PAGE SEVEN Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! t MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOR OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1941. Hotel "? rt an llil pss Vu HI iimhrihlt Hurt rull tin Ihiiix iiiu hrrn Itm int tH uniiMft irllilr uu mm lima tVriiri h tin itir m torr nmm -..iit ni 'tirt mam I hi lie thr srr riiiiii anil hi In rpiiMrr ii.iim.-.Ui mh If . want in'l hrr mrTt.- ln M Tribune Ift'tl Ids art IneMiciuUe effr...r. RATES I Mliiiiiniin ta t Barh artiitilitnnl Mi-rrtlun. prr ril --1 iMinliiHim I Or) fer imp m.ii.tti wllhmit cupy chiinjie I' W CASH r mnney order miit artom jwny all null ordrr clal" ad. LOIT AND FOUND $20 REWARD for return of 30-30 car- I bine Winchester, model 94, serial No. 1155881. John Foster. Eagle ; roinc. FOUND Keys at Art Exhibit. Call at Tribune. LEPORl lost aog. animal cruelty cases Humane Society Phtme Blftl WANTED MALE HELP MAN WANTED for Santa Claus. Call Montgomery St Ward. WANTED Man with saw to buzz 150 k cords of wood. Hawley Fuel Com pany. 619 North Riverside. WANTED Body and fender man. Steady work. Shults Brcs. WANTED Experienced pruners. Phone 6358. IUlhee Orchard. Elmer Hull. PRUNERS WANTED Rogue River Orchards. End of No. Central. 'TRAINING' DIESFL JOBS TRACTOR MET? 18-40 who REALLY want good pay. permanent future In this ba sic field as servicemen, operators and dliS3lmen. 25 will be s?le:ted from the Medlord area in wovem- . oer iwj ubi"us r ... , esrvlce. For full particulars write 1 Tractor Division. 610 M?ad euua- lng. Portland. Oregon. AT ONCE. ' WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Waitress over 21. Apply J. N. Cafe. 37 South Front. WANTED Experienced girl or wo man for general housework. Phone I 3354 WANTED Womsn for light house work and care of children. 103 Tripp St. WANTED Woman for housework. Good wa?es, details on application. Phon 4454. HELP MALE AND FEMALE j BOOKKEEPING Spare hours. Give ! experience and ref. Tribune. Box i 4975. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Sewing. All kinds and Iteration Phone 3897 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Improved Z a?res or less. ( close In. Give, price, location, etc. Box 534. Superior. Wyo. WANTED To buy a second-hand gas heater. Phone 8789. WANTED A dial from you, 4693 (or estimate on uuni-ins io oraer. - . i WANTED Your wash day porch to J make comfortable with Vltapane. j Dial 4633. FOR furniture upholstering and re pairing, phone 2908. Mr. Thlbault. FARM, suitable for hogs and diversi fied, cherries. Prefer river frontage. Equipped and operating with good fam ly seven-room or larger house. Modem Write full description first letter with pictures. Quote lowest prlca and terms. Party Interested in southern California new. modern home and adjoining new. nver oc cupied r-oute. preferred. J. A. Lon ergan. 812 North Vega Street, Al hsmbra. Cal. WANTED Address or phone number of msn who outs strips on roof. LlTintsUm. Oold Hill. WANTED Horses for fox feed. Deliv er to Snowline Fox Farm. 4 miles from Talent. Wagner Creek road. Or write Box 338. Ashland. WANTED A lean of 6250. Rl-h pleer gold mine In No Caltf as security 637 W. Palm St.. Medford. DRESSMAK1NO. Altering. 440 So ' Riverside. QUTLT1NO-Comfort tied, sewing 705 Dakota WILL BUY feeder ana fat lemM; also feeder hogs 619 S Riverside. E Trlkamp WE ARE in the maritet for good farm and city loans 3 and ispay on easy terms No charge unless l'n Is made We write all kinde of in surance ELMPR HERRIFD 44 N Riverside WELL DRILLING-! M per ft first 80 ft. et J M Ddtfe 8)9 King BIGHES7 eh oid f imn copper brass radiator a'ummom bat teries t'int rats ied and tine Medford Barium Hnue W ANTED Wool mohair n:ds snd pelts Med ford certain H"it 37 North Grape St Ph ine 3744 Mill r HIT CH For o-Ki L'ad r-irn ture MOI MHOOH r RMTI Mf 16 Norm rrtit Phone 4073 HUT PMII M Pll T-Mit FU'n -if tUD tLIUtlltlU. rtivu 1MB. TOn RENT HOUSES FOR KENT Small furnished houaa, electric utilities. Available Decern- 1 bet lt. H. L. Cook. 1104 W. Main. I FOR rent 6-room unfuraUhed I house. 125 N. Columbus. j . FOR RENT-fl-room unfurnt.d tSJf1 house, firt-plac. hardwood " 1 "8 Mt Holty Cornfr of close to hi-rh and grade schools. Key. 401 King. FOR RENT 5-room house, nicely furnlsned. No dogs. 831 Oak Bt. Phone 9171. FOR RENT Modern house, doss to. Call 316 So. Orange. FOR RENT 3 -room modern house at 414 Alice St.. 923 50. water paid. Inquire at 33 Jeanette St. FOR RENT Furnished 4 -bed room. 3 bathroom residence and garage. Cleat In. Electric stove. Frig id at re. gas turn ice, shade, shrubbery and garden. Victor C. Sether. NEWLY FURNISHED duplex. CloM to town. 933 SO Phone 3598. FOR RENT 3 -room, modern, (urn lahed house See ma 323 Beatty, FOR RENT House. 1038 Court. Will trade yearling heifer and feeder pigs for good fresh cow. Inquire Ross Twedell, Route 3. FOR RENT 4-room unfurnished hous3. Inquire 358 So. Oakdale, or dial 3390. FOR RENT Oood furnished and un furnished houses. Edwin P. Hughes. Real Estat Avency, 700 No. River side. Phone 3818 FOR RENT Completely f urn shed duplex, two bedrooms, furnace heat, excellent location. 82V W. 10th Phone 2787. FOR RENT Furn lahed 3 -room house elestrlo stove, fireplace. Adults Phone 6033. Darka Grocery. FURNISHED house and apt. Adults 604 W. 10th. FOR RENT S-rorn modern cottage, unfurnished. 63500. Inquire 136 Cottage. rRUCKS FOR RENT Move voursell Save half Prultt's Mobilaaa Sta tion Mam and Ivv Phone 4145 FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Room for ent!eman; steam neat, modern noma. 623 per month, board If desired. 908 Queen Anne. FOR RENT Sleeping room. 826 So Riverside. FOR RENT Warm room. 803 E. Jackson. LARGE room (or 1 or 3 women, or married couple: twin beds or double bed; overstuffed furniture, gas neat. bath, private entrance, close In Phone 2874. WARM, exceptionally well furnished bedroom and living room. Also sin gle room . Private entrance. 604 Pennsylvania. -- - - SLEEP1NO ROOMS 134 Tripp. I ROOMS Fur Rent 163 N Oak dale ! ATTRACT1CE ROOMS 404 S Grape FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOUR-Room and bath, 316.00, 6 min utes out, garage, city water, are owner at Richfield Sta. 6th and Grape, Wednesday A. M, ATTRACTIVE furnished apartment. 604 Penn. CLEAN furnished 3 -room apartment; light and water included, $20. 217 W. 2nd. FURNISHED, attractive apartmtnt. Private entrance. 618 So. Oakdale. FURNISHED apartment, private bath. 219 So. Ivy. FOR RENT Furnished apt. Heat and water 335 So. Ivy. Call mornings or evenings after 6. NICE warm furnished apartment Private bath. Refrigerator. 806 W. Main. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, heated. 239 North Ivy. MODERN, attractive furnished apart ment. Adults. 620 So. Oakdale. MODERN furnished apartment. Steam heat 10 Quince. GE BAUER Apts furn A unfurn. FOR RENT -3-room furnished apart ment Adults 138 Mistletoe FOR RENT F and P apartment 2 rooms and bath gas beat. In quire 217 West 6tn FOR RENT Medium priced furnish ed apartment. Inquire 305 So. Oak- FOR RENT BOARD. ROOM ROOM es BOARD Phone) 3613. 614 Beatty. BEAUTIFUL furnished room. Furanoe heat. 616 So Ivy. ROOMS for rant Board n desired Phone 8258 BOARD At ROOM. 716 E Mln FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Pasture for horses and catty T1. evenings. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK I HAVE 'If teen good dairy cowa to trade for imoroved land. E. E. Lor ton. Rt. 1, Box 163. FOR SALE Sow. 8 pigs. 6 weanere. fancy young riding mare, army sad dle, 7i (t. tractor div, small gar den tractor. Phone 6308. FOR SALE Oood younv Jersey cow. Win. Stucker, Coker Butte Road. FOR SALE Extra good team, well mated, gentle, wt. 3700 Also 4 wheel trailer. End of Bo. Peach Balder ton. FOR SALE Young Jersey-Ouernsy cow, Just fresh. Route 3. Box 377. Old Sure Road. Ed Morton. FOR SALE Three full blood, unreels tered Hereford bulls, also Jersey cow B U Dodge, H Ulcrest Road. M-dford. FOR SALE Young brood tows. C A Irwin. S ml. south Talent, Old Highway. FOR SALE Oood feeder pigs, brood sows, cheap. Orant Road, off Beall Lane. Sign on gate. Central Point CASH for old huraee) Dial 6376 . FOR 841 E OR IRAUV nud 3 I O fl ftorst J MeoiurO. rOR SALE POULTRY PULLETS. New Htmpehlre. Ited and White. Jtreey Olauta. A.;e mvo and f.fht m--.ntr:s Piti 34:a FOR SALE 0003. PETS FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES PREPARE for the hasards c4 winter driving la one of our better used cars. 1037 Fontlac six cylinder sedan. Has radio, heatei, new paint. excellent rubber, etc 8525 Chev. Master Sport Srdan .. 8325 Chev. Sport sedan. A one owner car with low mileage and nearly new tires. A-l 1934 1936 mecnanicaiiy 8398 1933 Ford Tudor Sedan, nuns very well 8128 1033 Chrysler Sedan - 8243 1833 Rockne Coupe . . s 1 2 5 1931 CheT. Coach ., - an 1930 Bulek Sedan 8S5 1931 rord Tudor .85 EDOERTON MOTOR CO. Tour Oldsmoblle Dealer 131 No Bartlett WANTED Trade my equity In 1041 Amerlcar (or a lit ton truck. Call Sunday or evenings at 33 Jeanette Btreet. 10 OOOD used cars priced from 617.50 to 8100.00. Shulta Bros. 1936 FORD pickup and panel. Sbulu Bros. 1936 FORD and Dodge Sedaas. Fin cars at remarkably low coat. Shults Bros. LUXURIOUS 1938 Bulck Sedan for quick sale. A trial will convince you It's better. Shults Bros. DODOE SIX Sedan, 825 cash. 837 W. Palm. Medford. 1938 BU1CK SEDAN -Century model (or sale or trade (or lighter car Call Eads" Furniture Co FOR SALE REAL ESTATE f JAAA 4-scres good soil, 5-rcoro y4UUU modem houaa. fruit trees. berries and shade, close In, near e:hool. Also CLOSE IN ha1f-a:re tracts. 8150 each. Terms. H. N. Loll and, 225 So. Oak dsle. FOR SALE 5-room house. 3 bed rooms, breakfast nook. bath, service porch, wash trays; lot 60x120 (est: large shade trees; paved street, de. slrable location. Close In. 61600. Terms. L O. PICKELL 16 8. Bartlett ffOlftA East aide, alx rooms and yfalUU bath, two large lots with beautiful shade trees. Excellent res idental district. House double con structed, concrete foundation, large (treplare, all substantial construc tion, but In need of repair. Spend 6500 on this place and make It 6 64000 home. Also 6J17CA Two acres, Irrigated, clor- $L 1 0J er. all kinds of fruit and berries. Neat modern four-room cottage, barn, chick house, garage All in fine condition. Terms. Many others. ELMER HERRIED 44 N. Riverside D'al 3367 or 4880 FOR SALE H acre level, good aoll, close in. paved street: 10 down. 610 month. Owner first white hous across Bear Creek on Barnett Road. CITY and country properties Rentals Loans Insurance C 8 Butterfleld 409 Medford Building BUILDING A HOME Let us handle all details on 36-venr FHA loan--quickly efficiently Goldy Agency FOR A HOME In hills look Up HILL at Rogue River, Ore. WHEN YOU think of res) estat think of the Spencer- Bagley Aenr? 103 W Matrj FOR EXCHANGE Real Estalt FOR TRADE Three city lots In Oak. land. Calif., for something In or near Medford. J. a. Womacx, Trail, Ore FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE PHILCO RADIOS. Young er Lange. 31 No. Bartlett. FOR BALE Home Comfort wood range, excellent condition. Younger ek Lange. 31 No. Bartlett. FOR SALE Used refrlreratora Younger Ac Lange, 31 No. Bartlett. FOR SALE Wood rangea. new and used. Younger Lanje. 31 No, Bartlett. AUCTION SALE Wednesday. 10 o'clock, 1316 Locust. Furniture for 7 -room house. Including Maytag, Daveno. dresser, overstuffed chslrs, dining set, large oil heater, electric stove, small wood stove, electric refrigerator lamps, tools, etc. Come one, come au. FOR S ALB Boys bicycle, almost new. 615. CslI st 33 Jeanette Bt. FOR SALE CHEAP-Collectlon an tique China buttons, fans, furni ture, etc. Call first white) houe across Bear Creek on Barnett Road FOR SALE White, black trimmed almost new trash burner. Phone 2030. FULLER BRUSHES Phone 4914. BENNETT Seed! lines snd Baldwin apples for sale. Call 6025. RAVILAND CHINA Dinner Set, 6176. 937 Oak Bt, Ashland. CORN FOR SALE W. N- Hamn. mile west Central Point, Box 46. FOR SALE Wood circulator. 633 W isth. FOR SALE Oood meadow hay. peed out if desired. Chet Balder ton. An telope Creek. FOR SALE Silver Fox Scarfs, double or sliigla Jackets and capes. Ranrh priced, save half. Snowline Silver Fox Farm. 4 miles from Talent, Wagner Creek road . SIXTY CATERPILLAR and bulldoeer Loadinv pisnks snd choosers. Sacrt flsa. 8895 00. 6 Suits Bros. WASH'RS and Imners for Xmaa Fill mothers stocking with beautiful Speed Queen More featurta All ysr to pay Fiek Hdwe. FOR BALE Dry fir and hardwood Phone 4503 Hswley Fuel Co. rOR MLe Hot Point rltetrlc unit nd on iicultu& fewur. CU FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I NU BONE corsets Sales and repair service 631 B. Riverside Dial 3558 MONARCH Rangea. Byrd used thsm Easy price range. Fick Hdwe. WOOD and OH Circulators, Best buys In town. Fl:k Hdwe. FOR SALE Cornice pears. Newtown apples. Nye Orchards, ml la north Talent. MYERS Jacutrt Pumps. Installed. 100 guaranteed. Pi -k Hdwe. RADIOS Oolden Tone Oeneral Elc trie Select now. Pick Hardware. POR bALE CM 1n.ehln.r7, Crown treat, mill and (erimaer. nnlcj Implement Co. FOR 9AUS- rVart and apple. Jo Kantor a mile, norm Talent- NIWTOWN APPLES at the Pari Or- enarda Dial 4J. FOR 8AL1 Dry (lr alaba. Phone 01 so. REAL BUYS in ud clothing HoS No Rlvaralda. acroaa from Beck a Bakarr P1R SLABS Buy Now. City Fuel Prion 4114 FOR SALT Low pried lumoer or any building material Call u be fore you buy R O Co Court and UcAdrewa Telephone 9000. DRY FIR for aai Phone also afut 6 00 o'clock MKIIrOHII HAHIIAIN HOI Kg We Have What You Want Pipe and FtttinaB all elaea Soil Pipe and Drainage pitting! Plumblne Fixture and 9eptle Tank Tenia and rarpa .line Door Wltiduwa and Glaal Split Pulleya Belting. Cable and Block Barbed Wlr. Stfk Fencing, ets. Roofing Paper. Building Paper Peiitta R.iot stain Army Oikmi Shoea Boot Quilt Underwear end Sucke Pump and Machinery Tonl lor the House. Farm Uger' and Mill Supplies New and Used Furniture of All Kind Stove and Circulator Heeler W Can Save You Duliara PhST44 37-33 N Ornpe St BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Restaurant, 310 No. Rlv. eralde. city. FOR 8ALE Small aecond hand store In Grant Pass. Best of location. Stock, complete, $400. Rent 135. BI7 o St. MISCELLANEOUS PRE-XMA9 SPECIAL" uattreaa re. novated. 3 50. Central Point Mat tress Factory, CAL1 0533 for special dinner partlea Old Stage Hons-. PhocnlK. Ore. PERSONAL CARD READINO 1. 33S Jeannett 81 ART THE OKEOUN1AN by mall 05r mm Writ OREGON IAN Carrier. Box at. Asnlsnd. Or Palmistry. Crystal Reading D Millar Ph 8446 480 Mountain Ave Aihlsnd BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiques EARLY AMERICAN OLA8S at the sign A mllas south of Orsnta Pas or I mil north of Savage Rapids cum on Highway 09 Export Window Clnr LEI OEOH1IE DO ITI EXPERT Wliioow Cleaner Oeneral house elesners floor waxing paint Ing Geo r Ol.srd Phone 3954 Assayar A88AYER w. O Wright. 33IS Capi tal Ave. City. So of water reservoir Oold 01. copper 01, cinnabar 3. Chimn7 Swoop CHIMNEY Sweep Also furnaces snd oil stoves clesned CslI Oeo Eslun SB Nn Front Phone 4J40 Carpentering CARPENTER WORK New or remod ltng. day or contract, free estimate Phiin: 2031 314 College St Christmas Cards SCRIPTURE TEXT Chrlstmsa Cards, Dainty Handkerchiefs, Albert's Mvr tlewood Noveltlee. THE ALBERTEL LA, 130 North Central. ACROSS Csum to float gtntljr ft. Corded fa brie ft. Units of wot II. Brir intervals ef rst 14. Genua of the best I Turkish title 17. European dormouse Thing: law 40. Maaaurai of Itfgth 42 Uimii 44. So mnjr It ba 46. Ent?r; variant 47. Article 41 Hplnninf tOf 60. Cereal eed i. CoMk deerea ftj. Adherent Of: aufflt SS I'm or amplryf 17. s-urniah a craw t'r t. Variable ttar 40. Drpim the faalhtra 13. 11. Operatic solo Old musical note esree 14. is. Vftstiiiflcenca 17. tJtblt aaiwstd 19. Ixvour IS. Feminine nsme 21. Dutch city 13. Public csrriert bur. II. trrratuallfta 14. Burrowrd II. Ouravlvrs tT. IXH-atlon l. iiark or the EPr niul rry ' 2 IS A I ,is 7 0 H ' I" - Jf Ti TaT iTT"3 z$ jrii -j 3TJT rr-w m ST if -n r rr.xr jr yr-?r.7r 3? sT 1 7? mZm,Zm 1 i 5 i!5" i"5 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chliopodiit. FOOT 8UFPXKERS Opening modern Chiropody office corna, cauouaea. insrowD oaus rtnovd. arches corrected DR ARNOLD M DEPNER Chiropodist Foot Specialist 317 Fluhrer Blclg Phone 1103 Drasamakinfl fHE PA8HION SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remodeling Bullous and urklea covsred Room 003 U 5 National Bank Bldg Tel 3931 DREoSMAKINO Alleratlona. Ullor- Ing Kalherltt Satlerle. Singer Shop M 3u OrwiTe MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY When an emergency arise and money 1 needed qulcxiy you win nno tni locel firm ready to give yuur needs prompt and friendly eonsldsratlon Repay the loan In monthly pay. menu adjusted especially to suit you. OR'.nON FINANCE CO. W. E Thomas. Mgr. Lie. No S-U M-3IT. 45 So Central Dial 4433 Home owned and managed Sine IMS WE tOAN MONEY ON YOUR CAR Attractlv Rate COAST FINANCE Harold H Brown Anenoj License 311 133 East Main Phone S448. Nursing Hem TRUAX NUR8INO HOME Graduate Nurs-s. Equipped to care tor an in ness: except Surgery and O. B. caew. Phone lfll. Jacksonville, Or. Roofing ' WE REPAIR or apply any typ nl roof Pa oco Rooftnxs Shingle Coatlnje and Palnla New sto-a Wall Paper Ekeraon alnt and R0.1t Co.. t8 So Bartlett Tel 4843 JOE SMITH YOUR ROOFER All Rool rrouoles taken car of. All work guaranteed CslI 31 or 3J49 Sowing Machine W H KLATT Singer Distributor 33 So Grape Tel. 3 -B8 Medford. Oregon Transfer CITY TRANSFER & STORAOE CO Household moving and general hauling as 8 Orap Phone 40S4 Day or night FURNITURE MOV1NO AND STOR AOE We have van moviu) equip ment for Iocs! snd long distance hauling Dry and clean store te (concrete bulldlngl with special locker rooms at low rates SAMSON STORAGE WAREHOUSI Phone 3756 EAD8 rHANSKER dt STORAGE CO Office 10 South Fir Phone Pricea right Barvlc guaranteed DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 B Fir Btreet. Insured Cs Triers Local and Long Olstsnca Hauling Phone tHRB Rogue River Rogue Rive, Nov. 25. (Spl.) Thojtf from here attending Riverside Extension Unit Nov. 18 at the home of Mrs. Norman Schuler wore Mrs Myrtle Mo Gregory. Mrs. Clarence Lair. Mrs. Henrietta Sandry and Mrs Myrtle Whipple. Potluck din ner was enjoyed. In the after noon Mrs. Miller demonstrated making bandages for wounds, and Mrs. Howes showed how to fit out a medicine cabinet for first aid. Next meeting will be at Mrs. Bressle'i on Dee. 16th. H. E. C. of Live Oak Grang met Nov. 13 all day st the bom of Mr. G A RJTI R A D E V El Fi O R l I n. 42. 4. ID O & S T " " gaisaavaal J l'-lWVl' M-HP A P A P6 7" PBTlg TOM g& l L El0l7jrr BIS T EL11 H iSlSlPlLalOalt. 5 vmm a Pa ik 1 1 liIeisTs ca j NiiiRrrT5"uEii3i3 ?wawaswTLM4 Bi? SIOlDlA fife Ag 0 B E S Ee rif2 i nIkIsUsTkIy mstrTn mill Solution Of Yestsrdsy's Puixlg Port of geth OS. Ptcretsry alAHe.-hueetta . Rent caps 17. Cencel or tiie mourn 00WN Stake Deck eut Command Usht browr, Chna?n ssata lor omce iaiti month Puld Fury Alumni Drlta App1nt Cumplmnt of a blt Hlfh mounts IB f'rate piis:Aue pm Lncanny rmlnina nsme 8tbrltr :eepr Trae Lont abualve abtacb Hsrrlfn NStlve f'rtnani lima i reeled tUcrsd (If ef India Communa4ae4) Comar Cod .f love U'rd of era Mud Initre & ww U Aotra Jim Whipple to saw en dun tw!s and pillow al'pe for ths baaaar to be held Dec. 4. Kext meeting will b the afternoon of Dee. II at the home of Mrs. E.'fle Badley, and etch lady to to bring t gift for their eecrat pal. and at this meeting th secret pals will be revealed. Mrs. Ma Shulta and grandson. Cloyd, spent Thanksgiving at th R. O. Cummlnge horn In Jackjertvltl. They all enjoyed 0, trip to Yreka, Calif., Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Reed Carter was business visitor In Medford Saturday. Kenneth Lov.ll of Evana valley suf fered painful Injury to hla ay Friday whll cutting wood ft plec of tel struck him lo th y. Forest Burnett took blra to Medford where th steel ni removed. He 1 In hospital there. Jim Wlngeant went to Portland Thursday for medical check-up, raturnlng Saturday. Mrs. Mam'. Patterson, who I stay Ing with Mrs. 8. Walla at Ashland, spant Thanksgiving and the week end with her daughter, Mr. Tom Knox and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Trotter wr host and hostess to th Jim Whlppl. Raid Carter, James Wiley families and the Edward Carter family of Oranta Pass at ft turksy dlnnsr on Thsnkailvlng day. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Burnett vtilted Kenneth Lovell at Medford hospital Sunday. Civic Improvement club met at th horn of Mr. Dick on Not. 14. Plsns were completed for th library 'Inner to be given Do. I. at th boo auditorium. A rummse sals and games will be some of th sxua rr turea during the vvenlng. A dessert luncheon was served by th hostess Mrs. Dick. Mrs. Mamie Patterson and Mr. Henrietta Sandry war luncheon guests Wednesday of Mm. Myrtl Whipple. Thelm Jean Randleman. small daughter of Mr. and Mra. Or.ll Ran dleman. fall whll playing at bar home Saturday and Injured her arm severely. Mrs. Ellaabath Fowlar, chairman of the Red Cross drtv hr, report everyone responding very well to the cause. Membera and friends of tie Oak Grams met at their hall Monday night and enjoyed pot luck supper. A play. "Mra. OLeary a Cow", waa Given by several members and waa enjoyed by all. This was "Booster Night" and waa In th form of homecoming lor all present and past numbers of ft Orange, A few new names were obtained for membership. A baby girl waa born No. 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cox at the Oranta Pasa hospital. Mr and Mrs. Melvln Burnett and children of Sardine creek were din ner guests on Thanksgiving at th Forest Burnett home. Jim Wlngeant waa ft guest also. Prospect Prospect, Nov, 29. (Spl) Mrs. Nelson Nye was guest over Thanksgiving at the home of her son-in-law and duughter. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jantier, at Azalea. Miss Delpha went to Ashland, Wed. nssday and visited her father, Clem Clarke, an Instructor In Klamath rails high school, and her grand mother, Mrs. Nina Clarke, until Sun day. Mr. and Mm. Charlea a ray from Gold Hill war dinner guests. Thurs day, of Mr. and Mra. Richard Oray. Mr. and Mra. Allen Colllngwood and baby son spent Wednesday evening at Ashlsnd with Mrs. Colllngwoodd'a grandmother, Mra. Mlnft Clarke, and father. Clem Clark. Oeorg L. Jsntaer was host for ft theatre party In Medford, Thursday svenlng. Ouesto Included Mr. and Mra. Tom Vestal and daughter. Kath leen, of Roes Creek, Mr. and Mra. Lewis Jsntaer, David Vestal, Td Janteer, Miss Jstn Fraedrlck, and Mr. Jantaer. Mr. and Mra. Joe Phlpps entertain ed th following ralattvee and friend at Thanksglvirm dlnnar: Mr. and Mra. Ohaunosy A rant and son Clifford, Mrs A. H. Boothby. Mia Ida Booth by, Bd Boothby, Nelson My, Mr. and Mr. Allen Colllngwood snd son, and Mr. and Mra. John Phrppo. At th Ny horn Thanksvlvlng dln nar guests were Mr. and Mrs. Myron Tsylor and chlldrsn, Margaret end Jimmy. Marl to. Andy Amdst, Mrs. Adln Hammond arv' sons, Loren and Adln. Jr., Ivan (fy. Bob Bn, Ken Oreen, Elmer Dawson, and Bart Louih. Mr. and Mrs. Da Kedgptth want to Itoeeburg, Thursday attar th form- er'e father. Cal Hedgpeth, who haa been vlsltrwt ha daughter, Mrs. Fred Boyer for th past several waoka. Phoenix Phoenix. Nov. 25 Spl.) C Kearney, businessman of Ton asket and Seattle Wash., ar rived by main liner last week and visited a short while with A. Hearn and la attending to business Interests In the valley. A special school board meeting waa held at th Btancllff residence Fri day vsnlng, November 31. Mr J. L. Howard motored to Port land, Tuesday, eh will be gone about three weeks and also will visit ftt The Dalles. Visiting their parent during the holidays war Baton Way and Weldon Sloan of University of Oregon ftt Eu gens. Oery Denser spsnt tb Thanksgiv ing holidays with Mrs. Walter root ef Klamath rails. Miss Carolyn Rado of Ollchrlst vis ited th Dwight Cathsrwood whll attending th regional conferenos in Athland. Mr. and Mr. Catherwoed and Miss Rado motored to Mill City for th Thanksgiving holiday Dinner guest at th P. V. Barrett horn Thanksgiving day war Mr. and Mrs. R. I. a l vans of Ashland. John Olovar recently motored te Sen Pranctftso where h vtsttad s ver sa day. Thanksgiving dinner guest ths art Btancllff residence war ;tr. and Mra. William Dietrich and daugh. ter. Ma Delorat, Miss Mary Stan- cliff, Mrs. Ullla Blackwood, Mr. and Mra. Ray Stringer and son, Maurice L of Ashland, and Barbara and Beverly Stencllffe. Coleman Hill, student ftt Oregon Stat college, spsnt th holidays In Phoenia. Pinley loucka haa moved to Ta coma. Wssh., to work In the ship yards. Rusasll Com best, who haa spant th summer working at Hlldebrand, Oregon, I horn for a short visit. Spending the holldsys In Phosnli waa Bldred Colvr of linfleld Col let. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Berkley entertained Thanksgiving day for Mr and Mm. Brl Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Lea RathDurn, Mr. and Mra. Clark Berk ley and Mr. and Mr. B. . Mont gomery ftnd family. Jean Hays of Klamath Pallfl spent th holldsys at hsr home In Phoanlx. Mr. and Mrs, Rob Furry and son, Fred, motored to Lost Prairie and Lake y Woods, Thsnkegl'lnf day. Mra. J. W. Wetklna was dlnnsr guest Thursday, at th bom of bar daughter In Medford, Mrs. E. H. Judd. Mlka Barrett Is visiting In Ash land with hla grandmother. Mr, it. 8tvn over th week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg Bourn were dlnnar gueeta, Thursday, ftt th Tur pln residence In Talent. Mr, and Mra. Bob Btedman of Eu gene vlslled at the home of Doug Stadman during th holidays. Bob 8tdman la atundlng Unlveralty of Oregon. - Callers at th Raymond Furry horn on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mra. Ouy Brannan, Mra. Mary Wilson, and Clifford Clayton of Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mr. Allan staushle of Aahlsnd, rslstlves of Mra. Furry. Peary Olovar and Raba Lybrand visited thla week In Tennsnt. Calif. Returning from 0an Franeleeo Thursday wsr Mr. and Mrs. A. M Dudley ftnd Mr. and Mrs, Andy BM- vn. Dlnnsr guests Thursday at th Ouy Ooblelgh home were Mr. Clair .'to- Mullsn and son, Bill, Quests of Mr. and Mra. Woodford Turpln Thanksgiving were Mr. Flor ence Maat and children. Mrs, Flore no Wakefield, Ctok Wright, Jean Maya and Warren Hays. Visiting Mr. and Mra. J. L. Howard. Saturday, November 13, wr Mr. A. B. Oardncr 0," Poreet Orove and Mrs Tom Butler of Riddle, Oregon. Foots Creek Foots Creek, Nov. 39. (Spl.) Rev. and Mra. Stutssman ot Oranta Pasa held service) at the Sunday school Nov. 16. Mr. and Mr. Wm. Dodda of th Foots Creek store, who have spent ths past coupl of week at Oakland, Cal., with Mra. Dodd'a mother who Is 111, returned homo Nov, It. Mr. and Mrs. prank Dally end daughters, Arlene and Jsssl end mail son, spent Nov. 30 with Mrs. Daily's sister and family nsar Orant Pass. Whll raturnlng horn th Daily's car was hit by another car. Both cars were slightly dsmsged but no one was lnjursd. Mrs. Martha Stead of Rogu P-lver opent Nov 1 to Nov. U with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mra. Msrton '.ftnos. Mr. Cunningham, who has been oeretaxer ftt th Chalker Motl for somvtlms has returned to his ham at Bvan creek, and a caretaker from Medford Is now looking after tho Motel. Mr. and Mra. Bppsnon ftnd email on spent th Thanksvlvlng holiday In Coqulll with relative. Mrs. Frank Dally, Mrs. Marlon Unco, nd Mra. R. L. Millar were among those attending th all day meeting of th Horn Extension unit held at th Bhuler horn on th hivhwsy near Rogu Rtvor, Nov, ft. Mrs. Burora Burton, daughter. Mary .and sons, Taylor and Robert, who left Nov. 1 to spend th Thanksetvlnt vacation wltb Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Barthelmea at Vsllejo. Cal, and with Mr. Burton at B'n Fran cisco, returned homo Nov. 23, Mrs Nlgrsn. and two son, spsnt th Thsnkselvlnv vacation with her parent In Cftltforntft. Bevrln Orel mat wltb Mr. Byro Flick Nov. 11,' making articles for th Christmas boa to be given to tho Salvation Army for distribution. Asivon Interested In this work la Invited to attend, and tnv having articles ef clothing or toys thsy wish to add to th boa may leave them with Mra. P. Danes, a arose th high way from Chalkar'o Mo;l. Next meet In. ill c with Mrs. Lee Ells. Dec. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bhaw of Eu. reka, Calif , apent from Nov. 0 to Nov. 33 at th Oeorg Lance horn. The Grange Vppar AppUaal Orange. Upper Applegat grange met In regular session Nov 22. It was lecidea to meet Friday, Dec. 12, Instead of the regular meet Ing night. Dee. 19, due to the conference being held at Cen tral Point. At next meeting I motion will be brought before the grange to change the time ot meetings to th flrtt and third Fridays In each month. This will be voted upon December 27. We were sorry to log Albert and Selma Young who obtained demita to enter Central Point grange. JASPER N. BISHOP Salem, Nov. 29 Of) Jasper N. BUhop, .12, chief maintenance engineer for the Oregon high way department, died at a hospital nera last night of a heart ailment. Ha had been with th highway department for a quarter ef a century. Closing lies ue Claestfied Ada ft B. Too Lab so ClftssUj 1140 t LODGE NOTICES CRATER LAKE CHAPTER. No. 33. R. A. M. Special convocation Tuesday, Nov. 35th. Work In tb Past and M. E. de.rreea. ERLE M. GRAY, R. P. Meteorological Report By V. 8. (SkATIIkK BUHMU Forecast Medford and vt:lnlty : Partly cloudy tonight and Wsdnesday Llttl Chang In temperature. - - Oregon: Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesdsy. Little change In tempera, tur. Oentl southeast wind otfeoaat. Extended Forecast For Wsahington, Oregon. Idaho. Nevada and northern California for the period beginning 4 SO p. m. today to 440 p. m. Nov. ao: Ligbt to mod erate rain In western Waanington anal latter part of atrlod In Pacific north, weet and eitreme northern Callfor. alft. Low normal l2wbr. Tsmpsrft. turaa normal or slightly abov norm al eieept night temparatures below normal In California and plateau le gion untl Thursday. Loral Data Temperature year ago today I Highest 13: Lowest as. Total monthly precipitation gel Inches, excess for ths month .B2 Inches. Total precipitation alnoa September I. IMl, s ta Inches, excess for th season 1.53 Inches, Relative humidity at 4i30 p. m. yesterday 61: 4:30 a. m. today US'. Tomorrow flunrlss 7:14 a. m. Sun set 4:43 p, m. Observation Taken at 4:30 a. m. Is Meridian Time. Bales . Boston . Ohlcajo Denver . Eureka Havre .......... , 4g 38 joa Cloudy U It M Clear , 80 33 .00 Cloudy ,50 84 .00 P. Cldy . 81 44 J0O Cloudy . 48 84 .oo p. Cldy Los Angeles . Medford . New York M tS 45 03 4 37 73 83 88 50 58 13 80 81 88 17 87 40 58 43 47 44 83 " 37 8t S3 .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 P. Cldy .00 Clear .00 Cloudy .00 Clear .00 Foggy .00 Clear I .00 Clear . .87 Cloudy M Cloudy .00 Clear .00 CloUdy Omaha , Phosnlx Portland Reno Roaeburg Salt Lake San Francisco... Seattle ...... Bpokana Wssh., D. C. Tftklmft .,- AH. YESI Salt Lake City Nov. 2S.(P) The simple question: "Weren't you young once, ludge?" won a suspended sentence for M. Ras mussen. Rasmussen explained to Judge Frank E. Mosa he was saying good night to his girl when a cop left a ticket for parking two hour In a 30- mlnut sone. WEATHER Northern California: Fair to night and Wednesday; frost In th valleys tonight: gentle east erly winds off coast. . Travel Table AIMPMKt.a ' North Ouuud ' Malta Clows m. 4 14 ro. m II 88 a m. m I Flag stop) No msil m i Flat; atup) No atsU m iPlsg stnpi S 3 p aft. Southbound . , Mslla Clot m. io 03 a m. m (Plsg stopi 4 43 p at. m. I Plsg stop i No Mall m. . 1043 p. as. Leeva 4 5 a 13 :38 p 4 0 p 4 p 8.33 p Leer 10 47 a I 17 p 7:1 p 117 p. 1KtlN Northbound Leave Malts Otos II rt ft m. lo ta a. 7 .50 p. m. 50 p as. Southbound Leave . Malls Close 55 a m, 55 a m. I.M p. as. 4.83 p. aa, Bt sea North South. IN a. ll-o a aa. 7 eo a m. 5 so a as. 3t s m. so m. I 40 p IB. 50 p aa, : p m. 05 p. aa. t ftlamalrl Pall 115 p m Prwm Knnnatli rails Mam. () To Ashland only. () To Oraoia pass only. Note Auto ominectlng flret cits mall elnee at S V5 a m for delivery st point north of Buacne and OS p m tor delivery at f HQ la south ot Ouvmulr Calif Milk Mixture For Stomach Ulcers A recent medical discovery now ro. Ing used by doctor and hospital tvorywher ha proven unusually sue. sessful In th treatment of stomach uleera caused from excess sold. It Is ktrmlas preparation yet o effec tive that la manv Caere th pain of otomaeh ulrwr disappear almost 1m medistely ftftst It Is used. Alst r:om mended for pains. Indigestion snd heartburn due to hvoerft-ld'tv. Bt'f ferera may now try this ftt horn by obtaining ft bottl of Luiin from therr gnvtrrtst. Ltirln contains this new d:a eovwry In lla purest form. Easy to tare. Juat mis two teasoownfuis la a kalf elsse ef milk. Costa but llttl. Try bottl, n must satisfy er m-my re fund -d. tiirln for aalo by Was terra Thrift an drug e tores everywhere.