Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 09, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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nolbrm (rflMI
Mall TrilM.M
4Wtf.B North fir U fbOM 1141
IIMIir ft. QILeTHAi. Man.!.
rHr4 m Moond tlM Niitttt at U4
rtt Oro, un1r Aol Hat-) t.
Bf Malila Adwaneai
OaKj arA ftunt.aj' rw M
Dally aed 'jotir n moot ha... lit
, Dal I J aatt tia-lar tSraa tnoiitaa:. I
Dallr aaA unrtar ona month... .Ta
Bf Cariar la Alaoea WaHonL Aah
land. Caatral Poiat, Jackaontllta, OaM
Mill. Roiua ftivar, PDoania, Talaal.
an aa motor raulaat
Dally a ad Huoday ona raar t.M
DAilV AoA uodar ua moot. .fa
All tarma taali IB ad a oca.
Official lapt al lb Cll at Madia
Of'IrtAl rNDt JirkMa Ouaty
Maatla rll iMMd Wlra Mar It.
Tha Aaaoelatat Kraaa la aicluaivaiy
ot It lad ta lha aaa (or publiMtloa of all
iiwi Aiapateftaa aradliad ta li er atnat
wiaa fraditait ta thta pa par. an4 alaa ta
taa local putniajhad haralo.
AH nghti for pubiicatloa af apaeiaj
ClapAtehaa fcaraia ara aiaa raaara(L
Advartiaiat RapraaantativM
Otfleaa ta New Vork. Chiea, Oatrolt
Raa Franc) mo. Lorn Angalaa, tteallia.
lartiA4. St, Lea I Atlanta, Vanaouaar.
Ye Smudge Pot
Br Arthur I'enrj
An eastern scientist finds Der
Fuehrer Hitler possesses "the
nervous tensity" to have been a
master piccolo player. Thus the
world has one less piccolo player
and one more "Napoleon."
The army band on parade did
noble yes. It marched and played
two whole blocks without losing
Its individual and collective
"While wearing slack, some
have the knack of looking lak
ruin and wrack." (KC Star)
As duly noted.
The British public and press
are demanding land action
against Germany, while she is
engaged in the east, with Russia
the brave and bcwhiskered al
lies of the democracies. It seems
a logical time and the peoples
of the conquered lands might
rise from their complacency to
help them. In the meantime, the
"sweet calm," the poets sing
about, abides over all Italy, and
all they know of war is what
they read In the papers.
(Eugene Register-Guard)
"A disgruntled Eugene male,
burned because his female
friend was paying so much at
tention to the uniformed sol
diers, barked: 'How about the
hostesses that are supposed to
be with the army ... I'd like
to make them feci at home,
A California rancher found a
$113 gold nugget in a haystack.
The supposition is he was look
ing for a needle.
Iceland, where American na
val forces have landed "to keep
the Atlantic free, gets diaboll
cally cold. According to one
account, a cup of hot tea will
freeze solid, and the wind blow
it away before one is able to
sip it.
Mrs. J. Cochran Robin of the
Cthse Apts visited the Baptist
church lawn Tucs. as she under
stood there was to be choir prac
tice, of which there was none.
The esteemed Orcgonlan edi
torially declares the federal lot
tery plan, approved by Portland
citizens in a front-door poll, "has
been tried and found wanting."
There is no doubt about it. In-
, evitably the lottery ticket pur
chaser is found wanting another
(Merrick (NY.) Life)
"BUREAU for sale by woman
with beech wood drawers.
Fpt. 33570."
Eiforts of a number of ama
teur mountaineers in the north
west area, during the observance
of the nation's birthday, to emu
late a Rocky Mt. goat, resulted
in nothing more serious than
keeping themselves, and the
nearest forest rangers up all
The Nazis, Berlin reports are
astounded by the "treachery of
the Red soldiers who "played
dead," and opened fire on the
passing Hitler legions. Nazi dip
lomats "played possum with a
number of the conquered lands,
with non-aggression pacts, and
before the ink was dry thereon
launched blitzkriegs. No people
has a monopoly on treachery,
but it is aggravating when self
appointed masters of it are
hoisted on their own cussedncss.
Fort Wort h, Te x. (UP)
Enough belts to stretch across
this town of 170,000 were stolen
in a robbery here. The men's
belts were valued at $1,351 20
They ranged in size from 28
to 32. .
Everybody Register Tomorrow
DETTER be safe than be sorry!
If that wise adage had been followed when Hitler
first started into the Rhineland, the world situation
today would be different, VERY different indeed !
It was the failure to play safe, the willingness to
take chances, the almost universal disposition to
regard the Hitler menace as exaggerated and the
product of war hysteria, that have been largely
responsible for the tragic predicament of world
democracy at the present tragic time.
yHE civilian registration program which opens
here tomorrow, serves notice on the world, that as
far as Jackson County is concerned at least, this
peaceful community in Southern Oregon is going to
take no chances.
There is no war hysteria here. No one expects
shells from the Japanese fleet to come soaring over
the coast range tomorrow. The prospect of a Nazi air
bombardment, via the Bering straits is conceded to
be extremely remote, if not impossible.
This country IS actually if not technically in the
war. No one can tell precisely when it WILL become
a shooting war. When it does, no one can tell just
WHERE the first blow will fall.
Itmay not be here on the Pacific Coast. On the
other hand, who knows, it MAY be.
AT any rate Jackson County is not going to be
" found napping, and in accordance with Governor
Sprague's wise and farsighted policy, a general regis
tration for civilian preparedness and defense will be
held tomorrow, the regular election day polling places
being open and operating for that purpose.
TX7E need hardly emphasize this is an extremely
" important occasion. This progressive com
munity as usual has taken the leadership, Jackson
County being one of the few in the state, calling the
regular election boards into action. The outcome
will be watched with interest all up and down the
coast, and it now depends upon you, and you, and
you, as to whether the effort is to be a failure or a
So come on boys and girls and make it a success.
a complete and entire success.
Register at any regular
between the hours of 2 and 8 p.m., so the proper
authorities may know what, in an emergency, you are
best fitted to do, and proper organization can be
started at once.
MO drilling will be involved. No uniforms will be
passed around. This isn't a fighting effort, in
the general accepted meaning of the term.
It is a PREPAREDNESS effort. And certainly
the present war has demonstrated its supreme im
portance. For modern war is total v and total war is war
for the civilian as well as the combatant: war behind
the front, as well as at it. Armies can't stop fighting to
put out fires, aid injured citizens, give directions to
bomb shelters, prevent panic, look after sanitation,
communication, morale, or do the thousand things
that must be done if a community is PROPERLY
prepared to defend itself. This will be work for the
registrants to do.
PVEN granting that actual hostilities here in the
" Rogue River Valley are extremely unlikely,
which is true. Nevertheless, there are other things
of vital importance in general preparedness not in a
direct military sense at all, but simply part of a co
ordinated, common sense plan of being ready at
home when, and if, a shooting war does come, instead
of following the European example, and only getting
busy in this direction AFTER it's too late!
CO don't forget, the polls are open tomorrow from
0 2 in the afternoon until 8 at night. If you are able-
Dotiiea "white and over 18
and sign up.
1 ou may think there is nothing for you to do. but
in modern war there is something" FOR EVERYONE
TO DO, and the sooner the proper classification is
made, the better for all concerned.
Should E D. R. Be Impeached?
flE are asked what has become of President Roose
' velt's solemn promise in the recent campaign that
if reelected he would not send troops to any foreign
land, except in case of attack.
Isn't Greenland a "foreign land?" our corres
pondent asks.
It is.
Then hasn't President Roosevelt broken his
He has.
Then shouldn't he be impeached?
We fear if every President who said one thing
during his campaign, and did something else when he
got in the White House, had been impeached, some
of our greatest chief executives would never have
remained in office for more than a few weeks.
The point, as we see it, is not what was or wasn't
said in the 1940 campaign, but what is BEST for this
The world situation is changing rapidly these
days. The fate of a country failing to keep up with
it might well be TRAGIC.
The flower trade of The
Netherlands Indie has been de
pressed by expenditures for war
the department of commerce
polling place tomorrow
go to your polling place
Ninety-two percent of all re
tail stores are independently
operated against 77 9 percent in
1929. department of commerce
statistics show
Personal Health Service
By WUllaaa
II(M4 totters pertalnlaf te personal health ud hygiene, not to disease
dla.nosl. or, will be answ.reS ay Or. Brady if a (lamped sell.
addreMed envelope la endootd. Letters should be brief and written la Ink.
Owing to the largo .amber of tetters rooslvod only a fear can bo answered
hero. No reply ran bo eiado to queries not eonfoarainf to Instruction,
address Dr. William Brady, Ms El Cesalao. Beverly Hills, C.I If.
Composite of numerous fool
ish questions:
"Have blood pressure. Would
like to know if (rape Juice, red
meat, starches,
eggs, vitamins,
coffee, fried
food, salt, gar
lie, wheat
germ, sausage,
smoking, sleep
ing w i t h o ut
pillow, etc.,
etc., is bene
ficial or harm
ful. At least such
questions seem
foolish, but
maybe that Is because I don't
know as much about blood pres
sure as the correspondent thinks
he or she knows.
Frankly, I know little about
It. A lot of doctors apparently
know a great deal about it,
enough to write imposing books
about it 1 mpoiini, I said.
There is a small shelf full of
such books in my library. It
saddens me to look even at the
backs of 'em. Reminds me of
the enormous amount of printed
matter dealing with inconse
quentials. In the vast field of
medicine and health alone the
mast of such stuff is appalling.
Remember, now, I know little
about blood pressure, high, low
or intermediary. Don't read an
other word if you are handling
your own case, for my utter
ances will only confuse you.
As a rule high blood pres
sure is a beneficial compensa
tory manifestation, change
which is necessary to maintain
fairly good circulation in spite
of some handicap. Just what the
handicap may be in a given case
Is a question which only the
patient's own physician can an
swer intelligently, after he has
examined and studied the pa
tient. As a rule low blood pressure
is one feature of some individ
ual, perhaps inherited constitu
tional peculiarity or of some nu
tritional deficiency or of some
chronic disease.
Long ago some Inept phy
sician who examined me for life
insurance informed me that my
blood pressure was low. I have
had similar examinations many
times since, but have never
cared what my blood pressure
measurement showed. I have at
my elbow an accurate mercury
sphygmomanometer (instrument
for measuring blood pressure)
but I do not think It worth
while to use it to measure my
News Behind
The News
By Paul Mallon
(Continued From r.g. On.)
terms of some draftees and
everyone knows that would be
unpopular (leaving out any con
sideration of sending troops
abroad, which will no doubt be
considered separately in con
gress, and probably defeated.)
IIP to now Mr. Roosevelt's
moves have suggested an in
clination to maintain two theo
ries of government at the same
time: (1) A farmer-labor theory
advocating increased farm
prices, and allowing wage in
creases, some strikes, short
hours, and (2) a defense govern
ment which requires price con
trols and wage limits, utmost
Apparently these two ideas
cannot be maintained side by
side much longer.
THE Iceland occupation an-
nouncement was put together
in a hurry. No mimeographed
co'c: of Mr. Roosevelt's mes
sage were available even after
the reading of it started in the
house. But the political ground
work for it was cautiously laid
in advance.
Three days ahead. Senator
Wheeler, the government oppo
sition leader, was able to an
nounce he had heard it would
be done. His reaction then gave
the White House a fairly good
idea that no strong objections
would be encountered. (Wheel
ers' words were:
"It might be all right to take
over Iceland for national de
fense, but who knows what
Colonel Knox or Mr. Stimson
may order the army or navy to
do after they get there?"
The leait that Secretaries
Knox and Stimson will do was
made clear in Mr. Roosevelt's
mejiiage. They will keep the
seas clear and thus assure the
safety of convoys between here
and Iceland "as well as on the
seas between the United State?
and all other strategic points."
! While t!iis is done under the
siecrssity of maintaining com-
Brad M. D.
own or anyone else's blood pres
sure. ,
Who cares about blood pres
sure? They who know least about
it seem to care most.
I repeat, the questions people
constantly ask about the effects
of this and that on high or low
blood pressure are foolish ques
tions, and would be dangerous
questions if I tried to answer
them. '
I repeat, blood pressure, high
or low, is not in itself a malady
or an independent or primary
condition which calls for any
particular remedy, diet or pre
caution. The blood pressure is
just one feature, which may or
may not help the physician to
diagnose or understand what is
wrong with the patient or his or
her hygiene or way of living.
If you ask me, as a health
teacher or adviser, I tell you
the best plan is to pay no atten
tion to your blood pressure.
Leave such questions to the Judg
ment of your physician.
Shortage of Vitamin A
M7 d.ughter, 30, suffered with Terr
dry .ln. eapeclally on leg. and upper
arm.. After a bsth there was much
Itching. Her hair vu oily and seemed
thinner than It had been. Wo read
In your column of vitamin A short
age and difficulty In seeing well In
half darkness. That was another
complaint of my daughter. She be
gan talcing three capsule, dally of
natural vitamin A (76.000 unit.) and
In lea. than a month her akin had
become normal and she recovered
her ability to drive at night. (Mr..
M. R. C.)
Annver Excessively dry skin I.
ono ch.racterl.tlo manlfeautlon of
natural vitamin A shortage. So 1.
night blindness or excessive dazzling
by opposing headlight, or by glare.
Brain Food. Muscle Food. Bone Food
Just what food build, muscle?
What food build, vitality? I. then
uch a thing a. nerve food or brain
food? la calcium really bono build
ing? (J. 8.)
Answer Adequate Intake and utili
zation of calcium and phosphorus are
easentl.l for normal functioning and
repair of bones, teeth, nerve., but It
is hardly ju.tlfl.ble to call any par
ticular food or food, "brain food" or
"bono building". Fresh raw milk
from cow. on pasture or getting fresh
fodder most nearly approaches being
brain, nerve, bone and muscle food,
1n my opinion. Thl. .pplle. only to
Certified raw milk or to raw milk
from tuberculin tested cow.. Send
35c and lo-t.mped envelope bearing
your addresa. for booklet "Feeders
Digest." it will help you to know
your food.
Ed. Nofo: Persona wishing to
communicate with Dr. Brady
should send letter direct to Dr.
William Brady, M. D, ZSS El
Camlno, Beverl) Hills. Calif.
municatlons for ourselves, the
British convoy system will ma
terially benefit.
London (U.R) The legend of
a tragic curse in the Lambton
family has been revived by the
death of Viscount Lambton, son
and heir of the Earl of Durham,
who was found shot dead on the
lawn of Fenton House. Norih.
Viscount Lambton was only
20. and had reoistpred for mil:.
tary service shortly before the
According to the tradition,
concerning the Lamhtnn inm
the Lords of Lambton for nine
generations were doomed not to
die in their beds. Thl. traHit;
dates from the Crusades when
tne Lord Lambton of the time
slew a worm so huge that it
could wind itself round a hill
near Lambton Castle.
Zurich 1 Biggest city In Swlt
aerl.nd. Zurich boasted 351 million
aire, last year. This year there are
01. The U ex-mllllon.tree claimed
tho war wa forcing them to live off
their capital and thereby reduced
their fortune..
To bo called a "millionaire- In
Swltnrrl.nd a man need, only the
equlT.lent of jno. American
value of 1 000 000. Swim franco.
Run of Luck
Willows, Cal. (UR) Manuel
Eleshio had a running streak of
luck at a card game played for
several days In succession. His
luck was still running high
when a friend Jokingly remark
ed: " A fellows always lucky
before he dies." Eleshio left the
game in a few minutes and was
struck by a truck and allied.
Never Drinks
Bri-bane. Australia lU.fl Aus
tralia's oldest known koala bear
has not taken a drink for the
past 18 yean, according to keep
ers of the Lone Pine roo. The
animal was captured during the
the koala bear sanctuary at the
1020 open season and placed in
from Washington
Housewives Note
Cost Increases
Farm Bloc
Opposes Curb
Labor Squadron
To Help Farmers
Br John W. Kelly-
Washington, D. C, July 9
Housewives in Oregon, who are
careful buyers, have noticed the
gradual increase in the cost of
many items at grocery stores,
the meat shops, and various oth
er commodities. In the national
capital Leon Henderson, of the
office of price administration
and civilian supply (OPACS), is
aware of the increase, just as he
is familiar with the motor prices
which have gone up despite his
warning. It is the Job of Hender
son to keep tab on prices, and
this is done by a staff of men
and women who are constantly
drawing charts and marking
each increase (there are no de
creases). Mr. Henderson has placed a
ceiling on several items, but as
he has no actual authority, the
specialists in those items can
ignore him if they desire, and
some of them have. Mr. Hender
son is aware that the cost of
living will be higher but to the
best of his ability he will sit on
the lid. However, there is a
group of congressmen who insist
that OPACS shall not interfere
with the rising prices until and
unless congress gives permis
sion. In the main this is the so
called farm bloc, and on farm
legislation this group usually
gets what it wants, regardless of
President Roosevelt, the direc
tor of the budget or any other
agency attempting to interfere.
IT can be stated for the record
that the entire Oregon delega
tion are in the farm bloc, Re
publicans and Democrat. So also
are members of the Washington
delegation and the delegation
from Idaho. It is one point on
which all these states have a
common interest. Fundamental
ly, what the farm bloc demands
Is that the farmers receive for
their product what is known as
"parity prices," which is not ex
actly the cost of production but
a price which should reasonably
satisfy them.
Of course, everything that
goes on the table comes from
the farm, and much that goes on
the back comes from the farm,
so it gets down to food and cloth
ing, two of the three things es
sential in living the third, shel
ter. Like every other producer,
the farmer's costs are going up;
labor is hard to get, and if he
requires new machinery he dis
covers that priorities have step
ped in. But OPACS knows this:
the farmers are not receiving
the increase in canned goods
now moving, for these were
canned on last year's crop. They
will obtain better prices for
their products this season, and
Mr. Henderson sees no reason
why goods now on shelves
should be upped in prices when
they were processed under the
old order. Before OPACS starts
fixing prices, however, a rip
snorting battle can be expected
in congress.
e e e
SO serious is the shortage of
agricultural labor in Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Montana,
Utah. Wyoming and Colorado
that the department of labor is
organizing a flying squadron of
farm hands to be transported
from place to place, many of
these workers to come from
New Mexico and southern Cali
fornia. The department has
called on the department of ag
riculture for list of labor
needed for crops, county by
county, and has investigated the
cost of transportation. Wheat
farmers in eastern Oregon have
been interviewed as to how
many hands they will require
and when they will be needed.
Orchardists have had similar in
quiries. With this data the labor
department has already started
its caravan of workers and they
will be thrown into one county
after another as crops are har
vested. It is the first time the labor
department has felt called upon
to furnish farm help and the ex
periment is being watched with
interest, for if It is successful
these labor battalions may have
to be used each year until the
emergency is over and people
leave the shipyards and muni
tions plants and return to the
soil. Labor department says the
movement will be in an orderly
manner and unless something
goes wrong every farmer who
is crying for help to save his
crop will have his wants sup
plied. Wages, of course, will be
higher than have prevailed, but
it is a case of paying more or
losing a crop.
. .
SENTIMENT on "the hill" is
distinctly against helping the
Soviets. Members of congress
recall that many of the recent
strikes in defense industries
were promoted by communists
and recognize that the delay in
furr!v'r.g material to the Bri
tish as well as equipping Amer
ican troops can be laid at the
door of these agents of Moscow.
Congressmen assert that if
American goods help Russia de
feat Germany and no one in
the capital expects Russia to win
the United States will (imply
be saving Russia so that it can
later continue its campaign to
destroy the government of this
country. Whatever the foreign
policy of the administration is,
this is the viewpoint of the aver
age senator and representative.
Ambassador Oumansky has ask
ed for tanks, planes, guns and,
above all, machine tools. Mos
cow radio broadcast that it
needed no help from the United
, In The .
. :News;,
uiu w. 1 1 ' j ' n -mum
By Frank Jenkins
ET'S keep this Iceland busi-
"" ness straight in our minds.
It IS another step toward war.
Beginning with the transfer of
destroyers to Britain and con
tinuing through the lease-lend
bill, we've taken these steps with
such regularity as to have com
mitted ourselves.
We'll go to war whenever Hit
ler starts shooting at us.
DEAD this Washington dis
patch: "Administration circles said
the move (occupation of Iceland)
was taken to thwart a vast Ger
man pincers campaign against
Britain s vital supply lines.
"It was said that the U. S
government had been informed
just before Germany's attack on
Russia that Hitler planned a
two-pronged blockade squeeze
one extending to Iceland to war
on north Atlantic shipping, the
other running through Portugal
southward to Dakar to prey on
British shipping in the south
x The government, through its
various intelligence services,
possesses information the rest of
us do not have.
In war time (for this as well
as other reasons) we HAVE TO
TRUST our government.
If EEP this also in mind:
The STRONGER we are, the
better prepared to meet any
eventuality, the less likely Hit
ler will be to start shooting at
The WEAKER we are the
more CERTAIN he will be to
start shooting.
GERMAN military dispatches
today (Tuesday) report that
the flower of the nazl army
flinging Itself against the Stalin
line, is contending with EVERY
Fields of soviet "corpses,
these dispatches say, suddenly
spring to arms and open a mur
derous fire on unwary German
Camouflaged Russian case
mates (defense points) let Ger
man panzer units roar by with'
out betraying their presence and
then open a terrific fire from the
When Russian armored cars
are put out of commission, their
crews will disappear into fields
of high grain only to turn up
suddenly ELSEWHERE to begin
a fierce sniping action.
rNB (the German propaganda
service) describes this "trick
ery" as showing how the Ger
mans "have to keep their wits
forever about them. Its pur
pose is to bolster the home
morale by telling how smart the
German troops are.
It is really a HIGH COMPLI
MENT to the Russians.
These "tricks" are a part of
the fabric of war. In one form
or another, they have been em
ployed by every great command
er since fighting began. Hanni
bal was peculiarly expert at de
ceiving the enemy. So was
Every ring fighter- who gets
anywhere uses feints. Fake plays
are a part of the tactics of every
successful football coach. Only
the unbelievably dumb do not
avail themselves of the advan
tage of fooling the other fellow
and taking him by surprise.
THE Russians, you see, are
NOT as dumb as they might
be. These "trickery" tales the
German propagandists are ped
dling prove it.
1APAN, obviously concerned
about American occupation
of Ireland, describes it as a
"stride toward war" and com
pares it to the possible sending
of Japanese troops to the Dutch
East Indies.
The point is that Japan is still
When she means business she
Bettor Late
Oroville. Calif. 4i For 50
years Harry James Osborne vo
ted here and even served as a
school board member. Then he
learned he was not an American
citiren. So at the age of 70 he
rectified the matter and took out
his papers.
Flight 0' Time
Medford and Jaeksoa County
History from tho files of tho Mall
Tribune 10 and to years aro.
July S. 1931.
at was Saturday)
Refusal of France to give as
sistance may force Germany off
the gold basis.
Premier Ramsay MacDonald
of England, "the next world war
will mean the end of civiliza
Efforts of Gov. Meier to oust
state air board causes political
ates, and cooler weather predic
Miss Viola Templeton of Cop-
co, wins oratorical contest at
Portland. She is now Mrs. Ber
nle Hughes.
Deficit in state fund de
creases, Gov. Meier reports.
President Hoover urges Amer
ican gold backing to prevent fi
nancial collapse in Germany,
France objects.
Continued fair
High S3, low SI.
and warm.
July 9, 1921.
(It was Sunday)
Scores killed and injured as
riots break out again in Belfast.
Man and wife from California,
carrying baby in arms, and
wheeling earthly goods In baby
buggy, present strange sight on
President Harding to ask de
lay on soldiers bonus bill.
California Bartletts average
$7 per box in Boston, as first
fruti arrives.
Crater Lake serves 200 peo
ple for Sunday, as biggest
crowd of season visits lake.
State game commission to en
large Butte Falls hatchery.
Warmer tomorrow; high 88,
low 49.
Phoenix, Ariz. (U.R) Experts
predict that Phoenix and the
"Valley of the Sun" in which
it Is located soon may be the
soil-less farming capital of the
Ernest Brundin, Montebello,
Cal., scientist who developed
soil-less farming on a mass
production basis and planned
commercial use of the method,
said the Phoenix area offered
ideal conditions for the pro
posed new industry.
The revolutionary new farm
ing methods adapts itself easily
to culture of vegetables, Brun
din explained. He expressed
hopes to produce vegetables out
of season that would bring good
prices on eastern markets.
Roots of the vegetables are
immersed in glass tanks filled
with water to which chemicals
are added in the combinations
to produce the best growth.
Honor Systam Falls
Berkeley, Cal. (U.R) The Uni
versity of California, after ade
quate trial, has abandoned the
"honor system" of examinations
which were conducted without
professors being .present. The
student body president replied
that "cheating would never be
eliminated until you cut out stiff
competition for grades."
Street Flushors
Lansing, Mich. (U.R) City of
ficials have glorified three street
flushers by making them part of
this city's emergency fire fight
ing equipment. The lumbering,
gray tank trucks were equipped
with pumps capable of shooting
a stream of water 100 feet from
regulation fire hose.
An Epic of the Old West
JULY 24-25-26
rivtc and IndnetTUI Parade
I'loneer Parade
Three Nlhtlv Shows
Bearded Me.
Ccstamed vTossew
"". JCOW!
Writs Bat ill Euee
Prlws: tO. ,.J, UM