PAGE NINE Want to Bay, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOR OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1941. Head n ad on P" Vuu will pri.lMiil Mud tartly th I It I lis vuu imtv hrrn liHik inf tH ol al at tniili fai united r.liii vuu nu hnv. 0ur-h vnui die nt iti. nxim u may flint mn thine othrr " arrkins m thle tn rrallft imtnfiiiii mh If Whii von tritnt int hrr afttfrll IM It- Trlhun I'lat irirct art loeipcn-JTe effectucl RATES Per word rtrM inwrtiuiuHJc (Minimum tV) Earn additional innertlon, per tri ic (Minimum IOr per Una net niun.b without copy chant CASH or money order must accom pany all mall order classified ads. L03T AND FOUND LOST Yearling Hereford ateer, vicin ity Crater Lake and Buckshot Hill. Phone 4388. RPoRI lost oog. animal cruelty cases Humane Society Phone 81M WANTED MALE HELP RELIABLE MAN to aucceed Dealer Hill In Deschutes county. About 1800 families. Experience not nec- essary. Everything furnished but car. A fine opportunity to step Into permanent profitable business. Rawlelgh products sold here for years. Big profits. See Edward W. Jones, Central Point. PRUNERS WANTED Rogue River Orchards. End of r?o. Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED High school girl experi enced in housework. Go home night. Call at 38 Geneva. WANTED Middle-aged woman as housekeeper. Must not smoke. Route 1, Box S8. Rogue River, Ore. WANTED Housekeeper for family In modern mill town, aw. no odjoc- tlon to one child. Call 3108. After . 6:30 phone 3549. I WANTED Young woman for general i house work. To go home nights, i Phone 4908 between 10 and 13 noon. I WANTED Experienced girl or woman fnr general housework. Phone 2354. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUKO lady wants housework day. Inquire 338 Plum. by WANTED Housework by day or hour. . reference. Box 318. care Tribune. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS TREE TOPPINO-Surgery. Mistletoe j MODERN, attractive luralshed apart 5 dead limb, removed. Roof gut- ment, Adulu 820 So Oakdale. tera cleaned. Dial 3987 for Sherman Shulta. 413 No. Grape St. ORDERS TAKEN for Real Silk 8 lery. Phone 3003. 329 Apple. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished or partly furnlahed modern 4 or 8 room house or duplex. Box 6088, Tribune. WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom fur nished house. Reasonsble. Phone 3338 or see Carey. 344 South Orape. WANTED Trade merchandise and cash for rifles, shotguns, 32 pis tols. 317 North Riverside. WANTED A dial from you. 4893 for estlmste on Bullt-tns to order. WANTED TO BORROW 64.000 on city property, first mortgage; aub stantlsl monthly payments. Box 382 Tribune. , WANTED Carpenter I work. Phone 3384. and repair WANTED Improved 2 acres or less close In. Give price, location, etc Box 534. Superior. Wyo. WANTED Your wash day porch to make comlortable wun Dial 4693. DRESSMAKING. Riverside. Altering. 440 So WE ARE tn the market for good 'arm and city loans i and tepay on easy terms No charge unless loan It made We write all kinds ot In surance ELMER HERRIED 44 N Riverside WELL DRILLING 81 60 per ft first 60 (t. J U Dodite 819 King HIOHES1 cash paid for Iron copper brass, radlauira aluminum bat terlea tuoea rags lead and tlno Med lord Bargain House WANTEU Wool. - mohsir hides and pelta Medford Barialn Houaa. 37 Nortb Orape St Phone 3744 WILL P4Y MOT CH For O-aid Used Furniture Mill HKlMlk ILHMTl Hf. 18 Nortb Front Phone 4038 mr i-Hirra Pm For Your Furniture rn t l RMII H Pb"'ie FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Lovely new small house. I'ricily modern. Gas utilities, floor fima-e. H. L. Cook. 1104 West Msin. FOR RENT 6-room house. East side. bsnrnt. furnace heat, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 5 or aea Mr. Taylor. 113 8. Riverside FOR RFNT 8-room. 1-story houae; m"drn. clean, close: partly furn Hhed Atlulta; sleeping porch, gar- .arr Call 340 So. Orape St. ,"tR PENT Attractive four-room . U4 floor suite in Holly Apartnrnta. npietoW furnlsMrd except dishes ,4od llnns. Adults only. Two doors t eui of postofflce. See msnager 1 rear apartment. v aarorHN 8-room fum'shed house. .' W heater, electric u'liltl'l. Good r-j' Vs'loa. H. L. Cook. 1104 Weat , . Viaia. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern home. furnace heat. Inquire 138 Vancouver. FOR RENT t-room houae. nleelj furnisned. No dog. 831 Oak St. Phone 8171. HOUSE FOR RENT 80 Tripp. FOR RENT ft-room houae. Haa good wood range and heater. 716 Pine St. Available Dec. 1st. Owner at houae Irom 11 a. m. to 1 ao p. m. FOR RENT 7-room unfurnished houae. Ilreplaoe, lou of bullt-ln. hot water heater, piped for oil burner. Close to schools. Phone 3968. FOR RENT 5-room furnished houae. No peta. Inquire 403 Newtown. FOR RENT Completely furnished duplex, two bedrooms, furnace heat, excellent location. 828 W. 10U Phone 3787. FOR RENT Furnished 4-bedroom. 3 batbroom residence and garage Close In. Electric stove. Frlgldalre. gaa furnace, shade, shrubbery and garden. Victor C. Seiner. FOR RENT 4-room unfurnished houae. Inquire 388 So. Oakdale, or dial 3390. FOR RENT Furnished 8-room house, electric stove, flreplact. Adulu Phone 8033. Darts Grocery. FURNISHED house and apt. Adulu 804 w. loth. FOR RENT 6-ror-m modern cottage. unfurnished. 338 00. Inquire 138 Cottage. TRUCKS FOR RENT Move yourself Save half Prom's Mobllgaa Sta tion. Main and Ivy Phone 4148 FOR RENT 7-room plastered house with bath, lane lot. 637.80. L. O Plckell. 18 S. Bartlett. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms ROOM in Christian home. Steam heat, 618 per month. Board If de sired, at 61S. Phone 3187 or call at 908 Queen Anna. SLEEPINO ROOM Ior gentleman. 833 FOR RENT Room 331 W. 6th. for gentleman. NICELY furnished sleeping room, heated. Garage. 43 North Peach. WARM, well furnished room. Break fast and dinner If desired. Dial 4131. ROOMS For Rent 163 N Oakdale ATTRACT1CE ROOMS 404 S Orape FOR RENT APARTMENTS TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 337 8. Oakdale. Call after 6 rOO p m. SMALL apartment, prlvat bath and entrance, -ax w. rnto. FOR RENT Apartments, one 316.00, private bath. One 68.00. Shady Nook. FURN. APT Steam heat, hot water, Frlgldalre. 603 S. Holly St. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Heat and water 83ft So. Ivy. Call mornings or evenings after 6. NICE warm furnished apartment Private bath. Refrigerator. 808 W Main. , THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, heated. 329 North Ivy. OE BAUER Apta turn at unfurn. TruTk"'' FOR RENT F and F apartment 3 rooms and natn gaa neav in quire 317 West 8th FOR RENT Medium priced furnish ed apartment Inquire 306 So. Oak dale FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM 4343. and board If desired. Tel. BOARD & ROOM. .718 E Main. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK OPENINO Dec. 8, at 1:30 and every Saturday thereafter, modern heated acutlon sale bam. Good demand for all kinds of livestock. Three miles south Klamath Fall on old Midland road. FOR SALE Wesner ptga Penlnger place. Central Point, Ore. FOR SALE Saddle pony. Oentle for children. 819 S. Riverside. FOR SALE Toung. gentle. Jersey cow. Henry Brown. Sunset Drive. Just off Orchard Home Drive. WANTED All klnda of cattle. 4991 Tribune. Bos FOR SALE Unusual opportunity to secure a registered Guernsey ouu calf, excellent blood Unea. Dam now on official test. Tske this calf and give him a good home. Ralae to maturity and deliver your present morwrel herd aire with no cash difference. A real opportunity to Improve your herd and produc tion. Call at Wing's Cloverhlll Reg istered Guernsey Farm for particu lars. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good 3-year, old horse J. A Hanks. R P D. Medford FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 14 acres. Irrigated, creek bottom land: 8-room plastered house with bath: outbuildings: on Pacific Hlahway. creek runs Ui touch place. PTlce reduced to 83500. Would consider houae In Medford as part payment. ALSO 6-room houae. attractive) liv ing and dining room with maple floor: 3 large bedrooma. enclosed sleeping porch, well lighted kitchen, lots of bullt-lns; service porch: ce ment foundation; deelrable loca tion on pavement. 82500. Terms. L. O. PICKELL IS 8. Bsrtlett 83000 buys 3-roorn stucco house; rea sonable terms. H. L. Cook, 1104 W. Msln. FOR SALE Modern home, cloae-ln. paving paid, nlee lawn, ehrube. Would consider trade for farm. Box 874. Medford. Ore. rn nat e 8-room houae. 3 bi rooma. breakfast nook, bath service porch, wash trays: lot 60x130 feet: larse shade trees, paved street, de sirable location. Cloas in. 81800 T"m' t O PICKELL It f, BarUelt FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BU1LD1NO A HUMS' Let ua handle all detatla on aft- year FHA loans quickly airiclently Gold- Agency CITY and country prupertlea Rentaia Loaua. Ittaurance c S Butlertleld 400 Medfnrd Building FOR A HOME In hills look up HILL at Rogue River, Ore. WHEN YOU think of real eatate think of the Spencer- Bagley Aen?v 103 w Mam FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate TRADE Small 4-room bouse, Jack sonville for Improved acreage. Box 810 Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 acre and 4-room modern house on Lozler Lane for home near Junior high school. See Pierce, Room 1, Palm Building. Medford. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES '41 FORD truck and Dual Axle Walker trailer. 813 Elisabeth St., Ashland. 1830 Model A Coupe. Shulta Broa. 1938 and '38 Ford Panels. Shulta Broa. 1939 Pontlao Coupe, Shulta Broa. nearly new. 1938 Ford Pickup Shulu Broa. 40 USED care to pick from, priced from 335.00 up. No car salesman to annoy you. More allowance on your car. Shulta Bros. LOVELY 1938 Bulck aedan. priced right. See and drive It. Shulta Broa. FOR SALE '34 Chevrolet Master De luxe trunk sedan. New rlnga. brakea rellned. Good tlrea, extra clean. 6335. Champ a Texaco Service. Riv erside and Jackson. 38 OLDS SEDAN 4-nr. deluxe aedan. Heater and defroster. Must sell quick. Phone 4038. FOR SALE '38 Ford tudov. or trade for Model A and cash. 3 miles west .Phoenix. Warren Mapea. Rt. 1, Box . 483. Medford, Coleman Creek Road 1938 BU1CK SEDAN -Century model for aala or trade for lighter car CflH Earls' Furniture Co FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE For cow, weaner plga. R, C. Skellenger, Sams Valley. FOR SALE OR TRADE for stock or hogs 50 eeres Ladtno clover, close to Medford. Excellent seed crop or pasture. Easy terms on balance If needed. Box 313 moune. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FINES'.' QUALITY NURSERY STOCK at lowest price In years. Call or write Alwyr Company, Route 3, Box IS, North Medford, new high' way. FOR SALE 1 440 volt. 1750 R.PM 75 h p. motor. 1 110-ft. Sullivan portable air comoressor. Turner's Place 623 M St. Granta Pass,. Ore. FOR SALE Factory built. Oregon trailer house. Inquire at Ever Shady Auto Court on Hlway 99 South of " Medford. Call at Cabin E. ALMOST new bed-lounge, spread. card table, glassware for sale. Phone 3831 for appointment. FOR 8ALE Leather harness, half price. 107 South Washington. FOR SALE Wicker doll buggy. Phone 3133. FOR SALE Beef, pork and veal for your locker. Custom killing, curing and emoklng. Crater Meat Co Phone 4013. TAYLOR TOT. card table, oak library laoie. gasoline runjgv wun wwu. man'a ault 83 Tripp St. ATTENTION DUCK HUNTERS I Nltro Expreas extra long range shells. 81.18 box. Geo. Goodman. Stand ard Station, 9tn and Central. Singing canartea make fine presents See them at 1137 W. Main. Ph. 4897. SPITZ APPLES We packed a few boxes ot the famous Ala Vista Orchard Splta especially for the Chrlatmaa Holldaya. Oet yours while they laat Call at Medford Ice and Storage Co, or at our Flr Btreet warehouae. American Fruit Growers, Inc. AGATE JBWELRY, Novelties and Myrtle-Wood. Have your arates cut at Samoa Agata Shop, 435 Eaat Main St. FOR SALE Walnuta. 15e pound. J R. Monson, Old Pacific Hwy, near Howard school. WOOD Dry fir and laurel on ground or delivered. Phone saae. FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4914. WASHrRS and Ironera for Xmaa Fill mothers stocking with beautiful Speed Queen, More reaturea. All year to pay. Pick Hdwa. FOR BALE Dry Mr and hardwood Phone 4503 Hawley Fuel Co. NU BONE eorseta Salea and repair aervloe 631 8. Riverside Dial 3669 MONARCH Rangea Byrd uaed them Easy price range Flck Hdwa. WOOD and Oil Circulators. Beat buya In town. Flck Hdwe. MYERS Jacuzxt Pumpa. Installed 100 guaranteed PI k Rdwe. FOR SALE Caae machinery. Crown feeds seeds and ferullxer. Flnley Implement Co. RADIOS Oolden Tone Oeneral Klec trie Select now. Flck Hardware FOR SALE--Pears and apples. Kantor 3 mllea north Talent. REAL BUYS In No Riverside. Bakery clothing 1406 from Becks FIR SLABS Buy Phone 4114 Now. City Fuel MHIIOKII SI4KIIAIN HOIKS We Hive Whst You Wsnt Pipe and Fittings all sleea Sot! Pipe and Drain Fittings Plumbing Pisturee and Septle Tanks Tenia and rarpa iilna Doors Wlndowa and Olaaa Split Pulley Belting, Cable and Bloeke Barbed Wire Stock Fencing, eta. Roofing Paper Building Paper Paint Rmf 8tin Army fjods Shoes Boot Qutlta Underwear and Sueka Pumps and Marhtrterv Toola lor tne Houaa. Farm Lneierr and Mill Supplle New and Psed Furniture of All Kinda Stoves and Clrculstor Heater We Can Bare You li'.iara Pa. 1744 37-8 M. Crap St, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEWTOWN apples at the Perl Or chards Dial 8434 FOR SALE Dry fir slabs. Phone 6180. FOR SALE Low priced lumber or any building mstenala Call ua be fore you buy R O Stephenson Co. Court and McA-drevs. Telephone J 000. DRY FIR for sale. 8 no o'ctnek Phona 8180 after MISCELLANEOUS BAZAAR 8e DINNER by Ladles of Presbyterian Church. Friday, Dec ember 6th. at church. Bazaar at 11 o'clock. Crater Lake Guild will also have booth. Serving 6 to 8. ANNOUNCEMENT Now open for business, a new shop on Jackson vtlls highway lust opposite Ovel . man's Lumber Yard, -specializing in Windows. Sash and Doom, also ahelvtng, cupboarcta. bullt-lna and furniture. Phone 2983 for prices or appointment, mogston s. ELECTROLUX Sales Service, phone CAL1 6533 tor apec.a) dinner partlea Old stage House. Phoenix, ore. PERSONAL PSYCHIC, Cards and Palm Reading, 60c. 813 N. Bsrtlett. CARD READING 61. 839 Jeannette Palmistry. Crystal Reading D Miller pn 3448 4B0 Mountain Ave Asnieno BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Bellvlew afore and serv ice station. Leaving atate, must sell at once. Reasonable. Box 296. Rte. 1. Ashland. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiques EARLY AMERICAN OLASS at the algn 6 miles suutb of O rants Pass or I mile north ol 8avage Rapids dam on Highway 99 Assayer ASSAYER W. O Wright. 3318 Capi tal Ave City. So of water reaervolr Oold $1. copper 81. cinnabar 63. Carpentering CARPENTER WORK New or remod ellng. day or contract, free estimate Phon.- 3031 314 Cottage St LESLIE RALSTON. Oeneral Contract' lng. fine finishing work. All kinds Carpentering. For eattmates please call at 701 N. Rlver-lde or Tel. 2HH1 Christmas Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Chrlatmaa Cards, Dainty Handkerchiefs. Albert's Myr- tlewood Novelties. THE ALBERTEL- LA. 120 North Centra, Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also turuacea and on stoves cleaned call oeo Eaton 88 No Front Phone 4240 Chiropodist. FOOT Rl'FFEKKRS Opening modern Chiropody offlcea Corns, callouses. Ingrown nails removed, arches corrected. DR. ARNOLD M. DEPNER Chiropodist, Food Specialist 317 Fluhrer Bide. Phone 3103. Dressmaking rHE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling B u 1 1 o u a and Bucklea covered Room 803 U 8 National Bank Bldg Tel 8931 DRESSMAKING - Alterations, tailor ing Katherlne Satterlee. Singer Shop 33 So Orape Expert Window Cleaner LEI OEOKC1E DO ITI EXPERT. Wluoow Cleaner Oeneral house eleanera. floor waxing paint ing Oeo F Oliard Phone S954 Nursing Horn TRUAX NURSING HOME Oraduat Nursea, Equipped to car for all Ill nesses except Surgery and O. B. ca Phone 181. Jacksonville. Ore. Sawing Machines W H. KLATT Singer Distributor 33 SO. Orspe Tel. I'l88 Medford, Oregon ACROSS 1. Flower con tainer I. Tree s. Ursvy dlih 13. Ancient Greek coin II. Palm leaf It. Land naming force IS. Regard 17. Cut suddsnlf 1. Exist U. ileaaurs of urfare 10. Tranquillity !1. limited IS. snare of wor ahln tl. Ourselvee II. Nonmetrlcal Isnguase 41. Prepusltloa 42. Acute 43. I.'nlt of Weight 41. Tree 1 46. Stop uninten tionally 4. Corded cloth 19. Wnlzslng soun4 62. Chrlitmaa 14. Toward Grotto St, South American animal It. S-shaped mold ing SI. Allow rs. i anread loosely - so. saucy Hor-ea II. Dlvltlon ef a Harden school vaae 10. Young aalmoa 11. Scotch ealce 12. Concerning I. Fuaa 64. Oo br DOWN raiten 16. Psrlod of Urn L Of ths voice 1 u p u i ,; 1 Le 17 Is I? o " . W TrW"' " "7"4T iJ V" -7 js jt" sr r"sr JJ .J- BUSINESS DIRECTORY MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEYf When an emergency arises and money la needed qmcaiy you win una tnis local firm ready to give your needs prompt and friendly consideration Repay the loan in monthly pay ments adjusted especially to ault you. OREGON FINANCE CO. W. E Thomas. Mgr. Lie No 8-11 M-317. 48 So Central Dial 4433 Home owned and managed Since 1928 WE tOAN MONEY ON YOUR CAR Attractive Ratea COAST FINANCE Harold H Brown Agency License 311 133 East Main. Pbon 344 PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farms Address Box 415. Tribune. Roofing WE REPAIR or apply any type ol roof Pabco Rooltnga. Shttiglee Coatings and Paint New eucR Wall Paper Ekersun Paint and Root "u, i8 So Bsrtlett Tel 3843 JOB UM1TH YOUR ROOFER All Root troubles taken car ot. All work guaranteed Call 3768 or 2249 Transfer CITY TRANSFER at STORAGE CO Huusehold moving and general hauling i S Orapa Phone 4084 Day or night FURNITURE MOVING AND STOR AGE We have van moving equip ment for local and long distance hauling Dry and clean atorate looncrete bulldlngl with special lr-kr rooms St lOW ratCS SAMSON STORAOE WAREHOUSE Phone 9700. EAD8 TRANSFER 8TOKAGE CO Office 18 South Fir Phone HBH8 Prices rlgnt Service guarauwed )AVI8 TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 8 Fir Street. Insured Camera Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone IWH8 Vacuum Cleaner Service GUARANTEED SERVICE on all makea of vacuum cleaners, tanea tor euu delivered free. Feldman Electric. Phone 3677. LEGAL NOTICES Notice, of Filino Aoolication For Changes In Points ot Diversion of Water. Notice Is given hereby that Smith A. Dusenbury of Gold Hill, Oregon, has filed an ap plication with Chas. E. Strick lin, State Engineer, for ap proval of changes in points ol diversion of water from Sardine Creek. By decree of the court for Jackson County, dated April 26. 1919, a water right was rec ognized in the name ot S. A. Dusenbury for the irrigation .if is acres with a date of priority of 1&74 through the West Ditch and 10 acres with a date or priority ot 1890 through the East Ditch, described as follows: 7 acres in SWL SE'4, Sec. 8; 10 acres in NE'4 NE's. and 8 acres in NWVt, NEV4, Sec. 17, T. 36 S , R. 3 W.. W. M. The West Side Ditch Is lo cated 900 feet south and 240 feet west from the east quarter corner. Sec. S. and the East Side Ditch is located 3.840 feet north and 700 feet west from the southeast corner. Sec. 8, all in T. 36 S., R. 3 W.. W. M. The applicant herein, owner of the above-described ' lands, proposes to change the present points of diversion for the Irri gation of said lands downstream to a point to be located 630 feet north and 1.270 feet west from the southeast corner of Sec. 8 and to a point to be lo cated 650 feet south and 1,270 Solution Of Vetterdsv's Putxli 1 Loath 1. Male child 4. Lonengrio'a wife 8. Sing in a cer tain waj 8. Fsrtslnlng t ir V achool of phlioaoph? T. Armed conflict s. Ignoble -I. ftlehlv deco rated la Ecc lefts at leal vestment IL Produced a copy of 18. Attendant on Cleopatra IS. pried piura 21. ftour 14. Poeltlvs ale- trie pole IT. Visual repre sentation of a varying quantity tl. Happen again 10. Anlmal'a foot 11. Brief 12. Instruments for measur ing diatanc traveled II. twain 15. Kind of cloth 17. Three -tjandsd armadillo 48. Rsachsd aera 41. Tremble 41. Collage song 44. Kind of necktie 4k Hetal worker's tool 47. Osme of ehanca 41. llaroora SI. Look 10 he U. Northera Ear pean !.. Soutn-rn statI ahhr. 81 Bteag A N jIll) nfll T Elle T A mTeTt fP A yUp E Z PTeTtJa L SnPk7EU MlA Rielslc 1 nIdHrTajp 1 o EIrUsIn AElDnE R ft P A7loA RTlJo A B I TjolafplEjp TE OP T I pioIr tieQtiaJb QR1et CIS AlC 6r5o 0 EQ AlSIT RJA lliS N O REp F"nEn 0 Li We l 5 Ar7bg V E M tA" I M rriFTsUslElNlsiEUolAlP feet west from the southeast! corner, Sec. 8, all in T. 36 S, j R. 3 W.. W. M. All persona interested are notified hereby that a hearing will be held in the County Court House at Medford, Ore gon, on Monday, Jhnuary 8. 1942. at 10:00 A. M. Any ob jections to the proposed change, if any there are, will be heard at said time and place. Any objections should ba pre pared in writing, one copy to he served on Smith A. Dusenbury, Route 1. Gold Hill, Oregon, and one copy mailed to the State Engineer at Salem, Oregon, at least ten days prior to the date set for hearing. If no objections are filed, the application will be approved without a hearing. Dated at Salem, Oregon, uiis 4th day of November, i941. CHAS. E. STRI(JK.L,IN, State Engineer Notice of Final Account No. 6824 In the County Court of the State ol Oregon lor ine Countv of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Theresa Barry, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administra tor of the estate of Theresa Barry, deceased, has filed his final account in the Countv Court of .the State of Oregon tor Jackson County, and that Monday, the 15th day of De cember, 1941. at the hour of 9:30 o'clock tn the forenoon of said day and the court room of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and place for tne nearing oi oDjec- tions tnereto ana me settlement thereof. Dated and first published November 12, 1941 Date of last publication De cember 3, 1941. W. J. BRUGMAN, Administrator. ARTHUR D. JONES, Attorney. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. Charles N. Copus, Plaintiff, vs. Cora Elizabeth Copus, defend ant. To Cora Elizabeth Copus, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby sum moned and reauired to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint against you, now on me in tne above entitled court and cause, on or before the last day of the time in the order of publication herein prescribed, to wit, on or before the 19th day of December, 1941. said date being the expira tion of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein demanded, succintly stated, as follows: That the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant be forever dissolved and annulled, and that plaintiff have such other relief as may ap pear to the court Just and equit able, upon the hearing ot said cause. This summons Is published In the Medford Mail Tribune by order of Hon. H. K. Hanna, Judge of the above entitled court, which said order was made and entered of record on the 18th day of November, 1941. and In compliance therewith this summons is dated and first pub lished on the 19th day of No vember, 1941. W. E. PHIPPS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Liberty ouiiaing, jvieaiora, uregon. Summons For Publication IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACKSON COUNTY. ISA BELL, CLARK, Plaintiff, vs. Jr.. Defendant. To the above named defendant, ir.anes cawara uiaric, jr.: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint' filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and, if you fall so to appear and answer said -,.-,iit re ,-f , th - plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree for the relief de - mantled In her complaint, sue cinctly stated as follows, to-wit: anl ic uunu. Ul ill-Ill lliuiijr heretofore and now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant be dissolved and held for naught; That plaintiff be granted the full caro an1 custody of plain tiff's and defendant's minor chil dren, to-wit: Charles Frank Clark, Mary Elolse Clark, De lores Rosela Clark and 'Albert Wesley Clark. This summons is published by order of the Honorable H. K. Hanna, Judge of the Circuit Court of Jackson Countv. Ore gon, made and entered on the 18th day of November, 1941. The time prescribed for pub lication of this summons is once each week for four consecutive weeks. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 19th day of November. 1941 O. H BENCTSON, Attorney for Pialntiff. Post Office address: 128 East Muln St.. Merlford. Ore. COWS, CALVES FIRST Oklahoma City Deputy Fire Chief Gaylor Wilson was keeping an anxious eye on food waters sprawling Into the east Oklahoma City lowlands when a man stepped out of the darkness. asked If the river would rise farther. Wilson replied It prob ably would. "Well. 1 sorta want ed to know," said the man. "I've already moved mv row and calf out and wondered If 1 oughts move my wife and baby, too." bee Mau Tiisium eaiit ada, MODERN SKILLS LOWER RATE OF Half the Deaths Are Still Due to Inadequate Care and Ignorance of Wives. Chicago (U.R) The American Committee on Maternal Welfare claims that probably 30 per cent of the mothers who die in child birth lose their lives "needlessly through ignorance, negligence or lack ot adequate care." The maternal death rate was cut from 67 per 10,000 live births in 1930 to 40 per 10,000 in 1939 when 9,131 mothers died but the committee thinks it can be reduced by half through full use of modern medical, nursing and hospital facilities. The committee points out that in almost all major cities where adeauate obstetrical facilities are readily available, the ma ternal death rates are well un der the national average. San Francisco Lowest San Francisco has the lowest in the nation with 21 per 10,000 live births, while Chicago and Philadelphia are tied for second dace with 23 per 10,000. Most other big cities had rates be low 30. "This suggests that, with equal care, the rate in smaller towns and rural areas could ne cut from 40 to 30, or about 25 per cent," a commitee bulletin said. But there are reasons, too, for considering even a greater reduction possible. In Chicago, for example, a committee 01 doctors recently ' studied the records of childbirth deaths In the city's homes or hospitals, and found that 40 of them, or about 45 per cent were 'pre ventable'." . , Care Shows Results . In one modern Chicago ma ternity hospital, only 60 deaths occurred in 33,000 live births, a rate of 18 per 10,000 live births, indicating the possibili ties of proper - treatment for reducing birth rates. Fifty of the deaths occutred In the hospital, the other 10 at home. Thirty-four were record ed between 1931 and 1936 and only 16 between 1936 and 1941, reflecting improved obstetrical techniques and equipment. The committee believes the medical profession is fully aware ot the problem and Is making every effort to cope with it. A major part of the program of lowering the death rate, how ever, consists of educating pros pective mothers In self-care dur ing pregnancy, It said. The early selection of competent physician will aid In protecting the lives of mothers. PROPAGANDA HUNTED Lucerne, Switzerland (P) The Lucerne cantonal govern ment proposes state supervi sion of circulating libraries to check against propaganda liter ature. Only librarians who have lived In Switzerland three years would be" permitted to sell books in small stationers' shops and news stands, flooded by large Lumbers of books Imported since the war. Just Hanaln' Around Helena. Mom. W) she offi cer who was sent to Investigate 'a report that a "man was hang- lng on lamp post at Edwards iAi a Main sti-eut" returnea 1 with the Information that "the fellow was Jue-t a little tired. . . , noU, . -ea, left," the officer added. STATION 'BEAVER' Bear Mountain, N. Y W)In tcrcsted In learning what beav ers sound like when they're working, a naturalist and an en gineer listened In on them. They concealed a microphone In the root of a beaver house and con nected it with a portable re cording apparatus outside. IT'S NATURE Geneva, N. Y. (PV No need for alarm if your evergreens are turning brown, according to Dr. F L. Gambrell of the state ex periment station. He points out that It Is simply nature's way of orunlna the trees. Particu larly affected are arborviue and pine. A BAD PENNY Helena, Mont. P A penny and a bent one, at that cost one Helena citizen a year in the state prison. The penny was found In his pocket after his arrest. The owner of an optical firm identified It as one that was Included In loot stolen by burg lars, and tha prisoner confessed his guilt. The census bureau sayf more than 90 percent of all the grape fruit In the world Is grown tn the united States. Meteorological Report nv v. a. rtr tTiim buke v Forecast a Medford and vicinity: Shower and colder tonight. Partly cloudy Thurs day. Oregon 1 Shower and colder to night and enow over mountain, Thursday partly cloudy. Strong north west wind offcoaat. Local Data Temperature a year ago today I Hlgheat 48; Lowest 41. Total monthly precipitation 8.1 1 Inches. Uaceaa for the month 3.83 tnchea. Total precipitation since Septem ber 1, 1841. 8 33 Inches. Excess for the aeaaon 3 88 tnihea. . Relative humidity at 4:30 p.m. yes terday 88; 4:J0 am. today 78. Tomorrow Sunrlaa 7 :23 a. m. sun aet 4:40 pa. Observations Taken at 4:38 a. ra. 10 Meridian Tim. a 2 rs CITT Boise Beaton . Chicago Denver . Eureka . Havre - 80 81 .18 Rain 48 48 T Rain 88 48 Cloudy 88 60 1.81 Rain 88 81 Clear 77 88 Foggy 87 44 X.71 Rain 84 48 x Cloudy S3 88 P.cidy 80 48 P. Cldy 80 43 1.07 Rain , 83 43 M Rain 81 44 1.48 Rain , 68 38 T Cloudy . 70 81 .68 Rain . 81 38 .19 Cloudy , 88 43 M P. Cldy . 88 43 T Foggy ,88 43 0 P. Cldy Loa Angelea Medford - Hew York Omaha Phoenla Portland Reno Roseburg Salt Lake San Frandaeo.. Seattle PRIORITIES BALK El Milwaukee, Wis. U.rD Out on his acae and a quarts of land In the northern part of Milwaukee county, Wallie Foltz waits pa tiently for the day that defense emergency and priorities regu lations will be relaxed. That's when Foltz will be able to obtain materials so that his patented, non-blistering paring knife can be manufactured on large scale. A round, friendly man, he didn't dream that he had a po tential fortune when he Invent ed the knife in 1936. Ha did it merely to ease the Job of his wife, Mildred, whd complained because her hand became blis tered when she' pared peaches for canning. PLASTERED Butte, Mont. IP Here Is Patrolman Earl Holman s report covering a night call: "A plas terer by name of Harry was so postered I put his car In garage to keep him from driving while plastered and to keep him from plMtering himself against a wall or something. This was dona at request of the pi a s t e r r'S friends, fellow plasterers." FASTIDIOUS MICE Iola, Kas. (P) So you be lieve that mice love cheese.? So did Richard Hobey of Iola until ha conducted a series ot expert- . munis. Baiting traps with cheese, bread and bacon ne found that flrrt choice on the mouse diet is breed; second Is bacon and cheese Is a poor third. LIKE OLD DAYS Vosemlte, Calif. P) Return ing after an absence of 40 years, the first white child to be born In Yosemite national park In sisted on sleeping under the stars In a sleeping bag. She's Mrs. Gertrude Hutchlnga Mills, aged 73. Travel Table AIMPI.ANCS Northbound Leave Mall Oloaa 4 88 a- m. 4:14 a m. 13:33 p m II -S3 a m. 4 03 p m (Flag stop) He mall 3t p. m 1 Flag stop) 14 p. m. South bound Lea re Mall Cloa 10 47 a at. 10.03 a m. 6:43 p. m. (Flag stop) 447 p. a 1147 p. m. 10-d p. m. 1KAIN1 Horth bound Malts Oloaa ra. 10 a a m. a. 30 . Ol. South bound MaUa Olaaa B. 8 88 a Bb a. Ma. Leev II n a T40 p. Leave 7 88 a. 8 .88 p. BUSES Soattt 1148 a m. 80 a ov 8 so a m. e 80 p a. 8 OA p, at. north t so a m. 80 a nt t 38 a m. I 40 p m. 3 48 p ra T KMniatn Fall 8O8 p m frem Klamath Falls 8 80 a m To Ashland only. To Oraoi Pass eolf. CM n Note Auto eonnecttnff dm alee mall elnaaa at S C a at 'or silvery at potata north ot Eugene and eS 8 00 p ra or delivery as flat souUt of Dun-null, OaUt, Spokane -. Waah, D. C Taklma -