Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 16, 1941, Page 1, Image 1

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    rull U B Waauv
rancait: Fair tonlfht an
TTniradar with continued hlia
Blchnt YnwnUy 101
Lowert thli Moraine 64
Precipitation pat 14 boBraT
full Associated frees
t- -.Him n-r,
Find a Tenant
Why allow kttoM ar rooaa,
apartment ar aabln to nana
vacant Tha aalrktM aa mart
aatlirecto way to flna te
anl la tha Want AS War In
thla MWipaper. It la lnepe-
alia too. Trj aTtrtMnr.
United Pr.
Thirty sixth Year
" " mi n nrni rTS iIMItI
MS , , ,-.-
No. 100.
rami U IWHIfiW 0
News Behind
The News
By Paul Mallon
Washington, July 16. The
trouble with this defense boom
is everyone is getting set for the
crash afterward. The nervous
system of the
ww .nmiii. ') ' j nation seems
" ., 1 frozen by fear
' r . 1 of what comes
next. Business
has pinned it
self in by put
ting on its
safety belt.
You can see it
in the stock
market, in the
nroduction fig
ures, in the
housewives. But
.v,il. .vmnne is letting in timidity dominate
him, no one is doing anything
about it.
Mr. Roosevelt once said some
thing about accumulating a
nublic works backlog of a few
billions, but this holds out as
much hope as a project to re
lieve complete evaporation of
the oceans by turning on the
v.thivtn faucet Plainly the
government does not have the
-financial resources to take up
ju .1..V nf a ripfpnse expendi
ture which already has reached
$50,000,000,000 and la aooui io
Panzer Thrust at Leningrad Smashed, Is Claim
Drive Dangers Leningrad
Will Be Built Only if Army
Expansion Ordered Later;
Marysville Also Favored
Paul Mallon,
cashbox of
be doubled.
Washington. July 18. P
The war department disclosed
today that the selection of an
army cantonment site near Cor-
vallis. Ore., does not mean aDan-
donment of proposed canton
ments either at Eugene or Med
ford. Ore.
The department said the pro
posed Corvallia cantonment
would be In addition to the other
Most of the cantonments an
nounced today would be for di
visions or anti-aircraft training
centers, the war department con
tinued. The department saia it
could not at this time announce
the sDecific purpose of the can
tonment at Corvallis, when ques
tioned about an Oregon report
that the cantonment might be
for armored units. It also de
clined to comment on an Oregon
rerjort that an anti-aircraft can-
- ... .
tonment would De proposed lor
the Bend-Bums Central Oregon
VET anything that can be seen
in advance as clearly as
the coming crash" surely could
be avoided by careful thought
ni.nnlnff. If the ingenuity
of American leadership has be
come so deficient as not to be
able to avoid a disaster, visible
th. nr vears in advance, and
of its own making, the crash
will certainly bring some new
leaders who can.
There are men who are de
irntinff careful thought to the
problem, among them Meyer
Jacobstein. economic consultant
of the non-political Brookings
Institution, famous endowed re
search organization. Mr. Jacob
item, furthermore, has the be
ginnings of some ideas of what
to do. He suggests working
along the following line:
"it A lo too
. -.fUWtf I "
I Mil f
f 1 a af,SVpSKOv i.
I I lAkf I ij&w . J
f U KIPUS I jr0""0 X'
Lightning Fire Quickly Put
Out by Heavy Rain Heat
Declines in Local Area
(Continued on Page Pour)
Radio Highlights
By Associated Press
(Time is Pacific Standard)
Tonight, the War 4:55 CBS;
515 MBS; 5:30 NBC-Blue; 6
MBS; 6:45 CBS; 8 NBC CBS;
8:30 MBS.
NBC-Red 7.30 Robert St.
John, returned AP war corre
spondent, on the Balkan blitz
CBS 6:15 Sen. C. W. Tobey
In "My Reply to Secretary
Thursday, The War 6 NBC
MBS: 7 MBS; 8 MBS; 9:45 NBC;
10 MBS; 11:55 CBS; 12:55 p. m.,
VRCRlue-. 2:25 NBC-Red; 2:45
MBS 10:15 a. m., U. S. Navy
band; 12 m (also NBC-Blue) Lord
Halifax address from Burbank,
Washington. July 16.-4JP)
The war department announced
the selection today of sites lor
possible new army camps, to be
built if the armed forces are ex
panded to require new training
The approved sites, tor wnicn
no funds are now available and
tor which congressional author
ity has not been granted. Include:
Bastrop, Tex.; Colorado
Knrines. Colo.: Corvallis, Ore.
Marysville, Calif.; Paris, Tex.;
West Yellowstone, Mont.; Waco,
Tex., and Fort Huachuca, Ariz
Tn NauH UlTlllOU
The army aaid most of the
camps would be planned to ac-
onmmndate entire aivisioiia ui
anti-aircraft training centers.
Th locations were chosen at
this time, the army said, only in
order to permit the construction
division of the quartermaster
corps and other army agencies
to perfect bunaing pians u
land forces are enlarged later.
"Every state in the union was
given consideration In these se
lections," the announcement
aaid. "Availability of labor sup
plies for construction, trans-
nnrtatlon faculties ana
fnxtnr were considered in mak-
i th (elections. Recreational
and training facilities were also
taken Into consideration. .
Authoritative British sources said they regarded the German
drive on Leningrad as the "most dangerous" of the German of
fensives against Russia. Nerved). Estonia, was reported under
siege, and Germans reported Finnish forces were attacking from
.l. ,i,imiil aueuaaaa at Pskov and Vitebsk 12),
tnt nwm. - . . . .
b....i... Mnnrtul tha racaDture ot noaacneve ana ".""
(3). To the south, Germans asserted their forces were hammer
ing at the gates of Kiev w.
Group Which Put Japan in
Axis Line-up Offers to
Step Down; Matsuoka III
(First game)
Lannlng, Bowman and Lopez;
Tobln and Masi.
Second game:
Klinger, Dietz,
Baker, Lopez
ins. Early,
Russia Can FifttOn Though
Moscow FaDi;Bivoy Claims
London, July 16. (IP) Russian Ambassador Ivan Malsky
said today that even If Moscow should fall to the advancing
Germans, the soviet union's widely dispersed Industries would
h. able to keen the red army In the field "fully supplied.
planned dls-
Seiwtlnn of the sites mention
ed in the Washington dispatch
have nothing to do with the
Beagle-Antelope site here on
which considerable advance
planning has. already Deen aonc,
it sxnlained by Glenn L.
Jackson, chairman of the civilian
nnlnmnent coordinating Doaru.
Tk. Mrrifnrd site. Mr. jaciwon
pointed out, was one of the first
group of three on the west coast,
the other two being Santa Maria
in California and Eu-
.nx,nrvallis in Oregon. It was
mnhaslzed again that the can
tonment here cannot be con-
ti until congress appro
priates the money and expands
the army.
Councilman Frank Runtz say
ing he would read about the
council meeting in the paper, he,
aitting at the end of the long
-niinrilmanic table, being un
able to hear anything above the
hum of an air-conditioning ma
chine that worked against great
And Councilman Tom Brad
ley helping out on a hot night
by not having any reporti or
remarks to make.
i .
Cbrvahla, Ore., July It. VP)
nffara of aid in any necessary
develoDments came to Corval
lis officials today from AiDany,
Eugene, Salem and Portland, as
well aa other smaller valley
immunities following word
that Corvallis had been chosen
hv the war deDartment as the
site for an army cantonment. If
mniKia aivel approval.
The proposed site is locaiea
north of Corvallis, running from
a noint five miles north of here
to within about two muea m
Monmouth along the West Side
Pacific highway. It runs w em
ward a distance of about eight
mil, making a total area ot
nearly 10 square miles.
Army officers who nave Deen
inspecting the area, one of sev
eral In the valley under consid
eration, have been quoted as
saying It was as nearly perfect
as could be founa, containing
flat lands, rolling country and
coast range mountains.
About half of the reservation
would be in Benton county, the
other half In Polk.
. vn
Tor yeara we
persal of heavy and light indus
tries vital to the war effort to
guard against air attack," Mai-
sky explained.
"Should Moscow fall, a catas
trophe which I do not believe
will occur, we will fight on sup
plied by these factories and
growing industries hidden In the
Air observers here said proof
of Maisky's words lies in the
almost total absence of German
reports of bombed industrial
targets In Russia similar to Bri
tain's industrial midlands. They
say the luftwaffe has been rob
bed by distance and by dispersal
of targets on which It counted
in France and Britain.
Members of the soviet mill
tary mission explained the red
air force s .equipment and tac
tics for dealing with the now-
established plan of German pan
zer attack.
Soviet aviation, it was said,
has developed two types of spec
ial planes to cope with this form
of attack one a twin-engined
bomber whose cannon fire arm
or- piercing shells into tanks,
the other a heavily-gunned
fighter which swoops simultan
eously on Infantry and delivers
a scorching machine-gun attack.
These machine-guns - were
called "much more effective
than bombs against disciplined
troops, causing higher casualties."
Lightning storms raised havoc
in forest lands all around here
but when foresters took stock
this morning there were only
nine small fires in the Rogue
River national forest and one on
atate-nrotected land in this area
The state fire, in grass nortn
of Ashland, covered 85 acres be
fore a pumper and crews from
either Ashland or Medford could
reach it. Yet when the crews
did reach It in quick time, it was
completely out, doused by rain.
state patrol headquarters sam in
emphasizing how swiftly the fire
spread. It all happened in less
than 30 minutes.
Other sections of the state and
California fared less fortunately
and many forest fires were set
by last night's lightning. Smoke
from distant fires drifted Into
the Rogue valley today, obscur
ing the sun and keeping the tem
perature down somewhat.
Two of the Rogue River na
tional forest fire were in the
Applegate district and seven in
the Lake O'Wooda district. The
smoke paU,hampcKtl the workj
ol lookouts toaay, neaaquanen
Lights in Medford dimmed
momentarily last night when a
transmission line near Ashland
was struck by lightning.
Twenty-three fires, set by
lightning in the Umpqua nation
al forest adjoining the Rogue
forest, were reported under con
trol today. The Bohemia and
Diamond Lake districts were the
principal areas hit.
The storm engulfed practical
ly all of Oregon and set 125 for
est fires in the Eugene area
So far as temperatures were
concerned, there was a slight
lull in the heat wave here today,
though the weather seemed
more sultry than previously this
week. Temperature at 2:30 p. m
was 86 degreea as compared
with 101, giving Medford the
third day of temperatures above
100. Lowest this morning was
66. Relative humidity at 4:30
p. m. yesterday was 29 per cent.
Tokyo, July 16. (IP) The
cabinet of Premier Prince Fuml
maro Konoye, which put Japan
in the axis line-up and bound
her in a neutrality accord with
Soviet Russia, resigned sudden
ly today.
Its resignation, a palace an
nouncement said, was to
strengthen the government's
policies in facing the situation
at home and the confused prob
lem abroad.
Konoye presented his govern
ment's resignation en bloc to
the emperor at his summer
palace at Hayama, southwest of
Tokvo. and. as usual in sucn
circumstances, received an Im
oerlal command to remain in
office until another government
is organized.
Include Matsuoka
Foreign Minister Yosuke Mat
suoka. who was Influential in
involving Japan in the two
major pacta which now era key
stones of her policy the axis
alisnment and Soviet neutrality
treatv was among tnosa wno
went out.
Still ill in bed, Matsuoka was
not present at an emergency
meeting of the resigned min
isters but submitted his resig
nation to Konoye earlier.
The resignation came exactly
a year after Prince Konoye was
entrusted with the formation of
a government which was to deal
with grave issues arizing from
the war in Europe, especially
the German conquests of France
and the lowlands.
New York
Walters, Thompson
C a r p e nt e r. Schumacher and
Hartnett, Dannlng.
American League
New York 10 11
Cleveland 8 8
Donald and Rosar; Mllnar,
Krakauskas and Desautels.
H. X.
15 3
11 1
Wllkle and
Posedel, Hutch-
and Berre, Mont-
.. 5
Stalin's Planes Attacking
Fiercely, London Hears
Soviet Confidence Grows
R. H.
. 4 13
. 7 10
and West;
Hughson and Peacock, Pyt-
lak; Ross and Tresh.
$42,000 ASKED
Seattle Mercury
at Ail-Time High
Seattle. July 16. VP) The
temperature reached 88.7 de
grees at 2:45 p. m. today, a new
all-time heat record here. The
previous high was 08 degrees
on June 25, 1S25.
Jean Eberhart setting a
new record in running across
the Ashland golf course, fright
ened out of his wits by a thun
der clap Just as he was about to
putt, he leaving Brother Bill a
little amazed with the performance.
Marv Anne Gates going to
Salem to escape the heat and
then having to return to Med-
iord to cool oil.
Philadelphia. July 16-
annual ennvention of the
Benevolent and Protective Or
der of Elks today selected Port
land. Ore, as the flu for its
meeting in 1942.
The convention Is on record
as planning to heed Fresiaent
Roosevelt's call to buy more de
fence bonds.
Retiring Grand Exalted Ruler
Jo-eoh G. Buch of Trenton, N.
J said the national order has
V . a a Bf A AVat
already purcnasea iau,v
worth of the bonds and is plan
ning to buy "tens of thousands
In a message to the 77tn an
nual convention of the B.P.O.E..
the president, member ot
Pouahkeepsie Lodge No. 275.
aid "1 know this grand organ
ization will not fail in this time
of national emergency."
Ashland. July 16. VP) Half
of Ashland's business district
was blacked out last night by a
lightning hit on a mid-town
power sub-station in an elec
trical storm climaxing a day of
97-deree temperature.
Forty transformer fuses were
blown by line hits. Rain extin
guished numerous lightning hits
in and near town.
City councilmen were startled
to see a quarter-inch stream of
water flowing from a ceiling
lia-ht fixture. The downpour.
measuring .90 of an Inch, caused
a root leak and the fixture
shorted and explode
Brig.-Gen. William Ord Ryan,
commanding officer of Hamil
ton field, San Rafael, Cal., ar
rived here in a big new bomb
er today to spend two days at
the camp occupied by the 20th
pursuit group at the Elk pic
nic grounds. The general will
spend soma time in fishing
while here.
Due this afternoon was Col.
William O. Butler, Riverside,
Cal., chief of staff of the 4th air
force. General Ryan, Col. But
ler, Mayor Deuel and Glenn L.
Jackson, president of the Jack
son County Chamber of Com
merce. wlU be guests of the 20th
pursuit group at dinner In the
Hotel Medford tonight.
(By Associated Press)
A film of clouds over most
sections of western Oregon and
Washington lessened the mid
July sun's fierce rays today but
it was still hot
The 11 p. m. reading in Port
land was 84, in Seattle 88, Ta-
coma 89, Spokane 92, Pendleton
99, Salem 87. Roseburg 83.
Physicians attributed the death
yesterday ot Mrs. Nellie Evans,
77, Portland, on heat convul
sions, and said that the temper
ature contributed to the death
of William Malo, 56, Portland,
who became ill while working
in a nayfield.
It was still Impossible to esti
mate the number ot fires set by
the thunder storm that swept
up Oregon to the edge of Wash
ington from the Siskiyou moun
tains last night, but they were
known to run close to 200
Lightning set 125 fires in the
mid-Willamette valley sector,
Eugene reported. National for
estry men at Pendleton reported
several small fires in the Uma
tilla national forest near Hepp
ner and Ukiah, Ore, and Rose
burg reported 23 fires In the
Umpqua national forest of south
ern Oregon. Most of the blazes
were smSll.
Medfordite Use
Oceap of Water
During Hot Day
Medford set an all-time
record for water consump
tion Monday, hottest day of
the year to date, when
9,450,000 gallons were used.
It was announced today by
Robert A. Duff, water com
mission superintendent. Pre
vious record was 8,633,000
on July 26. 1939.
Heaviest consuming hour
Monday was 7 to 8 p. m.
when water was used at the
rate of 13,700,000 gallons a
day. Mr. Duff said. Consump
tion tapered oft a little yes
terday and today.
Portland set a record Mon
day, too, with 87.000,000 gal
lons. Thus it will be seen
that Portland. 28 times as
large as Medford, used less
than 10 times as much water,
Mr. Duff calculated. Med
ford's consumption figured at
837 gallons a person, Port
land's. 2B!V
Seeking $40,000 personal In
lurv damaees. Hannah Becknell
filed suit yesterday in circuit
court against Floyd Hart and nis
wife ot the Central Point dis
trict. In addition, 1000 Is askea
for medical services and 81,000
a en eral damages. L. V. Lund-
burg of Portland appears as at
torney for plaintiff.
The complaint alleges that
while the plaintiff was employed
in the Hart household to iook
after minor child on July 18,
1B3B. she sllnned and fell on
the stairway of the home, strlk
ing the lower portion of her
back on the edge of a step re
sulting In alleged permanent In
jury. She avers she suffers from
pains in the neck ana oacx ana
her nervee are impaired, as a re
sult of the fall.
NealiKence is alleged on the
Dart of the defendants, in net
advising her the stairs were re
cently waxed ana varnisnea,
that no hand rail existed and
that the stairs, at the scene, of
the mishap were not wen
Growers were today offered
(45 to ISO per ton, depending on
sizes, delivered over the grader,
for Bartlett pears for canneries.
It was reported a few were sold
at these prices. Representatives
of California and Willamette
valley canneries are said to have
paid recent visits here.
The price is the same as of
fered for Yakima Bartlett.
It is estimated the Bartlett
crop of the Rogue River valley
will be approximately 18,000
tons for both packing and can
Baa Franc Ia Battar
Ban Ftaneuno. July l-fl But-
tar es aoont. Me; tt aeora , ssa; SO
Sta: at som tatt.
Portland, Ore., July 11J1P)
Construction will start within
three months on a 60.000-ton
steel rolling mill In Portland.
the newly-incorporated Oregon
Electric Steel Rolling Mill, Inc.
announced yesterday.
Morris Schnitzer, president,
said Bonneville power Is sought
for the plant, which would em
ploy 800 men in three shift.
Germany. Italy Ready to Meet
U. S. 'Aggression' States Gayda
By the Associated Press
Russia's red armies reported
today they had smashed a Nazi
panzer thrust less than 120
miles from Leningrad, hurling
the invaders back to the west,
and British advices declared the
Soviet air force was holding its
own in the bitter struggle with
the luftwaffe.
Far from being blasted out ot
the air and all but paralyzed,
Russian warplanes were said to
be attacking fiercely.
Informed quarters in London
said the British military mission
in Moscow had described the red
air fleet as a powerful fighting
force, very much intact.
Red Confidence Grows
Moscow dispatches said tha
general atmosphere in Russian
quarters late today seemed to be
one ot growing confidence aa
Germany's second offensive,
now in its fifth day, appeared to
be falling to gain ground as fast
as the. first Nazi onslaught
through the Soviet buffer states.
The official German new
agency DNB reported that Ger
man panzers, driving deep into
the Stalin line in a thrust to
ward Leningrad, had wiped out
Soviet force at BJelaJa, 37
miles east ot Pskov, but the Rus
sians said they had smashed tha
new salient
Pskov is 150 miles southwest
of Leningrad.
Soviet dispatches from tha
front said that fterce Russian
counter-offensive was continuing
on the central front, west ot tha
Dnepr river, and that the Ger
mans had been driven back even
farther than the 19 miles claim
ed yesterday.
Violent Fighting
Violent fighting raged through
out the night, Moscow war
bulletin said.
Adolf Hitlers' field headquar-
ters again reported briefly that
operations in tha 25-day-old in
vasion were "proceeding favor
ably" and that "in several place
desperate Soviet counter-attacks
were repulsed with bloody losses
for the enemy."
The Soviet high command.
acknowledging that tha Gor
man had scored a temporary
advance on tha northern front,
gave this detailed picture of tha
'In tha Pikov-Porkhov sector
(130 to 175 miles southwest of
Leningrad), our troops surround
ed enemy motorized and mech
anized troops - and destroyed
them section by section, seizing
large number of tanks, guns
and arms of all kinds.
"The remainder ot the enemy
troops have been burled back ta
the west."
Porkhov lies 40 miles east of
Pskov, tha scene ot last weeks'
Premie; Stalin's high com
mand said heavy fighting con
tinued all night also in tha Po-litsk-Vlterbsk
sector, just north
of tha strategic Minsk-to-Mos-cow
motor highway.
Elsewhere on tha 1,000-mIla
front, the Soviet high command
declared, "no large scale fight
ing took place during tha night.
Rome, July 18-- VP) Ger
many and Italy are ready with
the "necesary forces" to meet
United States "aggression " Vir
ginio Gayda, authoritative Fas
cial editor, asserted today, charg
ing that Preiident Roosevelt is
planning to take advantage of
the axis' war against Soviet
Russia. . ..
If United States warships fire
without warning on axis ships.
Gayda declared In II Glornale
D'ltalla. they would reply and
Japan would do what he said Is
"her duty."
President Roosevelt. Gayda
said, was "preparing to profit
from the moment ta advance In
Intervention with tha illusion of
surprising Germany and Italy
and their associates with their
flank uncovered." ' "
"Whatever happens, notwith
standing tha new Soviet war
sector, Germany remains ever
ready with all necessary forces
to parry new eventual blows
from tha west," ha continued.
"Italy with her fearsome forces
will hold her place worthily
while tha associated forces far
ther away will do their duty
which not only is one of carry
ing out pacts but ot proven na
tional defense. -
Astoria, July 16. VPh-Louis
Radlne, 19, lost his right leg
from injuries suffered yesterday
at tha fish reduction plant ot
tha Columbia river fisheries at
He was able to free himself
from a worm gear, in which
his foot was caught, before los
ing consciousness.
Salem, July IS. UP) Jack
Worthington, 11, drowned while
swimming in tha WUlametta
river near here yesterday. Tha
body w race ered.