PAGE VTNB Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOR' f REGOX, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1941. o Hra ?rr? ail on thl- pat uu HI pfuluihlt find rmllf ttir tiiinc" itr tMfn Ut.k Ini -' lr-rt liir unti-nl erlli ir mu mm hm ftmn h mii e.t.r m .lure rMni .ton mm find mini I hi net ollirr arv rffciMt tnti m ahi n rfMllrr iniiiiMllxlv nth If fthl vimi want In1 nrrff amrtl Utt It Innim n firtrrt ada art lne&pcuklt RATES per wurrt Mr, inrthm ( Miinniitm .. ) Each 4iiiMnai iitMrtlon, pr-r . - If (Minimum IOr per Miw ii.uiith with". it copy chunna tl.Zi CASH or money omei mu.t r om pany all mall order classified dr. LOIT AND FOUND LOST Check book containing 835 currency. Reward. Return to Mon ta Davis, Mcde-O-Day ahop. RPoK I lust aura, animal cruelty cases Humane guclety Phune 6161 WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Body and fender man Steady work. Shulta Brca. WANTED Experienced runera Phone 635S. Illlhee Orchard. Elmer Bull. PRUNERS WANTED Rogue River Orchards. End of rio Central. WANTED FEMALE HELP WOMAN WANTED to care for email children: go home nights. Inquire 401 So. Riverside. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Carpenter or construction work or any kind. Call 2713 for free eatlmate. WANTED Sewing. All kinds and ! Migrations Phone 3897 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS I WANTED Walnut coftee table and drop leaf dtnin; table, also chaise loun-re end extra large davenport, all in good condition. Box 411 Mall Tribune. WANTED Carpenter Wurlt. Phone 3384. and repair ; WANTED Home for two puppies. 1700 Prune. WANTED Unimproved acreage, for monthly paymenu Tribune, Box 425. FOR Furniture Upholstering and re pairing, phone 2908. Mr. Thlbault. WANTED Improved 2 a:rea or less close In. Oive price, location, etc. Box 634. Superior. Wyo. WANTED A dial from you. 4893 for estimate on Bullt-lns to order. WANTED Your wash day porch to make comfortable with Vitapane Dial 4833. WANTED A lean of 8S50. Rich pltcer gold mine In No. Calif, as security 837 W. Palm St., Medford. DRESSMAKING, Altering. 440 Bo Riverside. WILL BUY feeder a no fat lambs, also feeder hogs 818 S. Riverside. I Telkamp WE ARE In the market for good farm and city loans 6 and lepay on easy terms No charge unleaa loan la made We write all kinds of In surance ELMER HERRIED 44 N Riverside WELL DRILLING 81 60 per ft first 60 ft. etc J M Dndne 818 King HIGHEST cash paid for Iron copper orsss. radlauira. aluminum bat teries tunes rses lend and sine Medford Bargain House WANTED Wool, mohair htdee and pelte Medford Barnaul House 37 North Grape St Phune 3744 MILL IMV MIWT CAH For nax) Used Furniture Mill IIKllllK HKMMKP. 18 Nortn Front Phone 4033 HIST PHIl'F.e PAID For Your Furniture rttla Fl HM1I HF I'lwne iUO FOR RENT HOUSES 6-ROOM house, close In. Partly fur nlshed. 617.50. Shulta Brcs. FOR RENT Eiitnt-room furnished house. 028 Park. FOR RENT 8-room house, redecora ted Inquire 128 Vancouver. FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished house 125 N. Columbus. FOR RENT 6-room house, nicely f vrnlsned. No dogs. 831 Oak St Phone 3171. FCR RFN T Furnished 4-bedroom. 3 cathroom residence and parage CI se in. Electric stove. Frtaidsire. gas furna-e. Khade shrubbery and garden. Vlrtor C. Sether. NEWLY F1TRNI RHFll dunlex Close to town S33 50 Phone 8598 TOR RENT 4-room unfurnished hojs- Inquire 358 So. Oakdale, or dial 3.190. FOR PENT Furnished 8-room house e:.-trlc stove Adults Phone 8023 darks Grocery FCR RENT Completely furn'thed d-it.!ev two bedrooms, furnsce best, erfllenf local. on. 528 W. 10th Pmr.e 3787. T TNi.Hrr house and apta Adults w I0:h j F05I PENT - 6 rn-m modern cottage unfurnished. 625 00 Inquire 136 Cn-tate TPITKR "OB PENT M"V Save naif p-ims M.rfrirae : Wua, Aism and ivy. Fhuoe 4146. FOR RENT HO08ES I FOR rent 6-room unfurnished i home. call 2987 between a and 5 P m fOR RENT Furnished Rooms' WARM, well fumUiied room. Break. lest and dinner if desired. Dial NICELY furnished eleeptng noma for rent. 333 Bo. Riverside. LARGE room for 1 or J women, or married couple: twin beda or double bed; overatuffed furniture, gat heat bath, private entranca. eloae in Phone 3874. WARM, exceptionally well furnlihed bedroom and living room. Also am. gle room. Private entrance. 604 Pennsylvania. SLEEPING ROOMS 134 Tripp. ROOMS For Rent-151 N Oakdale A7TRACT1CB ROOMS 404 S Orape FOR RENT APARTMENTS P1VI-ROOM apt. and hk. room, "team heated. 1005 w. Main St. Phone 3591. FURN. APT Steam heat, hot water, Frigldaire. 603 s. Holly St. ATTRACTIVE furnished apartment. 804 Penn. CLEAN furnished 2 -room apartment: light and water included, 830. 317 w. 3nd. FURNISHED, attractive apartment Private entrance. 618 So, YJakdalc FURNISHED apartment, private bath. 319 So. Ivy. FOR RENT-Furnlsned apt. Heat and water 335 So. Ivy. CaU mornings or evenings after 6. NICE warm furnished apartment. Private bath. Refrigerator. 808 W. Main. : THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, heated. 339 North Ivy. MODERN, attractive furnished apart, ment. Adults 830 So. Oakdale. unriVnH . i.k.j . . I heat 10 (eulnce. OE BAUER Apta turn Si unfurn FOR RENT 8- room furnished s part men t Adults 138 Mistletoe FOR RENT F and F a part menu 3 room I and bath gaa beat. In quire 317 West 8th FOR RENT Medium priced furnish ed apartment Inquire 805 So. Oak- dale FOR RENT BOARD ROOM ROOM 41 BOARD Phone 3811. 614 Bsatty BEAUTIFUL furnished room. Fu ranee heat. 618 So Ivy. BOARD ROOM. 718 E. Main. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Weaner nlaa. G. J. Mo- I Cay, Spring St. FOR SALE Milk cow. Inquire Coyi. rnlie east of Central Point school on old highway. FOR SALE 4 good milk cowa, clover hay. Floyd Sanford. 1st house south overhead crossing. Ashland. FOR BALE Feeder pigs. Jas. A. Mar tin. H ml. wast of Beagle. FOR SALE Two Jersey-Guernsey cows. Two young Guernsey heifers. R. C. Logan. Talent. I HAVE Mfteen good dairy cowa to trade for improved land. K. B. Lor ton. Rt. 1. Box 153. i FOR BALE Oood young Jersey cow. wm. Btucker, colter suite noea. FOR SALE Three tullblood. unregis tered Hereford bulls, also Jersey cow. B. L. Dodge, Hlllcrest Road. Medford. CASH for Old hones Dial 8876 FOR SALE OR TRADfcOuod 8 yeer. old horse J. A Manke. R F D M.irnrd FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR TRADE My equity In 1841 Btudebaker Champion for used car In good condition, rnone awe. 1941 Super Deluxe Ford Sedan, new condition. 3700 miles, uken In trade on property, no use for car, want the money. 8 East Jackson St. 35 FORD TUDOR eedan. excellent condition, good tirea. paint, upmu stery, radio. 6348 cash. Mra. H. Oalll. Rugo, Ore. FOR SALE Equity in extra eleen '85 Chevrolet master coupe. 101 Al mond. DODGE SIX Sedsn, 835 cash. 887 W Palm. Medford. 1936 BU1CK SEDAN Century model for ssle or trade for lighter ear Call Eds Fuml'iire Co FOR EXCHANGE Real Ell FOR TRADE Three city lots In Oak. lsnd. Calif., for tomethlng In or near Medford. J. A. Womack. Trail. O-e FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Hlway frontage south on 99, 4 -room modern house. Just out city limits of Grante Pass. Fine business location. Price 63500. Write Box 591. Orants Pass. FOR SALE BY BUILDER New two- bedrocm homes at lesa man pww Alterations sa desired or will build to suit. Exceil-nt locatton. 4 block south of Hieh School on Whit man Street or Phone 8718. BUIUHNO A HOME Let us hsudle ell details on 15 rear FHA inens- quickly efficiently Ooldy Agency CITY end eountrt oropertlea Rentaia Loans Ihsuren-e C S Bullertleld 409 Medford Building FOR SALB 8-room bouse. bed rooms, breakfaat nook, bath service porch, wssh treTS: lot 60x130 feet: uree shade treea. paved sirable location. Close In. 6100 Torma. . t a PICK FIX 18 Bsrtlett ro B4LS Five -room house Beerl. flee. 82650. Box 4586. Tribune. ?or A HOME in mile look up HIU at Rogue River. Ore AHEN TOO think ot reel js'ste I think of the Spencer Begley Aetncj, 103 W. Ms-a. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE LAND AT LAND OFFICE 943 g. CENTRAL SO Yeare BCYINO SELLING TRADINO SUBDIVIDING LAND S2650 fl-e.res Bear Creek botcm land. Loam sou. Iree water, pumping plant, 0-rocm houes at city limits, 6630 cash, balance terms. 112 acres, 100 acres Bear Creek bottcm. water available for irriga tion. 9 bouaea, 9 barna. half cash, balance tenna. 158500 $650 1 a:ree In Kings Acres at city llmtte, 3-room bouse, free aoll. Land In clover. Irrigated. 8200 cash, balanoa 810.00 per month. 8-room house, bath room, garage, star room, near Medford high school and grade school. Sacrifice, 8&00 cash, balansa terms. 1J acrea Channlng Sweet tract, end of West Jackson Street. 810 00 down and 810.00 per month. No better place to build. firE J. C BPNES Phone 3n V Peach St. $800 $450 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Davenport, bed, Inner. spring mattress and springs. 613 Austin. NEW coat, medium alas, rug, cush ion. 634 waat nut. FOR SALE Used Davenport end Chetr in good condition. J. O. Fahlen. On old C. P. Highway, across from Howard school after p. m. AGATE JEWELRY. Novelties and Myrtle-Wood. Have your elates cut at Santos Agste Shop, 425 East Main St. WOOD Dry fir and laurel. Phone . 6031. FOR BALE Washington Jonothan, Roma Beautlea. winter Bananaa, and Delicious Apples, also Wine sapa 61 10 box. bring container. Faber'a Market. Central Point. Fi ber's Farmer Supply. Medford. FOR SALE Walnuta. 15c pound. J n. Monson. 01a pacific Hwy, near Howard achool. FOR BALE Silver fir Xmas treea. See them evenings at 751 Weat Jackson St. FOR BALE Melotte cream separator. 635 lb. capacttv. C. Owen, Orchard Home Drive. Phone 3054. WOOD Old growth fir, 81.50 tier I. F. Parker. Trail. ORDER Your Xmaa Treea now from Jonea Broa. Butte Falls. Ore. Box 31. FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4914. WASH'RS and Ironera tor Xmaa Fill mothere Blocking with beautiful Speed Queen More features All year to pay. Flek Hdwe. FOR SALE Dr? '1r and hardwood Phone 4503 Hawley Fuel Co. NU BONE coreete ealaa and repair service 631 8 Riverside Dial 3559 MONARCH Ranges Byrd usd them Easy price range Flek Hdwe. WOOD end Oil Circulators. Best buys In town. Pick Hdwe. MYERS Jacuzzi Pumps. Installed 100 guaranteed Ft k Hdwe. RADIOS Oolde'n Tone Oeneral Elec tric Select now. Pick Hardware FOR SALE Case machinery. Crown feeda seeds and fertiliser. Flnley Implement Co FOR SALE Pears and apples. Joe Ksutor 3 mllee north Talent NEWTOWN APPLES at the Perl Or chards Dial 6434 FOR SALE Dry fir slabs. Phone 6180. REAL BUYS In used clothing 1405 No Rlveralde. across from Becks Bakery FIR SLABS Buy Now City Fuel Phune 4114 FOR SALE Low prices lumber ot any building matertala Call ua be fore you buy R O Stephenson Co Court and McA-drewa Telephone 3000 DRY FIR for sale. Phone 6180 aftei 6:00 o'clock MUlFOKIl rlAHIIAIN Hill KE We Have What You Want Pipe and Fii'lngs all alaee Boll Pipe and Drainage Fittings Plumbing Futures and Septle Tanka Tenia and Tarpa Hna Doora Wtnduwa and Olaes Split Pulleys Belting. Cabls and Blocks Barbed Wire Stuck Fencing, ete. Roofing Paper Building Paper Pallite Rnuf Stain Army Ouoda Shoes Boots Quilts Underwear end Socks Pumps snd Mscbluery Tunis lor tne House. Farm Lnggera' snd Mill Supplies Kew and Uaed Furniture of All Kinda Stoves and Circulator Hesters . Ws Can Save You Dnllara Ph 3744 37 33 N Orape 8t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR BALE Small aecond hand store In Orants Pase. Best of location. Stock, complete, 6400. Rent 636 S17 o ft MISCELLANEOUS 'PRE-XMAS SPECIAL" Mattress re novated. 6360. Central Point Mat trees Factory. CALI 6533 for specs! dinner parties Old Stage House. Phuenlx. Ore PERSONAL MRS. DELMAR Psychic Medium and Palmist. By natural gift, with yeara of research and atudy. Gives advice and help on all affairs of Ufa; louchea on every subject of human Interest- gives facts: gets resulta: telle what to do, how to do and when to do It: eeka no questions. When all others fall aee me. Read ings guaranteed. Hours 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Rainbow Auto Camp, High way 60. CARD RIADINO 61. 839 Jeannette 81 ART THE OKEOON1AN by mall utuv see mm wnre UKEiiuniAn Carrier Boa 61. ABUiand. Ore Palmistry Crystal Resding D Miller Ph 344a 4P0 M'fio'am Are As-!and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antique EARLY AMERICAN OLASS St the tgn 6 miles south of Orauta Pea or I mils north ot ftavage Rspid 1am on H'vhes 99 Asssysr ASSAYER W O Wright. 3318 Cspl tel Ave City So of water reservoir no'cj ei crp-se- ai rranar 83 Chiropodist. FOOT SUFFERERS Opening modern Cbtrupudy offices Corns callouses ingruwn nails removed arertee eurreeted DR ARNOLD M. DEPNEft Cvrp-d-t Pi Boer .1' 117 fluurai Bias, fboue HOI. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Carpentering CARPENTER WORK New or remod eling, dav or contract: free eatlmate Phon.- 2031 314 Cottsae St Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY Sweep Also turnscee end 011 stoves clsaned Call Geo Eaton 38 Nr. Pront Phone 4240 Christmas Cirds SCRIPTURE TEXT Chrlatmaa Carda, Dainty Handkerchiefs. Albert's Myr tlewocd Novelties. THE ALBERTEL- LA. 1?0 North Central. Dressmaking THE FASHION SHOP-Dreaamaklng Fur Remodeling Bullous and Buckles covered Room 603 U S National Bank Bldg Tel 3931 DRESSMAKING - Alterarlnne tailor ing Katharine Satterlee. Slngei Shop 22 3o Grape Expert Window Cleaner LEI OEOMfie DO in EXPERT Wluoow Cleaner Oeneral house eleenera floor waxing paint Ing Geo a oi .rcl Phone 39M MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONKTT When an emergency artaea and money la needed quickly yuu will rind this local firm ready to give vour needs prumpt and friendly eonalderatlon Repay the toan In monthly pay menu adjusted especially to suit you. OREGON FINANCE CO. W. E Thomas Mgr. Lie No B-ll M-317 46 Bo Central Dial 4433 Home owned and managed Since 1936 WE IOAN MONEY OH YOUR CAR Attractive Rates COAST FINANCE Harold H Brown Aency License 311 123 Baal Main Phone 3448 PRIVATE MONEY on Improved farms Address Box 415, Tribune. Nursing Horn TRUAX NURSING HOME Graduate Nurs:a, Equipped to care for all 111 ness:s ex:ept Surgery and O. B. cases. Phone 181, Jacksonville, Ore. Sewing Machine w H KLATT Singer Distributor 23 So Grape Tel 3183 Medford Oregon Trsnslsr CITY TRANSFER At STORAGE CO Huuaehold muvlng and general hauling i9 g Oraps Phone 4664 Dey or night FURNITURE MOVINO AND BTOR AOS We have van movitui equip ment for local and long dlatanoe hauling Dry and clean atoraie iconrrete buildingl with apeclal locker rooms at low rates SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSE Phone 8758 (ADS TRANSFER ek STORAGE CO Office 16 South Fir Phune 2828 Prices right Service guaranteed DAVIS TRANBFER AND 8TORAOI 40 8 Fir Street Inaured Carnere Local and Long Diet shoe Hauling Phune soda ACROSS ini girl I. Wondering (car S, Ofnui of th tjumao IS. 8hakepMr4Vtt king IS. M dca tUnt 14. Present 11. River muiMl 18. Pronoun 17. Wagnerian haroiri tt. Day of th week W. Foo(!Bi 12. Rngil.h tetter ti. Hpr'.ng H, Plpplet talnst 17. Siamese coin 18. "LlKhti nut" It. 8 lit can ion 12. Slanr-jiin nam U. tight boat IV Croup of a tars It. Chargee t'J. TannTa etroka. 40. Long In on ptiiaaaalwft 41. rrjrniarijy 45. Atmoiharl molaiur coniJeneed o xpoee4 ob ject 41 fnlii 44. Waiked 46. Ahead 4". In.pafiatv SO. Lubricate 4. Laarnius iy f- ;in 67. Metal fit. Mlmlo a). Character In "L'nrli Tom's Cabin" ID. Ksllncl bird I. IMieh S2. B'lm 41. Hlikflshes Ii Ii U I 'ji I 17 I If k i" L1L. -4- -rm - -i i - , , . . "i '"' ' v ' ',', -: .. -M- 47 44 "., S Si Si 1 ' - u 1 . -,z , ss s 5" w j T tr j j" BUSINESS DIRECTORY Rooting WK REPAIR or apply any type ot roof Paoco Roofings Shluglee Coatings and Patnte New sux-a Wall Paper Ekeraon Paint anJ Roof . 1 So Baruett Tel 848 JOE OM1TH TOUR HOOPER All Root rrouDlea taken care of. All work giieraijteed. Call 378 or 3249 Big App!egate Big Applegate, Nov. 27 (Spl.) Miles Camra.ll, well known resi dent of this community, la a patient at the Sacred Heart hos pital, where ha underwent an operation early last week. A number of out of state resi dents cams to this community to spend Thanksgiving snd ths follow. In, week-end with relstlves, among whom was Mrs. Mary Bacon ot St. Paul, Minn., who was a gusst of bar nlecs, Mrs. Louis Culy. Mrs. Culy en tertained with a family dinner at bsr horns on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Clsrk Bsrr snd two young sons of Fullarton, Cal also spent ths holiday vacation here with Mr. Barr'a parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Barr. The Call fornian's were sccompsnied by Mrs. George Osvin of Palo Alto, a slater of the elder Mra. Barr, Other Call forniana motoring here for Thanks g,vtng were Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mc Laniel of Vacavllle and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Luce of San Francisco, who were guests of Mrs. McDanlel's fath er, Wm. Buck, Miss Louise Harr left early last week for Ashland, Alabama, where she will be a guest for an Indeflnlts perlcd of time of Mrs. M. L. Allen. Miss Harr was acmpanied aa far as Lcs Angeles oy her cousin. Mrs. Mel burn Atkins. wLo Is teachlnj at Keno, and the two vtalted relatives In Loe Angeles for a short time. Everyone Is cordlslly Invited to at tend the Braver creek Sunday school Nov. 80, when Rev. L. 8. La ink in of the Christian Center at Murphy w'll take charge of the Sunday achool perlcd. which will be followed by a short service. Mr. Lamktn will be accompanied by the lower Applegate Sunday school group, whom he serves ss Ma :her of ths Bible class. Sunday achool convenea at 10:00 a la. at Up per Applegate Grange hall. Mr and Mra. Henry Blanton and daughter of Little Applegate apent the holiday week-end at Brookings, where, with a party of aixteen, they j enjoyed fianing ana oeacn aporta, Mrs. Moms Byrne Is enjoying a week's vacation trip to points In Southern California, where aha Is vis Itlnj relatives. Mrs. Byrne Is accom panied by her mother. Mrs. T. J. Gil ford, snd others from Medford. Mrs. Azalea Sager of Corvallla. state leader of home economlce, will dis cuss the timely topic, "Keeping Your Balance in a World of Propaganda." at the meeting of the local extension unit Wednesday, December 3rd. Ths meeting concerns citizenship, and everyone Interested In hearing the message of the ststs lesder Is Invited to attend ths meeting, which opens at 10:00 a. m. at ths Applegate school building. Miss Marian Farrell. county demonstration agent, will accompany Mrs. Baiter. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jones and eon. Jack, of Vallejo 'ipected to return to their home this week sfter spending a few daya aa guesta uf Mr. and Mra. Harlan Cantrall. LINDY'S ADDRESS London, Nov. 27 (P) Brit Ish fuzzinens about American history cropped up again today In a story of a Thanksgiving celebration by American techni cians working tor British forces. The story said "Lindbergh's Gettysburg Address" would be shown on a movie screen aa a part of the observance. Approximately 1,800 United States naval reserve midship men have been graduated from naval reserve schools within the List year. Solution Of Yesterday's Pusili DOWN 6 Borrow 7. Thrown Int ecstasy 1 Klsetrle reso latory flavles I. Contained 10. Tlis Besr 1. Kllul uf salt . 2. Light open cot ton fsbrle 8. Principal 4. Wesrs sway 6. Grsyl.a arnile 1L nauir 1). One IndaS nliely Jl. Dad 23. Ulopped uniniefltlea any . Money IS. Boarlng 24. eleaauiev ef eaoaelty tl. M.irlo lang msasura 24. Negative lea 10. Am.rlean librarian 11. Causes le 6 31. Pronoun 34. Purine eon v.ysnee 14. Fione.r. 17. Round of esftle II. Handbill 43. Lai. In Saw York stst 41. rr.t.tjre 46. Cerr..silve ef eitnsr 47. gcore at Srldge 41. 8nall anark t Msialll'arog roeke 14 Color tl In a line 42, Compnung ef aolum II. Orsndson ef Anam 14. To&e. liiim. auiig Slri n pi pnHiAiMi5i'fie EE ILl?-ilIll- J -TI wlc uiUElwIclRIJr o Rl urrftLiftXflA 1 ioIa m t ft a aS)UTa1ii lI I I IMiPlA BTI6nLkjP m eHl via 1 cTsnA, A L 2. T3a t AtlJiTo w eIl QlElRn'clN e aleiD I'li" etn T 1 i-k I 1. 1 3? Ey1 l ico PIP JWs IJIJB A fllO Al w AjS" olle Lo.Ee r e MsUsviMiBsJlec LIVESTOCK Portland I Portland, Ore.. Nov. T. MP) (USDAI Hogs 3000: market opened 10-15 lower than Wednesday's close, now extremely slow, indications of more decline; early aalea good-choice 178-316 lb. drlva-lne 610.76: few light llghta 610 00-35: few aalea feeder pigs steady at 6706.76: scattered lota feeder pigs 88.78 10.00. Cattle 350: calves 48: no slaughter steers offered early; good fed steers quotable to 613 00; good fed heifers quotable to 69.50; 9 lou common medium grades 67 00 9 00: cows steady, odd haed good grades 66 00; common-medium oows 19 00 (7.35: canner-cutter oows 64 368 6.75; odd lota good bulla 68.506)9.00; Teeters fully steady, good -choice 611.50 618 00; acattered sales fseder steers 69.00. Sheep 300; market largely nominal: odd lots medium-good lambs 69.00 10.00; good-oholce grades quotable to 61044; eleughter ewes 68.35 down. South San Francisco South San Francisco, Not. 37. 0) (Fed. -State Mkt. News) Hoas 376: active, 10-16 higher; good and choice 170-335 lb. barrows and gilts 611.36 36. sows 68.60.76. Cattls 65; supply largely cowa. trade fairly active; oows and bulla steady to it higher: common and medium beef -type cows 67.00t6 00; medium and good 1.400-1.700 lb. sausage bulls 68.39 9.00. Calves none; vealere quotable steady; good and choice grsdes 61I.&O6 13.00. Sheep none; undertone steady; Wednesday; medium and good wool ed lamba sold at 610.40gtU.00; med ium and good slaughter ewea quot able 64.50 ii 5.60. Chicago Chicago. Not. 37. JPy (USDA) Hogs 14.000; general trade eteady to 10 higher than Wedneeday's average; top 610.15. Cattle 6,000. calves 1 .000. largely 611.00a 13 36 steer and yearling mark, at: with prime miked offerings to 613.00; best yearlings In load lots 613.63; ted helfar run very email; mostly 610 50 13.00 with scattered lou to 613 68: weighty sausage bull offerings to 69.26: vaelera dull; most ly 611.0OO12.60; welfbtleat fed steers here comprised good to choice 161 lb. offerings at 611.00; and choice 1386 lb. at 611 85. Sheep 11.600: fat lamb market not established, early bids at 611.38 for best klnda, around 33 lower; asking fully steady or 61140 and better for strictly choice 'at natives and fed weatema; nothing dona on yearlings or sheep. Portland Produce Portlsnd, Hot. 37. P) Igga Prlcss to producers! A, large, 86c; B, large, 80o; A, medium, lie; B, med ium, too dos.; A email, 35ci B smell 13c doe.; Reasls to retailers, 4c high er for cases; eartona, 60 higher. Potatoes Whit locale. 61 65-1.75; Deschutes gems, 63.35 cental; Ysklma No. 1 genu, 63.10 eental; Klamath Falls, 61 40-1.60 cental; near Califor nia, 63.40-3.60 60-lb. box. Other . roduce unchanged. Portland Wheat Portlsnd, Ore. Woe. IT Oratn: Whaati Open High Low Close May A M Jn Etc. JIVi Alt '1 Cash grain 1 oats Mo. 9-81 lb. whit 688 40. Barley No. 3-49 lb. b.w. 939 60. Corn Mo. 2.4 7. ahipmente 983 00. No. 1 flas 91.76. Cash wheat (bld)i soft whit 93Vto: soft whit ecludlng rex 67c: whit club sac: western red 98c. Hard red winter: ordinary 90Ujo: 10 pet. 94c; 1! pot. 91-00: 1 pet. 9109. Hard white ban: ordinary 91.06Vs! 10 pet 61.07U,; 1 pet. 6U8Vj: 19 pet. 61.17H. Today'a ear reeslpUt wheat 19: barley 1: flour 9; com 1; hay I; mlllfeed I. Chicago Wheat Chicago Woe. 37 . -4JP) Wheat t Open High Low Close Dec 1.131, 1.19!) l.iant 1.18 1.18 I.I9H 1.18 1.19 1.16H 1904 1.18H 1.19H May July Wall St. Report New York. Nov. 27 (P Tardy bidding helped steady parts of today 9 stock market but many leaderg continued well out on a gheky limb. Steels draw 90m support, with Bethlehem especially fav ored, and tobaccoa stiffened af ter an early relapse. Tax selling remained aa on of th important brakes on re covery, broker said. This, de spite exceptionally low Inter vala, put th day' volume to around 800.000 ahart. Today's closing prices for 64 ee lcted stocks follow 1 Al. Cher, ea Dy .147 Am. Cen 71 H A. T. as T. 1474, Anaconda Atch. t. air. Bendls A via. , 97 . 9H 17 W Beth. Steel Caterpillar Tract. - 971, . 63 . 9(4 . 70 -144H . 9H - H . 9H Chryeler Curuet-Wnght , Douglas Art I. DuPoot Oen. Blee. Oan. Peods Oen. Mot. int Rerrest Jehns-Maa. -Kanneoott . sH Monty Ward No. Ana, Ava . North Amer. Penney f ' C. , Penna. R. 91. rtulllps Pet. . 13H , UWj , 77 , 80S 't 1 . 6 , 34 H . 44 S Std. Brands St. OH Cel. St. OH N. J. Trans. Amer. -Union Carb. Unit. Aircraft -United Airline U. 8. Steel . 71 . 864, . Vb . 61 Pear Market Yesterday Chicago, NOT. 36. (AP-USDA) Pears: 14 cars on track. 8 Oregon, 3 Washington arrived, g diverted: Oregon Anjous. 380 extra fancy 63.36 6)3 10, average 63 86; 860 fancy, Si.oo 6)3.60. average 62.48. New York. Nor. 36. (AP-USDA) Pears: 3 care arrived, 1 California, 8 Oregon. I Washington. 1 Idaho unloaded, 10 en track; Oregon Be., 656 fancy 61.70-3.90. average 63.01; 3456 No. Is 41.96-3 40, average 83.41; Comlos 670 fsncy 63.10-300. average 63 43. Anjous 830 extra fancy 63.96. 330, average 6316: Boeo 185 naif boxes No, 1 61 15-1.35. average 81.33. Ban Francisco Butter Ban Francisco, Not. 37 OPWUSDA) Butter, 83 score 17c; 91-89V4e; 90 34Vi; 68-830. Sacramento, Not. 37. (Ph Churn ing cream buttertat: first grade 41c; second grade 89c. Trail Trail. Nov. 27. Spl. Dr. and Mra. Mallery entertained over the Thanks-giving holiday Mra. Mallery's three song. Ray Merrlman of Sacramento, who arrived Thursday morning and stayed untl Monday morning: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Merrlman and three children from Healdsburg, vho arrived Wednesday evening and stayed until Sunday and Mr. and Mra. Lea Merrlman from Prospect who stayed two nights. On Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mra. Phillip Humphrey and Miss Polly Llndley ot Med ford called at the Mallery home also. Mr. and Mrs. Charley ghalton en tertained at Thanksgiving dlnnsr for Mrs. Charles Prltchatt, Jos Hail, Mra. Mary Burk and son Martin. Mr. and Mrs. t. W. Hutchinson had aa dinner guesta Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mra. X. I. Hutchinson and daughter, Shirley of Klamath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. L. b. Hell ef Cali fornia on the Rogue. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parton had Thanksgiving dinner for er. and Mrs. L, Morteon snd two children and Mr. and Mrs. Oordon "lay and baby. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson and son. Oordon, returned home from Hermlston Tuesday and entertained the following guests at a turkey din ner Sunday 1 Mr. and Mra. Al John son, tverett Cushman, Alberta Oliver, Aline tnilot and Mrs. Pilings. Mra. Francis Ash hsd her entire family horn for Thanksgiving In cluding Mr. and Mra. Wayne Ash and daughter, Claudia, Mr. and Mrs. O, M. Cushman and two daughters, Iver Ine and Melba from Washington atate. Mr. and Mr, tmn Row and daugh ter, Wanda. Mr. ' and Mrs. Howard Ash and children, Ben. Oen and Pay, and Lowell Ash, all of Trail. Mies wandr How returned to Cor veins lunday after spending the holi day week-end with her parent and other relative here. Mr. and Mra. Ray Cherry, of Med ford, hav a nsw baby daughter, bora Sunday. Mrs. Cherry was form erly Mlas Inea Burk. Little Lynn Cherry I staying rtth bla grand -moth v, Mrs, Mary Burk, for a few days, Th ladle ef Upper Trail creek hav organised a Red Cross club and meet every two weeks to do Red Cross sawing. Mra. H. T. Swingle le chairman of th group. Anyone In terested In the work can contact her. Mrs. Bv Begeeeman atlll baa sawing to paw out for Red Cross Mwera. Mr. and Mra. L. L. Hall of Cali fornia on the Rogue entertained at dinner Saturday Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Hutchinson and daughter, Shirley, of Klamath Palls and Mr. and Mra. S. W. Hutchlneoa of Trail. H B. Club of Upper Rogue Orange la busy planning th minstrel show they wHl give Dec. 19 at O ranee hall. There will be a email admission charga for ths benefit of th elub. Bveryon la invited. Lake Creek Lake Creek Nov. J7. (Sp1.) Thanksgiving guest of Mr. and Mrg C. R. Moore were Mr and Mr. Victor Rose and little daughter, of Klamath Fall, and Mr. and Mra. Bill Abbott and (laughter of Central Point. Mrs. Rosa and Mr. Abbott r grand children of th Moor'. Mr. snd Mrs. Bryan Jolley and guesta. Mrs. Mas Bray snd daughter, spent Thanksgiving with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Powell at Central Point, Mr. and Mr. Victor Oarderter and children had dinner Thanksgiving day with Mra. Oardenefe pe rente. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Short and fatally. Harry Tons and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orlgsby and family were at the Tonn borne Thursday. Mr. Orlgsby, Char lotte and Dick stayed until Sundsy Lyle Hosfft. son f Mr. and Mr T. J. Roefft, war married November 90 , Mia Alias Schtlnelog ef Phee- ait at th Beventh-Dey Advent ehurch. Mr. Roefft spent bis entire boyhood her and eras a graduate of Rati potat high achool. Mr. and Mrs. Boafft will make their home at Phoenis Mrs. Brneet Boeteller gas a show, er honoring her daughter, Fetre Do at bar boms November 1. tn Australia there 1 a earth, worm tbat attains a length ef nearly 13 feat. LODGE NOTICES MEDFORD LODGE. No. 103. A. F. A. M. Special wa ,...11 -..vjl. ' u 7 , Ujt Nov. 28. Officers business meeting. All asked to b present. OLE.V FABRICK. W. M. Meteorological Report Bv t). S. MF4THFK BIKFAU Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Cloudy to night and Friday with fog Is morning. Oregon: Cloudy tonight and Friday with valley foga. Little change In temperature. Gentle jaaterly winds off coast. Local Data Temperature a year ago today! Highest, 47; lowest. 84. Total monthly precipitation, 3 9 Inches. Excess for the month, .63 Inch. Total precipitation since Sept. 1, 1941. 6.19 Inches. Excess for th season. I S3 Inches. Reistve humidity at 4:30 p. m. yesterday, 83; 4:30 a. m. today, 98. Tomorrow: Sunrise, 7:16 a. mi. sunset, 4:43 p. ni. Observations Taken at 1-86 a m 1211 Meridian Tim. - Hffli ! fi g Boles , 46 34 Boston 60 98 Chicago 63 36 Denver ,, 41 94 Eureka 63 44 Havre ,, 68 87 Loe Angela 81 60 Medford 49 26 New Tork 63 40 Omaha , 63 80 Phoenis 77 88 Portland 80 83 Reno 60 19 Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. Cldy. Pt. Cldy. Cloudy Foggy Clear Clear Pt. Cliy. Foggy Cloudy PattT Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt. Cldy. Cleer Foggy Roes burg Salt Lake. San Pranotaco. Seattle Spokane Ween.. D. C. Yakima 40 30 63 44 63 46 66 80 40 83 49 39 Brownsboro Brownsboro, Nov, 27. (Spl.) Mr. and Mra. C. E. Craig and son Charles returned home Sun dsy after having spent Thanks giving week with relative at ugens. Mr, and Mr. Permond Wis and Betty motored to Crater Lake lae Sunday. They, with Mrs. Wise' moth. er. Mrs Johnson, were 'dinner guesta Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mra. Ray Johnson In Ashland. . Mr. and Mra. Burgees end children epent several daya visiting near Tula Lake with Mrs, Burgess' slater, whs has been III. Mr. Burgees' mother ha bean a guest at the home of her daughter In Orants Psse. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Henry enter, talned with a turkey dinner at then? horn Thanksgiving for Mr. and Mra. B. H. Tucker. Lowell and Virgil Tuck, er and Wayne Cook, all of Oold HIU and Mre. Ethel Morris and eon, Oer aid. of Oentsal Point. Mrs. L. J. Rohrer and Lewie Rohrer entertained with a turkey dinner at their home on Thanksgiving for Mi. and Mr. Fred Bloomlngcamp, Oharlee, Marjorle and Beratec Bloom- In scamp. Mr. end Mrs. Lawrence Leonard and llttls son. all of Horn brook, Calif, Mr. and Mra. W. M. Hansen, Mr. and Mra. Oerald Han sen, Mr. and Mra. O. A. Hansen and eon Bruce. Gertrude Bloomlntscemp, 04 Cave Junction, was the only mem ber of the family unable to be pres ent. Lots Wright of Medford spent Mon day with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wright, - Conalderabl progr hag been mad in cultivation of tung tree In southeaatern Texas. Travel Table AlHPt.AVrS North buuud Meils Close m. 4 14 a as. nv II 36 a ra. m rFtag atop 1 No mail m 1 ran No Mall a) 1 Flag a top 1 9.99 p aa. South sound Mails Close m. loin 1 a, m mag stopi Kip a, at I Flag atopi No Mall as. 1049 p. aa. Leeve IN t 19 9 p 4 09 p 6 49 p M p Leave 10 47 a 21 p 7 13 p 1147 p. 1RAIN Norm bound Leave Malls Cloe 11 7 m. 10 29 n. TM p m 60 p aa. Southbound Leeve Malls Close 6 a as. g 66 a as. 946 p. to, 446 p 0. BL8E North South o a aa. 13 08 a at. IN I a 86080. 996am. atoaaa. 40 p m. 60 p m. (.46 p m 06 p. at. To htamarn rails 6 p m from Rieineik Falls 90 s () To Aaftiaiid only 11 To Ore a is Paaa only. Not- Auto eon tier ting first elaas M-( 1 - e ea wm tn. Am n 1 a at pmnta anetn of Oiaene and at e w p na rear oeiiv-rv we j SMila at furtamuir. Caht . . 49 90