Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 26, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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by Betty
Club Installs
New Officers at
Rogue River Lodge
New officers pf the Medford
Business and Professional Wom
en's club were installed Sunday
morning at a breakfast at Rogue
River lodge. Jacque Lenox was
Installing officer.
Eva Judd will serve as presi
dent: Nina Moore, first vice
president; Florence Weiser. sec
ond vice president: Gladys York,
recording secretary; Vivian Gill,
corresponding secretary: Iva Mc
Henry. treasurer; Freeda Grbers.
program co-ordinator; Edith Gif
ford, auditor: Rose Huston. Ger
aldine Taylor, Lunetta Bussey
and Laura York, directors.
Irean Grigsby. Laura York
and Bertha Arnspiger sang sev
eral selections after which Ab
bi Green played several piano
numbers. Preceding the break
fast Mrs. Bussey entertained the
members at her home on North
Bartlett street with coffee.
Social Events
Held for Visitors
Chaplain and Mrs. Clifton R.
Pond of Fort Bliss, Texas, have
been guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hobart Price, 605 Park
street, for several days. They
resided in Medford for five and
a half years, where Chaplin
Pond was district chaplain for
Medford CCC. He was called
to active army duty as captain
with the First Cavalry division
at Fort Bliss last October.
During their stay in Medford
they were entertained Tuesday
evening at dinner by Mr. and
Mrs. Paul McDuffie. Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Faber of Central
Point entertained at a luncheon
yesterday for the visitors.
D. of V. V. to" !
Meet Fridar
Daughters of Union Veterans
will meet at the armory Friday
at 8 p. m.
Oregon's lush meadowland-dairies produce approxi
mately 4) million dollars worth of famous dairy prod
ucts annually. No wonder Mrs. Horsfall, nationally,
known Oregon D.A.R. and American Legion auxiliary
clubwoman, choose this cheese torte a her favorite
dessert. A believer in Oregon products. Mrs. Horsfall
combine Oregon dairy products and Oregon's own
and only Sugar to make a dessert that you'll agree is
mighty good! Try her cheese torte on your family. Be
ure to use Oregon's own and only Sugar. It's perfect
for every cooking or sweetening use. Join the swing to
Oregon-made product and get the best!
1 t. fctT7 rrm
c hit rWtaa
1 Up, ewtlla
1 iivtak
Core bio tW mm. na I cup of th tUft.
flour, vtmiila and th. eggs, and beat wIU Roll
th rwtbrh bisrutta until Irrie (uae 2V, cup oi
nanh). add fhe butter, cmiwmon and th rrmam
itg 4 P hit Satin Sugar and mtx Lm
(treated nninch spm pan with half thtt enmb
mutur. Pour m th cottag
cherv mntur and tonnlrl mith
th mnatninc tnK Balr m a
wow ore. ifc- r.i tor 1 hru
nd Clubs
Lively Rogues
Hold Sport
Dance at Hall
Lively Rogue Dancing club
members enjoyed a sport dance
at the K. of P. hall last evening.
In charge of arrangements were
Cole Holmes, chairman, and Mrs.
Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. George
Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tay
lor and Mr. and Mrs. Everett
During the evening Mr. and
Mrs. . H. Edgerton and Mr. and
Mrs. George Harrington were in
troduced as new members by the
vice president, Gerald Latham.
Miss Brown to
Attend Convention
Miss Margaret Ann' Brown.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Brown, 105 Geneva street. left
this morning to attend the Alpha
Omicron Pi national convention
in New Orleans, July 7 to 1 1 . In
company with her mother, Mrs.
Brown and her grandmother.
Mrs. L. Dell Welch she motored
to San Francisco from where
she will take the train east.
Miss Brown is a delegate from
the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority
in Eugene where she is a student
at University of Oregon.
This will be the first Alpha
Omicron Pi convention held in
the "deep" south and the theme
is traditions. The entire social
program has been planned to
give the visitors glimpses into
the history of the southern
states and of Alpha Omicron
Pi. whose oldest chapter is
located in New Orleans.
Miss Brown
plans to visit
friends in El
Paso and San
Antonio, Tex., and will return
home by way of Chicago. 111.
Another resident of Medford has
attended the national conven
tion of this sorority, Mrs. O. H.
Bengtson having been a dele
gate when the convention was
held in New York City while
she was an active member of
Alpha Omicron Pi.
Shower Held
For Doles
Prospect, June 26. (SpD
Honored at a miscellaneous
shower Tuesday evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dole, whose
marriage was an event of early
June, The affair was given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Nye, with their daughter. Mrs.
Stanley E. Jantzer as hostess.
Vocal numbers by Mrs. Joe
Phipps. Eugene Dunagan. and
Mrs. William
of MarshfielrJ and
Coos Bay County
Makes this delicious
4taJ a
tr am
Lloyd Johnson were enjoyed. P
The guests of honor then opened '
the gifts.
Refreshments were served'
buffet style, to the following
guests: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dole.
Mrs. Leslie Dunagan and chil
dren, Eugene. Wayne, ' Robert
and Gloria. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Glines and daughter. Mary, Mr.
and Mrs. William Grahdowski,
Mr. and Mrs. James Dole, Mrs.
William Gaines, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Clemens, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Kelley. Mrs. Juanita
Minor and daughter, Meryle. Mr.
and Mrs. Dee Hedgpeth and son
Robin, Mrs. Joe Phipps, Mrs.
Myron Taylor and children Mar
garet and Jimmy, Joyce Mont
gomery, Mrs. Hattie Clark,
George Way-man. Clcl) Cunning
ham and daughter. Elizabeth,
Aileen Sherwood, Dorothy Clem
ens, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nye.
Cal Hedgpeth. Ren Greene. Mary
Olson, Stanford Pearson. Mrs.
Raymond Artmire. Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Dole and daughter, Glenna
Lee. and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Shower Honors
Recent Bride
Mrs. David Luman was hon
ored with a bridal shower re
cently at the home of Mrs.
W. L. Walden, 1772 North River
side avenue. Mrs. Luman, the
former Virginia Stout, was mar
ried June 15 at the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Stout on Beatty street.
Attending the affair were
Mesdames Ira Luman, Robert
Stout, Sam Bateman, Thomas
Flynn. C. M. Potter, Donald
Wilson. Ray Yost, James Stew
art, Lloyd Ferg. Harry Barne
burg, H. G. Wortman. W. H.
Hanlin, Albert Jones, Florence
Seigel, George Fiske, Grace
Fulkerson. J. T. Conrad. O. J.
Wolfe. Misses Anna Morrissey.
Ruth Walden, Esther Walden and
Bobbie Stout, the honored guest
and hostess.
I To Visit Here
For On Week
Mrs. Floyd Williams and son.
Bob Harris, of Tulsa, Okla., and
Ada Harris and Bernlce Sum
mers of Fort Worth, Texas, ar
rived in Medford by motor last
evening for a week's visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pruitt. 19
South Orange street. Miss Har
ris and Miss Summers are re
siding at the Hotel Jackson and
the other visitors are guests at
the Pruitt home. During their
stay in southern Oregon they
plan a trip to Union Creek, the
Oregon coast and Crater lake.
Return Home From
Trip to Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Vickorcn.
724 West 11th street, have re
turned home after spending a
weeK in me norm on a com'
: bined business and pleasure trip
They visited friends in Eugene.
Salem and Portland and on their
return trip were houseguests of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groves in
Lebanon, where they spent the
weekend on a fishing trip on the
Santiam river.
Metksrs Return
From Church Meeting
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Meeker
and daughter. Eleanor, returned
to their home. 724 East Jack
son boulevard, last evening after
a week's trip north where they
visited friends in Portland and
Vancouver, Wash., and at
tended the Methodist church
conference in Eugene.
F. L. Club Members
To Meet Fridar
F. L. club members are re
quested by officers to attend the
regular business meeting to be
held Friday at 7:30 p. m. at
the home of Miss Edna Hilder
brand, 719 Bennett avenue.
8:00 p. m. Reames chapter.
O.E.S., Masonic temple.
8:00 p. m. Chrysanthemum
club, home Mrs. Gus Samuels.
301 Valley View drive.
9:00 p. m. iwgree of Honor
lodge dance, K. of P. hall.
1:00 p. m. Electa club, home
Mrs. Grant Todd, Jacksonville
Phoenix highway.
Feminine Hygiene
Ffmlnine nraime in tl. REAL sem of
the word demand uruWMn 'I...! -
od ifrns. You cannot be artraenve
wirh irmptcs moir, stained and smellr.
l'e Amd, tha new cream deodorant
i. A, ,id onn aot rot antstf. doss set
mints ikja.
. No mini w drr. Caa m riant
sftei ttasTiaa.
S. Irmiorrr cnrtti rnfirtfa n i
arsons rr.
4. Am is i eur. jt. tnasaltas, Hass
ans ysaianina crtia. Snl America tr
twa ot Ugodtnas as huntess is labnc
Woman as aora Arrid than any
olhat daodorant Try s t tods 1
1:30 p. m Jolly Stitcher
club, home Mrs. E. Conser, 15
Crater Lake highway. I
8 30 p. m. Dinner at First!
Methodist church honoring Rev. I
Joseph Knotts
7:30 p. m. F. L. club, home
Miss Edna Hilderbrand, 719
Bennett avenue.
8:00 p. m. D. of U. V. at
The army cantonment civilian
coordination board today was
assured of a complete listing of
all available lodging facilities
within the city that might be
used by workers who come here
to build the proposed camp if
construction is authorized.
Through the cooperation of E.
H. Hedrickcity school superin
tendent, the board has been of
fered the services of the school
census enumerators who soon
will make a canvass of the town,
Frank J. Van Dyke, civilian co
ordinator said. The enumerators,
in addition to the usual school
data, will list all houses, apart
ments and rooms available for
renting to cantonment workers,
he explained.
Further to discuss the hous
ing situation, Mr. Van Dyke was
to meet this afternoon with re
tail lumber dealers and hard
ware and furniture store owners
and managers.
Prospect, June 26 (Spl.)
Mrs. Jaunlta Minor and daugh
ters. Meryle and Marie, of
Grays Harbor, Wash., are guests
of Mrs. Minor's uncle and aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Hedgpeth.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Orren of
Medford are spending a few days thla
werk visiting Mr. and Mra. J. B.
Mr. and Mra. David Nevllla took
their daughter Mary Ixro to Medford
Tuesday for medical attention.
Mr. and Mra. Joe Phlppa ahopped
and attended to buslneaa affair In
Medford Friday.
Mra. Nelson Nr left Wednesday
for a wild flower trip through the
Siskiyou mountain. Bha eipecta to
ba gone several daya.
Mr. and Mra, Pred Boyer were
Sunday visitors at the noma ot the
latter'a brother and atster-ln-law.
Mr. and Mra. Dee Hedgpeth. They
live In Roaebutlg.
Mr. and Mra. James Dole had an
electric range and automatic electric
water heater Installed In their noma
in Jantzer Village. Tuesday.
Mlsa Delpha Clark la staying with
her aunt. Mrs. Charlea Bean. In Ash
land, and attending aummer school.
Mr. and Mrs. John Phlppa made
a trip to Medford Monday.
Mr. and Mra. Nelson Nye. Dee
Hedgpeth, Mrs. Jaunlta Minor and
daughters. Meryle and Marie, mo
tored to Chemault Monday to visit
Mra. Clair Rlchey. who la 111. They
returned by the way of Crater and
Diamond lakes.
Larry Coatea ot Medford la vlattlng
at the Raymond Artmire home. He
Intends to atay In Prospect several
weeks In hopes of Improving his
Earl Webber, local carpenter, has
completed the bathroom In tha
Oeorge L. Jantser Lumber company
house occupied by Mr. and Mra.
Lewis Jantrer.
Mrs. William Grahdowski spent
Tuesday In Medford.
Mumps seem to be on tha wane
tn thla locality, aa only one new
case la reported within tha last few
daya. Mrs. M. McOrew. Janet Grieve
la convalescing from chicken pox
that aha bad the same time sa the
K M tkH tl.hflr half.
f m4 af fa (Mfit. Iff
Ini a ffcia
cm cms fttk ears fsa'rff
at fs ats ti.
Doublet POTATO CHIP Enjoyment
N'nw tfMj cut buf big one pound economy utt pacing
end Kill be lure of fmn potiro chip. 0m 0W', new
pit-kiit hit ri irmitrurt proof gUtim bjr mH air
Hfhi. Open cht ftm hug enjoy dcLcimt BW Brit Cfs,
ntf lrfF ffee wvnd m rcatrt as frtslt and crop as wbea
pm soufrv them.
AIit niip ami tiftsCKtvt no iruttcf hen or heft
you open them. Grand nh ucslu and chopt. Ideal for
eunping or ftcntt mrv At yout grocen ot srvest marVcc
The police drive on violators
of the traffic laws gained addi
tional momentum Wednesday
with the arrest of four automo-'
bile drivers, two of whom ao-
peared in city court this morn
ing and were each fined $25 by
City Judge Allen D. Curry on
charges of reckless driving.
Lewis H. Durst, of 309 East
Jackson boulevard, city police
charged, drove a car that collid
ed with a machine operated by
Ira Brack of Hilt, Cal., in the
1300 block on North Riverside
avenue about 10 o'clock last
night. Durst was traveling south.
Brack in the opposite direction.
Lloyd W. Silver, of Medford
was also fined $25 on a reckless
driving charge, following an
accident at Bartlett and Ninth
street yesterday morning. Silver,
police said, was traveling south
on Bartlett street, and turned
sharply east into Ninth street,
striking a car operated by War
ren S. Morgan, of 429 South
Central avenue, who was driv
ing west on Ninth.
Elvin Babcocl: of 401 South
Riverside avenue and Wray L.
Shimfessel of the Crater Lake
highway both were cited to ap
pear in city court this afternoon
on charges of violation of the
basic rule, after their cars tan
gled in a mishap at McAndrews
road and North Riverside ave.
shortly before 1 a. m. today.
Police said both cars were
traveling north on Riverside
avenue at a high rate of speed,
and at the McAndrews road in
tersection the machine operated
by Babcock attempted to pass
the Shimfessel auto just as both
of them tried to turn into Mc
Andrews road.
Following the crash, the Bab
cock car struck the street sign
and the telephone pole at the
northeast corner of the intersec
tion, police said. Babcock's car
was badly damaged.
The arresting officer said that
he was pursuing the two ma
chines, which were apparently
racing, at the time of the acci
dent. U. S. AID TO REDS
Tokyo, Friday, June 27 (P)
Since United States aid to
Soviet Russia will be directed
against the axis, Japan cannot
"take It lightly." the influential
Tokyo newspaper Asahi said to
day. Such help, however, will be
"largely abstract" because of
geographical and other factors,
Asahi said, adding:
"Britain, Russia and the Unit
ed States now have a common
enemy, so cooperation may be
British Mail Lost
London, June 28. (P) The
British post office announced
today the loss "by enemy ac
tion" of mails sent from Great
Britain May 8, 9, 10 and 11 for
the United States.
TTiii tew 2-wij esitsiMr It
as acton lit lell ftttart
JUNE 26. 1941.
GETS $4.68 FOR
Small change amounting to
$4.68 was stolen from the Med
ford public library by a burglar
who ransacked every desk In
tne place luesday night but
failed to find a hidden money
sack containing $35, city police
reported today.
Entrance to the library was
effected by prying open a small
window just to the left of the
main entrance, police said,
which gives in to a small
kitchen on th Intiri
building. There, nnli
ered two jars of canned fruit,
pan or which had been eaten.
From the kitchen the burglar
gained entrance to the main
nan inside bv removing r,r.
of glass from the connecting
door, after which the prowler
walked into the children's li
brary room downstair in thi.
room a desk drawer was pried
uprn ana two envelopes con
taining the $4.68 fin. m
were removed, police stated.
jne main inside door leading
to the uostair m.
police reported, and the burglar
u,c" runsacicea the main desk,
scattering 50 rents n.n-i.
1 V ' 1
stamps on the desk, and went
nrougn tne desks in the librar
ian s office. Nothing except the
money was reported missing,
police stated.
The two Jars of canned fruit
were taken to the police station
for fingerprints, and other art
icles also were examined for
prints, police stated.
ine Aleutian islands take
ineir name from a Russian word
meaning "bold rock."
Alo Large Van Equipment at Low Rate
for Local and Long Distance Hauling
Phon 3756. 4th and Front
Summer Is
J -j Hn ,
For your transparent blouses your sheer
frocks . . . our Lingerie Department brings you
the perfect companion piece ... the Camisole
slip. Lustrous satin velour in tearose or white,
with shoulder straps, edging and inserts of Valen
ciennes. And like all Miss Swank slips, it has
those clinging bias front and back panels . . .
those can't-ride, can't-bunch straight side sec
tions . . . that make it fit your figure and flatter
yourfrockstodistraction! Sizes32to40 31 to37.
M. M. Department Store
Just about everything from a
box of cigars to a couple of
bottles of dandruff remover has
been listed as prizes for spec
tators and competitors alike at
the fifth annual national cat
fish derby at Bybee bridge next
Sunday afternoon. The 20 30
club, sponsors of the event, are
confident that it will positively
take place after being postponed
one week from last Sunday, be
cause of rain. They are sure
Mr. Jupe Pluvius will be busy
elsewhere Sunday, and forget
all about Jackson county.
Local merchants, according
to the 20-30 club, have put up
the following prizes for the
derby, in addition to another
queen's cake and the bronze
championship trophy: five gal
lons of oil, an auto mirror, five
quarts of oil, a box of cigars,
six milk shakes, one quart of
oil, 10 bug screens, beer king
basket, carton of cigarettes, wal
let, box of pears, first aid kit,
$2 grocery order, Marfak lubri
cation Job, box of candy, three
flashlights, fish-landing net, two
pocket knives, box of groceries,
two dozen trout flies, lamp, can
of floor and auto wax, key
chain, two pairs of underwear,
six hamburgers, a quart of Ice
cream, a dozen doughnuts and
two bottles of dandruff re
mover. Following are the local mer
chants who have donated the
Fluhrer bakery. Chet Lind
ley, Charles Furnas. Richfield
Oil company, Jensen and Dalley,
Bigelows, Harley Dressier, West
Side pharmacy, Bohemian Club,
$1 25
Sheer Again
Office Supply company. Crystal
Springs Packing company, Fire
stone Service, Quality market.
Underwood and Risse Texaco
service, McDonald Candy com
pany, Littrell Parts, Hubbard
Bros., Wainscotts Eastside phar
macy, Al Piche, Andy's OakdaJe
grocery, Lorenz company. Trow
bridge and Flynn Electric com
pany. Modern Plumbing and
Sheet Metal company, Frank J.
Runtz, Ficks Hardware, The
Toggery, Lamports, J. C. Pen
ney, Mac Maid Rite, and the
Rolling Pin Doujjhnut shop.
Had To Happan
Copan, Okla. lA't A Copan
man was fined $10 and costs for
riding a horse while intoxicated.
Uaa Ma l Tribune want ads
There b I reston why Blrtz-Wetahan)
b th bfftst setting beer In Oregon!
It's brewed the wiy yoi like HI...
Tm csa't describe its uniqae tajfe
satistKtioa...but job cm enjoy HI
Ds ss, today! M year Revest dealer!
llitj Weiihirl Brtwtrf
iptialff CvtductlJ
, fridayt
ft a.m. ft
Distributed by Snldar Dairy
fc Produce Co.
Ijs? aa"".
"iLIT? I 1 ', f
IllUHUD I 1 I S L: . J
u 1 fy
rVl-t VI 1 try
(Win tttf "
I ' " . tatassslOsaadSVtjan) J
V mi m
n v t of