PAGE TOUT MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1941. SOCIETY and CLUB NEWS of the WEEK Br BETTY SHOEMAKER Betrothal Told At Afternoon Tea At Day Home At a tea Friday afternoon given by Mrs. John Stewart Day at her home on Groverland ave nue. Miss Mary Jane Bragg and Miss Eleanor Bragg presented guests with gardenia corsages which held tiny cards linking the names of Valeria Gloria Getchell of this city and Hugh Howell, Jr., of Honolulu, T. H. Announcement of the betrothal was made to a large group of friends. The Day home was decorated with white flowers and for the announcement party Miss Getch ell chose an afternoon dress of pale turquoise with a corsage of white orchids, sent by her fiance. Mrs. Day wore a lace trimmed afternoon dress of blue with a gardenia corsage and Mrs. Delroy Getchell, mother of the bride-elect, was attired In a white and green afternoon suit and a corsage of gardenias. Miss Getchell is the only daughter of Mrs. Delroy Getch ell and the late Mr. Getchell, prominent in Minneapolis and Medford banking circles for half a century. She comes of dis tinguished New England ances try, being the great-great grand daughter of Captain David Dick inson and Captain James Mc Clure of Revolutionary war fame. Mr. Howell, who has visited at the Getchell home, is the son of Hugh Howell, well-known engineer in the Hawaiian Islands. He is an executive of the Hawaiian Trust company of Honolulu, T. H., and an officer and director of the Walalae Golf and Country club of that city. The bride-elect has a wide circle of friends in Seattle where she attended St. Nicholas school and received her B. A. JwM from University of Washington. She was affiliated with Delta Gamma social sorority. She Is also well-known in the bay re gion as she is a graduate of Castllleja school at Palo Alto. Pouring during the tea hour were Mrs. T. Corning Kenly. Mrs. Harold Gordon, Mrs. George Roberts. Mrs. Ben Day, Mrs. Eric Westergren and Mrs. Charles Barnes. Miss Mary Jane and Miss Eleanor Bragg are the daughters of Lawrence D. Bragg. . The wedding of Miss Getchell and Mr. Howell will be an event ol mid-summer, upon Mr. Howell'a arrival from the Islands. t Munki Guests At Carpenter Home Dr. and Mrs. Frank Munk of i Reed college, Portland, were : houseguests at the home of Mr. ! and Mrs. Leonard Carpenter, Veritas Orchards, during their stay in Medford Friday evening. . Dr. Munk appeared at the coun 1 ty court house auditorium as guest speaker on the League of Women Voter's program. They left yesterday morning for Klamath Falls where Dr. . Munk will Join in the trip to , Harts mountain with the "Order of the Antelope." They plan to spend Monday at Crater lake be fore motoring north. In Monument Work Toe Can De Better with Barm" Oranlte-Bronie-Merble Plata section. Aehlsna, phone :si TAKE A GOOD Look ever the tannery v return la yoa. Note how whlu, the whites are how krtibt the color. Our mod ern methods keep your elothtnr looking Its beet, enl kelp It last lonB. too. fir To Wed In Mid-Summer Miss Valeria Gloria Getchell, charming daughter of Mrs. Delroy Gatchell, 1121 South Oakdale .avenue, whose betrothal to Hugh Howell, Jr., son of Hugh Howell of Honolulu, T. H., was made known Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Stewart Day on Groverland avenue. Former Resident Weds Mr. Allen In Kalamazoo Announcement is made of the marriage of Mrs. Charles Brown, former Medford resi dent now living in Kalamazoo, Mich., to Chester Lawrence Al len. The ceremony was read in 4 Kalamazoo, June 12. After the first of August they will take up residence at 805 Wildwood Drive, East Lansing, Mich. Mrs. Allen has many friends In Medford and the valley where she made her home for a number of years moving east about eight years ago. Social Events Honor Visitors Numerous social events have been held during the past few weeks honoring Miss Roseanne and Miss Nancy Elizabeth New bury of Walnut Creek, Cel.. who have been visiting at the home of their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Don Newbury, 7 Eastwood drive. During their stay In Medford they and their cousins. Miss Nancy Jean and Kenneth New bury have been entertained at a swimming party by Mrs. Glenn Jacksnn; an afternoon party by Mrs. W. J. Hutchinson, a lun cheon by Mrs. E. P. Merrick. Mr. Martin Sands held a lun cheon yesterday for a group and Mrs. Newbury honored the visi tors with a theater party last week inviting 20 of the younger set of Medford to the affair. In company with Mr. and Mrs. Newbury and Miss Nancy Jean and Kenneth the visitors will motor home July 3. Dur ing their stay in Medford they have also been guests of their srandDarents. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Newbury, 32 Mistletoe street. CALENDAR Tuesday 8 p. m. Crater Lake post 1833, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at armory. Wednesday 2:00 p. m Adult Missionary society. First Christian church, in recreational hall. Thursday 8 00 p. m. R N.A. members at K. of P. hall. . . iMt " re tM 1 t Mote " ' a-V r"' tr" ynoo i n 1 r3-!.'$.V.."' 1. . . - '. v -.ft ' i V Fischer-T hatcher Wedding Read At Grants Pass Friends will be Interested to learn of the marriage of Mrs. Catherine A. Fischer of this city and William A. Thatcher of Talent at Grants Pass last eve ning. The ceremony was per formed In the presence of the family and a few intimate friends. The service was read by the Rev. Herman S. Reichard at his home In Grants Pass. An in formal wedding reception was held later in the evening at the home of the bride s daughter, Mrs. C. A. Thatcher, 832 North Central avenue. They will make their home at 24 Genessee street In this city. Venita Gardner Is Honored Guest Miss Venita Gardner cele brated her eighth birthday with a party at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gard ner, 323 South Peach street last week. After refreshments were served and games played a musi cal program was presented. She received a number of gifts. The program Included piano selections by Fred Alton Haight, Venita Gardner, Fred Haight, Jr., tap dance by Alison Camp bell and Betty Clark; guitar by Fred Haight, Jr., accompanied by Miss Gardner; vocal numbers by Sally Coony, Inez and Reta Schleigh and Miss Gardner Dale and Dean Coverstone. The program was closed with the group singing "God Bless Amerl ra" and balloons were given to the guests. Enjoying the party were Wil bur Gardner, Fred Alton Haight Fred Haight, Jr., Nancy Pierce, Irene Card, Sally Coony, Inez and Reta Schleigh, Betty Clark Alison and Harriet Campbell, Dean and Dale Coverstone and the honored guest. Mrs. M. C Murrey and Mrs. Eaton assisted Mrs. Gardner. I Miss Offenbacher To Wed In July Mrs. Herman Offenbacher an nounces the engagement and ap proaching marriage of her daughter, Dorland Terrill to Paul Robert Matheny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Matheny of Jacksonville. The wedding Is planned for the afternoon of July 8. Miss Terrill Is a graduate of Medford senior high school and Mr. Matheny of Jacksonville high school. APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH Cor. 3rd and Central, Medford. Sunday Service 7:48 p. m. ORGAN PRELUDE The Heavens Are Tailing", by Hsyda The End of a Perfect Day" Orchestra LeRoy Neff, 'Cello Sols. Tlnal Service Until August 10th Luncheon Held At Holland Hotel For Mrs. Marshall Mrs. Robert C. Wright-and Mrs. Clarence Schmidt enter tained a group of friends at a luncheon at the Hotel Holland Wednesday afternoon. The af fair honored Mrs. Joe Marshall. Jr.. who is leaving Medford to make her home in Portland. Luncheon was served in the small lobby of the hotel from tables decorated with a blue and yellow motif. A handkerchief shower was given Mrs. Marshall and cards were at play during the afternoon with prizes being awarded to Mrs. Ada Wright. Mrs. Robert Duff and Mrs. O. Halboth. Attending were Miss Mildred Dugan, Miss Claire Scott, Mrs. Robert Duff, Mrs. Bernard Nut ting. Mrs. Ada Wright, Mrs. J. Verne Shangle, Mrs. Howard Swanson, Mrs. Larry Duff, Mrs. O. J. Halboth, Mrs. Paul Beare, Mrs. Joe Dugan and the host esses. Relta Powell Weds Mr. Tucker In This City The marriage of Miss Relta Lea Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Powell of Eu gene, to Stanley V. Tucker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tucker of Walla Walla, Wash., was sol emnized Wednesday evening in Medford. The couple will make their home in Medford. The bride has been attending the University of Oregon school of architecture and allied arts Eugene Regis ter Guard. Charivari Held At Owens Home A group of members of the Golden Link Sunday school class of the First Baptist church called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Owen on Siskiyou heights Thursday evening and honored the recently-married couple with an old-fashioned charivari. About 23 Joined In the festivi ties and games and visiting were enjoyed after which refresh ments were served. Class mem bers presented the couple with a wedding gift. Dinner Honors Prentice Petty Prentice Petty was honored Monday evening by a group of friends with a no-host dinner at Burgoyne's. Mr. Petty formerly postal clerk at the local post office, left Tuesday evening with the six selectees for the induction station at Portland for the United States army. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Adiel Neff, Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swearlngen, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Swan son, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sher wood, Mr. and Mrs. Earl York, Miss Margaret Allison, Boyce Kellogg. Otto DeJarnett, Kend rick Watson and Mr. Petty. Return Home From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. bugene Nowlin and daughter, Winona Jean of Spring street have Just returned from a month's vacation. They motored east by way of Yellow stone national park and Tetan national forest. From there they visited relatives and friends in Detroit, Lansing, Flint and Kalamazoo, Mich. On their return trip they were Joined in Indianapolis, Ind., by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tate of Salem, Ore., and enroute to Medford called on friends in Denver, Colo., .and Salt Lake City. Utah. V.W.F. Will ' Meet Tuesday Members of Crater Lake post 1833, Veterans of Foreign Wars and auxiliary will meet in regu lar session at the armory Tues day at 8 p. m. Reports will be made of the convention held recently in Bend. Attending from Medford were Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Canfield. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bronson and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shulz. All members are urged to attend by Commander Merrill A. Benrka. Glass We sell glass, reglaze your oroken windows reason ably Trowbridge Cabinet Works Linen Shower Honors Recent Bride Thursday Honored at a linen shower Thursday evening was Mrs. Don Westby, the former Lucille La- Mlre, who was married recently in Seattle, wash. The shower was held at the home of Mrs. Flovd Darland. Jr.. with Mrs. L. IDupray and Mrs. Darland as hostesses. Games and contests were played and the honored guest opened a number of gifts. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. G. Perry, Mrs. P. Newcomb. Mrs. G. C. Nicewood and Miss P. Hedg path. Mrs. Westby has been visit ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. LeMire. She is a recent graduate of St. Joseph's School of Nursing In Vancouver. Wash., and attended college In Seattle. Mr. Westby is an honor graduate from the University of Washington in electrical en gineering and is now employed as U. S. engineer with home office In Seattle. Mrs. Westby plans to return north this week. Guests attending the shower were Mesdames E. Monaco, H. Young, H. Evans, P. Newcomb, Betty neupaih, G. C. Nicewood, G. Hall, G. Perry, D. Mills. G. LeMire, F. Darland, Sr., Misses Phyllis Hedgpath, Margaret Wells, Terry Parent, Evelyn Na tion, Mary Lou -Harden, Gene vieve Johnson, Bernice Nary, Louise LeMire, Eleanor LeMire, the honored guest and hostesses. Marian Duggan Weds Mr. Owens Thursday Morning Miss Marian Duggan, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dug gan of Central Point and J. Ed win Owens, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Owens of Antelope were quietly married Thursday at 11 a. m. in the county court house with Judge J. B. Coleman read ing the service. The bride wore a white shark skin suit with blue accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds, blue columbine and bridal wreath. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. J. C. McMullen as matron of honor. Mrs. Mc Mullen chose a tan tailored suit with black accessories. The bride's brother, William Duggan, was best man. Following the service the wed ding party was honored at Val entine's with a dinner. Attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed win Owens, Mrs. J. C. McMullen, William Duggan, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hundley, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Owens, Dennis Duggan. Miss Allene Owens. Mrs. Earl May. Mrs. William Duggan, Den nis Duggan, Jr., Charles McMul len, Mrs. J. C. Duggan. The couple returned last eve ning from a wedding trip to Lake o Woods and will make their home on the Owens ranch at Antelope. Both are graduates or Medford High school. Julie Carpenter Home For Summer Miss Julie Carpenter, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. V. Carpenter, returned home dur ing the last week after attend ing Stephens college, Columbia Mo., during the past school year. She was accompanied by her room-mate. Miss Billle Under wood of Noblesville. Ind., and another friend, Corydon Taylor of Peapack, N. J., student at Dartmouth college. Hanover, New Hampshire. The visitors plan to remain in southern Ore gon for a month. The three mo tored west, taking eight days to make the trip. Dawes Motor To Crater Lake Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dawes of Kansas City who are vacationing in southern Oregon for a short time, motored to Crater lake today with Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Carpenter. Mr. Dawes, a special agent for the Kansas City and Southern railway, is the nephew of the late Vice President Charles G. Dawes. In company with his wife they are enjoying a pleas ure trip on the Pacific coast. SUP Will SERYE YOU AS YOU SERVE. $1.98 and $2.98 ADRIENNE'S D. A. R. Choice in mi i iiw "I' ., .)'i J HP"a D.A.R. members selected Mrs. William H. Pouch of New York as D.A.R. president general for a three year term, to succeed Mrs. Henry M. Robert of An napolis. Md., at a recent D.A.R. congress. D.A.R. Elect New Officers At Roseburg At the southern Oregon dis trict D.A.R. convention held last week In Roseburg district offi cers were elected. Mrs. Earl Duncan of Marshfield was selected as district chairman with Mrs. Frances Cochran, of Medford vice chairman. Mrs. Ray S. Petrequln of Roseburg will act as secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Howard Arnest, state re gent, who attended the Conti nental Congress in Washington gave a report on the sessions and her visit at Tamassee, one of the D.A.R. supported schools. It was announced that the Ore gon scrapbook ranked second among those submitted in the national competition. Taking part in the convention were representatives from Coos Bay chapter, Marshfield; Crater Lake chapter, Medford; Rogue River chapter. Grants Pass: Umpqua chapter, Roseburg and Mt. Ashland chapter, Ashland. Enjoy Motor Trip East Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hankins and Miss Irene Hankins accom panied by Miss Joyce Metzger of Jacksonville, left last week by auto for a visit with friends and relatives in Kansas and Missouri. Returning by way of Los Angeles where they will be Joined by Miss Madeline Metz ger, the party plan to arrive in Medford to attend the wed ding of Miss Lulu Elaine Metz ger to Glenn Vincent Moffett, July 13 at the First Methodist church. Miss Madeline Metzger, who is a sister of the bride-elect and a former Medford girl. Is now employed in the offices of Dun & Bradstreet, Los Angeles. She will be maid of honor at the wedding. Party Held At Bismark Home Mrs. Herbert Bismark sur prised her daughter Margaret on her 12th birthday Monday after noon when a surprise party cele brated her anniversary at the Bismark home in the Beck apartments. Games were played and later refreshments served to Betty Ann Shaw, Janet Shaw, JeMl dyn Jerome, D'Ann Beck, Mel ody Smith, Virginia Long, VeM Smith, Betty Rogers. Marjorie Carter, Dolores Bismark, Shir ley Morrow and the honored guest. Visit At Home of Parents Visiting at the E. E. Gore home. 118 Geneva street are Mr. and Mm. S. A. Mushen of Klam ath Falls, son-in-law and daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gore. They are en route home after a two weeks' motor trip to San FMn- cisco and the bay area and plan to visit In this city a week. Reames Chapter Hears Reports On Grand Chapter Reames chapter No. 88, Order of Eastern Star, met Thursday evening, June 26, In the Masonic temple, for the last time until September. Two candidates were given the degrees of the order, Mr. and Mrs. William H. McClure. who expressed their pleasure at being made members. Mrs. Katherine Larison sang several numbers during the initiation ceremony. Mrs. Clair Norrls. wortny matron, gave a comprehensive report on her trip to Portland and the grand chapter sessions she attended there during the week of June 8. She said Reames chapter was well repre sented at the grand chapter ses sions where Worthy Patron Au brey Norris was one of the "min ute men" and Georgia Holloway took her place as Grand Martha. Lillian Lue and Beulah Faber also represented southern Ore gon In the proceedings. Mrs. W. H. McGowan and her sister. Miss Gertrude Weeks, Mrs. Georgia Holloway and the worthy patron and matron, Mr. and Mrs. Au brey Norris. represented Reames chapter at the grand chapter ces sions. Mrs. Beulah Faber gave an Impressive tribute to the flag. the same tribute she presented as member of the travelling flag committee, at the session of the grand chapter of Oregon. After the meeting members and visitors enjoyed refresh ments. There will be no meet ings until September except a Joint picnic with the Masons which will be announced later. Surprise Party Held Wednesday Miss Annie J. Bateman of 719 Bennett street was surprised Wednesday evening when the personnel of the Southern Ore gon Credit bureau greeted her at her home with a birthday party. Dinner was served after which Miss Bateman was pre sented a large birthday cake. The remainder of the evening was spent at games and Miss Bateman received a number of gifts. Those present were Marian Mellin, Zeta Alexander. Edna Hilderbrand, Eva Walden, Elva Thompson, Marylynn Davis, Alice Sparks, Hazel Oliver, Eu dora Smith, Geraldine Jewett, Frances Stevens. Joyce Bate man, Howard Whlllock, Wilfred M. Moses, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Redden and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Bateman and sons of Seattle. Wash., who are visiting with relatives enroute home, and the honored guest. W.R.C. Will ' Meet July 17 W.R.C. will not meet July 3 as previously planned but will hold its next meeting July 17 according to an announcement made yesterday by corps offi cers. am YOUR f lb Mrs. Furrer Elected Head Of Sojourner Club Sojourner club member elected Mrs. Ralph Furrer at president for the coming term at a meeting Thursday afternoon at Hotel Medford. Retiring pres ident is Mrs. Eugene Card. Assisting Mrs. Furrer will be Mrs. Robert Colbourne. vies) president, Mrs. Robert Crutch, field, secretary and Mm. R. E. Wright, treasurer. Tables were decorated tn patriotic motif for Independence) Day. Hostesses were Mm. Rob ert Crutchfield. chairman. Mm. Robert Colbourn, Mrs. Hugh Erickson and Mm. Arthur Loefr fler. Cards and sewing were en joyed during the afternoon with prizes awarded to mm. tin Stroud. Mm. Franci Hughes, Mrs. Eric Tucker and Mm. Clevis Renker. The retiring president ex pressed her appreciation for cooperation of club membeM and committees during her term of office. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. David H. Boyd, Miss Enid Thompson, of Portland; Miss Marian Wolf. Tacoma; Mm. Cliff Andrus, Eugene and Mrs. C. W. Leonard, Grants Pass. Carol Tengwald Presides Over Jobs' Daughters Miss Carol Tengwald, newly Installed honored queen of Job'i Daughters, Bethel No. 14, Mel ford, presided In her new capa city as queen, Wednesday eve nlng, June 25. This was the last meeting until September. Miss Tengwald expressed for the bethel their regrets at th resignation from the council of Mm. Esther Sanderson, who has Just completed three yean' serv ice as guardian. W. P. Brooks, associate guardian, presented Mm. Sanderson with a past guar dian Jewel on behalf of the bethel and guardian council. Re grets were also expressed at the resignation of Mm. Mary Cro field, guardian secretary, who also has completed three years' service. Mrs. Sanderson and Mm. Crosfield spoke of pleasant associations they have had In their work and wished the new honored queen and her offlceM success during the new term. R.N.A. To Meet At Armory R.N .A. membeM will meet at the K. of P. hall Thursday at 8 p. m. Missionary Society To Meet Wednesday ' The Adult Missionary society of the FiMt Christian church will meet Wednesday at 2 p. m. In the recreational hall. Mrs. Ethel Troxell and group will bo in charge of the program with Mrs. Virginia Cook and group a hostesses during the social hour. 0 HOLLYWOOD STARS hm lm?4 th tfTTt of rMladnf without lftftng their TlUlHy, The n HPT U dtilcloat, Mtlfjlnf HOLLY WOOD Bread baked from a ipoetal recipe which Includes etght delirious vegetables In water-free form. Higher In protein richer In minerals and low In starch percentage, BOLLYWOOD Bread Is the Ideal bread for reducing menus. It Is particular It good tootled. It contains energy glTlng carbohydrates and mucle-bul1dtng proteins to help beep your muscles from becoming soft and flabby, while you are lostng weight. The HOLLWOOD way Is the safe, easy way to reduce. Hollywood Bread 1$ Baked Exclusively by GROCER HAS IT!