PAGE SEVEN Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! Its Filled With Opportunities! ! MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOR OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1941. Read vri7 ad on thta pR You will pnitMhljt rind 4 tb4hinc tuu bin look ing. I'm uff ul or trade lor . an ud arihlr vuu mat ha carrh vmii atite at ainrt room ' job may find man thlnea lhrr arv asking and n a hi to rralltv Imnifdlat cah If what oa want Un't her aitterilw foi it. Trthun riaa alfied ada ara Uepenvl tflccUvcl - RATES pet word nnt mrtioaJie (Minimum tV) Barb addlilonaJ insertion, per nrd 1 (Minimum 10c) per tin per month wit hoot cop; chaos l.tS CASH or money order muit acrom pany oil mau order classified ads. L03T AND FOUND LOST Brown pigskin tipper band bag. Reward. 624 W. nth. REPORT lost aue. animal cruelty cages Humane Society Phone fjlol WANTED MALE HELP PRTJNERS WANTED Rogue River Orchards. End of r?o. Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Two neat young ladle free to travel to southern California for the winter. Bee Mrs.. Morrow, . 7 to 8 p. m., Monday night only, f Jackson Hotel. 18 weekly, drawing account to start. CAPABLE and experienced eorset ler wanted for ateady position In large Portland apparel store, otaie age. experience, now long in eacu position, and what salary earned. A good opportunity Is open for the right woman. Eastern Outfitting Company, Portland, Oregon, WANTED Experienced waitress, ap ply What-Not. WANTED Capable cook and house keeper. Oo home nights. Refer ences. Call 8315. WANTED Experienced girl or woman for general housework. Phone 2354. HELP MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Good experienced packer for Christmas work. Apply In per son Bear Creek Orchard. South Pacific Highway. WANTED Women or men to sell. Experience not needed. A good proposition for the right party. Also consider tryout In nursery stock business. 404 South Grape. t Phone 3990. B. A. Larson. WANTED SITUATIONS CARPENTER, first class builder, new, remodeling, foundation, all classes of building. Bot 3T3 Tribune. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Trade merchandise and cash for rides, shotguns, 32 pis tols. 817 North Riverside. WANTED 100 new subscriber to the San Francisco Examiner to receive a FREE set of PRUDENCE PENNY COOK BOOKS. More than 1500 psgea. Hundreds of photographs. Valued at 61000. Tele phono 3073. TWO Experienced ladlea wish to man ape cale. Commlsslr. or salary. Tri bune. Box 341. WANTED TO RENT Nicely furnish, ed small modern home. Close In. Tribune. Box 843. LADY going to Los Amteles Dec. 19th, returning Jsn. 3, wishes compan ion. Phone 4733. f WANTED Young, fresh milk goat. Raised alone Box 66. Butt Falls. WANTED A dial from you. 4693 for estimate on Bullt-lns to order. WANTED TO BORROW 64 000 on city property, first mortgage; sub stantial monthly psyments. Box 883 Tribune. WANTED Carpenter work. Phone 3384. and repair WANTED Improved I acre or less close tn. Give price, location, etc Box 634. Superior. Wyo. WANTED Your wash day porch to make comfortable with Vttapan Dial 4693 DRESSMAKING. Altering. 440 So Riverside WILL BUY feeder ana fat lambs: also feeder hogs 619 8. Riverside. I Telksmp WE ARE In the maixet for good fsrm and city loans, 6 and repay on eaay terms No charge unless losn la msda We write all kinds of In i surance ' ELMER HERRIED 44 N Riverside WELL DRILUNO 61 50 per ft first 60 ft., etc J M Dodg 619 King BIOHEST cash oald for Iron, copper braaa, radiauira aluminum bat teries tubes rsgs lead and sino Medford Bargain Hous WANTED Wool, mohslr hide nd pelt Medford Bs-esln Hous. 37 North Orspe St Phone 3744 WILL PAY MllT CH Pc-r 0,kh1 t'sed Furniture MOI BKOOH f IRMTI Kg 18 North Front Phono 4033 BrT PKirr. pin For Tour Furniture Ftna H BMll Wr Ph. me 4?0 FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN 8-room fum'ahed houa. Oil heater, electric utilities Good location. H. L. Cook, 1104 West Main. rPOrt RENT Furntahed and unfu-n-tehed house Edwin P. Hughe R-el Bstat Ae-n:y. 709 H. Riverside. Phono Sc. 9. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished 4-room mod em house. Adult. At 109? (ui Jackson. FOR RENT 4-room furnished house. 516 Palm St. Phon 840.. FOR RENT Small house, partly fur nished. aiB.00. 818 summit. FOR RENT 6-roora bouae. Kaa good wood rang and heater. 710 Pine St. Available Dec. 1st. Owner at bouae from 11 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. FOR RENT Partly furnished house. dun or Dames, a diocks oeyona Big Y, corner Hasel and new high way. FOR RENT Nicely furnished (-room house, zzv Laurel, afternoon, or Phcm 8101. FOR RENT 7-room unfurnished house, fireplace, lota of bullt-lns. bot water heater, piped for oil burner. Close to schools. Phone 3868. FOR RENT 5-room furntahed house. No pets. Inquire 403 Newtown. 6-ROOM house, close In. Partly fur nished. 817.40. Shulta Bros. FOR RENT Eight-room house, 936 Park. furnished FOR RENT 5-room house, nicely furnished. No dog. 831 Oak St. Phone 8171. FOR RENT Completely furnished duplex, two bedrooms, furnace heat, excellent location. 638 W. 10th. Phone 3787. FOR RENT Furnished 4-bedroom. 3 batbroom residence and garag. Close In. Electric stove. Frlgldalre. gas furnace, shade, shrubbery and garden. Victor C. Sether. NEWLY FURNISHED duplex. Close to town. 633 50. Phone 3596. FOR RENT 4-room unfurnished bouse. Inquire 358 So. Oekdale, or dial 3390. FOR RENT Furntahed 8-rootn houaa. electric stove, fireplace. Adulu Phone 8033. Dark Grocery. FURNISHED houaa and apt. Adulu. 804 W. 10th. FOR RENT 5-rocm modern cottage, unfurnished. 635.00. Inquire 136 Cottage. TRUCKS FOR RENT Move yourself Save half Pruttfe Moollga Sta tion. Main and Ivy Phone 4145 FOR RENT 7-room plastered house with bath, large lot, 637.60. L. O. Plckell. 18 8. Bartlett. FOR RENT Furnished Room FOR RENT Room for gentleman. 331 W. 6th. NICELY furnished sleeping room, heated. Garage. 43 North Peach. WARM, well furnished room. Break fast and dinner If desired. Dial 4131. WARM, exceptionally well furnished bedroom and living room. Also sin gle room. Private entrance. 604 Pennsylvania. ROOMS For Rent 158 N Oakdal ATTRACT1CE ROOMS 404 8 Orape FOR RENT APARTMENTS SMALL apartment, private bath and entrance. 331 w. nun, FOR RENT Apart men ta, on 616.00. private bath. On 68.00. Shady Nook. FOR RENT 3-room apartment with garage. 33 Almond. FURN. APT Steam heat, hot water, Frtgldalr. 603 8. Holly St. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Heat and water 335 So. Ivy. call mornings or evenings sfter 6. NICE warm furnished apartment. Private bsth. Refrigerator. 806 w. Main. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment. heated. 339 North Ivy. MODERN, attractive furnished apart ment. Adulu. 830 So. oanaeie. MODERN furnished apartment. Steam heat 10 wulno. OE BAUER Apt turn et unfura. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment Adulu 138 Mistletoe FOR RENT F and F apartmenU 3 rooms and bath, gas beat, in quire 317 West 6th. FOR RENT Medium priced furnish ed apartment. Inquire 306 So. Oak dale FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM BOARD It ROOM. 716 E Main. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR HIRE Caterpillar Dleael 60 with La Toumeou Angle Docer. Writ L. B Basey, Care Junction, Oregon, or call Y Rustic Inn, Csve Junc tion FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Oood team 4-year-old, part Percheron mares, 1,400 lb, each: new harneas, good wagon; reasonable prlos. E. B. Clumbers, Box 64. Butte Fan gtar Rout. Eagle Point. FOR SALE Young Ouerneey-Jereey cow. rresn 3 montn. Route a. Box 377. Old Stage Road. Ed Mor ton. FOR SALE Five-year-old gray regis tered Percheron mare and colt. Oray three rear old gelding, brok. Also fine blsck Psrcheron suuion colt, coming two. T. L. Taylor, Blddle Road, Medford. Or. FOR SALE 1 Jersey and 1 Ouernsey cow. both extra good milker. Mr. McBetb. Rout 4. Fort Baker Road. FOR SALE Young, gentle. Jersey cow. Henry Brown, sunset mil, Just off Orchard Horn Drive. WANTED All klnda of eattl. Bo 4991 Tribune. FOR SALE Unusual opportunity to secure registered ouerneey null calf, excellent blood lines. Dam now on official test. Take thl calf and glv him good home. Raise to maturity and deliver your present tnorwrei herd sir with no Cftsn difference. A rel opportunity to improve your herd and produc tion Call at Wing's Cloverblll Reg istered Ouemaey Farm for particu lar. FOR BALE OR TRADtV-Ouod 8 year. I o.d nor. 1. km Mas, B. F. o, atsdlora. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Guernsey cow. Just fresh. Also 3 Roan corns, is heifers. 1st bouae on Midway road beyond Four Cornera. Oecar Wolf. FOR SALE Feeder pigs; excellent young riding mare; tractor disc. Phone 8533. CASH tor old hones Dial 8378 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 acres, modern house and barn, near high school, free Irrigation, city water. (1900. (400 . eaah, balance 815 per month. Edwin P. Hughea. Real Estate Agency, 700 W. Riverside. Phone 3818. S200O buys 5-room stucco house; rea sonable terms. H. L. Cook, 1104 W. Main. FOR SALT Five lots close In at Penn and Rose. 8100 esch. O. V. Chea ney, 748 W. 4th. Phone 4353. FOR SALE OR RENT Furnished 4 room house. Good location. Box 857, Tribune. FOR SALE Modern home, close-In. paving paid, nice lawn, shrubs. Would consider trade for farm. Box 974, Medford, Ore. 91 JAA Suburban. Thre acree, Ir JI'lUU rlgated, clover. berrle. Neat small modern cottage, two poultry houses, brooder house, gar age, cooler. Fenced and croea fenced, cloae In. Term to respons ible party. Also DO YOU want to buy land Joining tne city limits with city water available, for 645.00 per acre? Fine ahade trees, level land. WU1 sell 46 acres. ELMER BERRIED No. 44 N. Riverside Dlsl 3367 or 4860 $2500 REAL BARGAIN 5-room home, double garage, paved and paid. Near Junior hiah. Owner aya eell, only 2500. Term. Also brand new 5500 dow Bslance 638 per month. Including taxea. Interest and Ins. 4 Urge rooms, large nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, lawn: near schrd. eaat aide, priced to sell. Also ii ACRE TRACTS Irrigated Near cltr limits on Stewart Ave. Priced to sell. 660 down. bal. 813.60 per month. Building restriction. MARK A. OOLDY Phone 8366 109 E. Main Evenings. Phone 3417, Bee be , FOR SALE OR TRADE Valued at 6500. 10 acres, new buildings, spring water, berries, plenty wood, near Roseburg. Take amall house trailer or car. Leroy St. Arnold c-o Friend' Auto wrecking. 90-ACRB ranch fronting 600 feet on river, good Improvements, 66.000. cash and assume federal loan. Low rate of Interest, Irrigation upkeep only. Also 6-ROOM Bungalow, hardwood floor large lot. easy terms. C. 8. Butter field. 410 Medford Bldg. FOR SALE 6-room modern house. almost new, hard floors, snsae. lawn, one acre bottom land. 83360. See A. F. FLOWERS Corner 13th and Front. BUILDING A HOME Let us hsndl ll detells on 35-year FHA loans--quickly efficiently Ooldy Agency CITY nd country properties RenuU Loans, insurance c s tsuttenieia 409 Medford Building. FOR SALE 6-room house. 3 bed rooms, breakfast nook. bath, service porch, waah trays; lot 60x130 feet: Isrge shade trees; paved street, de sirable location. Close In. 31800 Terms. L O. PICKELL 16 8. Bsrtlett FOR A HOME In hills look up HILL t Rogue River. Or. WHEN YOU think of real esut think of the Spencer-Bsgley Avencv 102 w Msm FOR EXCHANGE Roa! Estat FOR EXCHANGE Modern six-room Medford horn, near high and grade echools. 63500 vftlue, for Improved acreage closa In. State value and location. Tribune. Bx 5046. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '38 Ford tudor. or trade for Model A and cash. 3 miles west Phoenix. Warren Mapes. Rt. 1, Box 403, Medford, Coleman creek Road. FOR SALE Star car. 610. Franks, Central Point. Walter FOR SALE or TRADE Equity 1938 Willys sedsn tor light car. Phons 8378. FOR BALE 1933 Pontile sedan C. E. Van On wick. Buckshot Hill Road. EXTRA SPECIAL USED CARS 1941 Deluxe fordor sedan, under-aeat heater, defroster and seat covers. used less thsn 11,000 miles. 1940 Deluxe fordor sedan, beater, de froster nd radio, very fine. 1940 town aedan. heater, defroster snd radio. All car listed ar above the avorag and guaranteed. COMMERCIALS 1941 Ford pickup. 1940 Dodg DtckuD. 1938 Chevrolet pickup. 1937 Chev rolet picxup. itogue Kiver Chevro let, 9th and Bartlett. Phone 3388 1938 BU1CK SEDAN Century model for sale or trad, for lighter ear Ca'I Fad' rirrlure Co FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS WHITB enemel kitchen cabinet bse with porcelain top. Charles Mver 3 mile south on Pacific HKhwsy. FOR SALE Chsrles of London dev. enport. Csll 4M7. FOR SALE Beef, pork snd Teal for your locker. Custom klllln. curing nd smoking. Crater Meat Co. Phon 4018. TATLOR TOT. card table, oak library tab;, sjasolln rsnge with oven, man Butt. 83 Tripp St. ATTENTION DUCK HUNTERS! Nltro Eipress long nnge shells. 1.13 bo. Oeo. Oood man Stand ard Station. th and Central. FOR SALE Wood drculaung beater 15 Murry. JUST LIKE NEW Kodak. Monitor BupermatK. 630 also. Call 4M. Blnr-ne enrte msr fine present Be them at 117? W. Mala. Pa. tot 7. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE FOR SALE. Including electric range, refrigerator, oil heat er, and other artlclea. 80 North Peach. FOR SALE 16-foot factory trailer house near Oak Grove aobool on Jacksonville highway. WARFORD power transmission for Ford V-8 for sale or trade. Call 8489 Crater Lake 4 Corners. SPITZ APPLES W packed few ooxea of tne tamo us Ala vista Orchard Spit especially for the Chrlstmaa Holldsvs. Get yours while they last. Call at Medford Ice and Storage Co.. or at our Fir Street warehouse. American Fruit Growers, inc. AO ATE JEWELRY. Novelties and Myrtle-Wood. Hav your aat cut at Santo Agate Shop, 435 Eaat Main St, WOOD Dry fir and laurel on ground or acuveroa. raone seotf. FOR SALE Wsshlngton Jonothan. Rome Beautlee, Winter Bananas, and Delicious Apple, also Wlne eapa. 61 10 box. bring container. Farter's Market, Central Point. Fa ber'a Farmer Supply, Medford. WE HANDLE complete line of nuraery atock at reasonable prlcea. Gladly give any Information and estimate, no obllgatlona. B. A. Larson, cer tificate, landscape planting advisor. 404 South Grape. Phone 3990. FOR SALE Walnuts, 15c pound. J R. Monson. Old Pacific Hwy, near Howard school. WOOD Old growth fir, 81.80 tier L. F. Psrker. Trail. ORDER Your Xmas Trees now from Jones Bros. Butte Falls. Ore. Box 31. FJJLLEB BRUSHES Phone 4914. WASH.-R8 and lronera for Xmaa. Fill mothers stocking with beautiful Speed Queen. More features. All year to pay. Pick Hdwe. FOR SALE Dry fir and hardwood Phone 4503 Hawley Fuel Co. NU BONE corset. Sslee and repair service 631 8 Riverside Dial 3559 MONARCH Ranges. Byrd used them Easy price range pick Hdwe. WOOD and Oil Circulators. Best buys in town, ncx Hdwe. MYERS Jacuzzi Pump. Installed 100 guaranteed Fl k Rdwe. FOR SALE Caae machinery. Crown teeda. seeds and fertilizer. Flnley Implement Co. RADIOS Golden Tone General Elec tric Select now. Pick Hardware. FOR SALE - Pears and apple. Jo rumor miles north Talent. NEWTOWN APPLES at the Perl Or chard Dial 8434 FOR SALE Dry fir slabs. Phone emu. REAL BUYS In used clothing 1406 No Rtverstda. crosa from Beck's Bakery FIR SLABS Buy Now. City . Fuel Phone 4114. FOR SALE Low priced lumber or any ounaiug materials csll ua co lore you buy R o Stephenson Co. Court end McAdrew. Telephone auuu. DRY FIR for sal. Phone 6180 after 5:00 o clock MUIKIHI) nsKtMIN HOUSE We Have What You Want - Pipe- and Fittings all size Boll Pipe ud Dralusae Fittings Plumbing Fixturea and Septic Tanka lenu and rarpa tina Doors. Windows and Ola Split Pulleys. Belting. Csble and BIOCKS Barbed Win. Stock Fencing, etc Rooting Paper, Buildlug Paper Palnu Roof Stain Army Oooda. Shoea. Boot Qullu. Underwear and Sock Pumps snd Mschlnory Tools lor tb House. Farm. Loggers' and Mill Supplies New and Used Furniture of All Kind Stoves snd Clrculstor Hester W Cn Sava You Dollara Ph 3744 37-33 N Orape 9t MISCELLANEOUS BAZAAR sr. DINNER by Ladles of Presbyterian Church. Friday. Dec ember 6th. at church. Bazaar at 11 o'clock. Crater Lake Outld will also have booth. Serving 8 to 8. ACROSS t. Uncooked 1. tnuirate 17. Made a I. Southern preliminary con it ell a tlon wafer 1 Movable barriers. Collection of In a fence facta It Eachanae 4. On the ecean premium 41. Par (t. Law leu crowd 44. Stiffly proper iKilseed 44. Tvda of 1. Obvioua 17. Thle tprtnr eternal 11 Take e eat II. Small i tree me 21. f-.xlttt !3. Kr.Kilih letter O. Norweclin territorial division 1 Armatlr unlmn! automobile 4T. Siberian steer 4. Groove B0. Lump (. About U. Support for furniture Ik. Kind of ehrub or tree ST. Early Knflleh money it. Tvbh nf rilwev: M. Delineate collo7. A Onlfllrif etar 17. Qamn-.pd 42. Oreat Lake molluelt 3. Wrath It. Moliter.e 4. Sharpen II. Like a fern or Support for an pnlrn leaf uppr 14. Seeweede millstone u p w I ( p u. 17 r is t uo a 3 & "LTZ.Z.1 3T52 ""IT 3 3T r m"!!3 . cT "T3 rsTtr si " Tf7 5" Sf" "7" i fa -JJ---.- MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENT Now open for business, a new shop on Jackson ville highway Just opposite Ovel man. Lumber Yard, specializing In Wlndowa. Sash and Doors, also shelving, cupboards, bullt-lns and furniture. Phone 3953 lor price or Appointment. Clogston's. ELECTROLfJX Sales & Service, phone 3889. TO LET OUT to reliable party head of milk cows. 6 head of brood sow. West end of Fort Baker Road, southwest of Phoenix. CALI 8533 for epecal dinner part lea Old Stage Houae. Phn1x. Ore BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCELLENT location for resuurant on new highway, city water, living quartera. Small caplul required. Reference. Box 355. Tribune. PERSONAL PSYCHIC, Card a and Palm Reading. 60C. 613 N. Bartlett. MRS. DELMAR Psychic Medium and palmist. By natural gut. witn years of research and atudy. Olvea advice and help on all affair of life: touches on every subject of humsn Interest- give fct: geu resulu: tells what to do. how to do and when to do It: asks no questions. When all othera fall aee me. Read ings gusranteed. Houra 10 . m. to 9 p. m. Rainbow Auto camp, nigh' way 99. CARD READING 81. 839 Jeannett Pslmlstry. Crystal Reeding D Miller Ph 3446 480 Mountsln Ave Asniand BUSINESS DIRECTORY AntiquM EARLY AMERICAN GLASS t the sign 5 miles south of Grauu Paaa or 1 mile north of Savage Rapid dam on Hiehwav 99 Asayr ASSAYER W. CI Wright. 3318 Capi tal Ave. city, so ol water reservoir Gold 61. cepper 61. cinnabar 63 Carpontorlng CARPENTER WORK New or remod ellng. day or contract; free estimate Phone 3031 314 Cottage St. LESLIE RALSTON. Qeneral Contract ing,, tine finishing work. All kinds Carpentering. For estlmatea plena can at 701 pf . Riverside or Tel. xhhi Chriitma Card SCRIPTURE TEXT Chrlstms Card, Dftlnty Handkerchief. Albert a Myr tlewood Novelties, THE ALBERTEL- LA. 120 North Central Chimney Swp CHIMNEY Sweep Also rurnsors snd oil stove cleened Call Geo Eaton " No Front Phone 4340 Draumaking IHE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling Buttooi and Bucklea covered Room 803 U S National Bank Bldg Tel 8931 DKEoSMAKINO - Alteration, tailor ing Katherln Saturlea. Singer Shop 22 So Grape Expart Window Claanar LET OEOROE DO IT I EXPERT Wltioow Cleaner Oenersl house eleanera. floor waxing paint- Ing Oeo P Otisrd Phone 3954 Ttarufar CITY TRANSFER si STORAGE CO Household moving snd genersl hauling a9 8. Orap. Phons 4664 Day or night. FURNITURE MOVINO AND STOR AGE w hav van moving equip ment for local and long dlsuuoe hauling. Dry and clean storste I concrete building) with epscla locker rooms at low ratea SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Phone 8766 BADS TRANSFER A STORAOE CO Offrc 16 South inr Prtim mfl Prices right Service fuaraoted DAV18 TRANSFER AND 8 TO RAO I 40 8 Pir Street. Inurl Carriers LoceJ and Long Dutano Hftullng Phone attwa. Solution Of Ytrdy'a Puuli . Tsblet I Desires for 47. Lare marina personal gastropoda advancement DOWN 1 Article of food I. Interval of tlm y. whlw popls I. River mud 4. Summit disgust . Small wild oa 10. Stand lor 11. Maul II. Fleet of war vassal to. Stitch 33. Msssackosstta cap SI. Constellation 17. On who scatter 31 Old musical Instrumsnt la String of oar II. Till of monk It. Edlbl fruit Is. SalutM with nurnt musl U. Eipra.s la word II. Infsr 41. slnnner 41. Cstrh suddenly 41. Genus of th bouse frioue 47. 0' greater age 41. Flower AL Art'atle armbet of tn laiuim dead St. Fss.r.ter 14. Profit 14. Itailsn relng gsm 17. Am.r'ra Indtsa II. Vsrrv It IlasMul PADfC0IUl'glTriRT-- rJ o wIIe l a 2illxi "AkjT AlPirlTjl PiEIC ErT TH? C EJN T A MA SSff5;E NftHT e SARI pwiAlS pQSieTr fc3ALgyRfrp"Ttg3 T,EiPgtlf-HA LIS a ylAnsin'iB)AiKiiM 0 AiUaTdTdI&idIIm 1e lw BUSINESS DIRECTORY MONEY TO LOAN MED MONEY? When an emergency r!aes and money is needed quickly you win find true local firm ready to give your needs prompt and friendly consideration Repay the loan In monthly pay menu adjusted especially to suit you. OREOON FINANCE CO. W. E Thomas. Mgr. Lie. No. 8-11 M-317. 45 So Central Dial 4433 Horn owned and managed Sine 1838 WE LOAN MONET ON YOUR CAR Attract! v RaU COAST FINANCE Harold H Brown Astency Lleens 811 133 Est Mala. Phons 3446. PRIVATE MONEY on Improved irm Address Box 415. Trioune. Nursing Horn TRUAX NURSING HOME Graduate Nurses, Equipped to cere for ll ill nesses except Surgery snd O. B. esses. Phone 161. Jackaonvtlle. Ore. Rooting WE REPAIR or apply any type ol roof Pabco Rooflnge. Shingles Coatings snd Paints New stuck Wall Par-r E leer eon Pslnt snd Root rV.. a So Bsrtlstt Tel 3843 JOB UMITH TOUR ROOFER All Root Troubles uken car of. All work guaranteed. Call S768 or 2349 Sawing Machino W H. KLATT Singer Distributor 33 So. Orape Tel. 8388 Medford. Oregon LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and For Jackson County. nriRIS MAXINE BARTZ. Plain tiff, vs. MERLE AUGUST BARTZ, Defendant. To Merla August Bartz, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby sum moned and required to appear In the above entitled noun ana cause and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff therein on me against you within four weeks from the date of the first pun lication of this summons, and you are further notified that If you fail to appear and answer said complaint as aiorcsaiu, Plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree as prayed for in said complaint, namely: ior a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exist ins between the Plaintiff and the Defendant. . This summons Is published for four successive weeks by order of the Honorable H. K. Hanna, Judge of the above en titled Court, made on the 17th day of November, 1941, direct ing same to De puaimneu in the Medford Mail Tribune, a newspapei published In Jackson County, .Oregon, and you are therein and herein ordered and required to appear and answer Plaintiff's complaint within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which Is the 17th day of Novenv ber' J. F. FLIEGEL Attorney for Plaintiff. 3S North Central Ave nue, Medford, Oregon. Administrator' Final Notlca Nntlr. 1 hereby slvcn that the undersluned ha filed in the County Court of OreKon for Jackson County hit duly veri fied Final Account, and said Court ha fixed Tuesday, De cember 23. 1941. at 10:00 a. m. nf aairl date. In the Court Room of aald Court in Medford, Ore gon, aa the time and place for hearing said Final Account. AH persons interested are hereby notified to make or file their objections to said Final Account, if any they have, with said Court on or before said time. V. J. EMERICK, Administrator of the estate of Mattie L. Jacksonville Jacksonville, Dee. 1, (Spl.) Inez Graham, a senior in Jack sonville high school, and Jack Gllnes, formerly of Prospect, were married In the Presbyter ian church in Tacoma, Novem ber 18. Mr. Gllnes, who belongs to the national guard Is now sta tioned at Ft. Lewis. Mrs. Gllnes returned to her home In Jack sonville the first part of the week and plana to continue with her schooling until graduation. Mr. and Mr. J. W. Orlgsby and Jlmml returned th first of th week from Albny whr they spent Thanksgiving with Mr, Orlgsby' pu nt. Mr Jams Kent spent last week end in Portland visiting nr sister. th former Velma Keaton. who la living thar. Mr. Reuel R Rlsn Is spending th weak In Msrshfleld. Mrs. Robert Metager and on. Fred ar expected back Tuesday from Lo Angela when they went the Friday sfter Thanksgiving to vtait Madelln Metgr. who Uv thr. Mr. I. R. Whit was os'led to Clsmsth Fall again thl week to be w'th her fthr, who 1 very in. Mr. nd Mr. C. 0. RingtMtu nd daughter, Pstty. of Klamath Falls, recently visited Mr. Ringuatu's par ent, th O. A. Bangers, of Ja'Jcacn- Tlll. Among Student who rturnd to Uutr borne ta Jacksonville for the Thsnksglvlng vacation were Law rence Pick, son of the Peu Picks. John Saulsberry, son of Mrs. Luis Saulsberry and George Eden son of the E. A. Eden. All thre boy ar Attending Oregon But college. On of the Urgest Thanksgiving dinner of th yer waa held at the bom of Mr. snd Mrs. Robert Mets ger when they entertained Mr. and Mr. Robert Forbes cd son Mickey, Mr. and Mr. C. P Smeu, Arlene, Dolores snd Homer Smeu. Robert Hsmlln, Jusnlta Ot-nter, Ancll Oun ter and Mr. and Mr. L. J. Hankina Three Jacksonville teacher re turned to Jacksonville Sunday after spending the Thanksgiving week-end at their respective borne. Mala Alma Penrod visited her parrnu In Klam ath Falls. Miss Donna Kesner visited her father In Ftwvtt a rove and Mlsa Jess! Mae Ruhndorf visited her psr enu in Eugen. Otrl Scout Troop 13. which meeu every Wednesdsy after school, is msklng Christmas gifu. Miss Alma Penrod nd Mlsa Jessie M Ruhn dorf ar leaders. Lola Banden went to a BrownHi leader conference St th Scout Hous Wednesday. Plan are under way for orgsnlzauon of a Brownie Olrl Scout troop In Jacksonville. Jscksonvllla Parent-Teacher Aaso clatlon will bold regular monthly meeting In th hlsh aehool Wednes dsy at 8 p. m.. according to tb presi dent, Mrs. Otto Heckort. Th senior class play, which will be th -Ct O' Nino Telle", wilt b given Friday night, December 13, In the Jacksonville gym. Warren Adams It coaching th play. HJalmer Edward, who 1 ststloned t Fort Lewis, wsh., was Jtckson nil visitor over th Thsnksglvlng week-end. H. L. Bernston has been In Ban Francisco during tb put two week. Mr. and Mrs. Ssotty Matheny and Mr. and Mr. Wen Matheny went guest for Thanksgiving dinner at the Loon Offenbacher homo. Plana ar being made for th An nual Chrlstms party and program with th Jacksonville grade school nd tb high school participating. Raymond Cook U In charge of tb music Prospect Prospect, Dec. 1. - (Spl.) The high school carnival No vember 28 was a huge success. The queen contest creates much Interest and at the beginning of the dance Misa Roberta Oliver, the senior candidate, was crowned, the other three girls, Misa Dorothy Clemens. Miss Joan Edler, and Misa Will. Lee Waddell serving at prin cesses. A group of high school students gave an entertainment with Bob Dickey as announcer, and several numbers by Mr. Reed's high school orchestra. Prospect Farant-Teacner Associa tion announce they an giving an other public pinochle party Decem ber 6. A Ismlly reunion was held at th horn of Mr. nd Mrs. Thleds In Her man camp Not. 30, and om of tb guest rsmslned (or several daya. At tendlnt won Mr. and Mr. O. Deckar nd on. Oordon Loo, of Broad us. Montana: Mr. and Mr. Willi Height of Tracy Calif.. Tommy Tied. Mis Blsnche snd Joeephln Tied of San ta Ana, Caltf. rrnklln Jnter nd dsuihtor, Rose Msrl and Helen of Olendsle are vtsltlni her parents, Mr. and Mr. Oeonle Tubltt. Mr. and Mra. H. Hertoger returned th first o th week from Klsmath Fall wher they Tinted thlr son nd dauihter-ln-law, Mr, and Mr. Henry Hertoger a few days. . Ted Kelly left for The Dalles Fri day when his automobtl ha been under rrrtalr following a collision with a cow. Mr. Kelly, who ha been Tielting there, returned her with him 8undT. Mr. and Mr. Ben Gentry and nephew, Billy Gentry, of Yklm. Waah, ar visiting Mr. Oontry' Bi ter, Mr. Reuben Moor no ramuy. and brother, Victor Chapman and family until Sunday when they left Jot Oold Hill to Tlsit anotnar oroiner, Clude Chsomsn. and family. Visitor at Mrs. Leslls Dunsjrsn's Monday were Mr. Roy Heff of Bend nd Mr. Milton undloy of xoaiora Fern Valley Fern Valley, Nov. 29. Spl.) Fern Valley Sunday school had their annual rally day Novem ber 23 with a program In the morning, basket dinner at noon and preaching by Rev. D. D. Randall In the afternoon, adoui 40 attended. Phyllis Wheeler tpont last w with her grandmother Mrs. C. Whee ler of Bams Valley.' Mra. L. H. Hughe was lit th last of th week. Mr. nd Mr. Jo Kanter Jr. fin ished remodeling their bout uid th neighbor gv thorn a hous wann ing Saturday tvenlng and presented them with a linoleum rug. Mr. Verp Msrshsll nd llttl grand daughter Nancy Jo Cos attended th Christmas opening at Madford Wed nedy, Mr. nd Mrs. U H. Hugh returned reently from a month' visit In Southern California. They visited re lative snd friends la Ban Diego, San Bernardino, Redlsnds, Fontan. Whlt tlor. Compton. Lo Angele. Cotton wood nd Roddlng. Mr. nd Mr. H. Chatmsn. Robert Lytl nd Lem Hughe drove bout a docen bead of cattl to th Cur pssttu-o near Rosy Ann Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. m. R. Arnold snd twin Jlmmi and Junior of Medford attends rally day at Fern Vslley choc bouss gunfisy. Mrs. Arnold wa superintendent befor moving to Medford. Ernest La Beer wa ftbeent from school Wendesdsy on account of sick- LODGE NOTICES SCOTTISH RTTB Special meeting Lodge at Perfection, 7:30 p. m. Mon day, Dec 1st. Work la Fourth snd Fifth degree. L E. WUUun. Socty. CRATER LAKE CHAPTER, No. 33. R. A. M. Special convocation Tuesday. Dec 2nd. This will be district meetlna of So. Or. Chan-, ters. Royal Arch decree conferred. NO host dinner at 6:43 p. m. ERLB M. ORAY, H. F. Meteorological Report By P. g. WEATHER BUREAU Forecast Medford and vicinity I Occasional rain tonight and Tuesday with fo In morning. LitU cbang in temper atur. Oregon: Occasional rain tonight and Tuesday with valley toga. Llttl change in temperature, Modsrsu southerly wind on south coast with strong elsewhere on coast, Local Data Temperature a year ago today l Highest 69: Lowest 43. Total monthly - preelptuuon T Inches. Exoesa for th month JM Inches. Total preciplUUon sine Septem ber 1, 1941, 6 31 Inches. Excess for th season .86 Inches. Relative humidity at 4 :30 p. m. yea. torday 79; 4:30 a. m. today 100. Tomorrow sunrise 731 a. m. Sun set 4:41 p. m. Observations Taken at 4:3 a. at. 130 Meridian Tim. n 1 CITY is Boise Boston ,87 88 J00 Cloudy Chicago 48 48 Denver 81 81 Eureka 88 Havre eo 83 Lo Angele 74 88 Medford 87 48 Naw York Omshs Phoenli PortUnd . 80.33 M P. cidy 43 41 .00 Foggy. 78 43 J0O Clear 88 49 .08 Rain 64 n .00 Foggy 88 48 JD1 Foggy 44 83 M Clear Reno Roseburg . Sal Lai i 44 Ban Francisco.-. 88 Seattle 83 X0 Foggy Spokan 48 84 j00 Cloudy Waah. D. C 70 43 M Cloudy . 48 88 J00 Foggy Thompson Creek Thompson Creek, Dec. 1. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Lon Brown and baby were week-end guestg at the Clarence Caasaway home. Rooent Tlsttor at th nmr Hose horn were Mr. and Mr. Potter and two son of Walatr, Idaho, Herbert Elmor motored to Oa. teg Orov Baturday to vtart rslsUve snd returned Mondy accompanied by hi later Oraoe. Mrs, Bftl Mo visited at th hoaas of her son Wuren, Sundy. Oen Meo and family havo movrd to Medford and th neighborhood la sorry to lose them. Tb old faahloned danos dub held n affair at th Applet ball, Kov. 38. Attending from Thompson creek were Mr. and Mr. Clsrence Oassaway, Merl Kendall, Eva Hurd. Albert Johnston, Lydla Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elmor. Herbert Elmore, Grace Elmore. Mr. and Mr. Hunter, Eldano and Bllll Hunter. WEATHER Northern California: Cloudy, rain in extreme north portion tonight and over the north por tion Tuesday; valley fogs; mild temperature; gentle southerly wind off the coast. Private and public debt In the United States aggregated 1874 ollllon dollars at the beginning of the year, the Department of Commerce reports. Travel Table AIKPLANC8 North bound Leave alalia Close) 4 w a. as. 4:14 a m- 133 p m IIM a m. 4 OS p m (Flag atop) Do mall 38 p. 89 (Flag atopi S 3 p. as. Bouthnound Lasts Mail Clow 10 47 a m. 10 03 a ns. 8:43 p. m. (Flag Stop) 4:87 p. m 1147 p. 10 J3 p. a. 1 RAINS north bound Lesv Mill Close eil 33 A B. 10 38 a. a. 1M p. m. 40 p. as. South bound Leer Malt CI oa 07.38 a. sa. 8 M a sa. 848 p. a. 4 s p. as. BUSES North l it a m. 140 a as. 48 a m. 140 a m. ontk 11:08 80 SO I 80 a. a, a. aa. a. aa. P a. g:43 p m. etw Ta fciamatn Fslls 8-08 p m Itam Rlamalh Fall Ml a. Ta Aahlaud only. (( ta Oraaw Fs aoly. It.ifto Sutn mtinactleut flnt snail aloaea at 8-08 a aa for delivery I punt north of tugan aa4 at 8 00 a. as tor dollvory a aouUI C girttraiili, caug. M p.cidy JM Cloudy 00 Foggy .00 Cloudy M Clear T Foggy