PAGE ELEVEN Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOR OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1941. trad rry ad n thla pas Vou pnilMtl find Miitl the thliic wu hut ftrrn Irnik Inx 1m vt ale or iradr lot anurd rlMir ou mat ttmn Bcarrh ui alllc tiurr rmiin too ma f f I nd nta n ihl ne othi-r arr arrkinf and t rrallr immrrtlilf rnb If what vtf want Unt nrr arttrrtiw fm It. Trlhunr flat iifted adt ar HwipcnalT effective. RATES rr wurd fin inflow , f (Minimum Mr) Earh addtihmal inurtloa. per word .. . If (Minimum I Or) Per line per month wit hoot copy change .. , 9lM CASH or money order must accom pany ll null order classllle L03T AND FOUND LOST Yearling Hereford steer, Tlcm Ity Crater Lake and Buckshot Hill. Phone 4350. atEPORl lost aog. animal cruelty cases Humane Society Phune 6161 WANTED MALE HELP RELIABLE MAN to succeed Dealer Hill In Deochutes county. About 1800 families. Experience not nec essary. Everything furnished but car. A fine opportunity to sup Into permanent profitable business. Rawlelgh producta sold here for years. Big profits. See Edward W. . Jonea, Central Point. PRUNERS WANTED Rogue River Orchards. End of No. Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP CAPABLE girl or woman for general housework. Phone 4097. WANTED Maid, waitress or house keeping work. Experience, beat of references. Will take care of chil dren evenlnga In own home. Phone 8146, morning or evening. WANTED High school girl expert enced In housework. Go home nights. Call at 35 Geneva. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Housework by the hour by experienced young lady. Phone 4393. TOUNO lady wants housework by day. Inquire 834 Plum. WANTED Housework by day or hour, reference. Box 318. care Tribune. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Poultry and eggs, rabbits, geese, dueke. Sea ua before selling your turkeye. We can now quote prlcee. Crater Lake Poultry and Tin Market, 4th and Central. Phone 3067. WANTED 3 -wheel trailer. Prefer 16 Inch wheels. 1307 Court St. TREE TOPPING Surgery. Mistletoe and dead limbs removed. Roof gut ters cleaned. DU1 8987 for Sherman ShulU. 412 No. Grape St. ORDERS TAKEN for Real Silk Hos iery. Phone 3003. 829 Apple. WANTED Trade merchandise and cssh for rifles, shotguns, XI pla tola. 817 North Riverside. WANTED A dial from you. 4693 for estlmeu on Bullt-lns to order. WANTED TO BORROW 44,000 on city property, first mortgage; sub stantial monthly paymenta. Box 882 Tribune. WANTED Improved X acres or lee close In. GlTe price, locatlpn,. eto Box 634, Superior. Wyo. I WANTED Your wash day porch to make comfortable with Viupana. Dial 4698. PRESSMAKINO. Altering. 440 So. Rlveralde. WE ARE In the market for good farm and city loans. 6 and repey on easy terms No charge unless loan la made W write all kinda of In aurance ELMER HERRIED 44 N Riverside WELL DRILLING 41 60 per ft first 60 ft., etc J M Dodge 618 King HIGHEST cash paid for Iron, copper brass, radiatora. aluminum, bat teries tubes rags lead and tine Medford Bargain House WANTED Wool, mohsir Bides and pelu Medford Bargain House 37 North Orspe St Phune 3744 WILL PS.V MOST CASH For 0id Used Furniture MOI HHIIIIK rXHMTI HE 18 North Front Phone 4028 rut PHirra paid For Tour Pumtture ftrta ri'KMTI HP Minor S74 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 0-room modern house. Completely furnished. 821 Howard Avenue, off Beat Jackson. Phone 8884. FOR RENT Lovely new small houae. strictly modern. Gas utilities, floor fumare. H. L. Cook. 1104 West Msln. FOR RENT Attractive four-room 1st floor suite In Holly Apartmenu. completely furnished exre-pt dishes and linens. Adults onlv. Two doors north of poatoffie. See manager In rear apartment. MODERN 6-room turnihed ho-ise. Oil hester, electric utilities. Oood location. R. L. Cook. 1104 Weat Main. FOR RENT 7-roora unfurnished houae. flrepla-w. lou of bul,t-tne. hot water heater, piped for oil burner. Close to schools. Phone 3648 FOR RENT 4-room unfurnished houe: Inquire 3!6 So. Oakdale. Of cut im. ron RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 3-room house, conven iently located. Inquire Row Groc ery. Phone 0030. FOR RENT Modern homo, furnace heat. Inquire 130 Vancouver. HOC8E FOR RENT 20 Trips. FOB RENT 6-room nouse. Hat good wood rang and beater. 710 Pine St. Available Dec. let. Owner at bouae from 11 a. m. to 1:80 p. m. FOR RENT Purnlahed 4-bedroom. 3 bathroom realdeneo and garage Cloae In. Elaetrle atove, Prlgldelre. gaa furnace, shade, shrubbery and garden. Victor O. Bether. POR RENT Purnlahed 4-rooea house electrlo store, flreplsca. Adulu Phone 6032. Darke Oroosry. PURN1SHEO houae and apt. Adulu 604 w. 10th. POR RENT 6-roera modem cottage, unfurnished. 63604. Inquire 134 Cottage. TRUCKS POR RENT aloe yourself Bare half Prultl's Uo oil tee 8:e tloo. Main and ley Phono 414 FOR RENT 7-roora plastered houae with bath, large lot. 437.60. L. O. Picks!!. 16 S. Bsrtlett. FOR RENT furalhd Room FOR RENT Room, twin beds, close In. Phone 8674. ROOM In Chrlatlan home, a warn heat. $16 per month. Board If de sired, at 616. Phone 1187 or call at 608 Queen Anne. SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman. 633 N. Central. WARM, well furnished room. Break, fast and dinner If desired. Dial 4131. ROOMS For Rent 161 N Oakdale ATTKACT1CE ROOMS 404 S Orspe FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 FOR KENT 4 new furnished anert- menta. Rogue frontage, knotty pine finish electrically equipped Cole man heated. Bob Amea, Rogue River. Oregon. Phone 686-R-4, Grants pass exchange. FOR RENT Very desirable furnished four-room court apartment with garage. Inquire 806 Beatty. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 837 I. Oakdale. Call after 8:00 p.m. FOR RENT Apartments, one 618.00, private bath. On 66.00. Shady Nook. FURN. APT Steam heat, hot water, Frlgldatre. 608 8. Holly Bt. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Heat and water 886 So. Ivy. Call mornings or svenlngs after 0. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, heated. 339 North Ivy. MODERN, attractive furnished apart ment. Adulu 620 So Oakdale. GE BAUER Apta furn at unfura. FOR RENT 8-room furnished apart ment Adulu 128 Mistletoe FOR RENT F and F apartment 2 rooms and bath gaa beat. In quire 317 West 6th FOR RENT Medium priced furnish ed apartment Inquire 806 so. Oak dale FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM and board If desired. Tel. 4343. BOARD A ROOM. 718 E Main. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Dandy family milk cow, jersey; also yearling uuerneey-jer-aey heifer. Miller, King's Acres. FOR SALE Thirty weanera. Rt. t. Medford, Joe Nary. FOR SALE Large milking Roan Dur ham cow. ready to freanen wun second calf. 3 large Guernsey cows, freshen In 2 or 8 weeks. 4 brood sows west Main Bt, 2nd house west Frees' Oarage. FOR SALE Weaner plrs, S brood sows Yarnrougn, i ? muaa oo. Phoenix, Anderson Creek Rd- FOR SALE Weaner pigs. R. Nipper. Mile eaet rnoenix, rem vaitey. OPENING Dec. 4, at 1:30 and every Saturday thereafter, modern heated acution sale bam. Oood demand for all klnda of livestock. Three miles south Klamath Falls on old Midland road. FOR SALE Weaner plga Penlnger place. Central Point, Ore. WANTED All klnda of cattle. Box 4991 Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Oood 8-year-old Boras t. A Mank. R. F. D. Medford CAH for old hore Dial 8376 FOR SALE POULTRY FOR BALE 4 pure bred Rhode Island Red roosters. Si m) eacn. Mrs Kay Burns, 4 mil eaat Central Point. YOUNO Plymouth Rock hens. Oood two-wheel trailer. "29 model Pontlac coupe chesp 274 W. Clsrk St. TOR SALE DOOS. PETS FOR BALE Friendly chow dog. raae onabl price. 610 N. Bartlett. FOR SALS CHEAP Purebred Belgian police pupplea. Tel. 8749. ROYAL ROGUE KENNELS offer 3 small msle Scottlee. Priced et 610 and 616. Make fine gilts. Mint be taken at once. If Interested please dial MTU FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 14 acres. Irrigated, creek bottom land; 6-room plastered houae with bath: outbuildings; on Psclflc Highway, creek run through place. Price reduced to 43600. would consider houae in Medford fts part payment. ALSO 6-room houae, attractive liv ing and dining room with maple floor: 8 larg bedrooma. enclosed sl-eping porch, well lighted kitchen, lota of bullt-lns: eerrlce porch; ce ment foundation: deslrsble loca tion on pavement. 62600. Term. L. O. PICKELL 18 B. Bartlett 82000 buy 6-room stucco house; rea sons lie term. H. L. Cook, 1104 W. Main. FOR SALB Modern home, cloae-tn. paving paid, nice lawn, shrub Would conaider trade for farm. Bos i'i. aietUord. Ore. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE POR SALE ft-room bouae. 3 bed rooms, breakfast nook. bath, service porch, wash trays; lot 60x130 feet: large shade trees; paved etreet. de sirable location. Cloae In. 61600 Terms. f a. PICK ELL 14 8. Bartlett BUILD1NO A HOME Let us handle all detalla on 36- year HA loaue quickly, elflcleiitly Ooldy Adcucy CITY and country properties Rentale Loans. Insurance c s Buttemeld 408 Medford Building. FOR A HOME In bills look up HILL at Rogue River, Ore. WHEK YOU think of real aetata think of the Speneer- Bagley Aenc-v 101 W Main FOR EXCHANGE RtsJ Ettala TRADE raall 4-room houae, Jack sonville for Improved acreage. Bog 810 Tribune. POR SALE OR TRADE 1 acre and 4-room modern house on Loster Lane lor home Bar Junior high school. See pierce, Room I. Palm Building. Medford. TOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1988 OLDS "6" touring sedan, new tlree, radio and heater 4636 1936 FORD Sedan, new Urea. A-l mechanically 4376 1934 CHEV. Sedan 1934 CHEV. Coupe . ,. i ,i i . 4336 1933 CHRYSLER Sedan . 1033 ROCKNE Coupe . 1933 FORD Coach 1928 CHEV. Sedan .4346 ..4136 133 425 1931 FORD Coach CDOERTON MOTOR CO. 121 No. Bsrtlett POR BALE 1984 Chevrolet coupe. 6176. You Will like this car and It's low price. See Cliff Wheelock. Lewis Super Service Bta. BTAR CAR' FOR BALE 411. 1186 Court St. '41 FORD truck and Dual Axle Walker trailer. 613 Elisabeth St, Ashland. 1930 Model A Coupe. Shulta Bros. 1938 and '3 Ford Panels, Bhult Broa. 1936 Pontlac Coups, nearly new. 8bulta Broa. 1936 Ford pickup Shulta Bros. 40 USED care to pick from, priced from 635.00 up. No car salesman to annoy you. More allowance on your car. Shulta Broa. LOVELY 1938 Bulck aadan. priced right. See and drive It. Shulta Broa. FOR SALE '38 Ford tudor, or trade for Model A and cash. 3 miles west Phoenix. Warren Mapes. Rt. 1, Box 463, Medford, Colemsn Creek Road 1938 BUICK SEDAN -Century model for ssle or trade for lighter car Call Bads' Furniture Co FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE For cow weaner pigs. R. C. Skellsnger, Sams vauey. FOR BALE OR TRADE for stock or hoxs 60 acres Ladlno clover, close to Medford. Excellent seed crop or pasture. Easy terms on balance If neeoeo. box 313 mouns. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Battery charger, Allen unltron, 34 battery capacity; only slightly used. Firestone Home At Auto Supply SPECIAL SALE on low priced 2x4's, 84S and ship-lap while they last. PORTER LUMBER CO. UNDERWOOD Typewriter for sals or will trade for good portable ol oth er make. Tribune. Box 398. FINEST QUALITY NURSERY STOCK at lowest price In years. Call or wrlU Alwyr Company, Rout 1, Box 16, North Medford, new Mich way. FOR SALE 1 440 volt. 1760 RPM 76 h p. motor. I 110-ft. Sullivan portable air comnresaor. Turner's Place 623 M St. Oranu Paas, Or. FOR SALE Factory built. Oregon trller house. Inquire at Ever Shady Auto Court on Hlway 99 South of Medford. Call at Cabin E. ALMOST new bed-lounge, spread, card table, glassware for sal. Phone 9831 for Appointment. FOR SALE Leether harness, half price. 107 South Washington. TAYLOR TOT. card uble. oak library taoie, aasonne range wun oven, man's suit 88 Tripp St. REAL BUYS in used clothing 1406 No Riversld. across from Beck's Bakery FOR 8ALB Low priced lumber or eny building mauriala Call us be fore you buy R O Stephenson Co. Court and McA-jdrewa. Telephone 3000 Blnglng canaries make fine preaenu Be them at 1127 W. Main. Ph. 41 . 4897. SPITZ APPLES W packed few boxes of the famoue Ala Vteta Orchard Spite especially for the Chrtatme Holldaye. Oct your while they last Call at Medford Ice and Storage Co.. or t our Fir Street warehouse. American Fruit Grower. Inc. AO ATE JEWELRY. Novelties and Myrtle-Wood. Hive your agatas cut at santo Agt onop, ? seat Main Bt. WOOD Dry fir and laurel on ground or delivered. Phone 3869. FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4914. WASHTR8 and Ironera for Xmaa Fill mothers stocking with beautiful Speed Queen More feature. All year to pay Pick Hdwe. FOR SALE Dry fir and hardwood Phone 460S Hawley Fuel Co. NO BONB eoreeu Sales and repair eervlee 631 S Riverside Dial 3669 MONARCH Range Bvrd used thea Eaay price range Pick Hdw. WOOD end Oil Ctreulatore. Beet buy In town. Pick Hdwe. MYERS Jxrutai pump installed loot guaranteed Pi k Hdw FOR SALBCas machinery. Crown feeda seeds and fertiliser. Finley Implement Co RADIOS Oolden Tone Oenerel t lec tin Select now. Pick Hardware FOR SALB -Pear ana apples Jo Kentor 3 mile north Talent ! P1R SLABS Buy "now. City Fuel JUD 4114, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS RUMMAOB SALE and cooked food sale Saturday In Bishop building, corner Main and Bartlett. POR SALE Emerson radio. 66: pair l"g iignu, so 303 wast Third utal 8683 FOR 6 ALB Dry fir sU&s. phone DIOU. ATTENTION DUCK HUNTERSI Nltro Expreaa extra long range shells. 61.18 box. oeo. Goodman. Stand ard Button, 9th and Central. DRY FIR for sale. Phone 6180 after b AO o'clock MHllOmi RAKtlAIN HOK8E We Have Whet You Wsnt Pipe and Fittings sll size Sou Pipe and Drainage Fitting Plumbing Futures and Septlo Tanks Tenu and Tarp iina Doors. Windows and Glass Split Pullsys. Belting. Cable and Biocka Barbed Wire. Stock Fencing, eta. Roofing Paper. Building Paper Painu Roof sum -Army Oooda. Shoe B00U Crullu. Underwear and Hocks Pumps and Machinery Tools tor the House. Farm. Lo jars' and Mill uppllea New and Dead Furniture of All Klnda Stoves and Circulator Hester We Can Save You Dollars Pr, 3744 27-33 N Grape St MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Formats cleaned for the price of ordinary dress, w return your clothe ready to wear. All repair -free of charge. Call Reliable Cleaner. 408 E. Main. Phone 3963. BAZAAR At DINNER by Ladles of Presbyterian Church, Friday, Dec ember 6tn. at church. Bazaar at 11 o'clock. Crater Lake Guild will also have booth. Serving 4 to 6. ANNOUNCEMENT Now open for business. new shop on Jsckson vllle highway Just opposite Ovel man'a Lumber Yard, speclsllcing In Windows. Sash and Doors, also shelving, cupboards, bullt-lns and furniture. Phone 3962 for prices or appointment. Ctogston's. SOMETHING? NEW Woven patehea. Cover up those sns.ra and cigarette burns. Patches practically Invlsable. Call Reliable Cleaners, 408 E. Main, Phone 2963. ELECT ROLUX Sale 41 Service, phone 6660. CALI 6B33 for spectsl dinner parties Old Stage Houae. Phoenix. Ore. PERSONAL MRS. DELMAR Palmist. By natural gift with year of research and atudy. Olvea advice on all affair of lire, business, love or trouble, When All others fall see me. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Rainbow: Auto camp, Highway 99, North. PSYCHIO. Cards and Palm Reading 60c. 613 N. Bartlett. CARD READING 41. 839 Jeannett Palmistry. Crystal Reading D Miller Ph 3446 480 Mountain Ave Ashlsnd BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Cafe at 316 North River aide. FOR SALE Bellview store and serv ice sutlon. Leaving state, must sell at once. Reasonabls. Box 296. RU. I, Ashland. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antique EARLY AMERICAN OLASS at the ign mile south of Orauu Paas or I mile north of Savage Rapids qam on Highway 99 Assayer AS8AYER W". O Wright. 3318 Capi tal Ave. City So of waur reservoir Gold 61. copper 61, elnnahar 2 Carpentering CARPENTER WORK New or remod ling, day or contract, free estimate rnoqe ami ai cottage Bt LE8L1B RALSTON. General Contract. Ing. fin finishing work. All kinds Csrpentertng. For estlmstes please can at 701 rr. Riverside or Tel. atwi Chrutms Crd SCRIPTURE TEXT Christmas Cards. Painty Handkerchiefs, Albert'e Myr tlewood Novelties. THE ALBERTIL. LA, 120 North Central. ACROtt I. Val Whll It. Kind of plfeen Is. Suftlx used In 4. 8 pout for drswlna aa forrnlp esr- 6. Seaweed lain aumaral- l. Lsughtsr f ls Cadmus tT. Proneo U. Region beyond H. Be enough Jordan tl. Compaas petat II. Pcarlat li. Flowed If. Csther together IT. South Amerl- Pcarlat 40, in sesoiuie 41 Feminize 44. nan esse 46. Roman dsU 44. Largs tub 47. locomotive 49. Discover 6L Larie wild shest f Asia 14. Number li. Seen of earn- bat IT. Rorkr ola- csn river It. Deprive of weapons 14. Orderly ar rangement rt. Interior it- parcel of ground II. Formerly 17. Intimation :l Rainbow It. Old-timer II. Symbol for sllvsr II. Plant of the Illy family It. Tb-rougbfareai abbr. II. Be.pond to a stimulus naeie II JL. I FvIa 14 1 p s - H P MM M I" I" j 3S " 5T " " """ a- ar ir zra; -j 'rjw Jo ' 1? 32 'W ' it 77 "37 35 2S" jr "T.Tr-?r 7Ti BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also furnscea and nu tumm. cleaned can oeo Eeum 38 No rront Phone 4340 Chiropodist. FOOT Sl FlEKr.KS Opening modern Chiropody effleea corns, callouses, ingrown, nails removed, arches corrected. DR. ARNOLD M. DEPNER Chiropodist. Pood Specialist 317 Fluhrer B'.dg. Phone 3103. Expert Wlpdow Cleaner LET OCOHUE DO ITI EXPERT Wluoow Cleener Oeneral house cleaner, floor waxing paint Ing Oeo P Olfsrd Phone S9S4 Dreamakinf THE FASHION SHOP Dressmeklng rur rtemodsiing b u 1 1 e o a and Buckles covered Room 809 D S National Bank Bldg Tel 8961 DRE06MAKINO - Alteration. Ullor. Ing Batbertne Salter lee, Singer Shop 33 So Orapc MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEYt When en emergency arises and money la needed quteaiy you win una tnis local firm raady to give your needa prompt and friendly consideration Repay the loan In monthly pay menu adjusted especially 19 suit you. OREflO FINANCE CO. W. I Thomas. Mgr. Lie. No. S-ll M-317 4 Bo Central Dial 448 Horn owned end manage Bine 192 WB LOAN MONEY OH YOUR CAR Attractive Rata COAST FINANCB Harold H Brown Aenoy License 811 128 Eaat Main. Prion 8444. PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farm Address Box 415. Tribune. Rooting WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof Pa oeo Roofings. Shingles Costings and Paints New stura Wsll Paor Ekersua Paint and Roof -.. ft 80 Bartlttt Tel 6843 JOE UM1TH YOUR ROOFER All Roof rruuble uksn car of. All work guaranteed. Call 37H8 01 2349 TrantUr CITY TRANSFER A STORAGE CO Household moving and gansral hsuliug 9 S. Orsps Phone 4644 Day or night FURNITURE MOV1NO AND STOR AGE We have van 'movlug equip ment for local and long dlauuce hauling Dry and clean tore I concrete Building 1 with special locker rooms at low rates SAMSON 810RAGI WAREHOUSE Phone 8766 IADS TRANSFER STORAGE CO Offie 16 South Fir Phone 282 Price right Service guersuleed DAVIS TRANSPER AND STORAOg 40 B Fir Street. Insured Carrier Local and Long DIttsnc BauUng. Phcms 18H8 Hurting Horn TRUAX NURSING HOME OraduaU Nureea. Equipped to care for all 111 neseea except Surgery and O. B. caea. Phone 161. Jacksonville. Ore. Sewing Machine W H. KLATT Singer Distributor 23 80. Orape Tel 8788 Medford. Oregon Vacuum CUaner Service GUARANTEED SERVICE on sll makea of vacuum cleaners. Called for and delivered free. Fa Id man Blectrle. Phone 3677. u N II luiai.ajsinn 1-1 r H M M wlenpllolsiEl3ulPo M Up Alt is I olutlsn Of Ysstsrd' Puxile to. Self tL uper1st1ve eowN tU FtathefdMl ftnUrttU L lniptHD) tor nit t. n .bV4 99 4. Boiw t. tM to4 by norihtfti plrr I Matcullntj Bm t. HoMr of 1 Not hirtS $. Cltx)urt pa(r 19. ft'pcaUnf 11. Klntl of chm II. HstVlr.f fltUaa f an tnMci 1, Dlf tr-Tlng IX. frttw for imt mnt sridlng Mentarraaaa aallina vsaael tt. Jspanae cola fl. 0t out of ttt ?, hlrh tllt- kVilv thff aubatanca Lty-atioM n. 11. fUartt nanva If. FeM-h or rfln mant lX 11. CncalvM l. Mntt raranl li. ImparfMi pataar 41. Wrainrul it, QuantKf of mvlli1ii M. Whv4ij tthkia t. T-.-atar oa '. Mtal ' r5. 4 r 1;"' 'IS' .'- V' 1 Ik. J Jr-. "-" i iy-J . i 1 f " -.-a. 11. .it ' .leeaas- lift'"'' ; - 00UBLI CHEC K Away from the camera (right) nd back sg aln, the ernty' new type deep field helmet being produced at tit McCord plant In Detroit pass on belts for check-up by In, specters. A fibre field hat will (it intld this steel thclL .,,e,w, :ll i, .i I,., i n. -,rlfB $Wm v . . 1 ..... i. IMACINI AN ACH I Miami Beach, Fla., nihermen be. Ilev that ihl three-lnrh-wld tooth, dredged from the Atlantic, mutt have com from shark 7 or It feet long. Normally shark mcaaur om tt feet, have motor Ilk those ahown. Dutch Speed Pacific Base Expansion to Guard Indies Br John M. Raleigh - United Pre Staff Correspondent. Surabaya, Java (U.R) Surabaya' sprawling naval bat ha nearly doubled It size during feverish Dutch effort to mak Indies defente. A new harbor ha been eon- gtructed. A half-mile long quay is being built to accommodate several battlethlp. Barrack for 10,000 men ara almost fin ished. At least .dozen new machine shops have been erect ed. Dredge are preparing still another harbor for small craft. Motor torpedo boat are on the way In long lines. Mine layer and patrol craft art scheduled for early launching. Cruitert and destroyers are moored at th base for exten sive refit. Th latest armament 1 making the vessel powerful guardians of sea approaches to the Indie. Really safe air raid iheiur ore in abundance. Wasting noth ing, tne Dutch hav used old boilers nd obsolete armor plate for underground, steel cave of security against iky raider. Th clatter In boiler shops, machine sheds, and pressure press housing I deafening, from 6 a. m. until a p. m. with a half hour off for lunch ar tisans fashion shells, delayed action bombs, and propeller. Across the channel from Sura bays, on th Island of Madura, are more naval ammunition ana powder factories. They are re putedly indestructible and all are underground. A system of galleries preclude complete de molition If air missies should penetrate to any on section of the plant. One project that 1 receiving much attention at the navnl bat I the building of numerous floating drydock, which rv s two-fold purpo. They are not large, but can house motor torpedo boat a well a PBYS Catallna air patro! plane. Th mlnittur drydock can be towed to any key apot In the Indie and have an unusually shallow draft. Catallna flying boatg r arriving from tb OdL'j 'X. 5 .'1 a I y h r jeif ''-.', r a?i?'?.. r V ' 1 V oiabA-L. tht last nine month under the invincible th Netherlandi East United State In appreciable number. Gold Hill Gold HIU. Dec. . Sd1.V- Mr. snd Mr. Merritt Merriman pent last week-end In Eugene and attended th football gam Saturday. Mr. and lira, Gilbert LenU re turn her on Saturday end eon tlnued their honeymoon trip to land- say, Calif, wher they are gueeta thU week ol air. and Mr. Laurence LenU. They were accompanied couth by tbalr parenu. Mr. and Mr. Cart Lents of tbl city. Mr. and Mr. Deloa Walker returned borne Tuesday from Baattle, where they were guu of ralstlre for a eoupl of ds s, after atundlnf the O. B. C -Oregon game In Bugen. Mr. Roy Roger and two daughter of Medford war Sunday guawu her of Mr. Roger' brother and slsur-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Belcher and on.. Elmer Bulllvn. aoo-ln-law of Mr. and Mr. Carl Lenta, ha been pro moted t th rank of eapUln In th Infantry. Mr. Bulllvsn I now serr. Ing In Hawaii, and hi wlf and two small daughters are residing in Fort land. Betty Mullln of Medford spent last week-end here with Clalne Parkar snd other friend. Mike Van Houten of Bly. Oregon, has been wetting Ma family hree. Mr. MIDI Walker of Corvsllls has returned from an extended trvp In th eaet. and .6 flatting her alaur and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mr. Lloyd Miller. Cecil Pratt of Klamath Fall, for merly of Nil dty, pent several days bar with frtsnd mis wee a. Mr. and Mr. Jack Monet! of Wed ford war recent gutt of Mr. Haul Reed. Mr. snd Mr. Ralph Wlgl returned horn on Tuesday after a two weak visit wltk relative In Portland wher they formerly resided. Adelbert IlUoW of Fortland wa B LODGE NOTICES MEDFORD LODGE, No. 10. A. F. A. M. Special MimmiinlMlInn Frlrfftw Hea. G 6th. Past Masters night. Complimentary dinner at 6:46 n. m. Interestlni nra- gram following. OLEN L. FABRICK, W. M. I SHHINB BTATKD - I 8ION. Hlllah Temple I yHZ mu Mssonlo hsll. Aaniand, Friday n Ing. December . In a la led aesslon. Routine and nt h, ImMrttnl business. Committee report. All Shrtnere Invited. Refreahmanu after I aesslon. MILLARD W. ORUBB. PotenUt. It. B. DETRICK. Recorder. recent guest of hu unci snd sunt, Mr. an4 Mr. R. B. Cook, and ether relatives in this vicinity. He was ac companied back a far aa Corvallla wy bt aouatn, Ruth Lanos, who spent aeissej days there with J1U Mama, Meteorological Report By V. . WKATHKB BUHEAD ' Forecasu Medford and vicinity: Shower to- Right and Friday with llttl change In temperature. Oregon I Shower tonight and Fri day with snow over mountain. Little chang In temperature. Strong to gale force southerly wind off coast. Local Data Temperature a year ego today: Highest, 44: lowest, 17. Total monthly precipitation, 8 16 Inches. Excess for to month, 3.78 Inches, Total praolpiutton sine Sept. 141, 6 97 inch. Excess tot 4M saaon, 140 Inche. Rslstlv humidity at 434 . aa. yesterday, 84) 4:10 a- m. today, 14. Tomorrow! Bunrlae, 1M a. a4 unset, 446 p. m. Obeervatlnne Taken et 4:36 . as. 130 Meridian Time. CITY Bolt Boa. ton Chicago Denver Eureka m t J0I Cloudy Cloudy-' FogST Ft- Clay. Cloudy. Clear Clear Rain "." Foggy - ciouwy Ft. Cldf. Rain Ft. CWy. Rain , 4 , 47 , 8 . 68 43 60 4 41 Havre 88 w 4 J67 II jtS to 46 , II T at 34 ,18 8 ..6 38 J 48 M II 4 ' 8 Los Anglee I Medford 41 Haw York- 68 Omaha . 67 Fboanlx TT Portland . , 46 Reno , 44 Rossburg .i n 44 Salt Lake . 6 Ban Francisco, 68 Ft. Cl dT. Cloudy". FOggf V Cloudy Spoksn -.. 46 Wash, D. C. 64 Tsklma '1 Climax nimaxf Dee. 4-8rl. Mia Jun Weybrlght attended Insti tute In Aahland and vuitea friend In OntarlB, Or., sr the week-end. . i Mr. Meda Comstoc has returned her after a few week- vlalt with, relative near Medford. Mr. and Mr. 0n Wlnnlnghamy home wa seen of a Jolly party Re. a. The following Cllmaxer huyps la Medford Monday! Oen end Ootsg. Wlnnlngham, Mr. and Mr. Ted Kl ny an L. H. Weru. Mm. Wert hopped la Medford Thursday. - Ted Kinney want to vane Clissi Wednesday to get hi eampin out fit at th Spalding stsNlng cam. Be fore returning home he bad hat ear overhaul In Central Point. Jfow that heavy rain hav oome we sppreclat more and tnor the gravel on the road. Walter Kurs tutted frtatad Ut Cl mas recently. . . . ... Oioaing time Ut Classified gat t a BW Too ut to Classify 1344 B Travel Table AIRPLANES RortbDound . Malls Oiosw aa. 4:14 4V . I s. 114 a av. n (Flag stop) Be avail -t (Flag etopi J p. . Sou Ui bound Mall Clot at. - loot a aa. ' i. (Flag stop) 4:87 p. at a. Ut p. at. 440 a. urn p 4 OS p M p-1 Leave tO 47 4V 1:4 p. I UJ1 p. tMAIH Horth bound ' Mall Cles at, - ' io n a- . b. M p aa. Southbound 1 Mall 0le n. ' 66 am. D. IMB..' Leev II Tt a. T .60 p. Leave 11 a. m. M p. m. savvaat Horth South 180 a. m. UM a aa, 7 so a tn. 6 0 a sa ils a aa. 11 a. 10 p m. ! 60 p at. .' Si46 p m. o p. s. Te Kumar rails .. 6 OS p m rrem rails JO a aa () To Aahlaiid only. () To Oraau Paa only. Note Auto eoiiueeting first etase nsil tioae et 0 a m for delivery t poinu north et Buten east 4V too p m for delivery at fiat souin ft Ounsmuir, Oattt. -