Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 13, 1941, Page 1, Image 1

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run u Wmu
Good Morning
It saliht par yon ta tnra to
lb Want Ada thla marabif.
Paopls who an not looking for
anything in particular eonw
time atumble on to tha nrj
tMni thrjr want. Taka few
mtnotoa, wont yon?
rorarsrt: ralr today ui Mon
day. Slljhtly cooler Monday.
Hlfhrat yeMerdaj 94
Loweit yerterday mornlnc 50
Precipitation 0
Full Auoclatad Praia
r Prat
Thirty sixth Year
No. 97.
1 1 11 - i
News Behind
The News
By Paul Mallon
Washington, July 12 Eden
and Losovsky have been hinting
they have seen tome evidence of
a political
break develop
ing within Ger
many. Both
the British for
eign minister
and the Soviet
foreign com
missar are
talking public
ly about a rup
ture "between
the govern
ment and the
Paul Mallou.
army, and the
army and the people."
Behind these expressed hopes
apparently is the same informa
tion received here, no doubt on
the same grapevine. Hitler and
Goering wanted to go after Bri
tain now instead of Russia. The
army insisted on Russia first,
and won the argument.
There is unfortunately no fac
tual reason to hope that this
"break" will hasten a Nazi po
litical collapse any more than
the break between Mr. Roose
velt and Senator Wheeler will
seriously Injure domestic politi
cal morale. The army is in con
trol in Germany and will con
tinue so until it has plainly lost
the war. Then someone will pro
vide Hitler and Goering with a
pistol, or hold it for them, and
a new regime will take over to
sue for peace. That is the cus
tomary way.
The facts so far only Indicate
the army decided Russia waa a
sure conquest, while Britain was
not. If an attack on Britain
failed, all would be lost, but the
easier attack on Russia could
still be followed by invasion of
Britain at any time. It was a
question of military tactics, and
the politicians gave way.
DOWN deeper among the Ger
man people there is plain
evidence of dissatisfaction with
the war, but no possibility of
revolt. There could be no suc
cessful revolt anyway as long as
army morale remains flushed to
its highest point of victories.
But deterioration of civilian
morale is plainly developing.
The Nazis win battle after battle
but the war goes on, and no
tangible advantages have yet
(Continued Prom Pago Biz)
Night Gama
R. H. E.
Los Angeles 11 13 3
Hollywood 12 15 4
Totaro, Berry, Weiland,
Flaugher, and Campbell, Holm;
Dasso, Gay, Tost and Dapper.
Minneapolis, July 12. UP)
The Minneapolis Sunday Trib
une and Star Journal says that
Joe Louis, world heavyweight
champion, and his wife have
become reconciled and that
Louis left here today for Chi
cago to meet Mrs. Louis after
an extended telephone conver
sation with her.
According to the newspaper,
Mrs. Louis telephoned the cham
pion after he had knocked out
Jim Robinson, Philadelphia, in
one round here last night, and
later he talked with his mother
in Detroit by telephone. As a
result, the paper says, Louis
departed for Chicago.
Mrs. Louis filed suit for
divorce 10 days ago, charging
cruelty and accusing the cham
pion of striking her. Louis has
denied the charge.
Silverton, Ore, July 12. IP)
Silverton sluggers won the Ore
gon semi-pro baseball champion
ship with ease tonight, pounding
out a 12-to-2 decision over Bend.
Earl Tcolson held Bend to six
hits. Silverton won four straight
games in the tournament.
Score: R. H. E.
Bend 2 6 2
Silverton 12 15 1
Farmer, Hatch and Kramers;
Toolson and Robertson.
Pcrtland, July 12. (IP) Keel
plates were laid today for the
first heavy naval ship construc
tion in the history of Columbia
river shipbuilding.
a Aaal
No Important Dents In Front
Reds Say Admit Heavy
Battle In Three Areas.
(By tha Associated Press)
Moscow, Sunday, July 13.
UP) Soviet Russia officially
claimed early today that Ger
man attacks in three great areas
of fighting on the continent
wide battle line failed entirely
to make any "important" dents
in the front.
The Soviet communique
acknowledged stubborn fighting
between the Red army and
"enemy" troops in the areas of
Pskov, a railway center about
175 miles southwest of Lenin
grad, Vitebsk, in northern White
Russia where the Germans are
driving on Moscow, and Novo
grad Volynski, in the Ukraine.
These were the regions of
the three main German drives
directed respectively at Len
ingrad, Moscow and Kiev, im
portant industrial city and cap
ital of the Ukraine.
(These same three areas were
declared by the German high
command in its special com
munique late Saturday night to
have been points where the Ger
mans successfully broke through
the Stalin line).
Although acknowledging that
the battle was renewed in these
three areas, the communique
stated bluntly - that "these en
counters caused no Important
change in the front."
The communique said the Red
air forces struck at German
mechanized units and air
dromes, and against Rumanian
port and oil field objectives. A
total of 102 German airplanes
were declared to have been de
stroyed during Friday.
The two communiques Sat
urday and the one early Friday
the three communiques pre
ceding that issued this morning
all reported "no change" at
the front, and that Issued dur
ing the day Thursday had stated
that there was "nothing of con
sequence" to report at the front.
All this was interpreted to
mean that lull had fallen upon
the front.
Today's communique carried
out a theme stressed by the of
ficial Tass news agency during
Saturday that guerrilla warfare
had broken out behind the Ger
man lines.
Berlin Breaks Silence
(By the Associated Press)
Berlin, July 12. (IP) The
German high command, after
almost a full week of silence,
tonight officially announced
that the Stalin line, Russia'3
main defense barrier, had been
broken at "all decisive points."
The Germans reported that
their blitzkrieg legions had
smashed through in the direc
tion of all three of their main
drives toward Moscow, the
capital, Leningrad, Russia's big
western port, and toward Kiev,
capital of the grain-rich
The German army pinned
through in the central Minsk
area to a point 125 miles be
yond Minsk, putting the nazi
legions less than 300 miles from
Moscow, the high command
In the drive toward the
Ukraine German troops were
declared to be standing "close
before Kiev" and elsewhere
along this' southern end of the
front German and Rumanian
troops were stated to be pursu
ing Russians fleeing in dis
order. To the north the nazi troops
are moving through the region
of Lake Peipus, along the
Estonian border, and "are ad
vancing toward Leningrad," said
the high command, after a
break-through in this sector.
In the all-important central
sector beyond Minsk and on the
highway to Moscow the Rus
sians are showing "signs of a
break-up and dissolution," said
the communique.
Fire Threat Fades
Portland, July 12 HP) Ore
gon's forest fire threat dimin
ished today as temperatures
declined and humidity rose.
War Action Shifts Northward
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Tha German high command reported tha capture of Salla
(1) in a drive at Rusala in tha north, but in tha north central
sector (2) Russians, counter-attacking, claimed victorias on tha
front guarding Moscow and Leningrad. Hare Germans reported
aiming a drive at Tallinn, Estonia. Russians war reported
counter-attacking In the Polotsk-Lapel area. The red army said
its defense was unyielding on the Novograd Volynski front.
- First-Baseman Al Fleishman's
three-run homer over the left
field fence in the second inning
ignited a five-run explosion in
that frame and started the Cra
ters on a timely-hitting spree
that gave them a 12 to 3 exhibition-game
victory over the Red
ding Tigers of the Northern Cal
ifornia league last night at the
fairgrounds park. The Craters
play Toledo in a State loop con
test today at 2:30.
Bob Fox yielded 12 hits to the
visitors but scattered them ef
fectively In pitching the locals
to their fifth straight win and
their 10th in 12 exhibition-game
starts. He fanned five and walk
ed four.
The Craters made only eight
hits off Vernon Davey and
George South, but bunched
them with 13 walks and four
Redding errors to cop In a walk.
Al Wray continued his sensa
tional hitting with a triple and
a double. Bob Churchill blasted
a two-bagger and a single and
Del Schroer hit a double.
The Craters tallied , four
times In the fourth on Church
ill's double, iRoelandt's single,
five walks and two wild pitches,
got another In the sixth on
Wray's triple and Fleishman's
fly, and two more In the eighth
on Wray's double, an error, a
pawed ball and three walks.
In the second, after Fleishman
belted his home run behind
Gray's infield blow and a walk
to Wray, Davey walked Fox.
and Schroer doubled him home.
Churchill then singled Schroer
across for the fifth run.
Redding tallied single runs
In the first, fourth and ninth.
Redding 3 12 4
Medford 12 8 2
Davey, South and Marletto:
Fox and Roelandt.
Critical Situation
Portland. July 12 VP) The
United States' aluminum shorV
age is more critical than at first
supposed. Dr. Paul J. Raver,
Bonneville-Grand Coulee power
administrator, said today he was
told by William S. Knudsen.
a. nunniy
O 200
London, July 12. UP) First
Lord of the Admiralty A. V.
Alexander today asserted that
Britain had had "particularly
successful" operations against
German rubmarines in the past
few weeks.
London, July 12. UP) The
British air offensive against
Germany has reached a point
in tonnage of bombs dropped
surpassing the heaviest German
attacks upon England, It was
stated authoritatively today, as
the RAF continued its non-stop
assaults on the continent.
During June, said a state
ment, the weight of British
bombs dropped on Germany
actually exceeded the tonnage
dropped on England in April,
which it is said the Germans
claim as their record month.
Furthermore, the weight of
bombs dropped on Germany in
July "will be heavier still," it
was said.
British air sources declared
that the new air offensive had
accounted for 219 German
'planes since June 22, and that
the total German losses since
the start of the war, on all
fronts from the Arctic to equa
torial Africa, have now risen
to 8,000 aircraft and 20,000 air
Yakima. July 12. tn Ac
tive bidding by canneries, which
purchased a larger tonnage this
year, cleaned up virtually all of
the Yakima valley pear crop
this week and sent prices Friday
and today to $50 a ton for No.
1 grade, S23 for No. 2 grade.
Fruit men said today of the
estimated 55.000 tons produc
tion probably all but 5000 tons
was sold, mostly at prices rang
lni from $35 to $40.
w - -
Germans Behind Invasion
Schedule And Fuehrer
Faces Napoleon's Fate.
By Kirk L. Simpson
Hitler's gas-engine drive to
cut in half Napoleon's 1712
horse-drawn blitzkrieg to Mos
cow obviously has not been hit
ting on all cylinders up to date.
Half of his reputed 40-day
time schedule for reaching the
Russian capital a march that
took Napoleon 90-odd days
has gone by. His fire-eating
tanks, ditch-leaping speed troop
chariots, shrieking dive-bombers
and terroristic war technique
have not yet brought him half
way to his goal.
Napoleon found getting to
Moscow relatively easy. It was
getting away again that wrecked
his army. The Nazi "little cor
poral" of 1041 must sometimes
think of that o'nights at his
field headquarters, presumably
still somewhere in central-eastern
The 13 weeks it took Napo
leon to arrive at Moscow proved
to be his undoing. Like Hitler,
he set out in June. A Russian
winter, and an exceptionally
bad one at that, caught him in
a carefully set Russian trap.
Impossible distances separated
his ragged and hungry veterans
from supply bases, to tha west
ward. Around them lay a snow
mantled "scorched earth" Rus
sia filled with phantom-like
guerillas harrying their flanks
and outposts night . and day.
Most of these French troops, as
good fighting men as the world
produces, died of hunger, cold
or Russian attacks before they
could back-track to their bloody
crossings of the Berezina river,
300 miles from Moscow, at
which Hitler's legions are now
Authoritative tales are begin
ning to reach this side of the
Atlantic from Nazi-conquered
France and the low countries,
even from Norway and Den
mark, indicating the utter re
liance the Nazi high command
placed on its motorized fighting
equipment to conquer quickly
both the Balkans and Russia.
This writer has talked with an
eye-witness of the sudden dis
appearance of thousands of
tanks and motor vehicles from
German-occupied French cities.
Early in April they began to
disappear. Travelers within the
occupied regions of southern
France who cam to town re
ported passing endless columns
puffing and clunking along the
roads, trekking northward, not
south toward the Spanish bor
der. There was much specula
tion as to whether an attempted
invasion of England was about
to be launched.
Events proved it was not; but
that Hitler had decided on wars
in the east instead. To get east
ward from that part of France
his forces had to go north first.
The nazi armies battling the
Russians have been told that the
fate of Hitler's Germany is in
their hands. There can be no
question about that. And if they
cannot soon break the 2,000
mile virtual deadlock with the
red army conclusively, far more
conclusively than Napoleon did
a century and more ago, another
western "Little Corporal" may
see his valuting dreams of world
empire shattered amid the
swamps and streams and rol
ling plains of western Russia.
Tillamook, Ore., July 12.
(in Th Oregon Rural Letter
Carriers" association nominated
Lyman McDonald, Salem, today
for the national executive com
mittee. Officers elected at th con
cluding session were Robert C.
Taylor, Astoria, president; E. J.
Holland, Scio, first vie presi
dent; Earl S. Robbins. Ashland,
second vie president; T. M.
Schweizer, Monmouth, secretary-treasurer.
Ashland was
voted th 194 convention.
Vichy Orders Ignored, Ger
many Roiled By Negotia
tionsWarfare Ceases.
Cairo, July 12. British
troops ceased firing in Syria
today and began to negotiate
an armistice on British terms
with the Vichy forces of High
Commissioner General Henri
Tonight, between hushed battle-lines,
the British-Free French
and the Vichy mllitafy men
were making satisfactory prog
ress in their talks, a British
middle-east communique said.
Some details remained to be
settled, it was stated. Mean
while, hostilities continued sus
But within a few hours after
Syrian hostilities ended, Ger
man bombers served explosive
notice that Britain would have
to fight to keep her middle east
foothold. A German raid on
the vital Suex canal route for
American aid caused "some ma
terial damage," an Egyptian
communique acknowledged.
Shooting in the war which
started June 8 ended at mid
night, a middle east commu
nique announced, "after General
Dentz agreed to negotiate on
our own terms for suspension
of hostilities. The French com
mandetv hands had been freed
by tha Vichy government, al
though it previously rejected
the British terms.
A French delegation crossed
the British lines under a flag
of truce this morning and met
the British delegation at Acre
(Biblical Gililee) in Palestine.
A statement that discussions
were of "military rather than
political importance" indicated
the Vichy forces would be re
quired to submit to Free-French
occupation rule in Syria, as
British armistice terms had
Washington, July 12. (IP)
Mounting defense expenditures
and smouldering controversies
over tentatively-approved new
levies led today to capitol talk
of further revision of the $3,
300.000,000 tax bill.
Ten days ago the house ways
and means committee gave pre
liminary approval to legislation
to raise $3,504,400,000, but
there were reports that it might
be revised materially and its
presentation to the house de-J
layed perhaps until August 1.
The tentatively-approved bill
is designed to raise $1,134,500,
000 additional In individual in
come taxes, $1,332,000,000 In
corporation levies and almost
another billion dollars in excise
and miscellaneous taxes. It is
now in th hands of bill-drafting
experts who expect to com
plete work on it next week.
Portland, Ore., July 12 JP)
William A. Ekwall. Portland,
former U. S. representative and
Oregon circuit Judge, probably
will be named to the U. S. cus
toms court In New York, Sen.
Charles L. McNary of Oregon
advised friends today.
Ekwall would replace Judge
Walter H. Evans, Portland, who
retired recently. McNary said
the senate expects President
Roosevelt to make th nomina
tion next week.
Grants Pass. July 12. P A
short-lived strike at th Swede
Basin lumber mill was over
today with general Increase in
pay of 10 cents an hour or its
War Bulletins !
New York, July 12 W
Th shortwave broadcast of
th German high command
pacial communique reporting
that th Stalin Una in Ruasla
had bean broken was preced
ed by 25 mlnutas of fanfares
and march music, CBS said
Th communique was broad
cast in German, Spanish.
Portuguese and English.
London, Sunday. July 13.
UP) British bombers ware re
ported reliably today to hav
bombad Bremen, German
ahipping and shipbuilding
cantar, in raids last night on
northwestern Germany.
London, Sunday, July 13.
(IP) German long rang guns
opanad up with a number of
salvoas shortly balora dawn
today. They apparently war
firing at a British convoy
which was passing through
th strait.
London, Sunday July 13.
UP) Light raids by small
forces of Carman plana along
coastal sections of southern,
eaatern and southwestern
England overnight war re
ported today. A communique
said "no damage was caused
and than war no casualtias."
Jackson, Mich., July 12. (IP)
Shock by shock, a Jackson
county farmer, rebelling against
what he terms Is too much gov
ernment dictatorship on crops,"
is burning his 17-acre wheat
The irate farmer, 55-year old
Marion Hatt, began destroying
the wheat yesterday when Hal
bert Bernstein, a U. S. soil con
servation service official, refus
ed him a wheat marketing per
mit because he exceeded the
AAA quota by two acres.
Told that he would have to
store the grain or pay the gov
ernment a penalty of 49 cents a
bushel for the excess acreage
before a permit would be is
sued, Hatt retorted:
"I'll burn the whole thing be
fore I'll let the government tell
me what I can do with it."
Rain intervened when Hatt
had the Job half-done but he
said he would "finish it up" to
"This Is my farm and my
wheat," he said. "1 did not vote
to come under the marketing
quota and I'd rather burn the
wheat than have to com under
the quota to be able to sell it."
"He's burning up his own
money," said Bernstein, "and
It's not the government that set
up the regulations. The market
ing quota was voted by 80 per
cent of the nation's wheat
Spokane, Wash., July 12.
UP) George Harrison, 41 -year-
old self-taught chemist of Den
ver and Detroit, must spend
three years in prison for using
the malls to defraud western
mining men of mora than $70,-
Federal Judge Lewis B.
Schwellenbach sentenced Har
rison Immediately after a Jury
out since 9:30 p. m. Friday, re
turned a verdict of guilty Sat
Harrison stood quietly at the
Judge pronounced sentencs
three years on each of eight
counts, th terms to be served
concurrently. Before hearing
th court s orders he reiterated
his Innocence of intent to de
fraud and stated his faith in
the chemical process which was
th basis for th 14-day trial.
Th government accused Har
rison of using the malls to pro
mot th process, known as "Se
cret Formula No. 30," and said
to hav tha power to precipitate
all metal. -
Field Surveys Here 40 Pep,
Cent Done, Plans 10 Per
Cent, Is Latest Report,
San Franr!rn. Julv 1 9 SlPi
Plans for the construction of
three new Far West army
camps, housing 70,000 troops
and costing a total of $68,400,
000, are being rapidly complet
ed, the office of the ninth corps
area zone constructing quarter
master announced today.
Sit in Orefnn and PaTtfn.
nla have been under investiga
tion, and actual construction de
pends on suitability and avails
billty of the land desired, con
gressional approval and other
factors. Th nmleet whim tinrl
way, will mean an expenditure)
iar in excess of any yet made)
for new army construction in
the ninth pnrn. rm ....
comprising California, Oregon,
nasningion, raonuna, Idaho,
Nevada and Utah.
Advance nlana rail fnr thnta
camps of almost identical size.
cn 10 cost approximately IZ2,
800,000. Each camp will house
on, "trfanoiilni. HiwUnn
other troops. The new triangu
lar siramunea division replace)
the old square division, permit
ting employment of troops with
icaicx moDuuy ana striKing
2 Camps For Oregon
According to tha plans, each
at two camps In Oregon will
house a division of 15,245 troops
plus other personnel. One of th
camps will be built near Med
ford, where Architect-Engineer
Myron B. Hunt has been super,
vising a survey of the site, par
ticularlv in relation in nmn
layout, water supply, power and
iuu, roaas, drainage, etc. FMla
surveyi are 40 per cent com.
Diet and nlana tn nmr
No steps as yet hava been taken
ro acquire tne acreage under
Studies have hn mAm i
the vicinity of Eugene and Cor
vain ior in second Oregon
camp, under the supervision o
John W. Cunninffhfim mrA
elates and Lawrence and Allen,
architects-engineers, with head,
quarter at Eugene. Th site has)
noi oeen cnosen as yet.
The third camp will b bum
In tha Santa Maria-Lompoe area
in southern California. Her It
Is nlanned to houa
Iar division, plus an armored
uivuion or io.huu men. Th pro
Dosed reservatlnn ha, K .
praised by the government and
plans for the camp ar 51 pap
vein ana neia survey 44 per
cent complete.
Each camn haa Kn ,
as a self-contained unit, with
nospiuu faculties, fire stations,
chapels, post office, theater. er
vice clubs, administration build
ings, signal corps and ordnance
lacimics, Daxery, laundry, lea
making plants and repair shops)
of various kinds.
The camps will dwarf In air
any other camps in the ninth
corps area save Ft. Lewis. Wash.
Tha "other nrinnl" '--
red to In the dispatch will com
prise about 15.000 troops of a
classification not yet designated,
making in all about 30.000
troops at th proposed camp
here. Capt, Theron W. Bean,
constructing quartermaster la
charge, stated last night
Atlantic City. If. . July H.
UP) The International Christ
Ian Endeavor Society conven
tion called today for a return of
prohibition "if the people of thl
country ar to live together In
sobriety and happiness."
Th society urged passage of
pending congressional measure,
restricting sal of alcoholic bv
e rages near military camp and
proposed th utmost activity on
th part of Christian atedeavort
everywhere leading toward loc
al option, immediate sharp re
striction and eventual elimina
tion of liquor advertisements!
and rigid control of liquor