Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 27, 1941, Page 10, Image 10

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Southpaw Yammer Slated to
1 Fling for Merchants
Batting Averages Listed
Medford'f Kogues will be
shooting for the first half cham
pionship of the Southern Ore
gon league here Sunday after
noon when they entertain the
Crescent City Merchants at the
high school park at 2:30 sharp.
With four victories and one
defeat, Manager Paul Hoffard's
gang of kids will clinch the
first-half title by conquering the
visitors, but the big skipper fig
ures it may prove rather diffi
cult to accomplish In view of
the fact that Crescent City, two
weeks ago, handed his club
their lone loss of the season.
However, Hoffard Is confident
the lads will turn the trick.
Virgil Haynes, ex.U- of Ore
gon righthanded pitcher, is
slated to take the mound for
the locals, with Billy Calvert
back of the plate. Yammer, a
southpaw who turned back the
Rogues a couple of weeks ago,
will probably be on the mound
for the coast team.
By For G. P.
The first-half race ends Sun
day, with the Medford-Crescent
City tilt being the only game
scheduled. Grants Pass will
draw a bye.
Following are the Rogue bat
tine: averages as released by
Manager Hoffard:
B. Gitzen .,
' Adamas .
J. Gitzen
. 3
Cook .
TSIha 8
- Hampel and uatnerwooa ic.u
the team in home runs with
one apiece, Catherwood leads In
hattt In with four. Cook
has hit three triples, Hampel
and Catherwood have each belt
ed one double, Johnny Gitzen
leads In stolen bases with two
and Hoffard has drawn the most
walks, four.
By the Associated Press
Sacramento's plunge from the
Coast league's baseball pinnacle
is gathering momentum and so
is Seattle's belated winning
For the third straight time the
Solons bowed to Hollywood's
second-division Stars last night,
losing, 10-9. Meanwhile, second
place Seattle took a 6-1 decision
(mm San Francisco to climb to
within 11V4 games of the lead
long way except for a hot cluo.
Oakland's surprising Acorns
ran up their third consecutive
win over third-place San Diego,
by an 8-5 score. The loss drop
ped San Diego a game ana a mu
behind Seattle.
John Moore's tenth-Inning sln
ele. driving In Johnny Stamper,
ive Los Angeles a 21 victory
over Portland. It was the Angels'
second straight ten-stanza one-
run-margin win over the Bea
vers. Snore: R. H. E
Los Angeles 2 ? 2
Portland - 1 8 2
Thomas and Campbell; Llska
and Annunzio.
The Medford Gun club will
shoot at the usual time at the
club at the north end of the
airport Sunday morning. Skeetj
shooting will be first on the
program starting at 11 o'clock
sharp in order to start the 16
yard regular trap events by
noon and complete all shooting
by 2 o'clock. Skeet shooters
are urged to be on time In order
not to delay the other events.
Next big trapshootlng event
In the state will be the Grand
Pacific handicap held in Port
land next month, followed by
the Pacific Indian shoot at Lake
Crescent, Washington, in Au
gust. The Grand American
handicap, trapshootlng's na
tional champlonhlp program,
will be held at Vandalia, Ohio,
in August the week following
the Grand Pacific In Portland.
The public Is Invited to attend
the Medford Gun club
every Sunday.
Face Crescent City Here
Novikof f Hangs Up Suit
Lou (the mad Russian) Novikolf, rookie outfielder the Chi
cago Cubs bought from Los Angeles to be a major factor In
the reconstruction of their club, hangs up his uniform for the
last time In Chicago. He has been sent to the Milwaukee
Brewers under option to see If he can regain the batting
prowess which made his famous on the coast.
Dutch Lelber and Bob Fox
will split the pitching chores
for the Medford Craters this
week-end when the locals travel
to Albany for a two-game series
with the Oaks Saturday night
and Sunday afternoon, Manager
Lou Sauer said today. -
Leiber, who flung the Craters
to a 9-2 victory over Eugene
last Sunday, will pitch the reg
ular Oregon State league game,
while Fox will work the exhi
bition tussle. Sauer said he be
lieved the Sunday game would
be the league contest, but added
that whichever game counted in I
the standings would see Leiber j
taking the Crater rubber.
Albany Is expected to send
Oscar (Red) Miller to the rub-
ber In the league tilt, with !
Glen Elliott pitching the exhl
bition fray.
The Craters will have their
regular lineup Intact for the
first game of the league's second-half
race. Frankle Roe-
landt will ratch, with Spike
Johnson on first, Bobby Volk on
second, Del Schroer on short.
Bob Churchill on ' third, Al !
Lightner In left, Sauer In cen-
ter and Joe Gray In right. Lei-
ber arrived In town Thursday
night and reported he was in
great shape for the game.
Other loop tilts Sunday will
find Eugene at Toledo, Bend at
Klamath Falls and Silvcrton
playing Hills Creek.
Eddie Simmons and Ed Nich
ols, winner of the championship
and second flights, respectively,
will tee off for 18 holes Sun
day mornmg at 9:30 In the finals
of the annual Barker Palm
Beach handicap tournament at
the Rogue Valley Golf club.
Simmons downed Dave Irving
yesterday, 6 and 8, for the right
to face Nichols, who plays with
Ian 18 handicap to Simmons' 2
The 72-hole sweepstakes hand
icap tournament will also start
Sunday, and will be completed
by July 15. Competitors arc
asked to turn in their score
cards at the club house.
Rained out for the fourth
time this season last night, the
softballers are hopeful they can
run off two games this evening
under the light at the senior
high school stadium.
Gasco and Jennings Tire com
pany are slated to collide at
8 o'clock, with Fluhrcr's and
i Catholic Men taking the field
Jtn hour later.
' I
. i ,..! A
r f Iw hlh., flm
Legion Junior baseballers will
open defense of their district 4
with a doubleheader against the
Marshfield Legion Juniors at
the coast city. First game will
start at 1:30 sharp. All mem
bers of the local squad are to
meet at the senior high school
field here at 6:45 a. m. Sun
day. Coach Riney Cook said that
Bob Smith of Jacksonville
would pitch the first game and
Southpaw Howard Parker of
Phoenix the nightcap. Re-
mainder of the club will line
up with Hal Adams catching.
Ray Clayton on first, Don Faw-
cett on second. Jack Swaryck
on short, Chct Lathrop on third,
Bud Provost in. left. Dean Mea-
dor In center and Clyde Blevlns
in right.
Other players slated to make
the trip are Bob Davis, Steve
Dippel, Marlon Hardy, Gene
Farthing. Mclntrye and
Russ Johnson. The team will
travel- In cars driven by Coach
Cook, Bill Bowerman and
George Robertson,
Scores Yesterday
St. Louis 1, New York 4.
Cleveland 11, Boston 8.
Chicago 2, Washington 3.
Detroit 4, Philadelphia 8. ,
Boston 2. Brooklyn 11.
(Only game)
Los Angeles 2, Portland 1.
Sacramento 9, Hollywood 10.
San Francisco 1. Seattle 6.
San Diego 5, Oakland 8.
Western International
Yakima 4, Salem 7.
Tacoma 7, Spokane 8.
Vancouver 7. Wenatchee 12.
t nUwmSjU Mellowed by another rear el as II
8 fm
11 hnsca wi sit' t
Srooklyn Crushes Braves,
11-2 to Climb Into Tie
DiMaggio Hits Safely
By Judson Bailey
(Associated Press Writer)
The Brooklyn Dodgers and
St Louis Cardinals are in an
exact tie for the National league
lead today, and apparently they
are going to keep right on fight
ing each other until the end of
September. '
This is an old custom in the
senior circuit, but never any
more fiercely contested than
this year.
The Dodgers pulled into a tie
last night by crushing the Bos
ton Braves, 11-2, while all other
teams in the league were idle.
The New York Yankees held
on to their slim percentage lead
in the American league by
humbling the St. Louis Browns
4-1 with a spectacular one-hit
pitching performance by Lefty
Marius Russo.
DiMaggio doubled on his last
time at bat to run his hitting
streak to 38 consecutive games;
and Tom Henrich homered to
extend the club's record string
of four-baggers to 35 In 21
straight games.
The Cleveland Indians rallied
for six runs in the seventh inn
ing to beat the Boston Red Sox
11-8 and prevent the Yanks
from increasing their margin.
Johnson Homers
The Chicago White Sox and
Washington Senators, who had
battled 13 innings Wednesday,
struggled through 16 innings
yesterday until Washington fin
ally edged out a 3-2 decision on
Jimmy Bloodworth s run-pro
ducing single.
The Philadelphia Athletics
A O A .14 41
wort un o lu i vicmi uvcr mc
Detroit Tigers. Bob Johnson got
American League
Won Lost
New York 39 25
Cleveland 41
Boston 35
Chicago 33
Detroit 34
Philadelphia 30
Washington 24
St. Louis 21
National League
Won Lost Pet.
St. Loulsr. 45 21
Brooklyn 45 21
New York 34 29
Cincinnati 34 31
Chicago 30 35
Pittsburgh 24 32
Boston 22 37
Philadelphia 18 46
Pacific Coast League
Won Lost
Sacramento 34 25
Seattle 42 36
San Diego 42 39
San Francisco 39 42
Los Angeles 37 43
Hollywood 35 42
Oakland . 35 44
Portland 32 45
Portland, June 27. IP)
George Keep, Jr., of Oswego
and Louis Stafford of Portland
met today on the Alderwood
country club course for the Ore
gon state Junior golf title.
Keep advanced to the cham
pionship round by downing
Buck McKendrlck of Portland
yesterday, 3 and 2, and Staf
ford beat John Frcy, Portland,
1 up on the 20th green.
Mellowed by art other year el aoe
this lamous whlikey te oi-nn
even freatef drinking pleaaut-
Nothing has been added to the
Price. "Beat Buy in 130 Yeare."
ntiitfai i ruiiiu wsmutr co.
aacset.itt, Rtarecki
Sunday in Final First Half Tilt
By Gall fowler
Spokane, June 27. (JP) This
Is a story about a conscientious
fellow who made a vow 10 years
ago and kept it, probably ex
plains why Chuck Hunter of
Tacoma hasn't figured in any
golf tournaments for the past
You'll remember that in the
late 1920s Chuck Hunter "was
way up there in Pacific North
west golf circles. Then Chuck
decided to be a lawyer.
"And when I decided to study
law I decided in favor of law
over golf," he says. "I quit tour
nament golf and gave myself 10
years to establish myself as a
lawyer. I made up my mind I
wouldn't knock off afternoons
See Other July Sale
Ad on the Back Page
This Store .
Open Saturday
Until 8:30
Lisle Athletic Shirts
July Clearance on Men's
fine combed yarn white
lisle Athletic Shirts. Rib
bed and plain weave. Med.
alse only. Reg. 35c. On sal
Cotton Union Suits
July Clearance on Men's
Cotton Union Suit. Fin
quality short sleeve, ankle
length union that sell reg.
for $1.00, Now -
Dress and Sport Belts
July Clearance on Men'
Dress and Sport Belt.
Large assortment in both
plain and sport styles.
Nearly all alies. Your
Men's Neckwear ,
July Clearance on Men'
Neckwear, Here's a group
of good-looking patterns
that sell in the regular
way for f 1.00. Now
Sweater Coats
July Clearance on Men'
Sweater Coats. Zipper and
Button Style In knitted
and woven fabric. The
are all wool.
f S.IS Coat are new 14.45
$4.95 Coats are now $3.45
$3.95 Coats are now S2.4S
$1.13 Coats are now $1.45
for a round of golf until my 10
years was up. It will be up in
February and I will really start
playing a lot then. This tourna
ment is in the nature of vaca
tion and I'm tickled pink I've
come this far."
How much farther Hunter will
go depends on none other than
Marvin "Bud" Ward of Spokane,
the former national amateur
champion. Hunter plays Ward
in one of the two 36-hole fea
tures of the Pacific northwest
men's amateur golf tournament
at the Spokane Country club
Ward's home course today.
In the other 36-hole semi-final
match. Ken Black, the likeable
Canadian amateur champion
from Vancouver, B. C, will play
Mat Palacio, Jr., of San Fran
cisco, that city's present Olympic
club champion and former Cali
fornia state titlist.
Hunter reached the semis yes
terday by defeating Carl John
son of Seattle, 2 and 1, and Ken
Storey of Spokane, 1934
P.N.G.A. winner, 3 and 2.
Spokane, June 27. VP) Take
it from the Portland contingent
Twlea a year, once in July and one in January, Mann's
offer from 90 to 100 Suit at price so low that many men
buy from two to three suits. Here they are. 90 models from
our regular stock at two sensational price. Suit up to
$29.50 for $15.95 and suits up to $40 for $24.95. In this
great clothing sale are single and double breasted styles in
both light and dark patterns In almost every popular suit
material. Clothing price are advancing, (O buy your suit
now. Buy it at Mann's.
VALUES to $29.50
If any of the three Portlanders
in the semi-finals of the Pacific
northwest women's golf tourney
has a chance to defeat Betty
Jameson, the national women's
champion, It's Babe Freese.
Miss Jameson, from San
Antonio, Tex., la the only non
Portlander in the running.
Should she get past Babe Freese.
she will be in the Saturday 36
hole final against either Sissy
Green, another sensational 16-year-old
Portlander, or Marion
McDougall of Portland, who has
reached at least the semi-finals
of this tourney for the last nine
consecutive years.
New York, June 21. HP)
Babe Ruth, who hits 'em a mile
where they're going, is on the
spot in a golf match today.
Ten years ago when he used
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
At July Clearance Prices!
Buy Whit Shirt now for
summer wearl We are clos
ing out several white lines.
Hence this great salel Here
are White Shirts that have
sold for 82.00 all season
for Just $1.00. Slses 14 to
Here's another shirt value! Famous
Manhattans, Fruit of the Loom,
Mark Twain and Wilson Bros,
shirts. Colored patterns in slses
14 to 18 and up to 82.00 in value.
in This
of Quality
a bat and knew approximately
where his pokes were coming
down, the Babe probably would
off the tee but isn't sure Just
have laughed at this situation.
Didn't he stand in front of SO,
000 folks In Chicago once, point
to a section of the bleachers
and calmly wallop a ball right
to that spot?
But today, he either has to
win in the second links meeting
of these old baseball warriors,
or he has to admit the Georgia
Peach is the better man.
nh Smith BlTtr. the Wlnrhurtt,
the Cheteo and the Rogue. Swim
In the Pacific. KtLax. mt Spe
cial wtrtt-end rate of only S3. 50
per day for room, 5-course dinner,
a la cart breakfast, complete
luncheon. Family ratea, weekly
and monthly ratea. Menu Includes
ees food, chtrken, steak, homo
made butter, rolls, Jam.
Saturday Charges
on July Statement
Broadcloth Shorts
A July Clearance on Broad
cloth Shorts for Men. Broken
lots and slses in shorts that
hare sold all season for 35s
on sal at 29c or 4 for $1.00.
Stetson & Courtney
July Hat Clearancel Famous
Stetsons and popular Court
ney Felt Hats at July saving.
The Stetsons are $5.00 and
SS.00 value. The Courtney
from $3.50 to $3.95. Smart
black and good looking
shade to choose from. Choice
$245 $395
July Sal of Men' Cottoa
Wash Slax and cool rayons.
Our entire stock Included in
this special. Your Choice
Half Price
July 81 of Men Wash
Suit. Her are Whit Suits
and summer color in popu
lar two pc. styles. Regular
$9.95 suits Now
Half Price