J MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1941. 1:': , .-, A. ' ill ; v A t : .... . .' .. v t-, 1 "jj ... v ;V ' J ' , 'J X ' ' Tfel 11 $ " " ' ' - - -. : . . . " t ' , . -I. .. .1 i . the Road tl fonnance Bating of n ,o an all-time high: , tan" vhich havp in. performanc. 2. TH.r - ' lLo-compouna.. m COR TOURISTS SAW reborns. I'"' nZr.cmdededitoHauy ot all W-"" Matuine. Good now"" It XH - .oc,ane - first wails and floors - A m better orange juice , .,v by Shell scientists produced '-"..Vn. -".Ct t aive America 10" . eff,cient thot i, led to on planes iP to 301 ing ran9 America .on the costliest driving rThese two factors save on toe road you do - Stop - and - Go A your Per - Shell (a. price) and tankiui xuuajr They squeeze Petroleum to get . Visit an orange grove, w linders in c gas being "injf carried by the TrtrUtone Ttot's the result At leum (sheUs of the ''University f w Jd .500'Td S3?pS ga9 ey they could cracK nydrogen. They mighty squeeze, Jgty from air Combined this w tnS (Shell NH, . andhadan excellent fern 8.mple Simple? Har dly ule9 from pe te combine the right ly furf-tbtal.'2r Vu buy their genius molecuic je.e. at Shell pumps- Shell trv a . r (mi ill 1 .A ...i..i;irMvtD ,i,,i ii...Wiii.ii.,,ilj,in,i TO, ii i, fills USE OF SHINGLES N E War Department Relaxes Specifications for Siding On Basis Cost, Suitability Washington, July 1. IP) Senator Wallgren (D-Wash.) was notified Friday by the war de partment of a relaxation in can tonment building regulations which the senator believes will permit red cedar shingles to be used in constructing the build ings. The department said that new army construction specifications will place shingles on competi tive basis with other building materials used in cantonment construction. Under the new system the zone construction quartermaster will be allowed to select the siding material for the buildings on basis of cost and suitability. Previously red cedar shingles had been barred from use on the ground they were too expensive for temporary construction and only a limited number of materials were allow able for siding with a result contractors had used cheaper lumber, the senator's secretary said. It added the ruling would permit producers of red cedar shingles t6 compete in many places as cantonment material. Hugh B. Mitchell, secretary to Wallgren said the senator still was endeavoring to have the army change its regulations which operate against use of shingles as roofing material for cantonments or buildings in tended not to be used for more than five years. Wallgren con tends, he said, the buildings will be used longer than five years. PORTLAND ENJOYS PROSPEROUS JUNE Portland, July 1. UP) A to tal of 3063 building permits is sued during the first six months of 1941 authorized construction worth $7,832,140, the city build ing inspector reported today. The figure for the first half of 1940 was $5,046,570. June permits numbered 552, worth $1,310,460, compared with 414 for $854,855 in June of 1940. Bank clearings reached $204, 775,129 for June compared with $155,077,600 in June of 1940. The clearings for the first six months of 1941 came to $1,119, 305.706. Foreign exports climbed to $3,289,768 during June, the Merchants' Exchange reported. The foreign exports total lust month was $1,290,754. Harmony New York (IP) A trumpet player auditioning for Phil Spi talny's all-girl orchestra hit all sour notes. Spitalny was amazed because she came well recom mended, but it turned out that another girl in revenge for the fancied theft of a boy friend had slipped an alum-coated lip stick into the trumpeters nana bag. Spitalny promised the sob bing player another trial. Woman Bird Expert Lakeport, N. H. (U.P.) Mrs. Blanche C. Noyes has become known as the bird lady since she has Identified 74 different birds near her home Including the rare mourning warbler and the pileated woodpecker which seldom leaves the woods. FOR LONG-LIFE, FIRE PROOF CONSTRUCTION, USE . . . And Be Sure To Specify This Dependable Southern Oregon Product BEAVER BRAND PORTLAND CEMENT Pacific Portland Cement Co. SUCCESSOR TO BEAVER PORTLAND CEMENT CO. GOLD HILL, OREGON Crater Lake Lumber Co.. Big Pin Lumber Co., Medfsrd Lum ber Co., Mtdford Concrtt Construction Cc Porter Lumbar Co.. Bruc Biutr Lumber Co., R. O. Sltphtmon Lumber Co., J. W. Copland Yard. cl?k 'ju7m . ifi Urn fit fl AHOY ! Harry Powell. Brit ish sailor, went In for some land lubber activity, dancinr with Greek-clad Helen Zervos in New Vork's Madison Square Garden when that famous sports arena became a huie dance hall tar a war relief benefit GIVES 1100,000 Hollywood, July 1. (IP) Bucharest-born Edward G. Rob inson has Just given $100,000 to Uncle Sam, but he says "the army, naval and marine base: are full of boys who have given more. Robinson presented a check for $100,000, his salary for his next picture to the United Ser vice Organizations at a rally in Hollywood Bowl last night. Of the selectees, who are to benefit from his donation, he said: "They've given their freedom for an indefinite time, they've given up their own revenue from civil life and they've of fered to risk their lives so that we can remain a free people. I Just made a small down pay ment on the privilege of being an American. SUFFER IN RAIN Moscow, Idaho, July 1. (IP) Drenching rains which soaked the north Idaho grain country during June caused untold damage to wheat and other grain crops, Harman Wilson, Jr., of the Washburn-Wilson Pea Processing company, reported today. ine loss of wheat in some fields will run as high as 80 per cent from "lodging." after the driving rains, he said. La Grande. July 1. (IP) Rainfall of 4.66 inches estabh ed a new June Record here, breaking the old mark of 4.39 inches set in 1913. Some crop damage was re ported from the heavy rains Hay and peas are moulding and standing grain was knocked down. Timber Carniral Albany, Ore., July 1. (IP) The Central Willamette Tim ber Carnival, including tugboat races, water events, high-climb ing, chopping and bucking con tests, will be held here July 4 and 5. LIBRARY IN HYDE PARK AS SYMBOL OP FAITH Hyde Park, N. Y.. July t. (IP) President Roosevelt dedica ted Monday a library which bears his name as a symbol of America's undimmed faith in the democratic way of life. Standing before the impres sive Dutch colonial building in which his papers and collection will be preserved, the chief ex ecutive said this latest addition to the nation's archives was ded icated at a time when "govern ment of the people by them selves is everywhere attacked." It is, therefore, proof if any proof is needed," he declared, "that our confidence in the fu ture of democracy has not di minished in this nation and will not diminish." The exercises were simple and brief. Mr. Roosevelt's addresj was cut to the same pattern, and in contrast with other recent p r e s i d ential pronouncement touching on international af-. fairs, it was singularly re strained. New York, July 1. (IP) Brenda Diana Duff Frazier, 20-year-old dark-haired heiress, and John Sims Kelly, former profes sional football player, were mar ried today at a quiet ceremony in the apartment of the bride's mother. In contrast with crowds which attended her $50,000 debut in 1938 and followed her career of gaity and glamor as society's most publicized debutante, only 36 guests were in attendance at the wedding, and only 200 were invited to the reception at the Ritz-Carlton hotel. The couple were married by the Rev. Joseph Fl. Flannelley of St. Patrick's Cathedral. They planned a flying trip to San Francisco to begin a Honolulu honeymoon. Fir In Albany Creamery Albany. Ore.. Julv 1 (jn A fire, blamed on defective wiring, damaged the F. C. Pate and tompany creamery to the extent ol 51000, the manager estimated yesterday. OF SEATTLE LIFE To thoroughly enjoy your vuit to Seattle, pay at the Olympic Luxurioua urroundtngs . . . lint foods . . . outstanding cotertain ucaL JVoi expensive; from ? Fro iik W. Hull MAMAS! eitCT0l WASHIMQTOM fiTor liquate prfprt4 nM for National 6frn ani rrcommmd rniutmrnt In thf C. 9. Arm? to rllgthle young men." yy V s r TZZiiJLU n 1 : ... ...