PAGE VTNB Want to Bay, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! t MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOR OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1941. RMd rim aa o thla pag You will pnibattl. find rtatlly th- I til ou brrn Iimih In ' Ml M lrBd ,n onii) artiia ou ma hat, fttrarrfr tui attir w tinrr riMim iuu hm) find man thine ahr are arrkins and he ahl a rrailre inimntiafsr mh If what 'on nam Un't hrra aritprt. fiif It Trihtina I'laa airird ada ara lnepcni4v flcctitcl RATES Per word fir.. inertliij0 (Minlimjni tv ) Barb addiilunai in Kenton, per tvorrt 1 (Minimum 10c) per line pei munlb without copy chant $IM CASH or money order mint aerom pan; all mill order classified ada. L03T AND FOUND FOUND Tan female Fox Terrier, near Oold Hill. Phone 3210. LOST Brown pigskin tipper hand bag. Reward. 824 W. 11th. &EPOR1 lost dugs-, animal cruelty cases Humane SuClety Phone 1M WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Experienced middle-aged male dish washer. Apply Tribune Box 4884. WANTED Experienced runera. Phono 8358. IUlhee Orchard. Elmer , Hull. FRUNERS WANTED Rogue River Orchards. End of No. Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP CAPABLE and experienced corse t lero wanted for steady position In largo Portland apparel store. State age, experience, how long In each position, and what salary earned. A good opportunity Is open tor the right womsn. Eastern Outfitting Company, Portland, Oregon. WANTED Experienced waitress, ap ply What-Not. WANTED Capable cook and house keeper. Oo home nln.ta. Refer ences. Call 8315. WANTED Experienced girl or woman for general housework. Phone 2354. w a w Tim Rynerleneed woman din ner cook, must be good on salads, j pastries ana pica. ui" B. '- ences and where last worked. Tribune Box 4303. WANTED Olrl or Womsn for gener al housework. 399 Mountain Ave, A'hlancl. Phone "471. HELP MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Oood experienced packers ; . rhrutmas work. Addiv In per. son Bear Creek Orchard. South Pacific Highway. WANTED Women or men to sell. Experience not needed. A good proposition for the right party. Also consider tryout In nursery stock business. 404 South Orspe. Phone 3990 B A. Larson. WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER avail- : .hi. fn. nart.'lm, WOrk. fifllM daytime open. Trlbuns Box 8015. CARPENTER, first clsss builder, new. remodeling, foundntlc-n, sll clssses of building. Box 378 Tribune. HIGH SCHOOL OIRL wishes work Ssturdavs. Call 664. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Young, fresh milk goat. Raised alone Box 66. Butte Falls. wanted TTsnsD0rtat,on to snd from San Francisco for driving car for reliable party, rnone jh WANTED A dial from you. 4693 for estimate on Bullt-lns to order. WANTED TO BORROW 64,000 on city property, first mortgege; sub stantial monthly payments. Box 882 Tribune. WANTED 1000 silver fir Christmas trees. 1000 red fir. 1000 white fir. cut snd delivered to a gravel road. Tribune. Box 4617. WANTED Furniture, tools, poultry and Junk. Will psy cssh. Box 843, . Medford. Prlvste psrty. WANTED Walnut coflee table snd drnn leaf dlnlne table, also chstse lounge and extra inrr nBmi;-., all in good condition. Box 411 Mall Tribune. WANTED Carpenter work. Phone 3384. and repair WANTED Improved 1 acres or le-s close in. Give price, locstlon, eto I Box 634. Superior. Wyo. WANTED Your wsb day porch to make comlortabls with Vita pane Dial 4633 DRE5SMAK1NO. Riverside. Altering. 440 So ILL BUY feeder ano Cat lambs: also feeder hogs 619 S. Rlvsrside. ( Telksmp WE ARE In the market for rood fsrm snd cltv loans ST. snd lepsy on essv terms No rhsrae unless loen is msde Ws write sll kinds of In surance E1MFR HERRIFD 44 N Riverside WILL DRILLING 60 ft etc t M II 40 per ft first Dndie 619 King HIGHEST cash paid for Iron copper brass, rsdistors aluminum bat teries tunes rses ieed and sino Medford Barssiu House WANTELl Wool, tnohsu bides snd pelts Medford Hi use 27 North Orspe St phune 1744 Will. P4V MUM rM PVr ri'eKJ I'ved Furniture Mill HttllOK t XKM1I ! U KoxiA Ruth ttUaat etui. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS but ruler riu For Your Purnituro. MM M KMTI HK Hhmie 4t46. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Small house, partly fur nished. (19 00. 818 Summit. FOR RENT 6-room house. Has food wood rani and heater. 716 Pins St. Available Dee. 1st. Owner at house from It a. m. to I SO p. m. FOR REST Partly furnished house, adults or babies. blocks bevond Big Y. corner Hanel and new high, way. - FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, with stove, also new house with fireplace. 840 S. Riverside. Phone 8357. COMFORTABLE 8-room unfurnished house, good location. K. L. Cook. 1104 W. Main. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 8-room house. 338 Laurel, afternoon, or Phone 8101. FOR RENT 7-room unfurnished house, fireplace, lota of built-Ins. hot water heater, piped for oil burner. Close to schools. Phone 8688. FOR RENT 8-room furnished house. No pets. Inquire 403 Newtown. FOR RENT Modern five-room house. 14 acres land on Kings Highway, f hone 4138. S-ROOM house, close In. Partly fur nished, 817.80. Bhults Bros. FOR RENT Eight-room furnished house, 838 Park. FOR RENT 8-room unfumlshsd house. US N. Columbus. FOR RENT 8-room house, nicely furnished. No dogs. 831 Oak at. Phone 3171. FOR RENT Completely furnished duplex, two bedrooms, furnace heat, excellent location. 838 W. 10th Phone 3787. FOR RENT Furnished 4-bedroora. 3 bathroom residence and garage. Close In. Electric stove. Frls-ldalre. gse furnace, shade, shrubbery and garden. Victor C. Sether. NEWLY FURNISHED duplex. Close to town. 633 so Phone 3598. FOR RENT 4-room unfurnished ! house. Inquire 358 so. Oakdale. or dial 8390. FOR RENT Furnished 8-room house electrlo stove, fireplace Adults Phone 8033. Darks Grocery FURNISHED houao and apta. Adults 604 W. loth. FOR RENT 8-room modern cottage, unfurnished. 626 00. Inquire 138 Cottsge. TRUCKS FOR RENT Move yourself Save half Prultt's Mobllgas Sta tion. Main and Ivy Phone 4145 FOR RENT 7-room plastered house with bath, large lot. 627.60. L. O. Ptckell, 16 S. Bartlett. FOR RENT Small houao. Inquire, 604 Hamilton. 8-ROOM house, newly decorated. near senior high, reasonable. Owner Phone (OJ5. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms ! FOR RENT Room I '331 W. 10th. for gentleman, NICELY furnished sleeping room. neacea. uarage. as norm reacn. WARM, well furnished room. Break fast and dinner If desired. Dial 4131. WARM, exceptionally well furnished bedroom and living room. Also sin gle room. Private entrance. 604 Pennsylvsnla. ROOMS For Rent 153 II Oskdsls ATTRACTICB ROOMS 404 g Orspe FOR RENT APARTMENT8 FOR RENT Apartments, one 615.00, private bath. One 86.00. Shady Nook. FOR RENT Two-room fumlahed apartment with garage.- Oaa. 616 North Central. FOR RENT 8-room apartment, new ly decorated, 620. 701 Vi West 11th. FOR RENT 3-room apartment with garage. 33 Almond. , jtq RENT Furnished spsrtment. downstairs. Garage. 618 South Oak dsle. FOR RENT 8-room furnished apart ment, 220 Haven. FURN. 3-ROOM apt. and hk. room, steam heated. 1005 W. Main St. Phone 3591. FURN. APT Steam heat, hot water, Frtgldslre. 503 8. Holly St. CLEAN furnished 3-room apartment: light and water Included, 630, 317 W. Snd. FURNISHED apartment, private bath. 319 So. Ivy. , wor RENT Furnished aot. Heat and water 335 So. Ivy. Call mornings or evenings sfter 6. NICE warm furnished apartment, private bath. Refrigerator. 806 W. Main. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, heated. 339 North Ivy. MODERN, attractive furnished apart ment. Adults 620 So Oskdsle. MODERN furnished apartment Steam heat 10 Quince. OE BAUER Apta turn as unfuro FOR RENT 8- room furnished apart ment Adults 138 Mistletoe. FOR RENT F and t apartments 2 rooms and oath gas heat. In quire 217 West 6th FOR RENT Medium priced furnish, ed spsrunent, Inquire 805 So. Oak. FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM at BOARD Phons 8616. Beetty. BOPD POOM. 716 t M1n FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR HIRE Csterplllsr Diesel 60 with r.?!"' L. Baser. Csve Junction, Oregon or call Ye Rustic Inn, Cava Junc- Lss H I XnauAS wsjA sua. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR BALE Five-year-old fray regis tered percheron mars and colt. Cray three year old gelding, broke. Also line black Percneron stallion colt, coming two. T. I. Taylor. Blddlo Road, Medford. Ore. FOR PALE 1 Jersey and 1 Ouernsey cow. both estre good milkers. Mrs. UcBeth, Rout 4. Fort Baker Road. FOR SALE Young, gentle, Jersey cow. Henry Brown. Sunset Drive. Just oil Orchard Home Drive. WANTED ATI kinds ot caul. 48S1 Tribune. FOR SALE TJnusual opportunity to secure a registered uuernsey duii calf, excellent blood lines. Dam now on official test. Take this calf and give him a good home. Raise to maturity and deliver your present montrrel herd sirs with no cash difference. A real opportunity to improve your nero ano produc tion. Call at Wing's Cloverhlll Reg. Istered Guernsey Farm for partlcu. lars. FOR SALE 3000 young owes. West 10th. 719 WEANER pin: 4-wheel trailer, good rubber; Model A coupe. Spring street, 8th house on leit. FOR SALE Wesner pigs. Cay, Spring St. O. J. Mo- I HAVE 'tfteen good dairy cows to trade for improved land. s. s, Lor- ton. Rt. 1, Box 153. CASH for old horwea. Dial 6378 FOB SALE OR TRADE Oood 8-year, old horse J. A Manke. R F D Medford FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 30 Barred Rock pullets. 1307 Went 10th. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE Valued at 8500, 10 acres, new bulldlnirs. spring water, berries, plenty wood, near Roseburg. Take small bouse trsllsr or car, Leroy St. Arnold o-o Friend's Auto Wrecking. 90-ACRE ranch fronting SOO feet on river, good lmprovementa, 66.000. cash and assume federal loan. Low rate of Interest. Irrigation upkeep only. a - ROOM Bungalow, hardwood floors large lot. easy terms. C. S. Butter- field. 410 Medford Bldg. REAL BUYS -ACRES. Irrigated, clover. Improved highway, electricity, sioso, eaou down. S ACRES, 1 Irrigated, small Improve ments, close In. 8450. terms. SV, acres. Irritated, clover, electric lty. nignway, lencea, euau, i down. 8 ACRES, city water. 1 Irrigated. 4- room house, gsrage, lencea, eisw. 800 down, S3 acres. 87 Irrigated. In clover, good Improvements, highway, dies schools. 62900. 6500 down. 30 ACRES, 8 Irrigated, clover, some bottom land, good Improvements 81500. 6500 down. For stocked - Equlpned Ranches SHELBY AGENCY Highway 99 North City Limits FOR SALE 8-room modern house. almost new, hard floors, shade, lawn, one acre bottom land. 62350. see A. F. FLOWEKB Corner 13th and Front. FOR RENT OR LEASE 711 Sherman new stucco, 6-room furnished home: hardwood floors, fireplace, basement, piped hot air furnace. 645. Charles R. Rav. Room 317. Medford Bldg. Tel. 1903. 30 ACRES, good level Irrigated lend, three miles out near Pacific High way, only 6136 00 per acre. Also 7-ROOM plastered house with bath. gsrage. 2 lots, snsae ana anguso walnut trees, 62500, terms. Also ACRES. 3 cultivated. 8-room house. barn, garage, 60 apricot trees, lots of wood, 6 miles out, 6600. 6300 cash. Also OJTB of ths choicest farms on Apple- gat for sale at a reduced pries. Many other sttractlve buys. See L. O. Ptckell. IS S. Bartlett FOR SALE HI way frontage south on 99. 4-room modern house, just out city limits of Grants Pass. Fins business location. Price 82300. Write Box 691, Oranta Pass. BUILDING A HOME Let us handle sll detatls on 26-year FHA loans quickly efficiently Ooldy Agency CITY snd country properties Rentsls Loans Insurance C S Buttsnieia 409 Medford Building FOR SALE S-room bouse, t bed rooms, breskfsst nook, bsth, service porch, wash trays: lot 50x120 feet: Isrge sbsde trees; paved street, de. slrable locstlon. Close In. 61800 Terms. O. PtCKELI, 16 S. Bsrtlett FOR BALE Five-room house. Sacri fice. 62650. Box 4586. Tribune. FOR A HOME In bills look up HILL at Rogue River. Ore. WHEN YOO think of real estate think of the Spencer- Bailey Aeence I03 W Msln FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE Star ear, 610. Franks. Central Point. FOR SALE or TRADE Equity 1938 Willys aedan for light car, Phons 6276. FOR BALE 1933 Pontlae sedan. C. E. Van Ortwlck, Buckshot Hill Road. EXTRA SPECIAL USED CARS 1941 Deluxe ford or sedan, undsr-seat beater, defroster and seat covers, used less than 11.000 miles. 1940 Deluxe fordor sedsn. heater, de frosters and radio, very fine. 1940 town sedan, heater, defroster and radio. All cars listed are above the average and guaranteed. COMMERCIALS 1941 Ford pickup. 1940 Dodr pickup. 1938 Chevrolet pickup 1937 Chev rolet pickup. Rogue River Chevro let. 9th and Bartlett. Phons 2268 1938 BU1CK SEDAN Century model for aale or trade for lighter oar Cs!! P.d' Purn1'ire Co FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WHITE enamel kitchen cabinet base with porcelain top. Charles Myers. 9 miles south on Psclfic Highway. MOHAIR DAVENPORT snd for sale, fine condition, 835. 8 South Orange, after 6 p. m. or Sundivs. 1 FOR SALE of Londoq oav- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TAYLOR TOT. card Uble, oak library table, gasoline range with oven, man's suit. 33 Tripp 6t. ATTOrnON DOCK HUNTERS! Hltro Express extra long range shells. dox. oeo. uoodman. stand ard Station. 9th and Central. FOR BALE Wood circulating heater. 900 aeurry. JUST LIKE NEW Kodak. Monitor Supermallc, 820 site. Call 4653. APPLES Jonathsn. Spits. Roman oeauty. Newtown, ooc to si.oo a box. Bring containers. Pay Lees Markst, 233 South Riverside. FURNITURE FOR BALE. Including electric range, refrigerator, oil heat er, and other articles. 80 North Pc-ach. FOR SALE 16-foot factory trailer nouse near uak orovo school on Jacksonville highway. WARFORD power transmission for rora v-s for ssle or trade. Call 6489 Crater lake 4 Comers. FOR SALE Hybrid ear corn 822 50 ion. ooo lbs and up. End South peach. J. T. Drew. ATMORAYS for sale or rent. Demon strations. 116 8. Ivy. Phone 2628. FOR SALE 32 new large sine Muns ing underwear suits. Box 401a. Tribune. DRY PINE rough blox, 64: heavy fir siaos. 64 oo. Phone 333. central Point Fuel and Lumber. HAMBURGERS 8 for 35c. Milk shakes, 6c, Try our steaks. Llllte's Place, corner Court As McAndrews. SPITZ APPLES Ws packed . few noxes or tne iamous Ala vista Orchard Spits especially for the Christmas Holidays. Get yours while they last, call at Medrord Ice and Storage Co., or at our Fir Street warehouse. American Fruit Growers, Inc. Singing canarlrs make fine presents see tnem at 1137 w. Main. pn. 4w7. WE WILL have Barbequed baby beef and spare ribs, seturdsv snd sun- day at LUlie's Place, corner Court and McAndrews. FOR SALE Davenport, bed, Inner- spring mattress and springs. 613 Austin. NEW coat, medium sis rug, cush- Ion. 824 West 11th. AOATE JEWELtY. Novelties and Myrtle-Wood. Have your abates cut at Santos Agate Shop, 426 East stain Bt. WOOD Dry fir and laurel on ground or ocnverea. rnone seas. FOR SALE Washington Jonothan Rome Bsautles. Winter Bsnanas, and 'Delicious Apples, slso Wine- ssps si 10 box. bring container rabei's Market, central Point. Fi ber's Farmer Supply, Medford. WE HANDLE complete line of nursery stock at reasonable prices. Gladly give any information and estimates, no obligations. B. A. Larson, cer- tlflcste, landscape planting advisor. U4 south urape. mono 3990. FOR SALE Walnuts. 16c pound. J R. Monson, Old Paclflo Hwy, near Howard school. WOOD Old growth fir, 61.60 tier l. r. psricer. ttsh. ORDER Your Xmas Trees now from Jones Bros. Butte Falls, Ore. Box 31 FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4914. WASHrRS and Ironers for Xmas Fill mothers stocking with beautiful Speed Queen More features. All yesr to psy. Fick Hdwe. FOR SALE Dry fir and hardwood Phone 4503 Hawley Fuel Co. NU BONE corsets Seles and repair service 631 S Riverside Dial 3359 MONARCH Ranges. Byrd used them easy price range Pick Hdwe. WOOD and Oil Circulators, Beat buys in town, rick Hdwe. MYERS Jacusxl Pumps. Installed 100 guaranteed. PI -k Hdwe. FOR BALE Case machinery. Crown feeds, seeds and fertiliser. Flnley Implement Co. RADIOS Golden Tone General Elec tric Select now. Pick Hardware. FOR SALE -Pears and apples. Jos Kantor. a miles north Talent. NEWTOWN APPLES st tbs Perl Or chards Dial 6434. ACROSS !!. Proper . , a?. Lata u la.muiijA lr,m-iate 4. Enumerate IV. Incllnstlon I. Knock IX, Rubber tree 13. Large stream 14. Biblical kins ISv Presnt time is. Pun up 17. Tilt 15. Ancient Greek rellslous festival IS. D.-.H 40. 8rmbol for tellurium 41. nindu garment 41. Stinging Insect 41. East India we:ght 44. Hec'riUl 47. Wlgwarn 49. Kmnere it. Ancient wins vcaeei Is. Relating to th 61. Cut of meat south pole 17. Wlttlcltra N. Teas the is. Norvous evening meal twitching It Mountain goat II. Strained ! a ? Certain hlgb pitch II. Oil: prefix IS. Self 11. put to fVs-rit 41. Ltvoured 14, The lAdy of 42. Appended Troy Si. Novel ' P I T' H 1 Y" F la 1-1 V " 73 "7,1 "rrTriJ"ii"iiI"sT T" "ajT-"3 77 Jo" j7 3 ... W 36 7"c "fa 2i sir " n 7T,,rrttu"si- -.nj waxes lis - ' seavsa. ..sax. il Wy' i -SX- w-aaaa. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Dry fir alabs. Phone 6180. REAL BUYS in used clothing 1405 No Riverside, across from Beck s Bakery FIR SLABS Buy Sow. City Fuel Phone 4114. rOR SALE Low priced lumber or sny bulldlug mstenais can us De fore you buy R O Stephenson Co. Court and McAndrews. Telephone 3000. DRY FIR fur sale. Phono 6180 after 6 .00 o'clock. MKIII'OHII rlARdAItt HOIS We Hsvo Whst You Wsnt Pipe and Fittings all sires Soil Pipe end Drslusge Fittings Plumbing Fixtures snd Septic Tanks Tenia ana rarpa mns Doors. Windows and Olsso Spilt Pulleys. Belling. Cable and Blocks Barbed Wire. Stock Fencing, eta. Roofing Paper. Building Pa par Psinu Roof stsln Army Goods. Shoes. Boots Quilts. Underwear and Socks Pumps snd Uachinorv Tools lor the House, rarm. Loggers' anu asm Supplies New and Used Furniture of All Kinds Stoves and Circulator Heaters We Can Save You Dollars Ph S744 37-83 N Praps Bt MISCELLANEOUS ELECTROLUX Sales It Service, phone 8689. TO LET OUT to reliable party 9 head of milk cows, s head oi brood sows. West end of Fort Baker Road, southwest of Phoenix delicious Berbeaued Turkey Din ner. 60c. Sundsy only at Lime s Place, corner court as McAnarewa. CAL1 6523 for dinner partus Old Stage House. Phuenlx. ore. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCELLENT location for restaurant on new highway, city water, uving quarters, small capital requireu. Reference. Box 3SS. lTinune. PERSONAL PSYCHIC, cards and Palm Reading, 60c. 613 N. Bartlett. MRS. DELMAR Psychic Medium and Palmist. By natural gift, wltn yeara of research and study. Gives advice and help on all affairs of me: touches on every subject of human Interest' glvea facts; gets results; tells what to do, how to do and when to do It; asks no questions. When all others fall see me. Read- Inga guaranteed. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Rainbow Auto t;amp, msa- way 99. CARD READING 61. 829 Jeannetto 31 ART rHE OREOONIAN by mall Onlv S5r mth Write orisiiunuia Carrier. Box 81. Asblsnd. Ore. Palmistry. Crystal Reading D Miller Ph 3446 4B0 Mountain Ave Ashlsnd BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiques EARLY AMERICAN OLA S3 at the sign 6 miles south of Grants Pass or I mile north ot Savage Rapids dam on Highway 99 Attsysr ASSAYER W. O Wright. 2318 Capi tal Avs City So of water reservoir Oold 61, copper 61. dnnabsr 62. Carpentering CARPENTER WORK New or remod eling, day or contract: free estimate Phono 2021 314 Cottsge St LESLIE RALSTON, Oeneral Contract ing, fin finishing work. All kinds Csrpenterlng. For estimates please call at 701 N Rlvernlde or Tel. 3881. Christmas Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Christmas Cards, Dslnty Hsndkerchlets. Albert's Myr tlewocd Novelties. THE ALBERTEL- t,A. 130 North Centrsl. . Drstsmsklng rHE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling Buttoos and Buckles covered Room 603 U 8 National Bank Bldg Tel 3931 DREoSMAKINO Alterations, tailor ing Ratherlns Satterle. Singer Shop. 32 Su Oraps. slutlon Of Ycstsrdsy's Puxxl DOWN i. Pet inaiie:it atoc or supply 1 Medicinal plant I. Fo'fl of Rkta yndttr Ua necif 1 Nw pro4aeta I. F ubrlcata I. fu'-py fruit 7. Met't1 Ubiia I. Uandl f. 8rril rsAodbfLt i a. if61y il. SmoKinf darlea 1. At horna 21. blvfdo int tvf quaj parts tl. rVftr 24. ti:-i 25. 110 26. Bott drlnka 17. Mr of f ' hammadai prltnta IS. Frjn- tx aoavltf tl. Go Iq II. ti. 4Uomfnsratl osir by a if M, Turtia aAU 7. fttposa 13. Obttrurt 41. You an4 I 41. Part M a flowar 44V. QSl1n ot tha hartn 46. Nj.iiv 47. G&A'by in. a-nd forth 10. Thatar tos - f,4- d'rv to drf :.V Pin,h (. Cnr:.eir in METriLAPS EflO ps) s. t IMai i s. il It. 2M sik eIpItTT c a lUa lIeI T 10 T E BT ft R PS L I M CsGjSIB 3 S.H J 6 TH I!ElL AHg L OspiSl t hr1ea tieimWa nU t RlekjgjT oe1 ov1en All fPjaafSjE NjSlE UETs S RlvHfsiE nMsTk i nsi HlJsjpl aid iaJHe vjeCJ SjLj E jYjBj alaI1i IR I A:N Tl Nr4MCTr0 6 Y TloqHE arts AP A I'&IA ll-rjE lAlSlE liEfr" BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also furusoes and mi stoves, cleaned Call Oeo Eaton S Nr. Front Phone 4240 Export Window Cleaner LET OEURUE DO ITI EXPERT Window Cleaner Oeneral house eleaners flour waxing paint- Ing Oeo r OH ard Phone 39;4 MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEYf When an emergency arises and money la needed quickly yuu win lind tnis local firm ready to give your needs prompt and friendly conaidsrauoo Repay the loan tn monthly pay menu adjusted especially to suit you. OREOON FINANCE CO. W. E Thomas. Mgr. Uo. No. 8-11 M-21T. 48 So Central Dial 4433 Homo owned and managed Slnos 1938 WE tOAN MONEY ON YOUR CAR Attrsctlvs Rates COAST FINANCE Harold H Brown Agency License 311 138 East Main. Phone 8448. PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farms AddreM Box 415. Tribune. Nursing Horn TRUAX NURSINO HOME Graduate Nurses, Equipped to cere for sll Ill nesses except Surgery and O. B. cases. Phone 161, Jsckaonvtlle, Ore. Rooting WE REPAIR or apply any type ot roof Pabco Rooflnga. Shingles Costings and Paints New sturx Wsll Psiwr Ekerson Pslnt snd Roof .'8 So Bsrtlett Tel SS43 JOE UlllTH YOUR ROOFER All Roof rruubles taken car ot. All work guaranteed. Call 37(18 ot 2349 Sswlna Mschlnos W H KLATT Singer Distributor 32 So. Orspe Tel. 8188 Medford, Oregon Trsntlsr CITY TRANSFER et 8TORAOE CO Household muring snd general hsuling fc9 8. Oraps. Pbons 4884 Day or night. PURNITURX MUV1MO AND BTOR AOS Wa bava van muvtutj aqulp merit for local and long distance baultng Dry and elcan atorata (ooDcrata butldtn with apaclal locker roomi at low ratea 8 AMBON 61 OR An R WAREHOUyi Phona 8758. BADS TRANSfER A STORAGE CO Offioa la South Pir Phout WiB Pricaa rljht. Sarvica guarautafd DAVIS TRANSFER AND 6TORAOI 40 8 Fir Btreat. Inaurad Carrlars LocaJ and Long Dlatanc Hauling Phnni- 1HR8 F SUICIDE MANIAC Beowawe, Nev., Nov. 29. (iP) Clarence J. Alexander whig pered "I no more wrecked that train than you did, but Sher iff Stanley Fine said today the state would continue his prose cution on a charge of murder of one of the 24 passengers killed in a train wreck In 1938 Alexander, 24-year-old sec tion hand of Cleo Springs, Okla., waived his right to a pre liminary examination In Justice court yesterday. Led from the courtroom, he whispered to a newspaper man, I no more wrecked that train than you did." He also said he didn t want to live and had trl.;d to commit suicide four times. Sheriff Fine then objected and led the prisoner away. Alexander will be held to an swer the murder charge tn dls trlct court at Eureka. He was arrested last week at Susanvllle, Cel., on a minor charge. ROOSEVELT RESTS Warm Springs, Cs., Nov. 29. . W) President Koosevelt ar rived at the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation today to spend several days on a vacation from arduous duties in the na tional capital. Patients assembled on the porch of Georgia Hall, main building at the Infantile paraly sis foundation here, waved and yelled a greeting to the chief executive as he drove by. The younger children had drawn lots earlier for the honor of sitting beside the president at a much-postponed turkr.y dinner tonight Aides said that unless the Japanese situation erupted, the president's visit here would be completely uneventful and that only the most urgent official business would be placed before him. Closing tims f Classified Ads a to. luo Lsl so Classify 13 JO p AT THE ' (Continued From Peg One) thing in common: This Is govern ment ownership of all the pri vate generating facilities from the California line on the south to the British Columbia border, and from somewhere In Mon tana to the Pacific ocean. Wher ever the pover from Grand Coulee or Bonneville can be ex tended to serve, the private util ities tn the region ara doomed to die; the president. Senator Bone and Ickes also have no time for private enterprise in the electric field. They are for government own ership 100 percent. In the Bone bill and another sponsored by Ickes provision Is made for 200 million dollars to be used In acquirl. J any private plant that stands in the way of this pro gram. THE compromise: The presi dent to nominate an administra tor for all of this immense pow er (at $10,000 a year) who shall be confirmed by the senate. The administrator, however, to re port to Secretary of the Interior Ickes. While no mention was made, the understanding is that Paul J. Raver, current adminis trator and appointed by Ickes, will be the man nominated by the president for senatorial ap proval. No one who has ever been associated with private power company will be consid ered. SENATOR McNary accepted the commission to talk with his colleague from the state of Washington; he could do that without sacrificing any Ideas of his own. The administration of the proposed act, McNary said to the president. Is not as Im portant in his opinion aa certain other matters, auch as subsldlt tng future settlers on the irrigat ed fields of Grand Coulee tn the amount of $132,000,000; tba pro posed method of acquiring pri vate companies without the peo ple of the area served by private companies having an opportu nity to say whether they want government ownership or pri vate service; and the senator objected to (he administrator taking part of a private system and leaving only the unprofit able in the hands of the com pany. Any Durchase by the adminis trator must include an entire system and at a fair price for tha stockholders: the people who out In their money and made the company possible must not be robbed by the gov ernment. There is also tha mat ter of taxes, for the private util ities pay taxes in practically every county In the northwest and this tax money is vital. The government must compensate for this loss of tax Income. It isn't merely a matter of who shall administer the power policy, said McNary, but it is a commonsense answer to the points he hag raised that Is the fundamental Issue. And there are other points he has in mind. The president, aware that no power legislation for the north west can be enacted without the cooperation of McNary, Republi can leader, lit another cigarei, smiled and said see Bono on the compromise. INTO the legislative hopper Knute Hill, Washington, drop ped a new bill for a power authority. It provides that Ickes shall appoint tha administrator and direct the policy. Aa an ap peal to the home rule faction It creates a Columbia power board of five, three of whom shall be residents of the region, to be paid $30 a dny, not in excess of 100 days a year In addition to travel pay. It also provide for 200 million dollars to buy all or part of any private company de sired by the administrator (ap proved by tha board) and to ex tend the power wherever he wishes, anywhere In tha water shed of tha Columbia. This bill, like the first sponsored by Hill, cnme out of the department of the interior. RENO DIVORCE Reno, Nev., Nov. 28. CAP) P'.aywright Elmer Rice, winner of a Pulitzer prize in 1929, ar rived her today and told re porters "a divorce will probably result from my being here." MUSICIAN STRiCKEN New York Nov. 29. (AP Gennaro Papl, conductor ot Ital ian Repertoire at the Metropoli tan Opera was found dead today lr the bathroom of his apartment lr, th Hotel Woodward. LODGE NOTICES SCOTTISH RITE Special meeting Lodge of Perfection, 7:30 p. m. Mon day. Dec. 1st. Work la Fourth and Fifth degrees, L. E. Williams. Sacty. City Council P.-T. A. City Council of P.-T. A. will meet with Mrs. A. E. Brockway Tuesday at 1:30 dessert lunch eon at her home on route 2. Junior High school P.-T. A. executive board will be hostess and the program is to include a talk by a member from th health department and Mis Helen Bullis, who will discuss tuberculosis seal sal. Jackson E. H. Hedrick was guest speaker at "Daddy's night" at Jackson school P.-T.A., Friday evening. His topic was De fense" and he explained the na tional defense classes being held at the high school sponsored by the state and government vo cational education department. Dinner was served over 100 parents at long tables decor ated with gourds and other items made in the leisure artt class at the school under direc tion of Mrs. Ursa Ogle. Mrs. Floyd Lawson, P.-TA, president, gave the welcome ad dress and introduced the teach ers to the parents. The Rogue) River chorus, under supervision ot Miss Mariam Burton, sang several selections. Mrs. Lawson, general chairman for the affair, thanked the various committees who worked on the dinner, making the affair a success. Washington Mrs. Leland- Mentzer gave an Interesting talk on "Good Books for Children" at the meeting of Washington school P.-TA Fri day afternoon at the school gymnasium. She suggested ways parents could instill the read ing habit In their children. Mrs. Mentzer also displayed some books through courtesy of th Medford public library that ara appropriate for children. Miss Esther Brown, school librarian, gave short talk on children's books and explained the school library. A number ot books suitable for children in the primary and intermed iate grade were exhibited. Music was furnished by th pupils of Mrs. George Canod and Mrs. Marian Beeson. Dur ing the business session it waa announced that the next meet ing will be the children's Christ, mas party and program. Th January meeting will feature "da,1dy'8 night." A social hour closed th aft. ernoon with Mrs. Arthur Davis, Mrs. R. H. Cadwallader and Mrs. Earl Hall acting as host esses with Mrs. Marian Pierc presiding at tha tea table. Howard Howard P.-T-A. will meet Thursday at 2:30 p. m. In th school gymnasium for the Christ mas party. Each lady attending 1 asked to bring a small gut for exchange at the Christmas tree. The entertainment will consist of singing Christmas carols and a short program on "Safety." Refreshments will b served by th fourth grade mothers. SLAYER CONVICTED Portland, Nov. 29. (AP) A circuit court Jury yesterday con victed William H. Wallace, 94, ot the downtown street shooting ot Ben Flnkell 32, Aug. 8. Travel Table AlHPl.ANtt Mortis bound Leave Stalls Close 1 11 a a. 4 14 a. ta. 13:21 p m. 11:8 a Sa to p m (Flag stop) He mail 6 48 p m I Flag stop) Mo Malt 6 .26 p. tn l Flag stop) S 66 p. at. Sou In Bound Leave Mali Close In 47 a m. 10 oa a oa. 4 8? p tn (Flag stop) 1411 n. 1:18 p m. (Flag stupi Mo Mall 114? p. nv. 1044 p. a. 1 BAINS Monn sound Leave Malts Close il rs a m. ion s a, 7:60 p m. 6 SO p. aa. Southbound Leave Malls Close 7 6 a m. 6 a ta. 6 66 p. m. 448 p. BV USES Morth JSC a m. 10 a m. 6 84 a m. I 40 p m. outk 11-06 a as, so a t. 110 t n. 1 so p ta. 8.4 p m. 6 08 p. SB, la aiamatii rails 8 -06 p m Pram a la main falsi 6 SO a m. () To Asnisnd onlf () to Oranta pass only. Not Auto aouiieetin ft net ataa) mall closes at 8 CS a tn tor delivery at points north ot Cugtn and a 8 00 p tn Jot delivers at f Ha) out at OunatauU, Oalli. - P.-T. A. Activities I