PAGE NINE MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, MONDAY. JUNE 30, 1941. Want to Bay, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It 's Filled With Opportunities! Keaa everj ea on uu page (ou will oruOfWT una ssacui tha tuiw rou nav oeeo lous ing (oe or sals or trade tot unused eruclee vuu ma? osve area fu'Ji atuo at (tort room you cos- rind many things other are seeking end M able lo rsallse uamKiiiM am U what tuu want iwf Mr MHrtlM foe it ITioun Clat slflad Ada an Inexpensive Utecuvel RATES Far word first inasrllo ia (Minimum tie) IkD addliiunal Insertion, par word ... -- 1 (Minimum I0r Par nna dm monin without copy chant '" CASH at money ordar must ac company all mail ordat classified ads. FOR RENT BOARD ROOMS WANT CHILDREN, day or wk. RL 1, Box 108. South Peach. BOARD and Room 718 F.Mt Main. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SADDLX HOMES for rent. Chaa. Angle Ranch. Evana Creek. Valley. Oregon. IRRIGATED PASTURE, and plenty of It. Crater Lake Bignway at 4 Cornara. Champa. Pbona 9074. FOR REM alarm bull Ulna nd two orric room sea Ai uttrau or Roland l-tiooard FOR EXCHANGE HJ Emlala FOR SALE or TRADE Iota. -roora houaa, large chicken houee. fruit tree, berrlea. market garden. Cloae to town. R. R. 1, Boa 180-A. Marehfleld. Oregon. TOR BALE or TRADE 190 partly cut over. Ideal for stock. A bargain. 414 Hamilton. KANSAS PROPERTY for home Oregon. 634 South Grape. EXCHANOE California for Oregon a1, acres. 1 houaea. 65400. Debt 6750. R. Renfrew. 1998 Indiana? oil Ave. Rtversldi. Calif. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Weaner pig. R. c. Toat. FOR SALE a h. p. electno motor. ingle phase, 6&o. A. C. Lewie, rarn Valley. FOUR CALVES for sale. Phone 6487. FOR SALE Two good cowl, freshen July 10; 8 Guernsey ana iereey heifer calves. West Main st first houss west Frees Oarage. John Blanchl place. BOYSENB-RRIES, 85c your eon. Ulnar. Picking today. B. V. Oooa road, weat Stewart Ave. FOREST FIR Direct from woods, t tier lota or over. 13-lnch S3 00; 16-lncb 61.80. City Fuel. Tel. 4114. FOR SALE Young buck sheep or trade for better. O. Nyberg, R. R. . Box 37, Midway Road. FOR SALE Youngberriea. 0. Own, Orchard Horn Drive, rhone aoc-4. FOR SALE 1 black-faced sheep, one set leather harness, one ssddle bridle, chaps and spurs. Earl Hans eom, Eagle Point, co Oasis. FOR SALE Oood tricycle for child 4 to 6. S3 so. id Miatisioe. FOR SALE One set work harness. also eresm separator, pnone tm. FOR SALE Beautiful young team geldings, weight 1600 pounds, no blemishes, sound 4-yesr-olds. For quick sale, 6260. Phone 3377, 9 m. to o. CASH for old horses Dlsl 6376 LOST AND FOUND FOUND Cream colored sow. Call at J. 8. Olbbs, RU 1, Box 136-X. Medford. DAIRY Cows Jerseys and Quern- sevs. also 1 Guernsey bulL 1st house South Agate School. LOST Wheel and Reward. E. W. Creek. tire tor Regnler, trailer. Union FOR SALE Milking Shorttorn bull Joe Dugan. 1 mile touts Phoenix .'iul:e ti320 a POhl lost auga. animal cruelty cases Humane Society Phone 8151 FOR SALE Roadster and new boat Phone 4903. 719 Grant WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Farm hand to milk with machine and do light chores. Olvs wagea expected with room and board, references. Box 3719 Tribune. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced law stenog Mithw. fu extent of experience, reference! and salsry expected. Address P. O. Box 347, Medford. WANTED Oin for 204 South Central general work. WANTED SITUATIONS vnrrKYS man. with a veara bookkeep ing experience, will accept almost any kind of Tribune. 1H ACRES, brand-new modern build ings, clover, anaiia, irrigatea, cow. chickens, all fenced. 13.000. Also 4 acres, Irrigated, 4-room mod. era nousa, narawooa iioors, com pletely furnished. All stock goes with place. Snap 13.600. Also 14 acres, 6-room modem house, hardwood floors. All cul tivated Another snap. S3 300. Several desirable city homes, good foundations, psved streets. Suburbsn store, restaurants, oil sts- tlona and everything in real estate. no Kite in rnces" "I ain't mad at nobody." TAD' ROBERTS, 720 West 2nd. work. Box 3363, EXPERIENCED GARDENER wishes lob aa caretaker. Sober. Reference. Phone 4336. wanted Carnenter work, contract or by day. 246 No. Oakdele. uaw Knokkeener. experienced, beat references, accounting experience, age 45. Box 3979 Tribune. i,,nf.rT , 1 ire A1IS 1 W AH 1 U WILL PAY CASH for reasonably nrtned lot. welkin dlstsnce. Give full Information. Bo.: 3738 Tribune, arrvrrrrw Tn woodcutters and ranch m w. are oreDsred to buy tor cash fir logs. 13" to 30" diameter, a fMt inner, old or second growth delivered at plant 3 ml. south of Medford. Alley Broa., Phone 3011 wanted Ford son mower. Lawrence Meeke, co Lewis Super Service. varaai-r n tv hi, home in Medford. Not over 63.500. Apply Box 8386 Tribune. WANTED Home for elderly, lady. Inquire 334 Apple. Invalid WANTED Late model refrigerator In gOOd Condition. OOX OtlV armmw,. ITU-WAY Mattres. Co Pbona 3946 and Upholstering 309 west Bin oi BEST PRICES PIU For Youi Furniture. CADS FURNITURE. Phone 4i0. WILL PAY MOST CASH For Oood Used Furniture HOLBROOK FURNITURE 18 North Front. Phone 4033. WANTED wml mnhalr. hides and pelta. Medford Bargain House, 27 North Orape St. Phone 8744. wrnHKAT caeh nald for Iron, copper nraaa radiator aluminum, bat- terlea. tubes rags, lesd snd tin Medford Bargain House WE PAY MORE CASH Foi Your Furniture BARNKHliRG e ANDREWS tb and Front Phone 2333 FOR SALE Slightly used Spinet, also smsu arena, iteei ouya. oox ov Mall Tribune. BIO DOUBLE LOAD Green Fir Slabs. 6450. City Fuel. Phone 4114. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE APARTMENT HOUSE property, nice- ly lurnisnea, earns io" net on 610,000.00. Also Close In business property leased on 10 net nasi. Also 3-bedroom bungalow on east side, basement, fireplace, hardwood floora. 65,500.00. Terms. Also One mile frontage on Rogue river at a bargain. C. S. BUTTER FIELD 410 Medford Building Dial 2318 for sale 6-room house, comer, psved street, bullt-lns, 81750. 6760 aown, osisnce Jew tnsn rem, in cluding tsxes. Would consider good late moael car. sue neaiiy. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Rooting-. WE REPAIR or apply any type of roof, peoco Hoolinge. nningier. Coatings and Paints. New stock Wsll Paper. Ekerson Paint snd Roof Co., 6 sc. Bartlett Tel. 8493. VnUan Blind. VENETIAN BLINDS Guaranteed, ateel or woud Vsnetiso Blinds 39c sq it Installed. Phone Burks Msdtord Tent Awn 4472 Free eitlmste Transtar. CITY TRANSFER - 6TORAOI CO Household moving and general hauling 39 6V Grape. Phone 4664 day ot night IADS TRANSFER ea STORAGE CO Office 16 South Fir. Phone 3838 Prices ngbt Service guaranteed I A VIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE 40 S Fir Street Insured Carriers. Local and Long Dlstsnce Hauling). Phone 3866. FOR SALE Flahlng boat and 1 out board motors. Best outfit in town. Cheap. Phone 8796. 710 Park. TRAILER HOUSE for aale or trade for small place Accommodates . 18-foot. Scbult. See at 715 Cedar. FOR SALE Wssttngbouse 6 cu. ft. refrigerator. 16 norence Ave. Phone 2619. FOR SALE Hot point electric range and traan burner, aiso miscella neous household furniture. Phone 6394. FURNITURE MOVING AND STOR AGE We have van moving equip ment for local and long distance hauling. Dry and olean storage I concrete building) with special locker rooms at low rates SAMSON PTORAOE WAREHOUSE Phone 37S8 LEGAL NOTICES FOR SALE Baled beardless barley. Nledtnneyer. hay, alfalfa and Phone 6367. Otto REAL BUYS 6" centrifugal pump. 1500 gal. p. m.; 3 blcyciea. atream Una; kerosene range with even. Hi ft. upright showcase. Pick Hdwe. ZENITH, America's mos; usuable re frigerator. 5-year guarantee opeea Queei washers. Extra features Compare values Pick Hardware NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph O. Grey, also known as J. O. Grey. Deceased. The undersigned haa filed In the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, the final account of his administration oi the Estate of JoseDh O. Orev. also known aa J. O. Grey, deceased, and said Court has fixed tha 10th day of July, 1941, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, at tne county Court Room In the Jackson County Court House, at Medford, Oregon, as the time and place for the settle' mint nf aalri aetata. All persons Interested In said aetata are hereby notified and re quired to make or file tbeh objec tions, to said final account, If any they have, on or before the time aforesaid fixed for tha hearing and settlement thereof. Date of thla notice and tne nrst publication thereof la June . iwi HERBERT G. GREY, Administrator O. H. BENGTSON, Attorney for Administrator FULLER BRUSHES. Phone 4914. OR SALE Green Fir Slaba. Tele phone 6180. REAL BUYS in used clothing. 1406 No Riverside, serosa from Becss Bsksry FOR SALS Low priced lumber or any building materials Csll us be fore you buy R O Stephenson Co.. Court and McAndrewa Telephone 2000. House Wares. Beautllul chromium pyrex. stn. Green sumps. Flck'a WASHERS and Pumps, reconditioned priced o ssll. Part and service on all makes. Pick Hardware PUMPS. Jacuxst e Meyers, tor every purpose. Guaranteed. Pick Hdwe SPECIALS Apartment House, anartmenta. total income minimum of 670 month. 62860 with ONLY 6365 down, balance 624.BS montn, excellent location, close In on paved street. AND 6 acres Irriga tion. 145-foot well, 4-room plas tered house, 63100 with 6350 down. AND beautiful Suburban Homee with acreage close. AND SUPER modem Dairies at NO raise In price, stock and equipment. VALLEY REAL ESTATE Pacific Hlway South PAINT NOW. Beautify with General Pr'cee are lowest. Pick Hardware OARDEN and farm tools, hose. Low est prices Lawn mowers. Gst our lemonntrstor Pick Hardware SEWING, ALTERATIONS, draperies and specialty, can sjwe lor appointment. FOR SALE Two lot on 6th Street In Phoenix. Pull price. 8n.ou. j. parr, 3 blocks from highway on 6th St. COSMORAY la now located at 117 Laurel St. We formerly demon strated at 139 South Holly St. Free demonstrations dally. No ob ligations. Gshlsns. Phone 3863. FOR SALE 40-acre dairy farm, close In. stocked and equipped. Selling market milk. Phone 6257. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 8-bedroora home. 6900 cash. Terms at 6 Interest. C. 8. Butterfleld, 410 Medford Building. NOW HERE la the best Insurance. a good brake overhaul at cnamp s. First arada llnlna and labor on Dodge, Willys, Plymouth, Chevrolet. Fords. 68: Bulck. Nash. Olds. Pon- tlac. Studebaker, 69.50. Champ's Texaco Service, Riverside and Jack son. WEl-I. DRILLING 61 50 pei ft first 60 ft etc J M t1ce M Kin; FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 6-room modem house. 82 North Peach. Inquire 39 North Peach. Phone 3893. FOR SALS 314 acres, T-room house with bsth. lam ehsde. fruit, and walnut trees. Upstairs apartment renting for 618 per month, located In Medford. Priee 63100. 6500 cash. ALSO 6-room bouse, bath, wash trays, 6 lot, close In on paved street. Only 63100. ALSO 4-room plastered house with bsth. cement rounaauon ana wmwj. walks. 41100. ALSO Annlesata District rr acrea. 35 free water seeded to clover end grass, nouse ana nara on county roaa. aauw. nw cwn. U O. P1CKELL, 16 South Bartlett. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house. In 2 apartments: 2 bstha: close In. 805 Esst Jackson. FOR RENT 6-room houee at 710 Dakota. For Information phone 8832. FOR RENT New 5-room modem boust on Old Pscfie Highway across from Howsrd school. t-ROOM unfurnished bouse, 63250. water paid. 208 E1m St FOR-RENT 6-room furnished bouse. 347 Bestty St. HOUSE VACANT July 1st. 908 Queen Anne. Would rent or lease. Oliver Rogers TRUCKS FOR RENT- Move eouraelt art half Pruttts Mnoilgas Sta tion M!n sni fw PV-Ti 4H. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED two-room apartments 618 50 snd up. Adults. No ptta looa, wet Main St. FOR SALE Resloaue properties Owner 611 w. Btn. mn siArjr Premises comer Mntn and Holly, veatord. nancn riu acres also 10-acre tracts. Owner 306 South Holly. FOR SALE Newly decorated three- bedroom nome. Moaern iwo-wru room. Close In. One-bedroom home, furnished. H. L. "ook, 1104 West Msln. Dial 8679. ANYONE wishing to Invest In a real bom for a money-making propo sition I have It. A reel buy. Come and see for yourself. Fays Msrston, 435 Oranlts St.. Ashland. Ore. FOR SALE 3 houses, furnished, city limits, city wster. 61 500. Income 650. Owner 516 East Msln. BUILDING A Bimi'-let or handle all details on 35-year FHA loana quickly efficiently OOMV Aeer.ey CITY and country oropertiea Rentals Loans insursne c trutienieia 409 Medfurd Building FOR RENT Furnished Roomg PLEASANT ROOM for gentleman. Close In. 609 Eaat Main. mtM YOU think of real estate, thin of the Clinton Spencer .a.e::-T FOR EXCHANGE SLriPINO ROOMS. West Main St. Reasonable. 1005 FURNISHED ROOM for 3 gentlemen, twin beds. 43 N Peach. Tel. 3906. FOR SALE or TRADE 1940 1-S - ton O. M. C. 35x20 tires on back 7 50s 30 on front. Cattle rack 9s8xl9. What have your Bill Braha, 6-1 Bar Ranch. Cave junction. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing mom for aentlemsn 335 9?uth Rlrcrslde ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, 404 8. Orape. FOR SALE OR TRADE For pigs cslves. one lsrse work muls and John D"re 3-horse eulllvetOT. Rt 1. Box 143-D, Central Point. L. O. Johnson. Nntlee nf Pinal Mettlement In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Jackson County. In ths Matter of the Estate of Henry Miller Deceased. The undersigned has filed In tha County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, the final account of his ad ministration of the Estate of Henry Miller, deceased, and said Court has fixed the 18th day of July. 1941. at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day. at the County Court Room In the Jackson County riAiirt Houaa. at Medford. Oregon, aa the time and piaoe for tne settle ment of said estate. All persons Interested in saia ae tata are hereby notified and t oulred to make or file their objec. tlona to aaia linai awwim. u .. mi nr before the time aforesaid fixed for the bearing and settl.-ment thereof. Date of this notice and the first publication thereof Is June i. ii Admlnlatrstor. O. H. BENGTSON, Attorney for Administrator. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ptr sale Well eoulDDed restsu- rant, going business, si.ouu.uu. Ashland. Tribune Box 8341. CLARINE'S Utter Shop, Klamath Falls for aale. stenography, mimeo eraDhlna. notary work and book library, stationery card and Elfta- Bsrssln price Tq on Gold Hill, June 30. (Spl. Guests last week of Mr. ana Mrs. Lew Lingren were Mrg. Msrv Rubardt and Mr. and Mrs. Perl Gates of Pasadena, Calif. Mrs. Rubardt is Mrs. Lingren s mother. Mr. and Mrs. oiney Eaaington bhu on moved last Wednesdsy Into the Reed house recently vacated by tne , J. Andrua family. Past Noble Grand club met June 34 at tha home o." Mrs. Edna Oorham, with Mrs. Etta Carter In charge of the program. The club will discon tinue meeting during July and August, as usual. Vaughn Whltmore and son pat made a trip last Sunday to Smith Rlvar, Cat. Recent guest of of Mr. and Mrs. PERSONAL CARD READING dally. 344 8. Central. palmistry and Crystal Reading Phone 3448. 460 Mountain Java. Ashland. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Expert Window Cleaner. LET GEORGE DO IT Expert Window Cleaner. Oeneral house elssnera. tioor wasing pamte tng Qeo r Olrsrd Phone 3P34 Dressmaking f-HE fashion SHOP Dressmaking Fur Remudsllng. B a 1 1 o n and Buckles covered. Room 603 0. Nstl Bank Blag Tel. 3931. DRESSMAKING Alterations, tailor ing. Katherllne satterlee. singer Shoo 23 So Orape MONEY TO LOAN PAY YOUR ALL BILLS With Quick CASH LOAN AUTOMOBILI FURNITURE LIVESTOCK Terms to Suit You TOO WTLL ETJOT DOING BUSINESS WITH OREGON FINANCE CO. w rhomaa. Mar. Lie No s-311 M-217. 46 So Central. Dial 4433 Home owned and managed. Sines 1938. Closing time for Too Lata to Clae- Ify Ada I t JO p. a. Wm. Hltttl war Mr. and Mm. Wm Btennett of Ashland and Mr. and Mr. Raymond Steanstt and Baby son of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dungey returned hare Friday from Reno, Nsvsda. where they were married June 36, and will make their bom her In on of the Reed apartments. Mr. Dungey was formerly Msrjorls Stone of Medford. Mrs. Cleo Swindler and baby daughter, Lexla Ann, returned home from a Medford hospital laat Satur day, and srs staying at the Tom Smith home. Guests of Mr. and Mr. C. M. Scott last week war Mre. scott'a brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Griffith, of Los Angeles. Mrs. Ernest Lingren and mother. Mr. Klalnhammer, are employed at tbe cannery In Msdtord. Mr. I. L. Koster la caring for the Lingren children. Mr. and Mr. Bud Gall of Redding visited from Wednesday until Fri day with th Charlea and Norman oall famine of thla city. Mrs. ElsV Muhundro nd Donsld, Mrs. Delta Revo and Jimmy Allan of Oakland, Oal., war houss guest laat week of Mrs p. w. Rlcter. Mrs. NeUls Reed 1 driving a new csr. Mis Tvonn Moor visited her grand parents, Mr. and Mr. Burt Stesvenaon, of Grant Pass, from Thursday until Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Olen Everton and son of Portland war gussta Wed nesday and Thursday of Mr. Ever ton's sister, Mra. Marie Blevlna and family. Crelghton Thompson, Kelly de ment, Lsroy Carter and Dick Fer guson spent Saturday at Fah lake. Alvla Winn returned Saturday from trip of several day to Canada. Mra. Mildred Myers Hudson of Vallejo, Cel., suited friends here re cently. Mrs. Hudson formerly re sided here, where she attended high school. Local Orange delegate to th con vention in Newport recently were Perry Walt, W. O. Howes, Otto Fuhr- man, Mra. Sadie L. Prink and Mr. and Mra. E. c. Plena. Several Girl Scout and their leader. Mrs. Hanel Holdernesa, attend ed day camp In Medford laat week. Local Girl Scout who had perfect attendance were Oeraldln and Bon- It Smith. Theresa Ross an-1 Leonk Holderness. Bonlt smith received a weaver's badge, and Leon Holder neaa placed second In ths archsry tournament. Badges for dramatic ware awarded to Oerallln snd Bon lt Smith, There Row and Leon Holdemsss. Gloria, Beverly and Arlow Ball of Wlllowa, Cel., ware recent guest of their aunt, Mrs. Earl Moore, and family. Clarence Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marsdsn and son Bans. returned last week from a week's visit in Canada. They were accom panlsd back bare by Mra. Charlotte Thompson, daughter of tha Mara dens. Among local Oddfellow who at tended lodge in O rents Pas last Wednesday were William Autenrleth, Normal Oall and H. D. Force. Gold Hill Prospect Prospect, June 30. (Spl.) Mrs. L. M. Sturgii arrived Wed nesday from an extended visit i in Seattle, Portland, Salem, Stayton and Eugene, and Is spending a few days with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dunagan, before going on to her home in Corning, Calif., next week. Miss Mary Olson returned June 28 from Rogue River where ahs vis ited her brothers and sisters for sev eral daya. Mra. James Dole and Mra. William Oalnea visited Mr. Oalna at th Sacred Heart hoapltal Thursday. He haa been a patient alnc Tussday. Mr. and Mra. Waldo Nye and two (Uugbtera. Darlene and Patricia pent Friday In Medford. Eugene Dunagan helped Mil ton Mlntor of Reese creek drive bis cat tle to summer psstur In the Herschberger Mountain district Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. William Mooney. who war married June 33 tt Marys villa, cel., went to sen Francisco after tha ceremony They spent few dsys In the bay cities, thsn came to Prospect where they srs vis iting relative and friends. Mr. Mooney la well known ben, aa It la bla birthplace, and b received hi elemsnury and high school adu- cstlon here. They will make their home In Msryavllle. Mies Francs Clark of Medford Is a guest of Miss Jesn Pes. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dtnken visited friend and relatives In Med ford Saturday. Mra. Jessie Greenwood of Berk eley, cel.. arrived Friday to visit Mrs. W. Zundsll. Mr. and Mra. E. I. Frsedjick Jr. and daughters, Jsan and Ann, and aont Buddy and Ted, motored to Eugene via th Willamette highway. Saturday, and spent ths day with th formsr's parent. Mr. and Mra. E. E. Freed rick sr., to celebrate the birthdays of Mia Ann and Mr. Frsedxlck Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Orvlll Oetty qutt their work at Diamond lake resort and cam after their small daughter Sidney, who haa been staying at ths B. E. Moor born, Wednesdsy. and went to Rase sport looking far am nio nsnt. Mr. Ou Dltswortn ia staying with relative In Medford to be near her daughter. Mlsa Evelyn, who is a patient at Community hospital recovering aatlafactorlly from the ap pendectomy performed June 30. Mr. and Mre. Larry Rohl and son Dsle, of Dorrls, Cel.. visited briefly In the Jsntxer Village Friday sn rout to their home, after visiting In Grant Pass. Mrs. T. Wagner and Mrs. Ksllsy Wright spent Friday In Medford. Among those from her spending Thursdsv In Medford were Mr. snd Mrs. Elmer Clemens and daughter Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mlddle bueher snd children. Max and Monty Kay, Stanley Auna. Junior Ingram. Mr. Mary ft. Grieve. Mr. James H. Orlv, Mrs. Oeorg Trlbett and children. Norma and Korman. Mra. HatU Clark received the n nouncement that aha la grand mother again, a a son wa bora to her aon-ln-law and daughter. Mr. and Mra. Harvey Inlow of Medford. June 36. This la th Inlovfs second child, both con. Mrs. Richard Dltswortn is ill at th horn of hsr husband's parent, Mr. and Mr. Out Dlt worth, at th Orssn Meadow a ranch. Mis Jsan Perklna la assisting with th work and tha ear of baby Normsn. George Hathaway, who haa been driving one of Bob cnamneriin log ging trucks, and ataying at tne horns of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllsrd Horn, left for Portland Friday to tk x animation for th army air eorpa. Mr. and Mr. Ivsn Ny took th latter' mother. Mrs. Nellie Csmp, to Medford Thursday whsrs ahs boarded a bus for her bom In Salt Lake City. Her ton Ted, who motored her with her. 1 remslnlng, a ha ha amployment hsr. Don Barnard, radio technician at radio atetlon KOL In Seattle, and Mra. Barnard, are vacationing her. Mary Lou Neville, daughter of Mr. and Mra. David Neville, who haa been seriously Ul for th put week 1 Improving rapidly, snd bl to be up part of the day. Mr. and Mr. Herbert Ayne ana Mrs. Blanch Jarvla from Omaha, Neb., wer guest of Mr. and Mra. E. B. Rlppon laal week-end. Mr. and Mra. Aynaa are from Mrs. Rlppon' bom town and are making an aa tensive motor trip on th Pacinc coast, taking colored moving picture of all points of Interest, Birthday Club honored Mr. Bar ton Brcomtield'a birthday with a 13 o'clock luncheon and an after noon party at her bom Friday. MAGNESIUM PLANT IN BONNEVILLE AREA IS CORPORATION'S PLAN LODGE NOTICES MEDFORD LODOB No. 83, I. O. O. F. meat every Tuea- day evening, I. O. O. F. Hall, 311 Weat 6th St. Visiting brothers lwsy welcome. . O. O. Wlmsr, N. O. O. H. Bengtaon, V. O. U O. Howsrd, Secty. Meeting St 6 p. m. Monday. Knight of Pythias. Vlaiung Knlghta welcome. Meteorological Report By r. S. WE4THFR BI'REAP Washington. June 30 W) Secretary Ickes announced to day the chemical engineering di vision of the Todd-callfornia Shipbuilding corporation pro nosed to construct 12,000-ton magnesium plant in the Bonne ville-Grand Coulee region oi tne Pacific northwest. The interior department sec retary said the corporation had filed application for 40,000 kilo watts of Bonneville-Grand Cou lee power to be reserved until September 30 but added that construction of the plant would be contingent upon the success ful operation of the initial unit of magnesium plant the cor poration was erecting at Per manent. Calif., which Is ex pected to begin operation In August, Ickes said the corporation in formed the Bonneville power toUI monthly precipitation administration it was planning inches; xoss for th month, at to build the second magnesium Inchss. nlant under an arrangement Total precipitation since Septem- I with the Office of Production ber 1. 1940. 30.60 Inches; excess tor I iu.n....m.rl anrl tha war tit-1 the season 8 23 Inchss. " t " I Relative humidity t ( p. m. yes- i Forecasts Medford and vicinity: Fair tonight and Tuesday; (lightly wrmr Tues day. Oregon: Fair tonight and Tuesday but aloudy on north coast, BlaghUy warmer In Interior Tuesday. Osntl to modsrat northwesterly wind off coast. Loral Data Temperature a year ago today: highest 94. lowest 66. Iff? TO OPEN TUESDAY tsrdsy 3T percent; 6 a. m. today 94 percent. Tomorrow! sunns 4:89 a. m sun- set 1:50 p. m. Observations Taken at 4:36 a. ra ise Meridian Tim. Registration of applicants for enrollment in the CCC for the next half-year period will begin tomorrow, headquarters her announced today, though It was Boaton not yet known how long tne Chicago registration period would be, To facilitate registration, each Medford district CCC company commander's office will have forms which eligible youths In tha vicinity may procure, assis- omshs tance will Cf given at the com- Phosnix pany office in filling the forms Portland out The completed forms will be turned over by the company commanders to Blanche D. Ly man, administrator of the Jack son county public welfare com mission, the enrolling agency, CCC headquarters explained. Eligible for enrollment axe youths 17 to 23 who are In need of employment If ! Is 6JS K ACROtt L Plant growing oa rn Ma bottom f. T-li back II. CUrfymaUl 14. FunaraJ ora tions 11, UnnJ (lofwy pain i It. Not of th calo Si. Danlliti 111 truranti I A, Hetvirisj rJlMfl 17. Uprlsht t. Canadian pre Inca: abbr. 44, Constellation 41. Young aalmon 11 glmtrlcan Uth- 42. Bitter vetcb mui IT. frmboi for sodium It Tha LaaaraJf U!a to. Aitamatrv II. fl'imin aols It. Hlta 14. Droops J. Conlurvetloil 17. Riotous gaUbar- si lngs tt. Kslst II. Purposa It. Cornar 41. CompSMlori 44. FootbsUi poal lion 49. Stamping form 4T. Two: pratts 41. Thrlva 41. Cxeiamatloa , tt. Anoint 4 tS. Humtri IT. Cylindrical Charsetcr tt. Ooi-i In ft esrtttn dl rect Ion tfl. Inclinations TiAiRiEnpiMpnsicih V A&l IITr el W R a p eiwsUd e nUtTr o d flMA H M-LB e CUIRUE N A T eHcIO D k lAggTTglU NTDqF A,C T E'0tsfTrSANl RS k tkmi lEffv IlsTc L(r'g'o Ntnifilj WiCieBp ElC AfonsjA P a pppk tTejpOt o ClCEfgLini POL WAN lnj0 RllLU N4 6;cnitUt1r1eUl1e1e1r Klickitat Riders Win 71-Mile Trek Timberllna Lodge, Ore., June 30 P) Pony express riders raced over the Old Oregon Trail again yesterday in 71-mlle contest won by the Klickitat county, Wash., sheriffs' posse. On seven different horses, posse members role from Lake Oswego to Mount Hood in hours and 44 minutes. Tha Me- Mlnnville Saddle club was sec ond and the Oregon City Terri torial Riders third. - Practical Preacher Janesville, Wis., June 30,- OP) To supplement the contri butions from his small congre gation, the Rev. Curtis Coolldge has obtained a Job as taxicab driver. He works as "caboy" five days a week and prepares his Sunday sermons between "fares." Solution Of Yesterday's Puxilf DOWN 1. Paraa'se 8. Fsmlnlne nam S. Topas hum ming bir6 I U 13 M IS a 17 13 W bo ht 13 71 3 1 3 11.1. ZHZ 1.1 7 T,""" zr ST ar fS" ""TsTIi ttr -"is 34" T 1 1 1 1 1 rl 1 lir 4. Coaftnsa I. aiuifisa 6. Cancsl tp.11 back AfrlesD ante lope fl. Adjudgsa aflt for use 10. Turklah title 1L Jul.i Vsrne character II Former rulsr 16. Taose who real propsrtr fl. Epoch tt. Canine animal 14. Orchl 1 meal 16. railllsn marae M Lllsrarr sentfw M as. wiicaa wu flower I. Kstlvs HlnSs In ths Brit lah srmr II. Ouuissi arena It. Skill 6s, Demurrsg es) eonaeianUeist greunss tl Type msssnref tt filtofwerk 40 rtacllne 41 Worn swse It, s robber 41 Hogntsl rVIgS 44 Cacluds 41. Clss-tlng procsss SI Arrow poison (9 Breaths -ulcsls 61. Assam blsg at cattle tl Po.rn a 14. At M. Crt f f 11 61 60 64 M 70 Dnver 66 83 Bursa - 66 66 Hsvrs 60 66 Lo Arsls 76 60 Medfon) 78 46 New York II 71 67 67 M 64 70 67 , tl 43 76 61 73 6 81 66 67 74 67 Reno Roeeburg 811 Lake San Francisco 71 SMttl 67 Spokane. 61 wn, o. 0 as Yakima 76 jOO POloudy 1.06 F Cloudy ,00 p Cloudy joo C.sar M Cloud M Rain jOO Cloudy jOO Clear JOO P Cloudy jOO p Cloudy jOO p Cloudy .00 P Cloudy .oo p cloudy .00 P Cloudy JOO P Cloudy .00 Clear .00 Cloudy J01 Cloudy JOO Cloudy JOO Clear WATER PIPE BOMB GOLD HILL Fl SCARES VILLAGERS Multnomah, Ore., June 30. (JP) Pre-fourth of July fire works had village residents her looking for bomb shelter last Gold Hill. June 30. (Spl.V- n,M-. . . Chairman John Gray presided nome-maae bomo. con- Friday evening at a meeting of ' exploaivet packed . into the Northwest Jackson County water pipe, went off with a fair board when several vacan- Jr0',Mrd blo9k' 0!r,dJ clea among committee chairmen through the air and crashed were appointed. Tentative plans .,."7",:" ara helnr diacuaaed for soonsor- ing another home talent play to Pne' be given at fair time, August 2i this year. Mrs. Bert Stancllft will direct the play If arrange ments can be completed to pre sent one. It was announced that the housing committee had recom mended that most of the depart menta of exhibits be placed in the pavilion this year, in order to solve the problem of ample space and also to centralize the exhibits. A aalmon bake will probably be the main feature of this year's fair In place of the usual beef barbecue. Next meeting will be July 11 at which time the selection of a queen will be made. and Into a store's plate glass Weather Northern California: Fair to night and Tuesday; some local morning fog near the coast; tem perature slightly above normal In the interior; moderate Dortii west wind off the coast. Traffic Deaths Wane Portland, Ore., June 30 IP) Portland traffic fatalities total 17 for the first six months of the year, compared with 30 at the same time last year. Police Cap tain W. C. Epps said today. Travel Table ALL aiaPLANia Nertht-maw Leave alalia Close 47 am. 4:01 a a. Il7pm. Uxlia 16 p as. (rag nop) Mo Mall 6:16 p m (Flag ssop) 6:66 p as, soma Leave Mans Oos II :ll.m. 1637.. 1:11 p ea. (PlagMop) 637 p as. 11. p.m. 11X17 p. m. ON FIRE FORCE Leave 11:06 am. 6:06 p a goatkkeea) Mslls Cloa lOMsa. 1 p . as. Lsev :40 a. m. 6:40 p.m. Toy Boat Fleet New York UP) Radio an nouncer Ben Grauer, sailing in Long Island sound, dumped overboard a toy boat tagged "Ben Grauer, commodore. Re turn for reward." Several days later a girl In East Port Ches ter, Conn., wrote she had found the boat and would return It Grauer sent her a dollar. Three days later, Grauer received let ters from a dozen other East Port Chested children, all claim ing to have found similar boats. Beheeda Copperhead Seaford, Del. (U.B Charlea Collins, working with a scythe on a road-clearing project, was annoyed by a hissing sound coming from the long grass un der his feet He felt the scythe strike something soft and the noise stopped. A foot from his leg was a decapitated copper head. Caledon East, Ont U.B The next time the fire-bell sounds in this village of some 400 citi zens all but the lame, the halt and the blind will drop what ever they're doing and rush to tha firehouse. The "chosen-few" will don helmets, put raincoats over their business suits or overalls and Jump aboard a trim, new com bination pumper, hose and Ud der engine as they ride out to the fire scene. They're the veterans and they've received thorough grounding on how to douse the most stubborn blaze. They have i- Tnr In fTalenrifi Eaat av ww a ww. 1 a co p. an sat gcuear competition Is tough with ivirf mll(l thu-mu-. Cai man a fireman ana tne res. ox the townsmen hoping the day will com when they'll ride "our bright-red engine" to a fire. ' Those not elected to man the "fire-reel" won't be spectators while their buddies fight alalia t 40 a- as, 4:40 p. as. BUSES north 1:60 a. m. 710 em. 1:66 a m. 1:40 p m, 1:46 p. m. Ta RMisMtk Fan 40 a. at. n 460 p. m. Free akaiMtk rail JO a aa aa 6 40 p. a. () Ta AsblSD Mlf. () Te Oraata Pas only. 11:06 a ea. 6:60 a.m. Mas. S 60p m. 6:06 p. OS. uta suuaaturai auli ilosss at 6:lt ta ta estlvary at pouw aorta at (us an) aa I CO p. m rse Ssllnrj Closing tun fur Too UU to Clas alfy Ad at 1 JO p raw tmif Ctsst Idititm Th,Wil.r:tteJ fan raewrr pse o axsaiCAjt IUSINESS I FINANCE 4sv4f 0 hWGto 4l5aVKaWalW10ui a.', T 4 M . .