fcrr MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOR OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1941. PAf!E TTTTRTTTFTNf Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! t r K4 t-ery id on tht pags 'uu prtilmhlj rind esartlj Uia tliltic toy int hrrn Imik ln fH ui Mit f Cradr fai nurd srthira viiii may have tearrH vitui at Mr ot ttitr rtMim ruu may find man Mine other are welting and he a ale In real! re immediate rah It what roii want i-.nl her rttertlve rot It. Tnhiine Clss ined ad ara loeiuenalva ffectttsl RATES Per ord ft rut insertion ,,, to (Minimum tv Each additional insertion. per ornrd .. , 1c (Minimum 10c. Per lint pet month without copy chance $t-t5 CASH or money order muit acrom pan all mall order claaairictf ads. L03T AND POUND REPORl lost aug. animal cruelty cases Humane Society Phone 61 St WANTED MALE HELP RELIABLE MAN to succeed Dealer Hill In Deschutes county. About 1800 (an; Hits. Experience not nec essary. Everything furnished, but car. A fine opportunity to aup Into permanent profitable business. Rawlelgh . products sold here for years. Big profits. Bee Edward W. Jones, Central Point. PRUNERS WANTED Rogue River Orchards. End of No. Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Housekeeper. Call at 83 N. Central. Ellison Studio. WANTED Reliable woman between 33 and 40 with some cooking and waitress experience. Out of town, 630 mo. rooai and board. Inquire 11 No. Columbus. Phone 4490. WANTED Housekeeper for elderly man In motherless home. Tribune, Box 341. WANTED Housekeeper. Downstairs work and cooking in country horns. Phone 6301. CAPABLE girl or women for general homework. Phone 4097. WANTED SITUATIONS TOUNO married man wishes work of any kind. Tribune, Box 338. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper available for part time work. Some daytime, open. Tribune, Box 6015. WANTED Housework by the hour by experienced young lady. Phone 4212 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Boy's used bicycle. 11 No. Columbus. Ph. 4490. WANTED Smsll Improved or unim proved acreage near Medford. Must be priced right for cash. Give loca tion and price first letter. Box 340, Tribune. WANTED Body and fender repair man. Selby Chevrolet, Ashland. WANTED To purchase for my home, a few pieces old silver plated ar ticles. 404 W. Sth. Phone 3934. WANTED Christmas trees. Pay good price. Dial 497S. WANTED Boy's good used saddle. Ira Woolfolk, Central Point Rt. 1. WILL PAT CASH tor good ranch In Rogue River valley. State price and location. Box 353 Mall Tribune. WANTED Poultry and eegs. rabbits, geeee, ducks. 8 us before selling your turkeys. We can now quote prices. Crater Lake Poultry and i E Market, 4th and Central. Phone 3067. WANTED 3-wheel trailer. Prefer 18 Inch wheels. 1207 Court St. TREE TOPPING Surgery. Mistletoe and dead limbs removed. Roof gut ters clesned. Dial 3987 for Sherman Shults. 413 No. Orape St. ORDERS TAKEN for Real Silk Hoa lery. Phone 2003. 829 Apple. WANTTD Trade merchandise and cash fol rifles, shottuns. .33 pis. tols. 817 North Riverside. WANTED A dial from you. 469S for estimate on Bullt-lns to order. WANTED Improved 1 acres or leas close in Olve price, location, ete Box 834. Superior. Wyo. WANTED Tour wash day porch to make comfortable with VlUpane Dial 4493. DRESSMAKINO. Altering. 440 6o Riverside. WE ARE in the market for good farm and city loans 8 and repay on easy tenna No chares unless losn la msd We write all kinds ot In surance ELMER HERPIED 44 N Riverside WELL dbiLlimo tl so per ft first SO ft., etc J M Dodge 818 King HIGHEST cash peld for Iron copper Brass, radiators aluminum, bat teries tubes rage lead and Sin Medford Bantam House WANTED Wool, mohair hides and pelts Medford Barealu Home. 27 North Orape St Phone 1744 WILL rV Moot CH For 01 Card Furniture MOI.HKOIIH r'lKMTI KK 18 Norm Front Phone 4023 bi.ot PKirr paid For Tour Furniture etna si HMH Hf fn-.-e 4"t1 FOR BENT HOUSES FOR RENT F.ne furnished house. Ideal Court, corner Myrtle and Tay lor Sts. Geo. Iverson. FOR PENT 1 room furnished house 920 N Central. Ph 8507 or enquire after t p. m. or Sundays, FOR RENT HOUSES rX)R BENT fi-room furniahed house. No pets. Inquire 403 Newtown. FOR RENT Modem 4 -room home, ' furnished. Adults. 1037 E. Jacluon. 1 FOR RENT 3 -room duplex, well fur nished, clean, clcae in, reasonable. S18 Bouth Oakdale. FOR RENT Lovely new small house, strictly modern. Oas utilities; floor furnace. H. L. Cook, 1104 West Main. MODERN 6-room furnished house. OU heater, electric utilities. Oood location, B. L. Cook, 1104 West Main. FOR RENT 4-roora unfurnished house. Inquire 3SB Bo, Oakdale, or dial 8390. FOR RENT 3-room house, eoneen lently located. Inquire Rose Groc ery. Phone 9030. FOR RENT Modern home, furnace heat. Inquire 13t Vancouver. HOUSE FOR RENT 30 Tripp. FOR RENT Furnished 4-bedroom. 9 bathroom residence and garage Close In. Electric stove. Frit Ida ire. gas furnace, ahade. shrubbery and garden. Victor C. Bether. FOR RENT Furnished 3-room house, electrto stove, fireplace. Adults Phone 6033. Darks Orocery. FURNISHED house and apt. AdulU 604 w. 10th. FOR RENT 6-rem modem cottage, unfurnished. $25 00. Inquire 136 Cottage. TRUCKS FOR RENT Move yourself Save half Prultt's Mobllgas Sta tion. Main and Ivy Phone 4145 FOR RENT 7-room plastered bouse with bath. laiye lot, 327.50. U O. Plckell. 18 9. Bsrtlett. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms WARM attractive room. 304 Pennsyl vania. FOR RENT Room, twin beds, close I In. Phone 3674. ROOM In Christian home. Steam heat, $15 per month. Board it de sired, at 315. Phone 8167 or call at 008 Queen Anne. WARM, well furnished room. Break fan and dinner If desired. Dial 4131. ROOMS For Rent 158 M Oakdale ATTRACT ICR ROOMS 404 8 Orape FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3 -room furnished apt. Adults. 220 Haven. FURNISHED apartments, steam heat ed, new gas range and refrigeration. Adults. 330 No. Holly. FOR RENT 3 new furnished apart ments. Rogue frontage, knotty pine finish electrically equipped Cole man heated. Bob Ames, Rogue River. Oregon. Phone 536-R-4, Grants Pass exchange. FOR RENT Very desirable furnished j four-room court apartment with garage. Inquire SOS Beatty. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 327 S. Oakdale. Call after A :00 pjn. FOR RENT Apartments, one 818.00, private oath, one scoo. onaay Nook. FURN. APT Steam heat, hot water. Ftlgldatre. 803 8. Holly St. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Heat and water 838 so. Ivy. call mornings or evenings after 6. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment. neated. 229 North ivy. MODERN", attractive furnished apart ment. Adults 620 so. oataaie. OK BAUER Apts turn unfura. FOR RENT a -room furnished apart ment Adults 128 Mistletoe FOR RENT F and F apartment 3 rooms and batb. gaa beat- la quire 217 West 6th. FOR RENT Medium priced furnish ed apartment Inquire 808 So. Oak dale FOR RENT BOARO. ROOM ROOM and board if desired. Tel. 4342. BOARO ROOM. 718 B. Main. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Sixteen head good feed er pigs. Settlemlre, Central Point. FOR SALE Registered roan Durham bull, a years old. rnone aro. AUCTION SALE At Pavilion. Phoe nix, Ore., every Sat. commencing at 1 :QP p. m. Have some good con signments for this aale. Dairy and butcher cattle, also about 80 head of choloe Hereford calves. "Always Attend the Auction." So. Ore. Live stock Auction Co. Col A. H. Dudley (Auct.) Phone 6238. FOR SALE Dandy family milk cow. Jersey; also yeaning Guernsey-Jersey heifer. Miller, King's Acres. FOR SALE Thirty weaners. Rt. 8. Medford, Joe Nary. FOR SALE Large milking Roan Dur ham cow. ready to freshen with second cslf. 2 large Guernsey cows, freshen In 3 or 8 weeke. 4 brood sows, west Mam St, 3nd house west Frees' Oarage. FOR SALE Weaner pigs, brood eowe Yarbrouah, 3'i miles So. phoenix. Anderson Creek Rd. FOR SALE Weaner pigs. R. Nipper. Mile east Phoenix. Fem Valley. OPENINO Dee. 6. at 1:80 and every Saturday thereafter, modern heated acutlon aale bam. Oood demand for an kinds of livestock. Three miles south Klamath Falls on old Midland road. FOR SALE 'Weaner pigs Fenlnger place. Central Point, Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE Oood I-year-old nor 1. A atank. 8V P. D. Medford C4H fo- old horw Otal A376 FOR SALE DOC3. PETS FOR SALE Friendly chow dog, rea onabl price. 610 K. Bartlett. ROYAL ROGUE KENNEL8 offer S small male Srottlee. Priced at 610 and 618. Make fin gifts. Must be taken st once. It Interested please dial 6376. , FOR SALE Golden cocker spaniel pup- 453 So. Fir aits 7 p. m. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR BALE U S-year-otd hens fcr j Oe or 0Oo each: good refrigerator. $4. Shamrock Ranch, Loxier Lane. YOUNO Plymouth Rock bens. Oood t wo-w nee i trailer. d9 model ponuac coupe, cheap. 224 W Clark St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALS or TRADE 300 a. highly unproved ranch, two miles from post office, one mile from school. 130 a. bottom land. SO a. fir and pine Umber. 50 a. pasture. 60 a. nay land. Seven-room log house la A-i condition. Bam 60x133 ft. with 84 stalls, new milk bouse, bunk bouse, hog house, chicken house, machine shed, 6600.00 power plant, all painted. 35 head permit, will take care of 50 head dairy or 100 head stock. Free irrigation. 15 live springs, running creek: 30 head dairy cows, 40 bead hogs, one Mam mules and all necessary farm mach inery goes with ranch. Crops In for this year. Will take small place In trade. Priced low. easy terms. Have large number of other farms and ranches in the Rogue river Taller for eale or trade. Ph. 9076. SPENCER-BAOLEY AGENCY 103 W. Mala St., Med ford. Ore. NEW PLACE for sale. East side, near school, 6 rooms, floored attic, FHA financed, will aacrlfice equity for cash. Box 363, Mall Tribune. FOR SALE OR RENT Four furnish ed homes. 730 West 2nd. FOR QUICK SALE One acre, fenced with 4 -room house, partly furnish ed. Automatic electric pressure wa ter system, automatic electrto hot water heater. On 99 highway. 61000. half cash. See Mrs. Eckels at the Beaver Cabins, Gold Hill, Ore. 10 ACRES SACRIFICE PRICK OWNER LEAVING 5-room modem house, bam, alfalfa, paved road, near town. Price for quick aale 64500. on terms. Cash will talk If taken at once. Also $3500 NEW HOME NEAR HIOH SCHOOL OWNER LEAVING A mil buy and Just what you are looking for. Make appointment to see at once. MARX A. OOLDT Phone I26S 109 . Main Evening. -41T, Mr. Beebe FOR SALE 14 acres. Irrigated, creek bottom land: t-room plsetered bout, wltb bath; outbuildings: on Pacific Highway, creek runt through plaoa. Price reduced to (3300. Would consider houat la Medford aa part payment. ALSO- fi-room house, attractive liv ing and dining room wltb maple floor; 3 lartre bedrooms, enclosed sleeping porch, well lighted kitchen. lots or bunt-ins; service porcn; ce ment foundation; desirable loc' tlon on pavement, 82800. Terms. L. O. PICKELL IS 8. Bartlett 62000 buys 6-room stucco house; rea sonable terms. H. L. Cook, 1104 W. Main. FOR 8ALE Modern home, cloee-ln. paving paid, nice lawn, shrubs Would consider trade for farm. Box 974, Medford, Ore. $1000 EXTRA SPECIAL Includee OU Burner 8 full rooms, sleeping porch, fruit cellar, garage, cnicxen nouee, double lot. A sacrifice price. Locat ed on good street In Phoenix. MARK A. OOLDT Phone 326S 109 E. Mala Evening 3417. Beebe FOR SALE 6-room house. 3 bed rooms, breakfast nook, bath, service poreh. wash traya; lot 60x120 feet; large shade trees: paved atreet. de. slrable location. Close In. 31800 Terms. L O. PICKEU. 16 8. Bartlett BUILDING A HOME' Let us handle all details on 26-year FHA loaiie quickly efficiently Ooldy Agency CITY and country propertlea Rentala Loana Insurance C 8 Butterfleld 409 Medford Building. FOR A HOME In hllle look up HILL at Rogue River. Ore. WHEN YOU think of real estate think of the Spencer-Bagley Airi-ncv 102 w Main rOR EXCHANGE Rl Eitatt FOR BALE OR TRADE 1 acre and 4-room modern bouse on Locler Lane for home near Junior high echool. See Pierce, Room 1, Palm Building, Medfird. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OR TRADE 1927 Che, truck. Joa Kantor, 8 ml. East of Phoenix. FOR SALE 1936 Chevrolet panel se dan, good condition. 6148. 616 No. Central, Earl Blersdorff. 1938 OLDS "6" touring aedan, new tires, rsdlo and beater . 6638 1938 FORD Sedan, new Urea, A-l mechanically , 6376 1934 CHEV. Sedan 6248 1934 CHEV. Coupe , 6228 1933 CHRYSLER Sedan 6248 lost ROCKNE Coupe 8126 1933 FORD Coach 6136 1928 CHEV. Sedan , 626 1931 FORD Coach 698 EDO ER TON MOTOR CO. 121 No. Bartlett FOR SALE 1934 Chevrolet Ooupe. 6176. You will tike this car and It's low price. See Cliff Wbeetock. Lewis Buper Servlre Bta. STAR CAR FOR SALE 611. 116 Court St. '41 FORD truck and Due! Axle Walker trailer. 613 Elisabeth St, Aahland. 1930 Model A Coupe. Shults Broa. 1938 and t Ford Panels, Shults Broa 19S Fontiao Coup, nearly new. Bhulta Broa. 1936 Ford Pickup ShulU Bra. 40 USED cars to pick from. prtod from 62600 up. No car salesman to annoy yon. M"re allowane on your car. Shulta Broa. LOVELY 1938 Bulck sedan, priced right. Be and drtv it. Shults Broa. FOR SALE "88 Ford tudor. or trad for Model A and eaah. 1 miles west Phoenix, warren Mapea. Rt. 1. Bos 463. Medrord. Coleman creea rcea 1838 BU1CK SEDAN - Century model for eale or trade for lighter car Os't F1.' P-i'nirre Co Css ftaa4 Titbiifl wsx.1 s3a. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALE Jonathan, -atltcloua and Yellow Newtown applea. 48c per box. Joe Kantor, 8 ml. East Phoe nix, Fern Valley. FOR SALE 3-wheel trailer In good anape. 130 No. oakdale. ROYAL UTAH COAL. 616 per ton. use Royal, titan a purest coal it Is hot and clean burning. F. I. Samson Co 4th es Front, Phone 8786. RUMMAOB BALE Saturday at 43 oo. ninu oy Dapiisi uieaner Class. FOR SALB--Corn. Henry Nlederraeyer. Mile north jacksonvuie on Old Stage Road. Phone 464, Jacksonville. NEW EOO MASH. 63 60 per cart. Let us tell you sil aoout our new stana ard egg maah. This Is your oppor tunity to lower your feeding cost. Phone 3786. F. B. SAMSON CO. 4th as Front. FOR SALE Baby carnage, high chair. cno, excellent condition, rnone 4107. FOR BALE Battery charger, Allen unitron, 24 oattery capacity: onty allghtly used. Firestone Home A; Auto Supply FOR SALE Trailer house. Lyle Barrk, Central Point, Modoc Orchard. FOR SALE New, size No. 10 Hockey Ice Skates; Youth's dark blue pin stripe suit, slse 36; green sport coat, sis 36. Inquire 1114 So. Oak dale. FOR SALE CHEAP 28 sheets 12 ft. snd 28 sheets 6 ft. corrugated Iron, slightly fire dsmsged. 3 smsll kitch en sinks. Soma furniture. Mrs. Eckels. Beaver Cabins, Oold Hill. Oregon. FOR SALE Electrlo range, lawnmow- err e-wneei trailer, cneap. no n. Peach. FOR SALE Oil heater 10" burner. Economlanr; Piano. La Fnrgue; Electric stove. Crawford. Phone 3633. 1709 E. Main. CORONA portable typewriter, trade tor good bicycle. 741 West Jackson. SPECIAL SALE on low priced 34's, 843 and shlp-lsp while they last. PORTER LUMBER CO. FINEST QUALITY NURSERY STOCK at lowest price In years. Call or write Alwyr Company, Route 3. Box 18, North Medford, new high way. TAYLOR TOT, card table, oak library table, gasoline range wltb oven, man's suit 83 .Tripp St. REAL BUYS In used clothing 1406 No Riverside, across from Beck's Bakery FOR SALE Low priced lumber or any building materials Csll us be fore you buy R O Stepbenaon Co. Court and McAdrewa. Telephone 3000. Singing canaries mske fine presents See them at 1137 W. Main. Ph. 4897. SPITZ APPLES We packed a few boxes of the famous Ala Vista Orchard Spit eepeclally for the Chrlatmaa Holldaya. Get youre while they last. Call at Medford Ice and Storage Co.. or at our Fir Street warehouse. American Fruit Growers, Inc. AOATE JEWELRY, Novelties and Myrtle-Wood. Have your agates cut at Santos Agate Shop, 425 East Main ei. WOOD Dry fir and laurel on ground or delivered, pnone 8809. . FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4914. WASHrRS snd Ironera for Xmaa Fill mothers stocking with beautiful Speed Queen. More features. All yesr to psy. ncx hows. FOR SALE Dry fir and hardwood Phone 4608 Hawley Fuel Co. NU BONB corsets Seles and repair service 631 B Riverside Dial 3669 MONARCH Ranges Byrd used them Easy prloa rang Pick. Hdw. WOOD and Oil Circulators. Best buys In town. Pick Hdw. MYERS J acuta! Pumps. Installed. 100 guaranteed PI k Rdwe. RADIOS Golden Ton Oenersl Elec tric Select now. Pick Hardware. FOR SALE- -Pears and applea. Jos - Kantor 3 miles north Taleut. FIR BLABS Buy Now. City Fuel Phone 4114 FOR SALE Dry fir slabs, phone 6180. ACROSS Genu of ths mtpts trs Ribbed Cloth Bit leal country pttett w oa a print ftsr Compelled At the bihsst point Not manr Ktnd of chtsss Uttered with rwal found Rperlal aptltuds i;onequt)U)r Rockfltr Vsrittf fted contatr.tr Ardor r.-.Kt& tftot Touch liRiitly Iltuttriout Remain lonf Siinlfr Oreelt thsstsr Co re I (rasa Masculine nick name Tidings Tres t'ntta pt llfM Intenttty Uttered without vocal sound Alternative L grids Pointer on ft 'in dial English mur derer And not Chinas of ths peacock Dif from ths srth Rron In s h.rm Rind out Equal ' 1 3 Y K I7 I f v r 72 "!? 1 T r7 is 3t ''ft mBtm z. l .'- Zf 3t if IP So Si Si Si 5 "5T !"Z nT" H 1 I H 1 1 " WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Emerson rsdlo. 65: pair log u.nts, ea. yu. west inira mai 3683 DRY FIR tor sale. Phone 8180 after 6.00 o'clock 1HHMI bAKtiAIN HOI SI We Hsve Whet You Want Pips and Flttiuga all alsea Soli Pipe and Drainage Flttlnga Plumbing Fixtures snd Septiq Tanks lents ana rarpa uins Doors. Windows and Olass Spilt Pulleys Belting. Cable and Blocks Barbed Wire. Stock Fencing. te. Roofing Paper. Building Paper Pamia Roof stain Army Oouda. shoes Boots Quilts. Underwear and Socks Pumps and Machinery Tools lor the House. Farm. Log.era' and Mill Supplies New and Used Furniture of All Kinds Stoves and Circulator Heater We Can Save You Dollars Ph 3744 37-38 N Orape St MISCELLANEOUS NATIONAL INSTITUTE of Muale pre- sent local talent In their annual concert. K. P. Hall. 3 30 p. m, Dec 7. Adults. 36c; children, 10c. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Formal, cleaned for the price of ordlnsry dress. We return your clothes ready to wear. All repairs tree of chsrge. Csll Reliable Cleaners. 408 E. Main, Phone 2962. BAZAAR 61 DINNER by Ladles ot Presbyterian cnurcn, rTiaay, Dec ember 6th at church. Bazaar at 11 o'clock. Crater Lake Oulid will also have booth. Serving 8 to 8. ANNOUNCEMENT Now open for bualness. a new shop on Jackson ville highway Juat opposite Ovel tnan's Lumber Ysrd. specializing In Windows. Sash and Doora. also shelving, cupboards, bullt-lns and furniture. Phone 2983 tor prices or appointment. Clogaton s. SOMETHING NEW Woven patchee. Cover up those sna,7.a and cigarette burns. Patchea practically Invlaabl. Call Reliable Cleanera, 408 E. Main, Phone 3982. ELKCTROLUX Sales & Service, phone 305B. CAL1 6523 for special dinner parties Old ntage House. Phoenix, ore. PERSONAL MRS. DELMAR Palmist. By natural gift with years ot research and atudy. Gives advice on all affaire of life, business, love or trouble. When all others fall see me. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Rainbow Auto Camp. Highway 99, North. CARD READINO 81. 339 Jsannatt Palmistry Crystal Reading D Miller Ph 3446 4R0 Mountain Ave Aahland BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED TO BUY Smsll going res taurant, sultsble for man and wit. Box 354. Tribune. FOR SALE Cats at 319 North River side. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiques EARLY AMERICAN OLASS at the sign 6 mtlss south of araute Pass or I mil north or Savage Rsplda dam on Highway 99 Assayar A8SAYER W. O Wright. 381 Capi tal Ave City. So of water reaervolr Oold 61. copper 61. cinnabar 63 Carpentering CARPENTER WORK New or remod eling, day or contract: free estimate Phone 2021 314 Cottage St. LESLIE RALSTON. Oenval Contract ing, fine finishing work. All kinds Carpentering. For estlmstes plea as call at 701 N. Riverside or Tel. 2881. Christmas Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Chrlatmaa Cards, Dainty Handkercblefa. Albert's Myr tlewood Novelties. THE ALBERTEU LA. 120 North Central Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also furnace and on atovea. cleaned Call Geo Eaton 38 No Front Phone 4240 Expert Window Cleaner LET OEORllg DO ITI EXPERT wiuoow Cleaner General bouse clesnsrs. floor waxliig paint ing Oeo. P OH ard Phone 8964. Solution Of Seturdsy's Puzil (1 tp14ers trio . Taks on rarf DOWN L Sunken fsneaa 8. Roman patriot 8. Short Jacket 4. Uesl . Float 4. Sheet) f. Metallic alter 8. Display con spicuously f. Venture 19. Chief Noras gel 11. Proper It. Nesatlv IL Article 11. Chafe 24. Irawlng-roMa la, Binsrr com. pound of oxrxaa 14. Resume 17. Tribunal H. Black wood 14. Change ii. Entu.n eltr St. Animal's home 14. fiaar profit 14. Thin water proof gsr- ment It. Horn back tt. Antique 41. Before tale 4. Drive 45. Ourselves 44. A'iff 47. Humid 41. CUT In Peam ertvenia 48. fa us. o( rula , tO. Snatch II. tether hi. R'.rrarl post U. Ot'erva cars r.illjr M. rotes jiicnsipi' MEnoiRi R an a m a s sUapa D I SjMjESiE BiJ DLl Sis Ilnyo tq rtN uHqtT mL ii JAflRlOEQl DTeTs tUe!n& IE w-l TjgciTllA RNA L 1 ElfAjRlE N AflT O R sIIrJe A c o tUsTe tIeieLIsIeIn BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropodist. root i'm:ER Opening modem Chiropody office corns, callouses. in-rown nails removed, archee corrected. DR. ARNOLD M. DEPNER Chiropodist. Pood Speclslist 317 FUlhrer Bldg. Phone 3103. Dressmaking THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling Buttons and Bucklee covered Room 803 D 8 National Bank Bldg Tal 8981 DRBoSMAKINO Alterations, tailor ing Katharine Setter lee. Singea Shop 32 So Grape MONEY TO LOAN YOU AM INVITED to tee us for CHRISTMAS CASH PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE on Car. livestock and parsons! Loans OREOON FINANCE CO. W. B. Thomas. Mgr. Llo. No. 8-11 M-31T 48 So. Central Dial 4433 Horn owned and managed Sine 1938 NEED MONETT When an emergency a el set and money la needed quickly you will find thia local firm reedy to five your needs prompt and friendly consideration Repay the loan In monthly pay menu adjusted especially to suit you. OREflON FINANCE CO. w. E Thorn "a. Mgr. Uc No. 8-11 M-317. 48 So Central Dial 4433 Horn owned and managed Sine 192 WE LOAN MONET ON YOUR CAR ' Attractlv Rate COAST FINANCE Harold H Brown Agency License 311 133 Baat Main. Phone 144s. PRIVATB MONEY on Improved farms Address Bog 418. Tribune. Rooting WE REPAIR or apply any type ot root Pabco Roofings. Shingles Coatings and Palnta Nsw stock Wsll Paper Hereon Paint and Roof no. 98 So Bartlett Tal 8848 JOE UMITB TOUR ROOFER All Roof Troubles taken cars of. All work guaranteed. Call 3768 or 3249 Transfer CITY TRANSFER at STORAGE OO Household moving and general hauling 8 a. Orape Phone 4464 Day or night. FURNITURE alOVINO AND 8TOR AOS w have van moving equip ment for local and long diets no hauling Dry and clean, store e leoncret bulldlngl wltb special locker rooms at low rates SAV1SON STORAOC WAREHOUSE Phon 1764. (ADS TRANSFER ax STORAGE CO Offios 18 South Fir pnon Price right Service guaranteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND BTORAOE 40 o riT siree. Insured Carriers. Local and Long Distance Battling. Phon IBH8 Nursing Horn TRUAJt MURSINO HOME Oraduat nuraea, aquippea w neeeea except Surgery and O. cases. Phone 181. Jackaonvlll. Or. Sewing Machine W H. KLATT Singer Dlatrlbutor tl BO Orape TL 8W8 Medford. Oregon Vacuum Cle GUARANTEED SERVICE on alt Biak of vacuum cwensrs. vmito delivered free. Feldtnan sasetrle. Phone 8577. LEGAL NOTICES Bsf.ftles. as, Viet sal lsiHUflint In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate. ot OLAVA FEDEKSUn, oe- en.-. .n.-.l rrnH Vtt fllad In a iiv mm.-. - triB County court 01 jncsiaon r- ... rmann iV final afi. e.s hi. arlmlnlstratlon Ox the Estate of Olava Pederaon, deceased, and said court nas fixed the 7th day ot January, 1019 mt th hmtr rif tan o'clock In trie forenoon ot that day, at the county court rtoom in m l..lnn rStiinftf t?AUrt HoUSt. - MefnrH nratfori. ae the time and place for the settlement of said estate. All persons interested in said .....-, mamKw nnt lle1 and required to make or file their objections 10 saia iinai account. is .no lh hiva ein nr hefare the time aforesaid fixed for the hearing end settlement thereof. pate 01 tnia nonce ana tne first publication thereof Is De cember S. 1841. MADT'IM n BATTTJlOnT Administrator with the Will .MMAWA! r-i tr rjs-MnTnv Attnraav for Administrator wun tne vvui nnexed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court ot the State of Oreron for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Myrtle K. SUndefer, deceased. The undersigned hag been appointed and qualified by the County Court of the Stat) of Oregon for Jackson County as Administrator with the will an nexed of the estate ot Myrtle K. Standefur, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are notified to present them, duly verified, with proper voucher, to me at my office, Cooley Theatre Building, Med-! ford, Oregon, within six months from November 14, 1941, the data of this not ire RAWLES MOORE EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that tha undersigned. OrviMe H. Liv engood, also known as O. H. Llvlngood, executor of the Last V'ill and Testament and Estate of Mary E. Livengood. formerly known ax Mary E. Fuller, de ceased, has filed his final account as said executor in the County Court of Jackson County. Ore gon, and that said Court has appointed Monday, the eighth day of December, 1941 - at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day for the hearing of objec tions to said final account and the settlement tnereof. NOW. THEREFORE, all per sons Interested In the estate of Mary E. Livengood. formerly known as Mary . runer, ae ceased, are hereby notified and required to appear at the Coun ty Court Room, in the Court House, at Medford. Jackson County, Oregon, at said time. to then and there show cause. if any there be why said ac count should not be settled. allowed, and aooroved and said estate forever and finally settled and said executor discharged. Dated this seventh day of November, 1941. Orville H. Llvengood. also known as U. H. Llvlngood. executor of the Last Will and Tests ent and Estate of Mary E. Livengood. for merly known as Mary E. Fuller, deceased. Herbert Swift, Attorney for Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Jackson, In the Matter of the Estate of Millard D. Old, sometimes known as M. D. Old de ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GtVEN that I havr been duy and regu larly aDDointed Administrator of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an order of the. County Court or Jackson County, Oregon, duly made, rendered and entered upon No vember 19th, 1941. und all credi tors having claims against said deceased are hereby notified to present the same nuiy vermea to me at the office of my attor ney, George M. Roberts, Rooms 201-209 United States National Bank Building. Medford. Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Medford. Oregon. this 19th day of November, 1841. EARL S. TUMY Administrate)! of the Es tate of Mil'ard D Olds. sometimes known as M. D. Olds, deres-ed Ye Poets Corner The Dedication ' There is no .tongue,, nor pen, that can . .. With fitting words, this fact portray: God's gracious Christmas Gift to man: Tha Life, tht Truth, the perfect Way. Man's", lost estate sin-cursed undone- No man could measure, tell, or weigh. But, by the Cross, the Sinless One. Brought life, and love, and end less day. O Christ, as now to Thee we lift ' Our thanks, and pledge to walk thy way: To Three, O Wondrous, Price less. Gift. We dedicate our Christmas Day. P. S. Are sacred days for business gain? Or made for those, on pleasure bentT Should self revive, and seize the rein. At Christmas time; and after Lent? Edwin Deacon, ' Talent, Ore. Fancy Work Sale By Ladies' Home League To Be Held Saturday Ladles' Home League ot the Salvation Arn.y will hold its annual sale and bazaar of fancy- work and similar articles all day tomorrow in the Safeway store at Sixth and Bartlett streets. The public Is invited to call at the store and see the work the league hat on -sale. "In buying articles, friends will help carry on the work of .the league through the year." said Mrs. Charles K. Cox. wife of Adju tant Cox and director of the league's activities. Proceeds of the sale go to ward maintaining the league's yearly program, Mrs. Cox point ed out. The league women, who meet weekly, work throughout the year In making over gar ments for renex purposes, turn ing out quilts that are distrib uted to needy families tnd mak ing layettes end other beby Accessories for families in want. Mrs. Cox explained. Several of the layette boxes have been sent during the nar.t year to the Sal vation Army home and hospital LODGE NOTICES MEDFORD LODGE. No. 103, A. F. A. M. Special (i 6th. Past Masters nltfht. Complimentary dinner as 6:46 n. m. Interesting uro gram following. GLEN L. FABRICS. W. M. in Portland for unmarried moth ers, thus taking care of several girls from Jackson county, she said. Meteorological Report By t). a. WEATHER RUHEAU Forecasts Medford and vicinity i Occasional rain tonight and Saturday with fog In morning. Not muclt Chang la temperature. Oregon i Once atonal rain tonight and Saturday with valley fogs. Slight ly warmer In aast portion tonight. rresh southerly winds offcoast. Extended Forecast For Washington. Oregon. Idaho. Nevada and northern California for the period beginning 4:80 p. m. to day to 4:80 p. m. December 10: Fre quent moderate rains In Pacinc north west and extreme northern California spreading Into southern districts lat ter part ot period. Temperature sugnuy above seasonal. Local Data Temperature a year aero todarl Highest S3: Lowest 40. Total monthly precipitation, 8.18 Inches. Excess for the month, S.0S Inches. . Tout precipitation alnoa September 1. 1841, 8.37 Inches. Excess for the season, 3.47 lnchas. RelaUva humidity at 4:30 p. m. yesterday 83: 4:30 a. m. today 99. Tomorrow sunrise, 7:38 a. m.l sun set. 4:40 p. m. Observations Taken at t):S s. as, ISO MrrtdtSB Tim, n Roaeburg Salt Late San Francisco . 88 Seattle . 88 Spokmn ,,. ,. 88 Washington, D O. 89 . 44 M Clear 48 ' Jr7 Ratn - It - Mi Fog '' 81 J4 Cloudy tl ..00 P.OldTi Yakima ., ,. M . $53 Total Raised fcy Benefit &t Fr.ssr.Ix Phoenix, Dec. 8. (Spl Due to rainy weather erowd small er than anticipated attended the football benefit program at Phoenix high school gymnasi um, December 3. However, from, donations, gate receipts, and tha box social, $53.85 was taken in- Thla amount will cover 70 per cent of tht expenses Incurred by Inturlet during football sea eon by four football players. - - Much credit U due Colonel A. H. Dudley, who auctioned tht box social so successfully. According to a survey of col lective bargaining nearing com pletion by the Twentieth Cen tury Fund, about one-third of the workers In 10 leading American- industries work un der closed shop or union shop conditions. In tht West Indies, fish eyea are a native delicacy. Travel Table . AIRPLANES ' North bound Leave . Malls Cloa 4 68 a. as. 4:14 a. at, 11:93 p. m. -11:31 a. m. N 4:0 p. m. (Flag stop) No snail 9:33 p. m. Flag stop) S 38 p. m, Southbound Leave Walls Close 10:47 a. to. 103 a. ra. 3 27 p. m. (Flag stop) No mall 6:43 p. m. (Flag stop) 4:87 p. m. 11:41 p.m. 117 p. as.. TRAINS Northbound Leave Malls Close 11:33 a. m. 10:21 na. 7.80 p. m. - M p. m. . Southbound Leave alalia Close 7:98 a. m. 8:88 t. OV, 3:88 p. m. 4:88 a. at. BISES North " South 8 10 a. at, 118 a. at, 7:80 a. m. 8:80 a. 89. 3 38 a. as.. . 8 30 a. m, 1:40 p. m. . "S to p. an. 8:48 p. m. 4-08 p. m. T Klamath falls t ot p. Ba rren Klaovath rail 9 :30 . an. () To Aahland only. () To Oranas Pass only. Not) Auto connecting flret class mall elosat at t3 a. at. for awllvwry at points north of gugen and at too p. m. for delivery at points south ef Dunsmutr, CalU. Bolaa 39 11 30 FfldT. Boston' ., 1 n, 89 48 AO PCldy. Chicago MUM Cloudy Denver - . 84 81 -DO Cloudy Eureka, 68 SO -OS Fog . Havr . 40 18 J00 Clear . Loa Angelea 47. 80 M Clear ' Medford 48 4 T. Fog Kaw York 80 40 jOS Rain Omaha N It II Cloudy Phoenix - 84 83 jOO P Cldy. Portland . , 81 48 , 6 Rain Reno 80 98 m Cloudy 68 49 .18 Rain