PAGE STX MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1941. EUGENE PAGEANT TO BRING MALES "Las Vegas Nights" Here Sunday MUST CONSIDER TWO OPEN SATURDAY 'NIGHT UNTIL 8:30 AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT VIEWPi IN U. S. OF H Eugene. July 4. (Spl) The entire male population of Eu gene Is unshaven at present, and will remain that way until July 26, but It Is not because Eugen cans are uncivilized The no- thavlng decree Is part of the preparation for Eugene's famed Oregon Trail Pageant, July z 25 and 26. The pageant, presented trlen- nially, commemorates settling of the Oregon country and the old west by the doughty pio neers of the 1800's, and the beards are a necessary part of the re-creating process. A black' ahirted band of "Whlskalantes" sees that no man shaves for six weeks prior to the outstanding celebration, with swift punish' ment dealt to violators of the ordinance. Arrival of Doris Smith, direc tor of the pageant since Its In ception In 1926, Initiated activ ity some two weeks ago In all departments connected with the pageant A huge stage where the three nightly shows will be presented Is being constructed at the Lane county fairgrounds under direc tion of Horace Robinson, co director of the pageant. The cast of 2300 dancers and singers Is being organized under direc tion of Mildred LeCompte Moore and John Stark Evans, respectively. Script for the panoramic epic has been completed by W. F. G. Thacher, professor of jour nalism at the University of Ore gon, who has authorized the pageant show since it began. Ruler of this mythical west ern three-day kingdom will be Queen Susannah V, who will be selected from six eligible con testants already chosen. The ' sextet represents the various civic and fraternal organizations In Lane county, and from it will be chosen a beautiful and ma jestic queen to represent the spirit of the old west that reign ed supreme In the 1800 s. iT ON STAND IN TIL Spokane, July 4. (JP) L. L. Smith of Gold Hill, Ore., for mer chief chemist of the Har rison Engineering company lab oratories in Denver, testified in federal court here Thursday he never did know whether assays he made showed values of prec ious metals indicated In the as say reports. George Harrison, owner of the engineering company and more recently chemist In De troit, Is on trial on an Indict ment charging him with using the malls to defraud western mining men of $70,000 through false claims regarding his secret formula for precipitating min eral values from ore. Smith, who said he was bound by oath not to reveal the technical details of the Harrison formula, testified he received ore samples from the office and conducted the assays by using the secret solution, agitating It and then weighing the precipi tate. He said he never knew where the samples were obtained and turned figures on the precipi tates over to Mrs. G. H. Dol mage, Harrison's secretary, who figured the weight per ton. 710 at U. o! O. Eugene, Ore., July 4. W) Summer session enrollment at the University of Oregon was listed today by Dr. Dan E. Clark, director, as 710. Late registra tions are expected to boost the total to over 730. CIO Restrained Tillamook, Ore., July 4. () A temporary injunction re strained CIO loggers from pick eting the C. F. Stone lumber ramp near here today. Circuit Judge R. Frank Peters Issued the injunction after being told an AFL-CIO dispute was hold ing up production. 4 ?W i S r n A grand galaxy of beautiful girls, top-notch comedians and the nation's Number On band ard Its leader go to make up for one of the biggest and fastest musical comedy shows ever to come to the screen In "Las Vegas Nights", a musistory of America's hottest town (in more ways than one), which comes to the Rialto theatre for Sunday and Monday. Those starred are Tommy Dorsey and his orches tra, Bert Wheeler, Constance Moore, Phil Regan, Betty Brew er, Lillian Cornell, Virginia Dale and Red Donahue and his mule "Uno". The highlight of the film Is said to be Dorsey and his orchestra swinging "Song of India", "I II Never Smile Again' "Dolores", "Mary, Mary, Quite contrary" and five others. Stars of Craterian Westerner W 1 Combining thrilling action with hilarious comedy, 'The Lady from Cheyenne", starring Loretta Young, with Robert Preston heading the supporting cast, comes to the Craterian the atre Sunday for three days. The story of a girl from Phila delphia who ventures Into the brawling frontier "of Wyoming in the early 1870s, the picture shows Loretta Young in her first western role, that of the eastern girl who matches wits with a gang of frontier racketeers with some hilarious results. Edward Arnold, Gladys George, Frank Craven, Jessie Ralph and Willie Best are among those featured. Romantic Jane Winners Announced In Driving Contest Portland, July 4. (Win ners of a statewide auto driving contest for boys and girls here yesterday were Eleanor M. Carter, Portland, and Frank Tubbs, Adams. They competed against 22 others, and will represent Ore gon at Dearborn, Mich., in the finals of the Ford Good Drivers' League contest. Cm Mall Tribune want ads. London, July 4 P) Assign ment of senior officers of the fighting services and the for eign office to the ministry of information to expedite censor ship was announced today and promptly accepted by Minister of Information Alfred uuii Coooer. Duff Cooper, who is rumored to have offered to resign over criticism of his ministry, said in the house of commons that "the arrangement now arrived at If one which I believe can be made to work satisfactorily." He said that "on the home front," news releases had been little criticized but he added it had been "suggested that we should do more to bring home to the people of the United States the seriousness of the situation." "There Is always danger of exaggerating and there are two schools of thought fighting against us in the United States. "At the head of one la Lind bergh who says it's no good helping Britain because she's defeated already while others say that It's unnecessary to cor voy ships because the battle of the Atlantic is practically won and that British losses are very light. "The truth Is the right answer, namely, that the position Is still very serious but that it's slowly Improving. The more readily American assistance is given to us the shorter will be the dura tion of the war." Buddha Reincarnated Chungking, China, July 4. (JP) Officials of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's government received word today that special delegates sent into northern Sikang province were satisfied the Panchen Lama, living Bud dha of Tibet, has been reincarn ated. Favorites Back Those hilarious Weaver Broth ers and their sister, Elviry, are on a hillbilly rampage again in their newest fun-film, "Friendly Neighbors", which plays tonight only and Saturday at the Roxy theatre. The threesome gives out with some new hill tunes und a score of comic situations. Clarence E. Mulford's 'Three Men from Texas", starring Wil liam Boyd again as Hopalong Cassidy, plays as the added Western with the hilarity feature. The screen's favorite tmtnv Jane Withers, sets out to get her self a boyfriend in her newest fun feature, "A Very Young Lady", which plays today and tomorrow only at the Rialto theatre with holiday schedules prevailing today as well aa to. morrow. Nancy Kelly and John j Sutton are with Miss Withers, i "In Old Cheyenne", starring i Rov Rofers. nlava aa the aririH feature with "A Very Young Lady. Theatres Announce Holiday Schedules Today being the 4th of July, the Craterian and Rialto thea tres are on holiday schedule, with two complete shows mati nee and evening. Matinee shows at the Crater ian theatre will start at 2:00 and 4:00 o'clock with doors opening at 1:45. Doors open at 6:45 and evening shows start at 7:00 and 9.15 o'clock. At the Rialto theatre, mati nees will be at 2:00 and 3:15 with doors opening at 1:45. Evening shows with doors opening at 6.45 will be at 7.00 and 9:30. ( j iioimvoou,. , , WT7 1 Medford Auto Dealers Will Close July 4, 5, 6 In order that employee may enjoy a full 3-day holiday this week-end all new and used auto mobile dealers In Medford will be closed all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 4, S. 6. Starting Sunday, July t, all Medford automobile dealers will be closed all day erery Sunday. ABBEY MOTOR CO. 123 South Riverside COOKSEY MOTOR CO. 132 South Riverside CRATER LAKE MOTORS Riverside and 8th Sts. EDGERTON MOTORS 121 North Bartlett A. Z. Tubby" Dean Bale and Service Sixth and Grape HUMPHREY MOTORS 33 South Riverside MEDFORD MOTOR CO. 234 Eait 9th PERRY ASHCRAFT 128 South Riverside SKINNER'S GARAGE 143 South Riverside PIERCE ALLEN MOTOR CO. 112 South Riverside ROGUE RIVER CHEVROLET 230 East 9th BLOUSE CLEARANCE The Blouse Shop will be a busy place tomorrow . . for here the shopper will find a large group of lovely Summer Blouses at 1-3 off their regular price. Cool Sheers, Batiste and Crepes in Dressy and sport shirt styles. Sises 32 to 42. y3 off SKIRTS Visit the Skirt Section tomorrow! The July Sale offers a group plaids and solid color Skirts for only $3.49. Regular values up to $5.98. Included are flared, pleated and gored styles In both wools and rayon crepes. Sises 24 to 32. Now $349 SECOND FLOOR OF SPREADS In the Bedding Section Saturday a Half Price Sal of lovely Bedspreads. Cotton Jacquards, Tailored and Quilted Satins, Rayon Jacquards and Crinkle styles. Ex cellent selection of patterns and colors and all marked Half Price. Half Price Cotton Jacquard Hare are regular $3.49 and $3.98 fin quality Cotton Jacquard Spreads at Half Price. Full bed sises in shades of Orchid and Gold. Your choice HALF PRICE Satin Spreads In this group are $3.95 and $5.95 Tailored Quilted Satin Spreads and plain Sateens with Flounce in Cedar, Wine, Peach, Rose and Brown. Full bed sizes. Choice HALF PRICE Rayon Jacquard Regular $3.98 and $4.98 fast color, heavy weight Rayon Jacquard Spreads at Half Price. Beautifully styled Spreads In Ivory, Green aar Woodrose. Your Choice HALF PRICE Crinkle Spreads Two sises In this group 81x99 and one at 81x105. They are regular $1.79 and $1.98 and come in the White Crinkle style, a long life serviceable Spread. Choice HALF PRICE LOWER FLOOR Chiffon Hose A timely Summer Sale of Women's two. three and four thread Chiffon Hose for only SSc pair. Theie are lovely full-fashioned Stockings in all the wanted shades, but broken sites. If your slie Is here, you are assured a Hosiery Bargain indeed! Values up to $1.15 55t mil .pif w ( Doris Dodson DRESSES New "Juniors" for Summer Wear Gay as a summer garden are these New Doris Dodsoa Junior Frocks for Summer. Cool sheer fabrics ta adorable prints and print combinations in smart on and two-piece styles. The Doris Dodson shown on the left is a washable hand screened cherry print with drummer boy Jacket. One of the many styles in this group. Sises 11 to 17. s39-8t s89-8 SLACK SETS In the Sports Corner on the Second Floor $3.98 will buy a lovely Spun Rayoa Slack Set.' New fitted jacket styles In Navy. Powder Blue and Biege. They are In sises 12 to 20. $398 New Swim Suits Hit w Nationally advertised Jant sen and Catallna Swim Suits In the new "Lastex" fabrics, styles and colors. Suits for every figure type. $ 4$8 MIIIHIIKItMIIMMtlttlllStlllKMIHIIIIIMIIlllNltltal TIES Special tomorrow . . 20 doten choice Ties. Wilsons, C h e n e y's and Wembley's. Ev ery one a regular $1.00 value. Choice 59 SHIRT SALE The July Shirt Sale continues with over 300 fine quality Shirts to choose from. Shirts from our regular lines of nationally known brands, Manhattans and Wilson Bros. Solid whites and fine patterned styles in all slsas. Buy Shirts now and Save. $2.00 Colored $2.00 White SHIRTS SHIRTS $29 Ask About Our Easy 10-Pay Plan Suit Sale Many of Medford's best-dressed men are buying these Sale Suitsl . . buying them for value, style and because they're from Manns'. Here are Dress Suits from our regular lines at almost Half Price. All sises and all the best woolens. Values to $29.50 Are Now Values to $40.00 Are Now $ $ 1 C95 Hot Weather Clothes on Sale at HALF PRICE Men's Wash Slax Men's Seersucker Suits Men's White Coats & Suits $100 Women's and Misses' $1.25 Slips Tomorrow in the Underwear Section a Sale of Women's and Misses' Rayoa Crepe. Taffeta and Sati-j Slips for Just 83c. These are regular $1.25 value but the sirs and color rarge is broken, otherwise we simply could not sell Slip of such quality for this Sensational Price. Come In . . see If your else Is la this group. 83c MEDFORD'S OWN STORE! ivtu cuti ONL a l I C L J