MEPFORP MATC TRTBUNTS. MEDFORP. OKECONT. FRTPAT. JUNE 27. lf41. PAGE NINE E ' FOR ALUMINUM IS PLAN INJEFENSE Jackson County Defense Council to Organize Col lection Scrap Articles Here Salem, June 27 (P) Machin ery for itatewide drive to col lect scrap aluminum to help the national defense effort was or ganized today by Acting Gover nor Dean H. Walker and Jerrold Owen, state civilian defense co ordinator. Immediately after Owen re ceived a telegram today from T. H. LaGuardia, national director of civilian defense, asking that the aluminum drive be started without delay, Owen asked all county defense councils to get busy at once. Owen said Dean William Schoenfeld.of Oregon State col lege would be asked to organize county agents for collection of aluminum in rural areas. Bulk of the scrap aluminum to be collected Is expected to be TRY OLD STOCK ALE Outsells all others in the West because it's tops in Purity, Zeit and Flavorl UMNNMCMNMI 1AM PUNOKOL Ct BBHBSJAOCD Ml All HaSSSB Treasury Seeking Cold Divining Rod Washington, June 27. W) An Arkansas man wrote the treasury: "I have been Informed that the government will fumlsh mineral rods to locate hidden money. If they do, please let me know how to get one." The treasury replied today: "We know of no divining rods for finding money. If vou do, let us know." SUMATRA GIVES GREAT TO THE pots and pans housewives. contributed by Jackson County Defense Coun cil will organize the collection of scrap aluminum here, Capt. S. M. Tuttle, chairman said to day. Details of the organization are to be perfected and announc ed as quickly as possible, he stated. Juvenile Journeying Memphis, Tenn. WP) Albert Roy Clark has a pretty strong claim to the title of the nation's most traveled one-year-old. Al bert Boy has traveled 44,000 miles by auto, 700 by plane, 600 by bus and 250 by train, say his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Clark. His Journeys have taken him through 24 states and Canada. In Mature Hands New York (P) Out of a worn leather purse, 109-year-old To bias Wildstein scooped $18.75. He gave it to Postmaster Albert Goldman for a baby bond the first of 92 residents at the Home of the Sons and Daughters of Israel to make an instant reply to Goldman's appeal. He earned the money tutoring boys for confirmation. llSi Batavla (U.R) Four times as large as Java and producing 80 per cent of the dollar imports of the Netnerland East Indies. Sumatra has become, possibly, the richest possession of the Dutch in the Far East. Most of the island is "Rem bu," or Impenetrable jungle. Only 8.000,000 people inhabit the territory, but the north por tions of the east coast produce vast quantities of rubber, tin and tobacco. About half of the rubber tree regions are cultivated by for eigners and the rest by native chieftains. Palm products, cof fee, and oil also are shipped to foreign markets in considerable bulk. Gold is found In some places. Recently an American firm, whose headquarters are in Manila, began extensive pros pecting and opened several mines which promise to be prof itable. Dutchmen have looked to the north apprehensively for some time. Singapore is directly across the Malacca Straits from Sumatra, and parts of the north coast face the part of Thailand that stretches down into the Ma lay Peninsula. Exact locations are, of course, secret, but authorities state that Sumatra Is well defended by land, sea, and air. "Bases have been established at important points," say army officers. Yolio Mineola, N. Y. OP) A gang of "blitz pirates" is harrying yacht owners. They use a sup ercharged speedboat, cut the motors and glide alongside anchored yachts at night. Sev eral men Jump aboard, snatch chronometers, compasses and whatever they can remove quickly. Then they Jump back to their own craft and roar away. PUBLIC HEALTH BY LEGISLATION Uncertainty Dampens Spirit Of Interned Italian Seamen Columbus, O. U.R Ohio has tittnatrt. lha inrsa i n (t niirnlMi rt states seeking to reduce syphlis i Interned seamen's name for the By Hal Moon UP Staff Correspondent Missoula, Mont (U.R) A thousand Italian seamen, in terned for the duration of the war at Fort Missoula, eat, sleep, laugh and play games, but are lonely. 'Yes. life at Bella Vista (the by requiring all applications for marriage licenses to pass a physi cal examination. Governor John W. Bricker re cently affixed his signature to a bill which requires such ex amination to be made, beginning August 18. The anti-syphilis bill was one of several important public health measures which were passed by the 94th Ohio general assembly recently and approved by the governor. These new laws call for 1. Establishment of non-profit medical service corporations to offer the services of physi cians and surgeons to low and medium income groups on a plan similar to "group hospitaliza tion." 2. A ban on retail 'ale of fireworks, except cap pistols. 3. A new system of recording births and deaths, providing that probate courts may issue birth certificates to those who have lost or never had them. This provision was regarded as vit ally important to many persons employed in Ohio industries handling national defense work where proof of nationality is a requisite. 4. The growing number of "rest homes" for old-age pen sioners to be placed under strict state supervision and licensing by the state division of aid for the aged. The homes were the object of much criticism after a number of aged persons lost their lives In fires. A proposal that the British houses of parliament be moved away from the Thames was abandoned in 1840 partly be cause the Duke of Wellington pointed out that the buildings if situated on the river, never could be surrounded by a mob. t a-a-OT -a-a- ONE OF OUR BEST Week End SPECIALS 1935 FORD DELUXE FORDOR SEDAN Tiat snippy U H P. motor. Gooa Appearance. Clean. S225 CHALLENGE VALUES! COMPARE OUR PRICES 1929 Chrysler Sdn. Oooa tollable Transportation. Bettrr Sre This One Quirk! $95 1933 Buick Fordor ThU er cost S1200 rlftriailT. Thousands of mlln of smi lrtt. S It tor $140 WOW! SEE WHAT S495 BUYS Tomorrow Only! 1931 PONTIAC COUPE Good flnMi. Motor eompW orernnoltd. Remember On Day Only. THESE THREE TRUCKS SLASHED $50 BELOW OUR COST 1939 Chev. Truck L.W.B. 1H Ton. t-paf Ail. Motor tn (oool condition. Cab and metal good. $695 1939 Ford Truck L.W.B. m Ton. Ttros brand new that hT now been "ed. low ml Irate. A real boy. $695 1935 Dodge Truck L.KB. 1H Ton. Good bed and rack, a b really eat oat for the farmer. Good mechanically. $295 YOU WANTED LOW PRICES LOOK AT THESE! 1939 CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY New paint Job. Body In excel lent condition. Good motor and tires. $475 1937 FORD PICKUP The handiest Job ot them all. Has been well kept, bay It Voo'll $375 TRUCK BUYERS! Hero's an example of what we can offer you 1935 GMC Dump S-S yd. Box. Oood hydraulic holut, Eaton l-tpeed axle. Big rubber, a Beat Money Maker. $300 ktiiKHy CUD on BRING IN THIS ADV. AND GET S Cc Off On These Two! THIS ADV. SHOWS THE CARS IN OUR 193$ PONTIAC COUPE You'll enjoy yonr 4tb of inly trip with this one. Clean. Good motor. $325 193$ OLDS COUPE Good paint Not a arratcb. Mechanically nice, it win loan ot tomorrow aura. $345 ONLY A FEW OF BIG STOCK-ALL fort) he is fine but Italy la home. We have families there," they say, wistfully. When newsmen were permit ted to Inspect the camp, the Ital ians, many of whom apoke Eng lish, hurled a broadside of ques tions about the outside world. '"How is the war? How far Is it to town? Do you have any newspapers and has Mussolini mada any speeches? What about Ethiopia?" But the reporters were not permitted to answer. Some of the men were begin ning to show the strain, al though there was litle grumb ling. Quarters, now cramped, were to be enlarged by erection of 13 fabricated houses shortly, and the chain-link fence, now enclosing about five acres, was to be extended to take in an ad ditional five acres. Tor the men In the camp, time weighs heavily. They listen to a daily concert by the 24 piece reed and brass ensemble from the luxury liner Conte Bi ancomano, but, for the most part. Individual musical Instru ments hang silent on the bar racks walls. The men apparent ly have no desire to play them. The exact length of the earth year is 383.242 days. Alaska has no division Into counties but has four "judicial" districts. PRICED FOR QUICK ACTION! WHEN WE STAGE A SALE IT'S A REAL BARGAIN EVENT TfiOSfO CARS NOW DRIVE-IN SERVICE 11 A. M. to 1 A. M. MURRAY'S MAID-RITE South Central at Ninth 1 CrWl MANUfACK'ta FOB Uifffff It X VITAL PART of making America strona is tomoke'Americans stronger . with the food they need. Vitally aware of this are the thousands of trained and experienced people who are engaged in the nation's great food indusfrv-the fa rmart uha -.mJ.., the food, the manufacturers, who process it, and the grpcerymen. who distribute it -proudly working in the best way they know to supply the energy necessary to do the big job. ADVERTISED FEATURES are for Sat. June 28 to Mon., June 30 Pineapple STOK CORN DEL MONTE GOLDEN BANTAM CREAM STYLE Fancy Peas 2. 25 J STOKELY FANCY SUCH) No. 2 Cm SUGAR BELLE Cigarettes. Kools....S pkgs. SSe Carton S1.23 Del Mais Nibleta 12-os. caa lOe Briargate Cut Beans... No. 2 can He Highway Asparagus, all green picnic tin ... .. ISs Gardenside Tomatoes. 2V can S for 2Se Emerald Bay Spinach .2 No. 2V tins 29e Harper House Pears No. 2V4 cans 17e Diamond A Prunes. No. 1 can 3 for 25c Apricots, Highway. can 2 for 29e Heins Catsup 12-os. bottle 18e Pellaeo Oysters 5-os. can 10c Rnrir cirnrl 10 ISw SPRY 3 56c Airway Coffee.. 31b. bag Edwards Coffee. 2 lbs. Sleepy Hollow Syrup, bag 14a 3c lb. caa 2te 47e 28-os. caa 2Se Orange and Grapefruit Juice No. 2 caa 10c Sunny Dawn Tomato Juice 48-os. caa ISe V 8 Vegetable Cocktail two 1214-os. ISe Duchess Salad Dressing J2-os. Jar 14c Lunch Box Sandwich Spread ,.qt Jar 33o Real Roast Peanut Butter. 3 lb. 21e Browa Derby Beer. U-os. stowaway S for 2Ss Certo 3 bottles 4Sa Egg Noodles, 14 oz. pkg 2 for 27c Honey, local . 5 lb. pail 29c Crackers, soda . . 2 lb. box 15c Cheese, full cream pound 23c Pineapple Juice, Stokelys 46 oz. 25c Fruit Cocktail, No. 1 tall QC Baby Lima Beans S-lb. pkg. 33e Morton's Salt- 2 pkgs. 17c Kitchen Craft Flour..49-lb. 11.59 Red Arrow Flour 49-lb. 81.13 Calumet Baking Powder 2VVlb. can 37o Gold Medal Wheatles 2 reg. pkgs. 2 Id Albers Cora flakes two S-es. pkgs. Se Campbell Soups, asst.. 3 cans 25c Hormel's Spam 12-os. can 25c Paradise Dill Pickles 25-os. Jar 14e Jell Well Desserts. Puddings 3 pkgs. lOo Fluffiest Marsh. eta. lOf Creme Da Meathe Candy lb. cello. ISe Heins Strained Foods. 3 cans 20a O. E. Light Globes, 30 80 W. each 10a Pard Dog Food 3 No. 1 cans 2Se PalmolWo 8oap....reg. bar 8o Sure Jell Pectin. three 8-ct. bottles 25e Whtta Satin Sugar...2S lbs. S1.44 White Satla Sugar 10-lb. S8e 100s S9.80 Kerr Masoa Caps. wide month .dos. 29e Kerr Economy Caps rag. 17c M. C P. Powder.S pkgs. 2 So Pea Jel 8 pkgs. 25e Kerr Masoa Caps...reg. dos. 19c Jar Huhhan pkgs. 10c Parawax lb. pkg. 12o Kerr Jelly 39e Kerr Lids, wide 10a Kerr Economy Clamps doc. 13a Kerr Masoa Ot Jars ... dot. 79c Ball Masoa Ot Jars..dos. 79a IsnsJ m 1 fitta SU-PURB Oreeeleled IMeJlMsj MIm 18c 35c LUX FLAKES.. Mlfea. at IC Vcnon Oil fc ou Try Tee New Geatle Las PA GNapt-i Sot? 10 Z. 33c SUPER SUDS n.rthsy Dan 2w7.Sar.25 saw - M n m M m JSL- BEEF 6 Coeeeatrated' lor diseae 4 Uasderiaf 24- 21c Wil.twCIaUST 344e.kat.S3c Wtldoif TIIIUI 4s SIRLOIN or RIB STEAK GROUND BEEF lb. 21 Ik 1 9 lb. 31a Vet lei PORK tints inn tfjt'J FAMILY IRCLI 6!c LETTUCE Local, crisp, compact heads lb. CANTALOUPES Delicious pink meated melons . lb. f Q GRAPEFRUIT Fancy Sunkist lb. 5c ORANOESSuakUt Fairly bursting with sweet delicious Juice. Full of 1 -Hernias lb. O 2 C PEAS Seattle telephone vertoty. J f" Large well filled pods 8 lbs. 1 OC TOUNOBERRIES a BOYSENBERRIES .crate (J 3 C A ramplrte eaaortnwnt af Wal.rm.lons. Aprtrota, rndMa, rieaM, ma k Cara. sira-a rtra, lU.a kerrlaa anS Cerraata at rear ararnt Satrwar stare VEAL ROASTS VEAL SHO. STEAK BREAST OF VEAL I SLICED BACON. BACON SQUARES Jowls LUNCH MEAT. assorU. The fare rite meat of America. BEEF ROASTS, blade cuts Jb. 17Vtt BEEr ROASTS, round bone. SHORT RIBS . 2 lb. 35e from leader, grata fed young porkers. STEAK lb. 25 CHOPS.Jb. 33e PURE PORK SAUSAGE S lb. 35 .Jb. 22 -lb. 23 -lb. 29 No rind, ao waste, no lost time .Jb. 17Vie) - Jb. 28 CRATER LAKE MOTORS Tomatoes. 2 lbs. 15c p i MEDFORO, OREOON Xjf