Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 11, 1941, Page 1, Image 1

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    . ruil U 6 Weath-
Sunday Want Add
Prepare year espy bow for tht
aaday morning odltton. Many
bntj paoplo an dtpondaat
apoa tho Sunday paper Want
AM to got tham what Uwj
want. Bettor ptapar jaat AS
now left you forget.
FotmmI: Fair tonight and
Mturday but with scattered
(bander howcn In arroand
lug mountain Saturday after
noon. Cooler Saturday.
Hliheat naterday.
Lowest this morning..
Full Associated Pim
United Prcu
Thirty sixth Year
No. 96.
i mim w m md
i : -
News Behind
The News
By Paul Mallon
Washington, July 11. The
army is stiffening its backbone.
Unpubllcized orders have gone
out to commanders from the
war department here requiring
them to certify specifically the
adequate training condition of
troops before permitting them
to participate In maneuvers.
Certification must be sent to
the general staff. If the troops
are unprepared it must be ac
companied by an explanation
The general staff apparently
has had enough of excuses for
the sloppy maneuvering. Act
ually some of the trainees do
not yet know what soldier
should do when he hears the
Star Spangled Banner played.
SPEAKER of the House Sam
Rayburn offered a rare just
ification of his title when he
spoke out against General Mar
shall's request for extension of
the training term of draftees.
The rare situation behind it is
A large number of house
members justified their original
vote for the draft act by telling
their constituents that after all.
it was only for one year, and
only 12 months in the open
would benefit the boys. As they
looked at the legislative prob
lem, their home-made speeches
might be construed as a politi
cal promise, especially as their
elections come up next year.
They wanted to be relieved of
Sneaking out In a situation
protective duties of a practical
speaker of the house.
THERE are nearly fifty legal
ways In which the war de
partment could keep the men
it wants In service beyond
vear including voluntary en
listments. One or more of these
will be found. The necessity for
added training in view of the
mechanical trend of warfare
cannot be avoided if the coun
try wants an army able to de
fend it. This is recognized by
both pollticos and military men
alike. The only really moot
question was who would take
the responsibility for an un
pleasant duty.
The army knows by now
which men it would like to keep
and which ones are trouble
makers, temperamentally unfit,
too old. Legal ways will be
found to weed these out and to
retain those best able to defend
the country, between now and
(Continued on Page Ten)
Radio Highlights
By Associated Press
(Time is Pacific Standard)
Again network microphones
will be in position when the sec
ond drawing in the selective ser
vice takes place next Thursday
night at Washington, for the 21-year-olds
who registered July 1.
Tonight, the war 4:55 CBS:
8 MBS: 6:45 CBS; 8 NBC CBS;
8:30 MBS.
NBC-Blue 7:05 P.G.A. golf.
Saturday, the war 4 a. m.,
NBC CBS; 4:55 NBC-blue; 5
MBS: 9:45 NBC-Red 11:55 CBS;
1 p. m., NBC MBS; 2:25 NBC;
2:30 CBS NBC-Blue.
NBC-Blue 9:30 a. m, and
2:05 p. m., P.G.A. golf.
Ban Pranclaco. July 11 ff") But
ter: 91 score 3Se: 91 ecore 80c; so
icon S44c: SO tmr 34
Puolicity Officer Howard T.
Wright arriving in town with a
wealth of historical material
-about his 20th pursuit group of
air corpsmen.
George Green making an im
promptu but very welcome
guest at a little birthday cele
brating. Deb'ra Tumy looking extreme
ly cool and comfortable in a
blue and white dress on a hot
Russian Army Doomed
To Early Collapse Is
Assertion by German
London, July 11. UP) A mighy new German offensive,
aimed at overwhelming results, is underway in Russia, it was
reported reliably today. .
An offensive pointed at Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev is to
be backed with the full might of Adolf Hitler's mechanized di
visions, according to these reports.
One neutral source said that if the Germans push as far in
tho next 10 davs as they did in the first seven of the vast cam
paign on the eastern front "they will nave gone a long way to
ward winning the initial campaign of the Russian war."
Berlin. July 11. UP) Ger
man reports tonight described
such chaos in the red army that
roads strewn with the wreck
age of its equipment are delay
ing the advance of Adolf Hit
ler's legions and an authorized
military commentator put the
red army's losses in manpower
at 1.000.000 killed and captured.
"The military collapse of Rus
sia is a foregone conclusion,"
this German commentator de
clared and other German ob
servers pictured growing con
fusion among Russian troops in
the area east of the Bialystok-
Minsk battlefields where panzer
blows have driven deepest to
ward Moscow.
DNB. official German news
agency, called the Russian with'
drawal in this area a rout oi
such proportions that quantities
of abandoned Russian war ma
terial obstructed German pro
gress, necessitating time to clear
the roads.
The spokesman placed the
battle of Bialystok and Minsk in
the same category with the bat
tle of Tannenberg. East Prus
sia, in -1914, the battle of the
Vistula river, Poland, Septem
ber, 1939, and the Flanders
Artois action of Belgium and
northern France in May and
June, 1940.
He said that, like Tannen
berg, the battle of Bialystok
Minsk removed any Russian
danger to East Prussia.
About 8,000 planes have been
downed or destroyed aground
in the Russian campaign, the
spokesman said equivalent to
73 air squadrons and "almost
three times the number of planes
downed in western Europe last
summer when 2.833 were shot
down or destroyed aground."
Shanghai, July 11. VP) The
Japanese government has de
cided to stay clear of the German-Russian
war for the present
but may make a move against
French Indo-China in tne near
future, reliable persons arriving
from Tokyo reported today.
These sources said the Jap
anese have been influenced in
their policy by estimates tnat
Russia still has 32 divisions on
her Asiatic front, 12 of them
mechanized, and despite tne
Russian-Japanese neutrality pace
has moved but three divisions
Klamath Falls. July 11- UP)
A charge of assault with in
tent to kill was placed against
Floyd Fisher of Beatty yester
day. He previously was charged
with attacking Thurmon Wilson.
Indian service agent, who was
wounded near Fisher's house.
Fisher asked time to plead
when arraigned. He was held
without recourse to bail.
Acmar. Ala., July 11. WPV
The death toll in an explosion
wrecked wing of Acmar Coal
mine No. 8 mounted to 11 to-
Volunteers working all night
by lamplight succeeded in ex
tracting nine bodies before day
break. Two were still buried.
The dead miners, nine Neg
roes and two white men. were
trapped more than a mile un
derground, some time yesterday
afternoon by a "gas explosion."
Lakeview. Ore.. July 11 (IP)
Lloyd Leithead was elected
commander of Lakeview post
No. 53, American Legion, re-
i ccaUy.
By the Associated Press
'Moscow, July 11. The Red
army in 19 days of give-and-take
fighting on a scale unmatched
in history has won a respite
from the German drive, the
Kremlin command indicated to
Unless the Russians had sud-
denly adopted the secretive
technique of the German high
command, today's communique
implied that the German armies,
like an unwinding steel spring,
had played themselves out in
their part-way invasion, still
short of breaching the Stalin
una. . .
. "Nothing -particular occurred
on the fronts during last night,
said the announcement, thus
laconically' ' accounting for all
seetors of a 2,000-mile battlelinc
from the Arctic shore to the
Black isea.
There was nothing later than
the - report covering the night
on the front. Reports for the
20th . day. of . battle . were still
Washington, July 11
United States defense officials,
determined to end leakage of
American goods to Germany,
were reported giving serious
consideration today to the com
pilation of a world-wide list of
firms which serve as Nazi pur
chasing agents.
The British are ' known to
have a "blacklist," as such list
ings are called when prepared
by belligerent governments, and
presumably this information has
been made available to Amer
ican officials for such
they desire.
Other sources of information
understood to be at the dis
posal of Brig.-Gen. ' Russell L.
Maxwell, export control chief,
include an inventory being made
by the treasury of foreign assets
frozen in this country and data
on Nazi activities in South
America gathered by the office
of commercial and cultural re
lations between the American
Washington. July 11j C
President Roosevelt today ap
pointed William J. Donovan co
ordinator of information bear
ing on the defense program.
Donovan, who led the famous
"fighting 89th" during the world
war, is to "collect and assemble
information and data bearing on
national security" from various
government agencies and ana
lyze the material for official
governmental use.
Trapped Miner Freed
Vale. July 11 P) Trapped
In a cave by a slide, Robert
Stubblefield, McDermitt miner
in the Ten Mile creek district,
was rescued hours later. Stub
blefield took shelter from a rain
storm Monday. Earth and rocks,
loosened by the downpour
blocked the cave entrance. His
partner. Jack Hurst, organized a
searching party and traced him
' to tne cava.
St. Louis, July 1. (iP) For
the second successive game Joe
DiMaggio of the New York
Yankees singled in the first
inning today, off Bob Harris of
the St. Louis Browns, to run
his hitting streak through 50
consecutive games.
Hudson and Evans; Smith and
Grove and Peacock: Newsom
and Tebbetts.
7 10
French, Presnell, Page, and
McCullough; Tobin and Masi.
. 2
Derringer, Thompson, Turner,
Beggs, and J. Riddle, West;
Davis and Owen.
London, July 11. UP) The
foreign office said today "some
technicians and laborers from
the' United States are engaged
in " connection -'with certain
works that are proceeding In
northern Ireland. ...
"AH these, however1, are dl
reef employes of the British
government," the statement
"They had entered into em
ployment in exercise of their
perfectly legal right to accept
such . occupation, and it is
equally open to any other
United States citizens who may
desire to aid the British cause
to engage themselves in Brit
The foreign office also assert
ed that what it called reports
current in New York that the
United States is establishing an
air base in northern Ireland
'are not borne out by infor
mation available in London."
East St. Louis, 111., July Il
ia") The man on the flying trap
eze had nothing on Victor Wood-
rick, 23-year-old flying cadet
from Three Oaks, Mich., who
went up in the seat of a plane,
did a complete twisting flip in
the air and rode to a landing
on the tail of his aerial steed.
Of course, if Civilian Instruct
or David J. Mattls, 28, had not
been along yesterday Woodrick's
feat might have had a tragic
They were coming In for a
landing at Park's Air college
with Woodrick at the controls
of their two-seater training ship.
Mattls noted that his pupil was
too high and took over the con
trols, nosing the ship sharply to
the ground.
Woodrick, his safety belt riav
ing become unfastened, flew
into the air, executed a complete
flip and landed astride the rear
of the plane facing the tail sec
Mattls made a perfect landing.
Woodrick's only injury was a
torn sock.
Tokyo, July 11 IP) Domel,
Japanese news agency, said to
day the Chinese central govern
ment at Chungking had sent
60.000 troops to Burma and
Malay under an agreement with
Britain and the United States
for Joint defense of the penin
sula. Another Domel report from
Bangkok said 35.000 Chungking
troops already had arrived at
Burma and Malay and declared
this was a move to draw Jap
sacs troop southward.
Secretary and Chief of Oper
ations Make Categorical
Denial of Accusations
Washington, July 11. UP)
Secretary Knox and Admiral
Harold R. Stark voiced what
were termed by committeemen
"categorical denials" before the
senate naval committee today
of published charges that the
American navy had engaged in
combat with Nazi naval units.
In a closed session lasting
more than three hours, the sec
retary of the navy and the
navy's chief of operations were
reported to have denied "line
by line" demands made In a
'resolution introduced by Sena
tor Wheeler (D., Mont.) to know
whether the navy had engaged
in a "shooting war."
British Given Aid
Shortly before Knox left the
committee room. President Roos
evelt said that he would not
be surprised if American steel
had gone into 50 British bases
and if American workmen all
over the world were being paid
by the British government.
And this, he said, was perfect
ly legal.
One member of the naval
committee, who asked that he
not be quoted by name, said
these denials were "categorical."
He said the whole subject of
American naval operations, as
related, to the European war,
was discussed at length, but
declined to reveal what was
Chairman Walsh (D., Mass.)
said the committee would make
a report on its hearing, prob
ably next Tuesday.
About 80 officers, mostly
pilots, and 350 men of the 20th
pursuit group of Hamilton Field,
CaU arrived this afternoon by
car and truck convoy to encamp
for two weeks at the Elks picnic
grounds on Rogue river. The
camp had been set up by an
advance echelon of three offi
cers and 75 men who several
days ago established a distribut
ing point at the Prescott CCC
A number of planes, which
will Join in air and land maneu
vers, arrived this afternoon at
Medford municipal airport
where they will be based. Col
Ira C. Eaker, commanding the
20th pursuit group, who stopped
in Stockton, Cel., to address a
school ceremony, was expected
to arrive late this afternoon
Col. Eaker will be remembered
as one of the pilots of the Ques
tion Mark, the army plane that
set an endurance record more
than a decade ago.
Washington, July. 11. Wi
The British government an
nounced today that It had
waived Its belligerent rights
concerning Italian and German
ships seized by the United
The announcement, made by
the British embassy, will en
able the United States to oper
ate 28 Italian and two German
vessels seized by the United
States In ports here last March
after their crews had wrecked
, much of the machinery in at-
tempts to disable the ships for
: service,
Aleppo Reinforced
Ankara, Turley, July 10.
(Delayed) UPtG e r m a n air
transports were reported today
to have landed Vichy reinforce
ments in Aleppo in an attempt
to prolong French resistance in
$3,323,000,000 More Added
to Soaring Figures In
Country's Defense Drive
Washington, July 11. (JP
President Roosevelt asked con
gress today for $3,323,000,000
more for the navy and maritime
commission, thus pushing the
projected cost of defense and
lease-lend spending past $52,
The soaring figure included
$4,770,000,000 Mr. Roosevelt
asked for the army only yester
day but did not embrace the
$7,000,000,000 which authorita
tive sources said was in the
mill for additional lend-lease
funds for nations fighting ag
gression. To Dlssy Height
That $7,000,000,000 would
push the overall figure since
July 1, 1941 when the fall of
France stirred the United
States to concerned action to
Cash expenditures, so far, to
tal $8,300,000,000. In the fiscal
year which began this month,
the cash outlay is expected to
be $15,500,000,000.
Included in the $1,625,000,
000 which Mr. Roosevelt sought
for the navy in cash was $400,-
000,000 for maintenance and re
pair of defense installations In
government or privately owned
merchant-ships, - - C . ----Correspondents
at once asked
whether tills meant that mer
chant vessels would be armed.
Mr. Roosevelt assured his press
conference that this was not
contemplated and that the bulk
of the sum undoubtedly would
be used for naval ships. He
suggested it would be applied
to such things as fitting vessels
with equipment to combat mag
netic mines. He added he sup
posed conversion of some pri
vate vessels to navy use was
contemplated also.
Many New Ships
Mr. Roosevelt sought $698
000,000 in cash and $1,000,000,
000 In additional contract au
thorizations for the maritime
commission. He said the money
would be used for a great many
new ships, but did not disclose
the exact number.
Both of the requested Items
today, the chief executive ex
plained, were necessary be
cause of the defense program
and shipbuilding program are
ahead of schedule, so far
certain navy activity and cargo
shipbuilding are concerned.
Vichy, Unoccupied France,
July 1jUP) The Vichy gov
ernment, after studying British
terms for an armistice in Syria,
announced today it had found
them unacceptable and indica
tions were that the fight with
the British and de GaullisU
would go on.
"The English text (of armis
tice conditions) is In basis and
In form unacceptable for the
French government," said the
It added that the terms "seem
ed to have been edited precise
ly to prevent all possibility of
eventual agreement on the
points in question."
New York, July 11. m
Domel, the Japanese news
agency, reported in a Tokyo
broadcast today that Foreign
Minister Yosuke Matsuoka was
unable to attend today's cab
inet meeting on account of
Copco Net Income
Expand in Year
San Francisco, July 11. VP)
California Oregon Power com
pany made $1,040,163 net in
come In the 12 months ended
Msy 31, an Increase from $918,
439 la the (receding veal.
Bitter Battles in East
y ao 3QQ
I fstoniaCU ' I
I l. VST ' .TiV J I
5 (POLAND) I )
Helsinki, capital of Finland
aerial bombing and Finnish
leased naval base of Hango. The Russians claimed they had
halted a thrust past Ostrov. toward Leningrad, and action la -the
central sector (2) was generally severe in the Polotsk
area. Another center of battle was at Novograd Volynskl (J).
Claims on the Bessarabian area
Russians claimed a victory at
New York CornniiesCallonF. D. R. j
To Implement Assistance Pledge
New York, July 11. 0P) In the communist party's first,
mass meeting since the beginning of the Russo-German war, a
capacity crowd at Madison Square Garden last night adopted
a resolution calling upon President Roosevelt "fully and com
pletely to implement" hi pledge of assistance to the U.S.SJt.
Robert Minor, acting secre
tary of the party during the
imprisonment of Earl Browder,
told the crowd, estimated by
police at 19,000, that it is "the
sacred obligation" of American
workers to produce every tank,
gun, plane and ship at greatest
possible speed for war on all
fronts against Hitler.
The resolution held that "the
criminal aggression against the
peoples of the Soviet Union and
all progressive humanity clear
ly demonstrates that the peace,
freedom and security of our
people demands the crushing
military defeat of Hitler."
The resolution called also for
"the defeat of his friends in the
United States, the Lindberghs,
Hoovers, Wheelers, Norman
Thomases and all other appeas
ing Munich-men."
Complete returns on yester
day's voluntary civilian defense
registration will not be avail
able until Monday, Frank Hull,
coordinator of the Jackson Coun
ty Council of Defense, stated
Meantime registration will
continue for 10 days at the
chamber of commerce, Mr. Hull
announced. More than 300 reg
istered at the chamber of com
merce office yesterday.
In the nine Ashland precincts
and the West Ashland precinct
625 persons registered, 114
others registering in the pre
cincts Immediately around Ash
New York, July 11, (At
William V. C. Ruxton, president
of the British American ambu
lance corps, announced today
that 21 American men who sur
vived the sinking of the Egyptian
steamer ZamZam were being re
leased by German authorities for
return to the United States.
Ruxton said the German gov
ernment had Informed the u. S
state department that the men.
volunteer members of ambulance
corps units, were being sent to
Lisbon for removal to the United
States. ,
(1), underwent an Intensive
guns hammered the Russian
fighting conflicted, but the
Baltl (4).
R. D. Metcalfe of Oakland.
Cel., a field agent of the Clay
ton Knight committee, will be
in Medford until noon tomorrow
to interview men interested in
entering Canadian aviation ser
vice. He may be contacted at
the Hotel Medford.
Tho Knight committee la
working to procure pilots for
civilian flying in Canada and
England, Mr. Metcalfe explain
ed. One the pilot baa been ac
cepted for civilian flying, ha
may transfer to the royal Cana
dian air force with the rank of
first lieutenant, he said. Mr.
Metcalfe cited lenient qualifica
tions and high pay at induce
ments. Novice with a minimum of 80
logged hours of flying are being
accepted for further, intensified
training at American schools ana
pilots with 300 hours or more
are being accepted for service Us
Canada. After their training.
the less experienced pilots will
be sent to England to ferry air
planes from factory to base.
Metcalfe said.
By the Associated Prea
London, July 11 RAT heavy
bombers, with a fighter escort,
attacked the shipyard at Le
Trait, west of Rouen on the German-occupied
French coast, this
morning, it was authoritatively
reported. One German fighter
was destroyed. It was said, but
all the British plane returned.
Late this afternoon, attar a
brief lull, strong force of Brit
ish plane flew again acroaa th)
channel almost without let-up.
II Mlaen Die la Blaet
London, July 11 Fif
teen coal miner were killed
last night in an explosion at
the Rhlgo colliery near Neath,
In Glamorganshire. The blaet
roll spud several workJap.