Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 23, 1941, Page 13, Image 13

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Society and Glubs
by Betty Shoemaker
Jeanne Rolfe
Pledged To
Kappa Delta Pi
Miss Jeanne Rolfe arrived in
Medford Monday to vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Verne Rolfe, 1206 East Main
street after graduating from the
Eastern Washington College of
Education at Cheney.
Miss Rolfe was pledged to
Delta Kappa chapter of Kappa
Delta Pi, an honorary for thf
teaching profession. Member
ship is based on scholarship and
activities. She has been elected
to teach in the Seattle schools
with the opening of school in
the fall.
V.F.W. Members
To Picnic Sunday
Walter A. Philipps post of
Ashland has invited the mem
bers of Crater Lake post 1833.
Veterans of Foreign Wars and
their auxiliary to join in a pic-
, nic in upper Lithia park Sun
day. Those attending are asked
to bring their families, a basket
' lunch and table service. The an
nual picnic will begin at 10 a.m.
for this district, which is now
No. 11, due to changes made in
the district recently.
Sojourners Club
Schedules Meeting
Medford Sojourners club will
meet Thursday at 1 p. m. at the
Hotel Medford with Mrs. John
McCabe as chairman assisted by
Mrs. I. E. Staples, Mrs. Mel
S tames and Mrs. Warner Pundt.
Plans will be discussed for a
picnic to be held Saturday night
at Jackson Hot Springs. Mrs,
George Albright is chairman of
the picnic committee.
M atonic Order $
Enjoy Picnic
Masons, Eastern Star mem
bers and their families held a
picnic at Jackson Hot Springs
Sunday afternoon. Nearly 300
attended from Grants Pass, Ash
land, Jacksonville, Central
Point and Medford with Med
ford Blue lodge and Medford
Eastern Star as hosts for the
. Pitching horseshoes, swim
ming, stunts and a baseball
game were arranged by the
committee. The baseball game
between the men and women
ended in a 13-13 tie. Blanche
Frisbie won the shoe kicking
contest and Mrs. Merritt Swing
won the rolling pin throwing
Bar 0tct Ik Heart
flu trapped In tne etoaaca or gullet aaaj act Ilka a
ejalr-trlerer on the buart. At In, are am of dlitreM
emart mtn and .oroeo depend on BU-ani Tableta la
0,1 laa free. No laiattro but mada of the fteet
ertlna BMdklnoe knarn for arid Indlcartton. If the
FIRST DOPE doesn't erofo HU-an, better, return
aula ka a. and raealre JJOUBLS Manor Seek. Ue.
Social Hour
Closes Meeting
Disabled American Veterans
of the World War, Jackson
County chapter No. 8 and auxil
iary enjoyed a social hour at the
close of the business session last
night. Refreshments were served
from tables decorated with flow
ers furnished by Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Newton, honorary members
of the D. A. V.
Musical numbers were fur
nished by Mrs. Eve Prentice's
junior accordian band. The
auxiliary adjourned until Octo
ber 14 when they will meet with
the chapter for Initiation and
Past Chiefs Club
To Picnic Friday
Pythian Sisters' Past Chiefs
club will hold a picnic supper
at Lithia park in Ashland Fri
day at 0:30 p. m. All visiting or
local past chiefs and their fami
lies are urged to attend and
bring a covered dish and their
own service. Mrs. Ella Work'
man is hostess for the picnic
and those desiring transporta'
tion are asked to dial 4087.
Time To Buy:
Your Home
If you are a tenant and contem
plate buying or building a home
consult u about our loan plan.
Loan cosU include appraisal,
title search and recording no
MedfordVisitors -Honored
Mrs. A.W. Hubba and" Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Elliott enter
tained for their houaa guests
with a picnic on Union Creek
Sunday. Quests were Mr, and
Mrs. Edward Eckman - of Gilchrist,-Ore.;
Miss Sebena Frazier
of Berkeley, -Cal.; Mrs. Tavia
Shaw of Oregon City, Ore, and
Mrs. John W. Bacon of. San
Francisco. ..
Kansas. Resident. . . -
To Held OuUaf
Members of the Kansas Assoc
iation of southwest Oregon are
reminded of the annual picnic
In Lithia. park, Ashland August
3 at 1 p. m. Those attending are
asked to bring a picnic lunch
and service for their, party Cof
fee and lemonade will- be fur
nished. ,
Visitors Lear
For Klamath Falls
Miss Margaret White, of Oak-
vlll. Wash., and David White.
of Klamath Fills left for Klam
ath Falls Monday after spending
week at the home' of their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Shannon O. White. Miss Lila
White returned with them for
a week's visit.
Volunteer Firemen ,
Plan Annual Picnic .
Volunteer firemen today were
making arrangements for their
annual . picnic,- scheduled for
Sunday, August S at a place not
yet decided upon. With families
of the fire department's 24 vol
unteers attending, about 80 per
sons are expected to be present.
Wenonah Club to
Meet Thursday
Mrs. Walter Ray , will be
hostess to the . Wenonah ' club
Thursday . afternoon at 1:30 at
her home on the Jacksonville
highway for - the regular , card
Prty. ,
Ashland Resident i
Te Visit Islands
Mrs. Bertha Smith and daugh
ter.- Miss Harriet of Ashland
were Medford visitors yesterday
Miss Harriet left last, evening
for San Francisco where she will
board the Lurllne Thursday for
the Hawaiian Islands for six
weeks' visit with friends.
Reams Return .
From Bay City
Mr. and Mrs. A. Evan Reames
returned to their' home, 818
West 10th street yesterday after
a week's vacation with friends
In. San. Francisco. . ,
Loans are repaid on long-time '
monthly payments at low interest
Jackson County Federal
savings & loan association
126 East Main
Secretary of State Visions
New Lineup After War
Death of L of N. Analyzed
sense "constitute an act of faith
in the ultimate victory of the
forces of human liberty; in the
triumph of civilization itself
over the forces of barbarism."
He declared the world had
been plunged Into "this holo
caust" because of "the criminal
obsession of world conquest of
one man and of the satellites
who surround him.
There can come no peace
until the Hitlerite government
of Germany has been finally
and utterly destroyed," Welles
Eagles Auxiliary :
To Meet Thursday . .
Eaales'' auxiliary will meet In
regular session at the lodge hall,
42 North Front street tomorrow
at 8 p.m. ' After the meeting
Mrs. Eve Prentice will entertain
with her accordion band.
8:30 p. m.-rJolly Stitchers
club picnic, home Mrs. Hans
Rammln, 831 West 12th street.
. Thursday '
1:00 p. m. Sojourners' club,
Hotel Medford.
1:30 p. m. Wenonah club,
home Mrs. Walter Ray, Jack
sonville highway. ''
6:00 p. m. Bets Sigma Phi
outing at Twin Plunges.
8:00 p. m. Carnation Club,
home Mrs: Ida Wilson, 7. Chest
nut street.
Hopkins Sses King
London, July 23 UP) Harry
Hopkins, United States lease
lend administrator, . was -received
in audience by King
George today at Buckingham
palace. The king 'also received
Prime Minister Churchill.
CloMnt tune for Too kmc to Clss
CLf) Ads U 140 p. m.
ala Kfta
Cover t" ' iSCi"
. aLnti meet cw
., - .
Bo ' a tow- -uT
own P"
' .-
Medford Branch of the
Washington, July 23.-
Sumner Welles, acting secretary
of state, said last night that a
post war association of nations,
strong-enough to guarantee dis
armament and equal economic
opportunities, was the ideal for
which "peoples of good will"
should ' strive as a foundation
of permanent peace.
In an address at a cornerstone
laying of a new wing of the
Norwegian legation, Welles de
clared that free governments
and peace loving people should
now be preparing for "the bet
ter day" that would come with
"the crushing defeat of those
who are sacrificing mankind to
their own lust for power and
for loot."
First Revelation
Welles' speech constituted the
most specific pronouncement
yet given by a high administra
tion official on the post war
aims of the American govern
The League of Nations, as
President Wilson conceived it,
Welles said, "failed in part be
cause of the blind selfishness of
men here in the United States,
as well as in other parts of the
(The United States senate
blocked American entry into the
league in 1920).
' It failed also he continued,
because of its utilization by
certain powers primarily to ad
vance their own political and
commercial ambitions."
But he declared with empha
sis that the league "failed chief
ly because of the fact that it
was forced to operate, by those
who dominated its councils, as
a means of maintaining the
status quo."
It was never enabled to
operate," Welles said, "as Its
chief spokesman had Intended,
as an elastic and impartial in
strument in bringing about
peaceful and equitable adjust
ments between nations as time
and circumstances proved neces
Must Find Way
Welles said that "some Instru
mentality must unquestionably
be found to achieve such ad
justments when the nations of
the earth again undertake the
task of restoring law and order
to a disastrously shaken world
Whatever the mechanism.
Welles said, he was "unalter
ably convinced" of two things:
First, that the abolition ol
offensive armaments and the
limitation and reduction of de
fensive armaments and of the
tools which makes the construc
tion of such armaments possible,
can only be undertaken through
some rigid form of international
supervision and control, and
that without such practical and
essential control, no real dis
armament can ever be achieved,
Second, that no peace which
may be made in the future
would be valid or lasting unless
it established fully and ade
quately the natural rights of all
peoples to equal economic en
joyment So long as any one
people, or any one government
possesses a monopoly over nat
ural resources or raw materials
which are needed by all peo
ples, there can be no basis for
world order based on justice
and on peace.
Security Aim of All
Welles declared he could not
believe that peoples of good
will will not once more strive
to realize the great Ideal of an
association of nations through
which the freedom, the hap
piness and the security of all
DeoDles may be achieved."
The word "security." he said
represents the end upon which
the hearts of men and women
everywhere today are set" And
he continued:
"Whether it be security from
br )ing from the air, or from
mass destruction; whether it be
security from want, disease and
starvation; whether It be
curity In enjoying that Inalien
able right which every human
being should possess of living
out his life in peace and hap
piness, people throughout the
length and breadth of the world
are demanding security, and
freedom from fear.
"That is the objective before
us all today to try ana una
the means of bringing that to
Praising the courage of the
Norwegians and predicting that
Norway "will once more be free
and Independent," Welles said
the legation ceremonies in a
Intimate glimpses Into the
mysteries of flying a fast pursuit
plane were provided memDei s
of the Medford Rotary club
Tuesdav bv Lt. John Thompson,
assistant arouo operations oi-
ficer for Headquarters Squad
ron. 20th. Pursuit Group. The
discussion of aviation by Lt.
Thompson was the feature of the
regular luncheon-meeting of the
club, at Hotel Medford. .
In introductory remarks Lt.
Thomrjson outlined the army
air force and briefly pointed out
the various functions of each
branch of the corps. The sensa
tions of oxygen flying at high
altitudes were graphically pic
tured by the speaker, and such
phases of training as night fly
ing, formation flying ana gun
nery were described.
Lt. Thompson, whose home Is
In Boston. Massachusettes, Is
craduate of Columbia Univer
sity and has a record of more
than 400 hours in the air. His
address was arranged by Lt.
Howard Wright, public relations.
officer for the ZOth. rursuu
GrouD in training here.
In the absence or rresiaem
Ford McCormick, Leonard May-
field presided at Tuesday's meet
Portland. July 23. (Spl.)
The state board of higher educa
tion meeting here Tuesday ap
proved the recommendation of
Chancellor Hunter for . an ad
visory board on educational
problems of national and state
parks in Oregon. The chancellor
explained the project involves
no state expense and that It
grows out of the interest of Dr.
John C. Merriam, president-
emeritus of the Carnegie Insti
tution in Oregon.
Members of the advisory
board are Dr. Merriam, honorary
chairman; Dr. R. W. Leighton,
University of Oregon, chairman;
Dr. Ira S. Allison, Oregon State
College; Dr. John P. Buwalda,
California Institute of Technol
ogy; Dr. L. S. Cressman, and
Dr. Warren D. Smith, univer
sity of Oregon; Dr. E. L. Pack
ard, Oregon State college; Dr.
George C. Ruhle, naturalist,
Crater Lake national park, ana
Dr. Howel Williams, University
of California.
Portland, July 23. P) The
Oregon liquor control commis
sion revoked four beer licenses,
suspended nine, refused 25 ap
plications and grantea two new
licenses today.
Revocation Included the li
cense of Charles T. and Asako
Fujimoto of the Diamond cafe,
Medford, on complaints of sell
ing alcoholic beverages to mi
nors and maintaining a dis
orderly establishment.
A restaurant license was
granted Otto Sari and Matilda
Sari, Klamath Falls, but appli
cation for a package store class
B license was rejected.
A retail c.iss B license was
granted Howard S. Boise and
David r Carter, Horse Shoe
tavern,' Prinrvtlle, but applica
tion for a package store class B
license was rejected. - Boise also
has a place in Medford.
No Bartlett pears will be
picked before the first week of
AuRust. County rionicuiiunsi,
C. B. Clifford said today, on the
basis of the few pears brought
In for pressure tests to date.
Pressure tests on Bartlctts
brought in this morning showed
they would not be ready for
picking before August 10. It is
expected a few will be ready for
picking the week of August 4,
A few Bartletts have Deen
sold to canneries at the opening
price of $45 and $50 per ton
depending on size over the
packing graders. It is expected
the buying will be brisker next
Today Thurs. Fri. Sat. NITES Start 8p.m.
iTTaDlTTf OlH V radio I
v I I Loe-rchiirj iL V" P'T V ARTISTS J
Y 'il"' I "o" Saturday Might So, I
J it' immySsl j
Extension of the Medford
Flying club's $250 reward for
the finding of the bodies of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Walbert, local
couple who disappeared last
November on a plane trip to
Portland, has been extended un
til August 13. It was the sixth
extension of the reward, first
offered last December.
Not a single convincing clue
has been found to the fate of the
couple since they vanished,
Friends hope during the sum
mer and fall, vacationists, log
gers, fishermen or hunters may
come across a clue, or the plane
Forest Grove, Ore., July 23
UP) Forest Grove will sell
its electricity-producing Diesel
plant, made Idle by a tie-In with
the Bonneville system, to U. S,
army engineers, who want it
for Alaskan use.
For ralrt
rtiuf from
flUcoin f orttj
of lumnir
eotdt l na)trt
in four aae
M Chesterfield
Only Chetterfield's Right Combination of th
World's Best Cigarette Tobaccos can give
you their Milder, Cooler, Better Tastm
There's just one reason why Chesterfield uses
this Right Combination of world-famous tobaccos's to make one superior tobacco. ..the Ches
terfield "csn't-be-copied" blend that smokes
Cooler, Tastes Better and is Definitely Milder.
Yon tan always keep the boys in camp
happy by remembering them with Chesterfield
the one cigarette that truly &! TISFIES.
a (Tlx--
Cernt ml bean ) Mth T