MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. FRIDAY. .TULY 11. 1941. PAGE FTVH DEAD INDIAN ROADIHO Boys Register for Draft Outside of Medford Limits START ON MONDAY Gravel-Surfar.inn nf 10.5 s S Miles Planned bv Forest s s Service and County s s s s s Work will be started Monday on the gravel-surfacing of 10 1 'i miles of the Dead Indian road. Rogue River national forest headquarters announced today. The work will be completed in six weeks. Through a cooperative agree ment, all the crushed rock will be provided by the county. The county will do 3V4 miles of the surfacing, from Deadwood Junction west, and the forest service will do seven miles from Deadwood Junction, headquart ers explained. Two miles of the stretch to be done by the for est service are in Klamath county. When the work is com pleted on the present project, there will remain 20 miles of unsurfaced road, extending to , Rocky Point Junction at Peli can bay. To Near Lake When the present project Is finished, the road will be grav elled from Ashland to a point two miles beyond the Jackson Klamath county line, 4V4 miles from the south end of Lake o' Woods. The forest service part of the work will be done under the direction of Robert Mercer, con struction superintendent. When the improvement work is completed, the road will be come part of the county road system and will be maintained by Jackson and Klamath coun ties, forest headquarters said. FIELD AUDITOR FOR EXTENDS STAY HERE H. J. McKay, state unemploy ment compensation commission field auditor for Jackson, Jose phine and Douglas counties, who has been here for a week or so, will remain In the Med ford area for another week, it was announced today. He may be contacted through the em ployment service office, 45 North Fir street, telephone 3343. Mr. McKay Is conferring with employers of four or more workers covered by the unem ployment law. He said that ex perience rating and other new parts of the law had raised many questions regarding rates and charges and he was pre pared to help employers in ob taining a clear understanding of these things. Mr. McKay Is making his headquarters here and is resid ing at 512 South Holly street. The district in which Medford is situated was recently narrow ed to three counties with the result that the field auditor can now spend more time here. Blames Lost Lot Fresno, Cal. IU.R) Stopped by traffic officers for speeding and reckless driving, a motorist blamed his actions on a broken romance. He said he was upset, having Just attended a wedding ceremony In which a former sweetheart married another Local board No. 2 today issued the list of 110 youths who registered on July 1 for selective service. The men had become 21 years old since last October 18. Local board No. 2 is for all of Jackson county outside the city of Medford. The list of new registrants follows: S 1 Richard Lyle Rush, Sams Valley. 2 Dexter Dale Higinbotham, Central Point. 3 Robert Charles Sanderson. Star Rt., Sams Valley. 4 DeVon Jensen Wray. 90 Fifth St., Ashland. 5 Clyde Harold Troxell. Route 1, Box 113, Medford. 6 Roland Lloyd Raber, Rt 1. Box 53-B, Rogue River. 7 William Whitmore Clute, Rt. 1, box 75, Applegate. 8 George Arrol Bibby, 938 Oak St., Ashland. 9 Robert Dean Mooney, Prospect. 10 Elmer Irwin Ogborn, Talent. S 11 John David McLain, 510 Wimer St., Ashland. S 12 Robert Lee Winebarger. 604 Oak St., Ashland. S 13 Floyd Goddard Michael, Lays Camp, Ashland. S 14 Lawrence Eugene Tribett. Gen. Del., Prospect. S 15 George Bernard Logan, Sams Valley. S 16 Marc A. Smith. 280 Hargadine St., Ashland. S 17 Elmer Glenn Bailey, Rt 1, Ashland. S 18 Lynn Ernest Wolfe, Jr., Ashland. S 19 Marvin William Betts, P. O. Box 633, Gold H1U. S 20 Willis Virgil Pratt, Rt 2, Box 389, Medford. S 21 Marion Monroe O'Connor, Rt. 1, Box 181, Central Point. S 22 Robert Maxwell Yancey, Trail. S 23 Derell Charles Pontz, Rt. 1, Foots Creek, Gold Hill. S 24 William Donald Barnes, P. O. Box 7, Phoenix. S 25 Lee Earl O'Harra, 495 N. Main St., Ashland. . S 26 Robert Weldon Sage, Rt. 1. Central Point. S 27 Lewis Loper, Rt. 2, Ashland. S 28 Gifford Aubrey Hemmerling, Rt. 1. box 561, Medford. S 29 John Edward Setchell, Rt. 2, Box 52, Ashland. S 30 Owen Emil Zimmcrlee, Trail. S 31 Roy Edward Plank, Rt. 1, Rogue River. S 32 Welton J. Hendrickson. Rt. 2, Box 108, Ashland. S 33 Howard W. Kiekhoefer, Applegate. S 34 William La Verne Walker. Box 577, Gold Hill. S 35 Lloyd Lewis Cox, Green Spring Star Rt., Box 76, Ashland. S 36 Nolan Cleo Swindler, Box 648. Gold Hill. S 37 James Joel Vaughn, C. C. C, Union Creek. S 38 Joel Casten Jessel, 625 Holly St., Ashland. ' S 39 Merle Elvin Jones, P. O. Box 515, Jacksonville. S 40 Fred Anthony Caulkins, Rt. 1, Box 369, Medford. S 41 John Joseph Clark, Columbia Hotel, Ashland. S 42 William Donald Sommer, Gen. Del., Prospect. S 43 Harold Raymond VanHoy, Cedar St., Rogue River. S 44 Harold Alfred Ricks, Rt. 2. Oak St., Ashland. S 45 Frank Roger Lawrence. Box 368, Central Point. S 46 Charles Everett McCormick. Rt. 3, Box 62, Medford. S 47 Stanley Walker Jones, Box 353, Central Point. S 48 Floyd Charles Moore, Rt. 1, Box 117, Ashland. S 49 Lee Roy John Withers, Rt. 1, Box 73-C, Rogue River. S 50 Keith James Mathews. 476 N. Main, Ashland. S 51 Nathan Alfred Banry. Rt. 1. Box 27, Gold Hill. S 52 Leland Standford Ritter, Rogue River. S 53 Joe Miller Beach, Box 132, Jacksonville. S 54 Dale Warren Ross, Valley View. S 55 Howard Thomas Ray. 275 Scenic Drive, Ashland. S 56 Fredric Forman Hoss, Jr., Rt. 1, Box 338, Central Pt. S 57 Shelby Gordon Tuttle, Central Point. S 58 Sid Roby Brown. Butte Falls. S 59 Fredrick Alan Metzger. Box 141, Jacksonville. S 60 Robert Duane Tryon, Rt. 4, Box 295, Medford. S 61 Michael Edward Coyne, Jr., Rt. 1. Box 11, Rogue River. S 62 Wayne Leslie Knapp, Jacksonville. S 63 Marshall Richard Rodgers, P. O. Box 316, Rogue River. S 64 Russell Lee Werner. Rt. 1. Flanders Ct., Ashland. S 65 Cleo Amos Knighten, 304 Van Ness Ave., Ashland. S 66 Arthur Ernest Johnson, Box 56, Jacksonville. S 67 Walter Shirley Starnes, 309 Harrison St., Ashland. S 68 Richard Malcolm Cripe, Rt. 1, Box 169, Medford. S 69 Martin Luther, Jr., Talent. - S 70 Lee Charles Brown, Rt. 1, Box 306, Medford. . S 71 Elmer Ray Harnish, Box 183, Eagle Point. .... S 72 Myron Benjamin Meehan, Rt. 1, Box 182, Medford. S 73 Mamley Gavan Jacobson, Rt. 1, Box 288, Central Pt. S 74 Roy Leslie McGiloray, Box 83, Talent. S 75 Cecil Fred Reich. Rt. 1. Box 274. Medford. S 76 Homer Allen Myers, Central Point. S 77 John William C'hilders, Gen. Del., Talent. S 78 Ivan Roy Myers, Central Point. S 79 Henry Coite Roach, Rt. 3, Box 62. Medford. S 80 Kenneth Elvin Hood, Rt. 2. Box 19-G, Medford. S 81 Raymond Earl Rapp. Box 61, Talent. S 82 Wesley Glen Rush. 361 Mountain Ave.. Ashland. IS 83 Chester Leonard Robertson, P. O. Box 274. Eagle Point. B Bd Pnhirt 1 lnvri Rnc.all II ITninn Cl Ahlrw S 85 John Lewis Jones. Rt. 1. Box 138 B. Central Pt. S 88 Gordon Willis Conrad, Rt. 1, Box 210, Central Pt. S 87 Jack Ernest O'Rourke, Rt. 2, Box 237-A, Medford. S 88 Earnest Graydon Childreth, 140 Nursery St., Ashland. S 89 Thomas Samuel Walker, Rt. 1. Box 276, Ashland. S 90 Richard Klimek. Box 95. Talent. S 91 Cecil Robert Hall. Rt. 4, Box 137-B, Medford. S 92 Robert Jean Pfaff. Box 23. Central Point. S 93 Melvin Cline Kirkpatrick, 121 Laurel St., Ashland. S 94 Jessie Vernon Hamaker. P. O. Box 171, Jacksonville. S 95 Chester Norton Smith. Box 392, Central Pt. S 96 John Paul Mosser, Talent. S 97 Jesse Lee Groves, Gen. Del., Jacksonville. S 98 Franklin Adaulph Jones. Rt. 4, Box 113, Medford. S 99 Delmar Roy Fields, 156 Union St., Ashland. 5100 Edgar Lee Coghill, Rt. 2. Box 433. Ross Lane. Medford. 5101 Alvin Evert Chapman, Rt. 1, Box 424, Medford. 5102 George Henry Peachey, P. O. Box 102, Eagle Point 5103 Delbert Merle Spain, cr. Cascade Gorge, Trail. SI 04 Ethmer Howard Boen, Gold Hill. SI OS Joseph Everett Spayde, 235 Fifth St., Ashland. 5106 Harry Lawrence Manning, 185 Granite St., Ashland. 5107 John Charles Carmean, Rt. 3, Be i57-A, Medford. 5108 Joe Dawson Allison, Gold Hill. 5109 Kenneth Reede Raymond, Rt. 3, Box 182, Medford. SI 10 George Thomas Langford, 430 Holly St., Medford. BUY THIS! 1 jJm RECEIVE Oregon Loganberries and Oregon's own and only sugar make tate-team that can't be beat There'i no doubt about it Oregon's berries ami Oregon' own and only Sugar make a mighty tine dish, whether it's luscious bottled login berries or shimmering, clear, tender, loganberry jelly. All America likes Oregon loganberries, too, for Oregon produces 78 fo of the nation's canned supply. The best berries are now on the market. Buy now for canning, and remember to ask for Oregon' own and only Sugar. It' guaranteed for canning and every sweetening purpose. Support Oregon farmers; Oregon industry. Buy Oregon product and you w:ll get the best! Purchase 2'4-lb. PACKAGE TRIANGLE PANCAKE FLOUR at th REGULAR PRICE. ...Receive a 20-. pack- I ef TRIANGLE QUICK COOKING ROILED OATS at NO EXTRA COSTI M n a MMr-aC fiMTMtHf 4X Oregon's Own (SUGAR u(Onlu i W SUGAR GUARANTEED FOR CANNING ilcRANuurEBa I B 37 P aiDDGsnEigQiifli! In The . Day's i'News By Frank Jankins TODAY'S (Thursday's! thumb- nail sketch of the German Russian war: Berlin: "Operations In the East are progressing relent lessly." Moscow: "The red army Is holding fast and inflicting ter rible losses on the invaders.' THERE is a suggestion here - of tne irresistible torce meet ing the immovable body. The world is waiting breathlessly to see what will happen. IAPAN is still talking. Talk ing, as every experienced executive knows, is an excellent method of stalling off decisions until better Information Is at hand. This writer suspects that be fore making a decision Japan will want to know EXACTLY what is happening in Russia, TODAY'S (Thursday's) d I s patches tell of heavy fight ing at Lcpe! (conuslt your map here.) Lepel lies in the neck of dry land between the Dvina river, which flows to the north, and the Dnepr, which flows to the south. It was along this causeway between great rivers that Na poleon advanced to Moscow. The Germans are attempting to repeat his performance. There are other reports of heavy fighting to the north, directed at Leningrad (former St. Petersburg.) This suggests that tha Germans may be held in the center of the Stalin line and are trying to get around its northern flank. That would indicate that they AREN'T proceeding according to original plan. MEANWHILE, this dispatch Chinese capital: 'Marian Inst I DM JIM IcIUxt or wounded and 24.082 as pris oners In four years of war with China, a Chinese military spokesman said today. 'The Japanese also have lost 2.054 airplanes, 12.322 tanks and armored cars and thousands of field pieces, machine guns and rifles, he said." T"HIS, of course, is the Chinese story. The exact figures in volved in it indicate a pretty good job of counting. But there Isn't much doubt anywhere that if Japan had known four year ago what she knows now sha might have proceeded much more cautiously. One trouble with war Is that when you start you can never be wholly sure where you will finish. Air Raid Conscious Sydney, Australia (U.R) A new traffic tunnel being built between Sydney' cosmopolitan King's Cross square to the east ern suburbs Is being made bomb proof for shelter purposes. In event of raids it will accommo date 9.000 people. CYRIA bobs back Into the1 news today. i The French general there ap parently asked for an armistice but wasn't willing to give up enough, and so the British are going on fighting. The French general appears to have been trying to hold out Beirut. The French, one would ay. are getting pretty well gummed up with armistices. They have one with Germany, which has1 placed a halter around their necks at home, and are Jockey ing for one with the British in Syria. I Poor France! I IN London, Colonel Moore Brabazon, British minister of aircraft production, says the, increasing flow of American planes will enable Britain to bomb Berlin on a heavy scale soon. He adds: "The Germans' worst raids on London will be child's play compared to those we're plan ning for Berlin." To this writer' Inexperienced eyes, heavy bombing of Berlin offers far better prospects than the invasion of western Europe the British press has been clam oring for since the German Russian fracas developed. Saturday Special Fresh Lemon Lime Cake . . It's somatimas difficult to salact a dessert during th warm summer weather. We ar . featuring this waak-and a delicious and refreshing caka with rich, tender layers, lead and flavored with fresh lemons and limes. 59 aa. Hav you asked for your Dafans BookletT St any Fluhrar salesman or salasglrll FLUHRER BAKERIES Dial 2241 21 North Holly Remember! don't say bread, say Fluhrer's """""aBBBmaBaBaaaassi CHUCK BATEMAN. Owner 313-315 N. Riverside. Phon 2117. Fra Dellverr ET Apricots gO Fancy dry land. ij jT Fancy dry CAN THEM NOW Klamath Potatoes 50 lbs. 49c BOYSENBERRIES and YOUNGBERRIES while thay last crat 60 Deviled Meat cudahy 3 5 cans 15c Spaghetti Franco-American 3 cans 25c Shbrtening Ricntex 3 lb. can 49c Port hjdrogensted vegetable. There Is none better mid. Oysters Ocaaa brand CAN 10c Pork s Beans (Jarden t'4 ran. Cheaper than you can rook dry one. CAN 10c MILD-EX BLEACH. 8. ft W. COFFEE. HI HO CRACKERS. PARD DOO FOOD.. BIF FLY SPRAY.. gallon Jar 10 .lb. can 29 2 lb. can 55 ..package 10 .3 cana 25 Dosan 05 quart 35 pint 20 Bar now, it s riy lime. KINO CHOW DOO FOOD 4 cans 15 SUGAR PINEAPPLE Pure Cana, 1001b. $5.70 Crushed, No. 10 can 10 lbs. 59c 69c BOREHE giant package 51c Special Demonstration Her Saturday REMEMBER tha Riverside for th FINEST LOCAL STEER BEEF Extra Fancy Milk-fed VEAL Roast lb. IS Chops, rib cut lb. 23 Breast lb. 14vi Ham and Veal Patties 2 lbs. 49c Mock Chicken Legs , 7 for 25c Perk Spar Ribs Jb. 17 Mad. from flat veal aa porfc TOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER OR PICNIC WE HAVE ONE OF THE LARGEST ASSORTMENTS OF FANCY LUNCH MEATS 75c Value SWIMMING GOGGLES 49 BATHING CAPS 35c Value 25 FLYDED FLY SPRAY EFFECTIVE INSECT KILLER raT 20c """ 35c FLIT FLY SPRAY REALLY KILLS INSECTS PINT JA. QUART 19c 35c A TIMELY TIP For Thrifty Folks Then Is a definite shortage of quinine In this country rlht now. an prices of thlt ' household necessity will bo much higher In the near future. Hi feel Terr fortunate that wo have fair stocks now at old, lower price than today's market, fVe will not advance our prices nntll this stork Is exhausted, - bat our advice Is to buy enoush now to last jou th entire winter. t Oraln Qulnlnt Sulphate 12 Capsule 17 SO Capsule 50 100 Capsules f 1.00 I Grain Quinine Sulphate II Capsule. 21 B0 Capsule 70 100 Try the Finger-tip Tettl AVE I Gently scratch your scalp then look at your fingertip This instant tot will tell if there's an invisible dandruff cap clogging the pores, threatening; the life of your hair. Fitch's Dandruff Remover 8hampoe dissolves and removes every particle of dandruff under a .moneysacft iuatmnt. Runes clean in hard or oft water. As good for blonde as brunettes. Use it today. I T '" .'". VDtttt I4nl Htr 7mm, u fj Unt ffmvm H J?.?''" Ik, lW , J utt. hulir m4 Imij le m to,,. Sum Dsa.r.fl ftea.var Shampoo 75c size 59c THIAMIN CHLORIDE ' VITAMIN B 1,000 Unit Tablet 100 for 98c 500 for $4.29 MTAMIII A CAPSULES 85.000 Units Each 100 for S1.49 VITAMIN 0 CAPSULES 80,000 Units Each 100 for $4.49 Th Meat Complat Vitamin Stock ia Southern Oregon. JOHNSON'S GLO-COAT. PINT.. 59c SULPHUR. CREAM OF TARTAR LOZENGES, 3Ss . 9c 2Se FITCH'S NEW SHAVINO CREAM. 12c 2Se GILLETTE NEW BRUSHLESS CREAM.. 9c 10e CONTINENTAL RAZOR BLADES 5c DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE WAFERS, with VIOSTEROb, 10 s 49c BREWERS YEAST TABLETS. NEW HIGH POTENCY. 250s... 49c POTASSIUM CHLORIDE, GRAIN TABLETS. 100'. 33c CALCIUM LACTATE. S-GRAIN TABLETS, 100'.. 23c SODA MINT TABLETS, BOTTLE OF FirTY 5c FRESH EASTMAN and AGFA FILMS ALWAYS ' IN STOCK Our Film Developing Is Guaranteed To Please! Dial 3874 30 North Central WESTERN THRIFT Medford s Original Price Cutters