PAGE SIX MEPFORP MATL TRIBUNE, MEPFORD. OREGON. MONPAT. JULY 7. 1941. YtSTlRDAT: Henry Pell to poino placta in lu directions. He hat a 6ia foo in real estate, and ht it hoping to craih radio with Kmi Kmot he it wnlinp. The dif ficulty, to hii young nie. to thai Henry not no time for hot, and besides, ho hot to rpond e lot of hit limo with Mario Mown, who to glamor personified in radio, how Luella to having dinner ' uith Tommy Mclntyre, who to in loot with Mario, nd gelling long badly vtth it. Chapter Ten FaeU About Marie pOCKTAILT" Tommy .aid, of. fering her t flass. Thsnks." Luells turned end smiled at Tommy. She tatted the drink. "I like it What it it called?" "A sidecar," Tommy replied. Luella laughed. "Sound! like a motorcycle, or something." the (aid. "But not possessed of quite at much of a kick." aaid Tommy. And then: "How're thlnga with mat nutDana or your7 he atxea. "Going placet rapidly. I tuppotc "Yet," aaid Luella, "going placet. That it It working at ft meant anything." "Well, it usually does, to they ay." "Between working at the office and working on those negro verses," aaid Luella, "I get very little of Henry'a time." She laughed. "Not that I'm complain ing. I took the bitter with the better" Tommy chuckled. "Another of- Bce widow, I take it, he laid. "Probably, or utt what ir an office widow. Tommy?" 'There are lota of them wo men whose husband! are more married to work than to them. There are office wldowt golf wiaows potter widows. "I tee, taid Luella thought d fully. "But how are thingt going with you, Tommy?" "Moving." "I'll bet you're going placet also!" "I think I am, Luella," tald Tommy. "Anyway. I'm booked for a promotion thortly. If it goet through, I may go down to Flor ida for awhile. I've eot a tmall cottage down there one an uncle left me. I've been hoping to make tome use of it" He drained hit glass, and a teriout expretsion eame into hit alee eyes. "I'd hoped to take Marie along with me you know, honeymooning along the Florida coast" "That would be lovely!" laid Luella. "Can Marie get away?" "Evidently not" "Oh, I'm lorry." "My trouble' laid Tommy, ,"teema to be chiefly with my per sonal life. In a buaineia way, I move in a sentimental way I nana sun. "You mean with Marie?" "Exactly." "I think lt't a darn shame!" Luella taid with feeling. "Marie ought to love marrying you, and naving a noneymoon down In your utile cottage." "Marie, alas, feelt otherwise.1 taid Tommy. "Being In love with a career woman un t eaty, Lu ella." Luella waa tllent for a moment "Do you know what I think?" he asked suddenly. Tommy snook hit head. "I've long aince given up trying to read folks' minds," he taid. . "Well, what I think it this," Luella explained. "1 think that 11 women have a atreak of ro mance and sentiment in them. no mat unaer certain clrcum ttancea that atreak will predominate." "I hope you're right" tald lommy. -out, go on tell me more. "And I also think that Marie'i no exception," laid Luella. "She'i a smalltown girl, Jutt at I am, and most small town glrla alwava carry with them a lot of eentl- mental and romantic leanings. Don't think I'm trvin tn h, Lucy Lonelyhearta or a Beatrice Fairfax, but I am going to give you uira aavice, lommy. i nai t darned twell of you, Luella," aaid Tommy. "Go on irom mere, i m all ears." "It'a about Marie." "Yes? So I gathered. that aaid Advice To Tommy 1VHEN we are Uking ' cruise with Mr. Rertnr Luella. "you must manage to get Marie alone on the moonlight deck. Find the most romantic tpot preside, ana propose to her in the gooa old-fashioned way." "You mean down on my km "-Imploringly?" 'That't it Tommy." "But mppose there's no moon?" we il not go on the cruise un less there it one." Tommy laughed. "Maybe It'll work at that!" he laid. "Who anows? "'lt't worth trvin. Isn't lt" "You bet it is. After I get down on my knee and propose, Luella wnax next? uooa neavens, Tommy, ute your imagination! lommy did not argue the point. And at a little before eleven o'clock he wai bringing his road iter to a standstill in front of the nouse in which the Pells lived. "It's been a marvelous after noon and evening. Tommy, "Lu ella aaid, holding out her hand. "I'm ever to grateful to you." "I'm the one to be grateful." aid Tommy. "Not going to let me come in?" No. Tommy" Luella replied. late, and Henry t probably tti working hit hetd off. I ll hive to thake him, and get him to bed." "Lucky devil. Having a girl like you to look after him." "Good night Tommy, and thankt a lofr Tommy looked at Luella some what tearchingly. "Maybe it's Jutt as well for you not to turn modern and let men come up at all hours," he said. "I should never turn that mod ern," Luella taid quietly. "Whether you realize it or not, Luella," Tommy went on, "you're a damned pretty and appealing woman. Some men are apt to lot their heads, and go well ro mantic." "The ideal" Luella laughed. "Go on home, Tommy, ana get some sleep." "I'm going horn, but I'm not sure about the sleep," said Tom my. He hesitated a second. "Good night Luella. You're a swell per son." "Goodnight, Tommy. So are you." Luella let herself into the apartment very quietly. Mayo Henry had already retired. If so, she didn't want to awaken him. He did work hard, poor boy. She tip-toed across the living-room, and twitched on a light One thing waa certain, the ditcovered with relief, Henry hadn't been sitting up working on the verses. His desk waa just at the had left It that morning after duating and cleaning. She moved to the bed room door, opened it softly, and peered In. The bedroom was also empty. Puzzled. Luella crossed thl threshold, and twitched on an other light The bed was also lust at the had left it that morning after dusting and cleaning. And then the taw the piece of paper. It wai spread out upon her pillow and upon it were aome hurriedly written worda in Henrv'a unfor gettable handwriting. L,ueua caught up the paper, and moved closer to the light In ease you get home before I do, honey, thit is to say that I'm working over at Marie'a place. She wanted me to try over tome of the musical settings her com poser friend hat completed. We'll probably work together for an hour or so. Hope you had a swell tima with Tommy. So that was it Luella thought angrily. So that was why Henry had been so willing for her to ic out with Tommy Mclntyre. It gave him an opportunity to spend uie evening wiin Marie Mason She crumDled the Diece nf m. per in her flat and dropped down upon the tide of the bed. She wai sitting there when the heard nenrys key In the lock. She leaped up, threw off her hat and coat and waa ninziDrjerine? her tport frock when Henry came ia -neno, ane tald brightly. "Hello, darlina!" said Henrv He came over, leaned down and kissed her cheek. "I thought you'd be asleep." "Asleep, and my husband out with a glamour girl!" taid Luella, trying to sound very modern and gay ana nippant "Uoodnesa. man couia i sleep under tucj circum stances?" Henry looked at her. He won dered if he would ever get to un derstand women in the leaat H couldn't tell to save him whether Luella wai aeriout or kidding. "I had to go tome place," he aid, "or go crazy tilting hert waiting for you to come home." "Really?" taid Luella. widening her eyes. "You mean you didnl plan to go over all along?" "Gosh, no, honey! Such a thought never occurred to me. I was aitting here workinff mv h.rl off that is. thinking my head off, aince I hadn't to much as put pen to paper and hoping that you and Tommy were having a good time, when Marie tele phoned and said " "Henry Pell." tald Luella. tre- mendoutly relieved, "come hers thit minute and kiss your wife properly. He so. enry Pell, a little puzzled, did Salt Water CEVERAL weeks of unsettled J weather, and a slight Are on board Malcolm Rector's - yscht made It necessary for him to de lay the cruise he had planned. It waa well into June before the weather cleared and the boat wu Anally docked at tha font ni Seventy-ninth Street Then at soon as he was certain everything was ship-ihape. Mr. Rector tele phoned the Pells, Marie, and Tommy Mclntyre. "At last we can have that V- end trip." he told them. "Next Saturday. I'll be looking for you at the yacht basin." And now Henry and Luella Pell were making their preparations, No one waa more delighted over the coming cruise than was Henry. He waa rather like a hnv acout about to start forth on a trek, Luella thought And she wished with all her heart thai the could feel as excited as her husband. But she couldn't "What bothers me." she said, "It what to take for such a trip. You know it it my Ant yachting expe rience, and 1 new felt so lerio. rant about anything before. "Take along what I'm taking aaid Henry. "Sport things." "I'll take along that linen dress you always liked so much." she ssid. Ye gnd. Luella. that's over a year old!" Henry exclaimed. "That doesn t make any differ ence, said Luella. "Linen wean like iron. Beaidea. I shortened the skirt a little, and cut off the long sleeves. I look nice in it even if I do say to at thouldn't" He grinned. "You can keen your eves open and see what folks who know are wearins. Now summer's here, we'll probably be asked to a number of places for week-ends. Several men at the office nave mentioned having ui out to their placet later." "You mean the husbands of those wives who were going tn welcome me into their mi(it?" said Luella with a touch of sarcasm. Te e tnUmil SOLDIER'S SWEETHEART VAITIMG AT THE GATE Camp Robinson, Ark., July 7 'P) Miss Jean Morris drove J. 000 miles from Los Angeles to surprise her fiance, Private liar Un T. Atwell. Los Angeles, on bis 22nd birthday yesterday. A- well, member of the 214th general hospital cadre, was out of camp on a pass which will not expire until tomorrow night. She's waiting. Glass W sell glass reglsie rour nroken windows reason ably Trowbridge Cabinet Works On the Radio Chains TSTIONSI Where to flag tbeea oa the stall ex. line, ronton: an. tvta. Loe ADfelcet KO. ISIS. Spokane: KUO. SIS. turn rrsaelm; note no, rortUnOi KJB, lose, aeatlloi B, NX. lot. Lot ansetrsi KOA SO, Deaieri KOIN, S7S. rortlaod: ftOMo. sso, Seattle) aro, as, San rrancteeoi KSU lias. Salt tea " Time Ihowa la PT Monday Sroo p. m Radio Theater, ICKX. KOIN. KBU Dr. I. Q. McClaln, KPO, XOW, XOMO-. String Enaemble, KJR; Summer Serenade. KEX. I:S0 p. m ' Drama Behind tha Nowa, KOO, KXX. KJR: That Strange Mr. Pertwee. KOMO: Floyd Wright. KPO, sura or Today, KOW 6:00 p. m. Out Lombardo'a Orch.. KNX, KOIK, KBU Gordon Jenkins. KOO, KEX: Contented Hour, KPO, KOW, KOMO; Scandinavian News, KJR. :S0 p. m. Cavalcade of America, KPO, KOMO, KOW; Blondle, KMX, KSL, KOIN; National Radio Forum, KJR; Roee KeznicK, KOO; Dance Orch., KEX. 7:00 p. m Araoe "n" Andy, KNX, KOIN, KSL; Fred Waring, KPO, KOMO. KOW; Tommy Donee's Orch, KOO, KXX. 1 to p. m World'e Beat KOO. Krx, KJR; Oay Nineties Revue, KNX, KSU KOIN: Harry James Orch, KPO, KOMO, KOW. S :0O p. m. Nell Bondahu'a Orch KPO, KOW, KOMO; True or False. KJR, KZX; Wbat'a On Tour Mind. KNX, KOIN. KSL; Amateur Hour. KOO. a JO p. m. Point Sublime, KPO, KOMO. KOW; Charlie Harriet a Orch, KSU KOIN; Milt Hertb Trio, KEX; Park Concert, KNX. S 00 p. m Paul SultlTan, KNX, KOIN: Melodlea by Miller, KOO. KEX, KJR: Hawthorne House, KPO KOW, KOMO; Hymn Servloo. KSL. :S0 p. m Pick a Tune, KPO. KOW. KOMO; Beautiful Music, KOO, KEX; Newa, KJR, KSU 10:00 p. m-Ray Noblo'a Orch, KNX; Reporter Km. KPO, KOMO. KOW; Baaln Street Chamber Music, KOO, KEX, KJR; News, KOIN; Mu ter or ka of Muale, KSU 1040 p. m. Ed Blocker and Muale. KOW. KOMO; Jerry Jonea' Orch. KSL; Concert Hall, KPO: National Radio Forum, KOO; Mastorworks of Muale, KNX; Eyea or the World, KOIN. . 11:00 p. m.- Oart RaranEa'a Orch, KSU KOnf; Chuck Foster's Orch, KPO, KOMO; Thla Moving World, KEX: Newa. KOO, KOW; Pishing Newa, KJR; Knox Manning, KNX. Second Husband. KNX, KOIN; Ar boretum Talk, KOMO; Bible Quia, KSU 8:30 p. m. Drama Behind the Newa, KOO, KEX, KJR: Hap Hazard Show, KPO, KOMO KOW: Lewleohn Stadium Concert. KSU KNX, KOIN. 6:00 p. m. A Daw vith Judy. KPO. KOMO, KOW; New American Muale, KOO. KEX: Olenn Mtller'a Orch, KOIN, KNX, KSL; ScandlnaTlan Re porter, KJR. 640 p. m. New American Music, KOO, KJR. KEX: College Humor. KPO. KOW, KOMO; Juan Arrlzu. KNX, KOIN. KSU T:00 p. m. Amoa "n' Andy, KNX, KOIN, KSL; Fred Waring , KPO. KOW, KOMO; Orand Central Station, KOO, KEX, KJR. 7:30 p. m. Johnny Presents. KPO, KOMO, KOW; Information Please. KO, KEX, KJR: Court of Missing Heirs. KNX, KOIN". KSU' 8:00 p. m. We, the People. KNX, KOIN, KSL: Easy Aces. KOO, KJR. KEX: Adventures of the Thin Man, KPO. KOMO, KOW. 8:30 p. m . Concert by Kalash, KOO, KJR; Battle of the Sexee, KPO, KOMO. KOW; Dick Jurcena- Orch, KSL; Hollywood Showcase, KOIN; Baseball Oame. KEX. :00 p. m. Paul Sullivan. KNX. KOIN; Don Kaye'e Orch.. KOO. KJR; Barrel of Fun. KPO: Faithful Stradi vari, KOW; Mliem and Matebem. KOMO: staltalr Orch, KSU S 80 p. m. Bill Henry. KNX. KOIN: Oaale Nelson's Orch, KOW: Musical CDNTirUlK rthMP,l we. OJTD rlBUK, -lANh HrJWY TOU. WITH his feet orjmiYS swks AN7 ANklK, SforfPS BPrfflASf rHH0t!mH6 PR0UD1Y HE HAS 66f ElfcW 6W6LE SOUTflRV BOffON. WD 5fWS Wlfrl TrlEM BOX fHWseeS y TVe en treSWsta, lee l fPiPS rsJrB Tnrrfe-inAi akin cc. liRES UR5TWlvS ON RQ0EST. REFLECTS WFFiJlW "rHAT TAMIlV DOESN'T SEIM To WPRKIME HElPFiMESS Potpourri. KPO: Simmy Doner's Orch, KOO: Newa, KJR, KSL; Old Timers, KOMO. 10:00 p. m. Reporter Newa. KPO, KOMO; Nell Bondahu'a Orch, KO, KJR: Dick Jurgena' Orch, KNX; Newa. KO.f, KOIN; Freddie Nagel'e Orch. 1040 p. m. Chuck Fcater'a Orch, KOW. KOMO; Army Band, KOO. KJR; Concert Hall, KPO; Behind the Headlines. KEX; Masterworka of llu-H-!. KNX. 1100 p. m. Newa. KOO; Bob Saun ders1 Orch, KPO, KOMO: Nightcap Yarns. K8U KOIN; Thla Morlog World. KEX: News, KOW; Pithing i News, KJR; Knox Manning, KNX. i Tuna Fishing Starts Astoria, Ore., July 7, With a successful halibut season 1 just concluded, Columbia river fishermen turned to tuna fish ing today. The first albscore tuna of the season was landed Saturday 70 miles off Heceta head. Packer have posted a I price of $140 per ton for alba core, $15 above last year's open-j ing price. 1 PALM BEACH WASHABLE NECKTIES $1.00 Store for Men T STRANGE AS IT SEEMS by JOHN MX :00 p. m.-Paul Sullivan. KNX. I ItjA A J '"7 Tuesday . van. KOW; Mliem and Matebem. jay- JfeLr rJrl- :0 p. m Speaking of Olamour, KOMO: Staltalr Orch, KSU Ji 'TO. a-s IjrSE:?': KOW; Streamline Journal, KOO, S 80 p. m. Bill Henry. KNX. KOIN: Jt ffW, .asSe& Yijk; KJR. KEX: styles In Muale. KPO: Onle Nelson's Orch.. KOW: Mualeal eLsVsW in. I V EACtRTOHELP cluvas wms J .iZfc LARSEVfe e Jl WwrT Ytlk w; ' CONNECTICUT FAMOUS T OTlrOTlm WEI6HT, 200 LBS.- CHARTER OAK HA5 A 7CV Ui il M WP JEweL3 P AGMB DESCENDANT Vl rVX rf $1 if mNrl ANO JASPER- 'tHf?DUSHOUT THE W KSJRE 1&J BE HEUWl, Jim WOK If, WtlH IteOfll TtmH tWES FOR TlOOr?, CRVIN6 HIlL llj, fT S ?fjfl ftfeEfMOIrlfR'SBWoNBt CHORUS OT'NOrV 100K WHAT rVKtriEVuP,S kifMg M TtvW IX4'M M k)& K fly I1 !SSSSsm LI L ABNER Yokums Rush In KINELY LtAD ME. T V SURE. YOU AN AWRTMENT IN THE. SAME, BUILDINO WHAR MAD-DOG IS. pe' "'". AH KNOWS HOWT ) MblOSTRUCK K OKAY, alEANIE..'-YOU T HANDLE. WIMMEN- COOC00.' I'LL jf BRING THE COOCOO SO IT (.GULP) SAYS J . LAO HIM TO A HERE - I'LL PUT HIM CHILDREN OF THE CHARTER OAK In 1687 a nsw English governor attempted to talcs Connecticut's charter and during a conference tha paper wai stolen and hidden in an ancient oak nearby. This old tree, after wards known as tha "Charter Oak," blew down In 1856. But a thoughtful Hartford cltisen had planted one of Its acorns. Tha young tree was later removed to a Hartford park and each year the park department sends Its acorns out to be) planted. Many of these "grandchil dren" honor famous men. One grows near tha Lincoln memorial In Washington, D. C. Tomorrowt Telephone Teacherl By AL CAPP YOU'RE RIGHT, FLYING AVENGER r-VTlll lift KNOW HOW TO HANDLE wontw r-i'il SHOW YOU WHERE Mfi.nnr- ic TAILSPIlt TOMMY Skeets Merer Stops Worrying! ark..,.e..JV 'N .THANK LYOV.-- ) V WAITING A PAPER VJ4P.NT Pl&nrf KrR! I I f OR I .V a90 KNOW HOW . I I IV TOU.V- J T HANDLE WIMflENrf I V 3i 9 1 . J 1 a r 'i , By HAL FORREST Relieving TMAT aiTTY. MTH HER. ovtctLntvrtcrt SHIP CONTAINING TNK.TOMMT AND SKEETS. NVOULD BE EASY PREY. BORKA ROARED DOWN.REsVOY FOR THE KILL! Bt suddenly el condor's Biro like KRAFT SCREAM ED DOWN UPON BORtCAJ FROM THE CLOUDS .' ri i IAnD IN A PEW Scrnajn. ci P-uriLUK.UJklrrl3 ANOTHER. VICTIM: H HE HAS MOW NICE.. RUT SHOT DOWnWTOU AINT SEEN NOTMIM YET' afCPO AEROPLANE YOUR EYES ON H H-HOW 0 THAT BIRD PLtVNE HONEY CHILE . FORTH' BIG ACT r T-TERRIBLE ta I'D CIVE TWICE LAS MUCH TO LEARN THAT TRICKS.. BUT. NOW MEBBE YOUR PaDDV WILL BELIEVE I REALLY SAW THAT .BIRD PLANE. Ntal 'iV ' WWHY..HHR HAS DISAPPEARED IN A CLOUD.' I WOULD GIVE ANYTHING TO KNOW WHO ME IS' THE NEBBS Diamonds la tha Rough YEAH?..BUT how are l WE GOING TO SQUARE ywumtLYeS WITH iDON CASMETTO 1 FOR, LOSING OUR. BORROWED ARMY sJXANE, SKEETS? 7 SOL HESS Y UNCLE RUDY, HERE ARE. THE Vt I I I OiAMOMOS DADDY STEVE TOLD ) I VME TO GIVE. YOU- i HAD THEM J JM YOUR SAFE f "THEY DONXT LOOK II LIKE DIAMONDS-, II LOOK MORE LIKE Jk BORNEO SLASS r ' THEY'RE IM TWE. Poi ifiu. evi it ) DADDY SAYS TUEY ARE JAGER5 . AND PERFECT Vv, r 1 - i ME TOLO ME Tut- KllCP.T f 1 SUPPTHC TucVccI - - ' ' ' H ONE 15 TO GOTO AUNT A LOT UK6 STEVE. PAMNY. ME S AID HIS GOOD GOT TO BE POUSuen FRIEND) DlOCKANNALY W A BIT BEFORE WOULD LOOK AFTER THE i-EY LOOK LIKE CUTTINQ- AVJD THE SETOMG S3S0METWlWfi, YOU T mm