PAGE TEN MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. TUESDAY. JULY 15. 1941. GREAT PROGRESS TOWARD DEFENSE Undersecretary Patterson Reviews Army Expansion; Economic Changes Seen Washington, July 15. WV TJndersecretary of War Robert P. Patterson told a senate com mittee today that the last year had brought 'great progress' In American defense production but "for total warfare of the kind raging In Europe today we can never have enough muni tions." Patterson submitted to the senate defense investigating committee ' a review of the army's expansion work during the fiscal year which ended June 30. Good Distance Covered "I do not claim," he said, "that America as yet Is ade quately armed or prepared, or that we have become a thor oughly stocked and sufficiently productive arsenal for ourselves and for the other democratic na tions as well. But we have gone good distance. "Before long the work which we have already done in plan ning and 'ordering equipment and in providing manufacturing facilities will produce in ever Increasing measure the results which we all desire." Patterson forecast Increasing dislocation of the nation a norm al peacetime economic machin ery as more and more of Indus try is devoted to war. "I doubt that more than 19 per cent of America's produc tive endeavor is devoted to de fense work," he said. "If we ex pect to equal and surpass other countries, far more of our ma chines and labor must be placed at the service of the war de partment and the navy depart ment. 1.500.000 la Army The present army, Patterson said, consists of nearly 1,500,000 soldiers including nine triangu lar divisions, one of which Is completely motorized, 18 square divisions, two cavalry divisions, four armored divisions and var ious other troops engaged in specialties and the manning of overseas garrisons. The air corps, he said, now had an enlisted strength of 187,- ouu wnue its rate of pilot train ing has been increased to 30,- uuu a year. Additional armored divisions and further motorization are awaiting the necessary equip ment, Patterson said. He added that while personnel had In creased sixfold during the last fiscal year, the Increase in ma terial would be at least thirty-fold. India Preparing to Send Russia Military Supplies, Maybe Men, Is Declaration of A. P. Analyst By DeWitt MacKeasle (Associated Press Analyst) It's small straws that show the way the wind blows, and there would seem to be a potential development of moment concealed in a little Item from London this morning saying informed British political circles expect an important an nouncement shortly about a maximum war effort by India. That vast eastern empire i in NOT FLEEING Robert Marion Watt of Grants Pass, who was fined $3 and costs in Justice of the peace court Saturday charged with passing cars on the Pacific high way with Improper clearance, said today that he turned off on to the shoulder of the highway when the state police car siren sounded, and did not drive up a side road as alleged In the pub lished report of the case yester day. Watt was cited three miles north of Central Point Clotlnt tiin far Too Late to Clas. su Ada la 1 -jo p ex mt S world-f..... Olympic often rrny '' ' - - Mircjunv,pras dMtrnendlr.dub-IUnstnea. f jS pHne fo tnvclm ppfetult o amch. Not Mpeiurwj, its bath from JJ-W-- a k n It k-.XVfFf already has been turned with out any fanfare Into one of the world s foremost arsenals. There la therefore added interest in the prediction that India and our own "arsenal of democ racy" may exchange represen tatives, presumably to help co ordinate the supreme effort of these two great countries. Fits Present Tread Intensification of the Indian efforts fits in perfectly with the present trend of the war, for unless Russia collapses In the immediate future, Hindustan in my view la likely to play a vital part in providing military supplies and perhaps even troops for the Bolshevists. This will in part represent self-defense, of course, for if Hitler smashes the Muscovites he will be In position to attack India. The probability that India will act as a supply base for Russia has been heightened by the allied victory In Syria, which vastly strengthens the British position in the near and middle east and removes the grave threat of nazi occupation of that French mandated terri tory. As I have Indicated before. It strikes me that a logical devel opment of the Immediate future may be the establishment of British military base In Russian Turkestan to further the move ment of military supplies to the Bolshevists through this side door. These supplies would be sent from India through the Persion gulf and thence through Iran (Persia) into Russian ter ritory. With this comparatively small beginning one can even foresee the opening up of a great new allied front in that region, if the Russo-German war contin ues. Irrespective of that, .the matters of supplies for Russia may become pressing If the con flict develops into one of attrition. The further this picture un folds, the more it appears that the recent transfer of General Wavell from his command in Egypt to command of the In dian forces was more for the purpose of preparing for event ualities than because of any pos sible dissatisfaction with the way things were going in the near east. Conclusion of the Syrian campaign so soon after Wavell s transfer Indicates that it was well in hand before he moved on to his new command. ASKED TO AID IN ALUMINUM DRIVE Places for Deposit to Be Arranged in Each Town in County; July 21-29 Date Letters were to be mailed today to all the mayors and Grange heads of the county to enlist their active assistance In conducting the campaign for scrap aluminum July 21-29. The assistance was to be enlisted also of a number of organizations to act as collectors or canvassers in the week's campaign. Places for depositing the scrap metal are to be ar ranged in each town and com munity by the mayors and Grange heads, Frank Hull, co ordinator of the Jackson County Council of Defense, stated. Bia At C. of C A large wire crib or bin is to be erected along the west side of the chamber of com merce building for final deposit of all the scrap aluminum col lected, Mr. Hull said. From there it will be shipped by rail to a factory in San Francisco, the factory to pay for the trans portation, he related. "Scrap aluminum can be ob tained from a number of dif ferent things In the home or office and we ask the people of Jackson county to look around now and see what aluminum they can do without," Mr. HuU stated. He referred especially to aluminum parts of machines like vacuum cleaners, various articles in doctors office and the usual assortment of kitchen utensils such as pots and pans. Mr. Hull asked that no at tempt be made to separate the aluminum from other metals but that the whole article, even if composed of two or more metals be thrown in if it can be spared. Metal Needed "We hope to obtain a sub stantial amount of scrap alumi num," Mr. Hull said. "This dis carded metal will be very valu able in the manufacture of air planes in defense of our country and because of the patriotic motive behind this campaign I know that every resident of Jackson county will be gen erous." The collection of scrap alumi num will be carried on all over the country July 21-28. In a recent statement William S. Knudsen, director general of the office of production manage ment, said: "The nation needs aluminum for planes and other vital items in Its defense pro gram more rapidly than existing facilities can produce it. Addi tional facilities ar being ceo structed as quickly as possible. In the meantime, the people of the nation can help by donating all used aluminum ware that can be spared from their house holds without being replaced. "No Individual or group or corporation will make any profit out of this transaction. The entire proceeds of the sale will be used for civilian defense. All aluminum will be used ex clusively for national defense." LIONSlOEAR First Lieut. Roy Loe will give a talk on military aviation at the weekly dinner-meeting of the Lions club hi the Hotel Med- ford at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. Lieut. Loe is a member of the 55th flying squadron, part of the 20th pursuit group of Hamilton field, Cel., now encamped on the Elks picnic grounds a few miles out of Medford on the Rogue river. Lieut. Howard T. Wright, the group's publicity of- GREEN FHE SLABS EARLY DELIVERY, 12 or 1 Inch. BUY NOW AND SAVE. BIG DOUBLE LOAD COMPARE OUR QUALITY. TEL. 3111 MEDFORD FUEL GO. 1122 N. CENTRAL fleer, announced yesterday that the officers would be glad to ad dress any organization interest ed in hearing them talk on mili tary aviation. Others on the Lions club pro gram are Miss Clara Daniels, who will give a reading, and Roger Wolf, who will play a piano solo. CP. Theodore A. Glass and his wife Anzonette, filed suit in cir cuit court yesterday against the City of Central Point, asking for a decree disconnecting their property from the municipality, for relief from future taxes. save bonded Indebtedness incus, red before issuance ot th sought decree, if granted. The property consisting of about 32 acres lies within the city limits, but close to the boundary, and is described as agricultural land, without, mu nicipal improvements. It has been in the city limits for more -than 50 years the complaint states. HANNA HOLDS COURT IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY Circuit Judge Herbert K. Hanna is holding court this week in Josephine county, and the case pending is expected te require most of the week. The Jackson county docket is dear.' ed of scheduled cases. It Is antic ipated that Judge Hanna during August will take the annual va cation, customary in most of the circuit courts of the state. JT Enjoy summer mora lh T.I-jr''r"r if witn,n,,',n,r a yJZ' sponging poor. f ft """ Remnant Bargains In the Men's Section A GREAT ONE DAY SALE EVENT! TOMORROW ONLY! Thousands of Fabric Remnants on Sale Tomorrow for Half & Less Than Half Price Remnant Day Special ea Men's Allen A Brieftex Shorts A cool broad cloth garment, cut brief style with knit Inserts. These are regular SOc shorts. Extra speclj for Remnant Day. Remnant Day Special on Men's Fine Quality Cotton Union Suits. A regu lar 11.50 garment la the ankle length short sleeve style. Summer weight extra special for Remnant Day. o Broadcloth Shorts 29c o Cotton Union Suits 59c Colored "T" Shirts Remnent Day Special on Men's col- ored "T" Shirts. la this sale group M M Vt are Cotton Knit "T" Shirts la stripes ff lt C and solid colors. A regular 11.00 val- U ue. Ob sale tomorrow for only f Men' Lisle Undershirts Reg. 35c for 19c Men's Knit "T" Shirt, $1.29 value for 59c Broadcloth Full Cut Shorts, 29c, 4 for $1.00 Men's & Boys Washable Canvas Oxfords The Shoe Shop loins the Remnant Day Bargain Parade, with 34 pilr of Men's and Boys' Canvas Washable Oxfords! A cool, comfortable crepe sole shoe in a wide variety of summer colors such as red, blue, white, brown, etc. Just a few pair of each pattern in slses from Jit to 12. Your choice while they last. Regular Values to $2.95 $49 PAIR MAIN FLOOR THE AIR CONDITIONED STORE Remnant Bargains From the Second Floor The sale that's often imitated but never equaled Mann's semi-annual half price and less than half price sale of remnants! Here are thousands of seasonable fabrie lengths, suitable for Blouses. Dresses. Slips. Children's Coats, Trimmings and for home decoration. Join the Remnant Day throng tomorrow morning at Mann s. f get your share of these lovely fabrics. o Silks and Rayon Remnants Rayon Crepe Satins Rayon Sharkskin Rayon French Crepes Rayon Bembergs Silk Triple Sheers Rayon Crepe Prints Rayon Faille Rayon Coverts Rayon Alpacas Rayon Taffeta Rayon Panne Satins Corduroys and Velveteens. oFine Cotton Remnants Printed Piques and Seersuckers Imported Ginghams Striped Denim Printed Per cales and Dimities Outing Flannels Muslin and Toweling. o Wanted Drapery Remnants Fine Drapery Damasks Decorative Cretonnes ' Spun Rayon Drapery Prints Chintzes Dainty Serims Fine Uphols tery Fabrics and Marquisettes. All Remnants Out on Tables! Nothing Reserved Doors Open at 9 Sharp - - - First Come First Served! Mann's Main Floor 35 Dresses Going for $477 Remnant Day Special from the Dress shop. 35 Summer Dresses In rayon Jersey, spun rayon, cool chambray and other noTelty fabrics. Many washable styles In a good range of women's and misses slses. Regular $5.98 dresses. Your choice -U- O Dresses up to $ 1 4.95 Another, group.. of Dresses greatly reduced for this one day Remnant Sale. ..In this sale lot are crepes. Jerseys and Bengallnes In regular and Junior slses for just $4.00 each. Many dresses in this as sortment are up to $14.15 la value Choice $400 Dresses up to $ 1 9.95 .Jn this third group of Bale Dresses are many of our bet ter types, la fact the reg. Tal us are up to $1S.S for only tt.00. Included are long and short sleeve styles ia jacket and two pc effects Lovely fabrics, perfect tailoring and ia sites 12 to 44. Extra special 8 Shirts and Blouses From the Blouse Shop a Remnant Day deen-up on women's and misses Sport Shirts and Blouse. Some are slightly soiled but all are per fect la quality as they are up to $1.25 In value. Choice of summer prints and solid col. on. SECOND FLOOR BALE'S THE AIR CONDITIONED STORE i I