MEDFOKD MAIL TRTBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON1. WEDNESDAY. JULY 2. 194T. pat?t TFrrRTTrpr?ff LOCAL and To Klamath Mrs. Norma Madden and ion, Bobby, of 202 Portland avenue left (or Klam ath Falli this morning to ipend a week visiting friends. Visits Mother Ray Koger of Oklahoma City, Okla., arrived here by train today for two weeks' visit with his mother, Mrs. Susan Koger of Gold Hill. Court Citation Carl A. Per due, 20, Medford, was cited by state police yesterday to appear in justice of the peace court this afternoon charged with driving a car with improper brakes. Moves Office Dr. George S. Jennings has moved his office from 424 Medford Center build ing to 426 Jn the same building his new office rooms having -4 been rearranged and redecorat ed. Minor Accident Augusta G. Padgham, Medford, and Solo mon Fraley, Route i, drove cars involved in a minor accident at Central avenue and Third street yesterday afternoon, according to a report on file today. Week-end Trip Miss Shirley Mae Brunn has returned to her home at 120 Genessee street af ter a week-end trip to Roseburg where she attended the wed ding of a friend and visited her mother, Mrs. Irvin Brunn. Miss Brunn is a nurse at Community hospital. Assigned Arthur L. Hak- kemp of Prospect has been as signed to the infantry replace ment training center at Camp Roberts, Cal., according to a notice received today from the v reception center at Fort Lewis, Wash. Hakkemp, the notice said, was registered in Portland. Business Trip Dudley G. Al len of Portland arrived here to day by train after a business trip to ban trancisco. Mrs. Allen re mained In Medford during his absence, residing at the Hotel Medford. Theyplan to spend the holiday week-end in southern Oregon. -Hew Radio Set Jack Sam uels, chief radio operator at CCC headquarters here, and Earl Scoville, assistant operator, to day had a new short-wave re ceiver. The set is one of the latest and considered one of the most efficient of short wave re ceivers. Both operators reported fine reception and expressed the belief that the new set would 4 eliminate a major portion of the interference which formerly had hampered radio reception in this locality. The receiver arrived yesterday from San Francisco and was immediately installed. QUICK! Ends Tomorrow Night PICK YOUR BARGAINS IN DEPENDABLE AUTOMOBILES ' During This Rousing FOURTH OF JULY CLEARANCE Tour chance to own and drive a good late-model used ca.thla summer at a off saving and on special eat; budget terms! Only one dJ left! Act , IODAV1 These Are Just Samples! 4 DOUOt Basinets Coupe. Drtten fere littles C70C perfect throoghont PLVMOLTH Delete Sedan. Can hardly be told from new $675 ' f at PLYMOl'TH Delate Coupe. Gaaranteed everyway y0v at OLDS Deluxe Sedan. CCQC Looks and runs like new vvtJ M DODGE Detox Coope. Very smalt mileage; gnaraa- C?9QC teed like new jOJ M ford Delate Sedan. A I merhanirallv. dto and Heater 0)43 as PI VMOI TH Delate edan. Reconditioned throughout $385 SI DODGE Sedan, fled perfect rare: email C97C mileage iD 10 Day Fre Trial Exchange! Sal Ends PotltWelT Jul- 3rd . &0&CE--OLVMOUTM PERSONAL Stops Hare Mrs. H. M. Chad wick of Portland stopped here today for a brief visit with her mother, Mrs. Belle E. Llttrell, 115 Newtown street, and her brother, E. A. Llttrell, Ross Lane. Mrs. Chadwick was en route home by train after spend ing the winter in New York City.. . Fines Levied Carl Hover. Medford, and Lowell C. Ed wards, 307 Chestnut street, both charged with violation of the basic traffic rule, were each fined $10 in city police court this morning. Roy M. Burham of King and Tenth street, charg ed with parking his car in an alley, was fined $S. At . Headquarters Mark J. Pike, assistant forester for the CCC with the O. 4 C. adminis tration was an official visitor yesterday at Medford CCC dis trict headquarters. Mr. Pike conferred with George H. Fields, district educational adviser, on national defense training plans for the CCC. Mr. Pike'a hme office is in Portland. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Randolph and daughter, Miss Barbara, 548 Pennsylvania avenue, have returned to Med ford after a motor trip to Port land where they were called by the illness of Mrs. Randolph's mother, Mrs. J. G. Eaton, who recently underwent a major op eration. En route home they stopped In Roseburg to visit oth er relatives of Mrs. Randolph. Instructors' Court Harold Berentson, first aid, water safe ty and accident prevention field representative for the American Red Cross will conduct a water safety instructor's course from July 7 to 11 at the Natatorium. Those eligible for the course must have completed the senior life-saving course. Further in formation may be secured by telephoning the Red Cross of fice. . In New Job Cordy E. Sun derman of 1716 East Main street this morning entered the employ of Myron Hunt & H. C. Cham bers, architects for the proposed army cantonment here. Mr. Sun derman yesterday terminated his service as junior landscape engineer with the Rogue River national forest. He had most re cently been stationed at Camp South Fork. He had been with the forest service about five years. His place in the forest service will be filled by someone already in the service, a reduc tion in personnel to be effected elsewhere because of disband mnt of CCC companies, head quarters said. Too Late to Classify A? CAMP BITE and trailer park two-acre grove. In Ashland on 09. 15 J Sulclt u,u com mission to broken. B. 8. Lay. Ash land. BINO CHERRIES at the City Limits Fruit Stand, South Pacific Hlgh way, next to 8. O. 8. plant. MATS 25c EVES 30c Includes Tax . Kiddles We- THRILLS COLOR and ADVENTURE tike You Hare Never een Before . ... I END TOMORROW NITEt Robin Hood 1 JANE'S TOHBOT DATS AKE OVER- Pittier...mora lo-ab! than ROGERS jom wtxxturr S : ' i fRI. " " ' Lwa-as-asw-t PLUS SAT. I I ROY "Lady From "The Lady from Cheyenne," a frontier comedy starring Lo retta Young, with Robert Pres ton heading the supporting cast, comes to the Craterian Theatre Sunday for a three-day run. Also BINO CHERRIES, watermelons, ber rlee. cantaloupes, tomatoes for the Fourth of July. We are open all day Friday, city Limit. Fruit Stand, next to fi. o. S. plant. FOR SALE a Phone 6381. calves. R. c. Tost. SPECIAL BARGAINS 7-room plastered house with bath, in good condition, rock foundation, large shade trees, close In on pave ment. Only S2200. Terms. Also 6-room house. large attractive living and dining room with fireplace and hardwood floors, cement base ment, automatic oil burner fur nace. 110-foot frontage on pave ment, shade and fruit tree. Look this over, aaooo. Terms. Alto 4 -room house, large enclosed back porch, cement foundation, all new ly decorated, comer lot, near Junior High, taooo. Also 27 acres. Bear creek bottom. Irri gated, city water, on paved high way, near city limits. Ideal for subdivision. Make us an offer. L. O. PICKELU IS South Bartlett. ROXY Mtes Only 6:43-9:13 23c Inc. Kiddles 10c anvtlmr DARING A DEATHS THOUSAND FOR LOVE! TONITE and THURS. NITEl Twin Thrillart THE LONE WOLF KEEPS A DATE warren'wiluam frances robinson Z or rot Dashing IT71 Don of Cal I f or I I nla'a mot adveft I Cheyenne" Coming ft ': , - "''2tJ featured are Edward Arnold, Gladys George, Frank Craven, Jessie Ralph, Stanley Fields. Samuel S. Hinds, Willie Best and many others. In the first "western" role of NOTICE All Lumber Yards In Medford will be closed Friday and fiaturday. FOR SALE Young Leghorn hens. 10 doz. Inquire city Limits Fruit Stand, next to S. O. 8. plant. AS THE REGULAR meeting night falls on July 4. Townsend club No. 4 will meet at a p. m. July S. There will be a short program and refreshments wlU be served. Danc ing afterward. rV'j ? i jf hwwn v. .CONSTANCE MOORE vlRONICA LAKE HARRY , ,' " - eaaae .,.,'--...;.,,. . A I Matinee Dally at 1:45 Adults 30e 13 to lS 25t Inrlodtng tax Kiddies a Dim Anytlm To Craterian her career, Loretta Young Is shown as a naive, but deter mined girl from the east who goes to Wyoming to make her fortune, and crosses swords with a can 2 of crooked Dolitlcians 'headed by Arnold and Preston. FOR SALE Medford erty. paying good 3556 Tribune. Income returns. FOR 8ALE BY OWNER 6-room modern house, at 16 South Orange. BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT for Sale. Inquire 610 South Central. ANNOUNCEMENT The next Auction Sale at Pavilion will be July 13. Southern Oregon Livestock Auction Co. i LADIES!... Tonight Is Constance Bennett Cosmetic "CLEAN-UP" NIGHT! Vonr rhotr ef any evte ef I he flrteea different Item f the eompleu matched set . . as leaf a they last! O LAD! OLA BLOOMS, ales Simla Pit Phone S856. WHT DONT TOU drop In to Daily's Body and Paint Shop and get a free estimate on straightening and painting your car. BIO PTR BLABS Order early. Med ford Fuel Co. Tel. Sill. JUST BECAUSE OUR PRICE Is right, don't think our work Is wrong. A complete Wash and Lube for onlv 11.33. CHAMPION'S TEXACO SERVICE. Hlveralda and Jackson. LOST I salmon pole, complete. Left behind at Oold Ray bridge, phone 44.17. 504 South Ivy. Joseph Mend rait. COLORED FRYERS. East Main. Dreasler's, 1107 FOR BALE Small sawmill with 64 inch Merehan oand saw. All steam power. Price S9O0. V. Held. 1504 Oregon Ave., Klamath Falls, Ore. UNFURNISHED HOUSE for rent. Desirable country home, I bed rooms, lovely grounds. SflO per month. Prefer to lease. Call Carl Tengwald. 135 West Main. MEDFORD BAROAIN HOUSE SPECIALS Inalde and Outside Paint, all colors. per gallon, 6143. j Tents and Tarpaulins, all sis, new and used. Sleeping Bags and Pack . Large stork Roofing Paper. Building Felt, Paper, etc. No advance In prices. Also Corrugated Roofing. I New ahlpment of Shoea, Boots, Sweat ( Shirts, Army Blankets, etc. New and Used Pipe and Fittings. Large quantity on hand. Barb Wire. Fencing. Wire Netting of all kinds. Buy and save. Doors, Windows, Screen Doors, new and used. Tools for fighting forest fires, new and used. Loggers and Mill Men, we carry a Large Stork of 8pllt Pulleya. Cable of all klnda, Boxlnea, Belting and Chain, also tilth Tret Chain. MEDFORD BAROAIN HOU8B 37 North Orape 4th July Dance UPPER APPLEGATE Grange Hall Friday Night Good tlma expected. The thrill-laden thundering romance of America's youth taking to the skies! The Perfect 4th of My Show! It's Big! . . . It's Great! ... and packed to the brim with love, laugh, death-defying thrill and danger-filled pectacle never before caught on film ... PLUS e e e stream-lined Veronica Lake . . . the entational blonde bomber who ha the whole country talking! Starts TODAY - 4 Days! 55 - r t WANTED TO BUT terrier or black and tan dog. male or female. George F. Pierce. Hornbrook. Calif. FOR rent Sleeping rooma at Weat 4th. Close In. 736 FOR SALE Yellow transparent and o rave ostein. Treichier, Central Point. FOR LEASE Attractive east aide home: three bedrooms and den, basement and furnace. Charles R. Ray, Room 117 Medford Bldg. Phone Stfoa. FOR BALE Royal Ana cherries, any amount, beet quality, low price for quirk aale. ass South Rlvenlde. Medford. WANTED Housekeeper and com panion, country home. Box 3556 Tribune. LET Ml KILL your Earwlga with my earwig spray. There la no other spray Ilk It. It gels them. Esti mate free. Phone 6566. McOonagle. ATTENTION! Skinner's Garage will be Closed Friday the 4th. Saturday the 5th. an Sunday the 6th. tlet a good nurd car this evening or tomorrow, to enjoy the three-day holiday. There la mora safety and pleasure tot JOB In a Skinner I'sed Carl 39 De Soto Deluxe Sedan Looks and rani like new. Motor extra good, good new tires. Beautiful maroon finish. Overdrive, Radio. C7IC Heater. driving lights tpl40 33 Chevrolet Coach, a pood ona .. 31 Terraplan Coach In good Way under book 32 Chevrolet Coup, a lot of transportation - SKINNER'S GARAGE BUICK Q.M.C. TRUCKS. 1 Us f-i v; ' .. 1 r : . A 1. ' ( r , . i sr . j DAVENPORT ( - n I itlifa- ia-w .a . , ... . "MraaaTM-. rra-4 1 art' - ' till FOREST PTR Direct from wood, a tier lota or over. la-Inch JCO. 16-Inch M. City Fuel. Tel. 4114. F H. A. LOANS quickly, efficiently handled. Mark Ooldy Agency. Bio DOUBLE LOAD Oreen Fir Slabs, 4 50. city Fuel, phone 4114. DANCE Scotty't Pavilion Butt rails Road Friday Night, July 4th Good Music Good Lunch Admission SSe, Ladles Frew Z7 37 Packard V Deluxe Sedan Motor overhauled. Black fla- Ish like new. SDK tire. Clean Inside, l'oa can't .help $495 but Ilka this one. $165 $245 $145 condition. PHONE 2740 - saka Eeeninf Dally MS-liU A4ults-40a 11 t It-law larladlag saa Kiddias Dlaaa Anrtt-M Hi a.VrV0 trt'ffaeM WtPKraj