Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 02, 1941, Page 9, Image 9

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Tribute to Stars and Stripes .
Given by Mrs. Faber at Annual
Grand Chapter Meet of 0. E. S.
The following "Tribute to the Flag" was given by Mrs.
Beulah Faber of Central Point, member of the traveling flag
committee of the grand chapter of the Eastern Star, at the 52nd
annual grand chapter meeting at the Masonic Temple in Port
land, on June 10. It was the first time in the history of the
Grand Chapter that the tribute was given by a woman.
It li your flag, it Is my flag 1
This flag of the red, white and
It is your country, It is my
The home of the brave and the
The United States and Can
ada are the only world powers
on earth where a speaker can
address his friends today with
out intimidation, censorship or
fear of molestation from the air.
When we gather around our
fireside we have no fear of op
pression; we are free to dial any
station on our radio; read our
Bible as we choose; and support
or criticize the President of the
United States or the Premier of
Canada, and those in authority
In either country, and no dic
tator on earth can do aught to
harm us.
This is America, with freedom
of speech, freedom of press, free
dom of thought and freedom of
worship a veritable Garden of
Of all the symbols in the
world today, there is none with
so much meaning as the flag of
our country. This fabric of red,
white and blue represents 5,000
years of struggle upward and
onward. ,
Old Glory stands for human
ity; for peace through the world:
for equal opportunity to all the
sons of men and for dignity ana
honor. Our flag signifies toler
ance, open-mindedness, progress.
It embraces within its folds as
brothers men of all creeds and
beliefs. It makes no distinction
of rank or family. Old Glory
Is the symbol of our protection
and patriotism.
The best preparation for what
ever the future might hold is
the Immediate kindling of a
deep-seated patriotism. A pa
triotism that will sweep --this
country from coast to coast. Pa
triotism has been defined as love
of country. But love of country
is only the beginning of patriot
ism. Patriotism is more than
waving the flag and singing. For
Americans patriotism is love of
America and her free institu
tions love of Americanism
America is more than a country
more than an equal opportunity
more than a social exoeriment
station. America is all of these,
but America is more than ail of
these. America is an ideal of
human liberty worked out in
terms of equality under the
forms and guarantees of law
Patriotism is law observance,
reverence, self-sacrifice.
The time has come for every
one to think less of self and
more of American heritage; to
think less of trivialities and more
of the world crisis. The responsi
bility for the continuation of
free government upon the earth
is ours and the time for patriotic
endeavor Is now.
. Today with our country on the
brink of great dangers, with our
entire social structure facing
grave disaster, let us who have
seen his Star in the East stand
together and show the world that
our fraternalism ts more tnan
personal pomp and pageantry
that we do have a definite goal
toward which we are traveling
where there is a place of love,
labor and service for all man
kind, for our Flag, our Nation
and our God.
The flag of America has
glorious past; and with the sup
port of orders such as ours will
have an even more glorious iu-
ture. It is the flag of our
fathers; it is the flag of our
children, and the flag of our
children's children. If is not the
flag of a king it is the flag of
all of us and all our neignoors,
It is the flag of today, the flag
of tomorrow, and the flag for
- evermore!
Generations have passed since
our forefathers brought forth on
this continent a new nation, but
every day since, somewhere.
omeone has done something
worth while for America.
So. when this grand session
over let us return to our homes
I and preach the glories of Amer
ica and the American sysiem
living. Patriotism is contagious
and the women and men of this
great order in their respect!
communities can change the
trend of thought throughout this
Return to our homes and run
up on our flag poles the bright
est, finest flag that money can
buy the Red. the White and
the Blue in the designs of the
Stars and Stripes, and then as
flutters In the morning breeze.
tell our neighbors of their heri
tage and their responsibility in
the fight to keep America free.
Return to our homes and work
work as we have never worked
before, for work is an essential
factor in national life. Work to
develop America's resources and
to build her enthusiasm for that
deep-seated patriotism.
Be enthusiastic, because en
thusiasm fixed the mariner's
trembling needle upon its axis;
enthusiasm has held the sword
with which freedom has won
her battle, and poised the axe of
the woodsman as he opened the
paths of civilization, and en
thusiasm must actuate the lives
of men and women in this day
of uncertainty.
I Return to our homes and sing
sing "My Country, 'Tis of
Thee." sing "All Hail the Power
of Jesus' Name," and sing "God
Bless America, Land That I
Love; God Bless America, My
Home Sweet Home!"
Return to your homes and
pray pray for our flag and
what it means: pray for peace,
the peace of God's love to all
men and to all nations. By
prayer, our souls shall become
serene and steadfast, equipped
to be builders for our God and
our country.
Old Glory, we recognize In
you a symbol of God's love and
care, for your blue was taken
from the eternal dome of
Heaven, and signifies that above
and beyond all is the ever watch
ful care of the Supreme Archi
tect of the Universe.
Your stars are the never-
sleeping eyes of the guardian
angels that watch over an in
dissoluble union of indestruct
ible states. Your white typifies
that purity of life and upright
ness of conduct that should char
acterize all who owe you al
legiance. Your red ts the sacri
ficial blood, unfalteringly poured
out by your heroes upon the
altar of freedom, that you might
forever "wave o er the land of
the free and the home of the
Your flag and my Tag!
And. Oh, how much it holds
Your land and my land
Secure within its folds!
Your heart and my heart
Beat quicker at the sight;
Sun-kissed and wind-tossed
Red and blue and white.
The one flag the great flag for
ma and you
With loving hearts wa all salute
the red, the white, the blue!
Lines by Wilbur O. Nesbit.
Make Training Pay
Cedar City, Utah IU.R "Earn
while you learn," favorite pri
vate training school catchword.
U applicable in Utah, Branch Ag
ricultural college here. The
school's building trades class
auctioned off the fourth home
constructed entirely by student
labor and at a good profit
Golf Southpaws
Rome, N. Y. (U.R) The New
York State Left-Handed Golfers
association has scheduled its an
nual championship tournament
August 15-17. The tourney will
get under way on the Teugega
Country club course, Rome,
said to b Vie oldest in the
eastern United States.
There are approtmately 155,-
000 practicing physicians in the
United States.
State guard units have been
organized in at least 28 states
since congress authorized estab
lishment of additional military
forces while the national guard
is in federal service.
Good Livinql
CamnwiH iseitiM
U"n Snot- l'f Titm
twni an laifMt tstms
Hoem inwwiii
Cjrtft OtfWtS
'Can this kind of beer be brewed in any
city but PILSEN?'
In the old -time City oPilsen men learned to
brew a brilliant light-hearted beer called Pilsner.
TCrt was new keenness to its flavor a satisfying
smack that boosted a man's enjoyment of beer.
A body so light and lively so refreshing that Pilsner
became king of the world's fine beers.
ttr thru etnturin lit fawuui City Pit$n w etUbrmui ttmgk
m tilt vitrld by jmJgn fimt btrr. For km wu brnvtd bttr tf
nptrUinit flawr tnd gttniii . , . bttr mrvtr U btfirrmn by tint
wto met njoyti il, km m Amtriim
We '11 be gratified if you'll taste today a
true-to-type Pilsner brewed in America.
A beer produced with one idea to make
it fully equal to imported Pilsner.
Labeled Brown Derby Pilsner, this beer .
is made to our exclusive Pilsner formula
and constantly checked by our own
quality control.
As in imported Pilsner, costly malt goes into
it, and hops chosen for delicacy of flavor.
Like imported Pilsner, this is beer that
goes better however you drink it
with or without food.
MAKE your first taste of Brown Derby Pilsner i
generous, mouth-filling "pull." Roll its cool good
ness on your tongue. Judge this beer as you prefer, with
or without food. Unless yon find Brown Derby Pilsner
all we claim here unless it satisfies you in every way
return it to the store where you bought it and they
will refund your full purchase price