Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 20, 1941, Page 4, Image 4

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Metzger -Moffett
Rites Read at
Evening Ceremony
Before an altar of pastel flow-
en and lighted white tapera In
the First Methodist church Miss
Lula Elaine Metzger, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Metzger
of Jacksonville was married to
Glen V. Moffett, son of Mrs.
Gertrude Moffett, 812 Newtown
street Sunday evening.
' The ceremony was read by
the Rev. L. C. Klrby in the pres
ence of 200 friends and relatives.
Mrs. Doris Condlt Lantz presid
ed at the organ with Bob Wright
as soloist.
The bride, given In marriage
by her father, chose a formal
gown of Chantilly lace, princess
style with a fitted bodice and
long train. Her three-quarter
length veil was caught In place
by a coronet of orange blossoms.
She carried a bouquet of Easter
Little Georgia Lee ' Brown,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Brown was tralnbearer. Her
frock was pale yellow organdy
Miss Madeleine Metzger, of
Lot Angeles was maid of honor.
She wore a bouffant blue dress
with matching flower hat and
carried a colonial bouquet of
forget-me-nots and stephanotis.
Bridesmaids were Misses Ruth
LeClerc and Hazel Moffett who
wore identical gowns of frosted
organdy and carried bouquets of
roses and sweetpeas. Harry Han-
kins was best man. Ushers were
Riley Cook, Kenneth Dawson,
Frederick Metzger and Robert
Mrs. Metzger, mother of the
bride, wore a blue and white
redingote with white accessories
and a gardenia corsage. Mrs.
Moffett, mother of the groom,
wore a navy blue and white
ensemble with navy blue acces
sories and a gardenia corsage.
A reception followed at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Hankins, 60 Quince street, for
the bridal party and close
friends of the couple. The
wedding cake was cut by the
bride. Mrs. Lula Saulsberry pre
sided at the service table.
For gotng-away the bride
wore a sheer green redingote
with white accessories and a
white orchid corsage.
The couple left by motor for a
wedding trip through the south
and upon their return to Med
ford will make their home at
834 North Bart lett street. .
Out-of-town guests were Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Stevens, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Drillca, of Corvallls
and Mrs. McCully Ashlock of
Newton, Kan., aunt of the bride.
Year's Program
To Be Outlined
The committee on entertain
ment will report on the schedule
for the remainder of the sum
mer and winter months at the
meeting of Jackson County
chapter No. 8, Disabled Amer
ican Veterans of the World War
and auxiliary, Tuesdsy at 8 p.m.
at the armory. A report also will
be given by the by-laws com
mittee. The adjutant and treasurer
will be in the chapter rooms at
1 p. m. to transact business.
Following the business sessions
the auxiliary will be in charge
of a social hour. Accordion
music will be furnished by Mrs.
Eve Prentice's band at 8 p. m.
Dinner Guests
Attend "High Tor"
Mrs. Leonard Carpenter en
tertained with a dinner at her
home at Veritas Orchards Thurs
day evening, after which the
ffrnim attrrl4 U;u - tt
Maxwell Anderson's comedy
presented at the Southern Ore
gon College of Education at
Attending were Miss Julia
. .,.r. n, a, v. car
penter, Mrs. Lillian Salade.
Miss Jeanne Salade. Miss Jean
Schuler. Mrs. Chandler Egan.
Mi Run iTn.-.u j .-..
- vtuni . i-uu, iiiartin
Luther Jr., Corydon Tavlor.
Bob Chambers, of southern Cal
ifornia, a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Myron Hunt and Bill Salade.
Dinner Held
At Roberts Home
Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts
entertained about 90 guests at
their home, 1813 Crown avenue.
last evening at a dinner party,
Attending were members of the
local bar association, the Board
of Governors of t the Oregon
State Bar, the bar's necrology
committee, representatives of
the supreme court and their
wives. Mr. Roberts Is president
oi ine state Bar association.
Californlans Spend I
Tenth Summer At Trail
Spending their tenth summer
at Trail are Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Beaufait and son. Allen Beau
fait, and Mrs. Beaufait's broth-1
jr. Horace Gilhousen, all of
Los Angeles. ,
f K. ' ''- i
l! l
iP. ; U
r -V" t
Leu Jt t
hf- V; 1
13 "J :
When New York's glamour
girl heiress, Brenda Frasier.
married Shipwreck" Kelly, ex
pensively simple was her attire,
white slipper dress, no jeweU
at neck, short traim wax orange
blossom dlademi lilies of the
valley bouquet.
Mary Peterson
Weds Mr. Carter
In Ashland Church
Of Interest to Medford friends
Is the marriage of Miss Mary
Berte Peterson, daughter of Mrs.
Chris Peterson to Jefferson Wil
liam Carter, all of Ashland, at
the First Presbyterian church In
that city Wednesday evening
The Rev. James H. Edgar read
the service in the church which
was decorated with greenery.
magnolia blossoms, white hy
drangeas and other summer
The bridal party entered the
church to Lohengrin's wedding
march with Mrs. J. W. McCoy
presiding at the organ. Miss
Florence Allen sang "Because'
by d'Hardelot. The bride was
given in marriage by her broth
er. Jack Peterson.
She wore a white organdy
period floor-length gown and a
finger tip veil held in place by a
pearl Juliet cap and carried a
colonial bouquet of white roses
and stephanotis.
Miss Verna Peterson, maid of
honor and her sister, wore blue
lace and carried a noseiiay of
pink roses and white snaixlrag
ons. Little Miss Julia Norby was
flower girl. Ushers were Larry
Hunter and Warren Applewhite.
John Murphy was best man.
A wedding supper was held
at the bride's home. The bride's
table was centered with the
wedding cake.
Mrs. Carter graduated from
the Ashland schools and busi'
ness college and is emoloved in
the city school superintendent's
otnee. She Is a member of Beta
Sigma Phi sorority. Mr. Carter
was educated in the Valla
Walla, Wash., schools and Is as
sistant manager of the Penny
store in Ashland. Thev will be
at home at the Avalon Terrace
Party Honors
Barbara Koehler
Mis Barbara VlaUK.. I
Miss Edna Shaver entertained
si me neischer home in Cen
tral Point Thursday evening
with a handkerchief h
honorinl Min Rarhara Vn.hU,
who Is leaving for San Fran
cisco to make her home.
visiting was enjoyed during
the evening and later h. hn.i.
esses served refreshments to
"irs. Bernard Andren. Mrs
Clessen Perry, Mr,. Thomas
Culbertson. Mr, M., c
pie. Miss Maxine Love and the
honored guest.
In Monument Work
"Tea Can Do ffettrr nith Darni
riaia arrllon. Ifhland. phfln s?l
Rites Read At
Sacred Heart Church
The wedding ceremony of
Miss Jane Russell, of this city,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Russell of Iowa, City, Iowa, to
Jack Marshall, of Portland, son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Marshall,
of Medford, was read yesterday
morning at 8 e clock at Sacred
Heart church.
Given in marriage by her
father. Miss Russell chose a
wedding gown fashioned with
a white lace bodice and bouf
fant net skirt with net train
on which were appliqued lace
flowers. Her veil fell from a
coronet of seed pearls. She wore
three strands of pearls, a gift
of the bridegroom, and carried
a colonial bouquet of sweet peas
and gardenias.
The bride was attended by her
sisters, Mrs. O. J. Hal both as
matron of honor; Miss Frances
Ann, Miss Maurene and Miss
Mary Russell as bridesmaids
Mrs. Halboth and Miss Frances
Ann wore pink chiffon gowns,
the latter two organdie gowns
with matching floral hats. They
carried bouquets of yellow rose
buds, sweet peas and other
pastel flowers edged with a
pink net ruffle. Their outfits
were completed with blue
gloves. '
Little Miss Carol Buonocore,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Law
rence Buonocore, was train
bearer. She was dressed in a
white organdie dress trimmed
in red with a tiny white hat.
Best man was Joe Marshall,
brother of the bridegroom.
Ushers were Dr. O. J. Hdlboth.
Lewell Dupray, Michael Mc-
Guire and Charles Morrlsey.
The men in the wedding party
wore white linen coats with
carnation boutonnieres.
Mrs. Russell chose a green
and white floral printed dress
with a corsage of pink rosebuds
and a black hat. Mrs. Marshall
wore dusty rose with a blue
hat. and a corsage of rosebuds,
dephinium and sweet peas.
I he single ring service was
read by the Father N. J. Lentz.
of Waterloo, Iowa, brother of
Mrs. J. R. Marshall. The wed
ding music was played by Miss
Martha DeSouza with vocal
solos by Miss Esther Thoman,
aunt of the bride, from Chicago,
111. Miss Thoman, a mezzo so
prano, sang "Ave Marie," a
Bach-Gounod arrangement and
"Ah Whence To Me the Bliss."
The church was decorated with
white gladioli.
A wedding breadfast followed
at the Hotel Medford for 30
guests. The three-tiered wed
ding cake was cut by the bride.
The couple left for Canada
where they will visit Lake
Louise on a three weeks motor
trip. For traveling Mrs. Mar
shall chose a beige covert cloth
suit with brown and white
accessories. Upon their return
they will be at home at 2234
Northwest Gleeson street, Port
land. Out-of-town guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Russell and children.
Miss Frances, Miss Maurine and
Bob., of Iowa City, Iowa; Miss
Thoman, of Chicago, III.; Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Marshall and
children. Miss Rosemary and
Hob. of Portland; Father N. J.
Lentz, of Waterloo, Iowa; Mike
Lentz, of Yakima, Wash., and
Leon Almond, of Hart Moun
tain, Ore.
Mrs. Marshall attended the
University of Iowa and business
college, later coming to Med
ford from Iowa City where she
has resided with her sister.
Miss Mary Russell for the past
two years. Sho has been em
ployed at Western Auto Supply
company. Mr. Marshall is asso
ciated with his brother, J R
Marshall, Jr., In the lithograph
ing business in Portland.
F. L. Club
Holds Outing
Members of the F. L. club
No. 7 met recently at Jackson
Hot Springs. Plans were made
for the next meeting at the
home of Mrs. Willard Cave. 822
West 12th street. July 23. at
which time officers for the new
term will be Installed.
Guests were the immediate
families of the members, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Cave. Mrs.
W. H. Morrison and Miss Mar
lene Forrester, the latter two
of Greenville. Cal.
Miss Flynn Tells
Of Betrothal to
Dallas Resident
Announcement of the engage
ment of Miss Dorothy Flynn
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dianv
ond Flynn of this city to Don
Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs
Charles Ross, of Dallas, was
made known Tuesday evening
at the Flynn home.
News of the betrothal was told
to a group of Miss Flynn's
friends. Cards were at play with
Miss Gerry Olausen of Bend
holding high score at pinochle
and Miss Betty Hardy scoring
high at hearts. The announce
ments were concealed in bal
loons which were broken by the
Attending were Mrs. Flynn
mother of the bride-elect; Miss
Jacklyn Flynn, her sister. Miss
Patricia Wilkinson, Miss Gret-
chen McAllister, Miss Betty
Hardy, Miss Jeanne McKay
Miss Olausen, of Bend, Miss
Barbara Dorris, Miss Betty
fcvans. Mrs. Herbert Hammond
Mrs. Olan Sneed, Mrs. Allen
Jewett and Mrs. Thayle Ford.
Miss Flynn, a graduate of
Medford high school has been
attending Oregon State college
wnere she is affiliated with
Delta Zeta social sorority. Mr.
Ross also a student on the Cor
vallis campus is a member of
Kappa Sigma social fraternity.
No date has been set for the
Luncheon Held
At Ballweg Home
For Club Members
The W.T.H. club enjoyed a
luncheon at tha hnm. t t.
- ......... w HU1.
Kenneth Ballwes in Kn. ur...
drive Wednesday. Covers were
laid for 12 at cleverly decorated
tables followed by an afternoon
m sewing ana visiting.
juemDers present were Mrs
Willii Williams, Mrs. Harold
Aberle. Mr Arthur v i
Mrs. Sam Steinbrecher, Mrs C.
ii. uavis, Mrs. J. W. Cushman
Mrs. Elton Waldron, Mrs. John
sieger, Mrs. Ernest Howell
Mrs. Ray Marks. Mrs. Ralph
Markwart and the hostess.
The next meetino- urin v ,
the Perrydale home of Mrs.
iun sieger August 20.
Leave Today For
Lake o' Woods
Mrs. I. T nipi..nn BHj
John arrived here yesterday
mornlna bv train fmm D..ti..j
to be the guests of Mrs. Dick-
sons sisters, Mrs. M. Tucker,
Mrs. Edna Pnrpt m '
Edwin C. Root and brothers!
nnnur al. Putney, all of Med
ford and Chester H. Putney, of
With their families they will
leave today for Lake o' Woods
where thev will ho ii.j u..
Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Issac of
rviamam rails and spend a week
at the Isaac's cabin. Mrs. Isaac
is the daughter of Mrs. M
University Club
Hosts to Officers
The University club of Med
ford played host to officers of
the 20th pursuit group of the air
corps, stationed at the Elks pic
nic ground Thursday evening at
a stag party held at the A.S.V.
Carpenter home. Swimming, a
barbeque dinner and oyier en
tertainment comprised the eve
ning. About 100 were in attend
ance. Returns Home
After Month's Visit
Miss Denise Dagg left the first
of the week for her home in
Seattle. Wash., after a month's
visit with her grandparents. Dr.
and Mrs. R. W. Clancy, 204
Medford Heights.
ALTHOUGH lasinest ti Justi-
fiable these broiling Summer
days, local houttwWtt don't
use eur service because they
are lair. Ther use
it Is common stnie to let us
take the bard work
X CAY nf 1,.... . at..
few cents It costs is a dscidsd
D a r g a t n specially now,
Quiet Ceremony
Weds Miss H err on
To Austin Corlies
Miss Ruth L. Herron, daugh
ter of Mrs. Mabel Herron of
133 North Oakdale avenue, and
Austin D. Corlies, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Corlies of
Ketchikan, Alaska, were quietly
married Friday morning at 10
o'clock at the First Methodist
church with the Rev. L. C.
Kirby reading the service.
The bride wore a navy blue
silk crepe dress trimmed In
white with navy blue hat and
white accessories and a corsage
of white gardenias.
She was attended by Miss
Patricia Short and Miss Hazel
Dressier, Miss Short wearing
lighter blue and Miss Dressier
a rose dress, both with shoulder
corsages. George Codding, Jr.,
cousin of the bride, was best
The church was decorated
with greenery and white gladi
oli with lighted tapers. The
wedding party entered tnc
church to organ music played
by Mrs. Doris Condit Lantz.
Mrs. Herron, mother of the
bride, wore a light blue dress
with darker blue redingote and
a corsage of roses. The bride
groom's grandmother, Mrs. F.
Corlies, chose a rose dress and
shoulder corsage.
Following the. ceremony the
couple left for a wedding trip
on the Rogue river. Mr. Corlies
is stationed at Fort Lewis where
he is a sergeant with the U. S.
army. Mrs. Corlies has been
employed at the Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph company
They will make their home in
Fort Lewis.
Don't Worry Club
Picnics On Roxy Ann
Members of the Don't Worry
club and their guests enjoyed
a picnic at Prescott camp Wed
nesday evening. The outing was
enjoyed by 13.
Enjoy Trip
In Central States
Mrs. Ray LeFevre and daugh
ter, Rae, have just returned to
their home here after a two
weeks' vacation at Battle Lake,
Minn., and Watertown, S. D.,
where they visited relatives.
They also stopped at Whitefish
and Kalispell, Mont., where they
renewed old acquaintances.
Nieee Visits '
At Miles Home
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Miles
have as their guest their niece,
Mrs. J. H. Leeda nf PacaHpna
Cal., who is making a month's
visit in tnis city. Mrs. E. V.
Carter and Mrs. A. E.' Kinney
of Ashland called at the Miles
home yesterday.
10:00 a. m. Degree of Honor
lodge picnic, meet at Medford
city park.
1:30 p. m. Canton Siskiyou
No. 16. and auxiliary, picnic at
Grants Pass city park.
4:00 p. m. Masonic, Eastern
Star picnic at Jackson Hot
Monday '
8:00 p. m. Olive Rebekah
lodge, I.O.O.F. hall.
12:30 p. m. Executive board
of Women's Society of Christian
service of the First Methodist
church at church parlors. Paper
bag lunch.
2:00 p. m. Homecoming.
First Methodist church.
2:00 p. m. Ladies' auxiliary
of First Baptist church, home
Mrs. H. E. Ekerson, 42 Grove
land avenue.
8:00 p. m. D.A.V. and auxili
ary at armory.
1:30 p. m Jacksonville Home
Economics club picnic at Helman
when so msny eut-of door
pleasures beckon.
"yr Utft tft I
R7, i
Betty Evans
Honored at
Bridal Shower
A miscellaneous bridal shower
honored Miss Betty Evans at the
home of Miss Jeanne McKay,
1025 Reddy street, Friday eve
ning. Miss Evans is the bride
elect of Wallace Eri, of Bremer
ton. Wash., their wedding to be
an event of August 31.
Cards were at play during the
evening with winning scores
being held by Mrs. Clarence
Evans and Mrs. Leo Hoag. La
ter Miss Evans was presented
her shower gifts after reading
verses tied to the stems of roses
Present were Miss Evans
and her mother, Mrs. Clarence
Evans, Mrs. John R. Russell.
Mrs. Leo Hoag, Mrs. James
Stuart, Mrs. D. L. -Flynn, Mrs.
Ralph McKay, Miss Nancy Wall,
Miss June Kincaid, Miss Mary
Holloway, Miss Alpha Whillock.
Miss Carlyn Piatt, Miss Ruth
Slorah, Miss Betty Hardy, Miss
Hazel Dressier, Miss Jacklyn
Flynn, Miss Dorothy Flynn and
the hostess.
Miss Evans attended Linfield
college and during the past year
has been a student at Behnke
Walker Business college in Port
land. Mr. Eri also attended Lin
field college and is a member
of Iota Omega Mu. He is cm
ployed in the shipyards at
Picnic Held
At Meeker Home
Sixty enjoyed a picnic supper
on the lawn at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Meeker, 724 East
Jackson boulevard, Friday eve
ning. The supper was given by
members of C. A. Meeker's Sun
day school class of the First
Methodist church and was at
tended by their families.
Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Kirby,
new pastor of the church, and
his wife were introducsd to the
group. Rev. Kirby spoke brief
ly. The potluck supper was fol
lowed by an evening of visiting.
Mrs. Coker To
Visit Sister "
Mrs. P. G. Coker of Santa
Monica, Cal., arrived yesterday
for a visit of several weeks with
her sister. Mrs. S. W. Richardson
on the Old Stage road.
Visits Friends ' -In
Miss Anne Scripter returned
to her home Friday after visit
ing at the F. I. Jacobs home at
Eagle Point for several days
where she was the guest of
Misses Joan, Eleanor and Joyce
Jacobs. The Jacobs formerly
resided in Medford.
Church Auxiliary Will
Meet at Ekerson Home
The combined business and
missionary meetins of the larlie'
auxiliary of the First Bantlst
church will be held Tuesday at
a p. m. at the home of Mrs.
H. E. Skerson, 42 Groveland
avenue. All ladies of the church
and congregation are members
of the auxiliary and invited to
be present. The committee in
charge includes Mrs. Gilbert
Hill and Mrs. Montella Freeland.
f;. vv
i rt. ii j
O Don't envy women who have slim and
attractive figures! Follow the simple reduc
ing plan of Hollywood's famous movie
stars. Keep your figure slender the easy
nvuinuuv way -uil suDsmute two
slices el HOLLYWOOD Bread in place of
fattening foods at each meal. HOLLYWOOD
Bread contains only 4S calories per slice.
You will love Its crunchy, nut-like flavor.
It Is satisfying you won't have any "hun
gry feeling" when' you reduce the HOLLY
WOOD Way. Higher in protein, richer in
minerals and lower In starch percentage.
HOLLYWOOD Bread is Ideal for reducing
Baked Exclusively By
Dor land Terrill
Weds Mr. Matheny
In Afternoon
Miss Dorland Terrill, daugh
ter of Mrs. Herman Offenbacher
of Applegate and Glen L. Ter
rell of Klamath Falls, became
the bride of Paul Robert Ma
theny, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Scotty Matheny of Jacksonville,
at an afternoon ceremony July 3
in this city. The ring service
was read by the bride's grand
father. County Judge J. B. Cole
man, before a group of relatives
and close friends.
The bride wore an afternoon
dress of navy blue sheer with
matching accessories and a cor
sage of gardenias and bouvardia.
Miss Norma Mitchell, cousin of
the bride, was her only attend
ant, Scotty Matheny was best
man for the groom.
A reception followed at the
home of the bride's mother at
Applegate. The service table
was set with bouquets of sweet
peas and a three-tiered wedding
cake which was cut by the
The young couple left Imme
diately after the reception for
Los Angeles where they will
be at home at 10S4Vs South
Indiana street.
Visitors Return
From Texas
Mrs. H. S. Deuel and son,
Halbert, have return to their
home, 1100 South Oakdale ave
nue, after a two weeks' trip to
San Antonio, Texas, where Mrs.
Deuel attended graduation exer
cises of her son. Jack Enders,
from Kelly Field.
Mr. Enders received his com
mission as second lieutenant
and has been stationed at Kelly
Field as instructor. On their
trip Mrs. Deuel and Halbert
spent a day at El Paso, Texas,
and enjoyed a side trip into
Visitors Return
To Los Angeles
Dr. and Mrs. George Stephen
Johnson, who have been guests
for the past three weeks at the
home of Dr. Johnson's parents,
Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Johnson,
2322 East Main street, left Fri
day for their home in Los An
geles. They plan to visit Mt.
Lassen National park and Lake
Tahoe on their way south.
Flossie Brown
To Visit Here
Miss Flossie Brown of Na
tona, Kan., arrived here yester
day by motor where she will
be the Cuest of Mrs. MavnarH
Bush, 44 North Peach street.
for two weeks. She plans to
attend the second term of sum
mer school at Oregon State col
lege and expects to make Med
ford her future home.
Rebekah Lodge To
Meet Monday Night
Olive Rebekah lodge will
meet Monday at 8 p. m. at the
I.O.O.F. hall with Mrs. Marie
Hansen, newly elected tkoble
grand and her officers in charge.
Mrs. G. R. Satchwell will be
initiated into membership. A
social hour will close the eve
ning. The
JF J A W a
IT'S So. Simple. - NO
New Officers
Installed at
Joint Meeting
Joint Installation of I. O. O. F.
and Rebakah officers was held
Monday evening at 1. O. O. F.
hall. After the service a pro- .,
gram was given with Nellie
Bowles presenting two readings,
one "A Tribute to the American
Flag" and the other, 'The Flag
Speaks." Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Roberts showed motion pic
tures of Hawaii and the Philip
pine Islands. Later refreshments
were served by Ethyl Weed and
D. M. McDannel, chairmen for
the lodgej. About 100 attended. .
Marie Hansen will serve as
noble grand for the Rebekahs
and her officers are Ethyl Weed,
right supporter: Ethel Pease,
left supporter; Elva Biden, vice
grand; Nellie Gibson, right sup
porter; Lona Bergman, left sup
porter; Mary Wiley, recorder
secretary; Katherine Satterlee,
treasurer: Lottie Cave, warden;
Bessie Thompson, conductor; .
Lucretia Whillock. inside guard;
Rose Young, outside guard; Teli
tha Picket, chaplain, and Mar
guerite Conrad, musician.
Deputy President Nellie Gib
son was assisted by the install
ing team from Jacksonville
which included Mamie Norrls,
grand warden, Lola Coffman,
treasurer; Bessie Butcher, sec
retary; Georgia Cody, inside
guardian; Alice Ulrich, chap
lain; Jessie Metzger, musician
and Zola Fick, conductor.
New officers installed for the t
I. O. O. F. lodge were O. H.
Bengtson, noble grand; H. W,
Conger, right supporter; Charles
Hoover, left supporter; L. W.
Marshall, warden; George How
ard, conductor; Ole Hull, inside
guard; Louis Putman, outside
guard: A. J. Hanby, chaplain;
Don Piatt, musician; Bud Aid
ridge, vice grand; W. F. Rector,
right supporter to vice grand;
W. H. Dyer, left supporter to
vice grand; E. D. Scripter, right
s. supporter; C. E. Nefzigger, left
s. supporter; L. O. Howard, sec
retary; Frank Redden, treasurer.
Retiring noble grand is George
Installing the above officers
were Howard Lewis, deputy
grand master, assisted by mem
bers of Jacksonville lodge: C. R.
Pursell, marshal; N. Mallory,
warden; E. Mclntyre, secretary;
I. Coffman, treasurer; chaplain, VJ
R. Metzger; guardian. E. Cainc;
staff bearer, G. O. Sanden.
Horn Economics Club
To Hold Picnic Tuesday
Jacksonville Home Economics
club will hold a picnic luncheon
Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. at Hel
man Baths. Each member is
requested to bring a basket
lunch and a guest.
Homecoming To Follow
Executive Board Meeting
The executive board of the
Women's Christian Service soci
ety of the First Methodist
church will hold a paper bag
luncheon at the church Tuesday
at . 12:30 p. m. The executive
meeting will be followed by
homecoming at 2 p. m. at which
time the Loyalty Circle will
have charge of the social hour.