PAGE SEVEN Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOR OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1941. RMd firry ad on this peje You will prutMhly rind etattly the thliite uii e bn lMh Ine for of Ml or trade lot unud art t-ire ou mil have, ftearrh tui attic or alar mom you may rind many thine thr are arrking. and he able tn rrallre immediate rath If what rou want ln? her artver1le tot It- Trthnn Clae Hied adi are Ineip-n-lte effective! RATES per word ftrat lnirtloDl (Minimum tSr) Each additional Insertion, per word lc Minimum 10c) Per line per month wltoont copy chance $IM CASH or money order muit sccora pany all null order clsaelfle ad a. L03T AND FOUND LOST Yearling Hereford steer, vicin ity Crater Lake and Buckshot Hill. Phone 4256. LOST Brown pigskin tipper hand bag. Reward. 824 W. 11th. REPORT lost aogv eoimsl cruelty cases Humane Society Phone 8161 WANTED MALE HELP PRUNERS WANTED Rogue River Orcherds End of No. Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Housekeeper for lamuy in modern mill town, MO. No objec tion to one child. Call 3108. Alter 8:30 phone 2549. WANTED Young woman for general house work. To go home mv,nw. Phone 4905 between 10 and 13 noon. CAPABLE and experienced coreet lere wanted for ateady position In large Portland apparel atore. State age. experience, how long In each position, and what aalary earned. A good opportunity la open for the right woman. Eastern Outfitting Company. Portland, Oregon. WANTED Experienced girl or woman for general housework. Phone 2354. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Housework by day or hour, rpff.-rnce. Box 318, care Tribune. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ORDERS TAKEN for Real Silk Hos iery. Phone 2003. 329 Apple. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished or partly furnished modern 4 or 8 room houee or duplex. Box 6088, Tribune. WANTED TO RENT 2 bedroom fur nished house. Reasonable. Phone 3338 or see Carey, 244 South Orape. WANTED Trade merchandise and caah for rifles, ahot?uns, 32 pis tols. 817 North Riverside. WANTED 100 new subscribers to the San Francisco Examiner to receive a FREE set of PRUDENCE PENNY COOK BOOKS. More than 1500 pages. Hundreds of photographs. Valued at 610.00. Telephone 2073. TWO Experienced ladlea wish to man ace cafe. Commission or aalary. Tri bune. Box 341. LADY going to Los Angelea Dec. 19th, returning Jsn. 2, wishes compan ion. Phone 4722. WANTED A dial from you. 4693 for esttmste on Bullt-lns to order. WANTED TO BORROW 64.000 on city property, first mortgage: sub stantial monthly paymenta. Box 383 Tribune. WANTED carpenter work. Phone 3384. and repair WANTED Improved 3 acrea or leas, close in. Olve price, location, eto. Box 534. Superior, wyo. WANTED Your wash day porch to make comfortable with Vita pane Dial 4693. DRESSMAKING, Riverside. Altering. 440 So. WE ARE In the market for good farm and cltv loans 6 and repay on easy terms No charge unless loan la made We write all kinds of In surance ELMER HERRITTD 44 N Riverside WELL DRILLING 61 60 per ft first 60 ft. eto J M Dodge. 616 King HIOHEST eash paid for Iron, copper brass, radlatora. aluminum, bat terlea tuoea raga lead and line Medford Bargain House WANTED Wool, mohsir. hides Medford Bargain Houx Grape 8t Phone 3744 and pelt i. 37 North Vlll.L PY MltT CH Por Ouod Used Furniture vniimnok flkmti rk 18 North Front Phone 4033 HMT PKICFS Hill For Your Furniture TTta H HMTt HP frmne 44. FOR RENT HOUSES TOR RENT 6-roora. 1-story house; modem, clesn, cloee: partly furn. lshed. Adults; a'.eeplng porch, gar. a,ie Call 340 So. Orape St. FOR RENT Attractive four-room lt floor suit In Holly Apartmnts. eomp'.etelv furnished exrept dishes snd Iiner.s. Adults onlv. Two doors north of poetoffioe. se manager In rear apartment. MODERN 5-room furnished house. Oil hester. electric utilities. Oood location. H. L. Cook. 1104 West Main. FOR RENT Furnished and unfu-n-lhd houses Edwin P. Hughe R.-al . Estau Airency. 709 N. Riverside Phone 3816. FOR FFST 5-room home. nlcly f-irrtsnee) No dog. 841 Oak St. raci X17J, FOR RENT HOUSES POUR-ROOMS and bath, garage. 18.00. City water close in. alto 3 rooma and bath, 915.00. See owner Wed. A M.. at Richfield 8t. gth and Orape. POR RENT 4-room furnished houee. 618 Palm St. Phono 6482. POR RENT Small house, partly fur nished. 616.00. 818 Summit. FOR RENT 6-rooro house. Has good wood range and heater. 710 Pine St. Available Dec. 1st. Owner at house from 11 i. m. to IMp. m. POR RENT Partly furnished house, edulte or babies, a blocks beyond Big Y. comer Hasel and new high way. POR RENT 7-roora unfurnished house, fireplace, lota of butlt-lne. hot water heater, piped for oil burner. Close to school. Phone 3888. FOR RENT 6-roora furnished house. No peu. Inquire 403 Newtown. 5-ROOM house, close In. Partly fur nished. 817.40. Shults Bros. POR RENT Eight-room house, 928 Park. furnished FOR RENT Completely furnished duplet, two bedrooms, furnace heat, escellent location. 828 W. 10th Phone 2787. FOR RENT Furnished 4-bedroom. 3 bathroom residence and garage. Close tn. Electric stove. Prlgldatre, gas furnace, shade, shrubbery and garden. Victor C. Sether. FOR RENT 4-room unfurnished house. Inquire 858 So. Oakdale, or aiat aawu. FOR RENT Furnished 3-room house, electric stove, fireplace. Adulu Phone 6022. Darks Grocery. FURNISHED house and apt. Adulu 604 w. 10th. FOR RENT 8-roc-ro modem cottage, unfurnished, 635.00. Inquire 126 Cottage. TRUCKS POR RENT More yourself Save half Prultt'a Mobllgaa Sta tion. Main and Ivy Phone 4145. FOR RENT 7-room plastered house with bath, large lot, 63740. L. O. Ptrtcell. 18 S. Bartlett. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Room 231 W. 6th. for gentleman. NICELY furnished sleeping room. heated. Oarage. 43 North Peach. WARM, well furnished room. Break fast and dinner If desired. Dial 4131. WARM, exceptionally well furnished bedroom and living room. Also sin gle room. Private entrance. 504 Pennsylvania. ROOMS For Rent 158 N Oakdale. ATTRACT1CE ROOMS 404 8 Orape FOR RENT APARTMENTS TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 327 S. Oakdale. Call after 6:00 p m. SMALL apartment, private bath and entrance. 231 W. Fifth. FOR RENT Apartments, one 615.00. private bath. One. 66.00. Shady Nook. PURN. APT Steam heat, hot water, Frlgldalre. 603 S. Holly St. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Heat and water 335 So. Ivy. Call mornings or evenings after 6. NICE warm furnished apartment. Private bath. Refrigerator. 808 W. Main. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, heated. 229 North Ivy. MODERN, attractive furnished apart ment. Adulu. 620 So. Oakdale. OE BAUER Apts turn e unfurn. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment. Adulta. 128 Mistletoe FOR RENT P and F apartment 3 rooms and bath, gas beat. In quire 317 West 6th. FOR RENT Medium priced furnish, ed apartment. Inquire 805 So. Oak- dn1 FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM BOARD ROOM. 718 E Mln. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Weaner pigs Penlnger place. Central Point, Ore. FOR SALE One yearling Guernsey heifer. 1 8-months Guernsey and dark Jersey heifer, dark Jersey cow, freshen tn March. Mrs. T. B. Huff. Old Stage Road. Box 89-B, Rt. 1. FOR SALE Saddle pony. Gentle for children. 619 S. Kivereme. POR SALE oood team 4-year-old. part Percheron mare. 1,400 lbs. each: new harness, good wagon: reasonable price. E. B. Chambers. Box 84. Butt Palls Star Rout, lagl Point. FOR SALE Young Ouerneey-Jersey Cow. Fresh 3 months. Rout 3. Box 277. Old Stage Road. Ed Mor ton. FOR SALE Five-year-old gray regis tered lrcner w 11. - ., vv. Gray three year old gelding, broke. Also fine black Percheron stallion colt, coming two. T. L. Taylor, Blddle Road. Medford. Or. FOR SALE Young, gentle, Jersey cow. Henry Brown. Sunaet Drlv. Just off Orchard Horn Drlv. WANTED All klnda of cattl. Box 4991 Trlbun. FOR BALE Unusual opportunity to ecur registered Ouerneey bull calf excellent blood lines. Dam now on official test. Tak tnu calf and give him a good home. Raise to maturity and deliver your present mongrel herd sir with no cash difference. A rl opportunity to Improve your herd and produc tion. C:i at Wing s Cloverhill Reg istered Guernsey Farm for parti oi ls re. FOR SALE OR TRADE Oood l l"' old bora J. A Manx. . P D. Medford FOR BALE Guernsey cow. Just freeh. Also 3 Roan cows. 13 heifers. 1st house on Midway road beyond Four Corners. Oscar Wolf. fob sale Feeder pigs: excellent vovne rldlne mare: tractor disc Phone 6533. CAAH tot e4 ft Tr P16i 6676, FOR SALE DOG3. PETS POR SALE OR TRADE Black Pomer anian puppy for girl s Junior bi cycle. Value 815 to 820. 710 East L. St.. Grants Pass. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SPECIALS 83000 for ser vice station pumping from 6000 to 10.000 gallons month, plua dan dy stock of groceries, plus modern living quartera, low rental, AND 8800 for 1H arret Irrigated, corner two hlwavs, 3-room house, fruit and clover, 6400.00 down. AND 4 acres trrveted for 61200.00, terma. AND 8 acrea pears and modern home for 62500 00 terms. AND mod ern dairy all stocked and equipped, will take some trade. VALLEY REAL ESTATE, Medford Rt. 4, Pac. Hlway South. FOR 8 ALB 3 t acrea. modem house and bam, near high school, free Irrigation, city water. 61900. 6400 cash, balance 616 per month. Edwin P. Hushes, Real Estate Agency, 709 N. Riverside. Phone 3818. 62000 buys 6-room stucco house; rea sonable terma. H. L. Cook, 1104 W. Main. FOR 8A LB Five lota cloee In at Penn and Rose. 6100 each. O. V. Cbee ney. 748 W. 4th. Phone 4252. FOR SALE OR RENT Furnished 4 room house. Good location. Box 357. Tribune. FOR SALE Modem home, close-In, paving paid, nice lawn, shrubs. Would consider trade for farm. Box 974, Medford. Ore. $1400' Suburban. Three acrea. Ir rigated, clover. berries Neat small modern cottage, two poultry houses, brooder house, gar age, cooler. Fenced and cross fenced, close In. Terma to respons ible party. Also DO TOO want to buy land Joining the city limits with city water available, for 645.00 per acre? Fine shsde trees, level land. Will sell 45 acres. ELMER HERRIED No. 44 N. Riverside Dial 3387 or 4860 $2500 REAL BARGAIN 8 -room home, double Karaite, paved and paid. Near Junior hitih. Owner ays sell, only ww. lern.a. Also BRAND NEW S500 Down Balance 628 cer month. Including taxes. Interest and Ins. 4 large rooms, large nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, lawn: near schrcl. east side, priced to sell. Also H ACRE TRACTS Irrl gated Near rttv limits on Stewart Ave. Priced to sell. 650 down, bal. 612 60 per month. Building restrictions. MARK A. OOLDY Phone 3286 109 E. Main Evenings. Phone 2417, Beebe ISO-ACRE ranch fronting 500 feet on rir anoa lmDrovemenis. eo.uw. cash and assume federal loan. Low rate of Interest, irrigation upkeep only. Also 6-ROOM Bungalow, hardwood floora large lot, easy terms, o. uiw field. 410 Medford Bldg. BUILDINO A HOME Let ua handle all details on 35-year rns loans quickly efficiently Ooldy Agency CITY and country properties Rentala Loans Insurance c 8 Butwmeiu 409 Medford Building. FOR SALE 6-room house. 3 bed rooms, breakfast nook. nam. service porch, wash traya: lot 60x120 feet; large shade treea; paved atreet. de. elrable location. Close In. 81800 Terms. L O. PICK ELL 16 S. Bartlett FOR A HOME In BUI look up HILL at Rogue River. Ore. wkik YOO think of real aetata think of the Spencer- Bagley Air-n cv 102 W Main FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '34 Chevrolet Maater De luxe trunk sedan. New rlnga, brakea rellned. Oood tires, extra clean, 9236. Champ's Texaco Service. Riv erside snd Jackson. . 18 OLDS SEDAN 4-dr. deluxe sedan Heater and defroster. Must sell quick. Phone 4038. FOR BALE '38 Ford tudor. or trade for Model A and rash. 3 miles west Phoenix. Warren Mapes. Rt. 1. Box 463. Medford. Coleman Creek Road FOR SALE Star car, 610. Franks. Central Point. Walter 1938 BU1CK SEDAN Century model tor sale or trade for lighter car c!l r-n" Purnltur- Co FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALB OR TRADE for atock or hogs 50 acrea Ladlno clover, close to Medford. Excellent eed crop or pasture. Easy terms on balance II needed BT 313 Tribune. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ALMOST new bed-loung. spread. card tbl. glaswar for eelt. Phons 8831 for appointment. FOR SALE Leather harness, price. 107 South Washington. FOR SALE Wicker Phone 8133. doll buggy. FOR SALE Beef, pork and veal for your locker, custom killing, curing and smoxing. crater Meat co. Phon 4018. TAYLOR TOT. card table, oak library table, gaaollne range with oven, man'a suit 83 Tripp St. ATTENTION DUCK HUNTERS! K1tro Exprea extra long range shells, 61.15 box. Oeo. Ooodman. Stand ard Station, 9th and Central. Singing canaries make fin preeent Bee there at 1137 W. Main. Ph. 4897 SPITZ APPLES We packed a few bose of the famous Ala vist Orchard Spit peciallT for the Chrlstmaa Holldsvs. Oet your while they laat Call at Medford Ice and Storage Co., or at our Fir Street warehouse. American Fruit O rowers. Inc. AOATT JEWELRY. Novelties and Myrtle-wood. Have your anate cut at santo Agate enop. a teat Main St.- rori ale walnut. 15o pound. J R. Monson. Old Pacific Hwy, aw Howard acsooL FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS V'OOD Dry fir and laurel on ground or delivered. Phone 3859. FOR SALE Washington Jonothan. Rome Beauttea, Winter Bananas, and Delicious Apples, also Wine sapa. 61 10 boa. bring container. Fabet'a Market, Central Point. Fa ber's Parmer Supply, Medford. ORDER Your Xmaa Trees now from Jones Bros. Butte Falls, Ore. Boa 21. FULLER BRUSHES Phon 4914. WA8HTRS and Ironera for Xmaa. Fill mothers stocking with beautiful Speed Queen. More featurea. All year to pay. Pick Hdwe. FOR SALE Dry fir and hardwood Phone 4503. Hawley Fuel Co. NU BONE corsets. Sales and repair aervloa. 531 8 Riverside Dial 3559 MONARCH Rangea. Byrd used them easy price range, pick Hdw. WOOD and Oil Circulator. Beat buys in town, nek ndwe. MYERS Jacuzzi Pumps. Installed, 100?. guaranteed PI k Han. POR SALE Cas machlnsry. Crown leeoe. seeaa and fertilizer, pinley Implement Co. RADIOS Golden Tone Oeneral Elec tric select now. pick Hardware. FOR SALE Pea re and applea. Kantor. 3 mllea north Talent. NEWTOWN APPLES at the Perl Or chards Dial 6434. FOR SALE Dry fir alaba. Phone 6180. REAL BUYS In used clothing 1406 no. tuveraioe. across from Beck Bakery. FIR SLABS Buy Now. City Fuel Phone 4114. FOR SALE Luw priced lumber or any building matenala Call ua be fore you buy R O Stephenson Co.. Court and McAdrewa, Telephone 2000. DRY FIR for aala. Phon 6180 ait i 6:00 o'clock. MMlFtlKII BAKOAIN HOISE We Have What You Want Pipe and Flttlnga all alzea Soil Pipe and Drainage Flttlnga Plumbing Fixture and Septlo Tanka Tent and rarpa ulna Doors. Wlndowa and Glasa Split Pulleys. Belting. Cable and Block Barbed Wire, stock Fencing, etc Roofing Paper, Building Paper Paint Roof stain ' Army Goods. Shoes. Boot Quilt. Underwear and Sock Pumps and Machtuory Tools for the House. Farm, Loggera' and Mill 6uppllea Nw and Deed Furniture of All Kind. Stoves and Circulator Heater We Can Save You Dollar Ph 3744 27-33 N Orepe St MISCELLANEOUS BAZAAR & DINNER by Ladles of Presbyterian Church, Friday, Dec ember 5th. at church. Bazaar at 11 o'clock. Crater Lake Guild will also have booth. Serving 6 to 8. ANNOUNCEMENT Now open for business, a new shop on Jackson ville highway Just opposite Ovel man'a Lumber Yard, apeclallzlng In Windows, Sssh and Doors, also shelving, cupboards, built-in, and furniture. Phone 2952 for prlcea or appointment, liogston a. ELECT ROLUX Salea at Service, phon CALI 6523 for special dinner partlea Old Stage House. Phoenix. Ore. PERSONAL PSYCHIC. Cards and Palm Reading, ooc. 613 N. Bartlett. MRS. DELMAR Psychic Medium and raimist. By nstural girt, with yeara of research and study. Gives advice and help on all affairs of life; touchea on every aubject of human interest- gives facte: gets result; tell what to do, how to do and when to do It; aaka no questions. When all others fall aee me. Read ings gusrsnteed. Hours 10 a- m. to V p. m. Rainbow Auto Camp, High way 69. CARD READING 61. 839 Jeannett Palmistry, Crystal Reading D Miller Ph 3446 480 Mountain Ave Aohlind BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES POR BALE Bellvlew ator and serv ice station. Leaving state, must sell once. Reasonable. Box 396. Rt. 1. Ashland. ACROSS L Cover 4. Hani quastloa 1. Outfit 12. Tropic! Mr4 11. Join 14. Greek tetter Is. Encountered la. Vo something In return IT. Head covering It. Divisions of a corolla M. Soul or spirit 12. Mountain: comb, form It, Gsln through effort !. Rpesl II. Wireless IL Compsratlv sndlng II. Trspped 14. Hiunrler 15. Kimpieua 17. Spoil . Light touch St. Japanese ststesmaa it. Dared . Palm Illy 41. Turkish enurl 44. Embroidery frame 41. Pouchea 60. Poem 51. Ktarrr St. Breathed heavily la sleep 54. Exriarr.stlon 57. Half diameter 19. Old musical note i Conlunetloa Si. Occurrence 62. Purposs S3. Thing: law 44. IntsUlgenc 45. brop the bait gentlv on th lb water h ij ru W Li 7 W I V Y" ' 7 7f" 23" IT 3T 'T Tt 5j ST s ZEZZZZZZ yj "X -so T jt" ""sr - " 47""""" ne- 53" "" 3S" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCELLENT location for restaurant on new highway, city water, living quarters. Small capital required. Reference Box 355. Tribune BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antique EARLY AMERICAN GLASS at the sign 6 miles south of Gratit Paaa or 1 mile north of Savage Rapids dam on Highway 99 Assyr ASSAYER W. O Wright. 3318 Capi tal Ave. City So of water reservoir Gold 61. copper 61. cinnabar 62 Carpentering CARPENTER WORK New or remod eling, day or contract: free estimate Phone 3031 214 Cottage St. LESLIE RALSTON, General Contract ing, fine finishing work. All kinds Carpentering. For estlmstes plees csll st 701 N. Riverside or Tel. 2881. Christmas Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Chrlstmaa Cards. Dainty Handkerchiefs. Albert'e Myr tlewood Novelties. THE ALBER TEL LA 150 North Central. C him nay Swaap CHIMNEY Sweep Alo furnaoea and on atove oeanra can iteo tuvoo 9fl No Front Phone, 4240 Drssmklncj ME FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Pur Remodeling Butloai and Buckle covered Room 803 0. S National Bank Bldg Tel 8931 DREoSMAKINO Altera Mona. tailor ing Katharine Sattarle. Singer Shop 23 So Grape Exptrt Window Clnr LEI OEOROB DO ITI EXPERT Window Cleaner Oeneral bouse eleanera. floor waxing paint. Ing Oeo P Oliard Phone 3QM MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEYT When an emergency arises and money la needed cjutcKly you win una ms locsl Jlrm resdy to glv your needs prompt and friendly consideration Repay the loan In monthly pay menu adjusted especially to suit you. OREOON PINANCB CO. W. E Thomas. Mgr. Lie. No. 8-11 M-31T. 48 So Central Dial 4431 Horn owned and managed Bine 1938 WE IOAN MONET OH YOUR CAR Attractive Rate COAST PINANCB Harold H Brown Agency License 811 138 Eaat Main. Phon 8440. PRIVATE MONET on Improved farms Address Box 416. Tribune. Nursing Home TRUAX NURSING HOME Graduate Nurses. Equipped to car I or an ill nesses except Surgery and O. B ve. Phone 161. Jacksonville. Ore, Transfer CITY TRANSFER 6TORAOB CO Houaebold moving and general hauling U9 8. Orapa Phon 4664 Day or night PURNITURE MOVING AND 8TOR AOE W have van moving equip ment for local and long distance hauling. Dry and clean atorare (concrete building) with special locker rooms et tow ratea SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Phon 8166. EADS TRANSFER at STORAGE CO Otflo 16 South Fir Phon 3836 Prlcea right Service guaranteed )AV1S TRANSFER AND 8TORAO 40 8 Pir Street. Injured carrier Local and Long Dlstsno Hulling Phon iHftS Solution Of Yttrda)rs Putsl DOWN L Illum!nstlnff devlo 3. Arrow poison I. Msrks Indicat ing rspeUUot 4. Steal I. Unit a. Slight tut llDUld T. Dr'a march I. Pox 6. Oav bilk 10. Entry In a account IL Cltv wher Sarne&a died II. Parte of eurvt IL Period of time 14. Immeree agal It, One of th Muses 11. Title IT. Current flf air l. Angry 10. Path of heavea,f body I. gnkworm it. Woolen fabrle 40. Merr',0 land measures 41. Tarietr of hart rubber 41. Extinct bird 4S. Viscous liquid 47. Peruse eg si 4. Work hsrd 51. At dlitsne ;2. Mathematical ratio 51. Trsnarretslon i. Lamb's p a nsm 55. Moist , lew A & J C Um 0B 1 1 A N E T PAL pJaTb le Ijm o p e S I TOR I ULpBt rf E Ej?al A I FHwIcTt at FiR oMo O U sMcjH E 5 RA w QMl SiDlslA 3 ais eaI1sJe 7i"Ni ry p 1 rH" n EjjaTil L eiIIUiCPo R A 0 rIaWl" O 0 E'S TAR Hill E I T R EflH O N E R Y rUTOPUvlElTlS BUSINESS DIRECTORY Roofing IIS WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof Pahco Rooting. Shingle Co tin ft od Pmt, New too Wall Paper Bkeraoo Paint nd Root f. ft So Rartlatt Tal &B43 JOB UMITH TOUR ROOFER AU Roof rroublea taken car of. All work guaranteed. Call S?8 or 2249 Sawing Machlnw W H. KLATT 81 n gar Distributor 97 So. Orap Tel. MM Medford. Oreron COURT HOUSE NEWS Marriage: LIcantM Jay C. Kaylor and Nancy ray Durham. Paul Leslie Andrews and Ber netta Dubs. Chester Edward Inghram and Sadie Newman. Lincoln Horace Root and 01 lle Green. Frederick Wilton Younger end Phyllis Gale Hedgpcth. Divorces Filed Zelma W. Hare vs. Trevor B. Hare. Probate Court Estate of Catherine Morrison, Deceased. Deed Marry A. Wbbr t vlr to City of Medford, W. D. In Siskiyou Heights Addition. Myrtle B. Myers to Medford Pout' try and Egg Company, W. D. In Weat'a Addition, Medford. Sheriff Syd I. Brown to Burr E. Tye et ux. Redemption Certificate, In Park Addition. Medford. Maxln Mors Llndberg t Vlr to J. Curtta Barnes, Quitclaim Deed, 44.68 acres In D. L. C. No. 73, Twp. 16 South Rang t West W. M. Frank Amy to 3. Curtis Barnes, Quitclaim Deed, 18 sere In Bee. 10 Twp. 86 South Rang t Weat W. M. Sheriff Syd I. Brown to Hamilton H. Pox, Redemption Certificate, 830 Acre In Sec. S3. Twp. 88 South Rang 3 Eaat W. M. Caroll P. Carpenter t si to B. . ! Ford et ux, W. D. In Perry Subdlvta- lon In D. L. C. No. H. Twp. 31 South Rang 3 Weat W. M. I. C. Chllder et ux to J. S. Moran flt ux, QultcUlm Deed, In Southse Addition, Medford. Chart Strang t al. Warden snd veatrymen of Saint Mrk' Pariah, to Saint Mark' Pariah, Quitclaim Deed, In Crowell Addition, Medford Protestant Xplaoopal Blahop of Oregon, to St. Mark' Pariah, Mad' ford. Correction Deed, In th Crowell Addition, Medford. The Federal Land Bank of Spo ken, to Maynard Bush at ux, Deed, In See. 8. Twp. 87 South Rang 1 Weat W. M, Prank O. Noyea to th California Oregon Power Company, Right of Way. Wm. M, Brlgg at us to Marlon T. Burn t ux. Quitclaim Deed, on Mountain Avenue, Ashland. Paul C. Jennlnga tt ux to R. A. Atwood, W. D. In Roa Addition, Medford. W. B. Pracht et al to Oeo nee Mack et ux, W. D. In Peachblow Paradise Addition, Ashland. George Irwin et us to Charlea Undaay t ux. W. D. In Ashlsnd. M. O. Buel at ux to Ray Lewi. w. D. In Sec. 33. Twp. 39 South Rang 1 West W. M. Jackson County Bank to Walter U Clark et ux. W. D. In Medford. Prank Llndley, Administrator of the Estate of Luretta M. Llndley, De ceased, to Chrlstln B. Dobbyn t vlr, W. D. In Prk Addition, Medford. Q, E. Plerc et ux to Burton Lowry, Jr. W. D. in Stewart Acrea, 16 74 acrea. Jo E. Woodcock t us to W. P. WUlaon tt ux, w. D. 38 acrea In Sec, 11. Twp. 88 South Range 1 West W M H. H. Klnchelo et ux to R. E Klnehelo et ux, W. D. one-third In tereat, 36 ten In D. L. O. No. 76, Twp. 38 South Range 1 Weat W. M. witham Music compsny, Inc., et tl, to E. L. Chllder. W. D. In South' a Addition, Medford. Howard C. Johnson at ux to Ralph B. Markwart et ux, W. D. In Queen Ann Addition, Medford. Pearl Luttge et vlr to Weyerhaeua- r Timber Company, W. D. In 34, Twp. 40 South Rang 6 Est W. M. Amelia p. Tsrlngton et vlr to L. D. Inskeep et ux, W. D. In D. L. No. 96, Twp. 37 South Rang t Weat W. M. Charles Edmondaon to Ray LockaM et ux. w. D. In Butt rail. Sheriff Syd L Brown to P. A. Waldman, Redemption Certificate, In See 37, Twp. 88 South Rang 1 Weat . M Edward W, Oebhardt tt ux to Har old Oebhard et ux, Deed, In See. 84, Twp. 86 South Rang 1 West w. M. Ralph Billing et al to Wilbur O. Bushnell t ux. QultcUlm Deed, In Summit Addition, Ashland. A. H. Wls1ntj et ux to Elisabeth Parke, W. D. In Bunnyald Addition, Medford. B. L. Johnson to Lenora Johnson. Quitclaim Deed, In Wtldwood Ad dition, Medford. , Prank Netherland to Oertrude 84 rlght Horn, W. D. on th Crater Lake Highway. First Federal Savings and Loan Aaaoelatlon of Medford to Oeorg T. Prey et ux. W. D. In Cottage Horn Addition. Medford. B. J. Palmer st ux to Edna Onto Dawaon et vlr, Contract, 760 acre in Bee. 1, 18, It and 16. Twp. 37 South Rang 1 West snd 330 acres In See. 18, Twp. 87 South Rang t West W. M. Bay Wmr to Wm. P. Hall t al. Correction Deed, In see. 84, Twp. S3 South Range 1 Wen W. M. William H. Pluhrer to Ollmor Oil Company, Lease, in Medford. There srs about 100 United But pott offioea and sU sub-suuon In Putrto tUea. Phoenix Phoenix. Dec. 2. (Spl.) The Ladies Aid society will meet Thursday, December 4, In the Presbyterian church parlor at 2 o'clock. Those attending are asked to bring a gift to ex change at the Christinas party. Th nnual high school magaxln drlv began Monday. Renewala and subscription will b taken. Henry W. Pram la the new troop- leader of th Phoenix Boy Scout and ( 1 anxloua for an boys interested in Scout work to contact him Immedi ately. Clark Berkley has been seriously 111 for several dy t hi horn. The football team of Phoenix High school was ntertalned Friday avenlng with a bnquet given In their honor by th Girl Leagu. An enjoyable turkey dinner waa prepared by the Home Economic elas. Rev. and Mr. Mile Brown rlgg are visiting their daughter and on-ln- Mr. and Mra. Fred Hoagland 01 Klamath Fall. Leaving December 1 for Portland on an extended visit Is Mra. J. O. Cof fin wher ah win visit her daughter. Due to the prompt and efficient work of th Phoenix Fir department. roof fire at th L. D. Fry hom w quickly extinguished Friday avenlng. Damage don to th roof (mounted to 150. A OIK Scout organisation meeting waa held November 36. at th achool house by Mr. Bert Stancllff. new patrol leader. All girl between th agea of 10 and 18 are urged to Join. Next meeting will be December 3. Regular monthly meettng of Phoe nix Extenalon Unit wa held Frtdy at th Floyd Barrett home. In th morning flrat-ald kite 'for automo biles were made. In th afternoon a demonstration on aurlllslng band agea and construction of typical bom medicine cabinet were anown. Tn local leadera were Margie Van Gor don and Madeline Barrett. Chester Lengele, Jr., ha returned to hi horn after being confined to th Community Hospital du to an eye accident November 31. A birthday dinner nononng atra. Dolly Stevens, Mrs. A. H. Dudiay. Floyd Barrett, and John Hecxert waa held tt th Floyd Barrett bom Nov ember 36. Attending wer Mr. Floyd Bsrrett, Mrs. John Hecxert, Col. A. It Dudley, Andy Steven and th Hon oreea. Thursday Club mat at th Bom of Mra. Aivln Coat laat Thursday with Mr. A. H. Dudley as assistant hoateae. Plana for a Chrlstmaa party wer mad snd a report of th rum mag and food sal were given. Mem ber present wr Elva Furry, Addl Btedman, Chios rairweatnar, nam ryn Stancllff. Mrl Furry, Alio Hallgren, Bertha Coblelgh, Franc Dudley, Nanette Coeta. Mabel Bourn and Inea Turpln. aueet wer sera. Mllo Furry and Mrs, Dwlghl catnr wood. Griffin Creek Griffin Creek, Dec. 3. (Spl.) The Griffin Creek Extension unit meeting has been changea from December B to the 12th, and will be at the home of Mrs Lulu Sturglll. The project leaders. Lulu Sturglll and iva Harper, will have charge of the meeting In meat cookery. There will be covered dish luncheon at noon. Mra. Jest! M. Minor hss returnee to her bom form a two weeks' visit in California with Mr. and Mra. Rob ert Minear, Donald Mtnear and Mr brother nd fmlly, Mr. and Mrs. c. 0. Darby. Mr. and Mr. Ray Ouch spent laat week-end in Klamath Palls. Th achool ground have been lev- tied snd graveled around th build ing. Teacher and pupil ar ousy now preparing th Cbrutma pro gram. Mia Bettl Brown, a atudent of Ltnfleld college at McMlnnvlll. spent th Thanksgiving vacation here with hom folk. On Friday avenlng sever al friend from th aenlor B. T, group of th First Baptist church apent th evening at th Brown bom. Mis Ruby Lofland of Medford ha been spending torn tlm lately at th hom of her brother, L. M. Lofland. Mr. Lofland. who fell and hurt her self, 1 Improving and now able to be about. Mr. and Mr, t. T. Colter Pnt Thnkglmg Day t th hom of their daughter and family, Mr. snd Mrs. Ray Ouch. Mrs. Collar has been confined to her hom for so long now It l nice to hear of her being bl to bt out again. Next H. B. O. meettng will be at th home of Mrs. Jl Minear en Dee. 11. A Christine (1ft sichang will be enjoyed. Prospect, Dec. J (Spl.V Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fraedrlck Jr. entertained group of friends with an evening of pinochle, Nov. 29. High score prizes were swarded to Gus Dits worth and Mrs. Floyd Kelley, traveling prize to Mr. Ditsworth, and Elmer Clemens and Mrs. Frank Salter won the low score prizes. A chicken supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. James H. Grieve. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clemens, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ditsworth, Mrs. Mary E. Grieve, Mrs. Frank Salter, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kel ley, Miss Ann Fraedrlck, Bud and Ted Fraedrlck, snd Mr. and Mrs. Fraedrlck. Among the attending th OiO U. of O. football gam, at Bugen. Saturday war Mr. and Mr. Ueli Jantter, Thayer Carlton, Ted Jtntatr, Miss Jean Fraedrlck. and Mite Mary Olson. Mr. Montana Ollhouaen. of Trail, who ha Just returned from a visit tram Las Angeles, spent the w Prospect 1 LODGE NOTICES CRATER LAKE CHAPTER. Ko. S3. R. A. M. Special conYocatlon Tuesday, Deo, 3nd. This will tx a district meeting of 80. Or. Chap- ten. Royal Arch deejre conferred. N boat dinner at 6 45 p. m. ERUB M. ORAT. H. P. MALTA COMMASDERT NO. 4. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Stated conclave. Maaonto 1 icuijjiaj, nan, weanev l iav evening. Dsctmbtr . Routine business. Lonf Form ODenlnK. VI al tin a- Knlghta welcome. Otto W. DeJarnett, Commander R- X. De trick, Recorder. hsr with her sister, Mrs. Everett Skeeten. Mra. Hattl Clark, who ha been working at th hom of Mr. Jama Owens at Eagl Point, returned to hsr hom tn Jantsar VUlse, Sunday, and will re mam her until after Chrlstmaa. Mr. and Mr. Elmer Clemen had an electric range Installed In their home th last week. Meteorological Report By V. . WEATHER BUHEAO Extended Forecast For Washington, Oregon, Nevada and northern California for th period beginning 6:30 p. m. today to 4:30 p. m. Dec. 6: Moderate to heavy rain through Wedneeday with snows tn higher elevations and fre quently throughout week In Paclfte northwest and at end of week In x trem northern California and Ne vada. Temperatures above normal be coming near normal In California and Nevada by mlddl of period. Forecasta Medford and vicinity: Occasional rain tonight and Wednesday. Cooler Wednesday. Oregon: Occasional rain tonight snd Wednesday with snow over high, er mountain. Cooler Wedneeday. Southerly gale offeout decrasinf (lowly. Local Data Temperature a year ate today! Highest 46: Lowest 40, Total monthly precipitation j tnchea. Excea for the month M Inche. Total precipitation sine Septem ber 1, 1841, 8.81 lnche. sloe as for th eeaon 1.11 Inches. Relative humidity at 4:80 prn. yes. terday 81; 4:30 a.m. today 81. Tomorrow Sunrla 7:33 s.m. Bun. , set 4:40 p. m. Observation Taken at 4:S a. av ItO Meridian Time. Rata Rain Foggy P.Cldy Rain Cloudy Cloudy Rain Cloudy P.Cldy Clear Rain Rain I Rain Cloudy Cloudy Rain Rain Cloudy Rain Lot Angelas 81 Medford 80 New York , 46 Omaha 47 Phoenix 78 Portland 6T Reno 83 Roaeburg 64 Salt Lake 68 San Francisco. . 63 Seattle 68 Spokan 63 Wash.. D. C ., 48 Taktma , . ,,. 88 GRIFFIN CREEK UNIT MEETS DECEMBER 12 Griffin Creek, Dec. 8. Spl.) Griffin Creek extension unit will meet from 10 a. m, to 3:30 p. m. Friday, December 13, at the home of Mrs. bum sturiui, at Hollowsy orchard. The proj ect is on "froren meats". Members and friends re In vited to attend. For luncheon bring salad, vegetable or dessert and an inexpensive gift for exchange. , Travel Table AlKPLANtt North-bound Leve Stalls Close 4:68 a. as. 4:14 a. av 13:31 p m. 11 68 a m. 4 OS p m (Flag stop) no mall 6:33 p. m (Flag (topi t.88 p. m. South sound Leave Malls Olose 10 41 e tn. 10 3 a a. 6:41 p. m. (Flag Stop) 4 .87 p. 1141 p. as. 10 .63 p. as. IRAINS Ronh bound Leav Mall Olese II nam. 10 38 a. m. 7 60 p. m. 4 SO p as. Southbound Leav Malls Olose 7 66 a. m. 6 66 a. as. M p. m. M p. as. BUSES Korta 3 SO a. m. 160 a m. 6S6 a at. 140 p m. outB 13-06 a at. 6 so a. ab 6 so a as. et 60 p Bb 8 :46 p m. eo6 p. g. T ktamata rail . t -06 p as rrm a la mats raDe 6 SO a m. () To AahiaiMI only. () To Oraate Pas ciy. Note' Auto connecting first etaaa auui iosaa st tea a at for iivry st poinu north et tugena and a t oo p. a for iitwt at (.Haaf sou US et Punamulr, I S Si S$ 3 V ! Bols 60 4 m Boston 41 38 T Chicago 66 48 .04 Denver 80 80 Eureka 68 69 .33 Havre , , 68 88