DEFENSE COUNCIL DIVIDES ACTIVITY INTO FDURPHASES Formulation of Plans for Aluminum Gathering Con tinued; Date Known Soon Steps to perfect Its organiza tion were taken last night by the Jackson County Council of Defense at a regular meeting at the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. Organization into four prin cipal divisions was approved as 4 follows: (1) utilities and com munication, John C. Boyle, chief; (2) planning, Glenn L. Jackson, Mayor H. S. Deuel and County Judge J. B. Coleman in charge; (3) protection, Lloyd Williamson, Herb Moore and E. W. Winkle; and (4) necessity, J. C. Collins, chief. Each division has many sub-divisions so that every contingency in case of , emergency can be taken care of quickly and efficiently. The council also continued the formulation of plans to gather scrap aluminum through out the county. Date for the col lection will be announced soon. Committee in charge comprises Mrs. C. Reese Braley, Miss Bertha Coy and Robert G. Fowler. Gathering of the scrap aluminum will be arranged in the rural areas by Mr. Fowler, county agent, through the ex tension service. Capt. S. M. Turtle, council y chairman, presided. VALSETZUPSETS 2-1 Albany, July 10. (Al bany's defending state semi-pro baseball champions went off the deep end last night, losing 2 to 1 to Valsetz and fading from the tourney with two defeats. Tonight Valsetz meets Port land's Marine - Electric, which drubbed Dairy Creek last night 12 to 4, and Silverton and Bend, the only undefeated nines in j ine tournament, face each other In the nightcap. Albany s Dick Johnson was stingy with hits last night, giv ing only two, but he walked his opposing pitcher, Ray El' liott, in the sixth and Elliott scored the winning run. The Lumbermen's first run came in the Initial Inning on an error and Albany tied it in the fourth. Scores: R. H. E. Dairy Creek 4 4 11 Marine Electric 12 8 2 Buyas and Bletzer; Smith and Drath. R. H. E. .222 Valsetz Albany 13 1 Gambit, Elliott and Dixon, Hood; Johnson and Owens. T The yellowjacket who had built a nest over the back door of the courthouse were destroy ed yesterday with poison gas. A half-hundred survivors were around this, morning getting ready to rebuild, and they face the same fate. County Agent R. G. Fowler administered the poison gas. He held a bucket of water con taining cyanide below the nest, the fumes causing the yellow jackets to die in their tracks. The hornets had been build ing their nest for three weeks, and according to the janitor, it was the best job of nest-building he ever saw. Des Moines, la., July 10. (At George Tywater, 32, Negro janitor has just moved his fam- ily into a five-room bungalow he built himself. Construction took four years and the frame house has a living room, two bedrooms, dining room and kitchen. Estimated cost is $1,000. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY On 1941 PLYMOUTHS and DESOTOS Do Soto Plymouth Humphrey Motors 33 s. Riverside. none M LIVESTOCK Portland Portland. July 10. (AP-C8DA) Hoes: 760: market KUn, 10lSc higher: good-choice 17S to ais-lb. dnve-lna $113 to mostly SHOO, medium trades down to $11.60; 330 to 380-lb. butchers mostly $11.23$) UJO: llht lights $1100 11.35; packing- sows about steady, moatly $8 00 SAO; butcher sows to 610.00 and above: feeder plge acarce. choice lightweights quotable 613.60a 14.00. Cattle: 116; calres 76; market act! re. largely 36c higher than Mon day: scattered graaa-lat eteers 69.00 SAO; few fed steers $10 00 10 10; cutter-common dairy heifers $4.60 a 7.76; beef heifers upward to $9.60; canner-cutter cows moatly $5 .50 a 6.35; fat dairy cows upward to $6.76; tew beef cows $7.00 97.75; medium good bulla $8.3696.35: odd head $9.30: good -choice vealers $1140$) 13.00; strictly choice to $13.50. Sheep: 600; market steady: good choice spring lambs $8.73 to moatly $9.00: one selected lot $9.35; feeder lambs $8.00 8 60: yearlings $5.30 6.00; common to fairly good ewes use) 3.60. South Han Francisco South Ban Francisco, July (Fed.-fltate Mkt. News) Hogs: 700: around steady; most 186 to 333-lb. caiifornlaa 613.10, few 340-lb. $11.60; odd packing sows $8.75 9.35. Cattle: 60; 'steers nominally un changed, fed kind quoted $10.50- 11.00; medium to good belters ab sent, quoted $8.0009 00; good range cows scarce, quoted $7.75; bulk run Just arrved. largely nearby dairy she stock; bulla nominally $8.00 down. Calres: Salable, none; nominally steady; good to choice Tealers strong. quoted up to $1140. Sheep: 1,300; fully steady: about one deck wooled 74-lb. lambs $10.35; around 800 bead shorn 70 to 78-lb. lambs $9.00, with 30 per cent sort at $8.00; long deck good 78-lb. ewes $3.00, 66 head 73-lb. common $1.80. Chicago Chicago. July 10. AP-USDA) Hogs: 19.000: mostly 10 15c higher than Wednesday's average; top $1140; bulk good and choice 180 to 370-Ib. S11.1M 11.45; most 370 to 330-lb. butchers $11.00 j? 11 35; smooth 300 to 400-lb. packing sows $10.00910.80; with 400 to 500-lb kind $9.75910.15. Cattle: 3.000; calves 800: few loads weighty steers firm mostly 610.359 11.35; choice light yearling steers brought $1140; mostly $10.259 11.36 trade on fed heifers, with spots round $11.60; moat fat cows $7.50 96.00; weighty sausage bulls selling freely up to $9.35; vealers fully steady at 61340 down. Sheep: 6400; spring lambs strong to 36o higher; three doubles Wash ington springers with light sort $13.00; small lota good to choice native springers $11409 11 A; throw outs mostly $1040 down; few fat native yearlings $9.009940: odd na tive ewes 84.75: bulk $3.7694.60. Portland Produce Portland, July 10. ") Butter: Prints A grade 40c lb. In parch ment wrappers, 41c In cartons; B grade, 89c In parchment wrappers, 40c In cartons. Butterfat: First quality, maximum of . of 1 peroent acidity, delivered In Portland. 38a38H lb.; premium quality, maximum of 45 percent acidity. 39 9 36 He lb.; valley routes and country points 3c leas or 36c lb.; second quality, at Portland, 3e under first, or 38e36Ve. Others unchanged. Chicago Wheat Chicago, July to. V Wheat: Open High Low Close July 1.05 '4 1JMH 1.04 "4 1.05 '4 Sept. 1.0H 1.0814 1.08(4 1.08 Dee. 1.07 1.091 1.07ft 1.08 Portland Wheat Portland, July 10 " OraJn: Wheat: Open High Low Cloae Sept. J1V4 Jl!4 a at Cash grain: Oata. No. 3, 38-lb. white 63840. Barley, No. 3, 45-lb. bearded white $3540. Cash wheat (bid): Soft whit 88c; soft white excluding rex tie; white club 93c; western red 91 Ho. Hard red winter: ordinary 89c: 11 "If More Old People would use ADLKRIKA tbey would feel better. I'm 70 and have had it on band for 14 years." (L. If .-So. Dak.) rot QUICK bowel action snd relief from bloating gas. try ADLERIKA todsy. At your Drug Store. AT HOME... IN SAN FRANCISCO In tin Waft Talks! Apsrtmnl HeW Enjoy the extra comfort of apartment livingwith full terrice of s fine hotel qujet yet only four blocks from downtown sbopschestrw, Aprtmnu frrm 3. JO Al T. SAJUON. Mgr. I VIM 1 MEDFORD MAIL pet. 634e: 1 pet. 3i,e; 13 pet 97 He: 14 pet. 99Sc Hard white-bean: 13 pet. $1.03. Today's car realpta: Wheat 34; flour 18; corn ; mlllfeed 4. Wall St. Report New York, July 10. (JP The stock market developed a char-ley-horse today after its million share sprints of the two preced ing sessions. While a number of specialties exhibited strength, and some utilities, rubbers and aircraft gave a fairly good account of themselves, many leaders of the recent come-back to the best average price levels since Janu ary limped into lower territory. Transfers were around 800,000 shares. Today's closing prices for 34 select ed stocks follow: Al. Chem. at Dye 1584 Am. Can 87 A. T. T. 155 Anaconda Atcb. T. A 8. F. Bendix Avla. Bethlehem Steel -Caterpillar Tract. Chrysler Curtlia-Wrlght Douglas Aircraft DuPont - Gen. Electrle Oen. Foods Oen. Motors Int. Harvester johni-Manvllla Kennecott Monty Ward No. Amn. Avn. . North Amer. Penney (J. C.) mm "Don't tell me you're going shopping today. Suet Youll be worn out in this heatl" "Not ms I'm buying everything on my list at Montgomery Ward I" V "Why, I didn't know Wards carried all mora thingtl" "tot, If I don't see who! I wont in the store, Doris; I just pkk it out in WWi catalogs" "You mean you can buy things in Wards cata log! there at the I torsi" "Yu, m the catalog order oeporfmenf I They ruth things from fhe warehouse vo reory SAVtl". mm TRIBUNE. MEDFORP. Penna. It. R. ' . , 13 , 8 . 23 S . 43i Phillips Pet. Radio Southern Pacific Std. Branda Std. Oil Cat. Std. Oil N. J. Tranaamerlca, . . 41 "BATHROOM Shows how to , your bath at low plains the P.M. A. I OREGON. THURSDAY. Union Carbide . 7a , 41 . in, . 5 'l United Aircraft United Airline U. S. Steel Ban Franesleo Butter San Francisco. July 10. But ter, egga and cheese unchanged. BOOKLET modernize costl Ex Flan. st i Guaranteed1 2 Yoartl A Huskier Garden IIoso isl fteoWee' far aViSolef A hesvy, braided cord is vulcaniied between 2 lsyers of live, tough, black rubber. It's tested to withitind 400 lbs. pressure. Will last many ysars, with proper care. Compare at 30 More Sale! 35-lb. Roofing l 'rel Naih, ceeH avceaWf Wards genuine mica-surfaced roll rooting depend able low-cost protsction for small buildings, or for gen eral sheathing purposes. 80-lh. Roll Roofing 3.31 .' Mod to till Mad to wear Seat Cover Prices Cut! 249 SolUt Drive In cool comfort I Water repellent fiber and snug-fittlnc clothing! These prices cut 4 days only I Split-back Coo pe $! Redans and eoarhrs.S.0 Compare rt with any S4.S0 Ice Cream Freezer 319 40MrtsVssf Hakes delicious les cream It. 7 to 12 minutes I Csst metal gesrs assure smooth, essy operstionl All metal parts rust-resisting I Wirebound enameled Cedar tub! Save I JULY 10. 1941. Sacramento. July 10 Pi Churn ing cream butterfat: First grade 414c; second grade 39',. Masons to Meet In Hills Toledo, Ore., July 10. (P) Master Mason degrees will be conferred during a state meeting - Il.' ' lew I tt9 raHr IfewhstlvamiaI g22S r " '' " W' In the Eola hills near West Sa lem next month, R. V. Carlson of Salem, notified the local lodge. Silverton Cannery Silverton, Ore.. July 10. (P) '"""OS kcludmJi frtstimotm.s XeguforrV 1.291 8-Qnart Can of Oil! i35 "Supreme Quality" ... 100 Pure Pennsylvania I You can't buy Setter oil at ANY price . . . tmywbsnl Stock up todsy and save I fVice cut from 3.391 Guaranteed 12 Months! 310 4Wey price "Commander" battery ... 39 full-siied plates . . . Port Orlord cedar separators I 1 piece leak-proof esse. A de pendable power plant at a dollar-saving priest Compfetay AvtomaVt Water System 541 88 HO Ohm Ceswcrr Panning water at ths tarn oi a faucet I This system gives plenty of water for the average home I Conies corn pit f with all fittings! lev m. .. Nr later! SMI SS k Keatti Porclaln-Enamold St I Cabinet Sink Oerr J4 AMmtkV 3988 This trim, gessy wVtt cabU net sink has 1 sliding doors and a modern enamel and chrome-plsted mixing f att est! Big itortf space lew Csn Csaias PAGE FIVE Ths Silverton Canning com pany is handing a smull run of cherries this week in its new quarters just completed adjacent to its old plant. The heavy bean canning season is expected to get under way late in July. 1 If WHEEL COYER gc I I Cool, summer-driving I style I Fits any steer- i I Xing whesL A bargain! wHEtttMI I "- 19c I Onyx color. Fits any 1 steering wheel I It's a I X give-swsy pricel f I I CAMP SI00L I TMi Week S) I O-y.,, J$JC Sunfast-atriped can- vas top, hardwood I Xsf r a m a I Folds - up! 1 WO Aiilil He A I Enough to last a life- I V timel Reiuiary lSe I X.copular alscs. SsvelX I 41c Kalsomlne I - 36c j Enough to cover an I V sntira room. Choice Xf many colors. J THESPINs I nwjjJJ J Reduced mora then 25 I Sturdy spring- Xtyps pins. Save now CORN BROOM l 54c J A new broom sweeps cleaner I s-sswed to Xhold susnds firmlyl I a 5gc 1 Easy to Install I An- tique Copper or dull V Brass finish. Save! HOSE NOZZIE I 33e J Strong, solid brass ... will Isst years I Ad- i X 'ustsbls, rnst-proof. WWW 117 S. Central. , Tel 3J30 117 SOUTH CENTRA!. TELEPHOrTX IU8