PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1941 "GROCETERIA GOODNESS" ONE SHOPPING STOP FOR EVERYTHING A Double Holiday for the Cook! Super Meat Markets The Kind of Meat You Like to Eat Associated Press Bureau Chief Says Russian Hinter land Unaware War Near (Editor'! Note: Henry C. Cas fldy. Associated Press chief of bureau In Moscow, gives the fol ', lowing first hand report on Rus- sian civilians under the blitz- - krieg on the basis of unusual " experience as a war reporter. ! Cassidy, a native Bostonian, was ' a member of the Paris staff when ; Germany Invaded Franca and ' saw the masses of civilians who dogged French roads in flight, . The contrast he presents in the . following dispatch in the first . eye-witness account of wartime Russia outside Moscow by an ; American newspaperman.) Br Henry C. Cassidy Moscow, June 27. P From the Black Sea to Moscow, through regions rarely seen by foreigners recently, even in peacetime, I have watched from . behind the .Russian lines as the Soviet provinces went to war with Germany, The general impression was ' that the Soviet forces got off to smooth start. 4 Mobilization was carried out i without any apparent hitch. The blackout was Installed effect ively. Trains were running : promptly. Agriculture and in . dustry appeared to be working , at top pitch. j The Soviet countryside showed " two striking contrasts to France of year ago. ' First, there was no panicky ', rush of refugees to tangle trans t port In fact, I found It dlffl ' cult for a civilian to move at all ; unless he had a real reason. Blavle Calm Second, the people malntaln : ad complete Slavic calmness and ' confidence. War nerve never reached i these remote districts. The aklea over central Xu- ropean Russia appeared to be ' under absolute Soviet control. Through tha Ukraine I saw . no German planes, not even the l scouting craft such as penetrated ! deep into Franca In the early days of the war there. , The war cam with startling i surprise In the province Sun- day. The radio the night before and the provincial press that : morning had no hint of tha con- ; met. The population stiffened sud . denly and listened open-mouthed ' to a broadcast of Foreign Com- mtssar Molotov's speech an 1 nouncing the German attack. LI ON RUSSIAN FRONT New York, June 27. VPA British broadcaster quoted a German spokesman today as say ing the Nails have thrown a million men and more planes than were used in the battle of France last year against Soviet Russia In an effort to "finish off the Russian campaign In the shortest possible time." The British broadcast was heard by CBS. 'The German high command hurled nearly the entire German war machine against Russia to achieve this vital object regard less of loss," the spokesman was quoted as saying. TOlSlDCl NO. 1 Will MEET Tl (Contributed) Townsendites are reminded that tonight Is the regular meet ing night fnr Medford Club No 1. The fact that this club re cently took fourth place in the state Indicates it is doing the real Townsend work. Townsend ites should attend these meet ings, but everyone Is welcome. Ladies are asked to bring a pumpkin pie. 3 OREGON CUES HECTICJULY 4TH Camp Hunter Liggett, Calif. UP) Eugene, Roseburf and Klamath Falls can look forward to hectic Fourth of July this year because tha towns will be crawling with Fort Lewi sol diers en route home from June long maneuvers here. Motorized troops of the 3rd and 41st divisions and 9th army corps will be lying over about 38 hours in each of tha town since army trucks will not travel on July 4 so as to not interfere with civilian traffic on the holiday. Merchants can look forward to a tremendous surge in busi-i ness. The troops will be paid Just before they leave this reser- vation and should be "flush." Eugene will have tha biggest Influx because both the west and east columns will converge there. Army officers estimate the first serial leaving here which will be in Eugene July 4 will Include approximately (,000 men. Roscburg and Klamath Falls will have approximately 3,000 soldiers each on the holiday. While passing through Ore gon, former guardsmen and selectees from that stat will be Issued passes to return brief ly to their homes. RED WlWlNI DESIGNED BY YANKS SEVERAL YEARS AGO Bern, Switzerland, June 27. UP) American-type tanks and airplanes most of them obso lete, perhaps are fighting Soviet Russia's battle against Germany. United States military leaders can now watch the performance of masses of American-designed equipment In this new twist of Europe' conflict. Many of the Russian tanks clashing with Germany's panzer units on the plains of Poland are models of machines designed by J. Walter Christie, Westfleld, N. J., inventor. Ford-style trucks haul Russian supplies and plane of the red air fleet are of Cur-tiss-Wrlght, Lockheed, Martin and Douglas Designs. Military observers asserted, however, that unfortunately for purposes of comparison with German equipment, none of this Russian equipment Is of late de sign. The Russians In effect built their army under license from American manufacturers. TO GIVE COMEDY Southern Oregon College of Education, June 27. Spl.V Members of tha stage design class at the Southern Oregon College of Education are con structing stage settings for "High Tor," three-act comedy to be given at the college auditorium July 17. The designs were planned by Professor Otto Wilde of the art department, and are reported to be particularly outstanding. The locale of the play Is cen tered on top of palasades over looking the Hudson river. Angus Bowmer, director, said today that due to a large num ber of competent actors avail able for the summer, "High Tor" by Maxwell Anderson was se lected for presentation. WPA WILL DROP 2700 WORKERS ABOUT JULY 1 Portland, June 27. (IP) A slash of 2700 workers from the Oregon WPA polls will be made about July 1. E. J. Griffith, state WPA administrator, said yes terday. There are now 9200 workers employed, he said, and projects will be closed to cut the number to about fllOO. P'tfor Schilling PAPRIKA tha oppefife-whstter Makes fish, for example look and tail barter t Schilling: t' ititifit istaacts Home Purity Bakery Bread & Cakes Like Mother Made Home Purity Cakes For Week -End Orange Cake A three-layer cake made with fresh orange Juice topped with natural orange Icing. Red Devil' Food Evaryon likes Devils Food Cake but her Is what wa truly believe to be the finest ever. Specially blended chocolate gives it a never-to-be-forgotten flavor. Roses in Snow The world's best liked white layer caka. , More Rose In Snow cakes are baked en special order than any other Home Purity Cake. Angel Cakes Home Purity Angel Cakes ar famous throughout all southern Oregon for their fine texture and flavor. Whole Cake 49c i Cake 25c Molasses Coconut Loaf Cake 15c A delightfully flavored small loaf cake for the small family. FOR BREAKFAST Pineapple Coffee Cake Ring .each 15c Orange Rolls 6 for 15c Home Purity Cookies, 2 doz. 25c A wide variety of real home style cookies for keeping Mother's cookie Jar well filled, HOME PURITY ENRICHED BREAD 2 1-lb. loaves 17c 2 lj-lb. loaves . ., 23c (Makes finer toast because thoroughly baked) PR0CT0R&GAMBLE PRODUCTS Here now the New Ivory Soap. Whiter, lathers more freely. Guest Ivory 4 bars' 17c Medium Ivory .3 bars 17c Large Ivory ,. .4 bars 35c Ivory Flakes . . . .large pkg. 22c Ivory Snow ..... .large pkg. 22c Camay Toilet Soap bar 6c Lava Soap, large bar. .3 for 25c Oxydol .giant, pkg. 59c Dreft .: large pkg. 22c Dash Granulated Soap giant pkg. 47c P. & G. White Naptha Soap 10 bars 33c Clean Quick Soap Chips giant pkg. 29c Crisco. .... . ... . . . 3-lb. can 56c WITH SWIFT'S PREMIUM H QUICK SERVE 3 READY :j COOKED 1 HAM Ts-d i Tl i nam I vi a. in s md a ,mmr m m . x v liai.-fcr W a S alilllslMssssjbsssjasM 1 i1 F'OR home' or outing Swift's Premium ., Quick Serve Ham gives Swift's Pre mium tenderness and flavor ready ' to eat. Delicious when served cold in sand wiches or cold plate, Superb baked ham just merely reheat. Tender and flavory when fried jut heat 2 to 4 minutes on each side. Tomorrow and Until the 4th SWIFTS PREMIUM QUICK SERVE HAM (Ready cooked) Whole Ham , .lb. 35c If cut in half Butt End .v :. lb. 36c Shank End lb. 34c Center Slices for Frying ............. lb. 49c Off Center Slices for Frying ............. lb. 35c Butt End after Slices Removed . .: lb. 33c Shank End after Slices Removed lb. 25c Really costs less because you avoid so much of tha cooking shrinkage. TENDERETTE STEAKS TLIERE Is good eating Indeed. Pork and Beef blended Into a tender Juicy steak by tender sttelng so thoroughly that tha two are as on. Try an tomorrow. The finest steer beef and grain-fed pork blended Into aa economical steak that all will heartily enjoy. FANCY STEER BEEF Blade Cut 1 Q Roast .lb. I"C Sirloin OQ Steak Shoulder Veal 1Q Roast lyC Shoulder Veal 0 2 Steaks lb. -?C Colored OZ Fryers lb. -C Swift & Co. Bacon OCy Backs ...I lb. 6JC Hormel's Fancy Break 'l fast Bacon lb. J J . - (Sliced) Mock Chicken Legs' .6 for Cooked Lunch Meats, fine assortment lb. Home Purity Potato Salad pint 25c 25c 15c SJ.'H'.'l,!l.'l.'U.Hm fAl u t Cranium niurc UI TENDER m ryKFurrs IDOSe TENDERIZED FRANKFURTERS For home or picnic wiener roast you will like the fine flavor and tenderness of these finer frankfurters. Until July 4.. lb. 25c SAVINGS in the GROCETERIAS Solar Brand Broken Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 can, 2 for 25, No. 24 can 15 Silver Bar Florida Grapefruit No. 2 can 10d Golden Poppy Figs in Syrup No. 1 tall can 10 Silver Bar Blended Lima Beans No. 2 can 10() (A welcome vegetable for variety) Gold Bar Seedless Grapes No. 1 tall can 10 Gold Bar Peaches, halves or sliced, No. 2 can 2 for 33 Gold Bar De Luxe Plums No. 2 can 15 (A very fine breakfast fruit) Gold Bar Pineapple Chunklets ..No. 1 flat can 10 Gold Bar Pure Fruit Preserves 10-or. can 10 (Pesch. Peach Pineapple, Apricot Pineapple. Blackberry, Deluxe Plum. Loganberry) Gold Bar Pineapple Vinegar pint bottle 13 Swift's Prem, spiced lunch meat 2 cans 49 Elbow Cut Macaroni or Spaghetti 3-lb. pkg. 15 Dr. Phillips Grapefruit and Orange Juice, blended 46-oz. can 20d Dr. Phillips Florida Orange Juice 46-oz. can 25c Swift's Premium Corned Beef Hash 1-lb. can 15 Pard Dog Food, No. 1 tall can 3 for 25 Target Brand Corned Beef 12-oz. can 18 Ovaltine large can 61 Sheffords Wisconsin Cheese. Vr'b. Pg. 15) American. Brick, Chevelle, Pimento S perry Cornmeal 5-lb. sack 15c4 S perry Rolled Oats 9-lb. bag 33 S perry Pancake Flour ...4-lb. bag 25c Sunshine Nobility Assortment each 300 (58 best Sunshine Cookies) Sunshine Hyde Park Assortment each 22 (48 very fine Sunshine Cookies) Sunshine Krispy Crackers 2-lb. box 30c4 (America's No. 1 Cracker) Siskiyou Green Beans, No. 2 can 3 for 25e Del Monte Corn on the Cob tall can of 4 ears ISt4 Three Sisters Golden Corn No. 2 can 1(V Flavor Loaf Enriched Flour ;.. 49-lb. $1.59 Drifted Snow Enriched Flour 49-lb. $1.89 Gold Bar Coffee lb. 25 2-lb. 49 (Drip er regular) Z Mor-U Coffee, freshest and best lb. 23 2-lb. 45 (Four Orinds Drip. Silex, Percolator. Pot) Vano qt. bottle 29c (Cleans woodwork, furniture, etc.) GATES & LYDIARD ICE CREAM FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEK BLACKCAP RASPBERRY FRESH STRAWBERRY BUTTERSCOTCH PECAN CRUNCH MAPLE NUT ALMOND TAFFEE HAWAIIAN DELIGHT CHOCOLATE CHIP VANILLA CHOCOLATE ORANGE SHERBET Pt.'l5c-Qt.25c Delivery of 11.00 Orders. 8th at Central 8th at Crip Saving Without Self-Denial FRUITS and VEGETABLES Grapefruit, large Arizona 2 for 9c Cantaloupes, large 45's 3 for 20 Watermelons, lb 2S4 Oranges, Sunkist, 2 dot 23 Tomatoes, extra fsncy 2 lbs. 9