants pa only. Motel Auto connecting first el as mall elosea at 606 a. as. for delivery t point north ot Eugen and at 6O0 p. as. tar delivery a potaks south Dunamtur, Oallf,