MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON'. TTEDNTSDAY. JTJNT 23. 1941. PAGE SEVEN OPTIMISTIC TALK Constructive Thinking and Intelligent Action Will Solve Problems, Is Word Constructive thinking fol lowed by Intelligent action will eventually solve our critical social and political problems, Frank Jenkins, editor of the Klamath Herald and News, told members of the Medford Rotary club Tuesday. Rotarians and guests, assembled at the weekly luncheon meeting of the club at the Hotel Medford, heard Mr. Jenkins score the so-called "Intelligentsia" and offer the encouraging prediction that the "do ye unto others as you would that others do unto you" spirit will some day rule human re lations throughout the world. The various steps in history, which have changed the course of civilization, have been brought about by simple Ideas followed by practical action, reminded his audience. First the spear gave way to the bow and arrow, then the wheel was conceived, bringing with It many changes In the mode of living. The steam engine provided a means of energy supplanting much of the toll of man and again the living standards and ways of life changed. Electric ity gave further acceleration to the machine system and added many comforts to life. Result of Thought AH of these were the result of construction thinking and wise action, Jenkins pointed out. Organized social research will someday be brought to bear to such an extent that hu man relationship will advance just as scientific progress is made. The simple solution for strikes and international quar rels offered by the speaker called for an application of the golden rule in dealings between individuals and between na tions. H. L. Brown, program chair man, introduced the speaker. Following Mr. Jenkins' address, D. Ford McCormick, president elect of Medford Rotary Club, assumed office. A tribute was paid to Ward Hammond, retir ing president, for the successful administration Just completed. The club has expanded its mem berfhif and enlarged the scope of its activities during the past twelve months under the capa ble direction of Mr. Hammond. On board ship American sailors salute all officers, ex cept the captain, only the first time they see them during the day. The captain, however, rates a full salute at all times. A Glass of Good Beer is Like a Symphony Remember hem music blends into form and beauty under the magic of the con ductor's baton? I t's U ke th at with beer, the 6ne$t grains, fragrant hops and purest yeast produce "Olympia Peifectioo'when brewed with the waters of our subterranean wells. A glass of Olympia Beer, like a symphony, is an ex perience to enjoy and to repeat. Its mild flavor, re freshing clean taste and goodness recommend Olympia as a perfect light beer for temperate enjoy ment. It is America's orig inal light tabic beer! LOtympim h mluyt cttpimhU H your JB mmt ditctimmmUHg gtmtt! j&g Olympic "It's the Water" VISITORS WIICOMI At CMa at Anvko'i f.t.pfW IrnHn" OlYMFIA IIWINO CO. OlYMPIA. WiSH-U 1. A. ' Everyone takes the telephone for granted That's it exactly. The telephone is such a natural every day thing. It isn't unusual for anybody, anywhere, to have one or, at least, be able to use a telephone conveniently oear by. You don't give much thought to it You don't have to because other people, lots of them, are thinking and working all the time to keep your telephone working just so that you may take it for granted. m , H THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 145 North Bartlett, Teltphene 2101. 4 2 . ft ' -." - f DININC ON WIN C A plane wine served as luncheon table for Canada's air marshal, William A. Bishop (third from eft, facing camera), when he Inspected Consolidated Aircraft plant In San Ditto. Note circle marking plane for Brilain. NO SHAKESPEARE 1PLANTS IN OHIO FETE THIS YEAR Ashland, June 25. (SpU Notices recently sent to mem bers of the Oregon Shakespear ean Festival association disclos ed that no festival is being plan ned for Ashland this summer. Earlier, tentative plans for a road trip of Shakespeare plays were weighed by Director Angus L. Bowmer. However, In view of necessity for unified efforts in southern Oregon toward securing and founding the United States army cantonment on Agate desert, and the general absorbing Interest in national defense and allied subjects, the Ashland dramatic group will forego presentation this year. GIRL SCOUT CAMP .VITAMIN NEEDS REGISTRY FILLED, FOUND FOR BOTH WEEKS' BY Blackouts In Prison London fP) A light switched on in a cell by a convict at Lewes prison led to the governor, Gil bert Hair, being summoned for a blackout offense. A police con stable said that he expressed re gret and said "we should not be more exempt than the civil population." Sentenced To Museum Colchester, Eng. (U.R) Three boys aged 10, 11 and 12 who stole 50 Roman coins from Col chester Castle museum, were ordered to spend an hour each on four Saturday afternoons at the museum, by the chairman of the local Juvenile court. The chairman told them: "You will realize you can look at the ex hibits, but not take them away." Saves Church Money Colusa. Cal. (U.R) The Colusa Methodist church was burned recently and several weeks of labor was anticipated In razing the brick walls and ruins. A se vere rain and wind storm did the work in a hurry when the entire facade of the building fell Inward. Resants Draft Posting Cheyenne, Wyo. (U.R Eddie Whitten, 28, Rock Springs, Wyo., had a good reason for wanting his name removed from the list of men who failed to answer draft questionnaires. He was already in the army. SET SKY WATCH Cleveland, O. (U.R) While the public thrills to hair-raising ad ventures of comic-strip and movie "G-men," industrial and government officials here and In northern Ohio are working quietly and efficiently to com bat espionage and sabotage. Within the past weeks, one Cleveland industrial plant has put up seven miles of high wire fencing about its vitally import ant properties. Two years ago when "fifth columnist" was a strange new addition to the American voca bulary, agents of the federal bureau of investigation and army and navy intelligence began sys tematically to plan protection of power plants, communication facilities and defense produc tion. In Cleveland, they 9re working closely with the city's safety department and private industry. A full quota of campers has been registered for both weeks of Girl Scout established camp to be held at Lake o' Woods. August 10 to 25. Council mem bers in charge of registration report that a waiting list will be made for campers and as va cancies occur girls will be noti fied. Campers now registered aie urged to notify the office as soon as they know of changes in their plans which will not per mit their attending camp this summer. To date 130 girls are regist ered with 75 attending each week. Dining room facilities and cots limit the number of campers and staff members to 100. A pioneer unit may be established and if this arrange mint is made 10 additional reg istrations can be received. Girls are grouped to form camping unit according to their aiges in the following classifica tion: Ten and 11 years, gypsy unit: 12 and 13 years in forest ers' group; 14 to 18 years In pir ate unit. From four to six counsellors are assigned to each group aver aging one counsellor for each five girls at the camp. Purse String Shift Sacramento, Cal. (U.R) The old adage about women controll ing the purss strings does not hold true in connection with pur chase of automobile license plates, the California department of motor vehicles has found. Although more than one-third of the 3.500.000 persona licensed to drive automobiles In Califor nia are women, fewer than 20 per cent of the license plates are purchased by the fair sex. Chicago (U.R More than four per cent of the population never heard of a vitamin and 8'i per cent does not know a protein from a carburetor. Therefore, experts on nutrition agree that people should allow science not their appetite to govern diet. A nationwide survey shows that 48 per cent of the people admit the scientific diet Is better, but 40 per cent still hold out for the decision of their stomachs. Science as a food selector is ad vised by 58 per cent of the doctors. 84 per cent of the den tists, and 85 per cent of the home economics teachers. Other facts brought to light by the survey are: Only 30 per cent of the people actually do something to insure getting sufficient vitamins. Only three-tenths of one per cent of all doctors say that fish if orain rood. J Rural nennl eat fhr iimmm as much meat as those in the city. In voting for the most tasty foods, 35.7 of the people chose meat, 21.7 chose leafy vege tables. Forty-one per cent of the men named meat as their favorite food. Women are divided be tween meat and vegetables aa a favorite. Old Library Greenwood, Ark. U.B Ed O'Roark, of Sebastian county. Is the possessor of what Is said to be the oldest library in Ark ansas and one of the oldest In the United States. if tfcG' co" . u ..t lho1. 1 "I've Just Bought a Car - On Credit!" IT'S EASY TO BUY THINGS "ON TIME" IF YOU MAINTAIN A GOOD CREDIT RATING Prompt payment of bills Insures a food credit w rutins. A rood credit ratine tntores your belnt abla to buj anything yon want on extended tlma payment!, lie aure thla conrenlenre la nrrrr reluard joa. ray bllla on the 10tt of the month. RETAIL CREDIT ASSOCIATION of MEDFORD The CREDIT of com munity raflecta the THRIFTINESS oi her citiiens. A city with GOOD CREDIT la a good place In which to liT.l Railroader To Travel Albany. N. Y. (U.R) As a New York Central railroad engineer George F. Murphy has traveled approximately 1.000.000 miles equivalent to 400 times around the earth's equator. But he still enjoys train riding. The Mur phys plan two trips this summer. Immobolises Patrolman Fort Worth. Tex. (U.R) Motor cycle Patrolman D. H. Johnson grinned sheepishly as he entered detectives' office to report that a prowler had broken Into his home. 'The thief stole my pants," he complained. Barge Brings Windfall Greenhllls. R. I. (U.R) Great was the rejoicing along this shore when the beached barg Kathcrine Howard broke up ar spewed 900 tons of coal on II sands to solve the heating pio lems of many families. Peace Commemorated Medicine Lodge, Kaa. (U.R) The Kansas State Historical s ciety and the State Highwa commission dedicated a marke here commemorating the sign ing of an Indian peace treaty here in 1887. I Home V Buyers J Ample Funds Are available here at low coit to purchase, construct or improve Jackson County Federal savings & loan association 126 East Main Paul Mallon gives you the News Behind the News! 'Anybody can write the run-of-mill stuff about Washington, but it takes x Paul Mallon to get the News Behind The News. He lifts the roof right off the Capitol and peers into the hidden nooks and crannies through his magnifying glass. . He has a thousand friends who tell him the inside goings-on, the off-the-record doings of the cliques, the tip-toeing of the lobbyists the intimate stories that the ordinary reporter never gets. "News Behind The News" will make you an insider will take you back stage of the Greatest Show on Earth! Crisply and vividly reported, here is the real news behind the official news. NOW-A Daily Feature of the MAIL TRIBUNE