PAGE THIRTEEN Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOR OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1941. Vuu will pnitwtilj find rattl lh? ih't'ts uu brrn itMik- tug Ft " trad f ami-rd Miiir tuu ni have $earrh vnui ttir m lir rnm ,iu my find man thins thrr arv arrkliig anil It ahlr In rMllfP iiiiiiiII1 nth It what " want lnt hrr g1trrt. ful It. TMhimr flat fifirrt ada art t nei ! CflfCtHtl RATES fer word titt in4rtiuii , tc (Minimum IV) Earn adtltihinal inarrtlon, ptr word .. . If I.Miolmiim lOr) fer Una pel mo nit artthont copy ehanea fl M CASH er money order ni u.t a from pin; all null order classified da. 0 L03T AND FOUND BXPOPi lost crug. animal cruelty cases irumane Suclety Phone 8161 EE WAN MALE HELP RELIABLE man take care store route. New plan of distribution. No sell ing. Earn Excellent weekly Income. B. W. Nut Co., St. Paul, Minn. WANTED Body and fender repair man. Selby Chevrolet, Aahland. PRUNER8 WANTED Rogue River orrnaros. r-na oi ro. i-rntrai. WANTED FEMALE HELP j ANTED Housekeeper by employed va couple for general housework and care of baby. 333 8. Riverside. WANTED Women to do small amount of housework. Go home nights. 11 Vancouver. WANTED Housekeeper. Call at 33 N. j Central. Ellison Studio. WANTED Reliable woman between 35 and 40 with some cooking and waitress experience. Out of town, 850 mo. room and board. Inquire 11 No. Columbus. Phone 44B0. WANTED Housekeeper for elderly man In motherless home. Tribune, Box 241. WANTED Housekeeper. Downstairs work and cooking In country home. Phone 6301. CAPABLE girl or woman for general housework. Phone 409"7. HELP MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Couple to look after aged gentleman in comfortable heme. Give character references and sal- arv exnected. Tribune. Box 631. WANTED SITUATIONS RELIABLE woman wanta to stay with children evenings. Phone 3260. WANTED to keep house In a mother less home. P. O. Box 801, Medford, Oregon. TOUNO married man wants clerical work, also am A-l clothes presser. Box 842, Tribune. YOUNG married man wishes work of , any kind. Tribune, Box 338. j . rrr I EXPERIENCED bookkeeper evauaoie i . for part time work. Soma daytime open. lTioune. isox nuia. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Home on farm for dog. 1700 Prune St. LET US CUT that cord and pole wood Into stove lengths. No Job too small or too large. Contact ua at 1228 Court St., Medford, Oregon. PAINTING and kalsomlning. No Job too big or too small. Phone 3083. t All work guaranteed. E. R. Carey. WANTED Boy'a used bicycle. 11 Wo. Columbus. Ph. 4480. WANTED e-mail Improved or unim proved acreage near Medford. Must be priced right for cash. Give loca tion and price first letter. Box 340, Tribune. WANTED To purchase for my home, a few pieces old silver plated ar ticles. 404 W. 8th. Phone 3934. WANTED Christmas trees. Pay good price. Dial 4978. WILL PAY CASH tor good ranch In Roeue River valley. State price and location. Box 352 Mall TTloune. WANTED Poultry and egea. rabbit. FOR RENT 8 new furnished apart b. a . K-mr selling menta. Roarue frontsoe. knotty pine geese, ducks. See us before selling your turaevs. we can nuw hu,j prlces. Crater Lake Poultry and En Market, 4th and Central. Phone 3067. WANTED 2-wheel trailer. Prefer 18 inch wheels. 1207 Court St. TREE TOPPING Surgery. Mistletoe Oend deed limbs removed. Roof gut ters cleaned Dial 3987 for Sherman onuite. 412 No. urape be. ORDERS TAKEN for Real Silk Hoe lery. Phone 2003 . 328 Apple. WANTED Trade merchandise and ca!h fol rlflea. shoteuns. J3 pis tols 317 North Riverside. WANTED Improved 2 acres or less close in Otve price, location, etc Bos 634. Superior. Wyo. Dressmaking. Altering 440 8o P-lverslde ARE In the market for good fsrm and city loans 5 and lepay on eait terms No chsrae unless loan is msde We write all kinds of ut terance ELMER HERRIED 44 N Riverside 'tl-L DRILLING 81 60 per ft first 60 ft etc J M Dodge 618 King IOHE91 cash paid for trim eoppet orsss radistnrs aluminum bat teries tuoea rata lead and alno Wdford Bargsln Houae 1 WANTED --wji minair nines ana M-fora Bariati, Hmise. 37 Rortn 1 Orape eu Pbuoe 8744. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WILL PAY MOST CASH For Ouud Used Furniture Mlll.HKIIIlK rlKMTIKE 18 North Prtmi Pbon. 4039 Br.HT PHK'rn riu Por Tour Furniture H.T PI HMTI MK l'h,.ne lite FOR RENT HOUSES FOB RENT Furnished duples. 8 rooms and enclosed sleeping porch; strictly modem. 140 per month. Phone 8108. POR RENT email whlta house north of Big T, 813 SO. Also, houae. 718 Pine. 6 rooms, wood -ange. circula tor heater. See owner at first house north Big T on old highway. Week days only from II a-m. to 2 pjn. Mia. R, I. Carley. FOR RENT New a-room modern houae. Inquire 38 Almond. FOR RENT 5-room house, partly furnished, ill Laurel. SMALL unfurnished houae with range and heater. Eaat aide. H. L. Cook. 1104 W. Main. SMALL Furnished Houae. Inquire Soft 8. Oakdala. FOR RENT Furnished houses, 4 to 7 rooms. 1137 West Main. Te:i phone 4887. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 5-room modern house, 3 bedrooms, fur nace heat, electric range, washing machine. Frlgldalre. garage, close In, at 830 w. Fourth. Key at 44 No. Puacn FOR RENT Furnished 4-room houae. Inquire 334 Apple. FOR RENT Clean 4-room partly furnished duplex. Water paid, 830. Call at Old Mill. 8. Riverside. FOR RENT Fin furnished house. Ideal Court, corner Myrtle and Tay lor sts. Geo. Iveraon. FOR RENT 1 room furnished houae. 920 N. Central. Ph. 3307 or enquire after 5 p. m. or Sundays. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house. io pet, inquire im pewxown. FOR RENT S-room duplex, well fur nished, clean, clcse In, reasonable. 518 South Oakdala. FOR RENT Lovely new amall house. strictly modern. Gas utilities, floor furnace. H. L. Cook, 1104 West Main. MODERN 5-room furnished house. Oil heater, electric utilities. Good location. H. L. Cook. 1104 West Main. FOR RENT 8-room bouse, conven iently located. Inquire Rose Groc ery. Phone 8038, HOUSE FOR RENT 20 Tripp. FOR REN r Furnished 4-bedrooca. 3 bsthroom residence and garage Close In. Electric stove. Frlgldalre. gse furnace, shade, shrubbery and . garden. Victor C. Sether. FOR RENT Furnished 8-room house, electric stove, fireplace Adults Phone 8033. Darka Grocery FOR RENT 6 rem modern cottage, unfurnished. 835 00. Inquire 138 Cottage. TRUCKS FOR RENT Move fourself Save half Pram's Moongas Sta tion. Main and Ivy Phone 4145 FOR RENT 7-room plastered house with bath, lanre lot, 827.50. L. o. Pl-kell. 16 S Bsrtlett. FOR RENT Furnished Room! FOR RENT Furnished llgh . house keeping room, large enough for two. Private entrance. 527 Putman 8t. SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman, em ployed. 307 So. Oakdale. WARM, furnished room, private bath and entrance. Oarage. 1104 W. Main. WARM attractive room. 604 Pennayl- vnnia. FOR RENT Room, twin beds, close In. Phone 3374. WARM, well furnished room. Break fast and dinner If desired. Dial 4181. ROOMS For Rent 168 N Oakdale ATTRACT1CE ROOMS 404 S Orsne FOR RENT APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE 4-rm. furnished apt, team heat, frlgldalre. over Hollo ways Orocery. Ph. 8826. FURNISHED apartment, Frlgldalre, electric stove. Holland Hotel. APARTMENT, rooma for rent. 131 Crater Lake. FOR RENT 5-room furnished apart ment; aarage woodshed and water paid. 620. 70114 W. 11th; FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt. Adults. 320 Haven. FURNIPHED apartments, steam heat ed, new aas range and refrigeration. Adults. 330 No. Holly. merits. Rogue fronuge. knotty pine finish electrically quipni man heated. Bob Amea, Rogue River. Oregon. Phone 838-R-4, Grants Psss exchange. FOR RENT Very desirable furnished four-room court apartment with garage. Inquire 305 Beatty TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 337 8. Oakdale. Call after 6O0 pa FURN APT Stesm heat, hot water, Frlgldalre. 603 8. Holly St. FOR RENT Furnished spt. Heat snd wster 8.13 So ivy- Call mornings - n,n mtlmr 6 THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, heated. 329 Worth Ivy MODERN, attractive furnished apart ment. Adulte eau oo m""" OE BAUER Apt fum unfurn (FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment Adulta IM Mluev POR RENT P and f apartments t rooms arid osth gae Beat In quire 317 west em POR RENT Medium prleed furnish, ed apartment Inquire 0 So Oak- i FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM and board II desired. Tel. 4343 tee Mail Tribune want ada. TOR SALE LIVESTOCK POR SALE Pigs. Alfred Pell. Eagle Point. Cratr Lake Highway. LARGE weaner pigs. 85. out Midway road. First left road past Forest Patrol, then first right road. FOR SALE Jersey heifer calf. 10 months old. 825. Inquire 730 N. Oak. MILKINO SHORTHORNS Improve the best quality of your cattle without detracting from their pro duction by the use of a Milking Shorthorn Bull. We have several good bull calves from proven pro duction ancestry for sale at reas onable price. DUALWAY FARM, North 9th and Beacon Drive. Grants Pass, Oregon. FOR SALE Full blood Duroe pigs at common prices. C. J. MCay, Spring St., west of Orange hall. FOR BALE Cow. 840. Inquire Steve's Shoe Service, 137 N. Central. FOR SALE Weaner and feeder pigs. C. T. Hlgdon, Route 4. Box 331. Fern Valley. FOR SALE Sixteen head good feed er plga. Settlemlre. Central Point. FOR SALE Dandy family milk caw, Jersey: also yearling Guernsey-Jersey heifer. Miller, King's Acres. FOR SALE Thirty weaners. Rt. 8, Medford, Joe Nary. FOR SALE Weaner plijs, 3 brood sows Yarbrmigh, 34 miles So. Phoenix, Anderson Creek Rd. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. R. Nipper. Mile east Phoenix, Fern Valley. OPENING Dec. 8. at 1:30 and every Saturday thereafter, modern heated acutlon sale bam. Good demand for all kinds of livestock. Three miles south Klamath Falls on old Midland road. FOR SALE Weaner pigs Penlnger place. Central Point, Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE Otiod 8-year, old horse J. A Mauke. R, F. D Medford CASH for old none Dlsl 8378 FOR SALE DOGS. PETS FOR SALE Friendly chow dog, reae- onwble prlre. 510 K. Bsrtlett. FOR SALE POULTRY 24 N. H. Red laying pullets, Suncrest urcnaro, laienr. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE WE NEED LISTINGS HAVE CASH and time buyers for aieaiord nomes, rarma and rancnee In Southern Oregon, large or amall business properties. No charge or obligation unleaa we make a aale. can 2070 or drop us a line. SPENCER-BAOLEY AGENCY 103 W. Main St, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE or TRADE 300 a. highly improved ranch, two miles from post office, one mile from school 130 a. bottom land, 80 a. fir and pine timber. 60 a. pasture, 60 a. hay land. Seven-room log house in A-l condition, earn soxi20 ft. with 84 stalls, new milk house, bunk house, bog houae, chicken house, machine shed, 6600.00 power plant, all painted. 35 head permit, will take care of 60 head dairy or 100 head stock. Free Irrlgstlon. 18 live springs, running creek: 20 head dairy cows. 40 head hogs, one team mules and all necessary farm mach inery goea with ranch. Crops in for this year, will take small place In trade. Priced low, easy terms. Have large number of other farms and ranchea In the Rogue river vallev for sale or trade. Ph. 2076. SPENCER-BAOLEY AGENCY 102 W. Main St., Medford, Ore. NEW PLACE for aale. East aide, near school. 6 rooma, floored attic. FHA financed, will sacrifice equity for cash. Box 253. Mall Tribune. FOR BALE OR RENT Four furnish ed homes. 720 West 2nd. FOR QUICK SALE One acre, fenced with 4-room houae, partly furnish ed. Automatic electric pressure wa ter eystem. automatic electric hot water heater. On 99 highway. 61000, half cash. See Mrs. Eckels at the Beaver Cablna, Oold Hill, Ore. 10 ACRES SACRIFICE PRICE OWNER LEAVING 6-roorn modern house, barn, alfalfa, paved road, near town. Price for cfulck sale 64500. on terms. Cash will talk If taken at once. Al S3500 NEW HOMB NEAR HIOH SCHOOL OWNER LEAVINO A real buy and Just whst you are looking for. Make appointment to see at once. MARK A. OOLDT Phone 32S0 109 E. Main Evening. 3417. Mr. Beebe 62000 buys 6-room stucco house: rea sonable terms. H. L. Cook, 1104 W. Main. $1000 EXTRA 8PFCIAL Includea OH Burner 5 full rooma. aleeptna; porch, fruit cellar, garage, chick? n housa, doubla lot. A aacrtflee prlra. Locat ed od pood atrcet In Phoenix. MARK A. OOLDY rho&a 92M 100 t. Utln Ivenlnf 3417, Beaba POR 8 ALE 8-room houae, 3 bed rooma. breakfast nook. bath, aerrica porch, waah trava: lot 60x130 feet; larva ahade treea; paved atreet. de. atrahla location. Close in. 11800 Term. t O. fTCKinX 16 8 Bartlett BUILDING a HOME Let ua handle all de'aila on 26 rear PHA inane qutrklf efficient Gold Atceucv CITY and countn pmperttee Rentala Loam Inaurenre C 8 BuUerfleld 400 Medford Building POR A HOME Id hiila look up HILL at Rofua River. Ore WHEN TOO think of real eetat think of the Spenoer- Baglt? FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate TRADE email 4-room bouae In Jacksonville, for 3 acres or leae. Improved. Box 657, Tribune. POR BALI OR TRADE 1 acre and 4-room modern houae on Locier Lane for home near Junior hlih achool. See Pterce. Room 1, Pajm B'ltM-ne MMfir1 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES ltm Pontiac Coupe, nearly new. enuiu Broe. FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Model A Ford coupe. Fine shape, not been used alnoe com pletely overhauled, new paint, good tires. 2144 Haved Street. FOR SALE "36 Chevrolet coupe, ex tra good condition, fair price. 329 No. Riverside. FOR SALE 8609 equity In '41 Ford sedan, for older car, clear, xnoune. Box 658. A REAL used car buy. 1935 Stude. baker alx coupe, 8266. See Sandy at Skinner'a. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1927 Chev. truck. Joe Kantor, 3 ml. East of Phoenix. FOR SALE 1935 Chevrolet panel se dan, good condition. 8145. 010 NO. Central, Earl Bteredorff. 1930 Model A Coupe. Shulta Broa. 1935 and Ford Panels, Shulta Broa. 1935 Ford Pickup etiults Broa. 40 USED care to pick from, priced from 625 00 up. No car salesman to annoy you. More allowance on your car. Shulta Broa. LOVELY 1938 Bulck aedan, priced right. See and drive It. Shulta Broa. 1938 BU1CK SEDAN Century model for sale or trade for llgbter ear Call Esds" Ptfrnlture Co FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LATE model Hoover Sweeper for bal ance on contract. Feldman Electric. Phone 3577. FOR XMAS Crocheted Dollies, Hand Embroidered Pillow Cases. Tea Tow els, etc. 417 J. St, house In rear. FOR SALE; Large circulating heater, wood or coal. In good condition. Price 625 00. Don Elliot. Rt. 3. How ard Ave. Tel. 8946. NICE Spltsenberg and Newtown Ap ples, walnuta. Pechs Fruit Stand, 8. Pboenlx. ATTENTION We will serve those de llcloua Barbecued Pork Spare Ribs again Saturday and Sunday: also Bsrbecued Baby Beef. Ullle'e Place, corner Court e McAndrew'a. TRY our 60: checken dinner. Special Italian dinner Sat. and Sun, 60c. Old Mill. So. Riverside. IF YOU WANT a trest of a lifetime, try our Barbecued Pork Spare Rlba, Saturday and Sunday. Ltllle'a Place, comer Court and McAndrew'a. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Rhododen drons, camellias, azaleas, 35:, 60c 75c, 61.00. Across from Becks' bakery. POR SALE Motorcycle, 1933 Harley Davidson 74. New overslse tlree and battery. Many acceaaorlea Priced right. 1322 Locust St. after 6:00. SPECIAL SALS on boy'a leather Jacket. Get vour' while they last. Across from Becks' bakery. FOR SALE Beautiful diamond ring, 1 16 caret perfect atone with 33 small dlamonda and six Oriental Sapphlrea aet In platin um. 6700 ring for 9450. Call -Hobart Price, 3740 or 8475. FOR SALE 600 lba, garlic planttnt stock, will sell any amount. Por Information write Mr. Louis Doll. Omnia Pasa, Ore, General Delivery. FOR SALE House trailer. 660. 416 Boaraman at. FOR SALE 3-wheel trailer. 6 ft, Ion. 3 feet high.. Walter Frank. central Point. FOR SALE Westlntthousn electric water heater. C40. Alio baby carri age pnone 4i07. MR. and MRS. LARKIN ORUBB. flor Ista, have .ntroduced to Southern Oregon gardeners unusual broad l-af evergreens with franrant flow era, colorful foliage and berrlea Gardens at 371 Morton St., Ash land. Write or cil for namea and culture. Phone 4161. FOR BALE Furniture, Including davennort and chair and bedroom set. Call at 731 Alder. FOR SALE American Technical so ciety practical buslneaa admlntit ra tion course. Half price or trade for food typewriter. Also stamp col ectlon. guns. sled, furniture, books, etc. Box 334. Tribune. FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4014. ACROSS II. On of a wan- . I. Sun, bj a choir .. r" race . Whit, poplar. 13. Revoke at S5. Station cards 27. Kind of psstry II Tropical fruit K.ed of aie it, purr. UP jj: II. Large terpen ta 43. I'nrlose; poetle 17. .Noi of the 41 Feminine name rala AL Damn- (3. Landed proper 4. i nhappy IS. Manuscript! 11. Playing card 47. That thine 41. Winged eede 63. bay rf the week: abbr. tt. Exnand n. Amrmaiiva 14. rate S&. Uu.m of fha 15 H'rv'M crmbala yTpisrths !. Ovul S7. ravs topth b. Cyi ndric! Tr Mate 10, Stage apeeehee t'i the audi ence it. Lsi.. oniW Tuune bud H. Old rlolh measure If. Br f 2 13 W 15 U 1,X1 16 1 ,0 11 U . r"3" sj" T "7 """m Jy 13 - ;,,,' SJt 27 , f ht 7i "7" 35 2T Tf22" -T"7,35 Jj tt " IF st - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Walnuta, 13H lb. C. I. Btocuwfii, i bio:k west oi princes Shell station. Phoenix. FOR SALE Jonathan, Jellclmis and Vellow Newtown apples. 45c per box. Joe Kantor, S ml. Fast Phoe nix, Pern Valley. FOR SALE 9-wheel trailer In good anape. 130 no. oaxaaie. FOR SALE Corn. Henry Niedermever. Mile north Jacksonville on Old Stage Road. Phone 464. Jacksonville. FOR SALE Battery chanter, Allen unltron, 34 battery capacity: only allKhtly used. Firestone Home tte Auto Supply FOR SALE Trailer houae. Lyle Barck, Central Point, Modoc Orchard. FOR SALE New, size No. 10 Hockey ice Skates; Youth's dark blue pin stripe suit, alee 36; green sport coat, alee 36. Inquire 1 114 So. Oak dale. POR SALE CHEAP 38 sheets 13 ft. and 38 sheets 6 ft. corrugated Iron, slightly fire damaged. 3 small ktt'h en sinks. Some furniture. Mrs Eckeia. Beaver Cablna, Oold Hill. Oregon. FOR SALE Electric rang. 1 a mow er 4-wbeel trailer, cheap. 60 N. Peach. FOR SALE Oil heater 10" burner. Economizer; La Fargue; Electric stove, Crawford. Phone 3633. 1700 E. Main. CORONA portable' typewriter, trade zor good mcycie. 741 west jacKaon. FINEST QUALITY NURSERY STOCK at lowest price In years. Call or write Alwyr Company, Route 3, Box 16, North Med lord, new high way. REAL BUYS ID uwd Olothlng 1406 No Riverside, across from Beck's Bakery FOR SALE Low priced lumber or any building mute rials Call ua be fore you buy R O Stephenson Co Court end McA.idrewa. Telephone 8000 Singing canaries mske fine presents Bee tnera at 1127 w. Main. rn. emir. SPITZ APPLES We packed a few boxea of the famous Ala Vlstn Orchard Spitz especially for the Chrlatmas Holidays. Oet you re while they last Call at Medford tee and Storage Co., or at our Fir Street warehouse. American Fruit O rowers, Inc. AO ATE JEWELRY. Novelties and Myrtle-Wood. Have your aaatea cut at Santo'a Agate Shop, 436 Eaat Main St. WOOD Dry fir and laurel on ground as lj.lli,au4 Dttfltiai aBftO. WASHERS and Ironere for Xmaa Pill mothers stocking with beautiful Speed Queen. More featu; All year to pay Pick Hdwe. FOR SALE Dry fir and hardwood Pbone 4603 Hawley Fuel Co. NU BONB corsets Salea and repair aervloe 631 8 Riveraide Dial 3660 MONARCH Ranges Byrd used them Easy price range Pick Hdwe. WOOD and Oil Ctrculatora. Best buys In town. Pick Hdwe. MYERS J actual pumps Installed 100 guaranteed PI k Hdwe. RADIOS Oolden Tone General Elec tric Select now. Pick Hardware POR SALE- Pvara and applea. Joe Kantor 3 ml lea north Talent. PIR SLABS Buy Now. City Fuel Phone 4H4 FOR SALE Dry fir also. Phone 6180. , FOR SALE Emerson radio. 39; pair fog liguU, 66 303 West Third Dial 3683 MKIIFOHII BAHOAIN HOtKE We Hsve Whst You Wsnt Pipe and Fittinge all slsee Boll Pipe and Drainage Pit tinge Plumbing Pixturea and Septic Tanks Tenia and Tarpa nine Doors. Wlnduwa and Olasa Spilt Pulleys Belting. Cable and Blocks Barbed Wire Stock Fencing, ete Roofing Paper. Building Paper Paints Rouf Stain Army Ouuda Shoea Boots Qui I la Underwear and Sucks Pumps and Machinery T09IS lor the House. Parm Loggers' and Mill Suppllea New and Used Furniture of All Kinds Stovea and Circulator Heaters We Can Save You Dollars Ph. 1744 37-83 N Grape St I Tc IE T R 1 Solution Of Veat.rday's PiiiiIi snwH 4. Nerve network 6. Seasons tor ust t. Incinerate X. Inrt sn of Tlarra ar that del Fue,o T. Diminish 6. Infsnts t. Son of Satll It. Strike dlaltctli 1L Ifrd tloaay paints 11 La T Mnuth African ante. lop. II. Town In Mas achuMtts IL Oromtrteal curve 14. N-rth Am.rle UM. t m-mi. ;. risn It. Secondary tl. Dsllfht 15. female leer ft. Proper II Rtdlcul.d la. Tn iiute su,rlatlve 17. Kind of rubber II. Cryaialllea mm aral ta. (xwrs ,1 rijrk;.t tl. Q',A4t1 of de.tlnr tl. R.nslf tl. haw Zealaal tr. M. Malt Itquore II. Hln1u carmsal It. Fortune n. in nRlBlPneloToN M A T El I A W 1 SI 1 IM A p E at oTpIJf ijwtBai "e r!olNANT aajTIAlLfe N T sToiR tP6 uRJDZEAL UX EyoU" BjMNjojB L E l 7 ni alsT EfojgMo t e OPE OkafoUbjijN E 0 KllEM6aELlMnPyfBIS oieia aeQ3imo(m qTn A R MHMQRfT"PA V OI M I M Ellb plAifejM I t p1e!e!rUw1hib1Il1aId1b! FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DKY P1R for 9 (V) o'rk aata. Phone 6160 aitat MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENT For entertain ment for lodrea. etc., phone Oraham, Burmese fe Quackenbuan at 3300 or 4314. NATIONAL INSTITUTE of Music pre scnta local talent In their annual concert, K. P. Hall, 3:30 p. ra., Dec. 7. Adults, 36c; children, 10c. ELECTKOLUX Salea k Service, phone 8(189. CALL 6523 for apecial dinner parties Old StHtte House. Phuenlx. Ore. PERSONAL PSYCHIC. Carda and Palm Reading. 600. 613 N. Bartlett. MRS. DELMAR Palmist. By natural gift with years of research and study. Olves advice on all affaire of life, buslneas. love or trouble. When all others fall see me. Hours 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Rainbow Auto Camp. Highway 39. North. CARD READING 61. 333 Jeanne tie Palmlatrr Crystal Readlnl D Miller Pn 3446 t60 Mountain Ave Ashlsnd BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED TO BUY Small foln rea taurant. aultable for maa and wife. Box 334, Tribune. FOR SALE Cafe at 21 North River- sld.. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiques EARLY AMERICAN GLASS at the algn 6 miles south of Oraut Pass or 1 mile north of Sa,,ge Rapid dam on Hmhwa 98 Allayer A8SAYKR W O Wrliht. 9318 Capi tal Ave City eo of water reservoir Oold 61. copper 61. cinnabar 6J Carpentering LESLIE RALSTON, General Contract Inc. fine finishing work. All tlnda Carpsntcrlng. Por eatlmates please can ai Tui n. mverine or Tel. anal Christmas Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Christmas Csrda. uaintt'Hsndterchleis. Albert's Mvr tlswood Novelties. THE ALBERTEL LA. 130 North Central Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also furneees and oil stoves ciesnea (Jan ueo Baton SB No Fnint Phcine 4240 Chiropodist. FOOT SUFFERERS Opening modern umropoay oiiKea. corns, callouses. Ingrown nana removed, arches cor rected. Dr. Arnold M. Depner, Chir opodist, Foot Specialist. 317 Flub- rrr BMg. Phone 8103. Expert Window Cleanai Ltn OEORIIE DO ITI EXPERT Window Cleaner Oeneral houae cleanera Hour wasltig paint- Ing Oeo F Oliard Phone stM Dressmaking rHB FASHION SHOP Dreaamaklng Pur Remodeling B u 1 1 o n a and Buckles covered Room 803 a $ National Bank Bldg Tel 8931 OREoSMAKINO - Alteration, tailor ing Katharine Satterlee. Slngel Whop 33 aio Prune MONEY TO LOAN YOTJ ARE INVITED to see us for CHRISTMAS CASH PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE on Car, Livestock and Personal Loan OREGON FINANCE CO. W. E. Thomas. Mgr. Lie. No. 8-11 M-31T 48 So. Central Dial 4438 Roma owned and managed since 1638 MEED MONEY When en emergency arises and money la needed quickly you will find thla local firm resdy to give your needs prompt and friendly eonaideration Repay the loan menta adjusted you. In monthly pay aepeclally to suit OREGON FINANCE CO. W. E Thomaa. Mgr. Uc No 8-11 M-317. 48 So Central Dial 4431 Home owned and managed Since 1838 WE LOAN MONEY ON YOUR CAR Attractive Rates COAST FINANCE Harold H Bmwn Aeney License 311 138 Eaat Main Pbone I44S. PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farm Addreas Bos 416. Tribune. NURSERY STOCK CARLTON" NURBF.RY The only nuraery In Southern Oregon with a complete stock of fruit, nut and ahade treea and ornamental ahruh and plant on hand during all tn plantlrwt season. Carlton Nursery, 62nd year 4 mile South of Medford on Pacltlo Rithway. Look for the Mir-o-llte ,'en. Roofing WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof paoco Konnnga. eningli Coatlnta-and Palnta New SUjra Wall Paper Ekerson Paint and SWit Oo . '8 So Bsrtlett Tel 8848 JOE UMITH TOUR ROOPEK All Roof rrouiiiee taken car of. All work guaranteed. Call ?!( or 3149 tuning Home TRUAX NURAINO HOME Oraduat Nurses. Equipped to car. for all III nesecs eirept Surgery and O- oaaes. ptioo 141, Jacksonville, Ore, BUSINESS DIRECTORY Transfer CITY TRANSFER 4 6TORAOE CO Huuaebold muvlni and (enerai haullui l8 S Orape Pbone 4C94 Day or Dlgbt. FURNITURE MOVINO AND 81 OH AGE We have vao movtns equip ment tor local and long dietaitc hauling Dry and clean storate looncrete building! with apeclal locker rooms at low rate a SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Pbone 8766. EAD8 TRANSFER At STORAGE CO Office 16 South Fir Phone iiS Price right. Service guaranteed DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 S Fir Street. Insured Camera. Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone ihhb Vacuum Cleaner SsitIcs GUARANTEED SERVICE on all makea of vacuum cleaners, called for ana delivered free. Feldman Electric. Phone 55TT Lodge- Club-Chu rch Announcements (continued from page five) Luncheon Planned By- Church Circle Eveready circle of the First Presbyterian church will hold a covered-dish luncheon at the home of Mrs. L. N. Younger, 611 West Eighth street, Tuesday at 1 p. m. There will be exchange of gifts in the afternoon. Circle To Meet At Brown Home Merritt circle of the First Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. H. L. Brown, 105 Geneva street Tuesday for 1 p. m. luncheon. Those attending are requested to bring an inex pensive gift for exchange. 1 Club To Meet At Mann Home - Pythian club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ed Mann, 47 Rose avenue Monday at 8 p. m. Mistletoe Club Plans Card Parry Mistletoe club of Royal Neigh bors of America is planning a public card party to be held at the Girls Community club house, 22S North Bartlett street, Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Dessert will be served followed by an afternoon of cards. Bunny Bisters Plan Luncheon Sunny Sisters of the First Presbyterian church will hold '.heir Christmas party at the home of Mrs. A. J. Hanby, 433 North Holly street, Tuesday at 1pm. Luncheon will be served at 1 p. m. . Mothers' Study Club To Meet Thursdey Mrs. Dorothy Hall will enter tain members of the Mothers' Study club at her home, 1121 West Tenth street Thursday at 7:43 p. m. Topic for discussion is "Children's Play Activities" by Mrs. Jewel Wade. All are asked to bring a small gift for Christ mas exchange. Roames Chapter To Elect Officers Reames chapter. No. 68, Or der of .Eastern Star will hold annual election of officers at the meeting Thursday at 8 p. m. at the Masonic temple. Two candi dates will be Initiated followed by a social hour in charge of Mrs. Hazel Vander Mark, chair man of the December commit tee. Auxiliary To Hold Initiation Thursday Six candidates will be Initiat ed Into Eagles auxiliary at a meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m, at Eagles hall, 42 North Front street. A social hour will follow Initiated will be Reta Bell, Ruth Marks, Louise Langele, Josie Fink, Grace Fredette and Kath arine Meek. Nurses To Hold Christmas Party Graduate Nurses of District No. 4 will meet at Sacred Heart hospital Thursday at 7:30 p. m. A Christmas party will be held and all are urged to bring a toy for the Christmas box. Hostesses will be Mrs. Elizabeth Hewitt, Mrs. Alice Hosteller, Miss Gene va Johnson and Mrs. Charlotte Shimming, Two Books To Be Reviewed Thursday Two books by Sidney A. Clark I will be reviewed at the Thurs- day Moraine Studv club meet- Ing at the Girls' community club house at 8:30 o clock. Mrs. F. J Newman will discuss "On the West Coast of South America' and Mrs. Theo Malmgren will give a review of "On the East Coast of South America." Bible Class Plans Christmas Party Ladies' Bible class of the First Methodist church has plan ned a Christmas meeting to be held at the home ot Mrs. Ira Jones and Mrs. A. E. Brockway Friday at 1 p. m. Luncheon will be served followed by exchange of gifts from silent sisters. Those attending are asked to bring their service and a gift. Assist- LODGE NOTICES SCOTTISH RITE Stated Meeting Lodge and Chapter. 7:30 p. m.. Mon day, Dec. 8th. Work la 6th and 7th degreea. L. B. wtlllama. Secty. ing will be Mrs. Charles die, Mrs. Harry LeClerc and Mrs. Eva Low. Those desiring trans portation may meet at the church at 12:30 and cars will be there. Delta Debs Plan Ice Skating Party Delta Debs will meet with Miss Lois Pringle at her home on Reddy avei.ue Tuesday. Pre ceding the business meeting the group will ho d a skating party at 7:30 p. m. at the Medford tee Arena. 1 Extension Unit Schedules Meeting Oak Grove Home Extension unit will meet Tuesday at 10:30 m. with Mrs. Brewald on the Jacksonville highway. The cook ing of frozen meat will be dis cussed with a covered dish luncheon scheduled for the noon nour. All homemakers are wel come. India Mission Centennial Is Topic Women s Missionary society of the Zion Lutheran church will meet at the home of Mr. Ewald Schulz, 403 West Second street Thursday at 2 p. m. Mrs. J. M. Ball will lead the devo tions. Topic for discussion If "The India Mission Centennial.'' Roll call topic Is "Light." . . 1 Mrs. Schoppert To Be Hostess Mrs. Lyle Schoppert will en tertain members ot the Loyalty circle of the First Methodist church at her home, 729 West 14th street Thursday at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. F. K. Waters will be assistant hostess. Members are asked to bring a 15-cent gift to exchange. Sojourners To Elect - New Officers Thursday Medford Sojourners will elect new- officers Thursday when they meet at Hotel Medford at 1 p. m. The election was ad vanced one meeting as the last December gathering would have , fallen on Christmas day. Host esses for the afternoon are Mrs. Ted Hornecker, chairman; Mrs. Gordon Bell, Mrs. O. R. Frits and Mrs. Irving Housechild. Annual Turkey Dinner Scheuled Jacksonville Home Economics club members will hold their annual turkey dinner and Christ- mas party Wednesday, at the hon.e of Mrs. A. E. Brockway, Stuart avenue. Gifts will be ex changed and during the after- . noon Pollyannas will be reveal ed. Dinner will be served at noon. QUEEN, YELL LEADER ELECTED FOR S.O.C.E. Southern Oregon College of Education, Ashland, Dec. fl. 'Spl Betty Lee Walters of Altadena, Calif., was elected song queen and Walter Enders of Medford, yell leader at SOCE Friday. NAB ESCAPEE Fresno, Cel., Dec. 8. AP Police Lieutenant L. K. Bowert said that an escapee from the Fairview Home state reforma tory near Salem, Ore., was ar rested here yesterday. Travel Table AIRPLANES Northbound Lear Malls Close 4:88 a. m. 4:14 a. m. 13:33 p. m. 11:88 a. ra. ' 4:08 p. m. (Flag stop) He mall 6 23 p. m. Flag atop) S IS p. nv, Southbound Leave Malls Clcse 10 47 a. nv 10:03 a. m. . 8 37 p. m, (Flag stop) No mall 6:43 p. nv (Flag atop) 4:67 p. m. . 11:63 p. m. 117 p. B, TRAINS Korua bound Leave 11:38 S. u. Malls C!a 10:38 a. I 7.60 p. m. 4:60 p. I Southbound Malls Clc. " 8:68 a. I 4:66 p. I M P- BLUtS South 13 06 a. m. 4:60 a. na 8:80 a. m. I 60 p. m. , 8:06 p. m. North 3:80 s. m. 7:30 a. m. 8:36 . m. 1:40 p. m. 8 46 p. m. lo Klamath rail 6:06 p. m. From Klamath rails 8:80 a. m. () To Ashland only. () To Oranta Paas only. Mote: Auto connecting first class mall closes at 8:06 a. m. for delivery at points north of Eugene and at 8 Ml p. m. for delivery at point south of Dunimulr, Calif. Ol.wing time tut Cl.aaified ads ra.-Tuo Lake s Classify, law s at. i