PAdE FIFTEEN Want to Bay, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOR OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1941. Krud urn on thl pact Vu ftiH prtiiuiitit ilitd eaillj I he linns n. tfn iiMth Inc a lrdr tor UtttiM-d -irlMlr iiiu ma ltna ft n h mii 4i lie lrr riMtin iu mut. ftnrt mn ihinc ethr arr M-ckinK and ft aMr to rrjillFe rah II what i on want un'l her tritrrii fin It tribune Maa ttfird ada are lnpnlv trrrttuel RATES per wurd lirt inriiu--Jt ( iniiiHiini tvt Bach adfliilittiai tnirtlnn. per frt 1 g (Minimum I Of) Per line pri month without copy change - 1.M CASH or money order muft efTom pinj all null order classified ds. LOW AND FOUND LOST Check book containing 838 currency. Reward. Return to Mon ta Davis, Mode-O-Day ahop. REPUR'l luet nog, animal cruelty cases Humane Society Phune 6161 WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Experienced middle-aged male dish washer. Apply Tribune Box 4994. WANTED Experienced runera Phona 83S8. Illlhee Orchard. Elmer Hull. PRUNE RS WANTED - Rogue River Orchards. End of N'o. Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced girl or woman . i nk... 41U tor general hbuki. tui b.iwTim rvnriMi(Ml woman din ner cook, must be good on aalada. j pastrlea and pies. Give age, refer- encee and whera last worked. Tribune Box 4993. WANTED Olrl or Woman for gener- ! al housework. 399 Mountain Ave.. Ashland. Phone B471. WOMAN WANTED to care for amall children: go home night. Inqulra 401 8o. Riverside. ! HELP MALE AND FEMALE WANTED Women or men to aell. Experience not needed. A good proposition for the right party. Also consider tryout In nursery atork business. 404 South Grape. Phone 3990. B. A. Larwn. WANTED SITUATIONS CARPENTER, first class builder, new. remodeling, foundation, all classes tv of building. Box 378 Tribune. HlOH SCHOOL GIRL wlshea work Saturdays. Call 0364. WANTED Carpenter or construction work of. any kind. Call 3719 for free estimate. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BORROW 84,000 on city property, first mortgage; aub atantial monthly psyments. Box 883 Tribune. WANTED 1000 silver fir Christmas trees. 1000 red fir, 1000 white fir. cut and delivered to a gravel road. Tribune, Box 4617. WANTED Furniture, tools, poultry and Junk. Will pay cash. Box 643, Medford. Private party. WANTED Walnut coffee table and drop leaf dining table, also chaise lounge and extra large davenport, all In good condition. Box 411 Mall Tribune. WANTED Carpenter work. Phone 3384. and repair WANTED Home for two pupplea. 1700 Prune. WANTED Improved 3 acrea or less close in. Give price, location, eto. Box 634. Superior. Wyo. WANTED A dial from you. 4693 for estimate on Butlt-lns to order. .WANTED Your wash day porch to make comfortable with Vitapane Dial 4693 DRESSMAKING, Altering. 440 So Riverside. WILL BUY feeder ano fat lambs; also feeder hogs 619 8. Riverside. B Telkamp WE ARE in the market for good farm and city loans 6 and tepay on easy terms No charge unless loan la made We write all kinds of in surance ELMER HERRIED 44 N Riverside WELL DRILLING tl 50 per ft flrat 60 ft ate J M Dodge 619 King BIOHES1 cssn paid for iron copper ) brass radiat-ire aluminum bat teries tubes rats lend and Bine Medford Bargatu Houae WANTED Wool, monair mdes and pelu Medford Bargain Houae 97 North Orape St Phune 8744 WILL H4V MIT fH Foi Omd Deed Furniture Mill HHlKIH I I HMTI MR IS North Fmnt Phone 4039 HUT Prill M P4II1 For Your rurnilur Himuhmiiki1 phim 4 FOR RENT HOUSES 8-ROOM house, cloae In Partly fur nished. 617 50. Shulta Bro. FOR RENT Eigst-room furnlahed house. 926 park. FOR RENT 5-room unfurnlahed house 125 N Cclureoua. FOR PrNT 5-rocm ho-iee. nicely furnished No doga. 821 Oak St Phone 3171. )ft)R PENT Como.etely furn'ehed duplex, two bedrooms furnace luat excellent ' 626 W. 10th Phon 2787. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished 4-bedroom. 1 balhroom realdence and garage Cloae In. Electric atove. Prlgldalre. gaa furnace, ahale. shrubbery and garden. Victor C. Setber. NEWLY FURNISHED duplet. Cloaa to town. 633 60 Phone 3598. FOR RENT 4-room unfurnlahed bouaa. Inqulra 358 so. Oakdala, or dial 3390. FOR RENT Purutehed 8 -room bouaa electric atove. fireplace AdulU Pbona 6039. Darka Oroeery. FURNISHED bouaa and apta. Adults 804 w. 10th. FOR RENT 5-rty-m modem cottage, unfurnlahed. 835 00. Inqulra 138 Cottage. ntUCKS FOR RENT Mun yourself Save naif Prultt'e Mobllgaa Sta tion. Main and Ivy Phona 4148 FOR RENT 7-room plastered houae with bath, lante lot. 637.50. L. O. Plcketl, 18 8. Bartlett. FOR RENT Small houae. inqulra. 804 Hamilton. 8-ROOM houae, newly decora tad, near aenlor high, reaaonable. Owner Phona 8338. FOR RENT 6-roora unfurnlahed house. Call 3987 between S and 8 p. m. FOR RENT Furnished Room WARM, well furnlahed room. Break fast and dinner If desired. Dial 4131. NICELY furnished aleeping rooms for 1 rent. 823 8o. Riverside. LARGE room for 1 or a women, or married couple: twin beds or double bed: overstuffed furniture, gas heat bath, private entrance, dose In Phone 3874. WARM, exceptionally well furnished bedroom and living room. Also am gla room. Private entrance. 804 Pennsylvania. ROOMS For Rent 153 N Oakdale ATTRACTICE ROOMS ' 404 S Orape FOR RENT APARTMENTS TOR RENT Small furnlahed apart ment, downstalra, private home. 11B Oeneaea. FOR RENT 3-room furnlahed apart ment. 330 Haven. FURN. 3-ROOM apt. and hk. room, steam heated. 1005 W. Main St. Phone 3591. FURN. APT Steam heat, hot water. Frigid aire. 803 8. Holly St. ATTRACTIVE furnished apartment. 504 Penn. CLEAN furnlahed 3-room apartment: light and water included, 830. 317 W. 3nd. I FURNISHED apartment, private bath. I 5 19 So. Ivy. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Heat and water 335 So. Ivy. Call mornings or evenings after 6. NIC8 warm furnished apartment Private bath. Refrigerator. 808 W. Main. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, heated. 329 North Ivy. MODERN, attractive furnlahed apart ment. Adulu. 630 So. Oakdale. MODERN furnished apartment. Steam heat 10 Quince. OE BAUER Apta turn e unfurn FOR RENT 8 room furnished apart ment Adulu 138 Mletletoe FOR RENT F and F apartmenU 9 rooms and bath (ae beat In quire 317 West 8th FOR RENT Medium priced furnish ed apartment. Inquire 808 So. Oak dale FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM 8i BOARD Phone 3618. 614 Beatty. BEAUTIFUL furnished room. Furnace beat. 616 So. Ivy. BOARD & ROOM. 716 E Main. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Unusual opportunity to secure a registered Guernsey bull calf, excellent blood llnee. Dam now on official teat. Take this calf and give htm a' good home. Raise to maturity and deliver your present morcrel herd sire with no cash difference. A real opportunity to Improve your herd and produc tion. Call at Wing Cloverhlll Reg latered Ouernsey Farm for particu lars. AUCTION SALI at the new Livestock Sale Pavilion. Phoenix, Ore., every Sat., commencing at 1:00 p. m. ahars. Selling all claaaea of dairy, butcher and stock cattle and pits. Health certificate must ac company drlvein on all dairy cowa. We vacclnau pigs Friday p. m. So. Ore. Livestock Auction Co., Col. A. H. Dudley (Auctioneer), Phone 6325. FOR SALE 3000 young ewea. 719 west lotn. weaner mas: 4-wheel trailer, rood rubber; Mode) A eoupe. Spring street. 5th house on left. FOR SALE Weaner plga. C. J. Mo- t;av. spring bi. FOR SALaWMilk cow. Inquire Coya. 4 mile east of Central Point school on old Highway. I HAVE 'Ifteen good dairy cows to trade for improved land. E. m. lot ten. Rt. 1. Box 158. FOR SALE Oood young Jersey cow. . Wm. etucker, Coker Butte Roed. FOR SALE Three fullblood. unregis tered Hereford bulls, alao Jersey cow. B U Dodge, Hlllcreat Road Medford. CASH for old horiM Dial 8376 FOR SAL OR TRADE Oood 9 year, old horse t. A Manke. E F O. M1frd FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALS 30 Barred Rock pullet. 1307 west inth FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR TRADE Three city lou In Oak land. Calif , for something In or near Medford. l. A. Wotnack, Trail, Cm Maul TrlBuua feat kle. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LA.NO AT LAND OFFICE 843 8. CENTRAL SO Yeara BUTTNO 8ELLINO TRADING SUBDIVIDING LAND 52650 $8500 6-acrea Bear Ci-eek botom land. Loam aoil, free water, pumping plant, 6-room house at city limit. 6650 cash, balance terms. 113 acres, 100 acres Bear Creek bottom, water available for Irriga tion. 3 ho use a, t berna, half cash, balance terme. $650 $800 $450 1U are In Kmga Acrea at Land In clover. Irrigated, 6300 cash, balance 810.00 per month. 6-room house, bath room, garage, store room, near Medford high school and grade school. Sacrifloe, 8500 cash, balance terms. 1.8 acrea Channlng Sweet tract, end of West Jackaon Street. 610.00 down and 910.00 per month. No better place to build. SrB 3 C. BARNES Phone go V. Pcn 9t FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OR LEASE 7ll Sherman. new atuoco. 5-room lurnisneo home: hardwood floors, fireplace, basement, piped hot air furnace. 645. Charlea R. Rav. Room 917, Medford Bldg. Tel. 3903. 30 ACRES, good level Irrigated land. tnree muea out near racuic runa way, only 6125.00 per acre. Alao 7-ROOM plastered house with bath. garage, a lou, anaae ana snguea walnut treea. 62500, terma, Alao ACRES, t cultivated. 3-room houae. bam. garage, oo apricot trees, iota of wood. 6 mile out, 6600. 6500 cash. Alao ONE of the choicest farms on Apple- gate for sele at a reduced price. Many other attractive buye. See L. O. Plckell. 16 S. Bartlett FOR SALE Hlway frontage aouth on 99. 4-room modern house. Just out city limits of Grants Pass. Fine business location. Price 62500. Write Box 591, GranU Pass. FOR SALE BY BUILDER New two- bedroom homea at lesa than 64000 Alterattona aa desired or will build to suit. Excellent location. Vt block outh of High School on Whit man Street or Phona 2713. BUILDING A HOME Let us handle all detalla on 35- tear FHA loaua quirkly aificlently Ooldy Agency CITY and country propertlea Rentals Loana liiaursnce v a tsutienieia 409 Medford Building - FOR SALE 6-room house. 3 bed rooms, oreaxiaat nooa. oavn. aervn. porch, wash traya; lot 60x120 feet; large shade treea; paved street, de sirable location. Cloae In. 61800 Terma. L O. PICKELL 18 8 Bartlett FOR SALE Five-room house. Sacri fice. 62650. Box 4586. Tribune. FOR A HOME In bills look up HILL at Rogue River. Ore WHEN YOO think of real estate think of the Spencer- Bagley Avenrv 103 W Main FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES EXTRA 8PECLAL USED CARS -1941 Deluxe fordor sedan, under-ssat heater, defroster and s;at covers, used less than 11.000 miles. 1940 Deluxe fordor sedan, heater, de frcstera and radio, very fine. 1940 town aedan, heater, defroster and radio. All cars listed are above the average and guaranteed. COMMERCIALS 1941 Ford pickup. 1940 Dodee pickup. 1938 Chevrolet pickup. 1937 Chev rolet pickup. Rogue River Chevro let, 9th and Bartlett. Phone 3288. FOR TRADE My equity In 1941 Btudebaker Champion for used car In good condition. Phone 3003. 1941 Super Deluxe Ford Sedan, new condition. 2700 miles, taken In trade on property, no use for car. want the money. 9 Eaat Jackaon St. 33 FORD TUDOR aedan. Excellent condition, good tires, paint, uphol stery, radio. 6246 cash. Mra. H. Gain, Hugo, Ore. FOR SALE Equity In extra clean '85 Chevrolet maaUr coupe. 101 Al mond. 1938 BU1CK SEDAN Century model for aale or trade tor tlgbur car Call EedB' Furniture Co FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 16-foot factory trailer house near oak drove achool on Jacksonville highway. WARFORD power transmission for rora v-B for sale or trade, call 8469 Crater Lake 4 Comere. FOR SALE Hybrid ear corn 622 50 ton. 500 lbs and up. End South Peach. J. T. Drew. ATMORAYS for aale or rent. Demon strations. 116 8. Ivy. Phone 3628. FOR SALE 33 new large aire Muna Ing underwear suite. Box 4616. Tribune. JOHN DEERE gasoline engine. b p., like new. 634.95; uaed oil burners and wood circulators: uaed washers and radloe, exceptional values. Western Auto fiupply Co, 101 So Riverside. DRY PINE rough blox, 64: heavy fir slsbs. 64 50. Phone 333, Central Point Fuel and Lumber. HAMBURGERS 3 tor 35c. Milk shakes, 5c. Trv our steaks Lllllee Place, corner Court at McAndrewa. SPITZ APPLES We packed few boxes of tn famous Aia vista Orchard Spits especially for the Christmas Holldava. Oet yours while they last. Call at Medford Ice and Storage Co., or at our Fir Street warehouse. American Fruit Growers, Inc. Slnginv canaries make fine presenu See them at 1137 W. Main. Ph. 4897. WE WILL have Barbequed baby beef and spare rtbs. Saturday and 8un dav at Llllles place, corner Court and McAndrewa. FOR SALE Davenport, bed, Inner spring mattreea and springs. 613 Austin. KIW coat, medium size, rug, cuah Ion. 624 West 11th. FOR SALE Uaed Davenport and Chair in good condition, 3. O. Fahlen. On old C. P. Highway, asroea from Howard Khoel after 6 p. m. AOATC JEWELRY, Noveltle and Myrtle-wood. Have your uau cut at Santo Agate Shop, 438 East Main St. WOOD Dry fir and laurel on ground or ocitvared. rnone asaw. FOR SALE Waahlr.gtoa Jonothan Rom Beautlea, Winter Banaraa. no Deliclou Applsa, alao wine- aapa 61 10 boa. bring container. Fabers Mark-t. Central Point. Fa bar Farmer tufpir, Mediard. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE city llmlu. 3-room bouaa, free aoll. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WE HANDLE ccmolete Una of nursery etocc at reaaonaoie pricea. uiaaiy give any Information and estimates, no obligations B. A. Larson, cer tificate, landscape planting advisor. 404 South Grape. Phone 3790. FOR SALE Walnuts. I5e pound. J it. Monson. old pacific Hwy near Howard school. FOR SALE Melotte cream ae para tor. 625 lb. capacity, c. Owen, Orchard Horns Drive. Pbona 3054. WOOD Old growth fir, 61.80 tier l. r. parxer. Trail. ORDER Your Xmae Treea now from Jones Bros. Butte Palls. Ore. Box 31. FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4914. WASH-RS and Ironera for Xmaa Fill mothers stocking with beautiful Speed Queen More feature. All year to pay Pick Hdwa. FOR SALE Dry fir and hardwood pnone 4303 Hswiey Fuel Co. NU BONE corse ta Salea and repair service 681 8 Riverside Dial 3569 MONARCH Rangea Byrd used them May price range pica nawe. WOOD end Oil Circulators. Best buys in town, rica nowe. MYFRS Jacuzzi Pumpa. Installed lou1: guaranteed. Fl k Hdwa. FOR 8ALE Case machinery. Crown leeas seeas ana fertilizer, nniey Implement Co. RADIOS Golden Tone General Elec tric Select now. Pick Hardware FOR SALE Peare and apples Joe Kantor 3 miles north Talent NEWTOWN APPLES at the Perl Or- cnarda Dial 6434 FOR SALE Dry fir slabs. Phone oiuu. REAL BUYS ta uaed olothltig 1406 No Riverside, acroaa from Becks Bakery FIR SLABS Buy Now. city Fuel Phune 41 14 FOR 8AUG Low priced lumber or any building materials Csll us be fore you buy R O Stephenson Co Cuurt and McAndrewa. Telephone 3000 DRY FIR for aaie. Phone 6160 attei 6.00 o'clock MKHH1IIII nAKIIAIN Hill hE We Have What You Want Pipe and Fittitma all alaea Boll Pipe and Drainage Fittings Plumbing Flxturea and Septic Tanks Tenu and Farp .Una Doors. Windows and Olaaa Split Pulley Belting. Cable and Blocka Barbed Wire -Stock Fencing, eto Roofing Paper. Building Paper Pauita Rout Stain Army Goods Shoee Boou Quiiu Underwear and Socks Pumpa and Machlnory Toole lor the House. Farm Ujgera' and Mill and Uaed Furniture of All Kinds Stoves aud Circulator Hesters We Can Save You Dollars Ph 9744 - 27 33 N Orape St BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Small second hand store In GranU Paaa. Best of location. Stock, complau, 6400. Rent 636 617 O St. MISCELLANEOUS TO LET OUT to reliable party 9 head of milk cows, 6 head of brood aowa. wast end ot Fort Baker Road, southwest of Phoenix DELICIOUS Barbequed Turkey Din ner. 60c. Sunday only at Lima's Plaoe. oorntr Court 6c McAndrewa. 'PRE-XMAS SPECIAL" Mattreea re novated. 63 60. Central Point Mat tree Factory. CAL1 6633 tor special dinner part lee Old Suge Houae, Phueulx, Ore. ACROSS 17. L Convened tFail Into disuse 18. . Or4dess ot tne harvest S. 19. Palm Itaf 0. 13. Feminine name 42. Fmnt of the foot Part of a kitchen star Help Htupld Kevmed version: abbr. Japanese eola 8nownhoe Compass point The swordfinh Night bsfore a event Prrt ot a loom Wing Psrila Melal Collection ef pithy earlngs Canadian provinoel ai.lir. Yellow color Weeken Turkish title ll! Dl'posed to 41 aouit IT. Malt liatior 4.1. 46. 49. II. 12. 14. 17. 6s. 16. 11. Carry: colloa, II. KjiI.t 20. Elender tl. Owned l. Kind of reels IS. Like 37. By way ef ta. Oodnens of healing 10. T) ps mttisure If. Menaces I. Literary 1. is rrA fvlrh (hraa M spots It, 2 I J V!M Is I 7 I ;it ' AT -77 - wZlZZZ STiS'-T'Tj 2?T,y T33"3T ' Lji 44. 31 . ii J -W w i .srir 35-"" fcS! jp -3r 3333- 2T 2T tl TZ3 " ""'' 1 1 I I 1 I 1. : I 1-1 PERSONAL MRS. DELMAR Pave hie Medium and Palmist, By natural gift, with yeara of research and atudy. Give advice and help on all affaire of life; touchea on every subject of human Interest- give facu; gets resuiu: telle what to do. bow to do and when to do It: aaka no questlona. When all othera fall aee ma. Read Inge guaranteed. Houra 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Rainbow Auto Camp, High way 99. CARD READING 61. 829 Jeannett SI ART THE OKEGON1 AN by mall 65c mth Wrne OREGON IAN Carrier. Bux 61. Aabland. Ore Palmistry. Crystal Reading D Miller Ph 3446 480 Mountain Ave Ashland BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiques EARLY AMERICAN GLASS at the eign 6 mtlee euutb of Orauu Pass or I mile north ot Savage Rapids dsm on Hignwa 99 Aseayer ASSAYER W. O Wright. 3318 Capl ul Ave city. So of water reaervolr Oold 61. copper 61. cinnabar 3. Chiropodist. FOOT SUFFERERS Opening modem Chiropody offices corns, calluuses. ingrown nana removed archea corrected DR ARNOLD M DEPNER Chiropodist Foot Specisllst 317 Fluhret Bldg Phone 3103 Carpentering CARPENTER WORR-New or remod eling, day or contract, free eetlmale Phon-- 3021 314 Cottage St LESLIE RALSTON, General Contract ing, fine finishing work. All klnda Carpentering. For estlmatea please csll nt 701 N. Riverside or Tel. 2881. Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Alao furuaoee end op stoves cirsnea can ueo Baton S8 No Front Phone 4240 Christmas Card SCRIPTURE TEXT Christmas Cards, Dainty Handkerchiefs. Albert's Myr tlewocd Novelties. THE ALBERTEL- LA. 120 North Centre! Dressmaking THE FASHION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling Buttous and Buckles covered Room 803 U 8 National Bank Bldg Tel a93l DRE0SMAKINO Alteration, uilur Ing Catherine eaturlee. Singer Shop 33 Sif Orape Expert Window Cleaner LEI OEOROE DO ITI EXPERT wiuoow Cleaner Oenerai houae eleanera floor waxing paint ing Geo P Oliard Phune 6954 MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY When an emergency arises and money le needed quickly you will find this ' local firm ready to give your needs prompt and friendly oonaideratlon Repay the loan In monthly pay menu adjuatad especially to ault you. OREGON FINANCE CO. W E Thomas, Mgr. Lie No 8-11 M-317 46 So central Dial 448 Home owned and managed Since 1938 WB liOAN MONET ON YOUR CAR Attractive Rate COAS1 FINANCE, Harold H Brown Agency License 911 123 Eaat Mam Phone 3448. PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farm Address Box 415. Tribune. Nursing Home TRUAX NURSING HOME Graduate Nuraes. Equipped to care for all 111 neaaca except Surgery and O. B. rnone 101, Jacksonville, ure. Solution Of Saturday's Puula 14. CM li. Epoch DOWN 1. Oratsi amant 8. City In Nevada Cos 1 Buddhist pillar Dtameunted Prlntera' measures Fhort supply 1'i.h Jewels Courtesy Appnar Implement for h&nanns less Term of respaei Tnroush: pretis Pronoun Oil of rose petals Contracting latf wrinkles Peracna present Parsonage Color Eternity Rsliitation Substance obtained front the gum of the eilve ires Ocean Plsoe oet watch secret! Heroine of "Ta Fiyine Dutchm Hawaiian ,rri tin I fan wad Tsetint an ytvn Orrtu pflrftc City in low E1tn1t) MwcJ Osjnu" 'rf impir-a.) Alia t to puimt ft "UfffJ W,f -...rsurlAg ALM6rAwEri. KjUlSj Lin 1 pUrTE rUelsU F!olNpyQApoP N 1 ' lsiTjlMs pkr-"! LAP SOTTtrllT A P ui Tnim aPcIa rob CoeslTle' L UAlT l 0 M gA T g P BQ.B. BJglsJfnP g wlONEiS rLLTI0-lQ?lsVriii- A-t5 yo kieHsia kIL S.5.H Ajp1eBiey.35o tj o MlITIsUtlAlyUAvVA BUSINESS DIRECTORY Roofing WB REPAIR or apply any type of roof Pabco Rooflnga, Shlnglea Coatlnga and Painu New stock Wall Paper gkerson Paint and Roof . f So Bartlett Tel H84S JOE UMITH YOUR ROOFER AU Root rruublea uken care of. All work guaranteed. Csll 3768 or 2249 Sewing Machine W H. KLATT Singer Distributor 33 So Grape Tel. 3S88 Medford. Oregon TransUr CITY TRANSFER at STORAGE CO Household moving end general hauling 49 S. Orape Phone 4664 Day or night FURNITURE MOV1NO AND 8TOR AOS We have van moving equip ment for local and long distance baullng Dry and clean etoratt (concrete building) with special looker nwml at low rates SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Phone 3766. BADS TRANSFER at 8TORAOB CO Office 16 South Fir Phune 2628 Pricee right Service guaranteed DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAOI 40 S Fit Street Inaured Carrtvra Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone H8 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Ore? on for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Mvrtle K. SUndefer, deceased The undersigned ha been appointed and qualified by the Countv Cuurt of the State of Orrgon for Jackson County aa Administrator wun me win an nexed of the estate of Myrtle K. Standefur, deceased. All per sons havine claims against said estate are notified to present them, duly verified, with proper vouchers, to me at my office, Conley Theatre Building, Med ford, Oregon, within six months from November 14, 1941, the date of this notice. RAWLES MOORE EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice 1 hereby given that the undersigned. Orviue n. Liv eneood. also known as O. H Livingood, executor of the Last Will and Testament and estate of Mary E. Llvengood. formerly known as Mary fc. t uner, ac cessed, has filed his final account as said executor In the County Court of Jackson County, Ore gon, and that said Court has appointed Monday, the eighth day ot Decemncr, 11m at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day for the hearing of objec tions to said final account and the settlement tnereot. NOW. THEREFORE, all per sons Interested in the estate of Mary E. Llvengood. formerly known as Mary E. Fuller, de ceased, are hereby notified and required to appear at the Coun ty Court Room. In the Court House, at Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, at said time, to then and there show cause. if any there be why said ac count should not be settled allowed, and approved and said estate forever and finally settled and said executor discharged. Dated this seventh day 01 November, 1941. Orvllle H. Llvengood, also known as u H. Livingood, executor of the Last Will and Testr "nt and Estate of Mary E. Llvengood, for merly known as Mary E. Fuller, deceased. . Herbert Swift, Attorney for estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Millard D. Old, sometimes known as M, 0. Olds, de feased. NOTICE IS HEREBY C'VEN that I havr been duty and regu larly appointed Administrator of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, duly made. rendered and entered uoun No vember 19th, 1941, und all credi tors having claims against said deceased are hereby notified to present the same duly varifled to me at the office of my attor ney, Oeorge M. Roberts, Rooms 201-209 U.ilted States National Bank Building. Medford. Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 19th day of November, 1041. EARL, S. TUMY Administrator of the Es tate of Mil'ard D Olds, sometimes known as M. T) Olds dereaaed COURT HOUSE NEWS ' Marrlacj Licenses Walter Doll Stroup and Opal Evaline Miller. Melvln I.yle Stelnbach snd Jeanne Pauline Doe. Ernest Walter Fleguth And Violet Lolg Firestone. Divorce riled Ella Overbeck vt. Harry Over beck. Doris Maxlns Bart vt. Marls August Bartz. Chailes N, Coput vg. Cora Elizabeth Coput. Othr'lo Rose Jack vt. Merle Wilfred Jack. Ethel Mildred McMulIen vs.! Jesse Clifford McMulIen. Probate Court Estate of David A. Hadden, ! deceased. Estate of Millard D. Olds, deceased. Guardianship of Eva Thelma Shults, a minor. Guardianship of Stanley La- Verne Parish, a minor. Deeds Porter J. Netf et ui to E C. Am id on at ux. Quitclaim Deed, In Sec. 6. 7 and 8 In Twp. 88, South Range i Eaat W. M. Mabel H. Mores to Oertrude E. Peart, W. D. In Lewis Addition, Med ford. Sheriff Syd I. Brown to Bam H. Baker, Redemption Certlf it. In See. U, Twp. 98 South Range 4 West WJ4. James F Haye et uz to Standard Oil Company. Lease tn Phoenix. I. W. Houachlld et ui to Standard Oil Company of California. Lease, la O. L C. No. 48, Twp. 87 South Range 1 West W. M. O P. Brttteen et ux to the Stand ard Oil Company of California, Le. In Mac Subdivision. Agne V. Scranton. Administratrix of the Estate of James Rhea. Deceas ed, to Mra. Viola Klmbol, Admlnls. tratrtx Deed, 140 acrea In Sec, 34. Twp. 39 South Range I Weat w. M A. C. Hubbard et al to Lid L. Hubbard, W. D. In Medford. Joaeph I. Ramsdell et ux to Lewis J. Buck et ux, W. D. la See. 9. Twp. 38 South, Range 4 Weat W. M. Und Austin et al to R. K. Toft, W. D. In Edwards Place Addition. Medford. R. H. Toft et ux to J. Irving Bed ford. W. D. In Edward Place Ad- dltlon, Medford, J, Irving Bedford to It, H. Toft, W. D. In Bdward Place Addition, Med ford. R. H. Toft et ux to J. S. Vandorfy. W. D, In Edwarda Plaoe Addition. Medford. J. S. Vandorfy et ux to Em 11 Hse- echen, W. D. in Edward Plaoe Ad dltlon. Medford. Emll Heeachen et ux to Jackaon County Building and Loan Associa tion, Quitclaim Deed, In Edwarda Place Addition, Medford. Jackaon County Building and Loan Association, to Ethel Offutt. Quit claim Deed, la Edwards place Ad dition, Medford. Ethel Offut et vlr to O. C Gate at ux. W. D. In Edwarda Place Addition, Medford. Flrat Insurance Agency to Jack son County Building and Lota Aa aoclatlon. Quitclaim Deed, la Id wards Place Addition, Medford. Jackson County Federal Savings and Loan Association to Jsanette Patterson et al. w. D. la Edwards Place Addition, Medford. Luclle M. Undley et vlr to Bertha Hungat. W. D. In McCloud'a Addi tion, Talent. Martha A. Flltcrott to O. H. Flit croft. Quitclaim Deed, tn Bunker Hill Addition, Medford. H. B. Deuel et ux to Hermit V. Marney el ux, W. D la H Rey Sub division, In D. L. O. No. 46, Twp. 87 South Rsnge 1 West of the W. M. Agne B. Breea et vlr to Olaf John son et ux. W. D. In Butt Fell. Jan Craager et vlr to Lurllne Nord. wick, Bargain end 61 Deed, 9.86 acree In D. b. O No. 79, Twp, 87 South Range West W. M. Wren Newhouae et ux to Dick A. Adam et ux, W. D. la the H. B. Carter Addition, Ashland. . F V. Farrar to Cheater H. DeLap et UX. W. D. in D. L. O. NO. 48, Twp, 89 South Range I Eaat W. M. In Ashland. Charlea Llnebarger to Berth Spen cer et vlr, Contract, la See. 16, Twp. 86 South Range 8 Weat W. M. Jackson County Federal Sayings and Loan Aasoclatlon to V. L. Squlr. W. D. In Summit Addition. Ashland. D. N. Cowl ij to Chauncey L. Pierce, Contract, 1.43 cres In Snowy Butt Orchard Tract. Luella J. Mstlack to W. E. Olbaon. W. D. In D. L. O. No. 76, Twp. 87 South Range 9 Weat W. M. Lor Ethel Rose et al to A. H. Hetra et al. Quitclaim Deed, Phoenix, Harold A. Blther et ux to Daniel W. Pryo et ux. W. D. In BleaeU's Ad dition, Medford, P. D. Netherlend to Daniel W. pry at ux, W. D. 6 acree In Stewart Acre, la Twp. 87 South Rang t Weat W. M. Daniel W. Fry et ux to Harold A. Blther st ux, W. D. 6 acres In Stewart Acres, la Twp. 87 South Bang 1 West W. MV P. U Yarbreugh to tb Bagley Company, Leas with Contract to Purchase, 14080 sere In Sec. 80, 81 Twp. 80 South, Rang 4 But W. M. Sec, t. 96, 84. 86 and 86, Twp. 90 South Range 9 Beat. Sec. 9, 9, 4. 8, 9. 10, 18 16. 17. 18, 19, 30, 31, 93, 97, Twp. 91 South Rang t (eat WJsL O. 8. Butler to th public. Deed of Dedication, IB Roe Avenue Addi tion, Medford. Reese Creek Reete Creek, Nov. 28 (Spl.) The entire community extends sincere sympathy to Mr. snd Mrs. T. J. Pullen and family in the passing of Mr. Pullen't mother. Mrs. Lucinda Sheets. Mri. Sheets wag a faithful christian mother, friend and neighbor. Mr. and Mr. W. J. Pullen. of Ba doa. or., alao Mr. Dor Mlnton. ef Psrmen. Idaho, eon and daughter of Mr. Sheet, arrived Mr for th funeral Hoe. 83. Mr. nd Mr. Ivan Hatfield of Ash land were week-end visitor of Mr. and Mra. Charlea Humphrey. They alao vial tad at th W. R. Lamb horn whll her. Mr. ad Mrs. T. T. Vestal and Kathleen enjoyed Thanksgiving din ner with their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mr. Lewi Janusar near Prospect. Kathleen remained over until Saturday. . Mr. aad Mr. Victor Blrdeey en urtsinsd Thsnasg'lng day for Mr. Birdeaye'6 pareaw Mr. aad Mr. Har old Blakmy. Mr. nd Mrs. Homer Martin and Burnley spent Thanksgiving with their son and family, Mr. and ire. Mel via Martin and Doonl a. Begi. LODGE NOTICES MEDFORD LODGE, Ho. 103. A. P. A. M. Special Nov. 38. Officers bustneaa meeting. AU asked to be present. OLIf PABRICK, W. It. Mr. Ralph Merrltt attended the home demonstration meeting near Eagle Point at the horn of Mrs. Dlmmltt, Nov. 38. Moving pictures were shown at th chool Thursday forenoon. Tb plo ture are going th round of number of schools. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey enjoyed turkey dinner Nov. 30 wit their daughter and eon -In-law, Mr. nd Mra. Roy Blldwbtck and fam ily la Medford. Mr. Victor Blrdsey 1 doing the cooking t th school and 1 are n Joying the fin meal prepared bp her. Ralph Lamb, from Camp Clatsop, I horn for th Ttianksglvlng holi days visiting relatives and friend. Elmer Robertson I recovering .rom a fall from a pile of lumber which broke aome rtba. He was working t th Medford Corporation mm. Mr. and Mr. B. M. Twedall are a joying a new ear. Mr. nd Mi. John O'Connor ef Central Point, alao Mr. Dora Wright, of Medford, all apent the Thanksgiv ing holidays with Mr. and Mr. Jon O'Conaor. Meteorological Report By V, 9. BLKKAU Extended Forecast For Wuhlngton, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada and northern California for the period beginning 4:30 p. to. today to 4:30 p. m. Dec. at Recurrent rain la northern California aaot Psclflo northwest . spreading to Ne vada and Idaho over weekend. Gen. ral light amount but heavy at tlm la Pad Mo northwest. Snow level la mountain are lowering to about 6.000 feet beginning ot next week. Temperaturee (lightly bov seasonal average but cooler latttr halt ot period. 1 Forecast Medford and vicinity! Occasional rain tonight aad Saturday. Warmer ' tonight. Oregon 1 Oooaalonal rata tonight aad Saturday, heavy at time oa ooat. Warmer eaat portion tonight. Fresh southerly winds off shore, strong at tlm at mouth ot Colum bia river. Local Data Temperature a year ago todayt Highest, 49; lowest, 89. Total monthly precipitation, 1 69 Inchea. Excess for th month, M inch. Total precipitation sine Sep. 1. 1941, 6.19 IncDea. Exoesa for th a on, 1.31 Inches, Relative humidity at 4:90 p. aa, yesterday, 64; 4:80 a. m, today, 98. Tomorrow 1 Bunria, T:1T a. ax-f sunset, 4:43 p. m. Observations Taken at 4:88 a. 1 10 Meridian Time. if st CXTT- . w 1 n Bole Boston - , 43 97 , 64 89 . 87 81 86 34 . 68 68 . 40 38 Cloudy , Clear Foggy I Clear . Rata cloudy - Cleat i ' Cloud Pt. Old. Clear , pt. oidy. lUIn Pt. Cldy. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. Cldy, Cloudy . Chicago Dearer - Eureka . Havr Lo An galea MeUford ,, , 70 '88 40 33 66 46 41 87 73 47 43 86 47 91 46 41 40 91 68 46 Naw York Omaha Phoenix Portland . Reno Roeeburg , , , Salt Lak San Franclaeo. Seattle Spokane Wash., D. O, Yakima 48 86 48 33 T. 0t Mill maun ram ad. Travel Tabic AIKPIJIMI.S MortBbuuud Malta Class m. 4 14 a aa. m II 99 at. m (Flag stop) No malt : m 1 Fl; Mupi No Mall m (Flag atop) 8 88 p at. Southbound Malta Cloaa m. 10 09 a at, . m (Flag stop 1 4 43 p at, ! at (Plsg stop 1 Ho Mall m. 10.43 p. ae. Leev 4 69 a 19 fS p 4 08 p 84t p 9 33 p. Leave 10 47 a I 97 p 7 13 p 11.87 p. 1 RAINS . i. Horlh bound Leave Malls Clow 11 98 a m. 10 38 a at, 7 60 p m 1 60 p. as. Southbound Leave Mails Close 1 66 t BJt, g 86 a aw 1.86 p. m. 4At p. aa 1 BUSES North South t 80 a to. " 11 08 a at, IN 1 a so a a, tui a. ini a. 1 40 p at "imp at. 1.48 p m 4 06 p as. to Kiamarh ran g-08 p m Prom Klamath Pall t to m. () To Ashland only. () ro Orant Paas only. NoU- Auto eouiievting flrat lt mall cloaee t I ut a m for delivery t- poinu north of Eugene and at g 00 p m tor delivery at f Mat south ot Ourtamutf, Oalli.